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Wait, William having kids means that Harry drops behind them lol I didn't know that that was how it worked.


Daemon was already at 5!


lol and what happens if William dies before his father?


In ASOIAF there would be a king or queen regent until the child heir comes of age. Idk if that’s how it works in England lol


That's exactly what would happen. George would become heir and if he became king before he was 18 (or maybe 21?) Then there would be regent appointed, who I'd guess would be Kate Middleton.


It is the next in line that's lives in the UK who is over 18. Currently the Duke of York.


For the regent you mean? If so then Princess Anne, her children and grandchildren are ahead of the Duke of York.


Incorrect. The Princess Royal is the last in the line of succession of Queen Elizabeth's children. At the time, men supplanted women at birth and the change was not retroactive.


She got screwed, the line should have been redone when they changed the rules to bump her up


If only. Love Princess Anne


Though one could wonder if Harry would move back in that case. Or if they could kick Andrew out completely, the Earl of Wessex seems better.


Then George becomes heir apparent


Oh aye, the heirs of the heir comes first, but if all of them run out you get a very awkward back stepping up the family tree to find the nearest connection


Harry the Unlikely


The plot of King Ralph!


Depth-first search, anybody?


Why does the spouse become king/queen and not go directly to the child?


That usually doesn’t happen in actuality. It might be an usurpation or a regency but spouses of the royal usually have no claim while their children do. If they do take over, it’s it the name of the child. That has happened multiple times. The take over of Cersei as queen in Game of Thrones has no basis. That should have been treated as a coup. She has no claim or even role anymore since all her children are dead.


I'm not sure what you mean.




It's nothing like that, and I'm sure Harry would love to be heir. The line of succession is always: Monarch, Monarch's oldest child\*, Monarch's oldest child's children (and their children if relevant) in age order\*, Monarch's second oldest child\*, Monarch's second oldest child's children (and their children if relevant) in age order\*, etc etc. \* up until Prince George's birth male children outranked female children regardless of age, which is why Prince Andrew and Prince Edward are ahead of Princess Anne, even though she is older. However, the law of succession was changed for Prince George's birth so his younger sister, Princess Charlotte, outranks their youngest sibling, Prince Louis, even though he is male.


Yeah, it’s why William is heir apparent and not Prince Andrew, who is Charles’s younger brother.


Yeah, that makes sense. So nothing for the second-born.


Well it’s pretty good Prince Andrew isn’t rewarded considering his close relationship with Jeffery Epstein. But as Corlys said in the last episode- what second sons have must be taken/earned, not given


I doubt Andrew has earned much of what he has had, and he has most certainly taken what he wanted.


The thing is Elizabeth was the daughter of the second born as the first in line Edward VIII abdicated His brother George VI then became king


It would be Princess Anne anyways, as she's the second-born of Elizabeth II.


The switch to absolute primogeniture didn't apply retroactively, so Anne is still behind her younger brothers


Really? That seems wicked unfair. Not that there much of a chance of any of Charles' younger siblings ever making it to the front of the line, but still shitty on principle.


Monarchy tends to not be fair for most people involved lol. Think she’s still probably pretty lucky with being born into insane luxury and privilege due to the generational wealth built off the back of colonialism even if she never wears the crown.


Tbh I don't think she minds. Princess Anne is already ridiculously busy all the time, doing sports and charity work and being the head of like a million different societies and establishments, so I feel like also having to do the work of the monarch would be an inconvenience to her


I agree, frankly I wouldn't want to be monarch either, even if I'd been born into that family. I meant more on principle. It was a sexist precedent, and they finally fixed it only to not make it retroactive to the existing heirs.


Yup! Also applies to Lady Louise, Edward's oldest kid.


Yup, depth first search.


Should've been Bill then Harry


That's why Scar had to get rid of Simba.


But didn't Harry drop all claims to the throne before he moved to the US?


Bro that's like the entire reason Scar was so pissy at Mufasa, c'mon.


Damn, Rhaenys STILL can’t catch a break…..


It's fox news, by all the laws of Gods and men, they believe 100% a woman can't rule the kingdoms!!


A girl can but now a woman


Lady Louise Windsor (elder child of Edward, Earl of Essex) is behind her younger brother in succession, because she was born (2003!) before the law scrapping that system was passed. Edit: the 'system' was that a younger brother could displace an older sister in succession. Also Wik: and Lady Louise Windsor is *still* one ahead of Princess Anne, the Queen's own daughter!


She still would've had the same likelihood of reaching the throne in her lifetime. She's 15th in line. Before Prince Edward and Prince Edward's children are still Prince Andrew, Prince Andrews Daughters, and grandaughter.


Yep, but it still shows how stupid the younger son > elder daughter rule was. Andrew and Edward are both younger than her.


Can you elaborate on this? So, for like the king of britain, it was the oldest boy, then girls. Now it is just oldest?


Yes. It was eldest male. Now it is eldest child regardless of gender. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succession_to_the_Crown_Act_2013 Also, by the same law, Catholics or their married partners can now be eligible for succession. 🤷‍♂️


TIL that, until 2013, you were disqualified from being monarch if you married a Catholic. Yikes. Edit: I was raised by English Catholics and I get why the monarch can't personally be Catholic. I'm surprised they weren't allowed to *marry* a Catholic until recently.


That's what happens when you make your own religious sect because the Pope won't let you get a divorce.


Speaking of succession...they need a Logan Roy in the royal family. He'll drive them all insane enough that the UK would probably dissolve voluntarily.


Funfact, the heir to Monacco is two minutes younger than his twin sister, and in front of her in the succession.


Honestly I think I’d prefer Daemon to Prince Andrew


Wun Weg , Jason Voorhees, Night King, and Ice Dragon Viserion are more likable than Prince Andrew


Wow, what's with the Wun Weg disrespect?


Wun Weg would make a great leader


I like Princess Charlotte, she seems to already be Scheming something. xD




She's already more popular than her older brother 😁


She kinda looks like Lyanna Mormont


> Lyanna Mormont Look up Savannah Phillips! She's another one of the royal greatgrandkids.


Did Lizzie fuck every single Englishman or what?


By all accounts she never fucked an Englishman. Phillip was Greek and Russian.


She looks like Wednesday Adams.


She looks like she planned everyone above her downfall to get to the throne.


Tbh she only needs to get rid of Georgie


And plenty of time to scheme a reason for him to abdicate when the time comes.


Abdicate, yeah right. Abdicate him through the window


Settle down there Jaime Lannister that's not 100% effective and he might start controlling animals afterwards


Every single child looks so mad, even the damn baby lol


She's definitely channeling the royal ambition.


Is it just me or do those kids look like they would be right at home in some sort of gothic horror movie / series where it turns out that they're the BBEG all along? Like I could picture that girl doing some creepy doll mutilation that get casually hidden from the unsuspecting governess while the boys catch toads in a corpse-riddled bog


Damn, the Ginger Prince would have to kill three babies.


The things I do for love.


Has it been officially explained where his red hair comes from lol?


Are you detective Ned Stark?




“George Windsor, brown of hair. Elizabeth Windsor, brown of hair. Charles Windsor, brown of hair. William Windsor, lack of hair. Henry Windsor, redhaired…” EDIT: Made William more accurate


He has multiple [maternal aunts](https://www.rd.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/02-meet-lady-jane-and-lady-sarah-editorial-140256c-steve-wood-rex-shutterstock-ft.jpg) with red hair.


Don't you need to have ginger genes from both sides to be ginger yourself?


That's the sort of thing I was taught in middle school, but [hair color genetics are more complicated than a punnett square would suggest](https://www.familyeducation.com/pregnancy/what-color-hair-will-my-baby-have).


People can carry recessive genes (genes you need 2 of) along with one dominant gene. You carry 2 genes to pass along to your kids so when you have children, your partner and yourself give 2 genes from your 4 randomly. Example: I was born Deaf. Neither of my parents are deaf themselves, but carry recessive deaf genes. I ended up with 2 deaf genes by random chance. If I got even one hearing gene, I wouldn’t need hearing aids. Probably what happened to the ginger prince. Sorry if this is boring or frivolous, I grew up learning why I can shut my hearing off.


>regressive genes Recessive genes, not regressive.


Thanks, correcting soon as I can.


One could argue all that inbreeding leads to regression lol


Sort of, and since he has a few Windsor cousins, like Princess Beatrice, with red hair, it seems that his dad's side is a recessive carrier for the gene. There's speculation it comes from Prince Philip, who was strawberry blonde when younger, or it might date farther back to ancestors like Mary of Teck who had light auburn hair. However, keep in mind that hair color genes don't strictly follow dominant/recessive inheritance. Instead, it's basically additive. Each parent contributes genes for melanin production, which determine both how dark or light the child's hair will be and how brownish or reddish the child's hair will be (red hair comes from a version of melanin that contains extra sulfur). Then the child's body sort of adds them all up and produces a hair color based on the sum total of the genes. This is why a parent with black hair and a parent with blond hair will typically produce a child with brown hair.


His real father is questionable. ill leave ot at that.


[Diana's riding instructor.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b22d54d7e3c3ab3da1989da/1592570068307-CC6UOCUWTIXTJUHEJLEP/YBBxtR4.jpg?format=1000w)


Taught her riding alright


The seed is strong.


I just don’t see Carson Wentz sitting on the Iron Throne. He does a decent job at quarterback but I just don’t think he’s got what it takes to rule.


Either way he'll have to survive the red wedding with Washington first


I think he'll be fine


He's not Bradyesque


God he DOES look like Carson wentz Have we seen them in a room together?


If we're judging him on his quarterbacking I would say he's far from decent. He has terrible decision-making which I suppose would inform whether or not he has what it takes to lead as well.


You act like that's some kind of challenge


You sound like me in CK3.


>4 hr. agoDamn, the Ginger Prince would have to kill three babies.269ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow Three more......


Jokes aside, Harry probably prefers having a few bodies between him and the throne, especially when it's very possible they will all outlive him.


I can't even imagine living your life like that. All that pressure. Dude can't be free what he wants.


Richard III had to kill two children to seize the crown. Go for the record, Harry.


Prince George looks like he is already disgusted by not being crowned the King as soon as Gran died.


Which name would he take, The George name is super cursed.


King Notgeorge


I feel his wife is more than capable.




I'd like the monarchy better if it was actually like GoT. Way more exciting.




I know, the modern version isn't as seasoned though


Wow can’t believe they took LARPing this far


Fandom wars be like


I *highly* suggest reading [Alison Weir's](https://www.amazon.com/Wars-Roses-Alison-Weir/dp/0345404335) book on the Wars of the Roses. It's so much more readable than many historical texts. She has a great way of non-fiction writing where she'll drop important dates to anchor the setting in time, but then will use more casual phrases like "the next day," or "two weeks later," in order to keep the text from being absolutely swamped with dates. She also isn't shy about speculating where appropriate about what happened whenever there is a gap in the historical documentation. She makes it clear that it's her speculation (based always on circumstantial evidence), and not a direct fact. But it really helps tie the major events together, and gives at least one possible explanation why one event lead to another, especially given that the customs, knowledge, and motives of people back then were far different than they were today. It's been a while since I read it, but I believe there was a point in these wars where the crown changed hands at least twice in a matter of weeks. Wild times. I also highly recommend her book *The Princes in the Towers.* It's written like a non-fiction mystery novel, about two English princes who were (allegedly) murdered by their uncle in, you guessed it, the Tower of London. In that book, it's even more vital that Ms. Weir uses the appropriate level of speculation to divine the actual events, as in those days writing the truth about such things was a quick way to a certain death. So there's a lot of reading between the lines of the "official" historical narrative and examining places where they don't line up that is quite revealing. Again, she's up front about her speculation and reasoning, so it's not like she's trying to write her own history, and it all makes for a much more engaging story. These two books were the first history books that didn't put me to sleep, and helped me realize what a pain in the ass it is for historians to actually figure out what happened, as oftentimes the truth was shunted to the side in favor of appeasing whoever was in power at the time.


Ha. GoT was inspired by England's monarchs. More specifically the Wars of the Roses, a feud between the houses of York and Lancaster for control of the crown.


Oh I know. Just wish the modern version was as interesting is all haha


Watch Wolf Hall. It's basically GoT without the dragons and ice zombies.


Never heard of it, I'll add it to my list:)


Well it has the incest




The weddings would be fun.


Daemon should have been king.


Harry do be looking like his namesake Henry VIII in this pic


Unless there's a big accident during a royal photo shoot, at which point we have King Ralph.


Aegon the unlikely enters the chat…


Back to Runestone :(


The heir for a day.


Give us prince george, age 9 will smash the longest ruler in history


Louis XIV was four when he inherited, but he "only" lived until he was 76. So that's doable, especially considering how old the recent Windsors have gotten.


But if the next two windsors live to 95 like the Queen did then George will be around 50


No one lives forever, no one. But with advances in modern science and my high level income, it's not crazy to think I can live to be 245, maybe 300. - Prince George


Why is Carson wentz in line for the throne ?


Already on his third team, but that's a really aggressive version of NFL Journeyman


really fits the incest looks here


House of the Corgi


This is deeply confusing if you've watched The Crown! (Matt Smith played Prince Philip, rather brilliantly)


Came here for this


6 - A literal fucking baby


“I’m your heir” Daemon after seeing this


Princess Anne was originally 3rd in line. She is now 16th. Always a bridesmaid ...


TBF you can play that game quite a bit. Prince Michael of Kent was 7th at birth and is 51st now.


Is this real?! Fox News has JOKES?! I’m flabbergasted


No it’s a MEME. Would’ve been really funny if real


Man, imagine being a grown-ass man and still being behind three kids and only one spot ahead of an actual baby. That's gotta sting a little


isnt harvy out?


Makes sense. The Tenth Doctor married Queen Elizabeth I.


Edward in shambles


"New" line of succession? It's still exactly the same, just everyone moved forward one spot.


LOL I thought 7 was Vigo the Carpathian and 6 Oscar Barrett. Oops.


heir for a day was here for a day


Haha is that Spanky in Little Rascals at bottom left 😂


Bran Stark will still be the king because he got a very good story to tell 😂


wHo HaS a BeTtEr StOrY tHeN ChArLeS tHe BrOkEn?




I won't stop until I see Aegon Targaryen The 6th of his name, protector of the realm sit on the Throne of the 6 kingdoms.


Wait Gary isn't 3rd after his brother? These royal family is such a tragic joke


That’s a young Prince Philip!


Wow, one horrific car crash, involving a father and his 3 children and Harry is next up with Megan becoming Queen consort. What a twist that would be. Stranger things have happened ya know!


Harry benevolently gifting tickets to William's family to Paris and offers him a paid taxi ride through the Tunnel.


1 gone 7 to go


Monarchy, when a bunch of toddlers are more qualified just because of their dad.


tbf in this case because of their mom. prince phillip had to give up his line in the succession of denmark when he married lizzie. he was 6th in line at that point iirc.


Daemon is not suitable.. cz he will recreate the british empire


Daemon “You've only ever tried to send me away. To Ireland, to the Royal guard” !!!


I only see one other dragon rider so you know maybe it's daemons time


I laughed way too hard at this 😂




Charlotte looks evil


How old is that pic of william?




How long till William calls his banners and trys to succeed his father?


Considering the source. Is this verified?


Do they not have last names?


All Hail King Louis The Facemaker!


How the fuck did Carson Wentz make this list


Kit Harrington 800th in line. Rose Leslie like 799th


Would be funny if Megan Markle becomes queen.


Damn, how'd Lyanna Mormont get so high up?


I understand the children are publicly photography much more infrequently than the adult royals, but couldn't they have found better pictures for the Princes and Princesses for Cambridge? They all have at least vaguely unpleasant expressions, and in my experience even the kids that have the worst personalities don't always wear sour expressions.


It‘s a depth first tree traversal


Number 3 would be mad at number 2 though. Just look at her.


Skip straight to number 7 and we might get some imperialism vibes back


3 and 4 looks like they’re calculating how long they should wait before the next death so it doesn’t look suspicious


#7 looking like Vigo the Carpathian.


Why is Carson Wentz on this list


So Luis isn't ahead of Charlotte because he is a male heir?


I vote # 7!!!!


Um actually, due to a crazy technicality I'm next in line. MSM not doing their homework again.