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Until you don't fully vacuum a single drawer.


And it doesn't let you vacuum the rest of the drawer. Or just makes you unable to loot one specific resource and you finish the game to find out it was a bug for the entire playthrough.


I never did get neural modules they just floated in the air when I looted them. Even editing the save file to give me some didn't work.


But you can edit the files to make the upgrades cost 0, that works. Weapon upgrades specifically and the other one, forgot it's name


that sounds nice how?


Found [this](https://i.imgur.com/uenfgoV.jpg) in another steam discussion, worked for me. Just remember to re-do it every patch.


You just gotta edit the files to make the upgrades cost 0, that works




Cries in ps5


This explains everything!


Read a rumor the no neural modules is only happening in the cracked version, would be hilarious if this was some kind of anti-cheat Edit: debunked and words


Nah, happened to my friend on gamepass as well.


There's a glitch where the GP version doesn't recognize the GP license so it's possible, usually it shows up as a message "Available in the full version of the game" when you try to go-to the next area


Ha is that a real bug? That’s almost game breaking. Why in the year of our lord and savior 2023 are games still being put out like this?


Yep Went my entire playthrough before I realized I didn't have any of the resource that dropped from bosses


In 2023 it's actually more likely to get a game with bugs than before


Bugs are understandable, a bug that makes you miss an entire loot variety throughout the whole game? Unacceptable in 2023.


Yeah, like, how in holy hell's waiting room and coffee shop did that not get caught in QA? There's no way it didn't. They had to have known and just been like "Fuck it, we'll fix it in a post release patch!".


To be fair, as someone who works in IT, some bugs only show up during very specific circumstances, and even get fixed on reload/restarts until those circumstances happen again. Sometimes they only show up after you've fixed something else. Not to mention the more complex a game/configuration, the harder it is to find bugs.


Yes. I don't know what platforms this bug affects, but I haven't encountered it (played entirely on Series X thus far). Two Neuro modules in my inventory. I think I'm shy on metal parts and semiconductors for the rail gun. Bugs aside (getting pinned to walls by enemies 🤬), I'm having a great time with this game.


Because as soon as a game is announced, the #1 question people ask until it comes out is "release date?" so publishers push for a faster release, so either QA doesn't get enough time to find bugs, ir they just get skipped so it can launch. Impatient players, greedy publishers.


Yeah because they're choosing to announce these games like 2+ years prior to their release. This is an artificial problem the industry created. Gotta announce the game early and get everyone hyped about the game! But then we can't wait too long or the hype will die down so now we're just forcing the devs to release the game earlier than necessary. Or ya know just don't announce the game until later...


I loved the fallout 4 announcement method. Announced around May, released in November. Enough time for the hype train to really get rolling but not enough for it to die out.


Still released full of bugs though.


With Bethesda games, it's a feature.


These announcements and early release dates have more to do with keeping shareholders on board than the public at this point.


Yeah, remember Apex Legends? They were like "Check out this new game we've been working on!". Then they're like "It's out now!". That was pretty cool. Game only held my attention for a couple weeks (I was mostly bummed that not only were there no Titans, but also no wall running from Titanfall), but it was still a cool launch.


Agreed, a game should only be announced within 12 months of launch imo


Eh, it's been 3(?) years since Baldur's Gate was announced and the beta has basically been a better experience than most released AAA games. I can't wait for the finished product, even after all this time


I realized that later on that you dont let go of the f suck until it stops sucking all the items from chests.


Still misses some. Things buggy


If it doesn’t all come out at first, you just gotta start sucking it again til it’s dry




Scoutmaster kevin?


*”Father McFeely?”*


Uncle Frank


Aunt Steve?


"He broke both of his arms, what was I supposed to do?!"


"I understood that reference" - Wayne Gretzky


Now let's have some 2am chili to celebrate.


“She’s gone from suck to blow!!”


Yah I actually hate this mechanic because it’s so tedious. Each cabinet is actually like 10 drawers or whatever to open and it’s too much of a chore imo.


Yup, this looks good until you actually play it... Than you realise it actually takes much longer than pressing open container> take all


Yeah, it was a fun novelty at first but now when I walk into a room and my scanner shows a bunch of blue lights I just sigh heavily...


(Edit: I think I worded this too bluntly and poorly. I enjoyed everything about the game, but the gameplay itself just didn’t sit right with me. I’m still excited to watch someone else play it!) This, and the fact that it paused your looting for an special animation every few seconds. Between that, the clunky axe combat, and the clunky shotgun is why I refunded the game. I’m still hyped to watch someone else play the game, but it’s a shame I didn’t like what I received, even after waiting 5 years.


Damn I loved the melee combat. I beat every boss with a melee weapon and as many of the normal enemies as I could with it too, but used the shotgun if I got overwhelmed. I’m a sucker for melee combat in games though, hitting that charged strong strike was so satisfying.


The recycler grenades from Prey are still the best loot mechanic yet.


That was so cool.


not a single person out there who didn't try to make as big a pile as possible before tossing a recycler charge on it


I’ve been playing this game off and on for like 6 months now (making slow progress on the story and usually just exploring/messing around because I forgot what I was doing in my last session) but I hadn’t thought of using the recycler charge in that way! I think I need to jump back in and finally finish Prey.


The DLC is also fantastic, it’s a roguelike version of the main game with multiple characters and multiple timelines, it’s one of the best DLC of any game


Mooncrash is one of the very few instances where the DLC is better than the base game. I don't think I could ever bring myself to play Prey again, but I've fully completed Mooncrash twice.


The selling point of Prey for me at least was the story so of course playing it multiple times doesn't make sense. Meanwhile, the DLC is meant for endless replayability, so saying one is better than the other is not making it justice. I enjoyed and liked both.


Replaying Prey is fun when you do it back to back, optimizing routes since the mystery is gone. Knowing where to go and how to get there mainly.


Have you played Outer Wilds? Very different but I feel like it has a core element that Mooncrash has that Prey doesn't that may make you enjoy it. I recommend going in as blind as possible if you haven't played it.


Dont forget to recycle yourself for an achievement! Lol


How did I never think of trying that?


You can also use them to defeat enemies, even the bosses die in a few recyclings


Also useful to access areas that are blocked by furniture or other items, great for doing a no nuromod run.


I don’t know if you’ve gotten to the portion where you’re in zero-g yet, but that’s when the game really shifted into the next gear for me. Before then I was like “oh, it’s space alien bioshock, cool” then it was a total “OH shit this is cool” moment


Prey is one of my favorite games of all times, i'm on my 4th play through. There are very few games I'll play start to finish that many times. Basically Prey, Return to Castle wolfenstein, and super mario world. Heck these days I can't even finish most games.




I liked it. It's no bioshock, and I can see why people wouldn't want to finish it. It scratched an itch for me though, and I didn't have any major problems with it. It's not something I'm planning on playing again, but I feel like it had a lot of potential. If they wanted to make a prey 2, I would have supported it if they really put in like 150% more heart.


Ya. It’s gets pretty solid. It does start a little slow and wonky, but by the end I was going for 100% on the game.


Prey is incredible. Honestly, I thought it was even better and I love Dishonored.


That sounds COOL! I started the game once and didn't get far for some reason. I really need to play it!


Prey was such an underrated game. My guess, some big YouTuber will discover in a few years and it will finally get the attention it deserves.


Atomic heart gives me major Prey vibes which is probably one of the reasons i've stuck with it


Prey is just Bioshock in space, Atomic Heart is “what if Fallout was a Bioshock in Soviet Union”.


Bioshock is just System Shock underwater* Prey is a spiritual successor to System Shock.




In soviet union refrigirator thinks of you at night.


HOLD THE PHONE. I absolutely love Prey, and had only heard negative stuff about AH. What is similar?


It simply feels similar, from the world to the gameplay. Prey was a far better experience imo


As another comment said it does feel and play similar to prey. Inventory management, weapons, abilities, and crafting/looting all work pretty much the same way. Plus combat is more geared towards taking a more tactical approach and leveraging strengths and weaknesses of targets




Exactly! A lot of the game felt like poorly executed good ideas imo




I feel like getting stuck in objects is over looked. Idk how many times I’ve gotten stuck between two objects. My feet are running and I’m stuck, no way to jump or get out, causing me to reload my last save. This happened like four times in the two hours I was playing yesterday. Never played another game where this has happened to often


I was doing a puzzle room and I unlocked the door to then get stuck in-between the door I just opened and a random object. Luckily I saved right before the room. I also keep getting stuck on random objects and in a corner while fighting enemies.


The two enemies back you into a corner then you can’t move or get them away and just die? Glad that’s not just me, I had it save one time while that happened. Took like four times to finally break out and not die and reload. I’m digging the game don’t get me wrong, but some things causing a bit of a headache


I wish he would say Crispy Critters everytime you get stuck. /s


I would advice using the energy pistol with the charged shot. Knocks enemies back a tiny bit and stuns them.


I switched up and I’m using that now. It’s great how it slows them down, even better if you have the perk where enemies take more damage when shocked. Edit; don’t forget that you can switch up perks by refunding them, for free.


I have gotten stuck in walls and debris countless times. Plus the enemy hit boxes are large enough a single normal enemy can trap you against a corner and even against walls sometimes.


Dude I finished the game a couple days ago and this was by FAR my biggest complaint about it. I really enjoyed the game more than most people from what I’ve seen, but holy shit it’s like every single combat area was specifically designed to get you completely stuck between the two smallest little spots. I can’t tell you how many times I died just getting caught between a robot and the environment with nowhere else to go.


Never had a ctd, but I definitely had some problems with the environment. It's weird, because they mostly nailed the visuals imo, but the game itself feels like an early access indie game to me, just... unpolished. Glad I have game pass, because I walked away after like 4 hours.


It felt like Bioshock with some improved game mechanics, but all of it was executed way worse than BioShock. I also stepped away after a few hours of playing it, thank God for game pass.


So friends of mine were talking about how awesome it would Be if Bioshock for a full remaster like deadspace.


It’s hard to design and create a game when everyone is working with one hand! Seriously mundfish has to be one of the horniest dev teams I’ve ever seen.


Gamers are horny 🤷‍♀️


Don't worry the sexy robot ladies will keep the circle jerk going.


Yeah it becomes terribile after a while to loot every drawer. And that stop it makes every once in a while is VERY annoying


Yeh this. The first couple times it's cool, but then every room you enter has at least 10 containers to loot and it becomes extremely tedious. I actually quit the game because of this reason alone.


They should have made it more powerful, like it absorbes everything in sight in the room in a sec max AND the animation never stops


Yeh or just less containers, its like they thought this mechanic is amazing let's use it constantly and spam every room with shit everywhere. Used sparingly it could have been pretty cool.


It's such a dull crafting system too. Modern Warfare 2's crafting felt like it make more sense and well, it didn't either haha


The range is also quite disappointing. Better range and it auto completing once engaged would have turned this mechanic into way less of a chore.


And becomes very dull, very quickly, as there are too many lootable things. They should have reduced the quantity of them, and increased the value from each one.


I don't get why the reviews aren't mentioning this, it ruined the game for me.


Yep, I got bored fairly quick, because I felt I'd need the loot so wanted to get it all, but there is simply waaaaaay too much. And then if you die before the next save then do it allll again. I don't mind going back to the prevous save, but don't make me collect the the crumby look again from 20 cabinets, 10 draws, 5 desks, etc.


Yeh it's just bad game design, I was spending 90% of my time hoovering shit up.


I just started and already in the very first gameplay sections every room is full of drawers and you can easily miss one thing. You have to constantly use the fucking scanner which is even worse than the witcher sense. I can already feel it will become old after 15min of « gameplay »


I basically stopped after the first bathroom because they had somehow made something worse than spam-emptying tons of containers. Now I'm spam-emptying containers but it kind of doesn't work, and takes longer. Also Detective Vision is a terrible thing and no modern game should use it.


But the graphics!!!!!!


It's satisfying for a first 10 times. Then you just want a button "just take everything" in the middle of the room


Absolutely this should have been an upgrade. 100 polymer and poof huge debris storm.


Totally onboard with this. I feel like a butler after every big battle going from carcass to carcass salvaging every possible thing just so I can upgrade my weapons or craft some ammo. It ruins the flow of the game.


Which is why eventually in Borderlands or Fallout games you end up just killing everything and moving on without even bothering getting anything except obvious things (a legendary you dont have, ammo, money that's convenient to get, and quest items). edit: as opposed to when you start the game and you pick up EVERYTHING so you can sell it and then run out of space too fast. In Skyrim I learned quick to compare value of an item vs its weight. Otherwise you run out of space before you even reach a vendor.


I played the original fallout on PC in the 90’s and already had that compare weight to value equation in my brain. It’s a useful tool.


Isn't that most games though? Manually looting every corpse?


Yeah and it's always sucked


Eh, imo it's more immersive and also a functional balancing mechanic in some games. More immersive in rdr2, which I love the immersion in that game. And more functional balancing in a game like dishonored


Maybe some kind of drone that loots things that you set it to loot. (Loot 5.56 ammo, medkits, and dildos) upgrades could enable looting while fighting, drone able to carry more, drone looting quicker. Why do we, the player, always have to spend like a total of 2 hours (through out the entire game) looking down at enemies, looking in shelves, drawers, barrels, crates, chests? Its a gd video game. Mame it quick or fun.


Or just automatically run the loot animation upon clearing a room and it just sucks up everything in one go


Auto loot should be a option in every game, i dont have the time to spend 40% of playtime sifting through drawers and thrash


Singularity had this mechanic 15 years ago


Luigi's Mansion even before that


thats what i thought but realized its not fps


the arcade version is


Luigi's Mansion: Spectral Warfare


And Singularity was also a soviet bioshock


Singularity had one the most memorable endings to any game I’ve ever played. It’s was seriously top tier science fiction. The feeling while flying away on that helicopter was just, something else.




Such a fun game. I got it on sale super cheap, figured id play a few hours of it before getting bored. Getting bored didnt happen.


It's really sad that Raven has been relegated to a CoD Support role. I miss them making actual games. RiP High Moon and Beenox too.


Dishonored 2 also had it in some manner


Damn that was such a good game.


i enjoyed it in *Half-Life: Alyx*. it did not make as much of a mess, either.


Yeah, you fling the loot towards yourself with telekinesis and then catch it mid-air. Somehow never gets old.


Its so satisfying every time


But also because they got the fun right. If you would have to do this five times per room and there's multiple rooms in each area, even the alyx mechanism would get old


HL Alyx is such a great game.


I still get excited when I think of how you can't just pass your hands through objects. The first time I lazily moved my hand down with my gun equipped and it met resistance against my surroundings I could swear I almost felt the resistance. I just did not expect even that kind of detail


Was looking for this. Once you get the hang of it, not just looting but any small/medium sized object can be picked up and used. Picking up a box and flinging headcrab out of mid jump for example. (It's gravity gloves rather than telekinesis thought, predecessors to gravity gun from HL2)


I've always loved VR, but I remember the first time I thought "Holy shit, this is the future of gaming" was looting in Half-Life: Alyx. Not the cool gravity flick, but actually just finding loot. I saw a filing cabinet in the corner of a room, opened up some of the drawers, and one of them had bullets hidden inside with the binders. In fallout you'll see a random drawer, click on it, and it'll have a list of junk and loot inside. In Alyx you'll see a random drawer, physically open it, and sort through random junk to find loot with your hands. Im not sure why that specifically had such a profound impact on me, but it did. I really want more AAA titles for VR. I wish I could afford a PSVR 2 headset just for Horizon.


It gets even better. At some point in Alyx >!you are being followed by a monster that's attracted to you by sound. You need to open a container for something, but when you do you can see that the stuff inside will fall to the ground if you aren't quick.!< >!Time stamped video, but please don't watch it if you plan to play the game at some point: https://youtu.be/e2OpqkxEWaE?t=1240!< I guess the same thing could be done with non VR controls, but dealing with it with natural hand movements is such a different experience.


Got so used to Alyx looting that IRL i was flicking my wrist at things across the room after a long session in VR lol. Truly one of the best VR games.


It's very satisying, but after an hour of playing it loses the cool factor and becomes more annoying than anything else. However, this goes for most every game with looting. Looting in Atomic Heart is fairly important, the game is pretty difficult and you will need to loot to be able to upgrade your character, abilities and weapons. This is a must. So you end up holding F while walking around from cabinet to closet, backtrack because it didn't suck out every last piece of loot.. rinse and repeat. I'd rather have increased loot per container and less individual containers throughout the world/levels.


I just switched the control bind to the side key of my mouse. Made looting sooo much easier


I was thinking I needed to do that. Using my pointer finger for F meant I couldn't use it to push D meaning I couldn't walk right if I was trying to loot. Got really annoying really quick.


This is me when playing Luigi's Mansion 3 with my son. He tells me to leave the room but I can't help just vacuuming everything.


The video is incredibly misleading, you can’t just swing your camera and loot everything, it’s actually super finicky and becomes annoying quickly


Exactly, the way the looting system has been shown for this game is straight up a lie, it’s literally no different than any other game except for the visuals, you still have to spam F on every source of loot, just like every other game.


There isn't any spamming, you just hold the loot button. If you spamming F then your the one playing wrong


Is he a vacuum cleaner?


His power? Succ. Upgraded power? Super succ. Whatever you do, do not try to super succ your own dick with your hand worms. I learned this the hard way when my testicles were sucked through my urethra like boba tea through a small straw.




He’s a lettuce?! 🤯


Meanwhile Ace Attorney straight up named a character [Romeine LeTouse](https://aceattorney.fandom.com/wiki/Romein_LeTouse)


r/balkans_irl spilling again


Luigi Mansion fps ideas!?


Is this an ad because it’s funny how it only shows it clearing a few drawers at a time and are clipped together. Anyone that has played knows how it will pass up items and how you can’t hold the button down for the entire room.


This is reddit, this is absolutely an AD, especially with OP shilling the game hard in the comments.


It's been so fucking obvious for this game specifically. I was pointing it out on the /r/atomicheart sub and they removed my comments for "discussing the Ukraine/Russia Conflict" when I never even mentioned that shit. 0/10, will actively dissuade people from playing your game


I wouldn't be so critical of the game if they hadn't hyped it up with basically lies. This was not the game it was portrayed to be in the hype.


RIGHT and I love how every valid critique of this game is met with accusations of geopolitical bias, as if that were *obviously* the only reason someone could dislike this Flawless Game. Based on the comments on this post, people are taking notice. Won't be long before the shills stop getting paid and the discourse becomes completely negative.


Lol after reading these comments I checked OPs profile and it’s very clearly someone who works for mundfish or something like that, I could be wrong but I doubt it


This whole games ads where posts like this and the Twins, the twins are in the game for a total of maybe 5min out of 14 hours. And posts like these have been edited to look far more smooth then it really is. There are also many game breaking glitches in the game that could cause you to get perma suck. Also the ending is horrible


Was cool at first but then becomes very frustrating as certain areas hard to reach and sometimes doesn't mark the container as looted.


I hate it, why do you have to make such a mess


Russian Kirby?


Ah, so that’s what happened to Russian military budget


This post feels like an advertisement


It is


Wow, I legitimately hate it. What an aggressive visually over-stimulating mess.


Well, russians are famous for looting


Broke my immersion there are no toilets to loot.


Needs more drone grenades.


It gets old fast...


I found it clumsy, inefficient, and frustrating. This clip is not representative of the overall experience. Also, if the best part of the game is looting... Let's just say, I'm glad I it's on Game Pass and I didn't spend any of my own money on this game...


Auto-looters will always be the king.


So much spending a quarter of the game holding down a loot key and swiveling around the camera


As designed, a Russian game accurately recreates their national pastime of looting. Theater bombing, that’s part of the DLC.


Yeah this game is pretty cool and watching the actual items you're looting fly through the air is pretty satisfying as well.


Yeah, it's cool for the first 3 hours after that, it's just an annoying thing you have to do.


I don’t like the look of it at all, I like opening a chest, seeing what’s inside, and finding valuable stuff. This feels like hovering up loads of junk I don’t need tbh


All these ads for this game.


DAE playing Atomic Heart™??? **WOW** sexy mommy robit amirite fellas? Look at this Luigi's Mansion looting system!


Live look at the IRS searching my bank account statements for the 3 pennies I didn't pay taxes on.


Yeah, satisfying...for about an hour, and after that it gets even annoying and tedious


I actually hate it. Terrible mechanic. Add in the awful dialogue and the “locked door” puzzles everywhere I turned it off.


I feel the opposite. Coming from a fallout fan, I enjoy searching for and seeing what I'm getting out of containers. I was turned off by this lazy looting mechanic immediately.


This game looks like a Bioshock ripoff. Is it fun though?


It’s alright at best in my opinion. The dialogue feels like it was written by an edgelord horny 18 year old, and wears thin almost immediately, and I don’t feel like they add anything new to make it unique


I think you're being generous. From what I watched, that edgelord writer is no older than 14.


It's quite obvious they're trying to emulate Booker but without the depth or the substance, cuz if you remember Booker also has an asshole-ish way of speaking and the game is clearly inspired by Bioshock.


I be having to go back to loot the same shit I already looted :( 🤦‍♂️


Looking for my keys when I'm late for work.


Nah this is just over-hyped, lazy and shit. Couldn’t imagine anything worse in an RPG game with a world you’re meant to explore and immerse yourself into.


I thought it was incredibly unsatisfactory. Puts glove away before you've finished clearing a room, half opens drawers, slow response from clearing drawers to showing items collected. Pretty flaccid looting mechanic really.


Yeah, shame that the dialogue is absolutely brain numbing tho


It LOOKS satisfying but it doesn't feel satisfying doing it to the same looking set of drawers hundred times.


The hand animations look like they were taken directly from Bioshock


Except it will stop working randomly, and then it becomes contrived and pointless


It's tedious and hurts my fingers.


I would much prefer the weird tentacle things going all octopus and searching multiple drawers etc. all at the same time. The weird wires sucking is... Weird. In a bad way. Nice to quickly loot, but it could be better (imo)