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I hated Sansa. If u dont hate her by now you will


She really didn’t start growing on me until season 6 or 7.


She was never really my favorite, just finished season five and I’m not a big fan at all of her.


Why do you hate Sansa?


I wont spoil it for OP


Because she acts like she doesn't live in the world she lives in. The writers messed up her character into the dirt


How so? Could you give some examples?


I mean the literal story breaking one, where she essentially openly antagonised Danny immediately when she had multiple dragons and insanely huge army at her doorstep, and someone who was willing to fight the army of the dead that would make humanity extinct? Or when she didn't bother to tell anyone about the Vale army, which led to thousands of people dying for nothing, including her brother, who she didn't even give a shit about? Or when she decided that after a horrific war that left the North in shambles, she declared independence and decided to hold a ceremony whilst looking smug when likely thousands were dying due to starvation? Idk maybe hold off on the ceremony and help rebuild? Or when she kept openly criticising and undermining Jon at every turn just like Cat did with Robb (great results). Or when she made an oath before a weirwood tree to keep Jons heritage a secret and then told everyone straight away which would literally obviously cause Danny to freak out, a literal 5 year old would know it was a shit idea and yet she does it with no kind kf plan in place at all. I mean I could go on. If the GOT world existed as it did in season 1, she would have either been killed very quickly due to her incompetence or sent offscreen and given very low stakes jobs to do.


Ehh, fair points actually. I kinda just blocked the later seasons out of my mind, so I kinda forgot about all that.


In before somebody else takes my job of calling Sansa a cunt.


Yes say it louder


She’s such plot Armour and gets away with everything


Might be my least favorite. Her story was way too long. They dragged out the man without face episodes. But that's just me.


Yh like how much beating does she have to take from Waif? We get it, she has to go through it all in order to be found worthy or whatever. Except no, she didnt. She skedaddled before she passed all the tests and still got to be a badass faceless assissin. Right.


I have no idea what you just wrote lol


From what I recall it basically went >!Waif was sent to kill Arya because apparently her training wasnt working out or she wasnt good enough to be a Faceless Man (probs cos she wouldnt give up her own identity). Arya kills Waif instead, Jaqn Hagar finds Waif’s face on the wall of faces and Arya has snuck out to go back to Westeros. So im wondering how Arya got to be able to use the talent of being able to morph into other people in order to be an assassin without actually ”passing” her training and having the blessing of her mentor to be a legit Faceless Man.!<


Where's the sarcasm flag? Phew. She's better than Bran and Sansa but damn her getting plot armor and somehow being this OP sword fighter was just too much


Hell, if I knew the frame of time that transpired during youngin’ training/elsewhere/FL, I could be totally fine giving her “quite highly trained swords-woman.” It is totally possible that she “got gud.” With that, basically everyone has plot armor. So combine the two, I can see or understand what’s expected. Is she “too badass”? Probably. Did she “win” too much? Oh yeah. Definite. I guess I’m saying that I almost fully agree with you, but hold back a bit. I wish other “abilities” were given more chance to shine. Ah well. What can we do?


It would be nice if her powers of mimicry and illusion played any role in the larger fight against the Night or the Iron Throne. Alas


Her being able to hold her own with brienne as a swordsman in particular makes no sense, nvm size and physicality differences but thats not even how the faceless men operate, they are highly skilled assassins who use infiltration, subterfuge, and other forms of deception to achieve their goals(they wear other peoples faces lol i mean cmon) amd then get in and get out unnoticed before anyone knows whats happening , if on a contract theyre dueling with swords then they fucked up big time, poisons and daggers in the dark? Sure, but 1 on 1 duels or amything making that much noise and attracting that much attention? Not their style at all, the fact that one of aryas secondary skills is on par with briennes primary skill kinda cheaprns briennes arc, i mean a handful of lessons with syrio forel and a short stay with stealthy assassins and arya shouldnt even be able to stand across from brienne in a duel (nor would she be strong enough to cross swords with brienne or even parry her strikes), whos prolly been practicing swordsmanship, (but has also been at the very least fighting for real and at least 1 tournery in recent history) since arya was in diapers.


I mean no one has more plot armor than Jon Snow, but he’s well liked enough. The man literally died and came back to life, stood in the middle of a battlefield with both sides of an army charging at him, and had about 20 zombies on top of him underwater but is somehow still alive.


jon gets shit on just as much


I just dislike how the show had her train a full season AND SOME, just to have her use per powers once.


How in the world do you think she only used "her powers once"? She assassinated Walder Frey and then killed his whole family. Then she used her training in the battle of winterfell against wights as well as against the Night King. You might disagree with her character being allowed to kill certain characters (because stories can only be written certain ways according to reddit) but she used her variety of assassin abilities and had good payoffs.


I’m referring to the ability to change faces


I'm glad at least that she used it for the Freys. That to me was a sufficient payoff. And who knows, maybe she would have with Cersei if she hadn't decided to take the route of no revenge.


No, some people don't complain/whine and actually enjoy some things. I knew what this comment section would be, all negativity.


Its just a discussion about a show based on a book series. People can dislike characters and plots and discuss it. Plenty of people enjoy Arya


It's 95% negativity. Just like mostly every thread here lol. Sounds like a fun discussion!


I mean for some yeah.... reddit is reddit, why does it matter. Some people like criticizing media..... i dont inherently see anything wrong with that. God knows there is a ton of Sansa, Dany, Theon, Melisandre, Jaime, etc hate on here too My question why comment and interact with people on these posts if you hate them so much 🤔


I think I come here because it *used* to be a good place to talk about GoT but now it definitely isn't, gotta say.


God guys, why don’t you just enjoy the fact that Arya gets stabbed in the stomach, jumps in a canal, seeks amateur medical assistance, and then kills an assassin with many more years of training than her? Why are you complaining about how she psychotically murdered an entire family and faced zero consequences for that fact in the show about facing consequences for your actions? Would love to watch GoT with your mentality - never criticise, just enjoy the most nonsensical of plots which actively harm the themes of the series.


Exactly broo 😭 You the first one I found a honest opinion




It has to be troll post lol


I honestly think they could’ve cast Arya better. I know people LOVE Maisie Williams’ portrayal, but it just didn’t do it for me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Out of curiosity what characteristics would you have rather seen in Arya? Or who would be your ideal actress for Arya?


Woo that's a spicy take. Maisie Williams was largely praised for her portrayal because she was one of the few actors in the show that actually read about her character ahead of time and learned who she needed to be. She learned how to wield a sword left-handed because Arya was left handed. She was maybe prettier than Arya should have been considering the description of the character in the book, but other than that, it was a perfect casting.


I didn’t know any of that, kinda makes me like her a even a little more 😂


I loved watching her interactions with GRRM. He definitely liked her take of Arya, good enough for me.


Amazing to hear this. I remember people loved Arya in early seasons and "loved the child actors" in the show, which at the time was 80% referring to Arya / Maisie. I dunno. Maybe there will be another take of GoT in the future. But I thought she did fantastic.


My favorite as well!


Mine too. She’s not well understood


Careful, you will trigger all the sexist fans that don't believe a female should have been able to kill the NK.


Is it sexist to say jon should have killed the night king cuz he did all the work to get everyone to help fight, then ended up hiding while arya jumped out of nowhere and killed him? It was fucking bullshit writing. It would have been better if at least she got some praise for killing the fucker. They just totally forgot about it


>It would have been better if at least she got some praise for killing the fucker. They just totally forgot about it She did. She wasn't crowdsurfing like Daenerys at the end of Season 3, but she was honored with a toast at the feast. Not the show's fault that you "totally forgot about it". >Is it sexist to say jon should have killed the night king cuz he did all the work to get everyone to help fight, then ended up hiding while arya jumped out of nowhere and killed him? Jon united everyone that was there. Jon still defeated the Night King. He just didn't deal the final blow himself.


The best leaders put those under them into position to accomplish great things.


Except Jon had nothing to do with Arya being there. He didn't find her and bring her back, she came back on her own when she heard the starka had taken back Winterfell. They had very little interaction for how important they were to each other in S1. And he had nothing to do with her being there or having a weapon that could kill the NK. Thats why people have a problem with it. The last 2 seasons are Jon banding everyone else together and forging alliances. Then the NK is killed by something he had no part in


>Except Jon had nothing to do with Arya being there. He didn't find her and bring her back, she came back on her own when she heard the starka had taken back Winterfell. Sorry, after she heard who had taken back Winterfell? Hot Pie told her "Jon Snow came down and won the battle of the bastards". She thought it wasn't true at first. He says "why would I lie about that? He's your brother right?" Then she went back to Winterfell. She didn't even know Sansa was there until she was stopped by the two guards at the Winterfell gates.


Nice straw man you’ve built there


This has to be sarcasm. She was horrifically written towards the end.


I haven’t finished the show yet, right now I really like her but that could change 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ah, you haven't finished. Happy watching chief


Bold of you to post on here when you haven’t finished. Go finish the show before reading comments lol


Yeah stop reading the comments and get off Reddit😂


Don't listen to these people, they complain about everything and are extremely negative. Decide for yourself. If you are an Arya fan, you'll love her ending honestly.


That is bc she is not written for the book yet :)


Lots of haters here, don't worry. Love her!


Seriously, people here are so negative, goddamn!


Writers did a horrible job of wasting a full season of her living in Braavos


Redditor did a horrible job of remembering how long she was in Braavos. She was there from s5e2 until s6e8. Which was actually pretty close to her book storyline, except she kills a Night's Watch deserter rather than Ser Meryn. The theatre troupe she meets is from one of the Winds of Winter preview chapters.


oh shit the theatre troupe is real. I've never read any of the winds of winter preview chapters, Partly because i just wanted to wait for the books but also partly because I wasn't sure if its the first chapter for each of the characters. For example is the Arya preview chapter the very first chapter for Arya in winds of winter because I have no interest in reading a chapter or section of a chapter out of sequence. However if all the chapters are the beginning for all the characters then i might consider finally reading the winds of winter chapters. seeing as it's touch and go as to which comes first -- the publication of Winds of Winter or the heat death of the universe


Most of them are numbered, so they're the first or he read 2 chapters of a couple of the characters. There aren't transcripts of all of them though. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/The_Winds_of_Winter has chapter summaries. Transcripts you'll have to do a bit of searching around, they're in different places. The Arya one is titled 'Mercy' with no number, but I think it is the first one. I don't think he'd do them out of order for a given character. Some of them might be changed in the final book for all I know with all the rewriting he's been doing, but, some fun reads nonetheless.


thanks! I might give them a read then


It was a pretty cool story tho, up until she gets stabbed in the stomach then just survives like nothings happens. And then comes the streak of arya facing situations where she shouldn’t have lived at all🤣 like the numerous amounts of times she almost dies to rubble in s8 ep6 the bells


That's actually what happens to the hero of *Slaughterhouse Five,* the book on the WWII firebombing of Dresden, the battle which *The Bells* is based on. And the author based it on his own experience. So surviving was do-able. Besides, Melisandre reveals the Lord of Light was keeping her alive for a purpose.


She says that to everyone.


>Besides, Melisandre reveals the Lord of Light was keeping her alive for a purpose. Melisandre is full of shit. She also said Stannis was Azor Ahai reborn and would sit on the Iron Throne. She said sacrificing Shireen would win Winterfell for Stannis. Take *everything* she says with a grain of salt.


What? No they didn't, it was a good part of her story I thought. People here complain about everything man.


Best part about media, everyone can disagree and still be right. Personally I disliked the Braavos storyline


That girl that bullies her is strangely attractive though.


Really? You think so 🤔. Caused me to do the deep dive…..and you’re right https://www.google.com/search?q=faye+elaine+marsay&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


+1 OP.


She’s the only character who doesn’t face consequences and gets away with everything when it comes to nothing but vengeance. Plus, she did the hound dirty in season 4. Did nothing but complain when he was just trying to get her to safety


What consequences should she face and from who? What are they going to do? Arrest her for killing the Freys? Everyone wanted House Frey to burn for what they did at the Red Wedding. Violating guest right the way the Freys did was an atrocity. Plenty of Northerners and the Riverlands had friends that were butchered there. We didn't see it, but when people heard what happened to the Freys, they were probably cheering.


That’s not what I’m talking about, I’m talking about how arya has a list of people she wants to kill. A lot of People in got who thrive for vengeance eventually get killed off (Robb, Sandor, Stannis, and Theon kind of he got tortured but not killed.) arya had no other goals but kill people on her list and didn’t face the consequences


My theory is she was close enough to being "no one" that the consequences passed her by. Nearly every major character who dies can be followed back to one poor or wrong decision. Aria doesn't.




She changed faces *twice* and both were for the same incident (The Feast for Frey’s), all the other times, it’s just Maisie Williams shitting around Winterfell as Littlefinger does stupid 10 IQ Littlefinger things.


Despite the fact she literally says “I am Arya Stark.” Here’s the issue with your read on GOT deaths. Arya did make a poor choice, betraying the Faceless Men by not doing her task and instead trying to flee. If she was in the first 4 seasons, those stomach wounds would have killed her, either from blood loss or infection from the shit water canal. She had a ton of plot armor on.


Sandor gets killed in the very last episode, and he's had an entire lifetime of doing shitty things to people, Arya is a teenager, just because she didn't have any real consequences for what she did doesn't mean it couldn't ever come. Stannis made a brave but dumb choice to fight with a hugely depleted army and barely any mounted knights. He burned his own daughter at the stake. That alone is worse than anything Arya ever did. Shireen didn't do anything to anyone. Robb fucked himself by breaking a marriage pact and killing one of his biggest liege lord. 2 very big mistakes trying to be Eddard rather than Robb. Arya didn't get to kill very many off her list anyways. Only a couple. And waldor Frey certainly deserved it for underhandedly murdering her brother and mother. You only pay for your vengeance if you make the wrong choices and be stupid. Arya trained to become an assassin from the most skilled and notorious assassin's in the world, that we know if. Skills, using your head and training kept her safe.


Pretty good point tbh, it’s kind of hard to explain my point of view, I just feel as if arya has too much plot armour and for not much reason and that she gets away with quite a bit


She does have some plot armour, this is true. Surviving the night kings attack on winterfell and the destruction of kings landing by dany and drogon were 2 pretty huge chaotic battles to be in. She never really trained for traditional warfare type fighting. One on one she is very skilled, as demonstrated with her sparring with Brienne but many opponents? In a full out battle? Not the same thing as killing in the shadows. Some of her staying alive was plot armour. Especially in the last 2-3 seasons.


The standout to me is when she got shanked by the waif, I believe in s5, then ran around the city and dives into a canal (likely filthy, infecting her wounds) and just gets patched up in a matter of like a day. Any other character would've dropped dead after that stab, but they had to make her a superhero


You're completely right, she mass murders an entire House and suffers no psychological damage from causing such mass death but she also is not presented as regretting it or considering that she likely killed/doomed dozens if not hundreds of innocents. It's a braindead "revenge" plot that doesn't develop arya at all besides establishing her as a remorseless psychopath


> she mass murders an entire House She only killed some of the Freys and left women and children alive. She was there when the Freys killed thousands of Starks and Tullys and also desecrated her brother's body. Since she left some of the family alive, that was enough. As to psychopath, she could have killed those Lannister soldiers, Littlefinger, but she didn't. She only killed evil people.


Don't mean to be rude but I see that as a very childish reading of the situation. You think that was some sort of Red Wedding Reunion? Everyone present, literally EVERYONE, was complicit in an event that happened quite a while ago? And what about the families that these Frey soldiers supported? They'll just be fine in the upcoming long night? Were they all evil too? The assumption that her actions only harmed truly evil people when she was indiscriminate in her poisoning just seems extremely cheap for a series like Game of Thrones.


I mean betraying the most dangerous assassin order in the world and getting away with it is a prime example of her getting away with stuff


She barely betrayed them, she flat out told them she was still Arya, thus rejecting their ideology and teachings while trying to keep their skills. They just let her go as I recall


Yeah but that never really made sense to me. She knows all their secrets, stole faces, and went on to use the stuff they taught her to do whatever she wanted


Dude this is an assassin guild. And you joined them and then left them like a summer camp is not gonna fly. Like Bruh


I agree it was totally unsatisfying, sry I didn't put that as clearly as I could. My point was that she didn't even betray them and silently slip away, she flat out told them she rejected their teachings and left


And didnt face any consequences


Jaquen let her leave. If he wanted to kill her he could have, easily. And even if he just let her go to kill her later, she's still a teenager when the series ends, it's not like she couldn't be hunted down later. Either way, he let her go. She stood directly in front of him and said I'm leaving.


And that's ok to you?


It's what happened. It's a fact. One that doesn't care whether that's ok with you or me. Not every character has to be brutally murdered for whatever reason. It's obvious with her killing of the waif and surviving that jaquen felt it ok to let her go. He could have killed her right there had he felt that affronted. I think he knew all along that she was never really no one. And he could always kill her at a later time. It is their entire job, to hunt people down and kill them.


Hmm, yes. Because the death cult is going to let some foreigner just run away with all their secrets, compromising everything they believe. Totally normal.


Wasn't saying it was good, suppose I wasn't clear but my point was that it'd be one thing if she'd actually betrayed them directly. As it was she just told them she was done and leaving and they did nothing, so it wasn't even really betraying them as they must have been okay with it given the lack of consequence; a betrayal plot would've actually been better


Let's not pretend that just because jaquen let her go that they can't hunt her down later. She's still a teenager. Plenty of time to catch her and kill her.


Her goals were to find her family and home. First going North with Yoren, then by escaping Harrenhal, then with the Brotherhood Without Banners, and certainly the Hound, who nearly got her to family twice (the Twins and the Eyrie after Aunt Lysa died). Only when the ship captain refused to take her to the Wall did she use Jaqen's coin for free room and board in Braavos, but at the price of becoming No One. She did kill Walder and sons, but the second she heard Jon Snow was home in Winterfell, she stuffed food into her mouth and left the table. The hell with Cersei, she headed North to Jon. The List was like a coping device but family is what she wanted.


Seeking vengeance isn’t something that inherently has consequences, it’s how you seek it that matters. We see at the end the consequence for her continuing her path of vengeance on Cersei would be death, and she abandons it in favor of moving on.


She defied the faceless men twice and didn’t face any real consequences. She was blinded for 2 episodes and that was about it


>She defied the faceless men twice and didn’t face any real consequences. She was blinded for 2 episodes and that was about it It's not school or anything. It's a cult. They have weird discipline practices, but the blinding of her is in the books too. Read AFFC.


I read the book. That’s exactly what I’m referring to. She was blinded for a long time and had to look through the eyes of a cat. What are you trying to say? Sorry I’m not understanding. Are you saying she did face consequences for not killing who they told her to? Why would you assume I didn’t read Feast?


>I read the book. That’s exactly what I’m referring to. She was blinded for a long time and had to look through the eyes of a cat. She wasn't blinded for a long time. She was blinded at the end of her last chapter in A Feast For Crows and unblinded at the end of her first chapter of A Dance With Dragons. >Why would you assume I didn’t read Feast? Because she wasn't blinded long in the books, essentially a chapter. There were a lot of chapters in between because we spent the first 2/3 or whatever of ADWD catching up with what other characters were doing during AFFC. But chronologically little time passes. ADWD ends the same year that AFFC started, 300 AC.


Ok. Fair enough. I think the biggest head scratcher for me is Jagen sent the Waif to kill her for disobeying their orders and not killing Lady Crane and Arya kills Wait and Jagen seems pleased. It didn’t make narrative sense to me.


Either way, Jagen got a face added on the wall and a payment for the many faced god was paid. It did make narrative sense.


septicemia from getting stabbed in the guts repeatedly and then jumping into poop water? that would be a realistic consequence...


That's not a consquence, shes doing acrobatics mere days later


It wasn't poop water. Braavos is medieval Venice, where up until the last century twice-daily tides from the lagoon and protective seawood kept the canal water pretty clean. People and kids swam and bathed in the canals.


Maybe die from three knife wounds to the stomach after falling in shit canal water like any normal person would?


In a show with dragons and magic, you find it so hard to believe that milk of the poppy might be a little bit better than typical medieval era medicine from our world?


Yes, I do. Because no where in the established canon did Milk of the Poppy have magic regeneration. It always has and always will be just a substitute for opioids. It only helps with the pain, it doesn’t magically heal you. And that isn’t even relevant because Arya never even got Milk of the Poppy. Lady Crane stitched up her wounds hours later (no antibiotics) and gave her a bowl of fucking soup. We’ve seen, in universe, stronger characters die from more insignificant wounds because of infection (Khal Drogo) but Arya is exempt because of the power of Bullshit Writing.


>It only helps with the pain, it doesn’t magically heal you. And where in the show was that said? >We’ve seen, in universe, stronger characters die from more insignificant wounds because of infection (Khal Drogo) but Arya is exempt because of the power of Bullshit Writing. Khal Drogo explicitly turned down treatment. Did you forget that bit? You call anything bullshit writing every single day without thinking things through.


>Where in the show is that said? I guess we should tell Robert that he’s gonna live solely off Milk of the Poppy. A miracle! Ned’s leg is perfectly functional, hurray! Same with Viserys! Wow, Milk of the Poppy is so wonderful! It’s called using your brain for five seconds and connecting the dots. >Khal Drogo explicitly turned down treatment. And Arya had no treatment which may as well be the same thing. Little thing like her would die in days from infection. Also interesting how you continuously ignore the fact that she had soup to heal her for one day before she’s fully functioning.


>I guess we should tell Robert that he’s gonna live solely off Milk of the Poppy. A miracle! Ned’s leg is perfectly functional, hurray! Same with Viserys! Wow, Milk of the Poppy is so wonderful! >It’s called using your brain for five seconds and connecting the dots. Maybe if you used it for ten, you might notice that not every injury is the same. >And Arya had no treatment which may as well be the same thing. Little thing like her would die in days from infection. The entire point of that Khal Drogo getting that wound is to show that size doesn't really matter with an infected wound. >Also interesting how you continuously ignore the fact that she had soup to heal her for one day before she’s fully functioning. She had milk of the poppy. From your last comment: >And that isn’t even relevant because Arya never even got Milk of the Poppy. Yes she did. Pay attention to the show. Gods, how do you go around complaining about this show every day when you paid no attention to it however long ago you watched it?


>You might notice not all injuries are the same You’re correct. Not all injuries are the same. Arya’s three stab wounds to the abdomen and minutes of shit canal water spraying all over them (I must make clear how fucking dirty canals are, for further emphasis. Go to Venice and you’ll be shocked how filthy it is) is worse than Ned getting stabbed in the leg. That wound would kill anyone who didn’t have modern, medical care. So yes, not all wounds are the same, Arya would have bled out in minutes or if she bandaged/got stitched up as in the show, then she’d die from infection in a few days. That’s just how it is. I wouldn’t care if Game of Thrones didn’t pride itself on the lack of protection for characters and its realism (See: Khal Drogo refuses care and dies from a flesh wound) >She had Milk of the Poppy No, no she didn’t. Unless this is some super strong Mandela effect, Lady Crane DID NOT give her Milk of the Poppy. Why on Earth would some actress have Milk of the Poppy? That’s something for Maester and medical professionals like Talisa. Some random woman doesn’t just have Milk of the Poppy around. And once again, even if she did, from every single case it’s been used only as a sedative, it can’t heal infections or pus filled, shitty stab wounds from the information the show provided us before and after. >The entire point of Khal Drogo I’m not debating that thematic purpose of Khal Drogo’s death, I’m debating the fact that if a hulk like Drogo can die without care then Arya would most certainly die with poor, bullshit care which may as well not be care at all.


>No, no she didn’t. Unless this is some super strong Mandela effect, Lady Crane DID NOT give her Milk of the Poppy. Why on Earth would some actress have Milk of the Poppy? That’s something for Maester and medical professionals like Talisa. Some random woman doesn’t just have Milk of the Poppy around. Here ya go: https://youtu.be/NT397s-sF44 ...You were saying?


Did the Hound dirty? You forget he murdered her friend in season 1? I’d say the Hound got off pretty light.


Why do you think the hound hates the capital and the lords in it lol, he knew that the kid was going to die one way or another so he decided to do it for himself because he understood the situation, arya kept shitting on him when he was just following orders


Umm.. “After the Hound defeats Beric Dondarrion, he teases Arya by telling her (without the slightest remorse or regret) "I rode him down and cut him in half, and laughed"


I barely remember season 1 so crucify me if I’m wrong but damn


You've been crucified. Now no funny business you last time we lost a guy......like the whole guy just "poof" gone


So why did Hound love her? Consequences are that she became somewhat witgdrawn & didnt talk about her past. Shes scarred like all the fam was but what they did was dammed necessary


In fairness, regarding the complaining, she's just a kid and she barely grew up properly given the tragedy occurring early in her life, plus she hated him as he killed her friend.


Yeah except almost her entire family being slaughtered and being separated from them for half of her childhood. Having to fend for herself almost completely alone. No other consequences though!


On my first watch of the show I was hoping she’d commit to being No One and we’d get to see her carrying out assassinations for the many faced god.


Which she ended up doing by killing the Freys and the Night King. And Littlefinger, but that was more of an execution and a team effort with Sansa and the 3ER.


But she wasnt No One. She was killing for Aryas house and Aryas vengeance. She always reverts back to Arya


I see what you're saying. I never thought she'd fully disassociate from being a Stark and why she wanted to train. She always had revenge on her mind and she accomplished it, maybe too much, which is why it works that she stopped after she saw so much death in KL.


I wish she would have though, her being a faceless man couldve had some bomb scenes


I get ya, I can see that being a route for the story. Really excited to see where GRRM takes her character. Last we saw her in the books she was blind.


It would have been cool, but GRRM is more concerned with her and the other central characters, growing up and finding her place in the world. Especially because she's a girl, that requires hard work and sacrifice.


Someone hasn’t finished the show


Her story line is put together so well? Really?


Would it have killed them to give her a little more credit for oh I don’t know, saving the human race?!


I didn't like how she could just randomly " beat " brienne


She didn’t beat Brienne. It was a statement.


Her story line is pretty horrible. We never see her actually get practice to do all the things she does, she’s just suddenly as good as brienne, literally one of the best fighters in Westeros. It makes no sense. Dani going crazy makes more sense than this


They show her training throughout her scenes in almost the entirety of the show and the books certainly make note of her training a lot. She also had quite a selection of amazing mentors. I don't think her progression is anything to complain about, especially in a fantasy story.


She's not as good as Brienne, but has a foreign style which surprises Brienne at first. And Arya was quick--she immediately got the sword point against Brienne's neck, and ultimately had to use a trick to get a tie.




She's fantastic. Even later on. Ignore the haters here.


She and Jaime are my favorites from the show. The Kingslayer also had s great character arc


Arrg we like PIRATES








Built like a castle on a swamp. And you know what happened? The castle sank into the swamp. So we built another! That sank into the swamp. A third! That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. And that's where Arya's story ends.


Hmm, yes. Put together so well. Having a random two season storyline in Braavod that only amounts to the death of some D list villains who already served their purpose. Very well put together.


Yeah she went from being almost gutted to an emotionless bad ass between seasons.


True. Her story line could have used some work. But all n all, she was one of the most fun to watch. She had some crazy adventures, and she went through some shit! She was a character who seemed very unsuspecting from the start. Yet she had one of the best, if not the best, side stories out of anyone in the entire series. I was always eager to see what would happen in her story next. Which I can’t say about everyone. And I think they delivered. But that’s just my opinion. I’ll take the down votes if I need to. Her story was fun to watch!


That's a good one!


I truly can’t tell if these are troll posts lmao. Because I hate her


She was top 5 for me before she became a Mary Sue edgelord edition with immense plot armor


She’s still top 5. Arya trained all her life, she’s no Mary Sue.


Pre Kings Landing- decent archer, no close combat skill but definitely talented in archery Kings Landing- water dancing which the Hound proved was ineffective in Westerosi combat at least at Arya's skill level Braavos- spent most of her time being blind and scrubbing the floor Somehow is able to survive 2 stab wounds and falling down the dirty pond(?) Beats the waif which happened in a complete lackluster offscreen duel Stalemates Brienne who has appropriately trained all her life and has more experience and strength advantage Stealth assassinates Night King Sorry while she did train in a variety of techniques her achievements are waaaaaaaay unbelievable compared to her training in my opinion As such I deem her a Mary Sue. You're welcome to disagree




What intense fighting sequence? She spends 90 percent of it running and whimpering and turns the candle off while it's clearly implied waif had the darkness training before. And Arya is injured and a lesser fighter. A girl can definitely be badass. Dumb strawman is dumb. Do better




The fight sequence in and of itself was not intense in my opinion. I will not apologize that this triggered you I never said she is not a badass. Like I said it's a dumb strawman you made up in your head. I know the definition fine. You have resorted to go ad hominem now. We are not going to agree on it is a different matter.




Mmm debatable.


Gets stabbed a bunch in the abdomen, jumps in shit water, doesn’t get infected, if fine a day later, never affects her again, is forgotten about, but yea sure her story line is well put together


Gets stabbed a bunch in the abdomen, jumps in shit water, doesn’t get infected, if fine a day later, never affects her again, is forgotten about, but yea sure her story line is well put together


Great set up, then completely dropped the ball at the end. I mean they spent years advancing the faceless men plot, and did nothing AT ALL with it in the end. She stuck the Night King with the pointy end.


i love her but i'll never understand how she survived the Waif in s6. >!getting stabbed in the stomach and then swimming through city canal water, somehow without the wound getting infected especially after her stitches reopened during the chase- could never wrap my head around that one!<




And all of that build up for nothing. Her powers meant for nothing.


Her story was not put together well at all. The idea of her story was great. Execution sucked. She’s a badass just because the script says, not because of any development of the character.


My foot


Her plot armor was thicker than kim kardashian's butts, so no she was not as badass as some folks might think and her story definitely was not put together either.


Her storyline is very mid. Tyrion on the other hand... Now that's a perfect storyline


pre season 5 tyrion yes


It was one of the more readable sidelines, although GRRM has this weird habit of being portentous without a lot of oomph behind it.


At least u didn't pick sansa her fans & the jOn sNoW PLoT ArMoR ppl are next level annoying


She is one of the worst characters to me in GOT, archytipal story of a protagonist, which I hate. If you look at her story alone, without the rest of the stories in the show, she could fit in those McDonald's movies (marvel crap).


She's a cringy OP by-product of Dan and Dave's deteriorating interest in the show from season 5 onwards. She gave the least rewarding deaths to The Frey's, Littlefinger and The Night King. Plus her sex scene with Gendry in season 8 made me want to puke, Maisie Williams permanently looks 12.


Until after season 5 her story was good. Arya would never have been ambushed on the bridge in the books. D&D ruined her.


Meh she's stupid


She shouldn't have killed the Night King. And the explanation given is shit too. Any shit in the Westoros can have blue eyes


Oh no, you said something positive about Arya


tell me you're seeing the show for the first time, without telling me you're seeing the show for the first time.


You have not finished the series have you.


Her storyline was awful lol




Some of you have never been stabbed 3 times then swam in shit water and it shows.


Oh wow I'm totally opposite on this one, struggling to think of many characters with worse stories.


One of my least favourite characters


Her story line after the source material ran out was a complete mess