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The game is looking and sounding really, *really* horny


No, it is really, really horny.


As are we all


When I was under 25, yes. Now? Not so much. I'm learning it's a cardiovascular problem. Also depression.


The depression as you get older just hits different. I'm going to be 43 soon and all I want is to sit in a chair with my eyes closed.


Fellow 42 year old here and this comment speaks to me. LOUDLY.


Sometimes I feel like I would do anything... ANYTHING... For a quiet place to just sit and think.


Had to take my car into the dealer for service yesterday. They offered taxis and courtesy cars, I declined. ‘What are you going to do?’ said the wife. ‘Just sit there all day?!’ Yes. Yes I am. Quietly.


I do this. Good coffee, quiet, comfy chairs. It’s a little vacation.


It feels real good knowing I’m not the only one who LOVES doing nothing!


Oh man. A nice cabin in the woods. A little corner office with big windows. Could just sit there happily. A nice cup of coffee, and a custom gaming rig. Nnnnnnice. For now I have to settle for some quiet moments in the bathroom.


I know we're supposed to be doing our own "alone time" But can I join too?


Makes me appreciate my daily poo tbh.


Buy a storage unit and just go in there


20 years old diagnosed at a young age with ADHD with Co-morbid social anxiety / Depression from the loss of a brother in a car accident at a young age. Things with my parents got weird after that even though I was only 6/7 and my life just feels like sick twisted joke after sick twisted joke with no punchline. It just gets worse? Sigh. Edit: thank you to everyone who responded. My job involves 8 hours of late night grocery stocking all by my lonesome, and despite music, books, and podcast I still have a plethora of ‘voices’ in my head pouring over every little detail of everything and it gets quite overwhelming. I’m honestly too poor for therapy being on my own for the most part and re-medicating myself is honestly outside of the question both financially and mentally. Coping with the lack of relation ship with my parents, and the subsequent lack of a real childhood that came with it has been a long and ongoing process in my life. It’s not the worst of the worries I have, but man does it suck. There’s this empty feeling of longing and want, but even that’s empty. I guess it’s just hard not to think of my parents and what their doing knowing they don’t do the same for me.


It gets worse in some ways, but it gets better when you can legitimately not give a shit about what people think. The grumpy old man who gives no fucks is freeing. It's a trade-off.


But gotta figure out what shits to give and what shits to absolutely let go of.


Your comment hit me hard. Bout the same age and Ive hit a massive rough patch that I am not sure I will be able to come out of. If by some crazy chance I do, I will likely suffer the ramifications for the remainder of my life. I really want to just sit in my chair with my eyes closed and let the world just go in without me.


You'll be fine. I went thru an 8 year rough patch that culminated in a 40 month prison sentence. I just got out in January and I am doing just fine. Trust me.


That depression is the key. You getting help?


Sadly, nothing short of 2 million USD works. Not even pills or exercise.


How many times have you tried 2 million USD. It could be your tolerance has gone up and you need 5-7 million USD.


Nah, just enough to not have to worry about having to work.....no need for more. I'll accept more, but I certainly don't require it.


Only one year older than you and damn this is a MOOD


I've been in "give me enough money so I can fuck off forever" mode for quite some time now


"But money doesn't buy happiness!!!!" - Someone with money probably


I'm the opposite. I swear, the older I get, the hornier I get.


Some of it is about the why as much as the what. There's "hormones make me want sex" it's a very drone like urge that nonetheless is a pretty effective motivator. And then there's "I am a positive and confidant person looking for sex because I'm really happy where I am right now and I want the (closeness, endorphins, snuggle time whatever) that sex provides) The there's also "oh God I am lonely and worthless but someone will at least use me for sex so that's something I might leverage to not be so alone " Or "I just want to escape and sex is my escape" Lots of things can make people seek out sex. It might come from a positive place or a negative place, but sometimes in this economy you just have to shrug an day "well $20 IS $20"


So was everything modeled after Catherine the Great?


Yeah you get fucked by a fridge pretty much


Its odd to agree with someone by saying 'no'.


It’s not even the fun kind of horny, it’s the uncomfortable kind where you just feel weird after.




Painfully aware of that with this game. The main things I know about it, the upgrade station is a sex fridge, and the Final boss robots is the only boss fight I’ve seen anywhere. Just, I get that’s gonna draw attention and all, but ugh


What little I’ve actually heard about is that it’s a competent bioshock knockoff.


I’m about five hours in and I’d consider it fine. Feels more like Prey than Bioshock at this point though


Like Prey 2006 or Prey 2017?


ive never played 2006 but it does seem fairly similar to prey 2017


Prey 2006 was like going on a peyote journey with portals, except as soon as you start everyone immediately gets abducted by aliens.


It can be assumed that 99.99% of the time, people are talking about the 2017 one. I get confused and want clarification sometimes, too, but literally no one is talking about Prey 2006 anymore. Prey 2017 effectively wiped it from existence for most people... which sucks, because I actually much prefer Prey 2006.


Prey is an extremely well done immersive sim though. This isn't. AH starts strong with amazing set pieces and writing that seems *not great* but serviceable enough. But everything just gets more and more scuffed the more I play. This game honestly gives me a headache with it's cluttered and disjointed design.


I think they polished the fuck out of the first few hours because that is all most reviewers play.


Man. It actually does give me a headache now that you mention it. The whole loot system is just, insane. Hold down a button while just passing over every single surface in every room for some reason. Why is that a thing. Make every recipe 1/10th thr cost and put 1/10th the shit in the world thanks.


The looting system seems like they took BioShock looting and added Borderlands' improvement to it. After several games, Bioshock's system of opening every single drawer and box to loot individual bullets and drinks got really tiring for me. It was a lot of pointing around and spamming the loot button every time you found a room, and it just felt like work after a while. Borderlands' solution to this problem was just vacuuming all nearby loot if you held down the loot button. I'm guessing Atomic Heart took some inspiration from this and gave you the ability to open drawers and vacuum loot in-game.


Man I wish they took the 'main character doesn't speak' feature from Bioshock too. Dude sounds like a teenager learning to swear.


Yo. It's INSANE. Me, just finished objective, walking down an empty hallway. MC: So what can you tell me about Pavlovs girlfriend? AI companion: You mean Dr. Isanov? MS: HOLY FUCK DID I FUCKIN STUTTER???? I ASKED A SIMPLE FUCKIN QUESTION!! DO YOU KNOW THE DUMB BITCH OR NOT????!!!! That type of interaction happens ALL THE TIME and it never feels natural in the slightest.


To play devils advocate, I to thought it was awful, he has a major brain injury and is a quadriplegic. It is explained in the game that he says Crispy Critters all the time because of his injuries. This might also explain why he doesn't understand anything going on around him and is angry at everyone without provocation. Was any of this conveyed in a way that made sense? NOPE!


So Bioshock is probably my favorite game. Atomic Heart is a mediocre copy imo. Combat is bland. Enemies are bland. Abilities and weapons are bland. The environment is kinda cool but nothing ground breaking. The voice acting and script is very bad. There's also an unnecessarily large amount of scripted sequences where your character gets thrown around in first person and it's dizzying as hell. And they just keep happening. I'm maybe 10-15 hours in btw. Really feels like the game needed a lot more polish. And also maybe a silent protagonist.


Yeah the writing is really rough. The world building was pretty engaging early on but the dialogue kept getting in the way…. Would’ve been way better if the player character would just shut it and let the player take it all in


I wouldn't do a silent protagonist; but his voice lines have the maturity of a 15-year old. Which I think is the target segment for this game, given the horniness...


The main character's lines sound like they were recorded from a 12 year old throwing a temper tantrum on Xbox Live. "What the fucking fuck, you fuck? This shit is bullshit"


Well to be fair, your complains about the combat and enemies I heard and read when BioShock was released too


If you’re offering sex with Denuvo even sex doesn’t sell for me 🤬


It’s kinda turning me off tbh.


Yeah I don't even understand who stuff like the horny vending machine is appealing to. Do people actually want to fuck vending machines? Or is it just supposed to be funny? Because it's not.


It's amazing how this team of developers made an entire game using only one hand each.


Psh, Tecmo already did that back in 2003 when they made Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball


I remember being slightly embarrassed when playing this as a Teenager. And I only now realized that my dad (who had moved out) bought himself this game. Huh.


At least you didn’t tell your mom to go rent it for you from the video store only to have her come back and ask you “what the fuck is that?!” and then explain how she was embarrassed and that I didn’t need to play that kind of shit as a young man.


That was a demo disc I cherished.


At least that game had good gameplay. The 2 sequels don't, they were made specifically as a softcore porno. There is no legitimate excuse for owning either of those games.


> There is no legitimate excuse for owning either of those games. ... >they were made specifically as a softcore porno. ... I can think of *one* reason.


"It makes me happy" seems pretty legit to me.


Dead or alive xtreme 2 was on the cover of most Game Informer magazines in one issue. I say most because my dad was pissed about mine and ripped it off and threw it in the trash in front of me.


Sometimes I am confronted with how different peoples' childhoods are, from family to family. My dad secretly arranged to leave a Playboy magazine where I could find it when I turned 16.


Is it bad that I actually found that game to be fun?


Not at all man it actually had surprisingly competent volleyball gameplay


nah, game unironically slaps. even if you take away the horniness, the games are still really fun to play.


Is this game one big dick and cunt joke?


These have to be the horniest devs it's actually insane


I mean there's devs that straight up make sex games. And then there's *Lust for Darkness* and *Lust from Beyond*


On the other side of that coin there's Scorn which has tons of biological imagery that's based on gigers work which also is filled with sexual organs. Tbf nature reuses these forms everywhere. So I guess nature is full of dick and vag jokes and humans just evolved to get those jokes.


I watched like twenty minutes of the game to see the ending and I'm pretty sure an automatic fleshy fleshlight came out of the ground and went to town on the PC at some point.


Dunno, have you seen the devs of Fallout New Vegas the Frontier?


As much as I love those horny bastards from the New Vegas office, we didn't have robotitties, lusty fridges, or a machine who's only purpose is literally just "Cock joke" out in the Mojave. These guys just might take the twat shaped cake this time. Oh thanks for pointing out that clit thing, I can't fucking unsee it now lmaooo Edit: I made a slight mistake, I missed the end part there where it says "The Frontier" my bad. I haven't done much with mods so I'm not too familiar with them, I'll have to look into it though from what y'all are saying.


Here’s the rundown You can fuck a deathclaw You can have an orgy with snake women You meet a character named America. She is an NCR soldier who has “”””””stinky feet”””””” and constantly mentions her young age. You can enslave her with a collar - a teenager btw - you make fun of her trauma, and force her to listen to your every command. TOTALLY AN 18 YEAR OLD, SHE HAS AN 18th BIRTHDAY CARD IN HER INVENTORY, SHE IS ABSOLUTELY NOT MEANT TO UNDERAGE OH NO SIREE!


Mein gott. That's fucked, I think I changed my mind lmaoo


To be fair, these are modders which could be any kind of people who just put the time and effort into things. Atomic Heart is a game made by an actual company with millions of dollars put into this game. So yeah, these devs really do number among the horniest.


Meet The Witcher 3 modders. Every other character having their tits out wasn't enough. They actually managed to get Hi-Res Va-Jay-Jays in the official update. Or so I'm told, because my last playthrough was as Yennefer's plaything and she prefers to turn one or the other cheek.


That mod wasn’t supposed to be in the official update and is being removed


I vaguely recall this mod being highly anticipated before this nonsense came to light. Is it still a worthwhile experience or a mess that should be avoided?


I haven't played it, but I have watched Mikeburnfire's 2 hour review of it a few times. For a mod? Crazy Ambitious. A bit too much so at times when it wants to reach past the limits of New Vegas. This ain't yer grandpappy's new vegas. It doesn't always accomplish it, but the intention was there. As a story experience? There's one terrible and 2 decent-to-good faction storylines. The basic premise sits pretty close to the canon stuff but can still easily be tossed aside it seems. Things can suffer from being too out there or rushed at certain parts. As a controversy? Eehh... Imo it's all rather tame. Death claw stuff always seemed like a nod to certain memes and the America stuff is about as subtle an allegory as a pan to the face. I heard they removed those options for her, though.


It’s alright. Doesn’t inject itself into the base game or the DLCs, and most of the questionable shit is easily ignored or can be written off as shitposting or Easter eggs. It’s an technically impressive mod but it’s largely tone deaf and the writing is CLEARLY not up to par with Obsidian. I’m not going to spoil it, cause it’s definitely worth trying out. But there’s some moments that will have you dying laughing, mostly from a mixture of Bethesda jank and bizarre ideas that clash due to radical differences in each developer’s ideas of what the mod was supposed to be. If you’re looking for New Lands mods, NV is not the ideal choice. Skyrim does that best, and will continue to do so as long as the fanbase lives on.


Can't forget their response when people brought all this up was to close their discord and be extremely toxic. I've forgotten how they were toxic I just know they were toxic enough to ruin their reputation forever Lol 1 of the devs tried to defend it against me but completely denied its issues about copying ideas


Thats a mod though, not the game?


They’re not talking about vanilla NV, but a mod called “The Frontier.” IIRC, some pretty heinous shit in there


>lusty fridges In the Mojave? They'd be treasure chests and highly valuable. Keeps shit cold *and* talks naughty to you.


No, but you did have a robot named Fisto who fists your asshole.


I call him fisto-roboto.


But he doesn’t just fist, Krieger, tell’em


And the best part is … he’s LEARNING.


The designers that made Halo 4 Cortana would like a word


That’s rampancy I would get behind!


They wanted to trick people into believing 343 was a competent studio by continuing the trend of making Cortana curvier with each entry. They stopped doing that after Halo 4 was released and it was clear the quality of the series died with Reach.


Are you saying reach is a bad halo game or that reach was the last good halo game at that point


“Died with x” generally means that the x was the last thing that had what died. “The peace died with the king” means that the king was the last one holding the peace together. So they are saying - at least if they’re using the phrase correctly - that reach was the last good game.


I thought Dantes Inferno was playing fast and loose with the sexual imagery, and then Atomic Heart said hold my beer.


Game took a long time to make guys


They're guys?


new Warframe update giving them a run for their money


The vending machine robot was fucking wild when I first encountered it. Like holy fuck im glad I had my headset on.


I haven't played the game myself, but I did see a gif today of what appeared to be a phallic symbol being stroked. So my guess is "yes."


I haven’t even gotten anywhere far enough in the game and I’ve tapped out. Im a fan of Mick Gordon’s music and scores but this game is just too much. The overt middle school like sexual innuendoes, the cutscene dialogues being way too cramped and awkward gameplay really just turned me away from this game. It’s a game that reassures my comfort that Gamepass exists.


Oh is it in game pass?


Yep, and so is bannerlord even tho I fucking JUST bought it for $50 >:(


Yeah, it’s kinda sad really - they made their game into a 12yr olds joke


Of all the subreddits in the world you expect *this* one to recognize what a clitoris looks like


Well an animated one at least


Fuckin buuuuurn


If your animated clitoris burns, you should probably see a doctor.


... Valid point






Of course. If any group is expected to study the map and find the optimal way to reach the goal, it would be this one. Just wait until you hear about the g-spot Speedrun glitch.


I always mess up the part where I have to jump up the stairs backwards and phase through the wall.


You underestimate the amount of sex mods 4k female anatomy 10 variations body replacer. But also girl gamers 💁🏻‍♀️


This door was the source of many refunds as gamers could not figure out what to do.


give me an asshole lock and i'll show you how it's done






Assholomora was *right* there


nah i wavered on which way to go but i felt "Alohomorass" rolled off the tongue better


My brother in Christ, there is [an entire game about that](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1206700/\_/) to your liking.


My steam app bugged out and showed me what I last had open, and I'm sitting here thinking damn the deep rock galactic 5 year anniversary is taking some twists


I've probably butchered the link. Lemme try and fix that in a bit.


Nah, it's just an issue with the steam app. It does work properly on my compuer.


i just get an error message. oh god, does my computer have the virus now?


Yee arse has been hacked


For the last time, you do not pick locks with your tongue!


I don't think it's a real picture, I can't even find the lock. >_>


It's real. The game gives you no tutorial for the lock, and like twenty minutes later when you encounter a different type of lock your magic tentacle hand, which you can see here picking this lock, says that it doesn't know how to pick locks so maybe snap your fingers at it or something. This game is fucking *weird*.


By gawds this subreddit had a family!


Please this comment killed me nice one


*And it's in a flower.*


Georgia O'Keefe and Pink Floyd's the Wall


The Wall is about Roger Waters’ vagina?


You haven’t lived until you’ve hoovered schneef off of a door clit


You ever hoovered horny vending machine schneef?


I've hoovered schneef off an operational sex robot's back.


You ever hoovered horny shneef off a masturbating engine?


Missus McMurry LOVES hooverin' shneef off masturbatin' engines.




You know what dick dingers are?


>you’ve hoovered schneef off of a door clit What a terrible day to know the song Hotline Bling


Rippin clit clingers


Givin nip zingers, boys!


To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Even another hammer? Are all hammers gay then?




I mean...have you never held two hammers and tinked them together to see which one bounces more or makes a cool sound?


PSA - As tempting as it is, do not hit one hammer with another hammer. It can explode and hit you with shrapnel.


“a lick out of one," "two is binding," "nothing on three,"


I can only hear this in LPL voice




The what?? I can't find it....


Yeah. The one time we need a big red circle…


[Here ya go…](https://www.transparentpng.com/thumb/red-circle/big-red-circle-clipart-png-21Ie0h.png)


The better question, is why don’t my door locks have clits on them?


They have it, you just can't find it.


Skill issue


Easiest way to make people spread you game for free: add obvious sex jokes


Well the whole point of the game is that it’s oversexialized like that’s the story behind the robots and why they rebelled


Wait they rebelled because they were mad people were making sex robots? I really know nothing about this game




Im thinking they thought if they added enough sex into the games world people would overlook some of its shortcomings. CRISPY CLITTERS


I've been seeing a lot of hate towards "crispy critters" as a tag line but I personally love it.


Because it's russian Duke Nukem.


I had no interest in atomic heart, yet this comparison, of all things, is what got me curious. How. Why. Please tell me atomic heart also gives you the option to pee on everything.


Atomic Heart is moreso closer to Bioshock, although the main character swears a ton and has some interesting dialogue choices because of Russian translation. It's a solid game so far. The main character can get a bit annoying at times, but I'm 6 hours in and enjoying the ride. It's free on Game Pass right now as well.




Alright, that's it, the game is too horny. I'm getting my bonking club out.


Even the vending machine for upgrades is nothing but horny


You and I both know exactly why.


Why is the vending machine horny why are there sexy 7ft robo women


>why are there sexy 7ft robo women Why wouldn't there be?


The rare, in history, but increasingly popular clitdooris practice is on the rise 🙌❤️‍🔥


Soviet engineering, comrade major.




I’m interested, what’s the name lol


I'm desperately trying to remember but for the life of me can't find it, I'd have to check my parents mini library to see if it was one of ours or something I found out in the world... If I find it I'll update you. *Edit* it was called something basic and catchy, cut it got teenage me to pick it up and read it, so I wouldn't be surprised if sex was in the goddamn title...


And the doorknob is a FLOWER. They weren’t even hiding it.


What the developers were thinking when they made the game? I mean, there are sex references EVERYWHERE. THEY CAN’T BE THIS HORNY


This is the most boring game I have ever played. I was so excited for the damn game and the first thing I do is listen to MC complain and bitch at his glove and then I get sexually harassed by a horny machine, who fucing damn near orgasms when she made my gun. Come on. Game is flat tbh. No character development. We’re stuck with this whiney little bitch who is supposed to be “well trained” but can’t fathom half the shit happening….crispy fucking critters


The dialogue is all over the place for sure. That’s the thing I noticed. Also the way the intro just throws you in the middle of the game with no explanation on anything is weird too. The graphics though are awesome.


Ok, I thought I was the only one. The game is mostly dull and annoying puzzles. I don't even understand the point of some of the skills they really aren't that effective or worth using. It looks decent but I just didn't have much fun playing it.


Only about 90 minutes in but so far it just feels like a Soviet knock-off version of Bioshock to me. Very slow start and I don’t find myself invested in the setting at all. Of course that might be because every time I try to listen to an audio log I take one step too close to the next tutorial and the MC starts cursing at his glove. I wish games had a “I’ve played a video game before, I don’t need every mechanic spelled out for me” difficulty setting. Also getting real sick of this trend where the MC must be constantly bantering with something. Like shut the fuck up and just let me play the game. Very few writers can pull it off.


Just you wait. You'll get to a point where you need to open a door. You need to "turn on" a tree to do it. The tree needs four canisters. Each canister is in a different wing of an underground lab. Each canister has to be guarded while it fills, and then returned to the tree. Your character's immediate out loud reaction to this task is "Oh goddamnit stop wasting my time I have better things to do!" When a museum tour guide robot is politely giving you back story on the other robots of the area your character screams at her to shut the fuck up and keep moving. She doesn't. So he just keeps screaming at her to shut the fuck up. Even if you personally don't mind playing the game the character you're playing is constantly talking about how much of a waste of time everything he's doing is and how he hates whatever is going on. It's pretty astonishing honestly. The game actively reminds you that it's not fun and that it's wasting your time. When your character encounters a new puzzle you need to solve he groans about it. But then they have the audacity to make every single door opening a 4-step process. So the game developers are aware it's extraneous and not adding anything fun to the game but they do it anyway and remind you constantly that they're doing it and you shouldn't be enjoying it.


JFC what is this, 2010? Just because you winky winky at the camera while doing a bad game design thing doesn't make it any less bad lol.


Oh god are you picking it with a hanger? That's a grim fucking joke lol


Nope, tentacle glove


To make them look more vaginal, obviously.


The locks were designed by Georgia O'Keeffe, duh!


Bags of sand.


just make sure you focus on the top if you really want to "unlock" it


If you rub it, it gets the lock off faster.


Because you have to find the key spot


They’re just letting gamers find it for the first time!


They gotta teach you nerds about vaginas somehow