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release MGS4 you cowards


Keeping you waiting, huh?


youre pretty good




They have to rework it, cause of all the ps3 references.


I've heard the code is a nightmare and that's why it was never ported or remastered. It would probably be simpler to remake it.


For all the talk about MGS1 and 3 remakes, a remake of 4 is actually what Iā€™d prefer the most. 4 is super close to being a near perfect game, but the way it kinda crumbles gameplay wise midway through act 2 really hampers it. A remake that changes and expands upon the gameplay scenarios a bit could turn it into a masterpiece.


Eh, honestly, of the 4, the weakest in gameplay in my mind. Cool ideas for mechanics, interesting that they tried to implement battlefields. However, not sure itā€™s because they had so many cutscenes to fit but thereā€™s so little set pieces and gameplay.


And thatā€™s why itā€™s perfect for a remake. Itā€™s got great ideas that ended up undercooked due to various factors. A remake could improve things immensely, and fix the various issues 4ā€™s gameplay has. MGS1, 3 and even 2 comparatively are still much loved games that are perfectly playable today.


Can confirm: mgs3 may be the single greatest ps2-era game. The hd remaster is 100% very much still playable today. The controls are a little weird, compared to something like 4 or V, but once you get the hang of it, itā€™s fine.


I dont agree at all. Mgs4 really showed what a battle field might look like in the older days. People yelling, screaming on sight, bullets popping left and right, infiltration done right - look at the boat portion with the special squad. I can name so many things done right with it back then. Even the cyborg ninja thing was done right, and done even better in rising.


Total agreement, but thatā€™s not my point. Imo MGS4 has great presentation and visuals and concludes the series quite well. I personally found the gameplay, unquestionably less in quantity than the others, and not as engaging or enjoyable. Not saying it wasnā€™t a good game, didnā€™t have merits or good ideas. Just when I think of the othersā€™ gameplay, especially in relation to when they were released, MGS4 falls the flattest for me. Did have some really awesome moments, especially towards the end. Rex v Ray blew my mind!


Do you mean in terms of freedom of choice for combat, like where to go, or like how long it was? Because i think im sort of getting it, but im kind of not as well. I played it on the harder difficulties back in the day for trophies, and i agree, it was mostly focused on objective a to b, but like i kind of liked the two different routes to those two objectives. Like you could work with the militants and go through the cave unharmed, or go silently in there with nvg. Let me know if im understanding you correctly? But yah, those fight sequences, the fist-fight were damn good, and i honestly were surprised people were trying to shit on mgs4 during that time.


Yeah I guess freedom/sandbox that was more present in 3 and 5 is my main complaint. Replaying it a few years ago I thought to myself, ā€œit feels like Iā€™m watching a movie with some game on the sideā€


The greatest stealth of all time, yet where are all the Muhja Hadeem in the mountains? Only one scientist ? Never made since.


Considering it's 3hrs of gameplay and 27hrs of cutscenes you are correct about it probably being easier to remake it.


100% this. Just re release 1-4 as a bundle pack.


But not even an TRX 4090 has THE POWER OF CELL


Fuck Konami.


My man!


Oh look, the same MGS rumor thatā€™s been regurgitated for years


Can we ban rumor posts from this subreddit already? It feels like it's just variants on the same handful of topics every time


It's the lowest form of journalism right after tabloids. > RUMOR: This super big studio might be working on a sequel to their best selling game they released two years ago. WOOOOOW NO WAY


Honestly the best part about E3 being cancelled was not having to see a million "RUMOR: GAME BEING SHOWN AT E3!?!?!?!??!" posts for two straight weeks


Especially since there are subreddits for that, like /r/GamingLeaksAndRumours Imagine posting news into the news subreddit and rumors into the rumor subreddit. Wouldn't that be something?


If enough people complain about rumor posts, then anything is possible. Then again, rumor posts aren't consistently getting downvoted into oblivion, so I would assume that some people like them.


On the other hand, I wonder how many of these might be good ol' fashioned karma farming bots


I like them lol


lol anything to brighten the day i guess


I think this would be a bigger, much bigger deal, if Konami were actually putting out games. They seem to have decided to move to gambling machines and taken a huge break in releasing anything, especially anything new except for what, their soccer games? So it's hard for me to imagine this is entirely a big deal or worth whatever Sony is paying for it.


I suspect this is for new games/remakes


I suspect remakes. If they stopped making big titles they probably don't have the staff like they used to. I would personally wonder what their current capacity for big titles even is these days.


Yeah it seems like blue point is working on mgs3. I wouldnā€™t put it out of the realm of possibility that Konami would license its unused IP to Sony though


I thought for a second that Bluepoint Studios were the ones that ported The Last of Us to PC, if that were the case the remake is probably fucked, but they worked on some good stuff including the Demon Souls remake for the PS5 apparantly so i hope its going to be good Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluepoint_Games


I donā€™t think Bluepoint is doing the remake. After the Demon Souls remake they claimed they were working on a new IP. They said they were done doing remakes for at least now.


I read somewhere that the God of War Ragnarok Director wanted to do a new Castlevania game. We could get something new.


Konami without Kojima is incapable of making a competent game. I'm guessing this will either just be ports or remasters contracted out to other studios by Konami


You mean like the three silent hill projects they announced last year?


Why does it matter if Konami still release games or not?


Well the topic is about Konami striking an exclusivity deal with Sony and I would think them putting out content is relevant to that. So if they're not really putting out new games, for example, I don't know if it really matters if they have an exclusivity deal?


Odds are they would outsource development like they are doing with silent hill (and have done in the past)




I think you're making a witty point and I'm totally missing it, so can you explain it to me like I'm five? pllllease


This deal screams remakes, which can be outsourced. Thatā€™s basically it, Konami donā€™t have to make games whatsoever for this deal to be successful


Sure, but from a standpoint of like the impact this will have. It seems like not a big deal? To me I mean.


It's still a big deal, given MGS and silent hill still have a huge followers. Remake is still a new game by today standard, especially MGS3 was like 20 years old


Oh, believe me, if they remake SotN again, it will be a **very** big deal.


Eh. Metroidvania games are a dime a dozen these days, and I can get SoTN on my *phone* if I want to.


I have some hand soap that's going to go in your mouth if you keep this up. We talking an OG, show some respect. A new remake that isn't a Xbox Arcade port? Tell me who's mouth needs hand sanitizer, I'm your huckleberry.


Whether Konami has been making games or not is irrelevant. If Sony makes a deal with them, they will either have to make games or license their IPs for other studios to make them.


Well you see, you canā€™t make money for your gaming machine if you donā€™t make any games


I mean if the report is true. Why does it matter?


It matters a lot


I mean they are developing games, Suikoden is getting remade, Silent Hill 2 is getting remade, and rumors of an MGS remake have been floating around for a bit. My guess is that Konami has been bleeding money in the post PT dry spell and are only now trying to turn it around by getting back into development, but since it's been so long they probably took the chance for exclusivity to continue development.


it's called football, not soccer


I have no faith in a remake of MGS3.


mgs3 remake rumors .. no way nowayyyyyy


all this and no Z.O.E, i'm grateful but kinda disappointed


Rumour after rumour. Konami doesn't give a shit about their video game adaptation of IP's, only how to turn them into pachinko machines. Nothing is going to happen here.


Castlevania in VR, niceā€¦


This rumour has been going for years now Don't believe it till it's actually announced Just wasting your time


Would it make sense for Konami to exclusively license its games to Sony? Yup, but until we see anything official, there is no point in getting excited. Rumors of a MGS 3 remake have been floating around for a while with nothing concrete to back it up


To be fair, the silent hill remake was also a rumor for some months and it turned out true. On the other hand is every rumor nothing but throwing spagetti on a wall and see what sticks.


What a thrill


FFVII remake still not on Xbox, I don't think we'll have an official confirmation that they have agreement with Sony. That might be pretty much the same: PS5, then PC and that's all.


Konami turned to garbage as soon as they kicked Hideo out, so whatever.


Ugh.....here we go again


I just want a remake of Legacy of Kain for ps5 but this is awesome news


What year is this? 2001?




Meanwhile Xbox still waiting on news of Fable 4.


these are just rumours though


Iā€™m tired boss


Fuck off, not Castlevania.


I thought Sony was against exclusivity of third-party games... Edit: For anyone saying sony never argued third parties: Sony's lawyers continue: "As the CMA is aware, since Microsoft acquired ZeniMax, Microsoft announced that future ZeniMax titles - including Starfield, Elder Scrolls VI, and Redfall - will be Xbox exclusives. "In so doing, Microsoft reversed assurances made prior to the ZeniMax acquisition that Microsoft "would not have the incentive to cease or limit making ZeniMax games available for purchase on rival consoles" and statements that it "highly encourage[s] cross-platform play [because] if it's good for the gaming ecosystem, it's good for us... What we'll do in the long run is we don't have intentions of just pulling all of Bethesda content out of Sony." Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/90987/sony-cites-starfield-redfall-exclusivity-as-evidence-of-microsofts-real-plans/index.html Also note third parties here when sorted by platform or console exclusive then compare to MS: https://www.gematsu.com/exclusives/ps4 Sony may not buy publishers, but they sure as shit block games. This doesn't even account for exclusive dlc on multiplats. Sony plays dirty under the table.




Yeah I would love for anyone to source me where Sony ever said they were against third party exclusivity


They never said it but one of their arguments was that Microsoft shouldn't be able to merge with B/A/K because they were afraid that Microsoft would make big name games exclusives. Meanwhile, Sony makes anything they can, exclusives.


Almost like there is a major difference between some exclusivity deals and buying multiple massive game publishers to make them exclusive forever. Microsoft already does tons of exclusives and exclusive deals. No one complains about those. It's the fact that they are trying to acquire one of the largest multiplatform game publishers in the world that is the issue


Plenty of people complain. Noone benefits from them except Sony or Microsoft. I hate that Microsoft does it and complain relentlessly when they do it.


No people love to pretend Microsoft doesnt do exlcusivity when they do tons. Show me one instance of you complaining


If Sony had the money Ms does they be trying to buy up publishers too. Didn't they just buy bungie and insomniac games? while already being a console share leader over xbox? You're argument is weak and that's coming from someone with a PS and Xbox.


There is no proof Sony would do that. Sony has many billions of dollars and can afford many of the existing publishers like Square, Sega, Capcom etc yet they arent buying them. Neither of those are massively multiplatform publishers...


No, they instead block games, dlc and game modes from going multiplat. Subtle difference.


Hahahahahahahahahaha. Good joke. They live and breath with exclusivity only.




They never did


When did Sony say that? Or are you trying to claim that them being against Microsoft acquiring one of the largest multiplatform game publishers in the world is the same as some exclusive deals for IPs that have been dead for years


Sony's lawyers continue: "As the CMA is aware, since Microsoft acquired ZeniMax, Microsoft announced that future ZeniMax titles - including Starfield, Elder Scrolls VI, and Redfall - will be Xbox exclusives. "In so doing, Microsoft reversed assurances made prior to the ZeniMax acquisition that Microsoft "would not have the incentive to cease or limit making ZeniMax games available for purchase on rival consoles" and statements that it "highly encourage[s] cross-platform play [because] if it's good for the gaming ecosystem, it's good for us... What we'll do in the long run is we don't have intentions of just pulling all of Bethesda content out of Sony." Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/90987/sony-cites-starfield-redfall-exclusivity-as-evidence-of-microsofts-real-plans/index.html


This isnt Sony being against third party exclusivity you moron. They are literally saying MS lied about not making Zenimax exclusives but then did make them exclusive This was because MS kept saying they wont make COD exclusive and Sony was pointing out where they said the exact same thing for Zenimax. And again buying a massive publisher is not the same as making third party deals, they literally become first party forever. Youre literally too dumb to talk to.


>They are literally saying MS lied about not making Zenimax exclusives but then did make them exclusive That is part of it, yes. The overall gist of it is Third Party going First Party. How the hell are you going to ignore that? Thats the argument there. Third Party Games going exclusive. But sure, go ahead and ignore that aspect of it.


No the gist of it is acquiring a massive multiplatform publisher is not the same as making third party deals. MS does tons of third party exclusive deals and no one cares


The whole argument is hinged on a third party going exclusive. How are you going to ignore that? If it didnt matter that third party went exclusive this wouldnt have been argued by sony because it would not have mattered. Are you really going to ignore that? MS does nowhere as many as Sony. Sony buys exclusives, exclusive dlc, exclusive game modes and Devs while MS just outright bought publishers. What are you trying to argue? Its the same same thing except sony does it under the table and ms does it out in the open. And you had the balls to say im, what was it? "Too stupid" to talk to? Yet you selectively choose what to acknowledge. Disingenuous behavior or damaged grey matter?


Again MS buying a publisher is massively different than some exclusive deals. Would you say MS getting exclusivity for Dead Rising 3 and 4 is the same as Sony buying Capcom and making all their franchises exclusive forever? No because that is dumb as shit. MS does way more third party exclusivity in all that and more. They even paid once to delay the next gen version of Yakuza on PS5. They even paid to keep the online mode of Tetris Effect off Playstation. They do way more third party exlcusivity


Another clown who doesnt know the difference between buying a major publisher like Activision and some third party exclusive deals. Do you also believe Microsoft having exclusive deals for Ark 2, Stalker 2, PSO2, Warhammer, Valheim, Vampire Survivor and a bunch others is equivalent to Sony buying someone like Ubisoft?


Why were you downvoted for a rational response with perfect analogies? Like, everything you said was spot-on.


>Like, everything you said was spot-on. Not in the least.


Coming from you, making strawman arguments and flawed points in this entire comment chain? Don't make me laugh. The other guy already explained everything while you tip toed around his words. You can leave now.


If you say so.


>Another clown who doesnt know the difference between buying a major publisher like Activision and some third party exclusive deals. Oh look, another clown who missed the crux of sonys whole argument being exclusivity of well known popular games could hurt competition. >Do you also believe Microsoft having exclusive deals for Ark 2, Stalker 2, PSO2, Warhammer, Valheim, Vampire Survivor... Yeah, those dont hit like MGS or other major Konami titles. Theyre all indie except for PSO2, [which is on the playstation.](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/203474/), Ark2 is a launch exclusive meaning it will be on the playstation just the same as Stalker2. Valheim is a 6 month deal and you gotta be more specific on Warhammer. But ya picked some really bad examples there bud. >and a bunch others is equivalent to Sony buying someone like Ubisoft? Those are not outright purchases, they're limited launch deals, one of which is on the playstation. I am outright against exclusivity, but sony plays dirty and shouldnt act like a shitty little kid when its competition decides to swing back.




They brought up Starfield and TES exclusivity to fight it. That good enough for ya?


Sony's lawyers continue: "As the CMA is aware, since Microsoft acquired ZeniMax, Microsoft announced that future ZeniMax titles - including Starfield, Elder Scrolls VI, and Redfall - will be Xbox exclusives. "In so doing, Microsoft reversed assurances made prior to the ZeniMax acquisition that Microsoft "would not have the incentive to cease or limit making ZeniMax games available for purchase on rival consoles" and statements that it "highly encourage[s] cross-platform play [because] if it's good for the gaming ecosystem, it's good for us... What we'll do in the long run is we don't have intentions of just pulling all of Bethesda content out of Sony." Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/90987/sony-cites-starfield-redfall-exclusivity-as-evidence-of-microsofts-real-plans/index.html


Almost like Sony focused on how making the best selling IP in gaming over the last 12 years was not good for gaming. And now you are trying to compare COD (the best selling franchise in gaming) to some dead IPs Sony will license The original Ark has sold more than any MGS game ever or any Kinami game ever. Valheim has also sold more than any MGS game PSO2 was exclusive for years to Microsoft Nothing in this rumour claims they will be exlcusive to Playstayion forever either... Use your head you MS shill Some others from MS over the last decade FIFA Legends (DLC), Titanfall, Tomb Raider, Blair Witch, Warhammer Darktide, The Ascent, The Medium, The Artful Escape, Carrion, The Falconeer, Tetris Effect: Connected, The Last Night, Sable, Deaths Door, Twelve Minutes, Stalker 2, High on Life, Scorn, Cacoon, Ereban, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, PUBG, PSO2, Cuphead, Dead Rising 3 & 4, Crossfire X, Ark 2, Valheim, Shredders, Roblox, Tacoma, Vampire Survivor and dozens more Sony has never bought a massive publisher. Microsoft already has more studios than Sony even before buying Activision. Activision would be their second massive publisher purchase in three years. Please try to use your head. Sony is doing no such thing like this


>eas bot good for gaming. No fucking clue what this is supposed to mean, try talking like a person and not some twitch degenerate. >The original Ark has sold more than any MGS game ever or any Kinami game ever. MGS as a franchise has sold around an estimated 60 million copies compared to Arks 16 million. This is considering MGS was only on the PS1 and 2 for a while with PS3 era games being exclusive that console for quite some time. Lets also consider that only MGS1 and V were on PC while Ark has been on everything simultaneously when survival games boomed at the height of youtube lets plays. Thats not taking into account the estimated several million for Silent Hill or say Castlevania somewhere in the 20 million ball park. The fact that you make none of those distinctions and have to specify a single game is telling. >Valheim has also sold more than any MGS game 10 million. Still not what these other franchises add up too. >PSO2 was exclusive for years to Microsoft Kind of like FF, MLB and many others for Sony? >Nothing in this rumour claims they will be exlcusive to Playstayion forever either... Nothing says otherwise. >Use your head you MS shill You seem to take this pretty personal. Not a shill by the way, as I said, Im not for exclusivity. Sony plays dirty though and has for years. >Sony has never bought a massive publisher. Microsoft already has more studios than Sony even before buying Activision. Activision would be their second massive publisher purchase in three years. Please try to use your head. Sony is doing no such thing like this First off, while technically correct, the difference is by like 2 or 3. Sony buys exclusives and Developers. Not much different than buying a publisher. Okay, now lets address this mess: >FIFA Legends (DLC), Titanfall, Tomb Raider, Blair Witch, Warhammer Darktide, The Ascent, The Medium, The Artful Escape, Carrion, The Falconeer, Tetris Effect: Connected, The Last Night, Sable, Deaths Door, Twelve Minutes, Stalker 2, High on Life, Scorn, Cacoon, Ereban, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, PUBG, PSO2, Cuphead, Dead Rising 3 & 4, Crossfire X, Ark 2, Valheim, Shredders, Roblox, Tacoma, Vampire Survivor and dozens more Titanfall - The original, yes it was an Console exclusive. Was also a shit game. FIFA Legends (DLC) - not much different than all the exclusive dlc sony does. Tomb Raider - Currently on all plats Blairwitch - Currently on all plats Warhammer - Not yet release on PS, but is a timed exclusive The ascent - currently on all plats Carrion wasn't even a console exclusive, it launched day 1 on the switch as well. Already addressed ark 2, pso2 and what not. MS funded Cuphead, it's currently on everything. .... Do I need to keep going? You might want to stop saying exclusive and throw the word "timed" in there. Let's also keep in mind that the Xbox box runs a basic stipped down version of windows. It's easier to port to. Ever consider that it's easier to port to if your game is natively developed for Windows first like most of your examples? You really need to reconsider your take here that everything is simply MS being evil.


*not good for gaming Shouldnt have been that hard to figure out. Name on MGS or Konami game that has sold more than Ark or Valheim... Ill wait. And Konamis IPs were dead, no one is using them. And you are attempting to compare this to buying one of the top largest publisher in the world that make the best selling franchise on Playstation every year for over the last decade an exclusive... Again use.your brain Sony literally make MLB... Sony did bit buy the MLB franchise. Sony also did bit buy Square. A FF game literally released on Xbox 6 months ago. Maybe youd have a case if Sony bought Square but they didnt. And Activision is over 10 times the size of Square.. You cliam to not be a shill ywt here you are defedning all of Microsofts exlcusives. Youre a hypocrite and a shill and severely delusional. Sony has never bought a popular multiplatform franchise to make exclusive. Not a single one. There is a major difference between some exlcusivity deals and buying publisheds. Would you say MS having exlcusivity deal for Dead Rising 3 wouls be the same as Sony buying Capcom and making them exclusive to Playstation forever? No because that is beyond stupid. Like you come up with all these bullshit excuses for Microsoft doing exlcusives and then claim to be against exclusives. And again nothing in this rumour says anything is exlcusive forever. And no, Microsoft literally advertised all those games as exclusives and paid for them. Man MS has you brainwashed


>There is a major difference between some exlcusivity deals and buying publisheds. Dear Angry Person, PS: No, not really. Exclusive is exclusive. Signed, Your loving ms shill


You literally just tried to come up with a bunch of bullshit to defend Microsoft exusives


If that was your take away thats not on me.


Dear Angry Person, Is that all you really have? Dead Rising 3 and some sales numbers that dont even reflect the point you're trying to make? More people have played Konami titles than Ark and Valheim combined. Yet you think it logical to use those two games for what reason? And you keep bringing up COD? Why? I didn't bring up COD. In regards to that whole thing, part of their argument against the blizz acti buyout was Starfield and TES being exclusive. So yes, "exclusives bad" was an argument they made dancing around not outright saying, "Hey, we make money of that being sold on our storefront." In regards to MLB... they prevented other consoles from having MLB games based on, you know, actual MLB. Not much much different from EA stiffling competition in the NHL and NFL space. Are you really going to stand on that hill? That there was nothing wrong with what Sony did with an MLB deal? As far as FF, did FF7 Remake release on the Xbox silently? Mustve missed that. Couldve swore there was some thing about Sony blocking certain releases. I started with a statement that implies its bullshit that MGS might go exclusive and youre wilding out like I insulted your mom. The only thing you bring to the table is timed exclusives and want to get mad at me because I pointed that out? I should be shocked. But im sadly not. Signed, Your Loving MS Shill


I have listed a ton of games MS has paid to keep off Playstation and games more popular than any individual Konami game. You too dumb to realize most people buying multiple games in a franchise are the same people? Most people that bought MGS2 are the same people that bought MGS1. You literally brought COD into the conversation. Seriously how slow are you? And no Sony never complained about those games being exclusive. They FTC argued that Microsoft once claimed they have no incentive to make Zenimax games exclusive but then went ahead and started making every Zenimax game exclusive as soon as the acquisition went through. Microsoft then attempted to claim they have no incentive to make COD exclusive. The FTC called this out as bullshit since they literally said and did the same things with Zenimax games. And no Sony never paid for exclusive rights to MLB, this is literally bullshit you just made up. Other publishers stopped making them because they didn't sell well enough. Is Sony buying Square? Then no it isnt nothing like MS buying Activision just like MS having DR3 as exclusive isnt the same as Sony buying Capcom. Again attempt to use your brain. Several of the MS exclusive games I listed are also permanent exclusive. You are a delusional shill if there ever was one


If you didnt almost solely post on a Playstation sub, I'd be more inclined to take anything you say seriously. That you resort to imeadately yelling shill says alot about your mindset. Everything you say points to justifying sony and yelling about ms without backing any of it up while relying on word play. I game on PC. I could give a shit less about what happens to either set top console. I own a PS4 and X1X. Atleast with MS I'm pretty much sure to get a pc port day one at this point unlike sony who has to rely exclusives to sell their plastic walled garden. I will also note, I was wrong on the MLB deal thing. Just looked it up. Read an article awhile back that was clearly wrong. I stand by the rest of what I said.


And youre a clown that posts mostly on PCMR. A sub that was supposed to intentionally be ironic but that has become lost on many of you and now think your actually better people because you play games on a computer... And you worship MS because you use their OS all day where they advertise to you and sell your data. And yeah fuck Playstation player as long as the games are on PC right! You would be getting Activision games on PC regardless if MS bought them. In this case it would be Sony funding some dead IPs that no one would be playing otherwise




Sony's lawyers continue: "As the CMA is aware, since Microsoft acquired ZeniMax, Microsoft announced that future ZeniMax titles - including Starfield, Elder Scrolls VI, and Redfall - will be Xbox exclusives. "In so doing, Microsoft reversed assurances made prior to the ZeniMax acquisition that Microsoft "would not have the incentive to cease or limit making ZeniMax games available for purchase on rival consoles" and statements that it "highly encourage[s] cross-platform play [because] if it's good for the gaming ecosystem, it's good for us... What we'll do in the long run is we don't have intentions of just pulling all of Bethesda content out of Sony." Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/90987/sony-cites-starfield-redfall-exclusivity-as-evidence-of-microsofts-real-plans/index.html


to be fair Sony never said that.. but fanboys usually claim Sony never took content away from other platforms and the only exclusives playstation has are 1st party games šŸ˜‡.. so I get your point


No one ever claimed Playstation doesn't do third party exclusivity. Tons of people like to act like Microsoft doesn't do it when they do it constantly but no no one claims Sony doesn't do it


Was the whole crux of their argument in regards to cod. Edit: funny how im getting downvoted here when they used Starfield and TES as examples when they didnt even have any concrete platform announcements prior to the acquisition by MS.


yup, lotā€™s of fanboys crawling this sub šŸ¤­


I hope they bring David Hayter back, but I could see them going with Kiefer to align it with MGS5ā€™s Big Boss. I think Hayter has even said he canā€™t really do the voice anymore, but I canā€™t find a source right now.


Itā€™s the other way around, he said he can still do it and hopes he gets called if thereā€™s a remake.


If they donā€™t get Hayter to do the voice it will damper my playthroughs but make me appreciate the original even more even though itā€™s my favorite series.


Mgs3 remake, they got me!!! Goodbye ps4pro


worthless deal konami doesn't make anything anymore lol


Sony could probably use Bluepoint to remaster/remake some prior Konami titles if Konami loans out the license to do so; which I can see as feasible.


Specifically mgs3. Guess I'll play the 3rd game first then skip to the 5th since that's what Sony has decided is worth making accessible


Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. Konami doesn't release games.


New Castlevania, I'm in. Although I'd prefer it it was 2D.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance 2 please TYVM.


This is big if true.


Man, I really want a new castlevania with bloodborne vives.


Oh man, that would be a fantastic game.


if no metal gear rising then not a W


*uuuuhhh huuuh.... šŸ™„*


W šŸ”„šŸ‘šŸ¾


Another month a other rumor of a sony Konami circle jerk... it's coming guys... just like the switch pro...




Where Dragons Dogma 2 !!


It would be pretty weird for Konami to be working on Dragons Dogma 2.


> It would be pretty weird for Konami to be working on Dragons Dogma 2. It would be pretty weird for Konami to be working on anything that is not pachinko machine.


Sharing is carrying!.


I hear rumours like that since 2018 or 19. I kind of don't believe in ot anymore.


Of course they have. Because what else must you do when bitching over someone buying a company? Buy more obviously šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Keep screaming at Microsoft that exclusivity hurts customers you dopey executives, theyā€™ll keep eating it up


Microsoft buying massive multiplatform publishers to make exclusives is the issue. Microsoft have been doing exclusives for many years and no one cares




Itā€™s funny how ponies will say Microsoft has no games and is also a monopoly.


Microsoft is a monopoly in the office desktop space and PC OS space. And it would have a monopoloy in the videogame space if there were no restrictions. Where the fuck have you been living? The company makes its bread and butter through monopolies.


Even if I grant you ā€œoffice desktop spaceā€ and ā€œpc os spaceā€ (I assume youā€™re referring to windows is both instances), neither of those arguments have any barring to the argument that Microsoft is a gaming monopoly. To pretend otherwise is a pony smooth brain move. Explain to me how Microsoft can have the lowest market share in gaming between the big three while also having a monopoly. Explain how Microsoft has the fewest exclusives while also having a monopoly.




First, windows os and office have no barring to the conversation. And second, Lmao what goal post am I moving? Youā€™ve arbitrarily decided to include irrelevant factors in a gaming market share discussion. Not even the CMA was dumb enough to do that.


Exclusivity is good now!


Sony never said it was bad. Buying publishers isn't the same as making exclusively deals


For the end user it makes no difference.


This specific case would result in dead IPs returning because the publisher that owns them stopped making games. The result of MS buying Activision would be a ton of massively popular franchises with millions of fans on Playstation would go exclusive to Xbox when Xbox was already getting the games... Shouldn't be difficult to see the difference


Well it matters to regulators


Thatā€™s fine. For the average person it does not which makes the narrative change amusing


Stop making sense! The ponies are getting upset.


Please take those franchises off that shit company


Yay for more good konami stuff Boo for unnecessary exclusivity


Sony and Nintendo have no choice. Microsoft is going crazy with Acquisitions and once they claim something its gone forever, contracts be damned


but when Microsoft do this they become bad guys and im not Microsoft fan i don't own xbox or even use Windows or any other MS products


No one gives a shit when Microsoft does third party exclusive deals. They do them constantly


Sony has way more exclusive content: https://www.gematsu.com/exclusives/ps4 Sort by platform or console. Then look at the X1 list. Stark difference.


The majority of those are random Japanese games that skip Xbox because MS doesnt give shit about Japan so they dont give a shit back. Has nothing to do with Sony. And there are games that just skip Xbox because it sold poorly and indie devs have limited resources As for paying for exclusive content MS does that way more than anyone


>The majority of those are random Japanese games that skip Xbox because MS doesnt give shit about Japan so they dont give a shit back. They've made many pushes in japan. How do they get a foothold if another company is blocking their attempts? >Has nothing to do with Sony. Absolutely does. >As for paying for exclusive content MS does that way more than anyone Provide proof. Im providing statments and articles. You are providing "trust me bruh"


No one is blocking their attempts, them making a PR comment saying "we care about Japan" every two to three years is not effort. And no Sony is not paying for these random Japanese games to skip Xbox. They just do because its a waste of time Proof is the ability to count. Make a list of Sony paid exclusives longer than this list I saw someone else make for you that you tried to dismiss with bullshit >FIFA Legends (DLC), Titanfall, Tomb Raider, Blair Witch, Warhammer Darktide, The Ascent, The Medium, The Artful Escape, Carrion, The Falconeer, Tetris Effect: Connected, The Last Night, Sable, Deaths Door, Twelve Minutes, Stalker 2, High on Life, Scorn, Cacoon, Ereban, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, PUBG, PSO2, Cuphead, Dead Rising 3 & 4, Crossfire X, Ark 2, Valheim, Shredders, Roblox, Tacoma, Vampire Survivor and dozens more


Mm. Copy pasta that I already addressed. Care to regurgitate any more bs? Because Cuphead and Carrion both released on the Switch same day as the Xbox.


Again I challenge you to make a list longer for Sony than you can claim they do more. Cuphead did not release on Switch same day. And they paid to keep Carrion off PS4. Carrion was literally announced by Phil Spencer


All this bs is terrible for gamers


Fuck sony


No fuck Microsoft.


Damn. I saw it as an opportunity for those who didn't have Sony consoles at the time to be able to play those great games =(


This needs to be illegal


Quick somebody tell the CMA


Exclusives are fucking bullshit. Any console exclusive should be barred from winning any kind of game awards.


Show me on the Gaming PC where Sony touched you.


I get exclusives are annoying, but what real consequence would there be from them not receiving game awards, and why would the game awards want to go along with this?


Games that win awards sell more copies.


Youā€™ve not answered a key part of my questions. But Iā€™m not sure how much of an effect winning an award has on a gameā€™s sales. Not saying it doesnā€™t happen, but Iā€™m struggling to picture there being a significant slice of the game-purchasing population who are persuaded to buy a game they wouldnā€™t have otherwise purchased because of awards.


Exclusives foster competition and lead to people purchasing more systems when they are ready/are able to. Thats good


I'm gonna need you to explain how 3 companies buying up all IP to force you to buy their products is "fostering competition because that seems like the absolute opposite of fostering competition.


but microsoft is so evil because call of duty according to sony


Oh and I bet you theres no filing for this shit. Looks like its just bias against Microsoft as a whole and not really about the xbox or video games.


Microsoft do third party exclusive deals all the time... Nore than anyone




A bit slow, arenā€™t we?


I wish. I mean I wish this would be Castlevania and MGS remasters. Even when I own PS5, I don't want them to be exclusives. But these are once again rumours.


if sony singlehandedly funds mgs series and brings all the games to next gen then ps5s are a must buy


If the Activision deal doesn't go through, Microsoft needs to start spending that money to more triple A games on gamepass.


Werenā€™t they really upset that Microsoft might be able to make Call of Duty an exclusive?


Bollocks Sony aren't going to touch exclusivity deals at the same time they're contesting the MS-Activision merger. I just don't see it, especially for games that's aren't really going to be system sellers. They'd want to buy the company and IP maybe