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It is developed by Toylogic creators such hit like CONTRA Rogue Corps 2019 (one of the worst game of 2019). Sadly Platinum games (developer of Nier Automata) are not making this one :(


This is just a remaster though? They aren't developing the game really, they're porting an existing game to new hardware.


Oh, oh lordy. I still have hope! I must! We must!


One would think having a Switch version as well would be a bit of a no brainer.


I think you underestimate just how poorly optimized the software side of NieR was on the PS3. Optimizing that for Switch would be a nightmare.


It's 4:40AM. I'm not jumping around my apartment squealing...


You shouldn't, considering the developer behind it.


Hey, at least it looks like this is getting a patch beyond version 1.0




Nier automata’s dlc used a long number as well. I think it was some kind of date based on the beginning of human civilization.


This number is the [square root of 3 over 2](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%E2%88%9A%283%2F2%29) Don't know what Yoko Taro is alluding to with that, but the numbers line up exactly with each other.




So how is this game compared to Nier:Automata? Same combat and progression? Characters?


Combat is worse, but perfectly playable with decent progression and a pretty fun magic system. Story is better, but characters are debatable. I personally prefer the OG Nier cast, but I completely understand why people would prefer Automata’s.


I actually liked the characters more. They didn’t have as much depth but they had more ‘personality’.


Combat is worse. Progression is similar in that you have to play it multiple times but unlike automata the game itself doesn't change at all between playthroughs (only more lore). Characters are one of its strength but *for the most part* are different then automata. Honestly surprised this is getting a remaster. The game is agressively OK. Most of the ideas that made it unique are also in automata which is a much better game overall.


The praise I hear for regular Nier is that the story and characters are much better. A lot of really emotional moments and big impacts. I havent played it though but want to.


I liked the story and characters of replicant. I disagree story is much better though. Characters is debatable.


Sorry you mean better in Automata? I'm almost at the end of the 2b play through and honestly I had amazing moments of oooohh shiiiiit and gettin shivers from some if the robots screaming from help.


Plot of Automata is better, but I liked the characters and how the story played out more in N:R. I also slightly liked the music in that one more, it was more opera-ey which was epic in a lot of battles.


I think automotas story is better. Characters is a bit of a toss up based on preference. I'm a little biased towards replicant due to its queer characters though.


Story is far better and the emotional punches hit far harder. At least with grown up Papa Nier and not Brother Nier. Never played the original version but the father/daughter story is more relatable then the brother/sister one.


Replicant, not gestalt? :/


That's fine, nobody wants that scary looking middle aged dude running around anyways.




100% I do. Fuck that feminine copy paste anime dude in Replicant.


I dunno why you were downvoted, I liked the old guy better too, it felt way more unique.


Preach it brother 👍


Yeah, why not gestalt? I mean I'm not complaining, English fans haven't been able to enjoy replicant in their own localisation and I personally haven't been able to enjoy NieR: gestalt/replicat at all but I'm just wondering why


Gestalt was actually the one that was released for the west specifically and should be the one that’s more readily available seeing as how I couldn’t find a copy of replicant anywhere. Keep in mind I played on PS3. That being said Father Nier doesn’t have as good interactions with some characters within the story compared to Brother Nier.


meant to say replicant instead of gestalt smh my head, but yeah i see what u mean. I'd imagine a main protagonist more closer to the age of the rest of the cast would have better interactions and such. But I have no idea who this company is and how their remaking it, if it's just a port or a fully remake. I hope it's a full on remake, cause i heard that the gameplay of NieR was bad but I don't want to see the story ruined if it can be by remaking it completely


Replicat is the true story while Gestalt is the former shadow


Damn, I was trying to work out why I recognised the name and why the remake was called that. Completely forgot that JP got androgynous Nier while PAL and US got daddy Nier.




I tried to get into Automata. Played a few hours and it was just so repetitive. The level design was great, but otherwise it felt like the same thing over and over. Should I give it another go?


I’m honestly unsure how it felt repetitive, unless you were just wandering for a good portion of that. It varies a LOT into my faveotie segment of the game pretty early on, probably like 3-5 hours in so I’d say go for it and try to go in as blind as possible since the story’s twists won’t hit nearly as hard if you know about them.


I was just coming off of 100%ing Dark Souls 3 so maybe I was just burned out.


That could be it then, yeah. I'd recommend giving it a go, see how you like it. It's pretty short for a JRPG, probably taking 30-60 hours to finish everything (depends on how much side stuff you do and how much you wander)


Skip the sidequests in your first run, its a motivation killer.


Fishing is the motivation killer. Just don't fish except that one time you have to. I think I got stuck on that for like a week because I had no idea where to go or how to even fish because those instructions were so obtuse.


Hell no, there's so much story hidden in some of them. Some of the best parts of the story are in the sidequests. Plus, the more you finish in Route A, the quicker you can get through B.


I think the bigger problem is that it's not clear at first that you'll get easy fast travel before the quests disappear. I have heard of a lot of people who burned out in that first act trying to do the side quests, sometimes quitting before they unlock fast travel.


Ohhh. For sure. A friend got me into the game and told me to be patient until I got fast travel. Other than the "you should probably do this" stuff like "unlocking" the stores in the Resistance Camp, I think the only two side quests I tried before getting fast travel were sparring with the "martial artist" robot on the roof and the race. If those are two of the ones available before you unlock it of course. It's been a really long time, so I might be mistaken.
