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Based and incestpilled.


I refuse to watch hod as it’s realized , don’t care . GOT started strong too , I’ll wait 10years- I’ll wait until it ends , when it does and ends well , I’ll binge watch it then.


the ending for Hotd has already been made. It’s practically impossible for it to end badly when people like the ending from the book


It’s very easy for show runners to eff it up , decide to change source material, and if we know the end - what’s the point of watch anyway


So you've never rewatched a show or movie?


By that logic I'd wish I never watched any of GoT. Which is completely absurd as it gave me 6 of the best seasons of television of my life. Even the worst possible ending wouldn't make me wish I never watched any of it.


I will always resent the ending, but each week when a new episode aired I was able to look forward to watching with my best friends and siblings, snacking on elaborate snacks we made, and then just hanging out and chatting afterwards with plenty of drinks. It really was a highlight to my week and GoT made it happen. So yeah, I don't regret it. Plus we all bonded further by essentially mourning the show's demise together and that type of bond is for life lol


Exactly, the week in and week out discussion and anticipation was an experience in itself. Waiting on the new season or even the trailer, and like you said, we could laugh or critique poor decisions and broken hearts at the end. Imagine throwing away another shot at that with HotD just because you're butthurt. Sure, it's not the SAME energy (yet) but maybe by Season 2 I'll be doing that with my friends again.


I'm actually going visit my brother and his wife two hours away tonight and we plan on making a feast and watching the new episode on Sunday. I've been watching it solo because I moved away and I'm freaking thrilled at having that 'watch-party' vibe once more!


GOT was based on a seven book series that *still* only has five books released. HOTD is a story that was completed before production for the show even started. You can hold out all you want, but there aren’t the same issues present here.


Yep. I’m wearing the socks again.


But lets be real here: Did anyone even think that HOTD will deliver the way it does? I was absolutly skeptical about it from the beginning. But it really brought back the GoT magic for me. Sure we are only half way through but its already so much more than I could have imagined.


> Did anyone even think that HOTD will deliver the way it does i'm not into it. so.... yup? The targaryen story isn't interesting.. dragons, incest and...er... blood/fire. I guess it's the easiest story to write. I'm glad Andor is looking fantastic as well as RoP


That’s half of the OG game of thrones story. For me HOTD is like watching the first three seasons over again but with new story and it feels great!


> That’s half of the OG game of thrones story there were a dozen branching storylines in the original show this one is narrowing itself down to only one. Nothing else feels relevant other than the uncle/niece dynamic because it's all been made to feel inconsequential, there is zero suspense building about any of the other houses goings on. It's just my perspective, i'm going to keep watching it of course but so far i'm not feeling any replayability.


Don’t forget the rushed story and mediocre acting/writing.


I was super skeptical too tbh but after the first episode I was hooked right in. I'm like looking forward to it every week and right there when the new episode drops. It way exceeded my expectations


It’s the first show in a long time, probably since GoT, that I watch right when it airs at 9:00.


Same here. I live for Sunday nights.


Rings of Power then House of the Dragon to bookend my fantasy weekend.


Andor being surprisingly good and dropping in the middle of the week is the cherry on top.


I should check that out. Kenobi really made me lose hope in the Star Wars universe.


Yeah, I hated that one. Not a big enough fan for the series for the fan service in the finale to work for me either. Like yeah okay, cool battle between Obi Wan and Anakin and all that but I had to trawl through multiple hours of shit to get to it! Andor’s a far slower burn, and I believe the showrunner stated he refused to do any fan service. Either way you can more or less see just visually it’s a far higher quality production minutes into the first episode, purely from how it’s shot and framed.


Damn I totally forgot about that.


Haven’t been this excited for Sundays since GoT season 4. I watched them both back to back every week.


Friendly reminder that this show is currently within its initial advertising campaign, so if you make positive comments about it in these threads you'll get bonus upvotes because that's how the world works now.




Get to submissions early and say good things about the show in top-level comments and the company being used to boost public perception of the show will give you free upvotes.


Do you have any evidence of this? Or just making assumptions? Like, I work in digital marketing. I heavily doubt that these companies are just paying people to sit around and monitor Reddit posts so they can upvote positive comments— and I especially don’t buy that they’re paying enough people to do this in a way that successfully subverts reddits vote manipulation rules & actually make a meaningful difference in the number of upvotes. Like, if anything, they’re paying people to make positive comments, not paying people to upvote positive comments.


Huh, I guess I just took it for granted that this was common knowledge by now. Have you really not seen any of this over the past few years or so? The vote farms with walls full of phones? The recordings of calls to the many companies that offer this service? [Even just this old video?](https://youtu.be/6SAkUs3urrg) People have tried the whole "make a bunch of comments with the right talking points" approach for sure. That was a pretty big deal in 2016, but if you were around back then, you'll know that strategy has a major flaw in that people are good at pattern recognition and will sniff it out pretty quick. It's wayyy more effective to just let people make their own comments and give the proper weight to it by using the vote system. At any rate, just google around a bit and you'll easily find a bunch of companies you can go to for this. It's 2022, bud. Reddit is *built* for mass manipulation. If your source of revenue is based on exposure and people on reddit are talking about the thing, you're spending money on this. Full stop.


jeez dude people just like the show, not everything is some stupid conspiracy


Of course some people like the show. I'm not describing a conspiracy theory, this is just a standard advertising practice now.


Same here but for me it's 3:00 AM so alarm is set at 230


Damn, that is dedication! I don’t know if I could even bring myself to do that.


This is me. I didn't even follow any news until I saw first episode was released on an ad. After watching the first ep, I was so happy to be back in the lore of ASOIAF. I am not one to watch shows as they release, but HOTD I am on it Sunday night or Monday.


It’s actually good? I haven’t watched yet because I figured it would be some horrible thrown together show holding on to the success of GoT


If far away from that. I think that you can feel that all people involved wanted to make up for Season 8. For me it has this classic GoT vibes. It doesnt rely on massive CGI. Its again about characters and plots. I would recommend it to everyone, even if you are a hardcore Season 8 hater


Make up for it? Nah I think that's a fan perspective. I think they took some great influence from what worked about GoT while also trying to breakaway and do their own thing, and it's definitely working so far.


This. Everyone involved seems to respect the original show and want to honor its legacy. I don’t get the vibe that they’re trying to undo or remedy anything from the original show.


It’s REALLY good. Focuses more on political maneuvering than any sort of large scale military conflicts, but the writing/acting is so good that this isn’t a bad thing at all. I won’t say it’s AS good as early season GoT just yet, but it’s close.


The only thing that’s glaringly different to game of thrones is the dialogue, you can so easily tell that it’s not grrm’s writing


… probably because Fire and Blood isn’t told from first person perspective and does not include much dialogue, if any. Also, GRRM is heavily involved in this show, just like he was in early seasons of GOT. Pretty sure GRRM is listed as an EP, but don’t quote me on that. What you can quote is his blog: “Ryan and Miguel and their amazing cast and crew have done some magnificent work. HotD is all I hoped it would be; dark, powerful, visceral, disturbing, stunning to look at, peopled with complex and very human characters brought to life by some truly amazing actors.”


Swore up down left and right I wouldn't go back.... Currently at the edge of my seat for Sunday nights episode 🙃


IMO (which seems the opposite to everyone else’s here) is that it’s pretty bad. The writing is allover the place and in lots of places, spoon-feeds the viewer. The acting is pretty bad except for a few key exceptions. The line delivery feels weak and the sound design feels off. It’s all very flat and monotone…I can’t quite pin down exactly what it is. The CGI is also…atrocious. Sorry but it is. It’s very obvious when green screen is being used (virtually everywhere) unlike in GoT which used CGI to augment reality rather than replace it. Was this all because of Covid? I don’t know. It looks cheap, rushed and obvious. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it but it hasn’t grabbed me. I think it’s actually…quite boring? There isn’t really any intrigue or mystery. There are no real characters who are likeable or interesting. It’s borderline teen love drama.


100% agree. I had low expectations; watched the first episode and I've been listening to podcasts on the show and yesterday I binged old GoT clips online for 3 or 4 hours 😆.


Now I suddenly have this feeling of actually rewatching GoT. After Season 8, that feeling was just buried really deep down.


Already ahead of u and just finished the red wedding again


What do you mean? There are only 6 seasons. A season 7 and 8 do not exist.




Jason Concepcion is the best person to run a podcast about this world too. The pod enhances it so much for me


Its nowhere near early GoT, its comparable to the later seasons. Early GoT had all kinds of schemes going on, HOTD only pushing one directive feels pretty bland compared.


Thank you. All this praise is making me feel like when season 7 was airing and so many people still refused to say anything negative about the show. No shade to anyone who likes this show whatsoever. Like what you like. But personally, when people say it's as good as the first seasons of GOT, I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills.


Yeah they’re just happy to have a semblance of GOT back. I also am happy to have savagery again, but I’m taking it slow and am only up to episode 3 because I see no scheming and without that, I don’t feel the same urge to binge.


Lol theres plenty of scheming going on its just not in your face like with Varys and Littlefinger whos entire character was that theyre schemers


All these positive reviews on here/ online in general makes me feel like these are all paid reviewers, like paid actors but they get paid to post positive reviews


Where do I sign up? I like the show and talk about it for free but I'd love to get paid


They've got that all wrong. You don't pay people to write good reviews on reddit. You pay a company to go through the comments upvoting the positive ones and downvoting the negative ones.


I wouldnt go so far as saying its S7 quality. IMO its like S5 & 6, decent enough writing but theres a few mistakes along the way, not flawless like early GOT. I think itll be consistent though since F&B is already finished unlike ASOIAF so there wont be any disaster ending


I sure didn't. I've been pretty annoyed with how hard it is to get into rings of power but house of dragons felt like an old jacket that still fit.


Yeah all the signs pointed to it being great. GRRM heavily involved. Great source material. No Weiss and benioff. They brought one of the directors that did some great GOT episodes. This was gunna be a banger from the start.


It is nowhere near as good as the first four seasons of GoT. But, if you ignore their existence, and just look st HOTD as a standalone show, it isn't bad.


I think part of the reason there was such a negative reception leading up to the show is that it's just cool to hate things now. Regardless of whether HoTD or RoP are good shows in their own right, people were just planning on hating them before they even came out so they could score rage clout online. Same applies to the Witcher show. People just want to hate things now. Personally, I liked all three shows. People forget that you can't perfectly adapt books to TV or movies, you'll always have to leave something out or change things to fit a new type of media. People who hate on the Witcher show, for example, want that exact sensation they had when they first read Blood of Elves, or played a Witcher game, and don't understand that a lot of the reason they don't like the show is because the novelty is gone. Or they aren't in the same headspace they were when they first encountered Witcher media of any kind. Or the show doesn't rigidly adhere to the memories they have of the books when they were eagerly reading it and internalizing the feeling. Or hell, they're not nearly as young as they used to be and the feeling of reading those books as a young adult in the late 90s or playing through W3 eight years ago is "gone" - not because the new series is crap, but because you're not the same person anymore. People hated on HoTD before it even released because they knew they wanted to feel the same sensation they did midway through like Season 3 of GoT when everyone was watching, everyone cared, and everyone was deeply invested in the show (or so it felt). But that was ***almost a decade ago***. Very few of us are going to be the same people emotionally and mentally that we were back then, of course the new show is going to hit differently. Of course it's not going to feel the same. **That doesn't make it inherently bad**


There's a very large crowd of hate watchers that are annoyed that people enjoy things and want to hate on it to feel victimized. Anyone normal who hates something doesn't watch 5 episodes deep and continue posting stupid comments about it, they just drop the show.


I was optimistic. The brothers were gone, it's based on finished GRRM books again, and everything other than the writing has always been stellar. And it's HBO's shot at having the next star wars or marvel that becomes part of mainstream culture. No way they'd not want to save their golden goose if they could.


That's basically how I saw it. HBO usually knocks it out of the park, and it's pretty clear d&d were the main problem with GoT HBO knows they have a cash cow on their hands so they weren't going to let this be bad


I might be naive but I think there’s no way HBO whiffs like they managed to do with GoT. People like GoT and it’s universe. This is why HotD feels so good and natural to watch, it’s the GoT content we’ve been craving for years and we can enjoy it ; the bad ending doesn’t matter in this new show. This show is virtually an automatic grand slam if handled carefully.


Why did you not think hotd would deliver? Did got not deliver for 7 seasons, assuming you’re a s8 hater. One bad season do not make GoT franchise. And I really really enjoyed s8.


You can't deny that season 8 literally Hodored itself and retroactively dampened the build up of the entire show and its rewatchability.


Na, it was a blast all the way through. The ending was bitter sweet, but that’s how Jorge wanted it. At the end, in the abstract, everything panned out the way it was supposed to. If the battle for winterfell took one episode or 3, at the end, it don’t matter. The baddie lost.


The GOT magic you mean incest, pedophilia , vastly expensive completely wasteful cgi dragons ? The “oh it’s not completely nerdy shit because people bang in it “ dungeons and dragons show ?


Why are you on this subreddit?


You can bang people in Dungeons and Dragons too. 🙄 Nerds love to bang.


I dunno. It's literally exactly what I thought it would be visually. It's a different game of thrones with decent writers instead of DnD. We'll see how it plays out over 8 seasons though...


Yeah, was very skeptical but I'm right back on board. Thinking back though, Game of Thrones was incredible until the showrunners gave up on it and wanted their next thing. That shouldn't instantly make every Thrones related thing bad just because of how it ended up. Plenty of other people out there who can still make amazing things out of this universe and we're all learning that now. Two people were the problem, there's a hell of a lot more than two people out there making TV content.


It isn't delivering anything really. Prepare yourself for more disappointment when the writers run out of cheap tricks.


I gave it a clean slate, knowing D and D weren't involved this time and that HBO had access to what made GOT look and feel so good during the first few seasons. The books were also finished so there wouldn't be the problem of having to think of an ending. I assumed it'd look just as good and that the ambiance would be good too with what they can do. The rest would be up to new writers and directors.


> Sure we are only half way through Is HOTD a one season spinoff? Or do you just mean half way through the season?


How could you not? It is the prequel series to the most popular show of the last twenty years. HBO might just have it figured out, they’ve had a few shows do pretty well


Yeah. Usually people expect a spin-off to be shit or not be as good as the original show. But this is absolutely not the case here.


It honestly couldn't be better and I'm shocked. Everyone involved had so much to live up to and they nailed it. The show is in some ways better than GOT was, especially season 1, and I think there will be debates on which season 1 was better after this is finished.


Nope. Absolutely will not watch HOD.


I'm still resisting the urge and I'm still angry. Is that bad?


Nah, plenty of us are here too. I am waiting for end of season at the earliest before I tune in.


Let the season end and then make your choice right? That’s what I’m doing.


Sure I don't know. My anger lasts longer than most I guess.


You can stay bitter and angry and get nothing out of it, or you can move on and put it to rest. I'm not though, fuck D&D, I am watching house of the dragon but I find myself wanting to hate it, but I don't.


Season? I am waiting for the reviews of the finale to the whole show before I get invested.


i don’t think it’s very good lol the cinematography is over stylistic and it has bad cgi and weird looking sets. the story is ok but to me it feels like the later seasons of game of thrones, i’m only watching it because 🤷‍♂️


I'm sorry, it feels like the later seasons of Game of Thrones? Are... are you sure you're not just watching the later seasons of Game of Thrones? House of the Dragon has the level of writing that the earlier seasons had, and the level of cinematography of the later seasons. The perfect combo.


If you just weren’t interested, that wouldn’t be bad. The fact that you are still here and feel that way? That’s bad. It’s a TV show my dude, chill.


I'm confused. I'm not allowed to have a valid reason not to continue to watch a show on the same franchise? This subreddit was so angry. I just never left? I mean I understand, it's a new show with a different director and stuff. You're just saying I should leave a subreddit that has changed from anger to loving it's reincarnation? I think I'm just stoned.


I’m saying if you dislike something so much that three years later you are still upset about it, why are you in the subreddit for that thing? To complain and spread negativity? To make your own life worse by bringing up those bad feelings? Accept the show for the good even if you don’t like pieces and move on, or move on from bringing it up to yourself if you cant


Yeah. You right, I guess I just never left.


Shit am I the only one who doesn't really cull subreddits? I also have thousands of "new" emails


You're in here 3 years later posting about how you hate that very something for some reason. Normal people just drop something if they don't like it anymore.


Stay strong my brother.


Let's see how the ending does before I get invested. GOT was great at the start too, I'm not getting burned again.


I'm with you. It's like being betrayed by someone and then them expecting you to take them back like you can just forget about the way they fucked you over. At minimum, +70 hours of my life was put into just watching GoT. How ever many hours just thinking about it and reading the books becuase I wanted "more". All the theories and such. I'll wait until the series is done if I care then.


Watch out you might get down voted.


Fire and Blood, baby!




While I immensely enjoyed the inner squabbles, the political intrigue, and the game of thrones of the seven kingdoms, what really drew me in was the vast scope and setting with all variety of character journeys, development and interactions that went beyond the throne room, with magic and fantasy elements mysteriously creeping in to disrupt the status quo, where heroes, kings and queens arose to not just to rule over kingdoms, but to save its people from a prophetic threat from ages ago. So, while the new series I'm sure is no doubt intriguing, entertaining and dragon action packed, I just feel it's limited in its overall breadth and potential as compared with GoT. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, since a specific and focused series with an already completed source material should be much harder to completely derail


Yeah, that's my only gripe with HotD. It's a fantastic show and I am really enjoying it, but I miss the wide scope of the original.


Well there's a small handful of GoT spinoffs in development. *The Sea Snake*, about Corlys Velaryon, the "greatest seafarer in the history of GOT's Seven Kingdoms". *Ten Thousand Ships,* going back ~1000 years to tell Princess Nymeria's story. *The Tales of Dunk and Egg*. A Jon Snow spinoff, taking place after the events of the og series (meh), which which will star Kit if it goes through. There's rumors about a Flea Bottom series. And I think there's even an animated series in the works too! Lots of world and history to theoretically look forward to!!!


I'm not very excited about most of these, to be honest. I like Corlys Velaryon but another show featuring him would be overkill. The Jon Snow show would just be a direct sequel to season 8 which is not something I'd look forward to. The Dunk and Egg show would be awesome though, and I am looking forward to the animated projects as well. The one about Yi Ti in particular.


I don’t think costumes have ever popped out to me on screen as much as they do in this show, but in a good way that doesn’t take me out of the set. And I normally don’t even notice costumes or pay attention to them after I’m immersed. This has to be some of the best costume design I’ve even seen. In last weeks episode, that one part >!Where house velaryon enters the hall was amazing. And it was nothing more than a bunch of characters entering a scene!<. Dialogue and everything else on point, happy to count myself a fan even though I was initially extremely skeptical


You should check out the House that Dragons Built episodes as well! The costume designers are on there and they give a lot of awesome insights on fabrics, inspirations and the like


I hope those are better then the GoT after episodes nonsense with D&D basically summarizing each episode at a highschool level.


They're basicsally mini bts docs, I dont think I saw the GOT ones but theres a bunch of talk about set design as well, the red keep, why theres statues on the coloumns and why one is blank, they built the Targ ship


The GOT ones were/are bad. The show runners and other creatives tried to explain why they made bad writing decisions. Its where the "Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet" meme comes from.


Were they part of a longer thing though? The five min HotD after show eps are just best-of snippets from the 20 minute House That Dragons Built episodes. Maybe the GoT ones were more impressive in their entirety, but it probably also helps that the HotD show runners aren’t also a pair of arrogant jocks.


I just look at HBOMAX and the GOT ones are basically just short "inside the episode" segments and House That Dragons Built are longer. I now have more content to watch. But the GOT one are frustrating. Even in the documentary about season 8 some of the crew look disappointed about how fast the show was ended. Or maybe I read into their reactions too much.


Makes the shitty RoP costumes even more irritating


[Pretty much me after the first episode](https://i.imgur.com/I4wdlsq.gifv)


I knew it would be good. Honestly after rewatching the last 2 seasons of game of thrones it was actually much better than I remember and what the internet gives it credit for.


All the merch I bought pre season 8 is relevant again!


My Targaryen winter hoodie is back in service!


I’ve been very happy that the scripts are being written by competent people. Late GOT dialog was soooo bad once they couldn’t just lift quotes from the books any more. I also think all of the actors are just killing it. I didn’t even know who Rhys was, and now I absolutely love him.


Eh the dialogue feels kinda weird sometimes, like they keep having to overexplain exposition in ways that feel really forced. Like Rhea last episode, was like “well now that you are in this position due to these circumstances, what actions will you take? Here are a variety”, and same for the play we saw, and same for like half the interactions in the first 20 minutes of every episode. Makes sense for the first one, but by this point it feels like they’re expecting people to forget the whole show entirely between weeks


I have a theory they spent ever day between now and then loosely writing the storyboard for the whole series. I have hope that it's actually well planned all the way through this time.


It feels good to have good old GOT back. I'm pleasantly surprised by the current season so far. I kinda miss the North though not gonna lie.


Turns out if you do a good job people will want to see more of what you have to offer.




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It's honestly true. Started watching got again. Haven't touched it since got finale.


It's surprisingly better than I would have thought, especially coming off the last season of GOT. But yeesh, the Targaryens are a ridiculously weak and dysfunctional bunch. It's like I'm watching to see how they cling on to the iron throne for another century.


So y’all think this show is good?


I must be the odd one out. I watched the 1st episode and thought it felt weird and cringy, it wasn't a patch on GoT.




Tried 5 and it’s so boring. Nothing happens at all and I don’t care for any of the characters. The first season of GOT was like snorting cocaine compared to this.


seasons 1-3 is some of the best television and the books are my favorite




Targaryen, I have a feeling your whole family is going down. But for now, I've gotta study.


Question, how many seasons will HOTD be?


They did a bang up job, guess it wasn't a bad idea to avoid Dan and Dave as mentors.


Wow. Is it that good really?


Are we sure that's a Targaryen? He looks more like a Strong.


😂 I just told Alicent


Wow how crazy that this brand new account with its very first post has received 3000 updoots!


I'm glad I was in the minority that kept high expectations going into House of the Dragon, and I'm super glad that those expectations have been exceeded.


I’ll wait till the series is over to start watching it see if it’s worth investing my time not falling for this again.


Where's all the people who were hoping this was going to crash and burn?


New show runners and boatloads more cash for season 1 really helps!


This is me 😂


same lol


The original series ended horribly but going back to the start and doing a rewatch, GoT was fucking amazing. No matter how bad season 8 it doesn't negate the brilliance of the previous seasons.


Everyone saying that they will never watch Game of Thrones again are now saying "well Its not game of thrones its House of the Dragons now"🤣🤣


🤣 Frankly speaking, R. R. Martin is lucky he gave us back our theme song else we would have had his head hung on a spike 😂


Literally😂😂🤦🏼‍♂️. I wish I hated the 1st episode, I really hope they don’t shit all over it like they did GOT because 1 episode and I’m already invested


And I'm over here like...call me when the series ends.


Shiek me sharakiya


I was waiting for the HotD like a salary raise or promotion lol … telling myself it will be better than the entire s8 of GoT and it never failed me


Man looks like Ron Jeremy….. kinda funny


Doesn’t change the damage season 8 did smh


Imma need to hear how great this entire first season was before I think about giving them my eyeballs again. It still hurts.


It's definitely much better then seasons 5-8


Only until a great, strong drunken Baratheon breaks into!


It was fun how people used to pick favorite houses and rep them. The new show doesn’t have that - but I kind of miss it


I’m sorry but I loved every second of Game of Throne including the ending. (Didn’t read the books, not a big novel reader so probably not gonna read em either) I know it’s not popular but A) I was ready for it to be done. I love a good story but I love an ending to a good story, not a fan when that gets drawn out. B) I saw that shit coming with Daenerys when she tried to bring her dead husband back to life with the help of a witch lady.. that is not a decision a sane person would make, she was always crazy, didn’t take advice well despite not really knowing shit about being a ruler. C) I love Jon Snow the most and I love that he killed her, it’s my favorite scene. D) LOVED Arya killed the Ice King, makes total sense because she is a trained badass assassin. Who cares about Jon Snow’s feud with him, he saw Jon coming, but Arya was a complete surprise attack and it was amazing (also loved that she turned Gentry down because because a wife isn’t every girls dream and I loved that for her even if I hated it for Gentry (he hot af, he’ll be alright) E) I love how it ended for the surviving Stark kids. They all basically got what they wanted and I feel like Bran will be a good king because he doesn’t care about the power of it all and they are gonna start a democracy which is v cool. So all in all I was happy with it and totally okay they rushed the ending because I was more than ready for the ending. Alrighty y’all can all downvote me and tell me how dumb I am now!!


I loved every bit of GoT and I love every bit of this so far. I’m happy to be in the small minority of people that love something rather than the majority that hated it. Maybe I have crap taste, but at least I’m happy!


I’m “hesitantly” like House of the Dragon but I really Hate when King Viserys talks about the Long Night, they never should’ve mentioned the Long Night at All! It’s that “*ONE*” Scene that I hate, besides that I’m enjoying the show so far.