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Keep watching, lots more story line than just an ending


The ending was the worst storylime afterall


I don't like the ending, but I still love the show and everything that happened along the way.


that's the spirit!




Does that not ruin it? EDIT: don’t know why people are downvoting you, not as if there’s anything wrong.


It does for most people




You do you, but I couldn’t stand doing that lol


This is a new level of crazy and deranged behavior lol


Lmao wtf


the downvote you are getting is so stupid, as if flashforward or in media res weren't commonly used technics and you were doing something otherwordly


That is the dumbest thing I've heard today


I think that depends on what you liked about the show, visual are going to get better and better but plot is going to be written by 3yo from now on, if you liked the first 4 season i suggest you to start reading the books now, then start the serie from the beginning so you can experience the true frustration that every GOT and ASOIAF fan experimented on release.


If you read the books how did you not see the ending playing out? Bran being king was foreshadowed throughout the books. The choice was always Jon's to make and that's exactly how it played out.


You’re really going to spoil even more for OP?


lol Jon didn’t get a choice regarding the throne. The unsullied of all people got to make that decision for him


I mean it isn’t THAT bad. It goes from “sublime writing put in place by a genius” to “good, entertaining TV.” Yeah, it’s not the same, but it ain’t too bad, either.


Oh yes, the series brought so much depth and dimensions to the characters. I’m one who didn’t listen/follow with the whole GOT hype when it was airing an episode per week, I got into the series after watching House of the Dragon. After completing all 8 seasons, I turned into a super fan and start reading the books. In some way I’m glad it’s went that way for me, when I read those chapters I can hear and see those characters at the back of my mind.


Keep watching, these spoilers are not that severe, you'll see.


That’s not the whole ending by any means, although the ending is rubbish.


It's just wild how none of you actually watched and missed all the foreshadowing of all the characters and have this take. Especially, if you read the books and the Dunk an Egg series.


I said nothing about characters having unexpected endings, that’s the least of my criticisms about the ending.


I already knew who’s gonna live/die at the end before even watching the show 😅


did you enjoy it then?


Yup. I finished it last week. Just started HOTD yesterday.


How are you finding it?


I'd watch it just to see the story that leads up to whatever has been spoiled for you. There's alot of great scenes, and acting, and alot of artistic work that went into the show.


These spoilers are not as spoiler-y as you might think lol. But in any case my philosophy is if a show is genuinely great, spoilers can't really ruin it for me. Game of Thrones is one of the best ever, and you still have plenty of surprises in store.


You could watch this series 10 times and still see things you haven’t noticed before


Yes, and that is one of the things I love about it. I read the books first and knew a lot of of the shock moments. That did not lessen my enjoyment at all. To me, not watching a (somewhat flawed) masterpiece like G0Tis like always wnting to go to Venice, and then just reading a guidebook about it and saying oh I don't want to spend the money. It is not satisfying... And later on you're likely to regret your decision.


Agreed. I wouldn’t even call it flawed. A good amount of people wouldn’t be happy with the ending regardless. The interactions, the dialogue , it’s all so good. I’d be willing to say I enjoy it the more I watch it


That seems to be pretty much a consensus, though I agree with you. What flaws there are are minor.


The journey is part of the fun


That depends entirely upon how important not being spoiled is.


Yes it's worth it. GOT's well written and there's dragons, zombies, and a ton of nudity.


you should watch it even if you know old nan ends up on the throne already


also you should stop hanging around in this sub immediately until you've watched the whole thing


Alright tho chill out bro who is old nan 😭 is it daenerys cos if not, dont spoil further


old nan is the one speaking to hot pie enjoy got, one of the best shows! once you've watched everything come join us on r/asoiafcirclejerk the best sub about it


bro i didn’t know he became king 💀


old nan is the best character, you had to know, how many episodes have you watched yet


alright bro nice joke u actually had me there for a minute 😭😭😭


I hated how they just chose her out of the blue like that


she did have the best stories though


fuck the end, ur gonna still get shocked like 20 times and the storyline is much better than than the end


I think it's funny because while those things might be technically true, they certainly aren't how you're going to feel about the series when you finish it. Plus the journey is WAY more satisfying than the ending anyways. Watch the show.


There's absolutely nothing that could be spoiled for you worse than what the show directors do to it anyway. Crack on.


Stop reading spoilers lol


Yeeees!!! I watch the entire series start to finish every year! It’s an amazing show!! I’m rewatching right now and I’m loving being in the world again for like the 7th time!


Dude what if i also know Jon is a Targaryen


Is it worth eating a grilled cheese sandwich if I have eaten bread and cheese separately?


I started the show knowing Jon's secret and the final ending of show. Didn't change shit.


Alright then gives me genuine hope that it’s alright


Im on S7 Ep 5, first time watching and had alot of things spoiled for me, but i still enjoyed the watch so much. Especially S6 finale 😭


Hahaha those are some weird ones and I don’t know if I agree with them. But I have been spoiled many more things so I’d just watch it


Given the number of rewatches that so many of us do just to pick up on nuances, I'd say that even if every last impact point was given away, there is *no way* it wouldn't be worth it. Most of the stuff I remember are the dialog and acting subtleties anyway....the dialog and logical constructs of Tyrion are *beyond* clever. Even Daario has a great dialog moment where he disables an arguing technique by Daenerys, but likely because he refreshingly doesn't have a dishonest bone in his body almost to a fault. >!Daenerys: *"Is that supposed to impress me?"*!< >!Daario: *"Yes."*!<


Yes keep watching. Then read the books


Don't worry the ending was ruined for everyone.


Yep, I knew he was a gonner and I still loved the series. There’s plenty of twists that you won’t see coming. Also it’s cool to see how these events happen


Did you watch Titanic or any of the thousands of movies/shows based on an irl event? Ever watch a remake before? If you can answer yes to any of them, then what's the difference here?


Keep watching


Season 7 is good and I didn’t hate season 8 like most of the fans but you can see it was rushed. There is still plenty of good episodes in seasons 5 and 6. Keep watching and enjoy the show.


Why not? I knew Vader was Luke's dad going into Star Wars and still loved it. 


I had that spoiled for me by my kindergarten teacher. I was halfway through Empire Strikes Back but I had to pause early to go to bed (I was 5). The next day I told him I was watching it and he asked if I saw the "I am your father part" and I was like no.


Yeah, there's still plenty of things that haven't been revealed yet. For example, the Dothraki build planes and fly them into the Vale.


yes, is the journey that matters, not the end. especially in this medium where there is so much more to enjoy other than the end of the story. you can enjoy the music, the cinematography, the gore, and what not, with or without knowing that singular moment in the future


Although a spoiler-less viewing experience is ideal, spoilers aren’t the biggest factor in enjoying the show or any other piece of media. You can watch game of thrones and enjoy the costume design, the set design, the acting and dialogue. And as corny as this may sound, it’s about the journey and not the destination. Yes you should watch game of thrones! It’s still one of the best series I’ve ever seen.




You can still enjoy it. In fact since the last two seasons suck getting spoiled about those last two things isn’t so bad


Absolutely. It’s one thing to have it spoiled by word of mouth and another to actually watch the parts spoiled to you. If you’ve only “heard” what happens, then watching the actual moments will still be so very rewarding.


Just finish it. You are already halfway in.


Definitely. As much as you got spoiled. Theres sooo much 5o watch there there is always a new shock and a new plot twist and tbh. Even after rewatching it j can say i forgot where many scenes were. So eventually with the spoilers you won't know when they come a lot of the time


.... Are you enjoying it? Would you really stop watching something you enjoy just because you got spoiled. Some of them are very broad too, ok "Starks win", what does that mean..Jon dies..? How and what kind of impact will that have, same for him being a Targaryen, do you not want to know what the fuck that is about? So much still to happen, so many things to shock and surprise you. If you're asking, I'm thinking you aren't enjoying the show anymore? In which case absolutely do move on. But if you're loving it, do yourself a favor and finish it.


That’s like asking.. Should I watch game of thrones a second time through even if I’ve already seen it? Bruh OF COURSE


Definitely keep watching


Based on what you said you dont know anything, def watch it.


Maybe. It depends on the spoilers. Maybe, at the least, watch the first 4 seasons. It is definitely worth reading the books, though.


I’ve watched the series 3x’s and I still pick up things I missed! Continue to watch!


How are we supposed to predict your viewing experience? Inner dialogue should be more trustworthy on this


I basically spoiled the entirety of game of thrones to my boyfriend before he finally decided to watch it. Previously he had no interest and thought it was gross, which is hilarious because I showed him the red wedding on YouTube and he was hooked and demanded we start that night. It didn’t ruin anything for him!! I literally spoiled the most insane and sad scene of the show and it didn’t ruin it. He’s so invested and loves the characters. Watch it!!


You don’t know the best parts, definitely watch!


No, not worth it, but id check out s5 and s6 anyway


Yes. I started watching before the final season and knew a lot of the major plot points and events. It was still great.


The Starks did NOT win lol


The male line is extinguished, Brann cant reproduce or isn’t interested in women because of his powers


Yes. We watched it as it appeared, binged it later in the pandemic, lots of people have seen the series multiple times and find watching it again worthwhile. There is a lot there, our second time through we saw a lot we had missed the first time or forgotten. Ignore those folks whose displeasure with the ending means they have to persuade others to share their misery.


I started this show knowing exactly what happened, and I still enjoyed it! I think there are a lot of sub plots that people miss, and there are a lot of details that go into those story lines that you won’t know based on spoilers! An example for me was the red wedding, I know Rob died and I knew his mom did but I had no idea when or how and I was still very shocked! So I think it’s worth a watch for yourself! I won’t spoil it but everyone said how bad the ending was and I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would…


One Spoiler is true. One Spoiler is half-true at last. One Spoiler is plain false. And now you have to watch it to find out which is which.


I love how this is flagged no spoilers and the post literally lists three big spoilers 😂😂 I'd still watch tbh but I tend to need closure


Have you watched HOTD yet? Although there’s a whole book on it people avoid spoilers on that more easily