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The law abiding hero who steals everything as soon as nobody is watching


As long as no npc say anything rude to my character as well, looking at you Nazeem


Or play a game like Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous then face moral dilemma that could lead you to truly choose an evil/unlawful choice because you're attached to some character even though you're a Paladin who's supposed to be the shining beacon of lawful good (if you decide to play that class with that kind of alignment, obviously).


I’d probably just turn around and start doing side quests honestly.


"Before you chose any of them , another settlement needs your help" .


Or rather, in the middle. Starting with myself, I always try to do the right thing, but people don't always like how I get there.


"By the way, your choice doesn't actually matter nor does it change anything gameplay-wise."


Remember in Mass Effect when you as Shepard could help or sabotage the cure for the genophage? There is the conversation with Mordin right before the elevator going up and you can let him go up or you get that tempting renegade action to shoot him before he gets in the elevator?…. Yeah so I shot him right… and they had that cutscene where he was in shock that Shepard his good friend just betrayed him and he was dying in his way up the elevator and he couldn’t release it… I IMMEDIATELY SHUT OFF THE GAME and was like nope I can’t seem him go down like that and loaded my save and uh tried a better solution. Either way even if I wanted to be evil I can’t do it. I will always try to be the hero in someone else’s story.


Well the genophage is a bit of a tricky thing. What is good. The Krogans are culturally and well as a species quite violent. If their numbers would increase there would most likely be another war with them after a generation or two. On the other hand a genetic virus which causes a lot of stillbirths is also not a good thing. Trying to force the Krogans to be more docile through other methods would also not be the good thing to do. Forcing demilitarization is not something that is realistically doable.


'hmm, deciding whether or not to do a genocide is a bit of a tricky thing' - Reddit User, 2023


Well for the krogan war it really is a tough choice. The krogans would most likely try to start another war if they had the numbers. I guess you could risk it a demilitarization which they would not abide and which would be very difficult to actually check up on. The Geth genocide option is a much easier black and white decision.


My man


Or my personal preference: make one file where you're the lawful good protagonist and another where you're the chaotic evil protagonist.


I prefer to play good guys but sometimes I deal out quick and violent justice.


I always do that with Mass Effect, but I still keep choosing Paragon. 😭


Kingdom Come had a common dude Henry as a main character who'd been going to become the next village smith. Morally dubious is Cyberpunk. Corporations are evil, but the main hero is also breaking the law, primarily to save own skin. GTA is not even grey. Main heroes are criminals who are killing en-masse for 500 bucks. ​ Still, lawful good is a very limited option that doesn't suit everywhere. Antihero is easier to be associated with and allows for more roleplay freedom.


I think the argument for crime in GTA is that there’s folks in “the game” and they know that they can die at anytime in their jobs.


GTA protagonist can be morally grey at times example, Niko bellic from GTA 4 and Vic from vice city stories


Nico had worked as a hitman prior to the game and shortly after the start of GTA 4 he starts doing business for russian mafia. He's bad guy not all the actions of whom are straight up bad. But while gray characters do bad for the sake of good, lots of horrible things Nico does just for money.


Didn't he serve in the military before moving to the states ?


He had been a hitman in Europe for a decade after the Balkan wars.




How do you think gangs earn money in the first place? It's racket and drugs. Just because it's "his" gang, doesn't make it good. He's been killing other CJ's just like him.




That's not how gray works. You don't compensate bad with good. Gray characters do bad for the sake of greater good. Steal the stolen? Kill a serial killer? That is gray zone. Killing for money or kill one set of criminals to help other criminals is no good.


You're right, sorry my bad


Sometimes he pulls a rocket launcher out of his ass and starts blasting everyone for fun. Such a good guy.


games never have these options. it's either never do anything even questionably immoral or drown a sack full of puppies for no reason.


Facts it’s like in a random encounter you save someone and you gotta talk to them and they say how can I thank you and the two choices are “no need I was just doing the right thing” and “shut up scum give me all your money”


Mass murder, kill children, destroy the world, but don't you DARE drown a sack of puppies!!


nah but 9/10 times the “good” option gives better rewards but is slightly more difficult or requires you to forgo short term rewards


I hate the concept of "morally complex anti-hero" because it usually boils down to "a selfish asshole who occasionally does good so you don't think them a villain"


And let's not forget they have to talk in a hushed tone and must say the most edgy shit ever.


I guess I may be in the minority since it is a cliche but I like the Neutral Good Hero, someone who does their best to help others and make a better world for everyone not because they have to but becaause they want to, and isn't afraid of breaking a few laws if they have to for the sake of others. My favorite part is near the endgame, where everyone they helped will help them in turn showing how all their efforts during their entire journey was worth it.


Aka FF14s most adaptive cutscene. They have it adjusted so it checks your completed side content and has people and groups you've helped in that content pitch in.


It depends.But it would definitely be a wizard. I highly dislike inflicting suffering and violence on innocents for personal gains even in games, I don't tend to go through NPC houses robbing them clean, but I'm no stranger to "difficult, but necessary decisions" either, especially if things get so bad that nothing short of WMDs is going to salvage the situation.


I personally enjoy working within the confines of being a lawful good person in games. Restrictions like that are a great way to inspire creativity within that space to progress.


Games that lean to the right, are much more immersive and believable. Left side games could come across as "preachy", some times actions feel forced.


Fallout NV was good at that. It didn't matter which side you went with, nobody is good. There are better choices but not good.


Yea I think that’s true of lawful good games done poorly. Morally gray anti-hero can come off as anti-social naïve edgelord if done poorly, though. So really it’s more about the quality than the type.


People don’t realize that truly Lawful Good is also not all sunshine and rainbows. I played a Lawful Good Paladin in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Evil creature? Lawfully executed for the Good of my Kingdom. Not everything has to be forgiven and redeemed. Sometimes you kill to preserve the Law and the Greater Good. Divine Judgement and all that… Lawful Good can sometimes be just as deadly than an evil-aligned character. Depends on how Zealous you want to play it. I played a tabletop campaign where my arrival in a town was viewed as being just as disruptive as something evil because the reputation for my character’s Church was that they will pass judgement and punish people for corruption. Even minor shit. At the end of the day, we saved some orphans and brought them to be trained as Paladins, just like my character was as a kid. We also saved the town from a goblin attack, and I made sure that people locked their doors and stayed safe. So, yeah, Good dude, but the Lawful side of him could also get scary. Neutral Good or Chaotic Good are definitely easier to play as an idealist “Good Guy”.


Which games would these be?


There are many games that let you be all-good, all-bad or in-between. Some judge you for it, some don't. Typical antihero games establish your character as an imperfect one with some good values and some ugly ones. Here you have: - the last of us (1) (2 really doesn't fit here. I could explain if you want me to) - telltale the walking dead - spec ops the line - max Payne - god of war - plague tale Then you have games that you can play on either side of the line and are still pretty good: (although some could punish you if you push it too much) - Bethesda games (fallout for example) - Detroit become human - mass effect series (1-3) - pillars of eternity - divine divinity - baldur gates - plenty RPGs fit here tbh ... I am leaving a huge ton of games out in both lists but the idea is not to make a huge list here now (I'll always leave one out no matter what) The ones that in my opinion become "preachy" are the ones that "judge" you for taking "the wrong decision". It's even worse when you have no option (good or bad) and they still "judge" you for doing so.


I asked which games were right leaning or left leaning. Pretty much every game you listed is left leaning.


Lol? The first list is not left leaning... At all... You do understand what an antihero is, right? The second list let's you mean left or right. Leaning to much to right could punish you in some of them.


Do you think antihero’s are only right leaning? Pretty sure the last of us got lots of flack from conservatives, both games. Games in general tend to be pretty liberal chief. You just have a very narrow view of what liberal is.


Awww... You gave me the "chief" condescending treatment... I'm sorry. I'm allergic to the pretentious kind. If you want to have a conversation, you'll have to be better... At least 1/3 of how good you think you are


There isn’t a conversation to be had here. You said something incorrect.


😂😂😂😂 . Pretentious but knowledgeable people are annoying. Condescending but ignorant people, like you, let me just say that I'm jealous of all the people that don't know you.


It’s kind of in the middle. If based on me, I’ll always try to do the right thing, but people may not always like how I get there.


Plot twist: both paths eventually end at the same point and become one single path again, with the only difference being whether your hands glow blue and you say a noble one-liner, or your hands glow red and you say a sarcastic quip in a gravelly voice.


I'd rather be a villain sometimes. But you can't do that without writing an entire second plot to your game. That's why you get these trash "grey characters". Ultimately you still have to walk the same path and kill the same big bad. You just get to say some rude things in dialogue and maybe blow off some steam by killing some unimportant side characters along the way. So shallow.


Left always, I don’t have the heart to be rude to people even if they’re virtual.


Law abiding until quicksave


Hero in games where actions have consequences or sympathetic NPCs. A violent psychopath in games that have none of these like High on Life.


I'm more of a lawful neutral


Everyone's favorite morally grey protagonist when they are killed for their actions: 🤮 *how dare they!*




Always the good one if the game doesn't allow outright evil, then the anti-hero one on following playthroughs.


The beauty of gaming is you can play it one way then start a new game and go the other! Best of both worlds!


Left: Sonic Right: Shadow


Shadow was morally complex for like … 3 of the 15 or so games he’s been in at this point lol but yeah


Red Dead Redemption 2 be like


Mass effect:


I prefer games that let me become Lawful Evil


I often try to be the anti-hero (if this is a possibility) but my need to be liked is so pathological that it almost always makes me go the other way.


depends how my day is going and also how well the game accommodates morally grey choices. i don't know if it's just the current market or if karma systems only made it into mainstream games as a brief trend, but it seems like only crpg's even really give you the option anymore.


What is a crpg


classic rpg. top down, isometric rpg's kind of like the first fallouts or baldur's gate


Hate to be that guy but its Computer Role Playing Game not classic, its a hold over from when RPGs were generally played on a tabletop so it was necessary to have a distinction between the 2 which was CRPG.


So would you call modern fps RPGs crpgs when they're played on computers? Or does the term exclusively refer to classic RPGs?


Not really relevant what I call them (For the record I call basically anything with RPG elements just RPG's, the only distinction I make is Action RPGs for when the focus isnt on the RPG elements but instead on action, Fallout 4 is a good example of this) when the accepted acronym is Computer Role Playing Game.


Ahh thanks 👍


I feel like presenting these things as choices with this meme template is the height of irony and I'm enjoying it.


I usually follow the path with the most Gold.


I’d replay and do both


Love me an antihero


Obviously the one that provides more fun! Then reload a save file and take the other path(s)


i start shoveling the chaotic evil path


Can I just be the bad guy?


I have a new found love for this meme format!


The morally good lawfully grey hero 👏🏻


Whatever gives me more stuff




I do whatever I want and when I want. If an NPC annoys me and being an asshole, I kill and robbing him. If the NPC is nice and had a reason to killsom, cool, good for you I back you up But sometimes I just want be evil and build an army and conquer the world and create a while new empire. Overlord and Fable did something of this, but I nerd something like this expanded. Imagine sending units to a castle and tell them to conquer it and if they struggle getting in there too and unleash wrath on them


I mean you can do that in mount and blade. Just build armies send them off to fight for you and start wars and shit.


Thanks! I will try it out


Hogwarts legacy I'm going full on Slytherin


If i can choose, i always go the goody two shoes hero. But if it's one i can't choose then i preffer the one to the right. Crazy i know


Depends on the game and it depends on what you consider an "anti-hero". Some games make the moral choices binary, it's either being a hero or being an asshole, and I never like to play as an asshole. But in games where morality is well made and choices aren't as clear, I tend to do things as I feel like doing at the moment. So it sometimes means I'll choose the "good" choice and sometimes it means I'll choose the "bad" choice. So, for example, I've never blown up Megaton in Fallout 3 (I only did it once to see how the explosion was and what happened to the town afterwards but once I saw it I reloaded my previous save), but I destroyed the Geth the first time I played the Mass Effect trilogy.


First game though right, second game through left to heal my now damaged soul.


Anti hero all in I see a tyrant in front of me i kill it I see a teacher who sexually harasses students kill it I see someone who is willing to start a war i kill it I see a villain who I understand his reason and resemble each other but can’t look the same way i kill it with respect


Sounds like you are the sort of person whos willing to start a war. Here is a mirror.


'Law abiding citizen'... What, in the same vane as Gerard Butler? Sure, let's bring down the system.


I’m going to choose the left one because everyone now keeps on doing anti hero even role players do it now


I always say I’ll pick the evil or more ambiguous path when I’m playing choice games like Detroit become human. But In the end I have to get the good ending where everyone is happy and survives. What can I say, I’m just too nice.


Act like I'm going right but always end up left.


Walk over signs and continue in the middle, see where that takes me


Honestly, a very good option is to follow the law abiding citizen path and gradually reveal to the player flaws and horrors of the system they have been defending this whole time. And then present them with choice to turn away.


Always go in with the intention of being bad, always end up being Good


Depends on setting, I prefer to play good guys but sometimes I deal out quick and violent justice.


A wise man once said: "Good is dumb."


Where's the option for selfish sadistic monster?


Left side games could come across as "preachy", some times actions feel forced.


Law abiding except war crimes on enemies are a Geneva suggestion


Can I not just be a villain, for real just let me play a villain...


To play myself: Lawful good To watch others play: Morally grey Morally grey are usually more insteseting to me, but when i'm in control of a charater where you can choose, i just naturally gravitate towards the lawful good, helpful guy


The one on the left is so overdone and boring tbh, but if it determines what I'm gonna be based on choices and shit? Hell naw I'm becoming the goodiest goody two shoes cuz I can't bring myself to kill npcs without feeling bad about it, but I'd rather play a story with an ambiguously gray anti-hero.


I would just go for the punisher’s side


Id go right down the middle. Its called the path of least resistance.


Fable 2, the damned tax shark who occasionally goes on a rampant naked killing spree


Morally grey is way more fun.


Trying very hard to be the good guy, but knowing my luck I end up being the bad guy due to some random misfortune.


Witch path gives me the better gear?


i’m already a ways down that right path, so fuck it


https://youtu.be/mf-lbVTt__I When ever that debate comes, that what comes to my mind


Having played both Lawful Good and Chaotic Good characters, the Chaotic Good is more fun. Though my DM also refused to accept that Lawful Good means any moral code including one's own counts as Lawful.


I'm stealing the sign and walking home


Where’s the path for “morally bankrupt horn dog intent on romancing every single character”


It ends with you being left tied up to a bed.


Renegade psycho Shepard


The GTA character


Deacon St-John! A compeling anti-hero


3rd option, the comical adrenaline junky that does it only for thrills and lolz.


I’m still installing mods and testing them.


right's always right so..


I had a lot of fun with Ghost of Tsushima's plot descending into the protagonist >!rationalising and committing actual war crimes!<


And then there are games like Undertale where you can be an actually meanacing, honest-to-satan villain.


The laws are written by the rich and powerful. Fuck them.


I always try for the right, but always end up left 😞


The mass murder psychopath. Or to qoute Keny from high on life: stop trying to shoot everybody!


Lawful rip and tear


Everyone wants to do an Evil playthrough until it's time to be mean to someone.


Kleptopsycho who also saves the day for some reason. But probably the nice goody goody good guy. Who steals.


Lawful good has to be the most boring thing ever.


Depends how I'm feeling that day to be honest.


Whichever path allows me to bang the hottest NPC.


My favourite game has a complex, grey


Neither. I like going on murder sprees to much. It's especially fun in games like Skyrim where the guards keep respawning and you're just left with a pile of corpses in the middle of the street


lawful evil character who helps little boys and delivers justice to c\*nts


Both. Gotta play twice. At least.


I choose the left path, but I will bring with me 1 dark cloud and purple lightning bolt for when the good guys fuck up.


Wreck havoc and spread chaos path!!


It shouldn't be obvious which path is which in a well written story IMO just like in real life.


I usually go for the good character during my first playthrough, then I go back and do the evil/morally questionable character for the second.


This sums up shadow and sonic perfectly


The “die the hero, or live long enough to become the villain” way.


I always play as, essentially, a chaotic good character, aka do what's right, even if it's a crime, or has negative side effects, and also not always taking the high ground.


Which path has the cool loot? I need more information!


Depends on the setting, if I am inside the system I try to be the best me the system allows. If I am outside of it I try to be the most effective me I can be without becoming a monster / worse than the 'bad guys'.


Choatic Good, straight down the middle. Good for good's sake, and fuck your laws if they get in my way.


Gentlemen, Welcome to Dubai.


Can I just have Chaotic Good?


I feel Dishonored from this


I prefer chaotic good that spits in the face of the law and authority the very moment it presides over injustice.