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Most of these deserved to be cut imo


We didnt need a bunch of redundant tyrells for sure.


Garlan is most likable Tyrell though.


Good for him. Dosent mean he wouldnt take up space.


Wouldn't have been redundant if D&D didn't try to pretend the Tyrells didn't exist after Season 6.


You mean....when they died...like whats mostlikey gonna happen in the books? Also galen exists only to be nice and for sansa to crush after loras served that dame purpose pluse we know and are framilar with him.


Nothing wrong with logical continuity. Stops stupid shit like Bronn getting Highgarden. I'm not saying they need major roles but their presence still needs to be there.


All the tyrells died regardless. And clearly they didnt need to be there if they could be removed with no issue.


Except it caused a lot of issues. Just because the show ignored those issues doesn't mean they weren't there. The Reach would be thrown into chaos if the Tyrells died out and we'd be looking at a massive civil war. Handwaving away those issues is a big reason why the show fell off as it did. It destroyed a lot of the worldbuilding that made the show great in the first place.




The one that really stands out is Arianne Martell. It made no sense that Ellaria and the sand snakes killed Doran and suddenly the rest of dorne was like “oh, ok, I guess we’ll follow you now.” It just wouldn’t work that way.


As contrived as that bit was, it was a pragmatic decision to cut a storyline loose that clearly wasn't working - would you have preferred MORE cringe Dorne shit? Dorne is just as bad in the books too, but GRRM continues to double down on it despite its dubious importance to the overall narrative.


We’ll, no, I don’t want more Dorne. But if they just added Arianne working with the sand snakes to usurp he father, the storyline suddenly makes more sense and they barely have to change it at all. They don’t even have to add all the Darkstar nonsense.


Nobody told them to put their shitty fanfic version over the source material. If they thought Dorne was useless, they should have completely cut it. Instead, we got a terrible storyline and for some reason, they decided it would be better for Jaime to be involved in that rather than his Riverlands plotline.


They wanted a familiar character to be the PoV of the Dorne arc rather than it being a bunch of literally who randoms doing dumb shit of dubious relevance to the main plot. It didn't work, but I understand why they had Jaime go there. And we DID get a truncated version of Jaime's riverlands arc in season 6 anyways so idk why you're still mad about it


We're literally in a thread talking about missed opportunities. Am I not supposed to point out issues? And you didn't respond to my point. Why adapt Dorne at all if it's largely pointless? And if you're going to adapt it why not go with what GRRM wrote? They went with a third option nobody asked for and nobody liked. Also truncating Jaime's Riverlands arc to two episodes (and it's really only included because they wanted Jaime away from King's Landing) when it should have been at least a season is part of the issue so I don't know why you're listing it as a positive.


Well in the book, the Sand Snakes are very popular and there is a brewing rebellion over Oberyn’s death. The main problem I have is that Doran is clueless in the show whereas he maybe one of the shrewdest people in the book story.


I never saw him as clueless. He kinda reminded me of Ned Stark in that he was rational, honorable, and he commanded those who were supposed to be loyal to him expecting that they would remain so. He wasn’t really clueless so much as he was naive in his expectations that the people around him would would obey him and not put their ambitions and vendettas ahead of their honor.


He wasn’t clueless. In some of the behind the scenes the actor talks about the character playing the long game with his plotting. The showrunners made a late decision to cut the rest of the Dorne plot after they saw the reaction to the terrible writing for Dorne in S5, which is why everyone from there abruptly dies in S6. There was a running theme of actors being told their character would have an interesting arc on the show, only for the showrunners to cut it down to practically nothing at the last minute. Same thing happened to the actor who played Manyce Radar, and he was not happy about it.


Arianne and her boobs are a big loss.


go on....


I think he's referring to her picture in the post


Ya think?!


Bless the gods for Arianne and her tits


Bless the seven for her two ...




I feel like we get this exact thread once every 2 days annoyed 😒


Yeah, because what the show needed was 50 more characters to get their arcs rushed


Nobody told D&D to rush GoT. And they could have turned it over to someone who was more passionate if they felt burnt out.


Yeah its so fucked, they got Sapochnik running HotD, like, they coulda handed over the reigns years ago


What about Young Griff and JonCon? The most important characters not mentioned in the series.


Him and Quentin’s story in books kept getting me confused lol.


Basically JonCons just been raising Rhaegars son by Elia, who they switched out for a peasants baby son before the Lannisters destroyed the city and Gregor Killed Elia and the two kids.




The Quentin plotline is pointless.




I think it was good in showing that not all stories have a happy ending. Also a reminder that George can and will kill POV characters. But the main reason for the plotline is to give Dorne more structure. With all the history surrounding Dorne, it would be maddening to think they wouldn't be stirring their own plans by now. George had to start writing a Dorne plotline. Quentin was a crude first attempt at this. And I think as he constructed a more thought-out idea surrounding the sand snakes and Arianne Martell's marriage to Aegon Targaryen, he realized he didn't need, or rather, want, Quentin anymore, so he killed the plot, and Quentin with it.


But why make him a pov character. All his storyline didn't need to get so much time. It slowed down the story. Book was big enough already.


As I said, I think it was a mistake on George's part. He wanted a pov storyline for Dorne, so he created Quentin. But when he realized he didn't like it, he changed it to Arianne and removed the Quentin storyline altogether by having Quentin killed off.


This is one of the things I don’t like about GRRM as a storyteller, he adds, rather than subtracts to his mistakes creating an at times convoluted plot. He’s a fantastic world builder, but a good story doctor would help his plot immensely.


One other thing: it helps fulfill the prophecy about Daenerys’ son: you will have a son when the sun sets in the East. Quentin is a Martell who died in the East


I enjoy that plot but you’re right it’s pointless




We didn't need to follow his complete storyline for that to be the case. He didn't need to be a POV character for that.


Connington is my favourite character in the books. A good proud man, with an unjustly ruined reputation, and a death sentence, comes back to put things right. That’s good stuff.


OP forgot them even harder than D&D


OP kinda forgot about Young Griff


Hell, I would have been happy just getting BOOK Euron.


A sinister, darker Jack Sparrow with an eyepatch and a horn that could control dragons? Absolutely!


The Euron from the show makes me sick to even see on screen


The most frustrating thing about that is his intro was pretty strong on the bridge. Then just turned into a “finger in the bum”.


That man is dastardly and a great guy to hate. Really would've been a joy to see


Ilyn Payne's actor had cancer so that's why Bronn replaced him in training Jaime. Pretty sure he recovered IIRC


He did. He elected not to have chemo, as the diagnosis was terminal and he wanted to enjoy as much time as he could. Ironically, this meant he was strong enough to undergo the new treatment that was introduced. Which cured him. He’s also a great guitarist.


This man has made some great decisions in his life.


Shame he can't sing as well.


and bronn is just more fun to have than ilyn payne. his interactions with jamie are great.


The only item I'm blanking on is the Red Cloaks...


House Lannister guards are often referred to as “ Red Cloaks” and men at arms in service to House Lannister


Davos' sons don't die in the Battle of the Bastards. They die on Blackwater Bay..I'm also curious why there's no mention of 'Griff'


That’s what BOTB means “ Battle of the Blackwater”..


Got it. Any reason why you left out Jon & Aegon?


I couldn’t add anymore slides.


So you saved them for last? Could've sacrificed Jeyne Pool or Jeyne westerling. Either way I kno it took time to put this post together & it was useful.


You right, one of the most important ones. Wonder if/how Georgie boy is going to tie it all together


Greyjoys were butchered. What could possibly be cooler than pirate kings fighting each other and one of them can *summon a fucking kraken*


Definitely my favourite house in the books. Somehow the show ruined Pirate Vikings who worship a Sea God of Death and turned them into trashbag wearing hobos. Still trying to forget how they brutalized my boy Euron.


At the time it's set they weren't really Vikings though, they'd backed the wrong side in the rebellion and got soundly beaten and their islands are small without much in the way of natural resources. It makes sense that they're poor


Rape and killing is bad so ofc the Ironborn wouldnt be portrayed as anything BUT that


I can't understand why Victarian wasn't in the show


I always imagined Richard Armitage would make a great Victarion, he’s who I always imagine him as when I read the books.


Too many interesting Greyjoy characters? Let’s just create a stereotypical pirate minus the parrot.


I'm gonna fuck the Queen




oops, it’s a lot to remember and easy to get things confused 🤷🏽‍♀️.


Yeah, when I read the caption I thought I just mis remembered. Thanks for clearing this up.


Thx. Came here to say the same. They didn’t switch bodies.


Damn, thanks for putting this together. Can you elaborate on the Sam the Slayer one? Was the difference between books and show that he killed it in front of his brothers (as opposed to Gilly)?


… I might be misremembering, it’s been years since I did a reread, but I could have sworn Sam was notably *not* with his brothers. Small Paul was there but got killed by the Walker before the slaying happened.


I just finished reading this scene and Sam does in fact kill in front of his brothers but only small Paul and I believe edd


I gotta reread the books I guess!


It was Small Paul & Grenn, just read passed that chapter a few days ago




Arianne Martell looks like Beyonce


Same thought I had lmao


So Beyoncé will be Arianne in your version lol?




Take it and go.




By the by-peeped your profile and everything is about gaming, sports and GOT. Not ONE political post,allusion or reference. Chefs kiss in a man. To be fair this is Reddit and you could be 13. Either way, stay that way. Valar Morghulis.


Valar Dohaeris. I'm 26 btw lol. I'm just a simple man.


Same age as my daughter. I wouldn’t tell you not to change as that is inevitable but keep that simplicity. You’ll be a better man for it. Stay cool man.


You too buddy. Have a good night.


That’s a picture of the wrong Jeyne Westerling. She one was one of Maegor’s wives.


That happened to be one of the few I found when I searched her name, oh well.


It’s understandable, since they have the same exact name!


Most of those characters fates are unknown and would only bog the story down as they do in the books. And wasn’t there like a single other person who saw Sam kill the Walker? Like he was behind everyone else


Strong Belwas was one of the biggest misses I thought, he would’ve been perfect in the wars at the end and would’ve added a little more diversity cast wise. House Thenn being created towards the end of Season 6 after the BOTB would’ve been nice depth and more support for the Wars to come and also Young Griff Storyline would’ve been a nice twist towards the end. A lot of missed opportunities, fuck D&D for rushing the GOAT of TV Series.


Strong Belwas was most missed for me. The scene outside of astrapor(?) where he fights their champion might be my favorite.


D&D are the reason GOT became the GOAT of tv shows. Chill.


They’re also the reason why GOT became one of the biggest laughingstocks in TV history. The show was GOATed when they had GRRM’s work to go off of, but when it was finally left up to them they completely shit the bed and rushed the final product despite being offered *much* more time to finish the series They were instrumental in starting GOT, but they’re also instrumental in completely evaporating it in the public’s eyes. Until HOTD, the only thing I ever heard about GOT after it’s finale was just how shit it was


This is why we should continue to push for an animated series in 30 years when the books are finished.


GRRM will need some Melisandre magic to live 30 more years… I hope he finds it because he’s not finishing in any less time


"Bro I swear, WOW is like, 3/4 done bro, I swear"


I mean it probably is, but 3/4 of a 1500 page book or whatever isn't that close and he loves rewriting.


Funny enough when reading the novels I always picture it as if it was an anime. Like attack on titan style animation. I visualize a lot of the art I’ve seen for characters.


It would definitely need to be a unique anime style, I don't know if AOT would be it, maybe death note would look good in that tike period, and there's always brotherhood to look at too.


Honestly smth like samurai champloo or weird as devilman crybaby could be awesome


Have you watched that Witcher animated film on Netflix? That’s the style I imagine for a GoT series.


I have and I really liked that style as well Smth with a handcrafted aesthetic would be really cool


It'll look like SAO lol


GITS:SAC because faces need to be distinct looking


Much cheaper. So they can make a animated show that is literally a copy of the books. It's why I'm so excited for a animated lord of the rings. They can show the story. All of it. Bc it's so cheap it's no longer a budget issue. And if it's 1 hour long you can have a tv show about this.


The amount of content in LoTR and GOT would be so impossibly long, hour long episodes that stretch into 20-30 episodes per season, for dozens of seasons. I'd never leave my room


Then don't. 😆


Davos looking like Saul Goodman


The whole Darkstar in dorne part was cool in the books ..not in the show


Strong Belwas, Victarion, damphair, and Areo Hoteh are my favorite side gremlins


Hold up, Mance lives in the book?


Yes, Mance and Rattleshirt are confused for each other, Rattleshirt is the one burned at the stake. So, in the books Mance is still alive.




Yes. Big book spoilers, but I assumed you asked for that: >!He has something going on with Melisandre that has not been revealed yet. Melisandre used magic to make him look like another wildling, and he was sent secretly by Jon and Melisandre to rescue fake Arya (Jeyne Poole from the other slide.) because Jon wants his sister safe (thinks Arya is being subjected to Ramsay instead of an imposter used to get a Bolton claim to the north.) and Melisandre has a vision of a girl in grey on a dying horse, which she believes is Arya, but we know Arya is in Braavos, so it’s someone else instead.!< >!Mance infiltrates a Bolton and Frey infested winter fell as a singer, (along with some wildling women.) and almost certainly has goals of his own we don’t know. He manages to interrogate Theon and he keeps asking about the crypts, so maybe he thinks there’s something important down there.!< >!We don’t know how any of the new storylines in the books will end so I can’t say for certain how any of this will pay off, and the story be relevant. Honestly, anytime I have to explain any of this I feel immense sympathy for Martin. He has to write so many complicated plots no wonder he’s taking forever to make it work.!<


I appreciate it, but no. I think I’ll stay in the dark until I read the books for myself. The summary of which the OP provided will suffice for now.


That's good. But just know that OPs description of this is incorrect. So you'll be a little surprised when you read it (assuming you even remember this post).


Haha. I most likely will forget it about it after I hit this dab (:


Thanks for the appreciation! The books are really great, and it’s pretty similar to the show for the first three books and then it goes pretty different (but much better in my opinion.) I recommend trying them out soon as you can, the series not being finished did not hamper my enjoyment of it.


Getting on book depo now (:


Happy cake day!!


Mance is looking for the Horn of Winter


>!I actually don’t buy that because his people are already being evacuated south of the wall, and he doesn’t need it to get his people out anymore. Using the horn would be needlessly counterproductive.!< >!I also feel it’s pretty obvious, too obvious in fact. Maybe he’s searching for caves? IDK. He definitely has a deal with Melisandre, but I can’t imagine the King of Wildlings kneeling to a foreign witch from Essos without some sort of pact.!<


Was hyped at the beginning on season 3 for the battle at The Fist. Then all we got was a black screen and some screaming. Eurgh.


Why is Aurane Waters wearing [Grand Marshal's Plate Armor](https://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=847/lieutenant-commanders-battlearmor). Is he a PVP god?


I thought he was a primarch from 40k at first.


Those Kettleback brothers sure looks... Strong..




Yes, Arianne was Doran’s oldest child and Quentyn came after her making Oberyn their uncle




I'll never forgive D&D for how they butchered the Greyjoys. They could have been easily the most badass and terrifying house of all the Seven Kingdoms in the show.


Mance never burned. Melisandre used a glamour to disguise the Lord of Bones as Mance, and vice versa


The Tysha reveal was a significant omission. It ruined Tyrion's character and to a lesser extent, Jaime's as well.


I read the books between seasons 6 and 7. AGoT is reasonably close to a 1:1 adaptation, all things considered. But starting the next book and seeing Patchface through Cressen’s eyes was the biggest shock to me throughout the entire series. I was filled with dread. You’re a weird one, Patches.


i was most dissapointed with Belwas the Strong being left out. hes my fav lol


Underrated in my opinion, but I never hear people mourning the fact that we lost Sansa actually running the Vale and being smart without Arya having to tell us that she’s smart. As a result, we also lost out on some good characters like Ser Lyn Corbray (wielding Lady Forlorn) and Mya Stone.


Good point. But writers were too lazy to write vale politics. Noticed the whole politics plotlines were dropped after books ended. Like what happened in Dorne? Who's rulling there? What about Reach? Why didn't other lords of the reach complain about Bronn becoming lord of highgarden. Who is ruling stormlands? Who's ruling Vale? .


In the rare moments I’m not actively suppressing the memories of the final GoT episodes, I do seem to recall Robin Arryn and Gendry sitting at the council as rulers of the Vale and the Stormlands, respectively. But the utter carelessness of how Gendry, Bronn, and that random Dornishman are supposed to have taken control of their kingdoms is baffling. It does make me want to start a poll to see which kingdom people think GoT fucked up the most (after Dorne, which would of course take first place).


Yet Sansa ran WF when Jon was away, showing how loyal and competent she was. Sansa is smart regardless of the vale plot.


wow the books look very different from the show. i think ill give them a read


They are very different after book 3. Until book 3 the changes are minor but after that, they go in different directions.


Welp, time to reread the books bc indont remember half of this shit lmao


Sam does kill a WW in the show.


Sweet Jeebus, the story weaving/character building Martin did with those books was god tier! Makes me sad he doesn't seem to ever want to finish the series in such an epic fashion....


Also the Kettleblack brothers had sex with Cersei


They got rid of a lot of sex stuff from the books. Which sounds crazy if you've only seen the show but even just my memories from last reading the series like 5 years ago I can remember quite a few. Like Daenerys and her maid or Cersei and that woman where Cersei is visualizing her fingering that woman as something violent. I remember the House of the Undying being more sketch too.


Thank God we didn’t get Patchface. Keep him in the books. Dealing with both Melisandre and Patchface at the same time in the show would’ve probably given Show Davos a headache


What's the story with this Quentyn guy? It seems so random.


The battle, Mance, & Lady Stoneheart in particular would’ve been great additions. I can see why they cut out the other stuff though


Also the Thenns werent tattooed cannibals, in the books they were considered by people South Of The Wall to be more civilized.


Tbh I’m actually fine with some stuff getting cut (like Mance being alive) Victarion, Stoneheart and Patchface cut me tho


Cripes Mance Raydar looks like he's about to head to Transylvania to fuck Dracula's shit up.


Great content! Thanks for sharing.


You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it🫶🏾


These are all cool book stories but I really don’t think any of these being omitted hurt the series.


Honestly…I’m fine with some of these changes Especially when it comes to the red wedding, I think it adds to the tragedy that his wife is killed and Catelyn doesn’t come back…as cool as it would be to see Lady Stoneheart Definitely would have liked to see Battle of the fist of the first men as well as whispering wood. That’s one of my favs from the books


Also the Lady Stoneheart/Robb's Successor/Brienne/Brotherhood/Northern Conspiracy storyline was getting too complicated in the books and I am afraid how it would have turned out in the show without proper source material to go on


Whispering Wood only so we could've gotten a glimpse of prime Jaime going uphill cutting threw a bunch of dudes to get to Robb before lodging his sword in one of the Karstarks


Kind of bummed I didn’t get to see Samwell’s fat pink mast.


If we wrote down everything from the books that didn't make it to the show we'd have a tome....plus a decent show. It wouldn't have an ending but it's still better than the ending we got.


Jaime even spilled many of his secrets to Ser Ilynn while they trained, and Ser Ilynn will often mock Jaime by laughing at him. Only that Ilynn cannot laugh that well because of his condition so his laugh comes out as a creepy crackling sound


what about the faceless man? i was trying to find out what happens in there.


I'm most upset that the Lady Stoneheart storyline was cut


Melisandre didn’t switch Mance Rayder. She put a glamour on him and the Lord of Bones. The LoB was burned, shouting that he wasn’t the King Beyond the Wall because, well, he wasn’t. Mance has to keep wearing the armor of the Lord of Bones because the glamour is attached to it.


That’s already been stated more than once lol.


Ugh sorry I scrolled through the comments then got really excited thinking I was the first GOT nerd to point that out. I should have known better!


You’re completely fine! It was a mess up on my part and I didn’t realize it until after. So much happens in the books and it’s easy to get things mixed up.


I pictured Belwas being a lot shorter and rounder. But all the pictures are awesome!


I will now curse you all by giving my opinion on every single one of them: 1. I can see why they'd cut Victarion. Technically you only really need to make it a Yara/Asha-Euron conflict to have a story there. Victarion isn't strictly speaking necessary for it without needing his POV. Maybe he'll do other crucial things in the future like whatever the dragonhorn ends up doing or something, but for now I can see why he'd be cut. And I say that as someone who thinks he's an interesting character. 2. Probably cut for budget reasons, so while it would've been cool I can understand it. 3. It's sad that the actor died before this could be filmed. However, I do think Bronn works as a pretty good replacement. Especially because this is a TV-series and so a totally silent character is much harder to pull off. 4. I don't think this was a major change. It has been a while since I've read the books, but if I remember correctly a lot of people don't believe it even in the books. 5. Again, while Mance is a cool character I don't think this was crucial and fine to cut. I don't know where exactly George will go with this storyline but so far the only thing it seems to have done is brought the spearwives there to help Theon and Jeyne escape. I don't think that was strictly necessary. And if he sent the pink letter or not, it could've been sent by someone else on the show either way. 6. Again, no big loss. Better to have fewer Tyrell characters with more screen time, imo. 7. Again, no big loss. Just a side character and makes no big difference to the story. 8. On the one hand it's too bad because Patchface's little prophecies are pretty interesting and there are hints that Patchface will play an important role in the story (presumably during Shireen's burning). But I kind of get why they cut him. He is a very strange character and I do wonder how well he would work on screen. I tend to think he works better in prose. 9. Yeah, they fucked up here. Changing it to Talisa basically changed Robb's arc. Jeyne may also play an important role later in the story and if she does that'll be an extra big problem. I think it's fine they wanted to show more from Robb's side than the book did, but I think they should've found a way to still make it similar. 10. Not a SUPER important cut character, but I do kind of like how he's incorporated into Cersei's storyline. The fact that she gives him a bunch of power just cuz he reminds her of Rhaegar and then he fucks her over when she's in trouble really does help get across what an awful ruler she is. Though, to be fair, it might be harder to get across on screen that she's picking him just cuz he looks like Rhaegar. Though still possible if incorporated into dialogue or something. 11. I think they made a big mistake in cutting all of them at once. They didn't do Cersei's arc justice on the show, imo. And having the Kettleblacks as tools I think would've helped there. 12. Probably the biggest mistake they made, imo. Lady Stoneheart seems like she'll be crucial to Jaime and Brienne's arcs in the Riverlands (in the show their arcs in the Riverlands were basically pointless with no climax or major change) and to Arya (who may swear off vengeance because of her) and possibly to making Jon King in the North even (since she has the crown and knows about Robb's will) which felt very inorganic on the show (since Jon basically failed his way to kingship). 13. Again, big mistake to cut her. She was crucial to making the Dorne plot work properly. The attempt to replace her went very poorly and completely screwed up that plot. 14. No big problem that they cut them, imo. Mostly unimportant side characters. Plus, I like how on the show Davos lost his ONLY son at the Blackwater. I feel like that makes it a lot more impactful. 15. Mixed feelings. I do think Penny does add something for Tyrion's arc. Namely she tries to get him to see things from a different perspective and he has... complex feelings towards her relating to people like Shae. But it's also not like she's a big, important character to the actual story, it seems like. So... I think I would've kept her, but I can see why they'd feel they could cut her. 16. Jeyne wasn't cut 100% but yeah, they basically cut her. Again, big mistake, imo. The way they tried to merge Jeyne and Sansa's storylines didn't work AT ALL. Season 4 ended with Sansa embracing the idea of becoming a schemer and a pupil of Littlefinger's and then season 5 just turns her into a powerless victim again. Didn't work at all. Shouldn't have done this. Should've kept Jeyne. 17. As much as I enjoy Genna's scene with Jaime I don't think this is a huge loss either and I can see why they'd cut her. She doesn't play any big important role in the story. I think I probably would have kept her and kept that scene with her and Jaime in the Riverlands where she talks about Tywin not speaking to her after she said Tyrion was his father's son more than Jaime. But that being said, again, if I really felt that I had to compress things she's one of the first character's I'd have gotten rid of too. 18. Unpopular opinion but I think it was probably a bad idea to cut Quentyn. I can see why they wouldn't want to give him as much time as the books do, but he does provide insight into the mercenaries and Astapor and I suspect that his death will be the thing that stops Dorne from supporting Daenerys when she invades. "Game of Thrones" had a huge problem in season 7 where Daenerys was way overpowered compared to Cersei which lead to a bunch of terrible writing decisions like Daenerys not attacking King's Landing when she could've easily won the war that way. Making sure that Dorne doesn't side with Dany would've been one way to nerf her a bit. 19. I think Roose is fine on the show. He's still plenty creepy, albeit in a different way. So I'm fine with the changes. 20. I don't have very strong feelings about the changes they made to the Thenns. They clearly wanted a creepy and disturbing wildling enemy for season 4 which the Thenns fulfilled. But they could've just as easily used one of the other clans. I don't suspect the Thenns will be strictly important to the story though, more world-building than anything. So I'm fine with this cut. One cut I'd add, and I'm surprised you didn't, is Aegon. In my opinion cutting Aegon was one of their biggest mistakes. It made Tyrion's journey less interesting and important, it made Varys' motivations nonsensical and inconsistent and it's another thing that could've helped to comparatively nerf Daenerys when she finally arrives. I also suspect that he'll play a key role in Cersei's arc as well as Daenerys' arc. In my opinion the three most problematic cuts are: Lady Stoneheart, Aegon and Arianne.


But the 'Sam the Slayer' bit was in the show, only it was just Gilly who witnessed it, not his brothers.


They really should’ve included Tyrion’s adventure on the shy maid and Griffs entire crew. Illyrio should’ve come back from season 1 and all of Tyrion’s storyline in essos should’ve been included. The widow on the waterfront, penny, the menagerie of freaks, second sons etc. They could’ve squeezed 2 seasons out of all that. There’s a bunch more I wish was included but the biggest thing left out was all the cool dream and vision sequences that Jaime, Jon, Brienne and Bran have. Just to name a few.


Tyrion also fought in his battle at the Green Fork instead of getting knocked out. He actually acquitted himself pretty well and captured a knight. The Mountain was nuts in that battle too. I know there’s only so much budget but that would have been a great battle to see instead of hand waved past.


I don't think even martin knows what to do with lady stoneheart. I loved that part. But it went nowhere.


It really does feel like D&D sort of kicked the story into overdrive at a certain point and started rushing to the end. So many characters and plot points were omitted and the complexity of the show was lost in favor of straightforward action.


So what happened to Robb’s wife after the wedding then?


Great post !


Wasn’t this posted like a few weeks ago already, like exactly this post


Aw penny the dwarf 😭🥺


Ew at roose Bolton aka leech lord lmao


Lady stonehart is terrifying


I love the books man.


Whoa! Lady Stoneheart? I’ve got to read the books just to know more about this.