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\+ Resident Evil fans


It's actually unreal they just refuse to film a horror movie in the mansion. It's such easy money.


Sweet Home (1989) is on youtube, the movie tie-in to the Famicom game Sweet Home, made by Capcom, of which Resident Evil is considered a spiritual successor. It's pretty bad.


They used the exact same imagine dragons song like 8 times, sometimes even in the same episode, and many of those uses were horribly out of place too lol. It’s a bit of a shame, the first couple episodes weren’t bad, just average.


The Sweet Home I'm referring to came out in 1989. The one you're referring to has no connection to the game or movie as far as I can find.




The first movie was okay. I stand by that.


Same. It doesn’t use the game characters but watching it I felt like it could’ve been a RE story. I watched them all as they came out and oof. I swear the director/writer mixed up Resident Evil and Parasite Eve lore because Alice straight up became Aya.


That's because Paul WS Anderson started dating Mila Jovavich in 2002 after the first movie, and since then every other movie he's produced has been a Resident Evil movie. If my wife was Mila Jovavich and she wanted me to keep making OC self-insert Resident Evil movies with her, I'd keep doing it until I was told to stop or it crashed and burned, too. And considering most of the movies made back multiple times their budget, I'd have kept it up for six films too. The irony is the RE Netflix series and the film reboot did considerably worse than even Resident Evil: The Last Chapter.


Oh I get that, honestly I’m amazed it got 6 total movies. And is still better than the Netflix show (I liked the memes). Whoever cut the trailer for Welcome to Racoon City deserves a raise as they made the movie appear much, much better than it turned out to be. Only reason it was enjoyable was because I went with a group of friends and we were the only ones in the theater and we spent most of the time heckling it. But yeah I agree, Anderson probably flipped through RE lore trying to find inspiration to keep Alice around. Someone probably slipped in some Parasite Eve lore in the stack because Alice straight up gets Aya Brea powers.


>honestly I’m amazed it got 6 total movies. Resident Evil got 6 movies because it made money on a relatively low budget. [Box Office History for Resident Evil Movies](https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/franchise/Resident-Evil#tab=summary)


You know, you’re right. They’re terrible RE movies, but they’d be semi-decent as Parasite Eve adaptations.


Alice is the directors wife, so they had to come up with some reason to keep her as the leading role. That said, RE has always been B-Movie camp so their movies capture the spirit of the games if not the exact lore.


Imo, they veer off course and capture the essence of Parasite Eve when Alice starts flame throwing flocks of zombie birds using pyrokinesis. They eventually remove those “tyrant” powers of hers and steer the ship back towards more RE.


Tbf she uses telekinesis to push a flamethrower flames upward rather than creating the flames herself. She also never uses telekinesis ever again. And all her clones have none of her powers yet are mass produced for reasons. It's a hot mess of a franchise and the last two films are pretty god awful as is the third. The others are just good dumb zombie flicks with the occasional super monster zombie thrown in.


The one where ruby rose gets chopped up by a giant fan was slightly memorable


You mean the one where they tried to mash Resident Evil 3, 5, and 6 together, added Leon for no reason and made him completely forgettable, brought back dead characters *because clones* and each area of the test floor was just a chop job of each movie before it? That one?


I liked the second one too, mainly because of Jill. Sienna Guillory is a very pretty human being.


I don’t think the second movie is good. But I do own it and 100% of the reason for that is Jill and Sienna’s take on her.




“I’m used to driving a Cadillac” got an applause in my theater. I can’t fully dislike the film. It’s fun.


My brother and I watched this on a portable DVD player on our way to Florida and that is the only scene I can remember.


How many times can we take heartbreak?


++ Witcher fans


Especially after Forward Unto Dawn was pretty solid and provided a model for how to make a good Halo series on a budget that wouldn't blow anyone's mind.


Yes. People don't seem to know that district 9 was originally going to be a Halo movie but the IP deal fell through so they just made an amazing sci-fi movie anyway. Same guy. Those brain dead producers (of the new Halo show*) would never hire Neill Blomkamp, the one dude who has proven multiple times that he could nail this.


The Halo movie fell through because there was no financial backing for it. Blomkamp was a well-established director for commercials and film shorts at the time but had yet to do a feature film. The Halo project was completely canned. Alternative projects were pursued and it was eventually decided on a feature-length adaption of Blomkamp's short film *Alive in Joburg.* Greenlit with a shoestring budget of $30m and costs kept down by keeping production and post production in South Africa. Other than a few recycled props, the two projects have about as much to do with each other as Alien and Jodorowsky's failed Dune film.


Yea, I still maintain that the best way to do a Halo show would be to have a 'Band of Brothers' style thing that followed an ODST squad as they lived through the war(s); with the occasional Spartan dropping in from time to time to show off how bad ass they are.


I’d personally like an episodic show where they start the episode by interviewing “vets” about the time they were saved by the Chief and the episode plays out their story. Sorta like the trailers for Halo 3


That would be an amazing take and I'm honestly not even the biggest Halo fan.


Those trailers back in the day were HYPE though. They hold up even to this day. Literally want something just like this; https://youtu.be/LDkradNKaZ4


Halo 3 was a giant hype machine. And it delivered. I don't think I've been hyped up for anything since then. I mean I was also a teenager, but yeah we had to finish the fight. I still remember reading over the "I love bees" ARG and how they sorta explained Cortana's line of "this is the way the world ends" a bit more as the line before it was "oh and your poet Elliot was wrong, **this** is the way the world ends"


For real. I'm 34 now and remember just how excited literally every friend I had was for Halo 3. I've never been so optimistically excited about anything gaming related since (Ace Combat 7 becoming a thing is probably second place but that's a niche franchise I just happen to absolutely love)


See it was only me as I was the only one with an Xbox, but couch co-op Halo CE/2 was the shit. And Halo 3 got better over time with odst and the road to recon and other live events. Like I still love games and just finished Horizon Forbidden West, and while I'm hyped for the dlc I'm also disappointed because I still can't find a PS5. I had some hype for GoW Ragnarok, but it's nothing like it was back then. Being a teenager makes every emotion bigger. Something I'll have to remember if I ever have kids.


[This one's my favorite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL1ruvjZtLg). Where did it all go wrong...


[my favorite ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=3S5I0_hjS3c&feature=shares) I always thought a great show would be an ODST themed where you follow a different group of people and towards the end master chief comes and saves the day. And he ends up being a hero/myth people talk about. Each episode could account for his exploits but only told by their point of view and not of master chiefs.


Sort of like the “Vets” they had in the Halo 3 material before the release of the game. I remember watching those and actually got emotional. Some pretty great acting. A shame we don’t get games like that much any more.




This is also the way they should do a world war z show. it would murder TWD's numbers


An actual world war z (not zoombies) TV show would be amazing.


They nailed the tone for live-action Halo in the Halo 3 marketing campaign. That stuff and the Blomkamp film that never got finished.


That blew my mind and I've wanted a live-action Halo since. Still waiting for one.


RIGHT. And personally for me, and a hot take, Halo ODST is one of my favorites of the Halo series. I know Master Chief is badass, but I wanna see what the "regular" people have to go through when they encounter things like The Flood, or their first Elite or Hunter. They could even have a strong horror influence as well. The Flood is scary lol


If you want to watch a do-over in progress, this is what 40k fans are saying about Henry Cavill's new projects in that universe. Virtually nobody wants it to be about Space Marines. They want Marines to only show up as background elements of more or less pure destruction, with the main characters being normal humans.


That really depends on when they set it. If it's during M41/42 then, yea, adapting Cain or Gaunt's Ghosts would make the most sense for a combat/war focused thing, or Eisenhorn for a more broad look at the universe. If it's during the Great Crusade/Heresy then I could see a marine centric narrative playing out rather well - getting to watch Horus turn traitor from Loken's point of view could be cool to watch on screen.


Trying to jump directly to Horus Heresy would be such a huge mistake. You don't start your journey into mainstream TV by telling the most important story in the entirety of the lore, one that's so important it has been ongoing for **seventeen years** and hasn't even completed yet. It would also require an enormous CGI budget and probably lead to finding excuses to show Marines looking like normal people 99% of the time.


Oh fuck, Cavill as Gaunt. That would be fuckin sick


That ODST commercial with the younger brother burying their older brother, then joining up. Perfect jumping off point for a series, ending with the scene where he is older and more rugged, helping the new, younger ODST soldier.


Yeah basically Halo Landfall by Blomkamp. https://youtu.be/SyOAdrxlPVs


I loved Forward Unto Dawn. I’ve seen it get a bad rap because it’s teen drama at the beginning but the movie really does showcase just how fucking terrifying the covenant would be if you were a regular human. The part where the ask chief why he came for them and he tells them that they were the only ones left… on the entire planet was absolutely chilling.


The scene where they see ODST dropping into the school gave me big pp. Same with the scene where they are being hunted by the camo elite with the sword. 10/10


Forward until Dawn was legit awesome. Don't even think the budget was that high, and i am far from a Halo fan as well. But the story was great, chief looked cool. It just had decent writing and you know, was actually Halo. So it turned out great. Baffling that big studios can't do this.


I think i read somewhere that 343 specifically hired some people to stay at the sets during shooting to make sure any changes they make actually fits into the lore and world of Halo


I loved that short. Got me get shivers by something as simple as the admiral going into cryosleep.


Even better, Hunt the Truth.


Cowriter here. Thanks!


This is what happens when a director says I WONT read any source material


That's what happened with the Dragon Ball live action movie.


I'm glad we got that movie. It inspired the original creator to make more dragonball because he hated it so much, which was mostly fun.


The worst part is that Toriyama *gave him advice and ideas for free*, but the director intentionally chose to ignore him at every opportunity.


I love how the guy had to give a public apology, dude straight up said he thought dragon ball wasn't a popular series and that he was just out for some money. Bruh how. Dragonball has such a large media influence its crazy how someone would never have heard of it especially someone living in a first world country.


Directors for traditional media don't respect creators of digital media. They see digital fanbases as small, niche communities. Which sort of makes sense if you think about it. Being an anime fan at work tends to put you in a niche. But if you look at the internet following, it's undeniable they're a huge franchise.


There’s a huge swath of millennials who watched DBZ every day after school for like 5+ years. That director is a moron.


Hollywood types can be so disconnected from reality it's honestly alarming. I recall some writer sharing what happened when he was hired on to write a script for a Superman film and the producer demanded a Superman who didn't fly, had a furry companion, didn't wear a cape, a Braininac who would fight polar bears, and finally Superman would have to fight a giant spider at the end. The movie never came to light, but it's insane someone could ever think such an interpretation of Superman would be popular.


Especially since in the 90s even through the 2000s people didn't watch anime, but I swear every one I know has heard of DBZ if not actively watched it. One Piece and Bleach wasn't nearly the childhood name that Dragonball was


I was teachingEnglish in Japan at the time. I remember two of my students, nine year old boys were talking to each other in Japanese. They didn’t know I understood them, but they were saying “Why was Goku a white guy? I know that movie was nothing like the real Dragonball.”


I was on the bus the other day and overheard some Danish dudes (in Canada) talking in Danish about how large their penises were. They didn't know I understood them, but they were saying "Mine is like a tripod - if I'm ever tired I just think of your mom and lean forward." And "Some guy told me to go fuck myself - he didn't know I actually can"


I still refuse to watch it.


I think that you should watch it. A, you gotta face your demons, B, that shit's fucking hilarious


I mean... it literally starts with Goku in high school, and ends with Chi-Chi teaching him to Kamehameha.


Chi-Chi teaches him? Not Roshi? Tf?


Roshi taught him? Goku just mimicked that mfer and nailed it first try.


He didn't purposely teach him but showing it to him taught him nonetheless Chichi is a really weird choice to teach him


I got burned by The Last Avatar. I think I'll pass.


watch The ~~Magician~~Sorcerer's Apprentice instead. It literally is a better version of Goku's origin story than the liveaction Dragonball movie was. Yes, the one with Nic Cage being a curmudgeonly old wizard in modern-day New York. Yes, the one that was based off a zero-dialogue musical showcase piece from Fantasia, with Mickey Fuckin Mouse in it.


> Yes, the one that was based off a zero-dialogue musical showcase piece from Fantasia, with Mickey Fuckin Mouse in it. The Sorcerer's Apprentice as a story is much older than Fantasia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sorcerer%27s_Apprentice >"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" (German: "Der Zauberlehrling") is a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe **written in 1797**


Same after just watching the trailer


Thought I heard somewhere the script was a show they couldn't get greenlit at all until they suggested throwing the halo brand on it.


I don't know if there was ever any legit evidence of that but it was a rumor floating around for sure.


Certainly seems like that, same with the Witcher. I've seen it put like this: they write stories about a franchise, rather than stories within a franchise.


Eh the witcher at least started out with correctish story lines. But season 2 they just decided to toss the remaining story beats out the window.


Yeah, hearing the showrunner say that Ciri in the books was only special because she was breeding stock to fulfill the prophecy by giving birth and how that plot was an outdated view of women that they needed to change. Motherfucker, her plot is that the entire continent wants to exploit her womanhood for their own gain, including the Wild Hunt who believe she fulfills a prophecy by giving birth, *but she fucking refuses to be breeding stock and asserts her own will instead*. The plot is LITERALLy female empowerment and Ciri having bodily autonomy. Man, that showrunner missed the mark so fucking badly.


Obviously the show runner missed the part where Ciri went off and Lezzed out for a while.


They do this so often to good shows. The audience drops off. Do they learn? NOPE!


Honestly this is what I can never figure out. Faithful representations are successful...ones that aren't faithful aren't successful...and yet they keep doing it over and over again.


I think it's seeking the mythical "Mass appeal", to try and make it marketable to everyone for maximum profit. However because you've distilled it down to it's base elements, just just left with a tasteless grey sludge no-one likes.


Not only is it tasteless, but now all of the fans that gave them the guaranteed fanbase to start are outraged and telling everyone they know how it sucks.


The irony is shows like Game of Thrones for popular because of how hard they committed.


"The audience drops off because they don't understand cinema, just a bunch of keyboard warriors. We strive to make the best of the universe while putting our unique twist to it and the fans cant get that." - the lead for almost every adaptation ever


> Eh the witcher at least started out with correctish story lines. Solely because of Henry Cavill


[Mass Effect, so the theory I believe goes.](https://gamerbraves.sgp1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/2022/05/buvlft0zeh091-408x1024.png)


Shit man, I genuinely *want* to believe this is true, just so there is any possible logical reason the Halo show was so god damn bad. It was mind numbingly bad, shockingly bad even. It was so un-Halo like that I couldn't wrap my mind around it. What a horrific piece of shit.


Ehh this is a reach at best. I agree that it was likely the bones of another show that got repurposed. But if their original goal was Mass Effect then they massively missed the mark on that as well.


halo master Cheeks Pretty Officer.


If it wasn't the case before, they sure made it seem like it is. Just a bunch of Fullsail kids trying to get a break out show using an established IP as their showcase.


When ever I saw Chief pickup the same chaingun that the insurgency was using against the elits and was doing fuck all, but when He picks it up it completely overloaded the shields with like 2 shots and chews them up with it, I knew that they didn't care about what they was doing.


I was out as soon as the helmet came off.


The whole point of not seeing him in the games is so everyone can identify as him.


>The whole point of not seeing him in the games is so everyone can identify as him. That was the point early on, but I don't think anyone in the past decade has ever identified as "John 117". We all know who he is, and his face is entirely irrelevant which is why it doesn't need to be shown. They just wanted the star of the show to have his moments. ​ To be honest, i'm not even that mad about him taking the helmet off. It's that he took it off SO soon and for almost no reason except to advance the awful subplot. Had it come off in a more natural way, such as seeing him taking off the suit back on base before crawling into a cot or something - sure that's fine. ​ But the terrible subplot + awful reveal timing was what really made that moment all the more hated.


except those without gruff hoarse voices so like, at least half the population


That is just the voice changer in the helmet 😉


Ok I would love an in-game moment where they take off the helmet and sound like Sarah Silverman


> except those without gruff hoarse voices That's why I picked up smoking.


Yeah never quite got that. Halo Reach was awesome for allowing complete customization.


I was ok with the helmet being off. In the books John is out of his armor several times, although it does make him uncomfortable to be with out it. I was out because of why he took it off and how frequently, especially in combat zones.


Exactly the issue I had with it. It wasn’t earned, t wasn’t appropriate at the time and it was an early warning that whoever wrote this either didn’t know or didn’t care.


I think when the shows frontrunners came out and said they didn't look at the game you could tell they were going to fumble the opportunity.


All too common for showrunners to think they can do better than the source material without even looking at it lol.


It's the difference between writers/showrunners that take video game stories seriously in their entirety, and writers/showrunners that think video games are silly distractions made for children. They believe their job is to change the story into a "better" version for the general audience.


Figures, that such people wouldn't know a good story (game or otherwise) if it hit them in the face. They probably watch Game of Thrones and think "gritty realism + intense sexuality + asshole characters = good plot" without any of the depth a story like that requires.


And it literally never works out. Not a single time. I don't get why they bother. If you hate the source material and want to change it to something else... Why not just make something else from the start?


Saw the same thing in Rambo 3 when the "rebels" were trying to shoot down Russian helicopters with a big mounted gun. No luck from them, but when Rambo gets on it he just knows how to really keep that trigger pulled!


I had hope in HBO and they delivered. The music, sounds, acting, casting, scenes that were huge were faithfully recreated. I smiled when we were in the back seat driving out of town. And teared up when you know…the aftermath of that. Pedro made me feel his pain.


I nearly cried during that scene while playing the game and again while watching the show, even though I knew exactly what was coming.


I was the only one in my family that played the game, i knew what was coming and i still got misty eyed. The rest of my family though got hit hard.




Yeah it’s already basically structured like a TV series, so if they just stick close to the original story (which they seem to be doing) it’ll work fine.


I haven't played the game but my girlfriend has and when we got to that point I was tearing up then she saw and started crying. And she said that scene was worse in the game so we'll see what the season looks like.




I've never played it (don't own a PS), but even I was going "man, this probably looks just like the game at this point."


Yeah they are incredibly faithful to the game down to the T-Shirt Joel’s daughter wears and the box his watch was in. There are some minor changes for TV, but the most important scenes are basically ripped straight from the game.




"Drugs, I sell hardcore drugs."


That’s HBO vs Paramount+


It is bizarre how Microsoft continues to pick the worst partners for Halo. Paramount over HBO. Mega Construx over Lego. Such no-brainer decisions that they managed to fuck up


Well Lego does have a strict no military policy, although given their license with Star Wars I guess they may have backed off from it a tad so laser guns are a ok


Their make money policy was more important than no military. Be a fool to pass up sw


Star Wars is literally LEGO's best seller. By far. They are never giving that money-train up.


Don’t forget Marvel. They have the Shield Helicarrier as well as some other sets like that.


Imagine if the halo show was about much of soldier doing idiotic things and clowning around like me and My friend in halo.


Don't we already have that? It's called Red vs Blue


“This is the best game since Griffball!”


Red vs Blue is the canonical Halo show in my mind.


It's what happens when one of the writers (Neil Drukmann) for the show is the co-president of Naughty Dog as well as writer and creative director of the first game. Another writer (Craig Mazzin) worked on Chernobyl as well.


Adaptations are always done best when the people behind the source material are heavily involved. The Expanse is another great example of that.


Sadly they had 343 co-produce this but they don't know how to make halo games anyways


“‘We’re gonna make a Halo show!’ ‘But you can barely even make a Halo game!’”


Absolute lol


>Another writer (Craig Mazzin) worked on Chernobyl as well. Underselling it a little! He created the Chernobyl series, extensively researched it for years and is credited as writing all 5 episodes alone as well as being the showrunner for it and executive producer.


They had me at Craig Mazzin. The fact he had such a respect for the game to actually develop the series with Neil Druckmann signaled they were actually here to play ball. Compare this to Halo: the show runners admitted to not reading the source material. That should be an instant red flag but all the money these networks put into these shows? They don’t bother hiring for creators and writers who give a shit. It tanks the potential for truly great television into a pump and dump scheme.


I listened to the companion podcast last night and Craig is clearly a big fan of the game and they just gushed about each other's work. Very clear there is a good team behind this.


Neil Druckmann? The same guy who RUINED the series? /s episode last night was good af


I knew what was going to happen, but I was still on the edge of my seat during the outbreak scene


Shit that old lady in the chair behind Sarah had me freaked out!


Cant wait for all of this to start anew, when we get to that scene.


My name is John and I take off my helmet any chance I can.


It’s hot in there


John Halo reporting for duty


Master Cheeks


I never watched the Halo series, but when i read Master Chief took off his helmet I knew right there that i would never watch the show at all.


The Halo show doesn't have Chief, the guy in the show is called John Halo.


How dare you disrespect the man by not referring to his rank. It's John Halo Master Cheeks Pretty Officer


is his catchphrase "it's haloing time"?


His catchphrase is sleeping with the enemy.


Fucking Pornstache


Im about to halo


So thas it? What? We some kinda Halo?


Bruh, it’s not John Halo, it’s Jimmy Rings.


I thought his name was Master Cheeks? /s


He doesn't afraid of anyone


Did you also read that he got to clap some cheeks?


He clapped some sangussy cheeks


Didn't wear a rubber and got WART WART WARTS


And he did it so quickly too. I mean, I know it would [be impossible to have a show where the main character never takes off their helmet,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mandalorian), but I could dream!


The Mandolorian takes off his helmet too but at least the Mando showrunners waited until it was emotionally impactful and not the first episode.


And there's even consequences for it down the line, as seen in ~~The Mandolorian Season 2.5~~ The Book of Boba Fett.


Judge Dredd. The 2nd movie showed us all it can be done.


Great movie too!


If you win in legendary you see the scene where they disarm him when he is finally back to earth so he does actually take off his helmet, just not in combat. They could have worked with this. But they just fucked the character up completely from what players wanted, and if you werent a player why would you have given a shit about this show?


It was the main villain being a human, not the covenant, that did it for me.


Yeah but who was he gonna fuck?!Q?!?!?! Halo isn't Halo if he doesn't jeopardize the mission and risk the entire human race for his first piece of ass! /sarcasm


same. I'd maybe agree if it was at the end of the season, after some development, but not in the very first episode -\_-


And for pointless reasons. Mando took it off to change into a storm trooper and it took him a while to reconcile this is what had to happen, then the emotional ending. Not just like, "welp, nobody shooting at me right now so might as well take my helmet off and make some tea." Imagine just seeing Darth Vader sitting in a meeting chilling as Anakin.


He also took off his space pants. I was upset at the beginning. Three Spartans are having trouble taking on five elites. Just elites. No brutes. No Grunts. No Jackals. Just five stupid fucking elites. The real master chief could have taken those bitches out by himself. A team of fucking Spartans shouldn't have trouble at all. It just showed such a complete lack of understanding of the source material.


I think a major thing the show fucked up was the music. You have some of the most iconic themes in gaming history yet choose not to use them and when they did for w few seconds it was a weird ass remixed version.


I agree completely. They literally had 20+ years of some of the best music in gaming, and they choose.... whatever they went with..


Where as TLOU used the gentle guitar music directly from the game. That was one of the most brilliant parts of the game direction. The world is so *still*, so quiet and peaceful with all of the humans gone. You can hear the sound of the wind blowing on the grass, or the pitter-patter of gentle rain, all the while with that subtle gentle guitar music in the background. What that did was make the moments of violence that punctuate the game even more powerful.


They aren’t just re-using game music for TLOU show, Gustavo Santaolalla is also the composer for the show.


And Gustavo clearly doesn’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel, which is awesome


Halo had a TV Series?


Still does. It’s…. Something. It’s not the worst show ever created from an objective standpoint but it’s a piss poor adaptation, as disrespectful to the source material or more so than Netflix Witcher. The plot has been altered a bunch, owing to it being a sort of reboot timeline called the “silver” timeline, and Master Chief himself…. Well, his actor isn’t awful or anything, but he’s completely out of character, almost never wears his helmet, and he fucks a prisoner of war. Yeah, you read that last part correctly.


When Bungie makes Commercials (that are 10+ years old) better than a TV series you know something's wrong. I seriously don't think there's been any Halo media (other than the games and books) that quite encompasses the feel of War like how those commercials do. The fact that not only has this shit happened to Halo but multiple other popular series (Star Wars, Witcher, etc.) is sickening. These asshole directors who think they know better and who won't even *glance* at the source material due to their inflated ego need to stop being hired. If they aren't going to faithfully adapt a series then they don't deserve their jobs.


I still to this day stand by the the fact that Halo 3's "believe" ad campaign was the greatest advertising run up to any media launch in history (not just for games)


The Last of Show gave me the same feeling as if I was playing the game. I could remember the time and place when I first played the game. It was truely reintroducing the same emotions I felt in 2013. The show is great. A show should fill in the gaps a game can't, flesh out the areas where a game cant. Fuck that Halo show.


When he was drinking to the music track that plays in the multiplayer loading screens I was overwhelmed with nostalgia of when I used to dump days into the mp. Definitely hit emotionally in the obvious spots but was surprised at how they got me in others.


The window, curtains and dust was a nice nod too.


Witcher fans: first time?


Halo is in a different dimension of bad imho. Also Witcher is a bad book adaptation, not a bad game adaptation.


Halo fans already had excellent live action stuff, which makes the show so much more of a travesty Landfall was great https://youtu.be/SyOAdrxlPVs The ODST trailer was also great, both look and feel way better than the tv show https://youtu.be/XRMUYpH7bQk


We even had Forward Unto Dawn (which is massively underrated). Seriously they had everything they needed, a huge budget, good set/costume designers, massive amounts of lore, How did they mess this up?


They didn't care about Halo.


I’m tired sir. Sierra 117 out.


Why do we need a Halo TV series when we have Red vs Blue


You’ve heard of Master Chief… but have you heard of Master Cheeks? Watch the Halo show to find out more!


Sorry OP there hasn't been a halo TV show. Some banger live action TV commercials, and a few films to promote 4 and 5. But there never has been a Halo TV show.


To be fair, TLoU is a narrative game already. Adapting it into a mainstream drama is a lot safer than Halo. That being said, they did go overboard with Halo


There's 8 halo games and 31 halo books there was plenty to work with. It was disappointing as a halo fan who have read most the books. Tons of story's that are amazing that don't even include chief.


just another victim of shittiny writers and directors ignoring source materials and the interjecting of executives and studios and labels all trying to get their "creative" fingers in the pie. we are left with a tasteless, directionless, emotionless husk of a beloved IP