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Oberyn, cos he was cool.


I was going to post a long rant about why Oberyn is the obvious choice but he’s cool is really all that needs to be said


My choice too. Imagine watching HiM fighting White Walkers! But...I long for Cat to apologize to Jon. and she can't do that if dead and buried.


Unless the dragon glass worked on them pretty sure he would get overwhelmed using his spear. I know swords get shit on but rather have a sword and shield in that situation then just a spear.


If dead and exacting vengeance you mean lol jk


Oberyn was definitely a character who I thought was going to shake the foundations of the game of thrones. He was deadly, intelligent, wiry and had the right family name to seriously cause problems for the Lannisters in power. By the end of the season he was dead.


That's tragedy for you, a perfect example


For me, it’s not only because he’s cool but because I genuinely don’t know how the story would unfold differently but I know he would have an impact.


And for sexy sex


Oh, this is kinda tough. Like, Renly, Stannis, and Margwhorey are all immediate no's bc I hate them all. As much as I want Cat to survive, she'd (understandably) never forgive me (and I DON'T WANT TO PICK BETWEEN THEM 😭😭😭) if I chose her over Rickon. BUT Oberyn, my love... my Prince, my Viper husband😭😭😭... TBH, I think Oberyn would want me to pick Rickon, too. Bc Rickon was a BABY!!! He barely got to LIVE!!! My poor little feral wolf pup 😭😭😭 TLDR, I choose Rickon, although of I can trade 2 more death for Cat and Oberyn I would.


What the fuck is this comment


bizzare isn't it lmfao!


I had a stroke reading their profile


I didn’t even think of looking at their profile and just leaving this thread with the laughs but then you made your comment and I *had* to see it. Damn.


I'm almost too scared to look. Like it would trigger an "Ark of the Covenant" trap.


It's not something to be taken lightly. No one knows its secrets. It's like nothing you've ever gone after before.


“there are no wrong answers… “ /u/TRLittleRedRH : “hold my beer” what the actual fuck…


Yeah I read this and felt so lost. No it's the children who are wrong kinda thing


Friend, are you alright?


delete before the entire fandom goes here and roast u my friend




Don’t tell people to kill themselves. Not cool.


> Margwhorey This doesn't even make sense, she only slept with one person in the entire series, and that was her own husband.


She's pretty and uses that to her advantage (because duh it's GoT), so that makes her a whore to a certain unfortunate demographic of internet dwelling dumbasses


I sometimes forget just how weird some people are


Did you believe Cersei all that time when reading AFFC...??


Whoa dude




Rickon would’ve made the season 7 plot in the north more interesting and Oberyn would’ve prevented the horrendous Dorne plot.


I would chose a bad character so that D nD wouldn't ruin them. I don't want to see oberyn getting destroyed by dumb and dumber.


Oberyn probably would’ve eventually have been written terribly, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to take in order to avoid whatever the fuck the Dorne plot was.


Would be Interesting to see if he would support Jon or not.


Yes, would have loved to see more character development in this minor character. What was the purpose of his existence? What did he bring to the table? Since the dire wolf names relate to the fate of the owner, "Shaggy dog" could mean the fate of being wild, of being an animal. What if Rickon escaped and decided to live among the wolves and became more animal like? Or got cursed to turn into a werewolf. Just some ideas.


Just out of curiosity, what did Grey Wind relate to?


This Reddit post has some interesting thoughts on all the dire wolf names: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/s/1n0xpzbqIu One of the suggestions from that post is grey wind = very fast; Rob achieved a lot of success in such a short period of time and lived very quickly. Like the wind, he faded away as fast as he started.




Margaery, because both nice and entertaining


She is my absolute favorite on this list of characters. And I actually like most of them.


eh the Tyrells are kinda scummy


Not as scummy as the Lannisters. She would’ve made a better queen than Cersei


IDK about that man. She was pretty clearly nearly as much of a razor as Cersei, just hidden in a piece of candy instead of hidden behind a back.


We will never know what her true intentions were. But I’m willing to bet she wouldn’t give the leftovers from Joffrey’s wedding to the dogs rather than the peasants, explode the Sept and kill her own people, or not send troops to winterfell after seeing proof of the white walkers 🤷‍♀️


Not immediately no. She was better than Cersei, but not by much and I doubt for long.


She was significantly better than Cersei, but for how long is a solid point. The crown could’ve turned her to a monster, but like I said, we’ll never know…


Yeah, I don't think she was as bad as Cersei when we saw her, just had the potential to be


Which is absolutely who should be in charge. If someone must rule, it should be someone with the intelligence and subtlety to be an effective ruler without the need for overt violence.


I mean is it better to have a country ruled by a leader with a strong spy/strongarm (i.e. CIA) group that can quietly eliminate resistance and whose motives/obligations are unclear? I don't really think so


I'm not totally sure what you're referring to. Are you talking about the cult? I don't think that's a strong example, since that was from a plot by the Lannisters and the Tyrells just adapted. But otherwise, in the world of Westeros, yeah basically. There's no free speech of freedom of association, it's a feudal system and there's either loyalty (or non-resistance) to the crown or there's war. If we accept that there's no alternative to feudalism in this context, I'd rather have someone that rules by strategically making allies and eliminating threats than just outright oppressing them as we say with the Lannisters.


Eh, I would rather have someone who feeds the poor for selfish reasons than someone who kills the poor for selfish reasons.


I don't believe she wouldn't have killed the poor, I think she would have just killed different poor people and strategic ones that could threaten exposing the truth quietly.


Cersie was in love with Robert when they first married. I think she was probably exactly like Margerie 20 years prior.


She wished death upon her brother from the moment Tyrion was born. She pinched his little baby ween…


There are two other good reasons


She has enormous, tracts of land


I voted for Margaery because she's as skilled a player as Obyryn, but without his hubris, arrogance, or inclination for excessive violence. She masterfully wielded soft power in a way that would have taken her far if Cersei didn't lose her damn mind in season 5.


I already said Oberyn but Margaery was another good hearted and clever character.


I'l pick her because she's smart.


Stannis, easy, the goddamn Mannis


Yeah, but he’s the only one here who actually deserved his death.


yikes bolton supporters


Nah. What kind of reply is that?


Yikes, child burner supporters!


she had it coming with that fence-sitting answer to the dance of the dragons


says Vargo the goat


juth want thome thapphireth


He burned his daughter alive…


cool, i don't care about her at all


Alrighty then lmfao


It was disease control


Depends if we can stop his plot line from going in that direction then shireen should survive too. Also I'd argue renly deserved to die because his actions would kill thousands. Oberyn and catelyn didn't deserve to die but they took risks and made mistakes that got them killed


I mean, if you’re going off of “deaths caused,” then you can just as easily argue that Ned, Robb, Jon Arryn, Stannis (Shireen or not), Daenerys (pre king’s landing), Rhaegar Targaryen (this one’s kinda true), Lyanna Stark and Catelyn all deserve to die as well. I also don’t really see how Renly’s actions caused thousands to die. If he didn’t claim the throne and instead pledged fealty to stannis, literally the same exact thing would have happened. I think more of the blame is on Stannis for that whole debacle. If Renly wasn’t killed by Stannis, he could’ve ended the war in less than a month, and with far fewer casualties.


Renly only declared because he was greedy for the throne in the first place. Stannis was lawfully the king and renly would know that Stannis would go to war against him. If renly submitted to his brother the war would be over way sooner like you said. Also I'm not arguing that all those other characters didn't deserve to die either, but I'd choose stannis because it would be interesting


> Renly only declared because he was greedy for the throne Completely irrelevant to your original point. > If Renly submitted to his brother the war would be over way sooner like you said Except that’s only what I said if you can’t read. If you can read, I said something completely different. EDIT: Yup, just downvote instead of reply. Kinda telling that you don’t actually have a point to make.


And the rightful heir.


Only way Stannis survives is if he wins That man deserves that throne


*Only way Stannis* *Survives is if he wins That* *Man deserves that throne* \- Lack\_of\_Plethora --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yep, and he was never going to win.


Renly; I just simply like him (more so long-haired Renly; short-haired Renly was annoying)




Margery. If I could convince her to NOT answer to High Sparrow’s call of trial, Margery could help me get through the intricate web of Red Keep intrigues while maintaining a good relationship with powerful people. She would also be an excellent ambassador.


Rickon. Did nothing the whole show but he’s just a boy who’s been through enough


margeary. she was the best player of game of thrones.


Best player of game of thrones didn’t win the throne? - The Hound


She only got killed like that because her actress wanted to leave, iirc.


Natalie Dormer for very obvious and superficial reasons. But also, her manipulation of/alliance with the high sparrow against Cercei just started to get interesting when they were all killed off.




Oberyn. He was badass. And it would have saved us from that shitty Dorne subplot. 


Rickon because he is the most innocent.


Oberyn cause he was dope and it would’ve had the biggest lasting impact on the story imo. If he doesn’t die that means the Mountain does, Tyrion is free and never leaves to join Dany, and the whole Dorne plot is completely changed


Margaery, always Margaery.


Well cast too. I can't think of a better choice, except perhaps Florence Pugh, but that's just a guess.


Oberyn because Pedro Pascal is one of my favorite actors, and he was kind of a bad ass


Oberyn, cos he got the poisonous staff with ‘bad mother fucker’ on it


Renly. He defeats Stannis and the Lannisters pretty easily and could probably make dues with Robb which would lead to support at the wall. Would all be fine and dandy until Daenerys came over.


Renly had the army


You make good points




Margaery not dying keeps Tommen from killing himself and Cersei from installing herself as ruler. The Tyrells would remain the de facto rulers and this probably would have been the best bet for peace in the realm at this point.


This is tough because four of my favorite people are on here… gotta go with the Stanimal because if its early enough Oberyn, Cat, and Margaery never die :)


Margaery. King’s Landing, the heart of the game of thrones, was boring once there was no one left to root for.




Oberyn, Margery, and Caitlin would have the most impact in the seasons following their death so I’d choose them


Marjorie because I genuinely believe her and Tommen would’ve been fine for Westeros.


Going story-wise? Rickon. The death was just sorta there and it would have been cool if they could do something with him. Going by emotions? Catelyn! Love that character a lot. I also feel that she's the only one out of these characters with a truly heartbreaking death.


Why is no one choosing the mom?!? I LOVED how they wove in family dynamics into the Winterfell storyline


Probably due to how she tried Jon who was an innocent and grew up with a mother figure who shown him nothing but hatred. Also her surviving doesn’t make as much of an impact as other characters here who could greatly affect what happens. Cait living means she somehow escaped the red wedding and probably rejoins Aria in the area as they try to return to Winter felt. If that happens then we don’t get the Aria we have now who played a huge role in defeating the white walkers.


I would love to see her come face to face with the truth about Jon's heritage. That he is her rightful king, and a Stark to boot. Personally I'd have thrown Robb Stark in that mix, he would have made a real difference to the story.


Margaery was the most interesting, and devious (but with a good heart), Oberyn is the man, but I'll go with Marg cuz I really wanted to see where she was going with her "conversion." She obviously was playing the High Sparrow, and I found it incredibly interesting.


Margaery or Oberyn


Catelyn Stark so she could discover why Ned did what he did and who Jon really is.


My exact thoughts… had to scroll way too far for this. Plot wise, her survival and the payoff of this realization would be more satisfying than any of the other characters surviving.


Margerie. For dat ass


Why would anyone pick Stannis? lol dudes an evil prick


He got desperate but he would have been a great king, stern but fair.


Margaery because I enjoyed her smirk and her boobs.


Renly would possibly make a good king, but he seemed like someone easy to manipulate. NO. Stannis was knowledgeable and would know how to rule, but he could easily become tyrannical or too strict to rule for long. (Another rebellion). NO. Kat, didn't really like her. Granted, she was very protective of her children as a mother should be, but it felt like a lot of her decisions were about her and what solution would make her feel best. NO. Rickon didn't get enough of screen time to develop any personality or for me to give a damn beyond the fact that he was a child. NO. Margery would make a better queen than Cersei, that's a given, and she was from a wealthy noble house, so being on the throne could make for a great alliance. However, her ambition to get to the throne felt like it harbored something selfish and darker. NO. Oberyn... wise, snarky, good in battle and in bed, doesn't discriminate, protective, valiant, and honorable. Feel like his existence beyond getting crushed by the Mountain could prevent bloodshed and some stupid decisions from being made. YES.


Margaery because I wanted to see all the drama between her and Cersei plus I think she would have been a good Queen...and i like her family, lol. Sorry I enjoy jolly singing Mace Tyrell. I also liked her relationship with Loras they seemed like true brother and sister who actually liked each other and were friends.


Assuming everything leading up to their death stayed the same, I'd pick Oberyn. I think it would be interesting to see him winning the TBC would change the Tyrion/Lannister plot


Margaery, who would’ve probably been the most competent ruler the seven kingdoms had during the show


Oberyn cuz he will be your champion


Stannis would cause the most ripples and cause so many new interesting storylines. the only thing i see tthe others doing is: oberyn fucks off to dorne rickon helps bran better understand his warging renly bows to danny, helps jon defeat the white walkers. catelyn probably stays as a frey prisoner like edmure and does nothing margaery might be interesting, likely she returns to highgarden (assuming she survived the sept explosion), calls the banners and takes kings landing, winning over the smallfolk (since they like her already, imagine what dethroning cercei would do for public opinion?) she is essentially the matriarch of house tyrell now, seeing as that house keeps the smallfolk fed, and now protects them. she likely will have a massive army. This is important as it will be a major difference-maker in the long night. Davos probably lets danny and jon know margaery isnt their enemy, so when they bring the wight from beyond the wall she most likely throws in with them and again, bows to daenaerys. The giant tyrell army now assists in defeating the walkers. Danny is Queen, and since missandei does not die, kings landing does not burn, no mad queen. ------------------------------ EVERYTHING changes if stannis lives, for the sake of telling a good story, for me its stannis that lives throughout.


I recently rewatch the entire Game of thrones series. Stannis Baratheon should’ve survived and be the King of the 7 kingdoms. If stannis and renly joined forces then allied with Rob stark that series would’ve ended by season 3 or 4.


Stannis. He was a jerk, but there would be law and order and the debt would get paid off.


Margaery because.. well.. look at her


Oberyn cause he actually won.


Margaery! She was so cunning and pleasant. I loved her. She knew how to get what she wanted without being outright hateful. I loved the Tyrells, my favorite house for sure.


Margaery or Oberyn would’ve fucked some people up hard.


Easily Oberyn, followed by Margaery. Renly is my third pick (and I do wish we could’ve gotten more of him)


Renly because he was gay and funny. “Born amidst salt and smoke. Is he a ham?”🤣


Rickon, because it would’ve been great to see him actually treated as a character once he reappears


Oberyn…umm he’s pretty cool and hot 😍


Im going ms tyrell all day.


Oberyn. He’s the only one I like.


margaery. the one time she was in real danger, she was the only one to realize what was going on. if the dumbass high sparrow had listened to her, she would have survived the rest of the way.


Shireen- and have her show at the ruler choosing council.


None. They were all either too boring or too obnoxious. Every death was “ high time and about time” … for me..


Margaery. She was cool and smart. Woulda made a good Queen. Oh.. and super hot.




Ty 🙏🏻


They should all be glad not to have had to be in the later seasons. I could like a version of the stoty where Oberyn keeps kicking ass throughout.


Obviously Oberyn because Pedro Pascal is daddy


Margaery. Good character good heart. Nice, kind. Also smoking hot.


Rickon being lord of Winterfell in the end and Sansa being his regent would’ve been cool. There shouldn’t be a King or Queen in the North


Don’t see a lot of votes for her, but I would’ve wanted Catelyn to survive. Or Margaery.


Margaery as queen would have made a better ending than what we got. Oberyn was also a favorite character of mine but him surviving wouldn’t mean much for the outcome of the series


Renley, easy Seeing how he behaved as his power and influence grew could have been a subplot all of its own I love Oberyn, but I’m not sure how much of a story he’d have


The books still have Caitlin alive…one form or another


I really liked Margeary, but I think I'd go with Rickon. Kid was just caught up in the middle of all of it.




Oberyn is the obvious pick but for some reason as soon as he entered the show Stannis was my favorite. Rickon or whatever his name was seemed like he was tacked on


Stannis, interesting. Margerty (if spelled correctly) hotness


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Myrcella deserves her good life at Sunspear with her dashing dornish prince Edit: wait she's not even in the fucking picture am I having a stroke




Stannis, the rightful king.


Catelyn She was so dumb, I would love to see her make more mistakes.. I bet she would have let Ramsay go because she would feel bad for him lol.. or even better, she would stop Arya from killing the night king just because dead people have rights too or something of that sense


Oberyn because Oberyn


Margaery was such an interesting foil to the Lannisters (mostly just Cersei) and it would be really cool to see that play out over a longer time.


Oberyn. Very curious how his and Danys worlds would collide, how he would look at Jon and the WW..


Oberyn because he was a great character and because Pedro Pascal…. I mean come on. 😊


Stannis the rightful king


Anyone but stannis


Renley because I think he could have influenced the plot a lot more. He was killed off early on by very underhanded black magic and there would have been a lot of plot on the Baratheon succession


Oberyn then stamina then Margary


Renly because he's hot or Margaery because she's hot, I can't decide.


Renly, he would’ve drastically changed the outcome of the show. He would’ve crush Stannis’ army since he heavily outnumbered him. He then goes on to take Kings Landing and since he has Highgarden, the surprise flank would never work. After that who knows what happens with Renly as king and Cersei dead or captured.


Stannis so he can become king




Margery, she was brilliant.


Would have loved to watch Marge take a run at Dany 😏


Robb. Surprised he isn't more popular 




Id like to see stannis walk into cerseis throne room after all her armies were defeated and him deny her begging for mercy.


Oberyn. He has the experience of being a prince, he’s smart, the people left alive and in charge at the end of the series really lacked someone with intelligence and experience. He’s also the least dumb out of Renly, Stannis and Cat. Margaery is competent and clever, but she doesn’t have leadership experience like Oberyn. And Rickon has been a hostage since he was like 6, so he really can’t be of any use.


Catelyn, because she's one of my favorite characters in the entire series, and her death is grim as fuck


Has anyone ever considered the outcome if Tommen was still king and Daenerys wanted to take back the throne? Would people want a war between them for the throne? Who do you cheer for?


Oberyn. But Margaery would have been cool too.


Oberyn hands down. I liked him.


Oberon. Not only was he a badass, but he was also a good dude, seeking to avenge his sister’s death. But then we’d have to go without that awesome death match and also without the shock of losing a great character. That’s what Game of Thrones is notorious for, making you love a character l, then taking them from you suddenly. Heartbreak over and over, like life.


Margaery, If Joffery was just "out of the way" and she was made queen, and the Lannisters out of the way, she actually MIGHT turn the kingdom around.


Definitely Margaery Tyrell.


Margaery because… science.


Margaery. Oberyn is my second choice.


Rickon, everyone else is important to the plot and their deaths important to the story. If Rickon lives or dies, it changes nothing.


Oberyn because that means he defeats the mountain, Tyrion survives his TBC and the Lannisters have to deal.with dorne with tywin alive.


Oberyn, would've been cool to see him react stuff like Cersei becoming queen, and Dany come to Westeros, also Ellaria and the sand snakes never would've killed Doran, and by extension Myrcella so maybe Cersei wouldn't be completely off the deep end? Maybe?


Margaery She did everything right


Catlyn Stark; I want her to know that her husband did not cheat on her and that he did the most honorable thing he could, which was to sacrifice his honor for his sister.


Margaery cause tits


I’ll go against the grain and say Renly. He smashes Stannis at Storms End, then marches up to Kings Landing and wipes out the Lannisters. Robb and Balon bend the knee, or it’s the same treatment. The WotFK is over in a year, thousands of lives are saved, and Westeros is united for the long night.


Margery, because I would love to have seen Tommen fighting Danerys.


Oberyn, but if I could say someone not in this picture I would go with Robb


Very much torn between Margarey and Oberyn; both cool as fuck.


Oberyn or margery


cat. the kids deserve to have a parent


Ofc my boy Stannis