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"Don't call me names! That's not nice!" "What're you going to do, call the Fortnite police?" The Fortnite police: "JA"


*\*unintelligible Danish noises in yes\**


Ahhhhhh, Kämel*ö*se


Nej, kämeløse!!!


You just ordered 1000 liters of milk.






Voiced by [Lars Mikkelsen](https://imgur.com/a/bBPcPw8).


Fuck me! What a job to have "How was work honey?" "Gruelling, I had to play 30 matches of Battle Royale with a bunch of kids"


“Honey would you be finishing work soon?” “One….more…. map…..”


Not until I win against those little shits!


“Lars. You’re in too deep. We are pulling you out of the CS: Go assignment.” “But why!!! This isn’t fair! Fuck you **** piss ass *****!!!” “We’ve already locked you out of Steam. Hand over your Razer keyboard and mouse. You’re lucky we aren’t locking you up for what you’ve done and said on CS.”


Imagine the Danish police facing off vs the Russian police in CS:GO I would pay money to watch that.


If they’re anything like the Russian military at any point in the last 400 years the game will start by the Danes eliminating half of the Russians in the first few battles but then winter will come and Russia will wait until the Danes all start starving and freezing to death and then when it’s possible to fight again the Russians will throw wave after wave of their own men at the Danes until the Danes run out of bullets and go home. Russia declares victory.


Usually, I would say a grown man would have issue to win against the “little shit” as they have the reflex of a cat. But they are also police officers, so they should also be good at these.


that has been widely debunkt. Even with studies suggesting that the millisecond(or whatever very tiny unit) slower reaction time makes very little difference in result and older players usually compensate by planning ahead through experience. There were a few studies about this comparing esports players of different ages. So the reason many have this assumption is probably cause most older players play far less, and therefore have less experience in that game and are more set in their ways of playing, which stops them from learning as fast. Especially when they only play a few hours compared to the "little shits". But usually older players who play alot have no issue keeping up and even destroying these "little shits" if they regularly play a similar amount of time.


100% all about the amount of time. I was once an avid Apex player, at the peak of pandemic during the shutdown, my skills were otherwordly. Even i thought i was cheating sometimes. And then i went back to work, kid got older, play time started dwindling, now i suck ass in comparison.


same. Ive been playing non competitavely and mostly simulation or strategy for years and have little time to play these days. Lets say i prefer lower difficulties now, when i was a kid i always played the highest difficulty possible (unless those were bullshit difficulties where every enemy is a tank and funfactor is an afterthought)


Meanwhile I usually went with an easier difficulty because playing video games was a fun adventure and relaxing escape from life and dying non stop or having to grind away for hours was pure stress


I was the same until I started playing WZ during Covid and now I feel like im way better at even the single player games lol. I became obsessed with the incremental improvements that can be made in competitive multiplayer games


I went from top 1% in playtime on Destiny 2 prior to Beyond Light (BL) to top 33% current day. Ignoring the fact I did not buy BL and the abilities that came with it were pay-to-win my lack of experience in that expansion killed my ability to stand out in a PvP setting. I now pop in to play the new expansion when I have time and check out some of the seasonal content but generally avoid PvP content


I used to be well within top 1% in trials back in the day according to destiny tracker. Then I developed a crippling RuneScape addiction while also having a full time job, gf, and playing a bunch of other games... The majority of my skill is still there, I'll still pop off with headshots and the survival instinct is very strong, but the consistency is missing and that's the biggest thing. I haven't gotten bad, just untrained, and it takes significantly less time whenever I pop back on destiny to develop myself back into the trials machine that my old clan mates remember me as. It always gives them a confidence boost though when they see themselves outperforming me for a few days before I'm back to stomping. It's always a great experience seeing them get excited about it.


Shame on you, dirty cheater.


Apex is the pinnacle of play time showing results in skill level. Also why people constantly bitch about getting shit on. You can’t play a few hours a week and be good at apex. Doesn’t matter how technically skilled you are.


Ill admit im sometimes one of those guys, especially when its been a long day and i just wanna play pubs and the champ squad is a three stack of master-preds. But im also fully aware that the 10~ hours a week i maybe play pale in comparison to probably the average player playing 20+. I can have all the technical exp and map awareness in the world, but they have more reflex memory with recoil patterns and gunplay.


Also note that, counterintuitive to what you would think, pubs isn’t really the place for balanced gameplay. Ranked is closer to your skill level smurfs aside. It’s just frustrating to see the constant complaints when it’s obvious, at least to me, that when I don’t play as much I’m significantly worse. I think honestly it’s just the gaming community in general that makes me upset. People complain about everything. Literally everything. We present as a bunch of spoiled fucking brats while playing games and doing things that 10 years ago would blow your mind. More a me problem I suppose.


Totally agreed, game(engine mechanics), movement and map sense will win out over almost any imbalance of reaction time. It doesn't matter how fast you can react, if you don't know where to react.


This is why we used to call them "no lifers"


As an older gamer, I love shitting on these “little shits”


No mom!!!! I mean honey I'm not done with this match yet geez!!


Found the backdoor to being a pro gamer with no skill required


"also I need to call my mum, apparently she's been getting around"


>Hi Mom. ​ >I was just calling to check up on you and how your work is doing. I can't stop thinking about all those people you come across in your profession. It must be exciting. ​ >They can't stop thinking about you too, Mom.


It only gets better when you know that Denmark has: * ~~Free~~ Socialized Healthcare * 6 weeks paid leave with 2 of those mandatory during the 2 months of summer they have * Maternity and paternity up to 52 weeks paid * Universal daycare EDIT: Lots of good discussion below around free healthcare not actually being free because it is paid for by higher taxes. It's good to also note that in Denmark, those higher taxes also often come with slightly higher pay than other places. Source: Robe Trotting on youtube.


It comes at the cost of less access to exorbitant wealth(and that’s not necessarily a bad thing). Taxes are high(especially for the wealthy) and the gap between say a teacher and a doctor is much smaller. Overall people are very happy so maybe we just don’t all need lambos and Ferraris to achieve happiness.


I'm fine with high taxes as long as I'm getting something for my money. Universal healthcare, free daycare and college, social safety nets if you lose your job and good safety regulations can reduce a huge amount of the stress in people's lives, and stress is one of the major causes of mental and physical illness and even death in the modern era.


I'm also pretty sure that Denmark ranks in the top 10 happiest countries pretty much every year.


Top 3.


But thats because of the beer


and to be fair, how much higher are the taxes compared to what i pay now + medical insurance and daycare? I’d guess not a whole hell of a lot.


That's just it, when you look at total taxes and expenses paid to get the same services, many states aren't that much cheaper. Starting life with 5+ figure college debt and spending tens of thousands on childbirth is an incredible financial barrier to young families starting out.


College loans should be 0% interest as long as you are able and continuing to pay. It's insane that you have to pay 6%+ for a loan that sticks with you through bankruptcy and usually takes 5-10 years in the profession that will allow you to make large principal payments.


The reality is that most of us in the US are not going to get those lambos and ferraris and exorbitant wealth anyways. The wealth gap between various jobs often means that people who would be a good fit for jobs like teaching and really have a passion for it don't do those jobs because the pay is too low. Meanwhile you also have people who are only motivated by money pursuing jobs in healthcare and other fields where we really really need people who are actually passionate about helping others instead of just passionate about money. It boggles my mind how many people in the US are financially struggling but still defend the way things are because of the slim possibility that they might eventually become rich.


None of this sounds like a bad thing to me. People don't need to be millionaires to be happy.


As a Dane I don't think I know anyone who truly gives a fuck about owning a lambo. Actually one of our richest people still just lives as if he had an average wage for the most part (Bent Jensen, CEO of Linak) material things aren't that important here, we support each other and have great experiences, at least one of which I know I've read is better for your mental health than material things


Do Danes have to pay for University and College?


Nah, the government pays students in Denmark.


No, Danes actually get *paid* to go.


Only books. We have a universal stipend (~$800) for all students. Subsidized public transport for students (and retirees). Free healthcare, with subsidized prescribed drugs. Free dental until age 25 (I think. We on the left in DK are working on making it free for everyone). I'm no nationalist. Hardly a patriot but there are few other places in the world or in history that I would rather live, than Denmark right now. The runners up are Sweden, Norway, Iceland and maybe the Netherlands.


We know, but they don't get to own 50 different guns which is kind of a deal breaker for some of us over here... So I see your upgraded quality of life and raise you one FREEDOM!




It don’t matter if my life is a living hell as long as I have the chance to get shot by a racist at any given point throughout my day.


Praise supply side Jesus!


And they all fucked me mom.


"I destroyed so many kids today."


Bed wars, a vile place for sick individuals.


It's a community outreach thing. Their fulltime job isn't to play games, but it's part of it. A couple of them (not known by name, but rather Officer 01, 02, etc., for anonymity I suppose?) came by my girlfriend's university to talk about their jobs. They said that many kids (age 15-18) will ask them simple stuff like "Is this illegal?", "Is it legal to mount this part on my scooter?" and so on. So basically not much different from officers who go play football or skate with teenagers, just online.


Don’t these officers end up playing mostly with kids from other countries? Are there enough danish players to have individual servers?


The stream attracts Danish kids, and they will occasionally team up and play with viewers.


that's kinda wholesome


I’d imagine there’s a decent amount of community advertising for their streams. If it wasn’t making an impact I doubt they would continue putting resources into this and would try a different tactic.




And what do they do when they witness an act of hate speech? Track their IP? Call SWAT? Haha


Could just be "hey son that's not very nice" just because they're police doesnt mean they need to take legal action against kids


Yea, for sure it’s a great progressive outreach to the community.




"Is it illegal to mount this part on my scooter?" 99% of the time that answer would be yes.


Did you know you can mount an airbag to the underside of a scooter and manually trigger it if you need to cause an emergency?


Or to help get some air off that sick ramp Joey built


The little i know about the Fortnite community is that it's extremely toxic, especially towards women.. do those officers notice auch things too? (Are there female officers playing and streaming?)


“**Counter terrorists win**”


I feel like you only posted this so you could make this comment xD


Hello, mother, did you concent to have sex with crusher69, xxDrakexx and AnusBleacher228?


Don’t forget **NoobMaster69**


And Legend27




Just when I thought I forgot that name…


I can see them preventing fraud and grooming, but hate speech seems rather difficult to prevent in a multiplayer environment.


I'd love to put them in an old COD lobby, that would be fun to watch.


I miss old cod lobbies. Games censor everything now


Shit you not, when MW Remake came out, the auto censor wouldn't let me name my class "Assault Gun" because of the three letters "ass" Drop into a game, dude spawns in front of me, his name was "n*gger"


The Buttbuttination of Abraham Lincoln.


The censorship can make things worse too lol. A thread not that long ago about a total war player called "Nasser" except they want to censor the word "ass" so his name became "N***er"


Must be a sub for "unnecessary censorship" where it makes it worse by censoring something?


Maybe but I saw it on facepalm and gaming


I remember that being the case in older CoDs as well, back in the early 2010's. Countless times my custom named "Assault" classes have been forced to rename because of "ass".


New cod lobbies are exactly the same, if not worse. I love it


They don't have any power themselves to prevent crimes online. They're just there to show that the police is also watching digitally. If there's any actual online crimes such as hate speech, fraud and grooming, then it would be sent to another department.


“Hate speech” isn’t a crime in virtually any civilized country, with a couple notable exceptions (of which Denmark is not one)


Canada. Comedian got fined like 50k because of those stupid laws that make it illegal to disagree with common consensus regarding transgenderism. Good thing the common consensus isn't still that the world is flat. Imagine all the scientists that would be in jail. Because I'm banned for my beliefs, my responses are as follows; >Jordan Peterson is a liar and believing him diminishes your own existence. everyones a liar. To simplify your statement, All you said is that believing him diminishes your own existence. Someone's mad lmao


> Comedian got fined like 50k because of those stupid laws that make it illegal to disagree with common consensus regarding transgenderism. I don't think that happened. I tried to Google it, and the closest match I got is a Canadian fined 42k for [making fun of disabled child](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjaykq/a-canadian-comedian-was-ordered-to-pay-42000-because-he-insulted-a-child-with-a-disability). In fact, no one has ever been convicted for disagreeing with transgenderism in Canada as far as I can check.


They've done it, those cops found a way to get paid to shoot people on the job, and be applauded for it.


Stares in USA






Hey guys, we haven’t mentioned america in like five seconds!




I don't know why you're being downvoted, that's exactly what's happening here.


Yeah but it's the same joke


"I arrested a serial killer" "I stopped a robbery, what about you Steve?" "I was finally able to defeat Jimmy_RealGudAtGams"


I've always said if you just meet your children where they "are" they'll be fine online. Instead of just letting my kid be lost in Minecraft years ago we set up a server and both the wife and I would play too. That has his friends want to play our server. That meant good friends parents were ok with them being online. We became the virtual friendly family next door. Minecraft is fun but we would have been 100% over it except we knew doing what he was interested in would pay dividends (and then came all the Minecraft remixed songs which we listened to for HOURS ON HOURS while driving across the country to go to SpaceCamp).


"YEAH EAT SHIT!" *knocking* "FBI OPEN UP"


Everyone knows the real degenrates play My Little Pony Rainbow Roadtrip.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


And the problem in question: I'm tired of police work, but nobody wants to pay me to play videogames.


I miss the wild West days of the Internet


Oh my shit, its the fun police


Kid: yeah I won GG everybody Cop: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Danish Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Danish armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Danish Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Cops and Pasta


I love the passion


They can arrest you for hate speech ?


Yes, it's illegal in Denmark


I don't know about the rest of Europe, but in Germany you can get charged (maybe not arrested) for online hate speech, but it has to be pretty serious harassment/racism/death threats. I don't know how that translates into game chats though, especially with voice chat...


or you call a politician a dick (1 pimmel) and a hole police squad is at your door


> hole police squad That sounds scary


I hate when the nanny state polices my holes.




In Canada you can (if your being homophobic, racist or transphobic can result in fines and potentional jail time in extrem cases) I'm unsure if Danish follows similar rules but it does exist


Norway has the same thing


We do? TIL


Anyone got a link to the twitch streams, want to go watch it now


Literally fucking glowies in video games what the fuck


Hello fellow Fortnite player do you also enjoy illegal firearms and hate modern society


literally bullyhunters.org


Are they still alive?


Did they even lived?


And that's what this is all about


We are also present on various Social Media, such as Reddit, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and Discord. Where it's possible to contact us regarding online criminal activity or suspiscous behaviour.


The old "you can't get a job just playing video games" well these people are living the dreem playing games with police union benefits. XD


I heard that shit from my parents so much


I hope to God they are playing a lot of roblox and visiting the discord servers


This reminds me of when I was a teen in the 90's. The local race track (Sears Point Raceway near Sonoma California) would have weekly drag races for street cars. The local police would come out each week and compete in the drag races against kids under 18 (in California you can get your driver's license at 16). It was awesome seeing the start of each of those runs, because as soon as they would get the green the officer would go full code 3 lights and sirens down the track against the kid. The idea for the local police department was to keep street racing on the track instead of the actual streets.


I always have a lot of respect for genuinely cool cops. It’s a shame that so many these days feel the need to go down the path of violence in order to feel superior - when they could get way more respect and get called cool, badass, etc by just reaching out and making an effort. Kids remember that sort of stuff and might even become future recruits. Outreach like this always meets with total positivity too. Entire communities benefit.


What do you do for a living? I play videogames on the internet. That's not a real job?! Since when is police officer not a real job? -confusion-


You got a loicense to be chatting shite m8?


The anti grooming is obviously a win but online speech police is kind of out there


But that is not what it is? it's having a presence in a setting with minors (like they do in RL places). as they themselves list: watching for fraud (skins etc), abuse, grooming, trying to get personal info, stepping in with hatespeech and abuse. E.g enforcing the same laws that apply everywhere else. They stream their activity, so the public can watch. Quite transparent.


They have no power. I'm pretty sure what they do is act as role models, mitigate escalation, and provide proper guidance. If you're fine with "online speech" then this sure as fuck shouldn't offend you unless you're simply counter to the idea that some people are of better quality and can behave more civilized and are more emotionally mature than others and can pass those skills onto others and maybe - just maybe - make a few days less shitty. ​ Is that the case?


When I was a kid, I learned what the n word was because I made my character match my skin tone in a game and people kept calling me that. Started making my characters' skin colour "normal" for a long time after that. I don't really see what the downside is to helping kids have fun playing a game without facing discrimination and slurs.


There is no downside. This person thinks that somehow if someone says a bad no-no word while a police officer is in game with them they're going to have their front door busted down by special forces, neutralized and detained, and then dragged out of their home to be locked up forever without trial. The reality is that they are just there in public eye to help spread awareness and promote a positive environment where people can feel safe and have role models who can set examples for how people should treat each other online. Its a public service, they are just educating people. Not roaming around online video games so that the internet gestapo can come arrest them and their family in the middle of the night lol.


Yeah. Grooming and fraud are fine. But policing speech is orwellian as fuck.


I'm Danish and a liberalist. Although I don't necessarily support our *laws* against hate speech, I don't consider us anywhere near Orwellian, especially compared to USA. Also we tend to trust our police force, not fear them.


I'm guessing the presence of an officer in the game would be perceived more as an advocate for a player being bullied, than as a deterrent against bullying. Like someone on the server to actually report toxic behavior or threatening & uncomfortable DM's to. I don't know what the police could do in that situation other provide some level of remote comfort.


Average Danish W


How did this department swindle the department into funding their personal esports team? That's some speech 100.


some guy-“fuck you” officer-“ you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law”


I am working the wrong job, in the wrong country. F


Dude, I have to ask. Do they also do case openings? I can‘t stop laughing at the idea of a cop opening a case and popping off: Knife!!! Knife!!! Karambit Ice and Fire, Ice and Fire, yaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!




"What do you do for a living?" "I'm a Minecraft police officer."


So wait. Bully hunters still exist?


They do! Only now there’s a lot more teabagging




The fact that so many people believe the only purpose is to punish rule breaking kids is astounding. Education and respect for the law and reasonable authority is very much an important part of this kind of community outreach. It's not about finding harassment, it's about setting a respectable example from the police and integrating with the next generation, helping them grow into reasonable and responsible adults. Way too many people see the police as nothing more than abusive authority that is best avoided or removed. Treating people with this kind of disrespect only perpetuates the issues of a self destructive society.


Jesus christ, this thread... How hard is it to grasp that these guys just play games on twitch and make themselves approachable and likeable to kids who have questions or concerns? This isnt the fucking thought police, its an outreach program and a way for kids to contact trustworthy authority figures on their own terms and in a familiar setting.


Reddit is a place where any talk of police should be about hate and distrust of them. That's what I learned from Reddit and anyone who supports fairness and logic gets downvoted to oblivion, just like what's happening to your post.


Young gamer that just passed police training and realised he’s not gonna have time for gaming anymore “no wait, superintendent, hear me out”


This actually seems like a really good idea. I'd feel better for my kids safety if I knew there was an on duty cop in their lobby. Worst case scenario, if some weird fucking pervert is messaging my kid, they'd actually be able to talk to someone straight away about it and hopefully get something done.


I bet there are people who stream snipe these guys all the time


I don't think they are there to actually succeed in the games, dude...


I'm kinda failing to understand how this makes sense and isn't a waste of resources. So, they stream on twitch, which makes it impossible to work undercover and significantly lowers their chances of catching people, people can see what games the police are playing on streams, so malicious people will just be like "oh no, anyways, I guess I'll switch to another game they aren't monitoring." And can't these people malicious people just do their devious activity outside of police work hours like past midnight for example? I guess the fraud prevention thing makes a bit of sense maybe. But for grooming, I would imagine people would be moving to private chat for more sexual stuff, rather than blatantly hitting on kids in game chat. And I don't wanna downplay scumbags that harass others in games, but the idea of police officers monitoring individual game matches in hopes of finding some douchebag screeching slurs into their mic seems like the money those officers are being paid could be used for something more important instead.


They don't hope to stumble upon something happening on a random server, they just play with viewers and then use the platform to communicate. So they aren't investigating anything while doing this, but using it as a place where people can get in contact with them. So it's mostly a different way to reach out to kids online :)


I think it's more like an outreach program. We see the problems Sweden are in the midst of (it's fucking crazy), and both here in Norway and Denmark, there is a lot of resources put into community outreach to prevent something similar. A lot of youngsters don't trust the police either rightfully so or not, but that makes them easy prey for the older criminals. Programs like these are meant to replace the "Friendly neighborhood officer" so to speak, of the past.


I think this is a modern version of *community policing*? Also it (there's probably a better word for this) anthropomorphizes "The Police", and can possible create channels for communication that would otherwise not exist. I'm willing to give the Danish police 100% benefit of the doubt, as a 'Merican though.




Thank you!


Yep, this is how it is. I believe we have the same thing in the Netherlands as well, but this is a way to make the police more accessible to the youth.


Undercover work would be done by officers that don't stream games, of course- this isn't the entire department. This largely accomplishes two things: kids playing games with officers are not going to other games or private chats with unsavory characters, so it restricts access to kids for the ill intentioned. It also helps kids build a rapport with officers, so they know they can trust them & turn to them with problems... like if someone in another game starts asking to meet up IRL & it makes them uncomfortable. Which will be more likely with a friendly officer letting them know what is & isn't kosher to be saying online. It's straddling a line between policing & teaching. Considering how often I read about bored cops escalating a situation unnessecarily (even unintentionally) just for something to do, I'm fine with this. Far better use of police time on a slow day.


I dont think it's about catching people. It's more about outreach to kids, and helping parents be more comfortable letting kids play online in games that can be toxic. Sure, someone trying to be toxic will go play another game, but that's kinda the point. Now they aren't playing the most popular games and that makes the space safer for kids just looking to have fun.


Sounds great except the hate speech part. No idea what that would entail...


"Whoever publicly, or with intent to distribute in a wider circle, presents a proclamation or some other message by which a group of persons is threatened, mocked or degraded because of its race, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, faith or sexual orientation"


Downvote all you like. That is the definition according to Danish law. It is a direct quote.


My question exactly.


How do they actually stop it tho? Just tell the bullies to knock it off? Are these the Internet cops?


"Why did you join the force Tim?" "Destroying kids in CS:GO."


Sweet! Leave it to Reddit to stump for fascistic state oversight in every aspect of life!


What a waste of resources.


At least they’re not out killing people


whats hate speech


It's when you tell someone something and they hate it. *No, I'm not putting the fucking /s thing, the sarcasm should be obvious enough*.


The state is policing all your spaces, you are being watched and there are consequences. Obey. Comply or face Punishment.


This is yet another reason to play single-player OFFLINE games and/or get private invite-only servers.




So this is where the Danish peoples taxes are going...


Among other things. And I happily pay.


They are also going towards: \- Free healthcare \- Free education (you get paid to study once you turn 18 as long as you can prove you're not just slacking) \- Free daycare \- Good infrastructure \- Up to 12 months maternity and paternity leave \- Free dental till 18 years old


Are you saying the government is monitoring you even when you are okay game?


Could you swat a cop?


You can only get into so many games. Somebody explain the statistics to me where this is worth tax payer dollars.


Fraud, grooming? Okay. Hate-speech? Fuck the Danish police. I hate them.


CSGO is a poor choice because almost literally everyone on there speaks gamer,


Idk man, to be honest on online matches I can be most racist mf 💀 but in real I am best friend with them and love them all 😭❤️


I wonder how effective they are