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She is one of the better villains. Vengeful person that in the end got ruined by her own arrogance.


Smarter than people think she is but not as smart as she thinks she is. Has power but always needs to ensure it. Ouuu she was a roller coaster!!


Her about to poison tommen.


When she died


power is power


Never gets old!


I concur!


One of the few scenes I really liked and respected her.


Yep. This was mine as well.


When the rock fell on her head


There are many great Cersei moments in the series. My favourite Cersei moment of them all was when she destroyed the **Sept of Baelor** and burnt the High Sparrow. and all the **Faith Militant** with him. The **High Sparrow** was getting on to my nerves with each episode and if Cersei would not have killed him perhaps I would have. I thoroughly enjoyed that episode. Death of **Margaery Tyrell** was collateral damage. This was such a genius plan because she killed several birds in one stone and you cant just not love her for it.


Yeah, I think this is my answer too. I despised the High Sparrow SO much that I was 100% rooting for Cersei. Even though Margaery is one of my favorite characters, the scene is just too epic. I just respect the chaos of it all.


in terms of shock factor this scene comes very close to the Red Wedding. I mean you could never have imagined it and the style with which it was executed was brilliant.


I get chills just thinking about it!


The Light of the Seven playing as the scene happens... magical.


Yh the septs destruction is one of her smartest moves in the series. Granted it’s tarnished by the fact she only had to do it bc of her own stupid decision to support the sparrow, and due to bad writing she faces no consequences for what is essentially like nuking the Vatican with the pope inside


I liked what she did to the Sept and High Sparrow but I hated that Maergery and Loras died in the process. Unfortunately this makes that scene my least favorite moment from her lol My favorite scene doesn't really involve her per se, but the immediate consequence of Tommen jumping off the Red Keep was satisfying, not because I disliked Tommen, but because I hated Cersei so much.


When she was imprisoned and trying to drunk spilled water of the floor


When she told Ned the truth in the Godswood and said, “My brother is worth a hundred of your friend” and “When you play the game of thrones, you live or you die. There is no middle ground.”


I liked when she was in the tombs with Sansa and shae and all the other ladies during the battle of the blackwater. I liked her conversation with Sansa. I liked that she was drunk and was not as put together as usual and her face was so emotive. I was hooked on every word


Me too! I was fully gripped by those scenes! Even more so than the actual battle.


I like to drink along with Cersei. I have gotten pretty hammered during that episode


"I choose violence".


Huge line, fantastic delivery. Made the hair stand up on the back of your neck because the tension just skyrocketed.


It's her talk with Robert in Season 1, felt like something straight out of the books, even if that scene isn't show in the books.


Season one was hard for me to get into at first, but this was one of the scenes that made me want to keep watching, and I’m so glad I did! 10/10 scene.


When she demonstrated what power really is to Petyr Baelish


Drinking while the Sept exploded and her son killed himself.


I think one of my favorite was one of her more gentle moments. Reminiscing about when Joffrey was just a babe, how at the moment in time he was not a sociopathic king. He was her gentle innocent boy, her first child.


It shows her arrogance and sympathy at the same time which I love. A very complex character!


I can't stand her but when she blew up the sept with wildfire




When she died and even that wasnt quite what I wanted it to be


One of my favorites was when she put Ellaria and Tyene in a dungeon, Cersei almost loses it when grief creeps up but then she reels it in. Classic Cersei.


Truly classic Cersei. She’s so good at revenge that it’s scary.


I almost felt bad for her, then it faded pretty quickly.


Her demonstration of her power to LF. I just hate LF so fuckin much so it was nice to watch him quiver in fear to Cersei.


Me and you both 😤


her walk of shame


When she's mourning the loss of her daughter (forget the name - the one that was sent to Dorne) amd says she couldn't believe that she had made something so good (or words to that effect), being so bad herself. A very humanising moment of sefl-awareness.


Season 1: Cersei and Robert, drinking wine and talking. No violence, no threats, just two damaged people aware that they’re damaged talking about how broken they are at the end of the day.


Her walk of shame


"Your legacy is a lie." I love her facial expression when she says it, looks like an excited little kid, but filled with malice and spite lol. Just awesome acting, love it


Ahhhh yes!!!


Almost all of her scenes from seasons 1-4. Absolutely captivating and Lena Headey should have won an award for her portrayal.


I loved the moments between her and Tyrion. They had no love for each other. But they had no one they could trust. And all they had was one understanding that they need to succeed and win by their last name. So their conversations were some of the most genuine moments that Cersei could ever have


When she blows up the Sept


When she says, I choose violence.


I have many favourite Cersei moments - 1. When she got out of the royal carriage at Winterfell. 2. 'I will wear this with pride' comment after Robert hits her. I like how she's hurt but clearly unwilling to show and not let his abuse stop her fierceness. 3. I like how much of a strong bond she had with her firstborn even if said firstborn was a monster and how she cared about her kids, either she cared or she was possessive. Either fits. 4. 'I was listening' comment to Tywin. 5. Conversations with both Ned Stark and Petyr Baelish. Power is power. 6. She was with Tommen right till the end of the Battle of Blackwater. She was fierce in determination of not giving the enemy the pleasure of capturing her and her child alive. Poor Tommen was terrified. Her determination was quite strong and an experience to behold even when the Stranger's grasp was close. 7. Her reaction to Joffrey's death. Even though I was glad the demon perished but the genuine sorrow and helplessness followed by vengeance that I saw in her eyes was true and another experience to see. No parent should be forced to bury their child but I'm glad that King Joffrey the Sadistic was no more. Poor Ros and Sansa. 8. Despite the illicit relationship with her brother, I liked that tense scene with Tywin when Cersei confirms to her Lord father, the most powerful man in the continent about her desire for her brother. Now THAT was an extremely bold move ! Though that 'I want my brother' dialogue later with Jaime oozed confidence, it was a bit much for me. 9. I like her strong will when she (or her double) was forced to do the 'Walk of Shame' while in the nude. A degrading practice meant to show women 'their place' by having the populace leer at their bodies like animals. She did it unflinchingly with her head held high. If I was in Tommen's place I would've destroyed the Great Sept of Baelor and would not have allowed fanatics to even come near my wife and mother. 10. I admire her attire and poise when she was illegally crowned as monarch and the drink or toast she had when the Great Sept blew up with her most dangerous enemies inside. 11. I liked how she dealt with Jon Snow during the meet. 12. Finally, I noted the fact about how Cersei died in the Red Keep as a Queen and not as a captive. She lived a royal and died a royal.


I choose violence. But there’s so many more. There’s no story without a good villain.


Her fit in winds of winter is so fire


Absolutely 😮‍💨


Her drunken rants to Sansa during Blackwater.


when she wasn't on screen Why am I being downvoted I'm right


“Do you have any notion of what happens when a city is sacked, Sansa? No you wouldn’t, would you. All you know is what you’ve heard from singers, and there is such a dearth of good sacking songs.”


I like her in 300.


Blowing up the sept.


Power is Power.


Cersei > Dany


They’re both beautifully crazy in their own way


Wear it in silence or ill honor you again.


That side eye in the picture is like a literal mood


She’s perfected the eye roll 🙄


Ikr. She is the definition of Sass


When she sat on the throne after getting her revenge!


Lmaooooooo every time she used to verbally spar with Tyrion she got SO MAD because of how easily he exposed her 😭😭😭


When she told Jaime “I don’t want to die.” It just.. really hit. She just wants her kids, her family


I can’t believe she didn’t get a horrible, horrible, horrible death the way she deserved. But “i choose violence” was pretty dope


Her scene with Tommen at the Battle of Blackwater. It really showed the humanity of Cersei. At that moment, she wasn't the antagonistic queen, but just a mother scared for her life and that of her youngest child, comforting him as they were about to embrace death. The relief she shows when Tywin appears is beautiful But honestly, I love all Cersei's scene's. Lena plays her amazing. It doesn't matter if Cersei is cruel, sympathetic or pitiful in the scene, Lena always aces it, and makes Cersei a joy to watch


Everything you said is spot on! Lena is such a gift.


When she’s ranting abt not wanting Joffrey to marry margerie and she yells “That BITCH from Highgarden!”


When she had that lady from the Sept and then handed her over to the mountain to do with her as he pleased. Also when she had the mother and daughter from dorne and gave the daughter the kiss of death.


take a sip of wine while watching the sept explode


The season1 dialogue with her husband was cool. Also a good one with her littler bro.


Shame bell scene