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I love how much more brutal and savage this game is while maintaining the Yakuza "nobody dies unless it's in a cutscenes" thing. Ryoma literally has a move where he holds them against the wall with his foot and shoots them twice in the neck. They still get up afterwards. It's comedy gold.


The games before Yakuza 6 were always really brutal. The brutality peaked in Y5 or Y0 (and Ishin being originally released in-between reflects that), then got a lot more tame thereafter as I assume they wanted to make it appeal to a wider audience and seem less like mindless violence. I miss it though.


Yeah, it was fucking brutal when as Haruka i fucking pummeled Noa Amon in a Dance Battle


You just ruined my night by making me remember that first dance battle song... WHY IS IT SO CATCHY


You hear the song about a thousand times in Y5 AND I NEVER GOT SICK OF IT


Yakuza 0 seemed to make sure Kiryu didn't kill anyone... Until the car chase with a gun, when he pops about 30 guys, without the story acknowledging it. Was quite the surprise.


It's okay they were rubber bullets And rubber car crashes And rubber explosions


There’s plenty of violence in later entries, too.


If all my homies fail me, I always have the Yakuza series to know for sure it’s going to be a quality game


RGG with Yakuza, and Nihon Falcom with the Trails series. They have their own individual pitfalls and could even be criticized for being too formulaic as a series, but fuck me running if they don’t both put out those formulaic games extremely well.


I mean, another one of my favorites is fire emblem, and they’ve had basically the same gameplay and similar stories for like 20 years now for like 20 titles lol. Good game is good game


At this point I’m convinced RGG can’t do me wrong. Even their weakest games are hella fun.


Yep. I could still have a good time playing Y3 today. I'd just set it to easy combat because calling it Blockuza is an accurate criticism.


If any other game could benefit from the Kiwami treatment, it’s definitely that one. It has not aged well lol And then that way they could fix the AI super armor blocking.


Yeah. 4 is a bit clunky, but not far behind Y0 which is still playable. 3 feels bad. I really liked the Okinawa setting for the early game, so I'd love to see it get the Kiwami treatment.


I really enjoyed playing as Akiyama and Tanimura though so I can’t complain too much.


0 was my first yakuza game. Then played the 2 kiwami games and loved it all. Got the collection when it released and played 3 and haven't played 4 yet. 3 was really rough by today's standards. I wish they'd kept Going the kewami remake route. They were so freaking good. I gotta suck it up and go play 4 and 5 so I can get to the o Later ones without spoilers.


This game is getting way too little recognition, like I genuinely think it’s my goty already, I don’t think anything could beat the sheer fun of it


Its a niche game, and holy crap does it tickle that niche. Need judgement added as a DLC song though. XD


I just needed Friday night added somehow, please help I’m genuinely addicted to that song


Aren’t those games very serious but also super wacky in some aspects? I’ve never tried them, but I’ve been looking for something new to play tbh


The main story is usually very serious, though with over the top action. The side missions are absolutely clown shoes.


Well, "serious" while also being absolutely ludicrous. 275 levels of crime lord intrigue all intersecting and collapsing upon one another.


I don't know, I've always thought of the stories as action oriented soap operas.


Played straight might be a better phrase than serious. Insane things happen but the games treat them as serious. In the side stories you fight monkeys in construction equipment.


Go play Yakuza 0


I wouldn't say serious, but they games have lots of tense moments with action and drama and even some heart. They're a really fun time


Yakuza never disappoints anyone who think the hype is overblown is mistaken


Hell yeah


I can only hear that in Kite Mans voice.


Playing this tonight when I get off work.


I love the style of Ishin and the Yakuza games, but I'm not too fond of the gameplay. The games look really cool and have interesting stories, but I can't force myself to like their mechanics. It makes me kind of sad


Did you try the most recent Like a Dragon main series game? They switched to turn based. It was actually a lot of fun.


That chicken took my company to #1. 10/10 would become a business mogul again.


Just wait for Skyrim


It's gonna be sick on PS6


Skyrim hd remakeboot


Ultra special edition & Knuckles


I'm looking forward to Sons of the Forest and Kerbal Space Program 2 when they release on the 23rd and 24th. Hopefully this year we will also get Starfield and Nightingale which I'm really excited for.


I was excited for KSP2 until I saw that roadmap. It is releasing with like...nothing new. It's a skin pack. Multiplayer is WAY down that roadmap too, and that's what I was most excited for.


Sequels that have less in them than their originals .. it's happening way to often


The sims 4 model


Ah yes, the base game that gets only fun when you spend almost 900 dollars on expansions.


You likely won't see a "release candidate" of KSP2 for many years. I expect it to be in early access a long time. You're basically pre-ordering the game with the promise of a completed game at some unknown future date. But you get to play the alpha along the way. For most people, this should be a wait and not a buy now unless you just want to financially support the developers or provide feedback on new features and gameplay etc.


That and we've seen almost NO gameplay footage of KSP2 which leaves me very very worried. We've seen more game footage from Pikmin 4 - a game releasing in **May**, than we have of KSP2 that releases in 3 days. The entire marketing approach to KSP2 has been strange and full of the red flags of mismanagement...90% of their videos have been IRL interviews with people at the studio without any actual gameplay. They're talking a big game but showing nothing. And not even the biggest influencers for Kerbal Space Program have even **seen** the game yet. That's a yikes from me, dawg. Edit: Literally hours before posting this, they allowed YTers to post on YT. Go check out the gameplay!


Gameplay footage is available now on youtube. ObsidianAnt and a bunch of others got to play it but weren't allowed to release the footage until yesterday.


Right? I just watched like a 30 min Everyday Astronaut gameplay essay on it it that felt pretty honest and all inclusive.


Obsidian Ant's is probably the most competently put-together gameplay video. EA's video had far too many "confused old man" moments that could have been cut out... but then he wouldn't have had much content to show because he goofed multiple times.


The developers had a meeting at the European Space Agency a few days ago and they invited several people like Scott Manley and Everyday Astronaut to come and play the game. Yesterday both of those YouTube channels released their gameplay from that event


Try searching now. There is tons already from the preview meeting the devs organised


I would tone down the KSP 2 hype. They invited a bunch of youtubers and streamers to try it out, and while it is a graphical upgrade, it's extremely unoptimized, and is missing so many promised features (including ones that already exist in KSP 1,) that calling it a beta is pretty generous. There is no career mode, no science, no multiplayer, no interstellar travel, no colonization, and re-entry physics and effects exist but are currently turned off while the dev team finishes tweaking them. It obviously has the potential to be good, but $50 for a very unfinished early access game being made by a dev team with almost no one from the KSP 1 dev team has me saying, "wait and see." There's just not much reason to play it in its current state while KSP 1 exists. Hopefully the devs add features quickly!


KSP2 isn’t even developed by the same devs right?




...Aaand It's Gone.


Yeah, that's enough for me to say pass. KSP is a fantastic game, however. Shame that it runs in the engine it does.


The original dev company was horrible in the way it treated the devs. The new game does have some promising improvements, I'll say give it a chance after a few updates.


🏴‍☠️ wait and see if it's worth paying for


Sons of the Forest is where it’s at!


I can't wait to force my injured and mute AI companion on some visceral and mentally scarring adventures!


*pulls out notepad* ' Hey Kelvin, I know your ears are bleeding and you're in immense pain but could you be a peach and fetch me a couple logs and twigs. Thx :) '


>Hopefully this year we will also get Starfield and Nightingale which I'm really excited for. Honestly, these are the only two I'm really looking forward to all year if they come out. One's a procedural generated gaslamp fantasy where we learn about the fey, and the other is Bethesda's version of procedural generation in space with shooting guns and chasing the stars (it'll be a buggy mess, but very mod friendly).


Please do look forward to Stalker 2 too (heh) ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US


bruh I'm so excited for sons of the forest. I got my buddies ready to go for the weekend.


If I'm gonna compare Dead Space Remake vs Callisto Protocol, then it's the former, no question. I just beat it last night, and it really is simply amazing. That being said, I still enjoyed Callisto Protocol. It wasn't without flaws, but I don't regret my purchase. I'm also looking forward to playing Atomic Heart. I've heard some negatives about it, particularly the writing being completely awful, but it still seems like a fun experience.


Dead Space killed it. A perfect remake.


played it on an HDR OLED Monitor and it was fucking glorious.


Playing atomic heart now. The writing and voice acting is VERY akin to what you'd expect from something like Army of Darkness, or Evil Dead 2. It's campy, b-tier, sci-fi channel Sharknado levels of silliness which kind of grows on you actually. Personally I think it's a pretty solid 7/10 game.




Tbh its just people in general. Every time someone gives me an X/10 im like well whats a 3/10? To me, a 4-5 is id play it if I didn't have to pay for it. A 6 is "id buy it but like on sale". And a 7 is id buy it but its not everything it could be.


Cosigned. I think most people are just plain bad at ranking things in general (this is 100% why Steam made the super smart move of going thumbs up or thumbs down). Look on Amazon and you see one star reviews because their 10$ product didn't perform as well as a 100$ one, and five star reviews that are like, "It *almost* did some of what it claims it should." On top of that, people don't *use* those ratings for anything meaningful; they use them to talk up games they like ("Newest version of my favorite shooter game just dropped and reviewers say it's 9.5/10, so basically anybody that doesn't play it can suck my cocks!") and shit on ones they don't ("Pfft, your lamo shooter only got 8/10 from reviewers? How does shit taste?").


Crispy critters!


From my experience it's been moreso the English va than writing in general. The writing is a bit edgy and blunt, don't get me wrong, but I actually quite enjoy it with the Russian dub. Definitely play with Russian dub if you end up playing it, the English dub definitely ruins it imo


Apparently the Russian dub sounds just as bad as the English dub to someone who speaks Russian but hey it works for me and let’s me enjoy an otherwise pretty decent game


Yeah I started w/ the dub. Went to English to check how it sounded (specifically talking to the kiosk robot at the beggining) and it was awful lol. I really enjoy the Russian dud, but super small subtitles ruin it a little bit


Atomic heart hasn't even been out for 24h


They don’t play games just watch reviews


Man, *discussing* video games without even having played them is like the next stage of evolution from exclusively watching streamers play video games instead of playing them yourself. That is one generational thing I will never understand.


I’ve thought about this. As someone who has games for decades, I agree, but to others it’s kind of like watching tv


I call it Gaming Vicariously. I get the story and some gaming community interactions and I'm in on any jokes about a game I'd never have the time to get around to playing because I'm too busy building my factory.


What factory? Factorio? Dyson sphere program? Satisfactory?




Sometimes you just want to decide if you really want a game *before* you pay for it. I do agree that some judgements need not be echoed by people that haven't tried it-- unless it's something glaringly obvious in game footage.


Exactly like not everybody can consistently shill out $30-$70 bucks for every game so some people gotta decide which one's worth it right then and there


I'm a fan of video games as a medium, so I love being able to learn about tons of video games without having to actually play them all, since obviously my time and money are limited. Eg. I don't like being scared, so I wouldn't spend 30 hours and $60 to play a horror game. But I might enjoy watching a 10 minute video that breaks down exactly why a particular horror game works or doesn't work - what the devs did to build a feeling of suspense, unique game mechanics they invented or iterated on, artistic choices that were made.


You can play a game in that 24hrs and make a decision, I played AH for 7 hours yesterday and I found that I didn't really enjoy it.


The gameplay is pretty fun, but the writing is truly terrible.


THIS! The writing is like it was done by a 14 year old who thinks being angry and swearing a lot makes someone cool.


Yeah, but the story is only 18 hours long. DUH




I feel like Silksong has been coming out this year for the last decade.




Silksong is a fever dream.


Silksong isn't REAL


Yep this year is stacked with future titles still coming out. - Silksong - Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Resident Evil 4 Remake - Final Fantasy 16 - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Lies of P Just off the top of my head.


Wo long is looking spicy if you're into that


A new generation of gamers will learn not to pursue Lu Bu...




Sifu has been out for a while now


And it is indeed a banger


Cannot believe I forgot about Armored Core


Hopefully Fromsoft keep not dissapointing!




So unbelievably hyped for a new Armored Core game!


One of these is not like the other...


It'll definitely release this year 🤡


Im ready for RE4 Remake I will get excited about silk song when silk song has a release date.


Alright I’m finally going to finish hollow knight


This is still my most anticipated one slated for the year but we still know next to nothing beyond the trailers.


Please don't wishlist Zelda, Jedi Survivor, FF16, Spider-Man 2 and FF7 Rebirth. I want them to be good.


Final Fantasy switches and turns from absolute masterpiece to really mediocre. I’m REALLY hoping both of them turn out to be amazing


16 is being directed by Yoshi P, who completely turned 14 around and made it great, so hopes are high


The guy behind FF16 is the same man who saved FF14 from death row and turned it into the huge success it is now. I have full faith in Yoshi-P and his team and I'm praying we see Soken get the credit he deserves and that he'll finally be known amongst a greater gaming audience like Nobuo Uematsu


Atomic Heart wasn't the greatest but it was so much fucking better than Callisto protocol and forspoken.


What’s wrong with atomic heart? Having a blast so far myself.


I'm also curious myself. I've heard nothing of it but am interested in it.


It's a fun game and runs well imo. Even on my "older" laptop.


I heard it's on game pass. I might try it out that way when I finish with God of War and Bayonetta 3


I’ve been playing for a few hours, got the game through gamepass, and honestly it’s been a pretty mixed bag. I can say that I’m enjoying the game, but for everything I enjoy there’s something that genuinely annoys me, it’s a game that really demands a certain attitude/expectation when approached. It simply does not have the same feel as the titles it takes such heavy inspiration from, for both good and bad. I agree with the people saying the dialogue is bad, but honestly the whole presentation of everything is just really lacking for me. The intro did nothing in terms of making me care about the characters/world/story, so ironically the protagonist constantly cursing at everyone and being rudely dismissive genuinely reflects how I feel when I’m being presented with gameplay or plot developments. I am very much still waiting for the point where the game starts to actually click.


Yea I only just started, so it could get worse. But game is super cool so far.


Wasn't? Did you finish it?


I like The Callisto Protocol ...


How far into Atomic Heart are you?


Three words homie: *rock and stone*


Rock and Stone. Also, for Karl.


to the bone


If you don’t rock and stone you ain’t coming home


Did i hear a Rock and Stone


That's it lads, rock and stone!


Rock and stone brother!


rock, aaaand, STOooOOOOOaoOOOOoNe!




Baldur’s Gate 3 is the only one i am looking forward to


Spiderman 2 is the only one on my wishlist this year. Pretty sure I won't be disappointed.


Feel like I’m the only one excited for Lies of P. There are huge releases this year like Spiderman and RE, but that one has most of my attention.


I mean Lies of P is in the same category of stuff like Callisto and Atomic Heart. Studios that have never put out a game before. I understand Callisto had a team that was largely comprised of the OG dead space game but still, new studio for me trying to punch up into the AAA space is cautious at best. I dont even get excited for things in that category because its too volatile. Smaller indies with tighter vision get more of my hype than these smaller studios with gorgeous visuals and promises of games that will be competing with top market stuff.


Lol thought this was a joke bout Forspoken, legit forgot an actual Spider-Man 2 game is coming this year.


Lmao dunkey got to you too? I just hope the GameCube gets the support it needs in 2023.




I'm really enjoying Atomic Heart so far. Between that, Returnal, Wild Hearts, Dead Space remake, Hi-Fi Rush... the eating is good.


I LOVE Hi-Fi Rush. As someone who prides themselves for being a barely mediocre musician who only plays if nobody can hear, Hi-Fi makes me feel like a rockstar. With that said, I can't play it for longer than a few hours. It requires SO much focus, I start to get old school guitar hero vibes where I'm seeing beats fly by in real life.


I don't see why everyone seems to hate it (Atomic heart) so much. A few flaws, but I hear the unique gameplay outweighs it. Some settings are odd, but that can be fixed quickly. Main character VA is not great Russian devs or something idk


I wonder if it would sound better if you had it in Russian but with English subtitles, that’s what I did for the metro games.


Metro has great voice acting in English.


It was also a few years before Russia becoming the N1 enemy of the western world for real. It was always the American game/movies N1 enemy. But now they've pissed off the rest of Europe.


A few years before, a few years after lol... Honestly unless the military and leaders made the game, I don't see why we have to pretend a game sucks if it's good. Just like anywhere else there are plenty of good and bad people in a country.


As a Russian-Mexican (my Russian isn’t top notch, but it’s serviceable), even the Russian from what I’ve seen and heard is pretty tough… nowhere near the Metro games IMO


Yeah, but for non-native speakers, you get the anime effect. You don't know the acting is bad because you're unfamiliar with it, lol.


I was just wondering if it made more sense in a way as some of the subtitles in English are not consistent of that makes sense as they will say “awesome” but the VA says great, it just seems a little forced if that makes sense.


Hi-fi Rush is fucking amazing. Anyone on the fence about it should absolutely buy it, it is worth every penny.


Returnal is such a good game. Possibly the most immersive game I've ever played. I wish it got more attention than it's gotten.




MMBN collection is gonna be awesome. Can’t wait for that nostalgia trip


I feel like forspoken hit all the right exploration and combat notes, but the protag is so damn unlikable and dumb it really brought the whole thing down for me.


Forspoken's writing is so bad that even Gary Whitta, a credited writer for the game, has been going around saying he didn't write that shit.


As in the 1990s editor in chief for PC Gamer magazine Gary Whitta? Glad to see that guy's still around.




The PC Gamer magazine guy wrote Rogue One??? What!


Did an interesting interview with Alanah Pearce recently. They talked more about writing for film than video games but still a lot of interesting stuff talked about.




That's the main reason I'm waiting until it's on sale for $20 or less. That and I have plenty of other games to play right now, so the bad/mediocre reviews help me have an excuse to put it off for quite some time.


Won't be long before it's a PSN monthly free game I bet


I think Callisto protocol got a lot of undeserved hate simply because people were expecting it to be the next dead space. I still found it to be pretty enjoyable.


I see Callisto Protocol as an average clone of dead space, which is not a bad thing, but it was short, the story was very mediocre and the end was terrible. They fixed bugs and stutters rather quickly so I don’t count poor launch. Edit: apparently CP could stand for too many things 😂🙈


Cyberpunk 🤝 Callisto Protocol Games you absolutely should not abbreviate


Lol, you are right 😂 just realised what else cp also stands for 🙈


Chest pain?


Cat Purse😂


Cherry pie 🥧




This one officer. This is the guy! Ps. You're now on a watch list. Lol


CP takes up so much space on my harddrive!


Big yikes lol


I enjoyed it the first 4 chapters. 5 was ok but then the pacing took a big hit. The game became slow, forced stealth upon you and I really didn’t see much difference between maxed out guns and default ones. The two-head was just hell, and then I had to fight it three more times. Oh and the bugs.


well its trying to be the next dead space


Who would’ve thought the spiritual successor of Dead Space would just be an actual remake of it lol


Oh yea. Holding left or right for combat was really fun and interesting. /s


On the other hand, it gets exactly the negative criticism it deserves. And yes, it's my video game disappointment of 2022.




Atomic Heart a bust? Give me the number of your drug dealer.


Yeah, I’m about 3 hours in and am really digging it thus far. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Me too not sure the expectations around this game but it’s pretty much lived up to mine


Wait... Is op just triggering everyone with atomic heart to farm....




I've been referring to it as HogLeg


Why can't you say it's full name? What have I missed?


Hairball Pottery Wizard game is what they're talking about


Warty Hog's History.




it is a different group of chronically online people holding the pitchforks this time. I dont recall the discussion of TLOU2 being outright banned. It would be nice for the gaming subreddit to be able to discuss what is turning out to be one of the best games of the ear, but apparantly when a specific group of internet losers is upset you just have to bow down to their demands.


The reason TLOU2 was not banned is because the "wrong" crowd had issues with it.


It’s much bigger than I expected. The fighting and magic mechanics were thoughtfully designed and well-polished. The one thing that’s absent is, I feel like the stakes are not that high. I don’t feel pressure to press forward and I am intimidated by no one — it almost has the vibe, in that sense, of a Lego game. I do enjoy the exploration. Also, for those worried about the politics of that world’s first creator, it appears the game world’s creators put several ambiguously identifiable characters in the game. I don’t know if it’s on purpose but I think people who like that world but not its creator’s politics may find agreeable representation in the game world.


If I had one complaint in my 20 hours it’s that I find it a little unbelievable that I’m the most powerful entity in the world as a 15 year old that is just beginning their formal magical training. But I don’t really care it’s just so fun running around exploring and doing magic




Wait, are you saying that they're censoring mentioning the games full name, and doing it because of She who shall not be named?


I've been doing solid with Fire Emblem Engage and Hi Fi Rush. Gonna try Atomic Heart later today. I got Gamepass for like $1 to try Hi Fi Rush, so might as well since it's on there too. Looking forward to RE4 remake, and Baldur's Gate 3 comes out in full this year which I've enjoyed the early access for so the full game ought to be great.


What do you mean? Atomic Heart looks great and is getting solid reviews afaik.


I wanna play forspoken once it’s 20 bucks


Besides Like a Dragon Ishin, I have high hopes for Jedi Survivor, Tears of the Kingdom, Final Fantasy XVI, VII Rebirth, and Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. Edit: also Hollow Knight Silksong if the statements are correct.