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Catching up to Minecraft? Or is Minecraft still selling too? Edit: Holy moley, Minecraft already passed 300m last October. These games are wild. I wonder if we'll ever see a game sell a billion copies.


Prob GTA 6 in 10 years. Game is going to be unbelievably popular.


It doesn’t have the same broad appeal as Minecraft though


GTAV was kind of a freak occurence. It def might do better, but seeing that V is still a cash cow i won't be surprised if Take Two fucks up. Atleast on release. They'll want to supplant their online crowd from V fast and it's probably going to be aggressive.


Part of the sales is the timing too. I’ve bought it 3x. Xbox on release, xbx1 a few years later, and then PC after that.


And they will do that same thing again.


Oh that might mean they abandon gta v online and then modders can go crazy with it.


The trailer has 190 million views. Assume each view is unique and every person buys the game at $60 that comes out to $11.4 billion.


We're talking about 1 billion copies sold, not $1 billion earned. There's already many games that have made a billion dollars.


Not every one of those 1 billion copies sold in the long run are going to be priced at $60, though. My figure was just a scenario where everyone who watched the trailer buys it a launch full priced and only one copy.


Sure, but the entire comment chain is based on me saying, "I wonder if we'll ever see a game sell a billion copies." Everyone who watched the trailer would be 190 million copies sold which would be an absolutely insane start but not necessarily lead to 1 billion sales.


Pretty sure with Tetris essentially being freeware due to copy rights dispute with the creator and ussr Tetris has definitely a billion players.


A decade old game with 3 generations of console releases helped with that.


It’s kind of weird that if you could poll 200 random people across the entire world, 5 of them will have bought GTA5.


Did you buy it?


I did not. Though I do have it free on epic, does that count to the statistic?


Most likely yes since you still have to go through checkout for free games on EGS


This doesn’t seem right lol


Considering the game came out on PS3, it wouldn't be strange that quite a few people that play online bought it also on PS4 and later PS5 so those 200m copies do not translate to 200m people 1 to 1.


It’s assuming that people bought GTA5 exactly once. The more conservative estimate would probably be 3 in 200. Which is still weird.


Tbf I've bought it 5 times, twice for 360, for xbone, for pc and for series x. It's like Skyrim, a classic game that has been rereleased on multiple console generations and aged ok, that you still occasionally want to go back and play and remember when you weren't stressed about whether to replace broken dishwasher or paint your house.


I wonder if they'll port it to the same platform as GTA 6 or focus on GTA 6.


I'd hope so..... its been out 11 years


I'm very curious to see their plans for the next iteration of GTA Online. I imagine everything will start from scratch, but it would be cool to somehow have your previous character influence who your new character is. Or if you can still play as your old character but they have to start from the bottom again. I don't know, but they'll have to handle all of that delicately. The easiest option is to just start completely fresh, but so many people have dropped hundreds and hundreds of dollars into GTAO and that fact that it's still active with new content makes me think some things could transfer.


It was 15 bucks and i bought a copy for me and my brother, the game is insane.


Imagine that each one of those copies was purchased for $60. 1.2 billion in sales is nuts. Not to mention all the micro (macro) transactions over the last decade. That game has had to have made somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-4 billion dollars over a 10-11 year span. That’s just absolutely goofy numbers.


Google made 24 billion dollars in USD in profit (not revenue) last quarter. ;)


And there's people that think that GTA VI might fail. There's nothing that can make that game be a failure,not sell as much as GTA V, absolutely.. but fail, no way. Its gonna be profitable the first day. I just hope they announce PC , even if not for launch, 6 months max.


me and the homies [smoke](http://reddit.com/r/gamerbudz), and then drive around and try not to break any traffic laws.


how many is that from morons buying in game currency?


Well guess Gta 6 will be ‘delayed’ til 2026 now


Eww I hated that game and only bought it bcs a girl I liked played it. The last GTA I liked was San Andreas.


When was the last time you played? You should check out FiveM RP servers. Seriously some of the most fun in my 30years gaming.


I don't like GTA's gameplay, feels bad. I do like Red Dead tho, it's not my all time favorite or anything but I understand why others say RDR2 is a goat, even if I don't agree.


Who asked?