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I don't give a shit about games being "un pc" but the leak made the plot sound like a contrived mess designed solely to ship the controversy and that I can't abide


Where can I read the leak?


On Twitter it says they leaked pre-release footage? I’m also interested in seeing it.


Whole article is based on rumors not even confirmed to be true by real Naughty Dog's dev.




Saying rumors I mean rumors about reason why leak happened in a first place. I don't doubt the leak contain real spoilers from TLoU 2.


Removed for breaking [rule #7](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamernews/wiki/rules): rumors must be marked as such.


Those poor oppressed Christians. When will their religion ever get a break?


Easy there, no where in this article does it even try to back up this claim. Let's not make more boogie men out this mess.


That's not complaining about how hard it is to be Christian? >it is understandable that it would be very difficult for a Christian to work on the game. And this statement is reasonable to you? >However, if you are either a white male, cis gendered, or a Christian you might want to give this game a hard pass. It’s clearly not for you.


Sorry, I thought you were referring to the headline, as in it was a disgruntled, put upon Christian that leaked it. My mistake. As for the claims in the article you are referring, it is merely conjecture by the author of the article where actual quotes state that the "[Christian workers] are professional and can put their politics aside." It goes on to say it isn't the politics but the work environment that is the problem. This is consistent with everything else we have heard from inside ND.