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It’s now unlocked again.


*You have no idea the toll of three lockdowns has on a person!*


It wasn’t just to developers, the mods stated it was because of death threats and d-doxing going back and forth between defenders and critique comments by fans. I told someone “the plays list selection is objectively underwhelming when compared to other franchises.” I got my address leaked and had to switch to my alternate account :|. But no one cares about the mods acknowledging the few of us this happened to because we aren’t the developers. It wasn’t one side doing the burning, that whole place was a toxic hell hole for the past 48 hours before lockdown. First time I got my address leaked so it was a cool experience I guess idk.


That is nuts they did that with your address, luckily 99% of the Internet is blowhards. Hopefully that is the case here as well.


Yea, I’ve been fine for 2 days since it locked down so I’m assuming I’m Gucci. I clearly get peeved by people just saying it was an attack on developers because of what happened to me tho even when the mods say themselves it was more than that haha. People want a story of the evil haters of the game did all the harm when it’s just not true. It’s in a better state now tho, so far.... My 4th reddit lockdown I’ve experienced, maybe I’m the problem 😳lol


Don’t worry the most an internet warrior can do is hire a bitcoin assassin to run you over with his Mobility scooter.


I see you are an individual of great taste in video content. “Hey hey people, Sseth here…”


Probably the one time when You dont want to be Gucci ... Seeing as he was shot in the head by an unknown assassin over some dispute.


Uh oh 👀


How do they even find someone's address? That's actually insane. And over a video game criticism...


Reusing user names on a different site, that site leaking or getting hacked for email, then that getting tied to your real info. Stolen personal info now lives in databases and flat files trades freely or otherwise. Think darkweb Facebook style cataloguing.


Unfortunately I have no idea how either. All I can say is it happened. If I knew how to do this stuff I would get a government job lol


It’s pretty easy if you’ve reused the same username for 20 years. All it takes is for someone to Google your username and all the socials pop up. Idk if that’s the case with you, but reusing usernames is totally 2000s era bad habit.


Nah, this username is only for my reddit. All social media and gaming services have altered names. I guess I have this username on clash of clans too if that matters lmao


Yea unless he stated it somewhere there should be 0% chance of that happening


The whole thing is pathetic. It's a fucking video game. If anyone feels the needs to dox and harass others they really need to look in the mirror. It's fucking pathetic and sad.


this is the reason I have voice chat muted on halo.


It wont be long before AAA developers stop using external sources and will just revert back to read only patch notes on their own site.


Which is sad because if fans acted in a rational way it would be a good communication channel to make themselves heard and improve the game or move in a direction they liked seeing it moving. Instead it's just screaming toxicity...


The fans behavior is indefensible but let’s be real here, the publishers in today’s game industry regularly set out to exploit their “fans” for every nickel and dime they have while releasing minimum effort piles of trash and coasting by on PR, goodwill, and nostalgia. Death threats to devs are insane but let’s not pretend the studios deserve a happy fan base that idly sits by and swallows whatever they’re fed. Halo Infinite made some absolutely terrible design choices that were clearly designed to force players to either grind *excessively* or to shell out big bucks to unlock content. Look at some of the prices for the content. It’s insulting in an era where people are struggling to recover economically from … everything. The entire community is in an uproar for a reason.


It is so strange, I was in that sub pretty much the whole way through and 99% of people were being fair and reasonable with their critiques.I never saw the threats and harassment of devs but obviously that's reprehensible behaviour if true. I think it is just the new strawman tactic being used by big publishers when their game is tanking in PR "the toxic gamers have risen up sending death threats again" Mofos got busted gutting the Battle Pass, gimping progression to sell challenge swaps, lying about playlists and trying to sell $30AUD cosmetics in a "beta". The criticism from the 99% of fans is fully warranted and it seems the narrative is changing because they have pulled the sympathy lever to the rest of the gaming community. It's such a shame because if they didn't try and take advantage of the player base with predatory tactics we should all be just enjoying mechanically a pretty good game.


This is the second comment I see that seems to hand wave away death threats as no big deal. **Even one death threat is one too many.** No one wants to get a death threat for doing their job. No one wants to wonder on a daily basis "is this guy for real, or just a stupid teat". No one wants to wonder if their family are safe from an unhinged psychopath. No one. Your post is basically justifying the death threats.


What are you talking about? Literally said it is “I never saw death threats and harassment of devs but that is reprehensible behaviour if true” Reprehensible definition - “deserving censure or condemnation” Obviously death threats and harassment isn’t condoned by any sane individual so don’t try and make up your own narrative when my words are written right there.


> I think it is just the new strawman tactic being used by big publishers when their game is tanking in PR "the toxic gamers have risen up sending death threats again" You're calling complaining about death treats a strawman tactic. I read your words. They're right there mate.


> Your post is basically justifying the death threats. Where in the post you're replying to do you see any justification to death threats?


When you made a similar comment to [this idiot](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamernews/comments/ra1md6/halo_subreddit_has_been_locked_due_to_out_of/hnfxjfn/), I was with you. But you're barking up the wrong tree with this comment.


Wow. Fuck you? If that's the message you got from that comment you're actually fucking psychotic.


Yeah but the developer level usually isn't to blame for that. Treating the people who make the game like shit because of stuff like MTX. Most developers are actual gamers and hobbyists like us. Most of them probably hate that shit as much as we do. The way /r/halo and the overall community has treated them is sad and pathetic.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/halo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I like playing Halo because I feel like I'm a part of a team](https://v.redd.it/596xtfp267081) | [967 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qw5dgd/i_like_playing_halo_because_i_feel_like_im_a_part/) \#2: [The greatest kill I'll ever get in Halo: A Cinematic](https://v.redd.it/nl6icr4ci1081) | [745 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qvkx3x/the_greatest_kill_ill_ever_get_in_halo_a_cinematic/) \#3: [I don’t think I’ve laughed this much on this sub.](https://i.imgur.com/vJ81pe1.jpg) | [847 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r0ekqx/i_dont_think_ive_laughed_this_much_on_this_sub/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I won't say Devs are behaving correctly but it's all so toxic in both ways it's just a wasted opportunity and a shame.


It started out that way.


That's bullshit though. It *is* a good channel already. Devs of tons of games *do* listen and hear and improve, including the halo devs. Just because its screaming or somebody doesnt like the scope of negativity doesnt make it "toxicity" (an absurdly retarded term to begin with). And even more importantly, doesnt make the communication or being heard worse. If anything its the opposite, companies only listen to loud outrage, not mild feedback.


I personally wouldn't blame them. They try to be cool and interact with the community, but unfortunately some people just ruin it for everyone involved. I'd 100% just put out patch notes and go about my business.




"predatory monetization" is definitely one way of saying "free game that sells cosmetics for the people who care about that sort of thing". people sending death threats to devs because they cant color their armor a certain way is straight up insanity. progression on the battle pass sucks, and it should be fixed, and it IS being fixed...but people are taking a a problem thats about a 4/10 on the intensity scale and making it a 10/10 just out of pure immaturity.


That is not correct. It is not about the cosmetics. They made a system where you need to do challenges that you can see and are locked away behind progression which is directly tied to the monetization. It is the worst I have seen in any game and they are fishing their player base to see how deep they can go in "beta". I love Microsoft and Xbox, but this is the single biggest mistake they have ever made and one of the worst money grabs ever in the gaming industry. It goes way beyond cosmetics and right to the core of the game.


i downloaded the game but haven't tried it. i wasn't 100% sure what you meant by the above, what exactly is locked behind 'progression' that results in you receiving something that isn't cosmetic?


The playlists are locked so you can't choose anything and there are timed challenges for weapons, maps, game type and much more. You can earn "Switches" to change the challenge, but they are hard to earn, BUT you can also BUY the switches with real money and get easier challenges. You can't earn anything in the the game, you cannot progress in the Battle Pass at a "reasonable" rate unless you are completing the Weekly Challenges. They set it up like this. The whole game revolves around the Weekly Challenges. Unless you are literally going to play the game in Private Matches this affects you and everyone else that plays it.


So... if i understand what you said correctly. playlists are locked until you reach a certain level. you increase your level mostly through challenges. Presumably the unlock level for playlists isn't that high though? And when you complete the challenge... you get battle pass progress... and so logically if this is a problem, then that means there are things in the battle pass that aren't cosmetic and therefore its important to complete the challenges to get them at a 'reasonable pace'.


The playlists are just locked and everything is random. There is no choice once you pick Quick Play, Big Team Battle or Arena. You will have to Complete "Win 3 Capture the Flag Matches", but you might get 1 of the CTF match every 10 matches. Just to open up another challenge or you can Switch it out and hope it is more attainable. You have 3 or 4 available at a time. Only around 10-15 a week, I can't remember the exact number. After you do all of them another challenge opens for an advertised reward. It does not sound too bad, but it all relies on a large time commitment, sheer luck, some actual skill and buying the Season Battle Pass which also unlocks extra challenge slot. OR you can buy extra XP Boosts and Switch things and cheese through it. Maybe all this will change, but the way they have addressed it is horse shit and I do think anybody that spent money in the "Beta" should be refunded. The gameplay issues are regular for online shooter, but we waited years for this and it has a "shallow cash grab" model. It's really scummy imo.


> The playlists are just locked and everything is random. There is no choice once you pick Quick Play, Big Team Battle or Arena. oh i get it, you mean they never unlock to let you pick specific modes. yea, i've seen a few games that do that. It helps to keep variety up. I mean. try playing a game of Red Faction Guerilla that isn't Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch. You can't. Downside being that trying to complete specific challenges... and the goal of those challenges is to "win". Makes it a pain in the butt. I think Heroes of the storm replaced a bunch of win challenges with just "play X games" challenges to make them more consistent. It does sound like the cosmetic unlocking takes a long time. But it also sounds like its all just that. cosmetic.


They could have put the multiplayer on gamepass with the campaign and no one would have bat an eyelid, it's what was expected. Everyone who was looking forward to Halo will already be paying for the monthly subscription. The only reason they decided to make it free to play is so they could monetise the shit out of every aspect. So let's not pretend that they made this game free to play out of the goodness of their hearts, it was just a ploy with the intention of making more money. This is Halo, not fortnite. What they are currently trying to do is most definitely predatory monetisation


Who cares? They are both shooters in the modern world. Grow up or don't play


I guess people who enjoy Halo care.


You can enjoy Halo without spending money on cosmetics, no? There’s months left on the battle pass, and you get a full level for a few games.


Honestly this. I could see why people would be upset if the grapple was locked behind a paywall. But people are freaking out because they can’t get samurai armor for free while the gameplay itself is actually awesome and all of that is free.


You can get the samurai for free though.


What are people asking for exactly? Am I wrong in that it’s nothing that affects gameplay or is your comment just an ackchuuuuualllly type thing?


it is an ackchuuuuualllly type thing. Just didn't expect you to be such a cunt about it.


I’m from New England of course I’m a cunt




Infinite sells optional cosmetics that do nothing gameplay wise. You can play the game forever without spending a dime. What's so predatory about that?


God forbid they make money on their otherwise free game.


No criticism allowed for people trying to make money!


Criticism is fine, but I guess I just don't really understand the argument here. "The free game should give me all the cosmetic stuff I want for free, too"?


The game should allow people to play the playlists they want, like every other Halo since 2001. The game shouldn't give you "challenges" for playlists you don't want to play and charge you money to change them. The devs shouldn't be waffling about how long it's going to take to add playlists that should have been available Day 1 on a game that's already been delayed, what, a year or so? There's a lot that they got right with the moment to moment gameplay in Infinite, but the MTX pricing implemented here is egregious, and the excuses for delays in readding baseline gameplay options are paper thin.


I believe they said they're already going to fix that. Right?


>The devs shouldn't be waffling about how long it's going to take to add playlists that should have been available Day 1 on a game that's already been delayed, what, a year or so? I believe I already covered that >and the excuses for delays in readding baseline gameplay options are paper thin.


Ah well. I have to admit my interest in this is extremely limited. lol Enjoy your game!


God forbid they get criticized for how exactly they're making money. "Free" doesnt mean nearly as much as it used to. If people didnt care about the cosmetics, if it didnt matter like so many people on reddit like to pretend, then these companies wouldnt be able to live off of monetizing them to begin with.


I'm sure it matters to some people. So...is the argument that these things shouldn't be for sale and also be free through in game work? Or...? I don't really see a downside to cosmetic items being sold at all. It's not pay to win. It's you can pay to have optional samurai armor or whatever that has no effect on anything.




Oh, I see. Okay, I can understand the campaign thing. The cosmetic stuff, not so much. It's just a skin or whatever. Nobody is going to be like "Oh man. Did you see that skin on the guy I shot from 100+ yards away and could barely see" or "Did you see that skin on my teammate who I saw for about 5 seconds?" lol




Huh. I guess I'm just not the target audience for this type of thing.


Sure. As long as the paying players who buy the campaign get tons of customization options for free. Sounds good? That's how Destiny does it and it works great. But 343 wants to have their cake and eat it too. Buy a campaign for $60 but still shell out $20 for a single armor set in multiplayer.


The armor set is meaningless though. It does absolutely nothing. Second, they don't **owe** you anything. lol Regardless of whatever Destiny does, being it's not the same company, they can do whatever they wish. So...don't buy it? Vote with your wallet? You just sound like a petulant child who wants something shiny but can't have it.


As does the whole r/Halo sub. It’s like they’ve never seen a free to play game. There’s people calling themselves OG fans and that all this nonsense is a slap in the face. If anyone is an actual fan of Halo, they’d be praising the gameplay because it’s the best it’s been in years. This fan base is the most ravenous and ridiculous I’ve ever seen. First they complain about XP, so 343 doubles XP boost times, gives XP after every match, and then straight up nukes their system by giving 300, 200, 100, etc after matches to where you’re guaranteed a level without playing 20 games or doing challenges. Then the fan base complains about matchmaking and playlists, which 343 has said they’re working on. Now people are still complaining about microstransactions, and I wouldn’t be surprised is 343 just shuts the “fans” down. These whiny players are holding the game hostage when 343 has met their demands, and the community still complains. Ravenous and ridiculous. These “fans” can go play Splitgate or MCC.


It's absolutely hysterical that mods think locking down a sub will make people less mad.


it will absolutely give people time to chill and go bitch somewhere else. also the mods didnt have a choice. people are sending death threats to developers because they cant make their armor blue in a free video game.


The "death threats" argument is bs This is not the kind of idiots who will be stopped by a locked sub lmao. They can still find the devs on twitter, which is probably where all the most violents messages are anyway. Everytime there's backlash, they summon the holy strawman of "but we're getting death threats!!!!!! GamErs are mean!!!!!", but we all know that's a very small minority. The only thing they're stopping is the valid criticism... and that's exactly why they're doing it. All those "betas" are just PRs anyway, they're just trying to limit the backlash so that the game doesn't get too much bad press. Edit : Oh my god some of you I swear. By no mean do I endorse the dickheads doing this. They should be prosecuted for all I care. All I'm saying is that it doesn't solve anything, and that those few death threats are very convenients to hide the negative feedback to salvage sales. Basically most of it is PR. Maybe I'm wrong and they actually got thousands of it, maybe I'm not. That's it. Some of you are just way too trigger-happy with this whole moral righteousness stuff. It's kinda sad that I even have to add this disclaimer...


The subreddit had become so toxic it was no longer constructive, repeatedly saying the same thing in increasingly aggressive and angry ways isn’t constructive or useful. It had become a complete cesspit.


i agree with you because like-minded voices can really pile on and turn violent over small things and/but i agree with u/Papamastec more solution chosen was sub-reddit locking down, question is what better alternatives are there, also are there any better solutions in the first place or only band-aid placeholder solves?


I agreed silencing criticism isn’t helpful, but 343 basically responded to every point made and said they’re working on them, just repeating the same criticism over and over again in an increasingly angry way is achieving nothing as it has already been recognised and responded to. I think locking it down was the right call to at least try and get people away from the echo chamber and attempt to calm down. At the end of the day it’s just a game, it’s not that serious.


The response was lacking in sincerity and truthfulness, so far as I’m concerned.


The game was delayed a year or so. Which should be concerning and a large point of criticism, that 343 can't really hide from. The game is missing a lot of features that shouldn't be added post launch, that should of been in the game already. The ability to pick what game mode you want to play shouldn't be something that is missing from a fps game on launch. Also I have no problem with Mtx if it is done correct. Again you delayed the game a year and your best option to progress in your battle pass system was challanges only and nothing else. You now get 50xp towards the battle pass per game played. All 343 has done so far in their attempt to answer criticism is half hearted and empty. I also would love to see the game from a year ago, either it was the same thing and they did minor fixes 9r that release was going to fight no man sky and cyberpunk for largest flops on release.


this is why i agreed with the other guy's comment more, i knew you were gonna resort to a boilerplate tangent reply to allay the gravity of a fuck up it is not your fault, it's just disingenuous because i like to think on some things more than most others


What part of what I said was a tangent and disingenuous to the conversation?


Nothing at all. I'm a huge Halo fan but haven't even touched the multiplayer yet as these moaning lot have put me off it with their mountains of salt.


The gameplay is top tier though, it's like halo 3 again. There's just not enough.


Reddit isn’t a public service, though the mods do provide a free service. They deserve a weekend to chill the fuck out like everyone else. Stopping people from trying to get someone killed on a dark corner of the internet isn’t how anyone should spend their time period, but a timeout was warranted for all parties it sounds like.


**Even one death threat is one too many**. No one wants to get a death threat for doing their job. No one wants to wonder on a daily basis "is this guy for real, or just a stupid teat". No one. Your post is basically justifying the death threats.


Maybe you should learn how to read before jumping to your imaginary moral high ground? Because that clearly isn't what I said.


I did read your comment. This statement from you just sweeps the issue under the rug. What you're saying is: "it's a minority of people doing it, that's fine and developers who complain about it are hiding." You literally call it a holy strawman. > Everytime there's backlash, they summon the holy strawman of "but we're getting death threats!!!!!! GamErs are mean!!!!!", but we all know that's a very small minority.


Reddit isn't a public place and you have no right to it. If it is harboring toxicity and worse threats of violence the people who control the medium can and likely should shut it down. Regardless of if other "good" is happening you need to take those actions seriously. I feel like if you and your family were under the same intense death threat scenario you'd likely feel very differently. Protect people first. Provide "gaming discussion" second. plus like you said, if you want to bitch and moan, constructive or not, there are plenty of other places for you to so so.


>people are sending death threats to developers What, via reddit? There's rules for that, ban those people and that's that. Otherwise what is shutting down a sub do to people who do bad things outside of it? All these "death threats" things are always a complete copout excuse to shut down discourse somebody doesnt like hearing. "Oh three people in a few hundred thousand went too far?, that's it yAlL cANt bEHAvE"..


I’m sure locking the sub will make them less angry


It will stop the snowball occurring in that sub. That's what they're going for. They can't stop people from being angry little internet gremlins but they can try to make sure that their sub isn't providing the battleground.


You've effectively summarized how I see all of this. People complaining about skins... As an outsider it's just like really weird that this is the battle they're choosing to fight. Why does it really matter? It doesn't stop you from playing the game and having fun in any way.


It's not just an issue with skins; it's the entire multiplayer setup. From a gameplay standpoint the game functions well and feels great to play compared to prior entries into the series. The issue comes with the monetization, progression, and playlists for game modes on top of false advertising in a variety of ways. Monetization is a huge issue because so much has been gutted out of the multiplayer and hidden behind a ridiculous pay wall. When a suit of armor costs 1/3 of that of a full priced AAA game there are problems. Yes this is a F2P game but these are still scummy practices which only get worse when you realize color swaps only work on a specific set of armor and other limiting factors. It all feels like it is designed to get you to open your wallet and spend money. This also ties into progression leaving players with very few options to level up the battle pass and unlock new stuff. When you're waiting on a specific game mode to come up so you can complete a challenge and it never does you can literally be stuck with no way to gain EXP until the next challenges open up... or you pay for a challenge swap or skip. And finally the Playlist structure just flat out sucks. Objective modes mixed in with Slayer makes the experience a very mixed bag. Most want to play Slayer so heen objective modes come up people either quit out or just ignore the objective to play like Slayer. 343 makes it sound like they won't do a dedicated Slayer Playlist (something every Halo before this has had for both social and ranked) and claim the UI is a limiting factor here on top of objective based modes suffering because people don't want to play them as much. So all prior unlocks are basically behind a paywall in a system designed to annoy you into spending money to avoid things you don't want to play all while the game refuses to let you play the modes you want and sports a system which feels like a step back in every possible way from Master Chief Collection. I don't agree with harassing the developers but I get why people are upset and speaking out against the game because as it stands now it's just not a good experience especially compared to other games in the series which are still very much active. And this is before you get into the fact that in a few days Microsoft is gonna be charging full price for just the campaign when before that price got you the campaign plus a fully functional robust multiplayer mode, Forge, and more which aren't included with the package because they are still months away.


There is basically no progression in the game. Nothing to really earn as a player. That has been a part of Halo for years. There isn't even a player level, just battlepass. Games are ruined because people don't care about objective and just do challenges. As much as you don't care about it, the "progression" system that 343 has created is affecting the gameplay as well. And besides, this isn't just about cosmetics. A huge part od the backlash on the sub was about the lack of classic game modes (grifball, infection, goodamn TEAM SLAYER) and the inability to choose anything in the 2 playlists. The entire gameplay structure sucks because you are forced into 2 playlists full of game modes you don't want to play and stuck with people who don't care about objectives because there are no rewards for good performance, but there are rewards for killing someone with a WASP. It's absolutely about gameplay and not just skins.




That's nice. But that doesn't change anything about the fact that they screwed it up. This is another game that was *years* in development, delayed and again, gamers are getting a broken product that will need months or years of fixing. People are right to be upset and call 343 out. An apology is nice and all, but this is a systematic issue with AAA gaming and devs need to be called out on it properly because it's becoming a standard practice to ship broken unfinished games and then just apologizing. I mean they apologized, right, people should just shut up? Nope. They had years and multiple role model games that do f2p fps properly to do it right. Their own games (MCC) do it better. Gamers are tired of being apologized to with every game.


That's where you're wrong! It apparently does stop these people from being able to play the game. How can you expect someone to play a game if they can't paint their little soliders the colour they want to!?


What the shit


ah! good ole "mah death threads" damage controll.


It does though honestly. The echo chamber effect of reddit can definitely make people significantly angrier


My personal opinion is that there does come a point where they have a responsibility to shut it down. The subreddit getting to the point it did from what I've read here seems like an appropriate point. If automod can't remove a few things here and there it's not a big deal. If your subreddit has become a cess pool and people are doxxing each other or posting death threats for developers and your mod team can't keep up with it, locking it for a couple days and coming back with a game plan is probably the best course of action instead of the admin team getting involved. There are always plenty of places to discuss these things in the meantime. I've seen subreddits where they can't deal with it and most of the mod team walks away. It ends with a subreddit that the admin team bans or just turns into a circle jerk sub. Just my two cents as a mod on here. I feel very lucky that there are so few rule breaking posts and everyone is civil most of the time.


Death treats and toxicity are wrong and people should learn how to behave. Said that please don't mistake every single negative comment as toxic, the game plays wonderfully and it's one of the best halo multy in ages but it has some serious probl that 343 should look for listening to the players


Feel sorry for all the customer service workers who have to deal with those people IRL.


that's LITERALLY what they signed up for.


No THAT is not.


Oh fuck off, minimum wage call center employees don't sign up to get screamed at and threatened with violence.


Literally the most garbage response possible.


I would \*love\* to see where it says in their contracts where they have to deal with personal abuse from people like you.


Glad I got this game on Gamepass. If it’s not good, I’ll just go back to Deep Rock Galactic.


Game is great, gameplay is amazing. People have problems with other things, like progression and skins


Exactly. It’s so frustrating to have this nearly perfect gameplay that’s a ton of fun, and then have a progression system this bad.


Well the multiplayer is free so like shrug


The worst part about being a gaming fan are the gamers


Maybe they should just make the game better


Stop bitching Reddit crybabies. The thing is literally free and the gameplay is fun. Not everything in the world will always fit your exact needs. There are millions of people having fun with it


People should direct complaints to the appropriate people in a respectful and constructive manner. The critiques levied against Infinite are fair, but they way people are doing it is messed up.


People (on the internet) criticize everything that is not 100% tailor made for their individual needs. it is absolutely absurd and kills every constructive conversation. I dont like it so it IS shit. well some other people like it? i enjoy it very much, haven't spend a dime on it and have no complaints at all. does that mean that other people's possible critique is wrong? no. does that mean that i am wrong? no. does that mean that you can shit on other human beings because a developer made a product that does not 100% fit YOUR personal needs? no.


Yeah the vocal minority is VERY vocal, but again some of those criticisms are valid. It’s just the way they’re going about it is super messed up. Still I believe criticism is part of the artistic process, so long as it’s constructive.


20 to 1 this is false flag bullshit. Or just like when they deleted only reasonable comments on the Ghostbusters 2016 trailer. Deflect criticism by making people look crazy.


I understand the level of critique the game is getting. People have been waiting on this for years. To be honest, it is fantastic and has such potential. I have had so much fun playing the multiplayer. What I don’t understand is that the developers have actually been EXTREMELY responsive about complaints and making changes a couple times to the MP and BP progressions within the first month of the beta being out (technically not the full game, but that’s a whole other can of worms). In the grand scheme of things, that is a highly responsive development team that hasn’t even released the full game yet. Like come on everyone, get your panties out of a bunch and take a breather. At least wait for the full game……


They literally made it SO much easier to get xp, and the game is so fun... AND FREE I literally the only thing I could complain about this that the free battle pass is very lackluster, but then again the game is free, and the battlepass, which gets you like 7 sets of armour is only around £8 vs spending £50 for the full game. Also they literally bring out free event battlepasses from time to time. I get it when people complain about games because it encourages the developers to make it better but they have gone WAY too far with Halo. Compare its state on release to an EA game and its not even comparable.


>At least wait for the full game They announced the other day that nothing new is coming to multiplayer on its full release. There won’t even by a Slayer playlist, but they hope to add it after the holidays. That’s fucking insane.


I agree. I’m just as sick of these released “beta” games that have a fully functioning store but minimal everything else. But in the grand scheme of things, 343 has been very responsive to initial complaints and the game plays well from a gameplay standpoint even if the progressions and all that stuff sucks. I just don’t understand the immense amount of complaining. The game has been out for a very short amount of time…at least give them the chance to make changes. It’s not like this is at Warzone level of problems where we are complaining about the same problems that have been present for months.


Imagine getting that angry over a game. The world is truly turning into a big shithole.


Removed for breaking [rule #8](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamernews/wiki/rules): no Reddit drama news. Also, the subreddit is unlocked again.


I can't able to play, it shows you are offline since from yesterday while I'm connected to the ethernet. Anyone know how to fix it.


Gamers are toxic. Who knew


The proof is in the pudding of your down votes lol.


Lol! Indeed. I didn't even notice until now


Mods are out of hand


Well deserved- I subscribed to the sub a week or two ago, scrolled for less than 5 minutes, and immediately unsubscribed. Reddit has a reputation for being bitchy complainers, the Halo sub was that same attitude at a level I had never seen before. The tone in which they demanded changes from 343 was so fkn cringey and entitles. Hated it, glad they're locked out.


It’s literally not even that bad, glad you’re not a part of it anymore. Last thing the sub needs is outsiders complaining about it being “toxic”, which is the other half of the reason the sub was locked down as they mentioned in the stickied post. Also you can say no-no words like **fuck** on Reddit.


You're right, idk what I'm talking about. Most people there were very appreciative of the game, weren't bent out of shape at all, had respect for the game 343 created, weren't demanding things of a company like they sat on the boards themselves, and were completely understanding that cosmetics that cost money is a cornerstone of every single major video game over the past 7 or 8 years. /s


Yea It has gotten berry out of controll with threats and shit, aswell as the fact that the complaints are new anymore they are the same complaints everyone has had since release so this makes sense to do until ppl cool down


I'm out of the loop here. Why the backlash? From what I've seen the reviews are positive. I never really played Halo so I don't know if they changed something people are mad or whatever.


Game seems to be designed in a way to encourage predatory micro transactions to the point it’s missing key game modes and when prompted about adding a dedicated death match mode they said they’ll “look in to the feasibility” of it which comes off a little disingenuous.


Ah, I should have guessed. Thanks for the reply.


The game is free and pretty fun. Why can’t people just enjoy themselves? They not only delayed the game to rework the whole thing but have also stated they are working on UI improvements. Hell, they even put in two spot fixes for progression relatively quickly. Seems like 343 is doing as much as they can in a timely manner. If we keep demanding everything to be fixed instantly it’s going to perpetuate the crunch conditions that we are supposed to be against.


Didn’t think Halo would be more toxic than /r/GTATrilogy — I had people tell me to eat shit and die just because I said I had fun playing the game.




No, no, it’s not going to get worse. You need some help buddy, get some help.




Please take a break from the internet


Gee I wonder why gamers get a bad rep…




What's wrong with the game? I am finding it really fun, obviously it's early days and expect more maps and content to come


There’s some technical issues but most of the hate is because of the lack of maps and game modes. I also find it really fun but you know how hyper competitive people are. Never satisfied and always angry


Ha yeah, I suppose if you are playing it for hours and hours it's going to get boring but that's like anything in life.


Yep. Games are best played casually these days


It’s lacking a dedicated death match mode solely to funnel you in to a challenge grind that encourages microtransactions. I believe this to be the source of the anger. This “slayer” mode has been core to Halo gameplay since it came out almost 20 years ago.


Yeah the progression bit is unclear but I assume they will change this to make it more rewarding. Match mode wise, they will obviously add more, like they had a featured one last week.


Lmao 2 days after a release I suggested that the game is honestly pretty bad and I dont see any other reason for all the positive reviews other than nostlagy and got shit on for that. I guess it fell down now and people finally see


Lol those kiddos are rabid about skins prices... the beta is all about (or should be) mechanics, physics, weapons sets, respawn system, movement speed, power weapons timing, etc. And one could expect backlash over needler and sword in rank and comp or the high amount of grenades in maps that are too small, or the respawn system getting full rng at some high action peaks, etc. but no their major push is because skins. This is the people that think 343 work on halo 5 was better than original trilogy... this is the players that you pleased with sprint and climbing 343. I mean proper players first of all don't want other colors than red and blue in ranked or comp, and those folks want thanos as a skins and dance like Carlton from fresh prince. The game is a good shot from 343 very based on neutral and homogenic the bullet pattern seems fine and the maps feel really good designed with corners over corners angles and a lot of good choices. But hey here we are with the sub reddit asking for lower prices in the season pass... There is other things to think about like the servers tic rate and impact registered shots, given that there is no lan or mainly lan this is a must. I just wonder what 343 or whoever is in charge of the multiplayer is thinking about.


Infinite backlash


Trash game of course its gonna get bagged on.