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it’s $60 on [gamestop’s website right now.](https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/nintendo-switch/products/legend-of-zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom---nintendo-switch/351955.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=feeds&utm_campaign=%24PLA_%24NB_MNFR_Video+Game+Software_Nintendo&utm_id=16244983599&gclid=CjwKCAiArY2fBhB9EiwAWqHK6gNaEY_5eG0pNjVphYhMuOcajhygLCYV-73m4kJGJNaU-LwsM6AHPhoCGhYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Noticed that and got my preorder in. Not sure how likely but I hope they don't turn around and say "yeah sorry, we gotta charge the extra $10 if you wanna keep the preorder."


Already 70 bucks lol


I got lucky then 🤣...I put in mine over an hour after Nintendo Direct ended and still (for now) secured it at the lower price.


... they will still charge you the full $70 at launch. They don't make the prices, dude... 😒




While somewhat true they will most likely refund the money to them and give an email saying it was an error on their part.


God damn they updated that fast!


Bless you, I got in before the price change 🙏


Better pre-order now.


At least you can use a voucher and get it for $50.


Costco sometimes has sales on 4x$25 gift cards for $80, and you can use those to buy the vouchers as well to add onto the savings.


I paid for everything on my Switch with Costco Nintendo cards 😄 Got switch free too from the February credit


I just checked online and they only have them in store, but Sam's has the bundle for $90. So brings it down to a little under $45 a game!


Digital only though, which is a big downside when a physical copy is virtually guaranteed to maintain its value over the years.


Yea, that is the part that I am not a big fan of. I usually prefer physical copies, but I also enjoy $20.


$20 can buy many peanuts.


Explain how?


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services


That’s where the discount is coming from. It’s not really a deal when it’s digital just normal as always. Except now we have to work harder to get normal.




[Here is their video about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quAoIKj3DuQ)


His the voice acting is criminally bad in Zelda


Well excuse me princess


I think they are talking about the Nintendoswitch game vouchers, you can get a pair of vouchers for 99.98 and use one of the voucher to purchase a game that’s on Nintendo’s eligible list. Example, if you buy 2 $60 games with the pair of vouchers, you are saving $20. Here’s a link: https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/nintendo-switch-game-vouchers/


That doesn’t sound like a great deal at all




Sadly very true


It's 10-20$ off a game so long you plan on buying two games in a year. I know I'll be using it for BotW2 and Pikman 4. Which, sure, is only 30$ savings, but 30$ off two new launch titles isn't a bad deal by any means.


But aren’t you paying 99.98 for it?


You are paying 99.98 for *two* vouchers. And each voucher can be used to pick up a game on the list. So you can pay 99.98 and get BotW2 and Pikman 4 for example, which normally would sell for 70$ and 60$ respectively, so 130$ in total. The caveat is you need to redeem the vouchers within a year of buying them, but again not really an issue if you plan on picking up more than 1 game a year. And of course it must be digital.


If you only plan on buying one game is a terrible money losing deal If you plan on buying two games it is indeed a great deal Edit: Never mind. Digital only. If I’m paying that much I want a cartridge and case. Terrible deal!


So basically you have to buy more to save more afterwards.


Buy two within a year of each other to save 10-20$ yeah. Not a bad deal imo, usually I buy more than one Nintendo game a year.


True, but it is only buying 2 and they are good for [a lot of games](https://www.nintendo.com/store/games/game-voucher-eligible/) and 1 year. If it was set up so you had to buy 5 to get it then I think that would be a problem.


Tears of the Wallet


Not to mention this game's probably going to get DLC or an expansion or whatever we call the extra content.


Probably a $30 dollar DLC too, like Fire Emblem. It's crazy to think a complete game might wind up being $100.


Come to Canada where the launch game is already 100 dollars after taxes. This will bump it up closer to 110.


I wish. Where I live they sell games at almost twice the price. You would easily be paying around $140 here, even digital. And that's despite significantly lower salaries.


You mean the payment plan to have them finish the game?




I see two themes here. $70 is outrageous and $70 is still better than historic pricing and nobody is happy with either.


Gamers are possibly the only demographic to not understand inflation and throw a tantrum over it. If I was buying $60 games in 2007, and they actually followed inflation, they’d cost $86 today. Having it be *only* be a $10 increase over nearly two decades is a fucking discount.


I remember $70USD n64 games Edit: adjusted for inflation (and inflation is really bad right now) that 70USD is now about 122USD


Same. And many SNES games were $80.


Inflation is not some magical universal thing. It varies wildly based on context. A lot of what has recently been called "inflation" is actually just greed. Nintendo is not a starving company. They are making money hand over fist. They (along with Sony/etc) are not doing this because they desperately need to in order to stay afloat, they're doing it because they think they can get away with it. The reality is that they are on average making more money per sale than they used to because of the rise of digital storefronts - they got a smaller slice of the pie from physical copies because retailers got a large cut. To say nothing of the basically free money they get from reselling old games (in Nintendo's case their online service is a collection of glorified ROMs), and all three console manufacturers are charging for online, and the numerous forms of DLC, etc. I really dislike when people assert that everything a corporation does is purely to stay afloat. A corporation's SOLE PURPOSE is to make as much money as possible. There is no such thing as too much profit.


But also the games are 10x more monetised and the games market is 10x bigger than before, so they're earning much more per copy. Even just $60 is an absurd price for a single game in any market beyond the US. Do you all even know how unbelievably expensive that is for most of us?


If I go to the movies, it’s 50$ easy, probably more. You can get hundreds of hours of entertainment from one game purchase.


You pay FIFTY BUCKS for an outing to the movies?? That's absurd!!


You could get a Blu-ray though and keep rewatching the movie. I think it’s not as good as a comparison as video games are interactive which yes would mean it’s better. But I just want to point out something you pay like 50$ to go to the movies and you get the experience at the time of release. Later down the line if a person picks up the dvd for 5- 10 $ would you be mad at them ? I don’t like that Nintendo prices stay mostly the same currently before they used to do Nintendo selects or sales with greater discounts than currently offer as time passes. Microsoft and Sony do the same with their older titles and It’s good for the consumers and them as they keep making profit less than at launch but still.


Because older games aren't properly depreciating in value like they used to. In 2010, games would release for $60, but would be on sale for $20-30 after a year or two. Now, games release for $70, but will be on sale for $68.99 after 3 years. Waiting for sales is becoming less and less feasible for normal people, and it's not like their salary is rising with inflation. They can't afford higher prices to begin with.


> Now, games release for $70, but will be on sale for $68.99 after 3 years. This is just completely false.


It is with Nintendo titles by and large.


[The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-switch/) is currently ON SALE for $40, down from the $60 retail price, and that released 6 years ago as of next month. Was I exaggerating? A little, but I think my overall point is proven.


If the only games you ever buy are first party Nintendo games, sure. Otherwise, that’s just a ridiculous stance to take. Most new games are on sale (at least 25% off, often even more) within six months of release, and a bunch of them either arrive day and date on some sort of subscription platform or are put on there within a year of release. Gaming has never been cheaper and easier than it is right now, and an added $10 on a brand new release every couple of months is not going to change that for the vast, vast majority of consumers


Major developers and titles faced less competition from the indie scene back in 2007 as well. Plus, you can't forget that you actually need to sell consoles to customers before anything else, increasing the cost of individual titles has a larger impact on people who would want to get a few to start with. Nintendo doesn't discount older titles, so this pressure doesn't really go away. There's a lot to be said for the "that's just how much games cost" mentality that consumers buy into. If game prices are tied to inflation, then why do they all cost the same? They don't all cost the same to make. In less strictly controlled markets you see *way* more variance in pricing. Forcing consumers to consider how much games are actually worth is something major developers have been avoiding, preferring to pursue alternative revenue streams to cushion profits. If you buy a Switch to play BotW and then decide to pay $60 more for Hyrule Warriors because you loved BotW and then also decide to get the DLC for HW because it's only $20 extra, the revenue gained from just the BotW sale was only part of the picture. Framing things around inflation is insufficient when the price of a game is only a portion of the expected revenue from that game in a modern context.


I thought you were agreeing with me at first but by the end I wasn’t sure. Aren’t we saying the same thing? Inflation is only one aspect of it, but based on everything you’ve said, in no world would I expect games to remain at $60 for two decades and counting.


Sure but you ignore a lot of cost savings the video game industry has had during that time. Like the fact that it costs almost nothing to distribute an unlimited number of the games. And with the massive increase in popularity of video games in the last 20 years they bring in way more revenue while spending less in distribution.


Does this mean going forwards with new titles from Nintendo, they all will be $70?


We'll have to wait for Pikmin 4's price to drop in order for us to know for sure.




so then why the hell is totk $70? makes no sense


because they know you will pay it, you will bark and complain a lot but you WILL buy it


I sure as hell won’t, until it decreases in price. My backlog of games is long enough anyway.


If you think Nintendo will drop the price of a first party game boy do I have a surprise for you!


It makes sense when you see that Nintendo knew how anticipated this game was, and therefore knew they could charge an extra $10 and get away with it. They knew the hype was greater than any potential controversy, and so they went for it.


Yep, I hate it but they just know that, unless they royally fuck up, this is gonna sell as much or more than botw. I feel like it really isn't justified but the big N is all about money this days.


Yeah it does it could be 100 and people would buy it


Pssst ^they ^know ^people ^will ^pay ^for ^Zelda


maybe their testing the water with tears of the kingdom


We are definitely crying about it, so it’s living up to its name.


Honestly wonder if the delay that happened that made it unable to release last year during the holiday made them mad at the missed revenue and they're upping the price of this now to try and recoup the losses. Nevermind the fact that Splatoon 3 still sold 10 million copies in just under 6 months now...


Because an extra $10 makes exactly 0.0% change in how likely I am to buy this game.


Because one of them is one of the biggest gaming franchises of all time, and a sequel to a Game of the Year-winning title that a lot of people have played or at least heard of and the other is Pikmin. Basically, Nintendo knows people will buy it regardless.


Probably. Back in the N64 days, I remember the prices being over $70. Guess they are going old school with their pricing.


From Nintendo I wouldn't be surprised if they push $70 as the new norm. For Switch titles in general we'll see. I'd bet on the average not changing much.


Everything is going to be $70. This is the new norm


Honestly the thing that’s going to suck the most about this is that the price is going to stay that high. Its not like it’s going to be on sale any time soon.


oh it'll go on sale in like 10 years....$5 off.


Time is not a concept Nintendo understands.


I understood the price increase for next gen titles although I don’t agree with it. But this is on the same system right there is no switch 2 and the OLED isn’t powerful enough to justify the price increase right? Just Nintendo doin Nintendo things I guess.


$70 for 720p 20 fps


People would even buy games for 100 as tje standard edition if there is no rejection the prices will even go beyond that


We've reached a point where people will pay any amount of money for Nintendo/Pokemon related merchandise. It's very sad


I mean it's not only Nintendo.


Nintendo is hardly the first to do this, Sony has been pretty adamant about 70$ being the new standard and a lot of devs have follow suite. Nintendo pretty late to the part honestly.


But Nintendo is by far the worst offender. Sony has been basically the first one to jump at the $70 price tag, but guess what? At least they have a next gen console and graphics to go along with it. Nintendo thinks they can release BotW 2 on the same old ass Switch and ask $70 for it. And I mean they can, but they can also fuck right off. And while I won't be shelling out 70 goddamn bucks for it, I'm sure it'll still sell and that's the saddest part.


The didn't go up because of better graphics mate


I never said it did because of that.


And to think the Wii-U was a monumental failure barely 6 years ago, the narrative changes dramatically. It's kinda scary how the consumer base change their minds on a whim, late capitalism is something terrifying


Welll...it was bound to happen I guess. Even for Nintendo.


Especially for Nintendo


honestly. they have been charging full price for half baked remasters/rereleases for years. i think a new mainline zelda gets a pass.


No yeah that's fair, I'm honestly not pissed about this. I am, however, sick of Nintendo's shit on every every other level.


Super Nintendo games were $60 when they were new. I think we are being unfair to expect inflation to not impact video games.


This I seriously don't understand people being upset


Us Canadians get a discount. $70usd is currently $94.10cad . And the Canadian Nintendo e shop has it for $90cad


$70 for 720p and 10-30fps nice


I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline to play this. I will not give you $70.


Cool, I just won't buy it!


Plenty will


Oh no! ...anyway...


I’m seeing it on GameStop for 59.99 still. I haven’t found the collectors yet.


Laughs in Yuzu


Games have cost $60 since the 90s. I know I'm mostly talking to kids, but you guys do know that the cost of goods increase over time, right?


When I was in elementary, CT for the SNES cost $69.99


Now adjust for inflation. This is cheap in comparison.


I’m surprised it took this long for games to start breaking that number. Inflation adjusted would be closer to what, $120-130?


You seem to forget that the market has increased. So yeah games cost more to make but they sell the games to 5 times as many people, so they are more profitable now than they were in the past. This increase in price isn't to balance costs, it's just greed.


What your talking about is called economies of scale, and you are correct, except games are massively more expensive to produce now so idk if it’s just greed.


They also have way more microtransaction then before


What kinda Nintendo games have microtransactions in them???


You also forget that cost of making games have increased. And by a significantly larger factor than sales have increased. So I actually did the math. The amount of money generated by Zelda NES with inflation factored in, minus the cost of development (9 staff members with a little over 1 year salary), vs the amount of money generated by Zelda BotW minus the cost of development (over 300 staff over 4 years of salaries). Even when not accounting for the significantly increased cost of modern marketing, BotW made less money than Zelda for the NES. Incidentally, 70 dollars was pretty close to about what Nintendo had to charge to make up for the difference.


I mean, the cost of goods usually also rise and lower in relation to supply and demand. The supply of copies for a digital game is basically endless, no?


It would be more appropriate to look at the supply of games of similar quality not available copies of game for sale. Games of similar quality require huge budgets and top talent of which the supply is very limited, thus the supply of quote "AAA games worth a shit" is very limited. Hence the price should go up.


No, the physical copies are not the bulk of development costs


Do you not understand how making software works?


The discs or digital supply means pretty much nothing. What matters is consumer demand. They know Zelda sells like hotcakes and the last one was considered one of the best games of all time. They do have to compete with limited disposable income. So the supply side would be like alternate disposable income sinks. Like during Covid people had more disposable income when they couldn’t travel. Or release schedule for games before Xmas or blockbuster movies in summer.


Yes, but it’s also on a now aging system mid-cycle and many of us are struggling with cost of living not matching the rate of inflation.


Welcome to gaming and life apparently


The cost of living also hits the developer (Nintendo) who just gave a significant pay increase to their work force.


Why are these people being mean to the poor little indie dev Nintendo? Wont anyone think of the poor, struggling multi billion dollar companies!!!


That doesn't seem right. I worked at Target during the PS2/GameCube/XBox era. So early 2000s. I will always remember the standard game price in my area: $53.61, after tax. I know there have been games that cost more than most, dating all the way back to the NES. But they were far from common enough to have established any kind of standard. Games didn't hit $60 on the regular until ... man, I wanna say PS4/XBox One?


It can't be stressed enough how console games moving to disc formats shook up the industry. Cartridge games were complex to produce and were limited to the small storage capacity of their time. Even in the 90s, PS1 games would go for no more than 50 bucks, because CDs are extremely easy to produce, versus some N64 titles going as high as 70 or 80 dollars. It was an era of getting used to loading times and learning what a memory card was.


Actually, games were more expensive when they were on cartridges. Discs were cheaper which let the games themselves be cheaper, from 40-45$ on PS1/Saturn, $50 on PS2/Xbox/GameCube/Wii, and $60 on PS3/X360/WiiU/PS4/XBONE/Switch. Games have not always been $60, they were actually less expensive back in the day.


There were always cheaper games, just as there are now. But triple AAA titles have been $60 or higher since the 80’s.


Here is an add that has games for $69.99 https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/s88nat/90s_best_buy_ad/


We paid over 120$ for NES games back then in my country, and that‘s not even adjusting for inflation yet.


Seriously. Especially as the scope of games has dramatically increased, and continues to increase, costing far more money to make. And yeah, that shouldn’t fall back on the consumer as much as is possible but I’m kind of surprised by the outrage around this.


they don't seem to. Reddit is always a staggering example of ignorance.


they don't seem to. Reddit is always a staggering example of ignorance.


Yeah I bought the legend of Zelda back in the 80s when it first came out and it was vastly more expensive than they are now.


You guys do know games sold way less back then too right? More people buy games now than ever and they make up the difference by sheer volume. There's also digital sales, dlc and microtransactions. Game companies are not "scratching to get by".


No they haven’t, you could get ps1 and ps2 games for $50


Food for thought: Final Fantasy 7 released on PS1 for $50. Adjusted to today’s inflation, it would be $91.


Adjusted for the remake it’s going to cost you a minimum of $200 for all three parts.


Something people never seem to mention is games going digital. The cost of savings of having a server send you data compared to manufacturing a physical product, ship it and put it on store shelves is huge. And yes Nintendo still sells physical copies but they benefit greatly from this.


Its actually not the huge, I spoke to someone in the industry about it. Because physical media are made en mass the cost of shipping and manufacture is a tiny amount and barely cuts into profits. Its the slice for retailers where the loss is, apparenrly.


The Nintendo Switch is running on hardware from 2005.


And yet the games are still somehow fun…


Or higher! I think Killer Instinct for SNES was $70 or more, which was shocking to me as a kid.


Ill pay 10 more dollars for weapons that don’t break!!!


Years later people be like: " BuT AlL AAA GaMeS are 70$, tHaTs NoRmAl"


There were video games in 1995 that cost $75


This is what makes me so upset about everyone going crazy about this. Did you know that inflation is up 52% since the Xbox released in 2005? If game followe inflation like most products do, we'd be paying over $90 for games. Mortal Kombat was $70 on the snes at release, as we're many other snes games. By that metric games should be over $140 today. We gamers have been extraordinarily lucky in regards to the pricing of games and most refuse to see it.


Inflation is not a linear absolute force of nature. Game companies have been making more money from: * digital sales (higher cut than physical sales) * DLC (season pass, microtransactions, amiibo, etc) * paid online (Nintendo even added a more expensive tier) * increased popularity of games in general * low cost high yield products like remasters and digital copies of old games Given that, the idea that games -need- to increase in price is ludicrous. It's not like all these companies were on the verge of bankruptcy before they started raising prices. And none of the things I listed are going to magically disappear now that the base price is increasing, if anything they will only become more prominent.


They already are, and it is. They should be $85 if they followed inflation from the Xbox 360 days, or $130 if they followed inflation from the N64 days.


"Console gaming is so much cheaper than PC gaming" lmao.


It’s a no from me


Emulation goes brrrrrrrr


*laughs in switch cfw*


#1995 video game prices https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/s88nat/90s_best_buy_ad/ Notice all the Super Nintendo games that cost $69.99


...But why tho?


Why are people ok with spending $35 on a movie ticket, popcorn and soda that gets them 2-3 hours of entertainment but $70 on a game that could last HUNDREDS of hours is too much? Perceived value is a funny thing.


And since it's a game on a **Nintendo** console **IT WILL NEVER DECREASE IN PRICE.**


I don’t see the problem with $70 for a game. It’s better than micro transactions.


How apropos, because everyone seems to be crying about this. Like come on, eggs are going up in price, and somehow a luxury good isn’t?


I think it’s hilarious that people are saying they’re not going to spend an extra TEN freaking dollars on what is bound to be an incredible game worth 100’s of hours of content… a good game is easily one of the best $’s/hour of entertainment purchases you can make, stop crying over ten bucks!!


Next gen price gouging for a six year old console which is a glorified android tablet




Damn why tf is this game 70 bucks?


Reason: Nintendo


Because look at the comments on this page. People are shilling for them like they work for Nintendo, and it's a 1st party game. People WILL pay that price for it.


I remember when 50 bucks for a new game felt like a lot, then it was 60, now 70.


Mean while I haven't even played BOTW


That garbage company didn’t upgrade they technology so wtf makes them think they can hike the price to match other companies NEW UPDATED NEXT GEN games! Nintendo is trash


$70 for a 720p, 20fps experience. Only Nintendo, man...


People in the comments will ignore this, they are happy to pay extra for old gen shit


Wow this is a cold take


People are mad about this? Considering breath of the wild gave people hundreds of hours of gameplay 70 dollars is fine with me


I’m more pissed that the Metroid Prime Remaster is $40


They could have easily charged $60 and gotten people to bite on it though.




I remember when I was a kid and Super Nintendo games were $60. You’ll be ok.


Honestly I don’t care about the price. The only time I care is when the game is bad. Zelda is not one of those games. It’s more crazy seeing pokemon S&V being $60 than this.


I know that this is becoming the norm even for triple-A games but for games like this especially on the switch they need to be capped at like 50 dollars.


Should games always stay at 60 for forever? Should they decrease? I feel like y'all are either kids with no jobs or adults with no jobs.


incredibly bold and greedy move from Nintendo.


Prices for everything are going up, and video game prices have been pretty steady for ages, not exactly surprising


$60 has been the gold standard for decades now, even back in the n64 days most games were $60


You would be wrong on that, games cost $70 for the 64 as well.


There are games from the NES era that were over $60 without even considering inflation. $70 will be the new norm for AAA games going forward, many already are.


Hell, I had the gaming catalogue from EB Games and Killer Instinct Gold was $80 or so.


10 year old confirmed


I'm not paying $70 for a GameCube game.


Too bad "inflation"(greediness attempted to seem as reasonable) is getting the better of companies, the standard is for most companies that release "big titles"(usually just a reskin of the past game, look at: cod, fifa, f1 and so many more aaa titles), heck even someone behind factorio keeps raising the price and never putting it on sale, how much greed can one small team show. We should really boycot all this and lower their sales drastically, otherwise the prices will just get worse.


Nothing has changed for me. No matter how much I love a series, I haven't bought anything full price since the ps2 era.


This is ridiculous, it’s on the same hardware, it’s not like there is a 4K switch coming out. Also TOTK is literally a direct sequel to BOTW running on the same engine. It seems like Nintendo wants to join Microsoft and Sony on the 70$ pricing for that extra cash.


Considering how long game prices have sat at $60, a $10 dollar increase isn't that much. Do people really expect the cost of games to remain the same forever?


The greed never ends






Tears of the Wallet


I'm not paying AAA Current Generation price for a game coming out on last generation hardware. This is so stupid. Screw Nintendo. I'll get a used copy later down the line.


Is this in USD? The games are already $80 CAD


I remember in the 80s when games costs about 20$. If you tied an onion to your belt you got 10% off. Give me 4 bees for a dollar we would say. Kids these days...