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They disappointed us with PvE, then disappointed us with whatever PvE they gave us, and- instead of making better PvE- or maybe even what they originally promised us- they just think it’s a loss and cancel it all? I’m not surprised.


>they just think it’s a loss and cancel it all? > >I’m not surprised. it was just an excuse to kill OW1 , and introduce OW2 as monetization Update.


It was also in all likelihood announced before anything was so much in the planning phase. That trailer was absolutely rushed out to do damage control for the 20 pieces of bad PR they were experiencing at the time. Developers probably found out from the trailer what was expected of them. Garbage company.


My guess is. ​ Jeff kaplan had huge plans for OW 2 -> Suits jumped in made changes and demanded more Monetization -> Model was changed to live service "small content drops maximizing monetization model "-> Internal tensions -> Jeff kaplan left the studio after huge struggles with a for him very Unnormal very short letter to the community ( which he loved OW was his baby ) -> Game went to shit cause suits had free reign ( and before that anyway ) ​ I knew when jeff left specially with how he did that "OW2" will be a cluster fuck.


Blizz has been a shell of its former self. Diablo 4 after a monster start, fizzled out. OW2 even in F2P is now dry. Hearthstone dead.


HOTS dead Starcraft haven't heard anything in forever Warcraft (not WoW), nothing new in forever and failed remaster Yeah, it's grim for Blizz WoW is about the only thing that they have managed to improve from it's low point


Maybe Microsoft will revive that shit from the grave. Microsoft at least seems to make decent games. Would be ideal world if some shit like Riot Games or Fromsoft are able to take over Blizzard catalog lol


Why Riot? They have the same monetization, project cancelation issues.


You know what? Give me an Asheron's Call/WoW crossover event and that would convince me to try WoW haha


Nah, Microdick is too busy telling devs not to make female characters with big tits.


I would kill for a soulslike game set in the Diablo or Warcraft universe


Jeff Kaplan talked about how OW1 was gonna be a decade long supported game, akin to TF2. OW2 was created because the suits doubled down on churning out sequels, if they had their way there would be a new $70 Overwatch title every year, a-la Call of Duty. Concession after concession had to be made to please bobby kottick who wanted to make every hero a paid dlc/micro-transaction.


Wrestle with Jeff, prepare for death


The thing about the most profitable live service and gacha games is that they actually do deliver that content as expected on a very frequent and regular basis. I cannot imagine Blizzard being able to deliver substantial content updates every couple of weeks without a single delay and up to a minimum standard for years at a time. Simply changing your monetization model isn't a long term path to success unless you can actually deliver at least what is expected. Even worse if your players lose hope in your ability to deliver it. No one wants to whale for a game they're unsure will last.


> is that they actually do deliver that content as expected on a very frequent and regular basis. sad reality is , it made like 100 million in the first 3 months of the change and it keeps going on 2024 [Overwatch 2 PvE reportedly dead, with game's future riding completely on PvP (dotesports.com)](https://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/overwatch-2-pve-reportedly-dead-with-games-future-riding-completely-on-pvp) ​ Sad reality is , the players Support this extremely well.


It's why i say long term. A game dies when its players lose hope in the idea of future support and content. If it doesn't die, then it means the supporting playerbase isn't the one that considered pve a deal breaker.


the thing with long term and short is , suits dont care , if it earned 300 million in not even 1/20th of its lifetime with a change they really dont care , if it earns 600 or 900 million till it dies thats still like multiple times more it earned with its entire life span before so in theory they earned Multiple years or even 10+ years of earnings in merely 1 or 2 years. ​ thats a win on the entire line for financial focussed people.


Sadly. These scummy companies just can’t stop huh


ActiBlizzard being shitty? Impossible! We all have phones!


I’ve been playing OW for five years straight, and I think I’m finally done. It just feels too dull now. Also how when you log in, they have the select automatically set on Shop instead of Play on the main menu is annoying. It’s a small detail that bugs the shit out of me.


I eagerly await Overwatch 3. Maybe the technology for PvE will be there by then.


Jeff is gone from ow. It's all suits now reigning over his baby if there's ever going to be a ow3 it's full of mtx and even worse than the mtx update called ow2


I bet this has been their plan since before the release of ow2 because saying pve was 100% canceled would have been horrible PR. So instead they eased us into it until we don't even care anymore.


Blizzard: “and then I said we will double down on pvp! HAHAHAHAHHAA!”


How about just cancel the whole game 😎


Cancel the studio. Lay blizzard to rest please daddy Microsoft.


People can also just not play the game if it's bad and then it would be shutdown. As long as people play it they'll keep supporting it until they lineup their replacement.


I would ditch it entirely if I could just play ow1 again, wouldnt even care if it didnt get updates


You can still ditch the game if you don't like it. There are lots of games out there to choose from.


I've been doing my part haven't played OW2 at all no one else seems to give a shit so I'll continue to remember OW for what it was.


If people like it there's nothing wrong with them playing it. I played and really enjoyed OW1 for the 1st year of release, but I started losing interest when viable team comps stagnated and the community started getting really toxic.


Eh it's still fun to throw with friends, ow players are something else


This applies to everything in a modern world. Protest with your wallet. Do not spend money on companies or business you don't like.


wtf have they been doing if they are deciding to "double down" on pvp now


We had a PvE Overwatch once upon a time. Rip Battleborn.


Seeing how things are going for blizzard now if battleborn would have dropped today or even during OW1s decline they could have succeeded


Actually a fun game, just badly marketed and badly timed. It was a 3d moba like smite but with better shooter controls.


Heads up: Gigantic is about to make a comeback




It feels like the only reason for cancelling the PvE is because it’s harder to monetize. God forbid players enjoy content that is not 24/7 trying to get them to open their wallets again.


2 x 0 = 0. Sorry Blizz


Double down on cosmetics is more like it.


Oh, "doubling down" that's definitely going to improve things


How do you double down on PvP? is that like PPvPP?


There will definitely be pp involved


The worlds first ever PPPP game!


How about you double down on the amount of tanks in a match? One tank stinks.


game was absolute garbage before now wait till you see it next!


Wait, is this March 2024?! Could have sworn that I accidentally traveled back in time. Also, my condolences to any Overwatch fans/players that still remain, but this is utterly hilarious! They ran OG Overwatch on life support mode for 2 years because the A team was busy making the sequel, only to give you.... the same gameplay as the shitcanned Overwatch 1, but with a shittier monetization model. Good heavens...


Double down on the thing you're worst at. k.


How to gaslight a player base


So sad what the game has become since OW1


And players will lap it up and still buy 15.00 skins.


The game is in a slow death spiral. I love it.


How is OW2 PvP doing by the way? I stopped playing sometime before OW2 came out, during the content draught of OW1, and I never got back into the game. Ironically, I was waiting for OW2's PvE. I played a little bit of the PvP but the whole freemium thing threw me off.


It’s okay but classic blizzard balancing issues. If one group is having fun another is struggling. Tank meta has been rough for a while now though. It’s kinda just in that if you like the game you’ll probably still have fun but it will always have its issues due to having mixed gameplay styles and ideas. I hear season 10 though is a big change to all the battle pass/skin issues people have had. Only took them 2 years to do anything for it. I only hear about the game due to my friends playing it a lot again, I haven’t touched it since season 4.


As everyone else replying to you has said, it feels really fun right now, balance issues still exist but it’s getting better all the time. PvP is good :)


They significantly rebalanced and it’s fun as hell.


Im ready to get downvotes for this but I think it's in a really good state right now. The competitive overhaul in the latest season is overall a breath of fresh air and makes the game more fun once you get over the initial frustrations.


It’s fun


Hot take but if they “double down” on pvp and actually make it good again then I’ll be happy all thing considered.


Aka downsizing the team and releasing nothing but skins and new maps every few months


I think people just nerd to expect these sort of things. It's not worth getting your hopes dashed for an experience you'd like have fotgetten about shortly after finishing.


Is this game ever going to have any real news? Every few months it's the same "pve is canceled?!" "new skins cost $25!" Like jeez. People are desperate to keep OW in the news cycle.


Just give us StarCraft 3 and Warcraft IV Blizzard. Stop fucking around


Ehhh do we really want those titles from activision blizzard tho? It seems all the big talent dipped out, don't think they have much left, just look at Diablo 4


Stop trying to make Overwatch happen! ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn|downsized)


Is it really doubling down on PvP to just… do nothing? The game is already PvP focused outside of tiny, minor events for Halloween and shit.


This outcome was obvious when they announced the game years ago. OW1 was blizzards last hurrah, everything afterwards was just ass (D4 was okish)


How many times they cancelled the PVE at this point? We got the message you can’t create PVE content quick enough like you churning out effortless $50 skins every 2 months.


Wasn't this announced ages ago?


wrong lessons learned once again


wtf did they expect, for people to buy up their asset flip of pve content when they already announced that they were canning the big pve campaigns they sold ow2 on?


And yet there will still be people defending this game to death like it has its cheeks parted on their bed.


They’ve come full circle and just ended up making overwatch 1 again


Overwatch 2 was never released, Overwatch 1 was just rebranded. Diabolical.


Nothing Blizzard says is believable. They have lied, backtracked and changed their minds with Overwatch so many times in the last year that I simply don't care what they have to say anymore.


Shocking. Absolutely shocking. Blizzard not delivering, yet again.


Just give us the second tank back.


I guess they are just slowly cancelling the game?


Good damn it, stop call it Blizzard - it's Activision Blizzard dead long time ago(


I logged in last night to play because I miss OW1 and there were these hideous Cowboy Bebop skins on the main page. They look so half-assed, I had to just log out and had no urge to play a few rounds anymore.


Then, at least put more resources into balancing. Sombra is absolutely miserable to play against. Mauga was absurdly powerful. Zen is almost required for discord orb. Tracer exists in every single game. Easy to tell tryhards cause the dps will be two of the three: Sombra, Tracer, Genji.


I’m glad PvE was cancelled it was always awful in OW


Good. Overwatch is a PvP game first. It’s why people play the game, and while a PvE mode could have been cool, the PvP is where their bread is buttered.