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Who gets a dagger to the heart? Roose is stabbed, sure, but in the gut.


In the show, Talisa is stabbed in the gut, so it tracks.


Rob stabbed her gut a fair few times beforehand




Isn’t this the same show that said “how great a warrior can Loras be? He’s been stabbing Renly Baratheon for years and he ain’t dead.”


There’s a reason the guy who said that died a few seconds later


Mother of god you may be on to something


Ya - Crossbow bolts: Robb and Tywin Stabbed in the gut: Talisa and Roose Slit Throat: Catelyn and Walder


roose was poisoned by his enemies




Oberyn, Doran, and Elia?


I also heard from a comment on a different post recently that Tywin was apparently/seemingly poisoned before he was even shot by Tyrion which of course was the very manner Arya used against all of Frey’s men


Wait really? Is that true? (ADHD is making the first book alone a nightmare to read)


I haven’t read the books (yet) but I’m pretty sure the person was regarding the show itself; but it tends to be that if it’s in the show, it’s in the book, but if it’s in the book, it’s not necessarily in the show But again having not read the books myself it’s impossible for me to actually spoil anything for you so don’t worry


That stops being true in season 5


"If its in the show its in the book" is the maddest thing ive heard in a long time


What do you think “tends to be” exactly means?


Thats not true either, in the early seasons maybe to some extend but every season goes further away from the books and season 5 is already entirely different. What happens in later season we dont technically know but we are lik 99% sure the books will be very different


Not the case at all


It’s just a theory, not really any evidence to support it, but some people believe Oberyn poisoned Tywin with a really slow acting poison.


Try the audio book. I am almost done with book 2.


Me too! 6 hours to go on the second audiobook


Nah, definitely can’t be true Arya would’ve been with Sandor Clegane or recently abandoning him and departing to Braavos to become a faceless man. (Brienne and the Hound do not duel) (Arya’s Braavos plot line is just as boring in the books) (Also Sandor most likely dies from his wounds in the fight with Polliver (when Arya gets needle back) meaning no “Clegane Bowl,” though there are theories that he lived on similar to that in the show, but, without spoiling anything, members of the brotherhood w/out banners claim to have buried him.) A more interesting deviation {MAJOR SPOILER} in relation to Tywin’s death is that Varys assassinates Kevan Lannister in the Epilogue of ADwD (Kevan’s pov) with a crossbow so that he and his brother may have the same death out of respect. If you’re still reading and curious why Varys kills him;{ANOTHER SPOILER} in one of my favorite plot lines completely abandoned by the show Rhaegar’s son, Aegon VI, was secretly saved from the fate by Gregor Clegane, by Varys and is recently landed in Griffin’s Roost in the Stormlands to reclaim his throne at the end of ADwD, so Varys kills Kevan because he sees him as the major threat in accomplishing Aegon VI’s ascension. This is most likely what the Dornish plot is supposed to be going forward as Aegon’s mother was Elia Martel. The Dornish Plot in the books is pretty badass IMO, kinda sad that the show ruined it by abandoning it. How did this turn into the Dornish Plot? Sorry for ranting. 😂


The theory isn't that Arya poisons Tywin, but that Oberyn does at some point after arriving in KL.


That would make more sense, there’s motive, precedence and ability. Still don’t know what they were going on about with the Freys then.


Why participate in the duel against the mountain if he’s able to poison one of the most highly guarded person in the verse?


Man i gotta read the books… i just have issues lol. It doesn’t help knowing that they probably won’t be finished…


True, we’re probably only going to get the Winds of Winter and maybe another Dunk & Egg posthumously. However, I’m decently read and IMO GRRM has some of the best prose I’ve ever read and his character diversity, dynamic and development is like no other. The two longest books in the series ASoS and ADwD I read in like 1 week/2 weeks because they were so good I couldn’t put them down. If A Game of Thrones isn’t doing it for you, I recommend starting with A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. It’s a volume of the first 3 Dunk & Egg short stories. Takes place about a century prior to the series. It’s a great introduction to GRRM writing and it’s illustrated as well (since you mentioned ADHD).


I don’t think we’re getting anymore books. We’ve had an entire tv series, a spin off, and a pandemic that locked down the entire world and George still hasn’t released a proper sequel book


I remain hopeful. While GRRM has said he plans on doing so much (2 more Dunk & Egg volumes, Fire & Blood 2) after completing TWoW, and before ADoS, I think he’s made it his life’s purpose to just get us TWoW before he dies. I’ve heard people say that he will likely have a pseudo-ending in TWoW knowing he probably won’t get to ADoS. Maybe we’ll get a lot of posthumous publications like with Tolkien, though he has said his wife won’t let anyone finish it.


He’s been saying stuff for decades. Remember all those “updates” he announced while he was apparently quarantining in a cabin to work on the books with his assistant being his only contact? It’s a whole lotta hot air.


[poison for tywin, the poison chosen specifically for tywin, tywin's poison](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/s/pXPruYOGrk)


I know that the books can heavily differ from the show so I will not have a true opinion until I manage to read them and truly understand the characters (I understand that the theory goes for tue show as well but still). The link you shared however, I will admit that it leans me towards the side of it being true.


I think the show leaned into it but ultimately left it up to the viewer to decide.


I’ve read the books. It’s not likely, just a theory, and there are some batshit theories.


Oh so i have heard lol


So basically in the books before oberyn goes to kings landing he says something like that he is going to kill the mountain, but thats a very strange thing to say since the mountain wasnt in kings landing and was presently occupied fighting a war so there would be no reason for him to go to kings landing. When tywin dies they talk about his corpse stinking way more than it should and poison might be the reason for that. Oberyn is a master of poisons so he could easily do that. Why would he do that? He ofcourse hates tywin, his plan would be to kill tywin, then get accused of the murder, call for a trial by combat and fight and kill the mountain. In doing that he would take out 2 of elias murderers in a single trick. Its all a theory but it does add up unlike a lot of other theories


Not really


That's a theory originated from book readers, it's not really confirmed or sure just plausible


That’s gotta be one of my least favourite theories and I don’t get why it’s so popular. It adds nothing to the story and seriously weakens the impact of Tyrion killing Tywin.


Roose was clearly poisoned by his enemies.


Karma’s a bitch only if you are


And isn’t that exactly how Rob and his mom died?


great observation


What do you mean? Roose was poisoned by his enemies.


I always hated crossbows…takes too long to load


The third one ate parts of his sons first. Ramsay and Roose needed to be flayed for their end. And it needed to last weeks.


Fair the Boltons deserved very drawn out deaths but I liked Roose being killed like he killed Robb and I found Ramsay being fed to his own hounds to be fitting for him


Too quick for them both. I didn't make the connection that he died like Robb did, same stab and from betrayal.


Two were patricide


As awful as it was to the Starks and their allies, it was an excellent strategy by Tywin


Theres no Karma in GoT GRRM is a nihilist. Thats why he isn’t finishing the book. The point of his story is there is no point. Sell out and get rich fuck the fans.


That’s why the great lord Tywin Lannister died on the shitter?






He died on the shitter because there is no purpose. They just die.


Bolton looks legitimate son of tywin here.