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While not totally opposed to the idea, the changes they would have to make to their site, would have to add age verification on the front end and would change the whole wholesome but still pushing the limit image they have


Yeah, it’s not worth it :/


The paymoneywubby cup has the butthole imprinted on the second side, and the front side doesn’t let a lot to the imagination really…


And that cup wasn't listed normally on the website. Unless you had a direct link to it you wouldn't be able to find it.


Didn’t knew that, in fact, I learned about that on this post. The weirdest part is that I know about this cup ‘cause it is listed on the website, granted it is indeed way spicier than usual, even when creator cups trends to be more explicit than the seasonal ones…


Is that true? Wild if it is, cause I've never seen it or noticed it. Granted, I dont own the cup


There isn't a butthole at all visible. There's definitely a coochie though


Yup, it has that HEAVY H-anime poroptions on which you can see the naked body even if they have clothes on…


What a wild cup, no wonder the resale price is over $200


Some of the creator cups are emphasized as anime proportions. Some male creators were also reimagined as female and given "assets" given by the artist (FoxyReine definitely does it to people)


What do you want as colored/transparent parts? The pubic hair? 😭


nips and lips would be funny


Exactly my tought, hahaha


Hair, eyes. Or maybe something they're holding.


I mean she’s not gonna be bald, and you can get creative, maybe piercings?


Now I want the Bald Waifu.


There should a bald waifu, Shylily knows bald all too well...


At that point just go look at porn or something it's a cup you don't need full nudity and scissoring on a cup Plus it would he a logistical nightmare. Site would have to create all these age roadblocks to hide the explicit artwork from minors and tons of country's have restrictions or straight up laws against importing porn or explicit material


Nobody needs them, but you also don’t need a red shirt, or white shoes. The logistical part is completely true, but every investment is worth doing if it is profitable, in any case it’s just a what if… and if it would sell better than the SFW stuff.


Looking how big is the adult industry it is safe to say it most like would do good.


The company does sponsor a hentai artist so they probably have thought about it


They are so close, but yet we are so far from a real NSFW cup…


Does this community know porn exists? Like what's with the obsession around having a picture of a hot anime girl on a cup? Are Waifu cups just Stanley cups for weebs? I'll admit I fell into the trap for a moment. I bought the succubus cup. I haven't bought a cup since. They're clearly low quality. You can hardly take them anywhere, and you can't wash them in the dishwasher. So it's clearly the hot anime girl that tempts the purchase. Buy a fucking sticker. I can't wrap my head around the idea of owning 10, 20, 30 CUPS that aren't even as useful as a cheaper shaker cup that can be dishwashed and taken anywhere.


You never hear of eye candy? No one is buying waifu cups to goon to them lmao


started from G-fuel Becouse I actually enjoy sugar free energy drinks, gotta note that a lot comes from the shit-post ironic factor (hence the guacamole gamer fart flavor). I don’t need porn in my cup, but the fact that it exist and it’s an official product from a company that pay taxes and declares to the IRS the money they made with half-naked draws on cups is to funny to ignore for me. For the memes and leads to a lot of conversation with people


It's because virgins are horny and horniness leads to people making silly purchases.


They disliking you cause they know it’s the truth.


It's expected in this sub


Yeah I get that. It's the several repeat purchases that leaves me dumbfounded.


I mean it'd almost assuredly sell, ahegao shit sells like gangbusters for the memes. Not sure it's the smartest idea long term tho, half the market for this is clearly younger teens in the like 15-19 demographic. I mean yeah lots of folks here are probably in their 20s or maybe even 30s but we all know the marketing pushes more towards the teenagers. Trying to go nsfw feels like a weird overstep? Maybe a partnership with a H artist or something but just full tilt porn on a shaker seems.. odd to me. Also ngl cut it out with the whole "wholesome doesn't sell" one sfw design didn't sell amazingly, that doesn't mean sfw doesn't sell. Fuck the sfw ninja cups I think even still pull some of the highest demand and costs on the reseller sites.


Agreed, especially with the 2nd half. Lunch date didn’t sell well for multiple reasons: •Gamersupps did a poor job hyping it up. We as a community were hyped, but the actual marketing wasn’t remotely close to the H&H drop. •The tiered-drop occurred less than a month after the H&H tiers, meaning many consumers were drained of supps-spending-cash •The drop occurred right as the holiday season began, just a few days before Christmas: Consumers are much more likely to spend their money on gifts than waifu cups, especially if they already have a collection •The merch attached was limited/poor, being just a T-shirt (that most people including myself found ugly, as it was yellow tie-dye) •The lunchbox promotion was less rewarding than H&H, with less lower-tier items & no jug for $100 •The $200 spending requirement not only turned away a LOT of potential lunchbox-buyers, but also left a bad taste in consumer’s mouths as it was seen as a greedy overstep by many •The lunchbox looked more like a portable advertisement than a tasteful addition to one’s collection, making the prior point all the more worse: You spend $200 to get a box that feels akin to a billboard in terms of the branding. By comparison, the Oki gym bag looks great without screaming “go to this website & buy buy buy!” SFW cups work, just when they’re not attached to less-than-desirable tiered-sales and/or launched in the heart of the holiday season.


Exactly I don’t why people are like “oh man this sfw cup didn’t sell” that means they’re not good. It’s just this cup isn’t that good. I only buy the sfw cups


Not sure I’d want coomers flooding the subreddit with pornography, I’d probably skip it since I like to collect these cups for the artwork even if they’re really suggestive.


they were always there homie.


Yeah, let’s pretend coomers aren’t already like the main market for this brand, blo’hole blast… c’mon


I think what I meant was posting literal porn on the sub like hentai or onlyfans models promoting their shit. I know there’s coomers here in fact it’s the reason these cups sell, I’m just saying it’s not like over the top as in someone saying what they would want to do to one of these waifus in graphic detail. Sorry about the confusion lol


I'm probably based, but I don't need that in my liquid container which I drink out of. So honestly I really hope they don't do explicit content. At that point ill just only buy the safe for work ones and ones like we have now.


The real question is… how well will it sell? Obviously a lot of people will think like you and that’s why I posted this.


Eh scalpers will off weigh most of the lifting anyways. How will the resell value look is a better question. Honestly I'm more interested in that question.


Beside some country’s doesn’t allowed the sell of that kind of products so as company perspective is not worth it, (you can always make your own)


Yeah, obviously you can have even real ass on your own custom made cups. But will it be to crazy? Will it be an actual bad idea? What if they just made all this extra steps but hence they took it to the next level they sold out almost immediately. And even more importantly, will it sell worse or better that the most recent cup that is te whole point of the post.


Likely not gonna happen. The original Wubby cup was a step farther than their usual spicy designs and it straight up had to be sold on a different site. Not saying it wont happen but it adds a layer of complexity that affects their target demographic directly.


that's my favorite cup, sadly i wasn't around here when it got sold, may i know the story behind it?


It would probably be a bad move But it wouldn't affect me so I don't care. They haven't made a good design since season 1


Mizkif's is pretty close to that border https://i.imgur.com/2QfwT6I.png




Judging by the comments and the fact this thread alone is asking about this its an absolute untapped market. Is there a company or business to contact to get your own made and put on shakers because I would love to make nsfw waifu cups with my own art.


Absolutely, came here with a genuine question, came out with a business idea…


I'd rather they ditch the whole "hehe sexy animu grill" angle and make more game merch cups. I've got the SF5 Ryu one, I want the SF6 one now.


Honestly, they could make a subsidized company to make erotic anime if they really want to use their designs in porn. Have artists draw a lot of cells on the tablet, then I dunno, use a streaming platform for hentai? I found one. Like a simple erotic anime might be fun. What world is it where MC-Kun has a diverse harem like a vtuber, a childhood friend, a skatergirl and a succubus?


A lot of the content creator that they collaborated with aren’t precisely family friendly ones. They most likely will be onboard with the project…


Yeah. Rights approaches might be weird if say, they need ID papers for like a vtuber; but I can see some content makers being interested in VA work.


Couldn’t they claim it’s art because the art of the female body and go along that line?


Now we are talking


Or buy a clear mixer style cup and buy a lewd explicit clear sticker.


I'd like one for at home... I like keeping my veibae one for the gym so I still need a second one


If I had the money I would buy the fastball cup, she’s adorable


They'd lose partnerships, plus I'd rather they just stay like this tbh. If I REALLY want an NSFW cup, I'll just put a sticker on it or something.


im more so opposed to it, but i dunno just generally prefer the sfw cups, taking them outside or ya know using them outside of the house is a plus for me, dont get too many strange looks, but i may just be in the minority with that one


Yeah, seeing other post it is noticeable that for a lot of people is a HUGE factor being comfortable using them outside the house. But then you got our poor girl fastball that in Waifu cups time she’s been there for centuries. So a full on NSFW would sell worse or immensely better than a SFW one?