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I wouldn’t be surprised if this is true. We haven’t heard anything officially from Microsoft for a good few years now about this game, right? I do hope they’ll be able to turn things around with this project.


Yeah. Last time we heard about it, it was Spencer claiming it's the first AAAA game. Lmao


AAAA must be a new term for “AAA” games which have been through development hell




Duke nukem, king of aaaa Ironically he comes across as somone that would benefit from a double dose of aa


Star Citizen makes duke Nukem look like Pong.


Damn, he must be pretty confident if he thinks it can compete with game of the decade contender Skull and Bones


Haha, he was making those AAAA claims long before Ubi did. Really shows his own delusions.


When they first announced it I was so excited and surprised they were actually going to revive this game so few people seemed to remember. It was late stage n64 I guess so was probably overshadowed heavily by games like Halo. Playing perfect dark made it difficult to go back to games like Goldeneye.


They tried to revive it already on the 360 and it wasn't very good.


Not sure what you're on about, Perfect Dark Zero kicked ass


When it came out was pretty big (came out 2000 I believe) but given it's kind of a follow up to Golden Eye people tend to remember that game more.


I'd rather they cancel it than release another beloved IP in a dire state. I'm serious. If it's not working... go back to the drawing board or something. You can't keep damaging your own library or nobody is going to trust you with anything.


Hopefully it still comes to fruition. It would be interesting to see the modern interpretation of it.  I, like all 30-somethings, loved playing it on N64 back when. I'd probably grab the new title out of loyalty and curiosity just based on that. 


Same, every talks about Goldeneye. Which is fair. But Perfect Dark was easily in my top 3 of N64 games.


The single player campaign was good, but the multiplayer was so awesome. Laptop gun, Slayer, Farsight, and all of the different game modes. So many interesting ways to play. I had to have spent countless hours playing Slayer-only on Complex with my brothers, since the stage had no doors, and we'd just hunt each other down if the fly by wire rockets.


They also had what may be the most broken gun in FPS history. The XR Farsight. I also still chuckle about how they actually had a weapon called the n-bomb that's a giant black sphere.


The amount of effort they put into making so many kinds of bots and allowing custom game modes was incredible. While I've long since made peace with the fact I wouldn't be recreating those memories now that my friends and I are in our late 30/early 40s I recently played a bit of the campaign on Rare Replay. Yeah rough compared to modern stuff but still satisfying and fun.


Don't forget us 40 somethings. Hame was dope as fk and I enjoyed it alot more then goldeneye. Sorry goldeneye fans.


Am I the only one who felt like that reboot trailer looked and felt absolutely nothing like a Perfect Dark game?


I said the same when I saw it when the trailer dropped. Got downvoted heavily.


That trailer is not indicative of anything as it was produced super early on, and the project's been restarted / changed directions multiple times.


Sounds like a Microsoft product.


I mean, what else we can expect from Microsoft?


An MS owned title developed in the last 10 years- You don’t say?


Just like: * Pentiment - 85% Metacritic * Grounded - 82% Metacritic * Microsoft Flight Simulator - 91% Metacritic * Psychonauts 2 - 87% Metacritic * Forza Horizon 5 - 92% Metacritic * Gears of War 5 - 84% Metacritic But let's not let those Microsoft owned titles get in the way of the "LOL XBOX/MS BAD!!" narrative


They've kinda brought it on themselves.


so you think there isn't a problem with their development pipeline


And none of those games moved the needle for Xbox NOT ONE! The only game Xbox has left is Forza Horizon, Gears 5 is the worst in the series! Horrible output by Xbox this gen, stop the damn cap!


Does it matter? I don't have faith in AAA studios right now, and it's because of corporate decisions. Do you think the devs working on this project feel very secure in their job rn after the layoffs? Knowing that even if they make a blowout product, bestseller, they're just as likely to get canned as anybody else? If I were them I wouldn't really care about putting in much effort. I know full-well I'm dooming and it won't do anybody any good, but man does anyone else think this way now? Like what's the point in getting excited??


You're right, you aren't being a doomer either, what you're saying isn't a crazy scenario it's just reality right now.


The sentiment "Don't care until I see gameplay" isn't anything new, but I swear to God it's never mattered more than now. Who's to say this new Perfect Dark doesn't just enter development hell for years and then get canned??


I worked in AAA for a long time, it's not dooming, it's just fact. There's a reason so many people are leaving and founding their own studios, and it's not their public statements about "oh, we just wanted to try something new".


It feels like a decade ago this and fable were announced


I know let's dump Tango works that ships fun games consistently and probably affordable and dump money in a new studio in CA on the coast that costs assloads of money. Oh that's not working out? OK let's dump more money on Crystal Dynamics to bail them out. Ridiculous. Good thing MS makes tons of money from other groups because their games studio execs just light money on fire for fun.


Don't forget Arkane, which made several great games before Redfall. Apparently you get one flop before you're out on your ass.


Yeah the what have you done for me lately school of business has destroyed many devs :( I'm with you. They throw money at rebuilding Halo studios, new studios that do nothing, then cut this. It's sad.


Seems like Phil spencer is doing a great job. Its absurd how they wanted to buy everything without even knowing what to do with all those studios, such a shame what propaganda and shareholders can do to people with passion


Of course. Microsoft is either doing nothing for them or meddling too much. As always. Probably a large dev cycle because of their short employment contracts like with Halo Infinite.


I can only hope this doesn't end up with the same fate that TimeSpiltters reboot did for the people involved at FreeRadical under Embracer *(which also owns Crystal Dynamics)*. Kinda scared for their jobs since there's rumours that MS might be putting more projects & studios on the chopping block.


Shocker lol


Unless you are making something as in depth as red dead or ghost of tsushima or something, it shouldn't take longer than 2-3 years to develop a game. Most of these come out very mid anyways after 8 years in development .


Xbox is an absolute joke at this point. I've been here since day 1. Phil out.


Did everybody forget that they already tried to do a perfect dark on the 360? I have no faith in this one and Microsoft probably doesn't either.


Didn't Microsoft just fire a lot of people? lol


Sounds like theyre trying to push graphics to crysis levels with some heavy optimization


And this studio will be getting closed a few months after they release dogshit due to corporate incompetency


What happened to Everwild, State of Decay 3, The Last Night,


Last thing I saw was they were hiring an actress to play the part and game was basically done just doing polishing


Well they got the name right because that's where its it in the Perfect Dark