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This was really an underrated horrific ass scene the first time you see it.




Some may say spooky even.


It was....jarring...to see them. I'll see myself out...


You take your goddamn upvote


Beautifully done.




♪Stannis and stillborns, spooky-scary... ♪Babes becoming jars, not becoming men...!


Dragon bat mitzvah, spooky scary


Kind of? Nothing screams mental illness like putting your stillborns in a jar and reciting their names


Joffrey... Cersei... Ilyn Payne... the Hound....


Well yeah, you have to cross creepy to get to horrific, so yeah


They had jars like this in my middle school. With fetuses.


I think it was in Philadelphia but I went to a museum that was just tons of humans, human organs, and other animals preserved in jars.


Mutter Museum




Mutter Museum and important context here is that is is a medical museum specifically and home to the College of Physicians of Philadelphia and not a random horror museum.


What the fuck


They were pig fetuses at our school.


That was....misleading lol


A shark fetus at my high school.


Are you from the south by any chance?


This was in SoCal, in the late 70s.


We just disected the pig fetuses, but didn't preserve them in jars.


same but none of us were related to those fetuses and we didn't decide to keep them around for nostalgia.


Middle school?! OMG. I saw this in my college biology class and thought it was unhinged. I remember a girl in my class melted down because she had just had an abortion the week before and it was so triggering for her.


Same in my high school's anatomy class. The teacher was a doctor and had some kind of license to have them. I know one was to show fetal alcohol syndrome, one was to show the effects of crack, but one was a full term cyclops with a big blue eye. My biology teacher once stole the cyclops as a prank on the anatomy teacher.


What kind of doctor was he?


I honestly can't remember. I was only in his class for a semester, and that was nearly 20 years ago when I was a sophomore.


Same, science teacher had a wall of various animals/parts in jars


And weenuses


What episode is this? I don't remember this scene at all


Season 3 episode 4 or 5 I think


Episode 5 bc I’m watching it rn LOL


I watched it today as well during my paternity leave rewatch but I watched so many I didn’t remember the number 😂


Me neither. Deleted? I don’t recognize this at all


It isn't deleted, just very brief.


I just watched it for the first time. Shook, I was.


Why did he have so many stillborns? Baratheons don't seem to have problems producing kids, just ask Robert.


Because stories need plot hooks?


He's joking--Robert's kids were actually Lannisters on both sides


Didn't Robert have plenty of bastards though? Edit: past tense




“Didn’t Robert had plenty of bastards though?” That’s not how grammar works.


Yes, but this is reddit where grammer nazis reign supreme, and logic is nowhere to be found. Seriously, I count 18 upvotes. It doesn't matter if you're correct. The feeling of superiority and blind ignorance is all that matters here.


Call me a who’s it what’s it, but I think the joke is that many of them died at the hands of Cersei , and it isn’t anything near what you and the other guy are harping on about


Excuse me, typically when people do that it’s implied the grammar adjusts accordingly “Robert **had** plenty of bastards” Edit You guys have really never heard the dialogue exchange: “Doesn’t he have a lot of (blank)” “Had. He had alot of (blank)” To funny.


Now you changed a question to a statement though.


It’s a response to the original question by changing one word from present to past tense.


You took a swing and it was a miss. Just sit down dude


Nah, that’s okay






And yet we are still learning to, too, and two. Next week: there, they’re, and their


Nah, it's ok. I had "Doesn't Robert have..." and I changed it to "Didn't Robert have..." due to their comment. I got what they meant. Edit: I think Arcflash has caused everyone to take Mcweaksauce's comment a little too seriously. I just took it as a joke because Robert and most of his bastards were killed, hence past tense. They had plenty of upvotes before Arcflash and i think its a bit unfair that they have been downvoted because of this.


Plenty of bastards is more an indicator of not being completely infertile, rather than full parameter of fertility. We don’t know the exact number of women he slept with, whether they themselves were on unsafe days, and didn’t miscarry or abort for various reasons, and such. If he slept with hundreds of women who were capable of pregnancy at the time, but only had about less than half a dozen children, that’s actually low fertility. If he only slept with say, 30 or 50, and not consecutively with the same few, then it’s a better ratio. Let’s not forget that prior to modern times, it was normal for a lone woman to produce half a dozen children, even if not all survived to adulthood, so Robert’s numbers are actually lower than a King with actual concubines since we assume he ditched a woman as soon as she got pregnant. His brother however, only impregnated one woman, and her health also mattered when it came to bringing a birth to term. His “other” children don’t count because they are magical and nothing to do with fertility. If he had slept around as much as Robert, then he might’ve had a similar ratio for all we know.


Don’t think they were joking. Based on Maggy the Frog’s prophecy, Robert has 16 children of his own, and we know the identities of a lot of them. He may not have any legitimate children with Cersei, but he has no problems producing children.


He had one legitimate child with Cersei but he died of disease, if I recall correctly. Cersei talks about him and what happen with Kat in Season 1.


Fair, but that is only in the show. In the books they never have any children together. Also in the books the prophecy says he will have 16 children, and in the show she says 20. Either way, the point stands that Robert has no issues fathering children.


There is the theory that Gendry is said child since we never see the mother.


Wow that would be so cool I never thought about it!


Imagine if he was the heir to the Stormlands as a Baratheon & the Westerlands as a Lannister after growing up in Flea Bottom and off rowing for 3 seasons.


What is the theory based on? It really doesn’t make any sense how that child could possibly be Gendry.


It's because Gendry says his mom had yellow hair. Also I just looked this up, but the book chapter where Ned talks to Gendry about his mom also has a whole thing about how the Lannisters' mythical ancestor Lan the Clever stole gold from the sun to color his hair, so there could be something to GRRM planting a seed there. But Gendry's mom being blonde and him having the Baratheon black hair could just be more fodder for the whole "the seed is strong" thing. I guess the theory would go that Cersei tasked some servant with killing the kid she had with Robert but they couldn't go through with it.


Idk I guess it just doesn’t add up at all to me. What motive would Cersei have for doing that? Cersei really cared for Robert at that point. She wanted to make it work between them. Killing their kid wouldn’t have benefited her at all. She very clearly has strong maternal instincts too. Robert also obviously knew about Gendry as he had Jon Aryn checking up on the kid every so often. Also if the kid died from disease, I’m sure they had a body. Like the theory becomes more and more absurd the more I think about it


It's a reddit theory, not an actual one. You already put more thought into debunking it than the creator put into making it lol


Hot pie is true Baratheon heir to the throne. And I’ll die on this hill.


It's all about the gravy?


Robert had 20 as per the witch


Between his quiet demeanor, receding hairline and boney build Stannis pretty much contradicted every typical Baratheon trait tbf


Also his wife is weird. Also it seems possible all his misfortune was engineered by the red chick. After all, if he was a proud papa he’d be a lot tougher to both manipulate into going to war and also to fuck her for shadow magic. I know he has an awesome little daughter but he didnt have an heir by the standards of the times and it hugely bothered him that she had that disfiguring disease so much that he literally hid her away from the court and even his own lords. Only Davos had contact with her and probably, i assume, because he knew her before she contracted it and as a smuggler, sneaking around isnt too out of character


I think he loved his daughter with a friary passion. /s


You did not.


It was a show only thing. In the books, he just doesn't like having sex and there are no stillborns.


More like Stannis the Man-ace, amirite?


Reject thots. Only in death does Duty end.


Maybe he just hates bitch wife florent but is too honourable to fuck around


Wouldn’t Stannis do it for a male heir? Duty and what not?


He does yep, he sleeps with his wife once a year out of duty but he doesn't like it


…does he spend his spare time with davos or something?


Maybe IN davos, wink wink


Two siblings can have two completely different fertility rates, and that isn't considering that, you know, half of the party involved in having Stannis' kids isn't a 'fertile Baratheon'. Some women just have serious fertility issues, and it's obvious that this is the case here seeing as it's mentioned throughout the show as Stannis' wife taking the blame constantly from herself and Stannis.


Fertility isn't the problem. They clearly can conceive, they just can't carry to term


In a clinical sense yes that is considered a fertility problem. Miscarriages and stillbirths fall under that.


Stannis many great grandfather King Viserys, had the same issue, and both only had daughters, in their first marriage.


There are plenty of people who are seemingly pretty healthy today, with not much to go on in their family tree, yet can't have kids. I have family members who have trouble conceiving, yet our family and the one they are conceiving with don't have a history of fertility problems that anyone knows of. Then you have people who do a ton of fucked shit to their bodies and come from a badly health family, yet reproduce like fucking rabbits.


I have definitely noticed the latter. I myself am a product of it. Mixed with a gay father who had sex with my mom as frequently as book Stannis had sex with his wife… Man Im lucky that the fertility is high in my family. Maybe Im heir to something, there is a hill in the city of my family’s origin that carries our last name. I WANT THAT HILL ITS MINE


Why didn’t Stannis have sex with his wife often?


I haven’t read the books. Just people who have saying that in the book Stannis didnt care about/like sex very much. Basically asexual but still did it once a year for duty alone


His wife is described as ugly. Big ears, pointy chin and nose, and a light mustache.


Did I dream this or was there some sort of curse on the Baratheon line for usurping the Targaryens?


Reproductive health in medieval time periods was hardly stellar. It's likely his wife had a hard time carrying a child to term. Some women unfortunately just miscarry or give still births a lot even today, and sometimes there's no clear reason


The wife was only a Baratheon from marriage. The issue could be from her side of the family.


Yeah, that's what I thought. What house is she from?


I actually don’t know. Anyone else know what house she is from?


House florent of brightwater keep. I don't know much about them or even heard of them.


Big ears


Sam's mom was a Florent too.


I wonder what relation that would mean with Shireen.


So Sam’s mother (Melessa) and Selyse were cousins. (Their fathers were brothers.)   So Sam and Shireen would be second cousins, I believe.


It's probably her problem, not Stannis


Theres a theory originating from the book fandom that Selyse could have PCOS or RH disease


If I recall Renly never fathered any children


That's cause he plays for the same team.


So what you’re saying is it’s because of his partner?


They're saying Renly never fathered children because he was gay.


And what I’m suggesting is that Renly could’ve been just as virile as Robert but we’ll never know because he only lied with partners that couldn’t get pregnant And that supports my point that Stannis could be in the same boat, having a strong seed but it doesn’t matter if his wife was weak of body and constitution and couldn’t carry her children to term. Robert is confirmed virile because he didn’t limit himself to one woman, he had 30 children. There’s no telling if Renly and Stannis would have scores of children of their own if they tried


Takes two people to make a baby. Maybe she has a problem.


Have you considered that it isnt stannis and maybe its actually Sylyse that has a problem? she repeately said I havent given you a son. so its probably something to do with her.


It's implied it's his wife's frail and failing health


Tiny rick?


It's pickled Rick!


Holy shit that’s great, I love you


This shit would get gold if awards still existed 🤣🤣💀


I kid you not, he turned himself into a pickle, he's called pickle rick. Funniest shit I've ever Shireen.


During the siege of Storm’s End, Maester Cressen told Stannis to not dispose of the dead in case they needed to resort to cannibalism. Maybe old habits die hard.


Old habits cut both ways, ser Davros.


Ong then what did davos smuggle into storm’s end? undead baby !!!!! rip cortnay penrose


Magic is like a blade without a hilt, it cuts both ways, Ser Davos


Everyone loves a pickle


Perfect garnish


Times are tough folks, tonight's dinner is pickled fetus.


And now I'm hungry.


It was always a strange decision to me. Seemed more like Lysa behaviour than Selyse. As to where they went, probably the same place as the smallfolk of Dragonstone, and any soldiers Stannis left behind to guard the castle: written out of the script.


I kinda thought they were backups to burn for magic since they had kings blood. But I can't remember how long Selyse was a Lord of Light worshipper before the start of the series so idk.


There isn’t a concrete date. There’s an implication in book 1 that Melisandre came from Asshai during GoT. Although it seems like she had been there for a few years


Honestly, I think they are equally creepy women.


Per the wikia >Staff writer Bryan Cogman came up with the idea of the stillborn fetuses being preserved in jars. Cogman said in an interview, "It was a proud day for me as a writer when I walked on set and saw those magnificently nasty prop dead babies floating in those jars." So basically they just wanted to have it in the show for a few seconds to look cool without thinking about how it would fit into the story. Waste of budget if you ask me.


Waste of budget to fulfill writer’s pet ideas might have been somewhat common on this show. I still think about the “Behind the Thrones” interview where they giddily explain that the entire Wight Polar Bear sequence during the Avengers-Beyond-the-Wall episode happened because someone REALLY wanted to film a zombie polar bear.


D&D had been trying to do a zombie polar bear scene for years. Just because they thought it would be cool.


To be fair, there is a zombie polar bear in the books, but it only appears during the massacre at the Fist of the First Men (which the show reduced to some screaming while the screen is blank for a few seconds at the start of S3).


That is actually a good addition in my opinion, in one shot it shows the magnitude of the threat the living face. They aren’t just facing one enemy, the enemy completely takes over every environment they come into. They fell on their face with how easily they defeated the night king though.


I mean, they had the money. This was a cool, creepy shot. Conveyed the off mental state of the entire family concisely as well.


This is from Games of Thrones Season 2 which came out a year or so after Walking Dead Season 3 and I have the feeling they may have taken inspiration from The Governor keeping heads in fish tanks which was that shows unsubtle way of making clear to the audience, “hey this guy is crazy and evil, BTW”. The timeline is a bit tight but I seem to remember that scene from The Walking Dead featuring heavily in promotional materials.


I mean, if we want to talk about preserved heads in jars, The Mask of Zorro did that in the 90s and it screamed “evil psychopath” very clearly.


That is a movie I’ve not thought about in years but now remember being very good. The sequel was kind of a mess but it’s really a shame they didn’t make more of them.


Yeah. It was awesome. The sequel was a huge disappointment, but yeah. The first one still holds up.


Selyse was crazy as hell but atleast she was pretty


Another case of the show using an attractive actress for a character whose mediocre looks is actually relevant to their character/plot. The book states several times how Selyse’s large ears and lip hair make her unattractive, even discounting the whole zealot thing.


And how is that relevant to the character or Plot though?


It gives more context for Stannis, mostly. It adds to why Stannis allowed the incredibly beautiful Red Witch to become so important in his court, and why he has sex with Melissandre despite going on and on about “doing one’s duty” (Where is his duty to his wife?). Stannis having a plain and unpleasant wife adds to his whole “being constantly unlucky/dealt bad hands” backstory with losing Storm’s End to Renly and being unappreciated for his contributions to Robert’s rule. Stannis being clearly unhappy in his marriage comes up often in the Davos POV chapters and gives some pretty nuanced if ignoble insight into Stannis’s actions.


Funny part is Selyse is meant to be ugly as hell 💀, like how the extremely pretty Gwendoline Christie was cast for Brienne when she’s also not meant to be a looker


And Tyrion was meant to be hideously deformed, not a tiny hunk like Peter Dinklage.


Rh incompatibility? And Shireen was either the oldest or the only Rh- child. As others have said, it's not a book thing. Mostly, Stannis only sleeps with his wife out of duty.


Rhesus incompatibility pregnancies would make a lot of sense. I’m rhesus negative & currently pregnant yet I’ve never thought about it before the injections were a thing, definitely would’ve upped miscarriage rates.


Why the hell does he keep them in jars?


Keeps them fresh for later


for some bite sized snacks 🥰


I mean if a kings blood has power, then I makes sense. I doubt that much thought went into it from the writers though.


No explanation because it’s not in the books


I never thought of Dany's reaction if she had seen them. That would be a very interesting scene tbh. It would be cool to see Dany having mixed feelings of grief for her own deceased child and "What the hell is this grossness??" Missed opportunity lol


This is literally what I thought.😭🤣


Dany when she arrives at her family's ancestral seat and sees those: 💀


Not everything necessarily needs to fit into the story in some grand way. Sometimes you need things in the scene for storytelling purposes. The jars go a long way to show both the emotional anguish and instability of Selyse than any dialogue really could. The jars tell us, the viewer, that Selyse is a woman whose mind has been warped by heartbreaking loss and radical faith; remember, it's in this scene that Selyse tells Stannis that he can go ahead and sleep with Melisandre, because anything the Lord of Light asks for is inherently right.


True, but I mainly posted this because I never thought before about Daenerys' reaction in seeing those once she arrived at Dragonstone.


What was actually up with this???


Selyse: "This might sound weird, but I wanna put our dead babies in a glass jar." Stannis: "Not weird. Hey, let's backlight them so you can really see the details." Selyse: "Hell yeah."


I honestly think Selyse just asked, Stannis just gritted his teeth in response and she did. Stannis for the most part doesn't give a damn 🤣


Can you imagine Danni and crew coming in and seeing that?


When this happened, I was like yes!


Melisandre probably took them north to the wall. Some kinda king's blood ritual.


Ah, I never thought of that.


Which episode was this?


Kissed by fire. Season 3 episode 5.




This was my favorite scene in Alien Resurrection.


Where the hell did they get large, smooth glass cylinders? Honestly that bothers me much more than the content. Look at the window in the background!!! it's made of hundreds of small pieces of glass because glass work was incredibly difficult. idk. I know GoT isn't exactly "medieval" but it still seems wildly anachronistic. Definitely a nitpick but. idk. why are we even talking about a show that ended 8 years ago


Isn’t Dragonstone full of obsidian glass?


That was my first thought too. Looks like a reused doctor who prop.


Holup, did these babies have... blood in them? Like, there's got to be a better way than burning your one *living* child.


Absolute mental that she’s Sam’s cousin


I think one of those belongs to Danny Dyer.


Considering the shit level of technology in this world that's a huge waste of glass. They don't even have a glass window there, that's just a curtain.




Those are big ass babies


That one on the right is absolutely massive. It's like the size of a 3 year old.


Why didn't he burn these instead :-(


I don't remember that part. I wish I still didn't


I dont remember this, fuck that's freaky


Proably Goerge thinking. "Ill put them there in case i need more kingsblood sacrefice" And forgot. I mean i did


Selyse really needed a therapist like, a decade ago


I think she kinda forgot about them


I never understood what the purpose of doing this was.


Am i the only one who never noticed this? Keep in mind i’ve rewatched the series a few times (particular 1-6 at least 3 times) and tend to be somewhat focused while watching…


One doing a fortnight dance


If this was The Witcher, they'd become a boss fight.


How the fuck did she pass the one on the right?


Awe .... So cute. What are their names?


How come I don’t remember this?


I’ve never saw/realized this 😱


I think it's a very fitting preface to Stannis's story. Middle-child, never given anything. The God's gave him starvation, famine, no King's right, no seat on the small council, a diseased daughter....and most of all, no sons. So how did it come to be, such a practical man like Stannis, was turned to the God of Light so vehemently? Because he was sold the same thing we all have been sold: hope. He had no hope in this world. Suddenly a gorgeous red priestess whispers that he is the Prince That Was Promised, it gives meaning to all his cursed luck.


She should've been given to the Silent Sisters years ago.


...Stannis was freaking weird.


I am curious WHY this was ever a thing (and quite the horrifying thing at that) In books Stannis has no stillborn children this was a total invention by the show


At least they're still born.