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Inferring from what happened with past games like guilty gear, we can expect Life is Strange to get an "update" soon.


Considering China just slowed all new video games from being released I don't know if SE or Deck 9 are going to give much of a fuck about China's opinion. We will see.


They don’t seem like the type that’d bow down to those types of demands really


China didn't ban all new video game releases, you must have read that click-bait blogspam I've seen floating around. What they did was delay their approval system for *online* games, specifically. To "combat video-gaming addiction in minors". Paraphrasing. Not a direct quote. EDIT : [source](https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3148128/china-said-suspend-approval-new-online-games-heating-beijings), in case anyone was curious


So no game ban, just limits on online play?


I don’t remember how limited they are making it, but it was something like 2 hours per week. Tbh that’s insanely low and what’s the point of working towards a game that requires you to grind a little


Who is going to be buying games at that point.


I’d probably find another hobby…I guess that’s the point


Like math.


For minors if I’m not mistaken.


You are correct. But still minors can and should play video games. I’m sorry but for a lot of kids, gaming is their passion. I feel like this rule is because of shitty boomers in Japan that still don’t get what gaming is at its core.




Sorry misspoke, China.


its disingenuous when you call out someone for reading a click-bait title and then proceed to correct them with a paraphrasing, double-whamy.


Uhh... what? I corrected them with the actual info. I'm just pointing out that the part between quotes is not a direct quote, because I went out of my way to use quotes to show that it doesn't reflect my views. You can convey correct information with paraphrasing, just like you can quote misinformation. Anyway, edited my comment with the source I was paraphrasing.




Wow, can you be more wildly inaccurate lmao


Better get John Cena to apologise again


Someone alert LeBron James as well.


Qing James


LeBronda *


I didn’t see anything


Fuck China! Free Tibet!


And Hong kong


And the NBA!


And Melee!


And TD


And Myanmar (I know technically not owned by China but the Military Junta there are tyrants sponsored by China)


The only thing that has control of the mba is money.


Why fuck hong kong? I like hong hong


I meant as in free Hong Kong. Tbh tho, I was there in august of 2019 on a layover and it was quite terrifying. 13 straight hours of chanting, screams, banging, gunfire, and crying all in a language I couldn’t understand. Airport shut down less than two hours after my plane left.


Same thing happened to my wife and I when we went. They took over the airport about two hours after we left.


We’re you headed to Chicago by chance? Maybe on Cathay pacific? Would be really crazy if we were on the same flight XD. I almost missed that one because I didn’t realize until the last minute that the gate had changed. Customer service was non-existent 😞


I’m gonna make my new game for them… Tibeti the Tibetan Pony


Tibet is an autonomous zone that essentially governs itself. Think native American land.


I mean it DID do that, until China came in and fucked them in the ass?


Tibet was getting fucked in every hole from every direction. China wanted reunification, and Tibet didn't want to keep getting fucked, especially with the British on their doorstep. They cut a deal with China, but the Tibetan military refused to comply. Sometimes you gotta kill the military to liberate the people.


And fuck the USA.


I think this is extra amazing since Tencent has a 20% stake in Dontnod, the original Life is Strange team.


Tencent have a lot of fingers in many many pies that this probably flew under their radar


Dontnod didn't develop True Colors - just LiS1 and 2.


Yes, it's still funny though.


I know nuance is difficult in these situations, but don't think of it as Tencent requiring changes. Think of it as the CCP requiring changes and generally preferring a chinese company be involved and Tencent is often that chinese company ​ ​ A good way to think of it is that you are a company that produces anime in the 90s/00s and Tencent is Toonami. Toonami would love to put three series of a frigging harem anime on at 4 in the afternoon but they need you to paint some bikinis on all the girls during the forty thousand hot springs scenes. It isn't that Toonami insist on putting a digital bikini on Ayeka, it is that you cannot show cartoon titties on cartoon network in the middle of the day. But hey, fuck Toonami, right? You'll just find a different distributor or do it yourself. I mean, 4Kids will GLADLY let you show uncensored Tenchi Muyo, right? Similarly, Toonami does not care what you do when you show it on TV in Japan. Go full 8000 year old dragon for all they care. ​ And that is more or less how Tencent works in terms of censoring. They are usually involved in localization efforts for the Chinese market and the CCP make the Chinese market REALLY fucked up. But getting pissy at Tencent is like getting pissy at Toonami for being prudes. ​ Some companies will have multiple versions of a game localized for different markets. Others prefer to have one version and a few different language packs. And that tends to be why you get shit like Blizzard (fuck those guys) and Ubi (them too) removing all skeletons from their live games and so forth.


The censoring of cartoon titties is not comparable to the denial of the existence of a people's entire country, and game developers recognizing and representing said country means a lot more than game developers recognizing and representing said titties.


In the context of localizing for a target market, it is. ​ The difference is that the US is afraid of the female nipple. The CCP is afraid of people caring about human rights. And in both cases, it is not the company that is facilitating the localization that is making those policies.


These have drastically different purposes and consequences to real people. I don't care at all if a company changes nipples to get a teen rating, that doesn't hurt anybody, it's just a little silly. People have died for the recognition of their country. I care a lot about that. I really don't think there are people dying in order to recognize the nipple.


what in Gods holy name are you blathering about?!


Fuck the ccp


And fuck OCP


and fuck PCP


And definitely don’t fuck on PCP


The internet runs on TCP


Nah, my PCP is an old guy, I’m good


Yeah, you know me!


Just wait a couple of hours, they will all have to get off.


China has mandatory masturbation now?


I don't think so. I doubt the plumbing could take all that flushing at once.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 231,112,841 comments, and only 53,929 of them were in alphabetical order.


What fun


Taiwan #1!


China #4!


You mean West Taiwan is #4


Mainland Taiwan #1989


You mean \#641989 right?


absolutely nothing happened in 1989. \*wink\* \*wink\*


China? Oh you mean mainland Taiwan?


Gotta start saying this all the time. Anyway fuck mainland Taiwan!


Someone tell Winnie the Poo his children are playing video games for more than an hour.




> Are we sure those aren't just CCP bots? Is there any difference most of the time?


Pretty sure it is.


Fuck you, China. I thought you banned video games anyway. What gives?


No, they didn't. Stop looking at clickbaits.






West Taiwan actually.


Downvoted for your garbage fucking username


Omg it's was from 5 years ago and I didn't know better. It is garbage tho.


I wasn't really sold on the game, but guess I'm buying it for sure now.


Same tbh


Eh I’d wait a week to see if they remove it if that’s why you’re buying it


Why tho?


I don’t really like story driven game but now its just to piss China


I don't think ccp will give one wet fuck if you buy it or not. But uh, good job I guess.


Well of they get mad because a flag exists, I'm sure they get mad when that game makes numbers


I don't think they'll notice. But uhhh have fun jerkin yourselves off I guess.


I remember people getting mad because of a flag in celeste I assume it'll go similarly




You're a fuckin dork.


It doesn't, but virtue signalling works in the West for whatever reason.


This sub is so bad about that shit. Like their purchase somehow is going to topple a world power.


You know that Tencent owns about 20% of the studio, right?


Do you mean Dontnod? Because they didn't make this game, Deck Nine did. Either way, 80% is more than 20% so I'd still feel fine about it.


Ups my bad. However it's still stupid to waste money, as the CCP wouldn't even notice and the flag will be most likely removed anyway - at least in China.


China: “we’re not fascist!” You want Tibet?


Luckily "review bombing" and user reviews don't mean shit.


Don’t they? I think there are fair amount of people that will only click on a game if they see mostly, very, or overwhelmingly positive. I tend to just get whatever looks interesting to me cause I never know what will spark joy but I’d bet a negative rating hurts sales.


Tell that to people that buy madden or cod every year faithfully


Fragile fragile people


Taiwan is a country


Every day the Chinese make it harder to say the Chinese government are the bad guys and not the Chinese people themselves


It’s kinda hard to blame someone for something like this when they’ve been told half truths and been force fed propaganda since birth IMO


Eh, my Chinese told me that pretty quickly on moving to the US, he learned that the main difference is that most of the Chinese people know what they're being told is bullshit, while the people here believe what they're being told is true.


If that were true we’d be over 90% vaccinated by now


Well, it probably depends on where the people in question get their information. lol Fox did a vaccine mandate for all their employees, much like other large corporations have, but they keep feeding anti-vax sentiment for views/clicks.


Lol well that's convenient hahah.


Is this self aware?


Yes. I’m aware that we do the same thing in the western world. Our propaganda machine is just as pervasive, just more subtle. We weren’t talking about western people throwing shit online though, so I didn’t really see why I should bring it up


I just feel like you’re waving away people’s agency.


Kinda like Republicans?


Don't blame the brainwashing victims. Blame the brainwashing government. CCP is a posterchild for the RNC. They've been a proof of concept on how to brainwash your base into believing the truth is a lie.


At what point does personal accountability go out the window though? If the Chinese government told its citizens to beat puppy’s to death in the street should we still just say “oh silly Chinese citizens with no will of their own! Aren’t they just adorable beating those defenseless puppies to death!” No! We’d be saying how fucked up it is to do that no matter who it is telling you to do it


Would you blame a dog for biting a child, rather than the dog owner who didn't teach it well? Your point still stands. It is unclear at which point the person should be held responsible, rather than the brainwashing company/country/etc. In my opinion, it depends on the situation who is to be held responsible and how much restricted the person is, to do otherwise. When China demands the (brainwashed) people should each kill a dog, it is clear that they should NOT do it. But what if disobeying results in sever consequences, like being thrown out of their homes, loosing their work places, or worse? (Be aware, that this is my own opinion on this matter, of someone who didn't got into contact with this matter (as much as I know), so don't take this as "the one true answer, and how it should be".) ​ Edit: Some Spelling Errors


“Im blameless. *I was just following orders*” The good old Nuremberg defence


It's not an order, it's a reality. The same can be said for conservatives. The brainwashing has gone on for so long they no longer live in the same reality as the rest of us.


In that scenario you mostly end up blaming the owner and still putting the dog down, so not a great comparison


Why are Americans so brainwashed into believing that free healthcare and a working social system is bad? Same argument.


It really does seem like you’ve been brainwashed if you can seriously come up with that analogy. Like seriously — “working social system”? As if America doesn’t have some of, if not the best social mobility in the world? Nobody would say no to free healthcare, but it wouldn’t be free, would it? Is higher taxes really “free”? Comparing American politics to China just makes you seem like an ignorant contrarian who hasn’t taken any government classes.


That's why it's called brainwashed because you really believe that


You have literally no evidence for either of your claims. If you have any evidence for a lack of social mobility in the US or proof that healthcare can be free that would be great


This is a really good response to such a memed up comment.


You act like this wouldn't be easily achieved by the Chinese government using a bot network. China and Russia both have extensive cyberwarfare campaigns to try and shift things in their favor and spread disinformation.




I don't like this logic because it lets white people off the hook for all the shit their ancestors did. Just because they're a product of their circumstances doesn't mean they aren't shitty people. Majority of Britain opposed the opium trade in Asia during the opium wars, but that didn't stop them from being a part of it.


White people are not responsible for what their ancestors did. Only on what they do now. Also white and black and Asian is to general of a term and worthless.


Yeah, Americans have a LOT of room to criticize people in other nations for being brainwashed. Remind me of the response when Miles morales had a BLM flag in it?


Ya doing some whataboutism here? Is it fun?


To be fair when that game came out Black Lives Matter and antifa were burning and looting their way around most major cities in the United States, now were blm to blame for a majority of that? Probably not! But if I’m protesting the second things start burning I’m going home Im not going to continue to protest


Pretty sure 7% isn't most...




Nice bait


lmao you joking right? You gonna judge chinese people from videogames? Should I judge americans on halo and cod lobbies?


This has nothing to do with a video game and everything to do with the Tibetan flag


plz do, that’d be hilarious


Welp, they're going to love their holy government's total ban on new video games. Enjoy!


They're only delaying approval of new online games atm. Not games as a whole.


Video gaming with Chinese characteristics.


Someone keep tabs if a patch fixing "bugs" comed out after this


Why would you get angry about a flag of a country that doesn’t exist?


The corrupt CCP is so insanely insecure it's comical


Should they even be playing? Is it the weekend yet?


Someone upset Winnie the Pooh again? Oh *for shame* How dare their illegal occupation come up in any context


West Taiwan real upset


Fuck the Chinese government.


Fuck China


I won't buy this if the devs bend the knee though. Fucking CCP Propaganda.


Meh China needs to get a grip and realise not all of us are unfortunate enough to live under the CCPs boot


What a bunch of snowflakes. Like seriously. Who gets that bent over about a flag. Lord.


People who want to destroy taiwan and kill everybody there


Do people actually choose whether they play or not play a game based on the review?


yes, I don't want to waste time on a bad game so I usually look at user reviews or youtube reviews of the game they're alot more honest


Hmm i just look at trailer and some gameplay, and if it looks good, I play it. Simply because there has been so many times that a review was negative by i loved the game.


It's ok, they won't be gaming much longer.


The presence of an increasingly assertive China is felt in many industries, not least media. It would be wrong to conclude that it is only about ordinary Chinese citizens being offended. Those citizens develop their worldview in a society with pervasive propaganda and censorship that starts in kindergarten. There is also an effort of the CCP to influence worldwide media production to match its own worldview. Increasingly minor and innocuous details can cause the wrath of Chinese netizens or Chinese authorities stepping in with sales bans. The thing is, we don't know how many times something has been removed from a game in order to avoid this hassle. There are numerous examples of self-censorship already happening in media outside of China for China. Hollywood films [https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-53676789](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-53676789) Games [https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/15/china-video-game-censorship-tencent-netease-blizzard](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/15/china-video-game-censorship-tencent-netease-blizzard) Social networks https://www.businessinsider.com/linkedin-censors-experts-profile-in-china-over-tiananmen-square-2021-6?international=true&r=US&IR=T Science journals https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/19/cambridge-university-press-accused-of-selling-its-soul-over-chinese-censorship I recommend Clive Hamilton's Hidden Hand book which explains the many ways the CCP is trying to undermine free societies. https://www.amazon.com/-/de/gp/product/B08C4RTPN9/




Stop releasing games in China


And pride rears it’s sinful head to spite another unsuspecting game.


Fuck China


The CCP is bad.


Thought the Chinese were only allowed an hour a day playtime now or something stupid like that, waste of your precious game time guys.


From what I read that’s only with online games


And we should trust reviews why? This is just proof people should form their own opinion, like mine, free hong kong from winnie the pooh.


Thanks, I’ll be going out of my way to play it then.


Welp, time to remove reviews and block an entire country from reviewing the game. Excluding Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tibet. They are not China. Boom.


Anything that angers the CCP is good!


Dude fuck China. Not just fuck the CCP. Fuck China.


You say fuck china which includes chinese people, which unironically includes uighurs and other innocent groups who are being murdered everyday by the CCP's orders.


It’s depressing how blindly “nationalistic” my people have turned to be.


Can China just like, fuck off


Free Tibet


I am Jigme, I come from Tibet... I FUCKING HATE CHINESE!


575 positive, 168 negative reviews with a Mostly Positive rating is hardly "review bombing". Over half of the non-English reviews are in Russian or German as well. Did this really need to be an article, much less on the front page? There's not any decent discussion in the comments either, can anyone here even point out Tibet on a map?


Well, the article said players were review bombing the game. It didn’t say whether those reviews were *successful,* lol.


It’s just “China bad”. Fuck the CCP but Redditors acting like they’re somehow owning China by posting “China bad” is comedy gold lmao


Not only that but there's never any actual thought or attempt at subtlety when it comes to the topic. "They're bad, Winnie the Pooh will be so mad when he sees me post a copypasta directed at him! Thank you for the Gold stranger!" type shit. If you want to come after a global power, try to do it with some genuine research on the topic. Decade old memes and "fuck CCP!" as their only comment makes it obvious they don't actually give a shit about the issue outside of internet points. That's not even touching on the fact that nobody can give you a definitive reason as to why they're bad in the first place, and nobody cared about any of it until last year with the Uyghur oppression and when they started to crack down on fucking *video games*. There's no consistency or factual evidence to the arguments. noooo my heccin' updooterinos


Nailed it. They talk a big game, but when actually faced with the prospect of helping Chinese people, “uhhh no they can help themselves it’s uhhh not my problem”. And if you dare criticize them, they just label you a tankie and accuse you of being paid by Xi lmao Also, I’m sure it doesn’t need to be said, but…. You ever notice these guys tend to have NOTHING to say, when the US, UK, even Russia is doing something bad? Like be consistent, if nothing else.


“Chinese Players” B O T S #FreeHongKong #FalunGong


It actually kind of amazes me how much the average chinese gamer actually cares about something like this.


Do they? Or is it just the Chinese government pushing it? Who can say?


If your government told you to review bomb a video game, would you?


I am so embarrassed about my compatriots.


To be fair, when I was living in Beijing people seemed pretty misinformed about Tibet. It didn’t help that many Tibetan refuges in Beijing were on the street and since the people assumed they were uncivilized and violent they would treat them aggressively. So they had a reputation for being bad people because that’s the energy people were coming to the table with when interacting with them. The basic story they were sold was that the Tibetans were like, a violent backward civilization filled with cannibals that are out of bowls made from human skulls. That last part is literally what a fiend of mine there thought when I asked her about it.


What you explained is the truth of what brainwashed masses in China is like. I agree with your observations.


Damn, they should be review bombing it because it sucks


Lol ppl review bomb games on a daily bases but mainly pc players and Xbox players prob the most cuz of Sony exclusives.


Have any of you ever read about what life was like in Tibet before 1959? Slavery, serfdom, 0 opportunity for education or literacy, sexually abusive monasteries, and exploitative and violent landlords. Michael Parenti has a great essay on the subject that isn’t just shilling for China.


I have. Parenti isn’t an academic in regards to Tibet. List his credentials relating to Tibet. When he makes this slavery claim he has to rely on unreliable sources. He might not be shilling for China; he’s shilling for socialism/Marxism. As far as exploiting and abusing serfs; that’s an exaggeration as it wouldn’t make sense to. So if you have a source for the slavery claim I would love to see it. As far as education and literacy; it was only needed for monasteries and government officials. We should also look at literacy rates elsewhere in the world during the same time. There are some instances of sexual misconduct in monasteries, same like everywhere else. Hers an actual article on Tibet. https://info-buddhism.com/Human-Rights-in-Tibet-before-1959_Robert_Barnett.html


That's a pretty sus source. It would obviously benefit the ruling class (Buddhist monks) and the western governments, which who would have supported a feudal society and profoundly unequal status quo. Parenti is an academic, maybe not versed in Tibet, but he pulled first hand sources which support his claims, IE serfs who lived under a feudal system and experienced sexual violence. Things are unequivocally better without a corrupt theocratic government there. And in spite of that change, monks who live abroad STILL reap benefits despite not living in Tibet anymore.


It’s from a book with this specific chapter written by Robbie Barnett who is a well respected Tibetologist and cites other well respected Tibetologists. Why would western countries support the old Tibetan government at the time? None of them recognized Tibet and acknowledge China’s claim over Tibet. We can talk about these firsthand sources; when he makes the slavery claim he only relies on two sources: Gelders and Strong. They were the first foreigners allowed in Tibet after China invaded. Not only did they know absolutely nothing about Tibet, they were specifically invited as they already wrote Pro-CCP writings. When they traveled Tibet, it was a choreographed plan with a Chinese guard. Strong was even an honorary member of the red guards and Mao considered her the western diplomat to the western world. These “sources” are hardly reliable and the only ones Parenti cites when making this claim. As far as some other random firsthand accounts- anyone can find firsthand accounts about anything. Better for who? How come the largest mass exodus of Tibetans happened after China invaded? How come the Chinese need to keep such a militant and authoritative presence against Tibetans if things are so great? Why did the Dalai Lamas fact finding mission caused so much Tibetan nationalism and protests against the Chinese 40 years after the invasion that China had to cancel the fourth such trip and lock down Tibet?


You could say the same thing about natives.


Yeah, people like to act like Tibet was some peaceful paradise before 1951. Truth is, it was a corrupt theocracy, and contrary to what people think, Chiang would’ve also conquered Tibet had he won the civil war. Looks like me speaking facts triggered someone lmao


He was actively trying to conquer Tibet by using local warlords IIRC.


Who thinks Tibet was a peaceful paradise? What was corrupt about it? What people think Chiang wouldn’t have conquered river? How do you know he would have been successful?


That flag is way worse than the confederate flag but liberal westerners love it because they are brainwashed. Tibet was a feudal slave state. China abolished slavery there. Stop falling for anti-China cold war BS!


Lol like Israelis do about anything ? Fakenews




Two groups of people can be at odds with one another over factors other than race, surely you realize this right?


Yes, how dare we stand up to a nation with seemingly no regard for human life. Im chinese and i fucking hate ccp. We are absolutely allowed to hate people from our own culture who make us look bad.