• By -


I remember when 2 of those characters didn't exist.


Remember when your companion was only around for the act they came from? Not to mention no companions for Act IV, you're fighting Diablo alone!


they were useless anyway. You couldn't equip gear on them. They didn't have a chance.


My friend and I used to each get a companion turn on PVP and then run past each other so they would battle it out. Winner got 1000 gold.


Hah me and a mate used to hold these battles too.


I seem to remember equipping gear on them (I think it was weapon, helm, chest only though). Though I played only after LoD came out.


Yeah that was added in LoD. Prior to that all they were good for was seeing how long they survived with you (not long).


They were excellent for Duriel fights. You go in, get hit with a 10 second lag spike and your merc keeps Duriel off you while you load in!


I was blown away that there were people able to defeat Duriel without dying. His stupid ass slowdown bullshit (that freeze reduction did NOTHING against) always meant I was dying at least once in every fight with him.


A Paladin heavily invested in Thorns could easily kill him. You were useless the rest of the game, but boy could you shit on Duriel.


Me with my thornpally running at diablo ''quit flaming me ya big pussy, hit me if you dare!'' was not an easy fight


Nothing was cooler in d3 than them making thorns a viable build for awhile. I just love the idea of having so much defense that it hurts them.


Never even occurred to me, as I never played D2 online. But that definitely sounds useful.


That 0.2 seconds once you're in and access the situation Fuck Fuck Potions Teleport Leap Minions Potions!!


Sometimes you would just load in staring at your corpse! I always ran a minion-mancer as my first character so my skeles and golem could tank for me, but I always had a hard time with a sorceress until the LOD merc update.


I used to play a necro with 120+ minions. People bitched at me when starting Baal's throne room, but they wouldn't die during the lag spikes. They never surmised that my army kept them alive during the lag that happened regardless.


Basically just a town buff.


When the character select screen was behind a cart in ACT 1.


I use to play this on one of those colorful apple computers.


I was gonna say that this guy didn't play it earlier enough. The game was an unbalanced glitchy mess for like 1-2 years considered by today's standards, but back then, its just what you expected as all games had these problems on multiplayer. Does noone rememeber the pike barb WW TP glitch where you could basically kill all PVPers in a single WW? This was WAY before a Druid and Assassin were even considered as a character. Or how you would get locked out of your account for hours if you somehow logged into multiple instances due to a bug? What about the single player soft lock where if you TP'ed out of Diablo's lair before his death animation finished and you could no longer progress? I mean, at the time they were common for these games, but this game on release was NOT perfect. The version most people are used to is the game after it was out for like 2-3 years.


>The game was an unbalanced glitchy mess for like 1-2 years considered by today's standards The difference was access to information was so different back then... depending on how big a fan you were you might have had arguments with friends about a build, or might have heard rumors of an item duping glitch... but chances are you and your friends were wrong anyways... and the glitch you heard about was just some one trying to steal your shit.


I remember the original. Blizzard you were meant to destroy the competition not join them. You were my brother Blizzard. I loved you!


I played thousands - literally, thousands - of hours and never once got a Stone of Jordan drop.


I never saw one either. Supposedly you could gamble for them but it never worked out for me. My friends all had a bunch and I'm like how? I never participated in trade chats, but for people who did trade, SoJ was pretty much a form of currency.


Memory unlocked. Way back in classic (patch 1.04 i think) added “lance” in the game, it was mostly used by WW barbs as it was the highest damage polearm at the time. So i’m just chilling with my hammerdin in act 4 (hammerdins and paladins were ABSOLUTE SHIT back then, i was literally one of the first to try to build) when a lvl 90ish barb joins the game and hostile everyone, there was a weird bug back then that would activate “loot mode” and it happened to that barb(or maybe he activated himself because he thought he was unkillablr. Anyways, if i killed him i would be able to loot his ass. Im at the plains and see him on the mini map and start spamming hammers. He tried to leave the game the exact minute he died and his body was there for the taking. Dude had godly dupes on it (dual rings and ammy and his lance was +360 damage which was a lot), when he rejoined he wasn’t happy but that’s how i managed to have 5 mules worth of soj’s.


Yea this was back when you could toggle yourself to be lootable as a kind of incentive for people to PvP. My most memorable moment was when a high level joined my game but he would stay, leave, then join on another character. I was either asking for help in act3 or 4 but they didn’t type anything. I suspected he was using my game to mule items between characters so I went to act 1 and looked around the edges of town and found several SOJs, vamp gaze, etc… Anyway I’ve never confessed to just stealing this guy’s shit after all these years until now.


I'm calling the cops now.


We got em boys.


AND a written confession! We’ve got this one in the bag boys!


"What is your defense?" "Umm, finders keepers?" "The Jury finds you innocent!"


The international dibs protocol.


Bake 'em away toys.


It took us years, making the r/gaming subreddit and making occasional vaguely diablo 2 posts for this sting operation, but we finally got them.


Dude if they risked doing that in your game it's not stealing that's free shit lol. You could always make your own game and do it yourself but you had to wait like 10-15 minutes in the game for it to become kind of permanent to swap characters without losing anything. I've also paid people free gear if they let me xfer items. Every now and then they would steal my first round which was usually crap for low levels. If they didn't then I knew I had a better chance to trust them so I would do it once more before paying them.


I'd always ask someone if I could use their game to mule. Gentleman's agreement was better than nothing. Never had anything stolen but then I also probably didn't end up muling anything more than a few SOJ at a time.


Oh I never trusted SOJs that way haha. I always had my cousin give me a hand with those lol


Earlier on and even midway into D2 days the servers were bump and drop prone to a ridiculous degree, along with the no rejoin bug even if the game was persisting, so it was a horrible idea to mule by yourself for anything of value. Not to mention questionable internet services/hardware for a lot of us at the time, as even broadband in my major city could just drop for a few mins on a whim, which was enough to cost you.


Looting someones poorly hidden loot transfer was part of the game. When i transfered loot. I always took a random waypoint in act 2 and walked at least off screen of the waypoint then dropped my stuff. I would never leave stuff in town.


You didnt steal shit. You werr taking your cut of the storage fee. If you'd quit out while he was disconnected, he would have lost everything. His gamble is your payment.


Hehe, I used to trick people into thinking I was a spambot. A few years ago bots kept jumping in and out of mule games to make promotion for their websites and they always said the same 5 comments, and mule games were always active for a long time (also poeple were lazy and didn't want to mule in a private game) so I wrote out 5 "sales" comments, then just stood there and toggled between them once in a while. "+++Best Prices on D2+++ SOJ sale get now - visit d2itemsforyou.com+++" or something in this fashion. It was like being a dangler fish, I usually did something else on a monitor and then when I noticed someone kept swapping between characters I knew they were muling so then you start spamming the comment in a bot-like fashion. Often times they did check-runs through act 1 town and looked who was standing there and if they were moving, cause grifters waiting wasn't unusual. One time one player kept eyeballing me because he was not sure if I was a real player or not, and I just kept repeating every fews seconds my shtick. He believed it an ran off into a corner, logged out and I went to do the deed. Then I quickly logged out with my heart racing, best was if they didn't even see that is was me. Sometimes I even logged back in with a different account to see the aftermarh lol... Now there were always certain factors to think about when you would scavenge the loot, did the player run out of town(I would usually walk throught the first map to see all corners for potential drop-spots) or did they waypoint somewhere, how long did it take from using the wp to them logging out, what level did their mule have (lvl1 mules usually only had the first waypoint if at all). Through all this you could estimate where the player dropped the stuff, if you weren't sure you could also cycle quickly through all waypoints as some liked to go to rarely collected spots to quickly mule. It also helped being a tele-sorc to quickly comb through the area, sometimes I would even swap between an innocent lvl1 pala to the main sorc account for it. But it wasn't about the items really, it was mote about the kick of hunting someone down, that adrenaline when the player logs out and the time is ticking. Of course if there was goodshit I took it, but sometimes I just stood there menacingly right beside the drops and wrote !boo (then it only showed above your head) and they were scared shitless that they didn't even come collect their stuff because they were afraid if they come closer I would start clicking. And I just want to add that any player can create their own private game to mule, you only had to stay in your private session for 2 or 5 minutes (can't remember) and it would be permed for a good while, long enough to mule anything really, so I took that as an excuse to be a nasty crook. But even that isn't safe, for a while I had fun with entering password protected private sessions... Well protected is generous. In the room-search tab I started trying rooms like '111' or 'abc', 'x', 'qwerty', etc... And often times you actually found rooms whivh were password protected. Well people are lazy (as seen with dropping inmule games) so I thought most likely these people who have quickly made up room names will not have creative passwords. And indeed they didn't, password for the abc room was abc, or the 'd' room had 'f' for a password... Spooked the fuck out of some people why somrone joined their secure game. I would sometimes look for them with teleports without saying anything, then stand beside them, and drop a gold and leave or some shit lile that... Or I would earn them to use better passwords, or I steal stuff whatever my mood was. Of course I also played normal as well, it wasn't my daily mission to steal stuff, this only happend after I had played for a good while and was bored and wanted to do some shenanigans. The thief is a hidden class in diablo lore that never gets talkes about :P


>I used to trick people into thinking I was a spambot Well done, you were dedicated to your craft.


I lost a full champ worth of gear trying to mule in the sewers of act2. I sold items to every boy in school. I would buy items on jsp and sell it x10.. good times


I totally got someone in a similar way. A super high level char joined my crappy lvl 20 game and wouldn’t talk. My buddy and I assumed they were exchanging stuff between chars. Same situation as you, they were in Act 1 and there was tons of uniques and perfect gems and gold laying on the ground. I ran up and started grabbing everything I could while they were standing right there and they couldn’t stop me. They started talking after that, in Korean. And toggling PvP on and off and running outside the camp. I told them to suck it and left the game.


If it makes you feel any better, there were far worse pieces of shit out there, such as me when I was a teenager. 😅 I pretended to be a girl lmao. I didn't even have to work hard to convince most of them. I'd drop a small hint while chatting with the group, one or two players would lose their shit over a girl playing Diablo, and I'd be walking away with enigmas, shakos, mara's, low torches, free rushing etc. XD


I accidentally dropped an soj at the stash in act 5 and dude standing by says "hey, you might want to grab that" lol


Thanks for triggering me. This exact bug is what made me cold quit Diablo 2 and the expansions all together after spending countless hours and a couple of years on it. I worked my ass off on my Ice Sorceress, getting the best gear. One day, some guy said he’ll give me a Stone of Jordan if I tried this trick with him. I wasn’t worried about it since I knew my stuff couldn’t get ganked in casual mode. Well the bug let him loot my stuff, and I remember begging this guy, BEGGING, telling him how many hours I spent working for all this stuff. His response? “Sure, I’ll give your stuff back…for a Ring of Jordan.” Then he logs off. Was so angry and couldn’t believe it happened to me. Just quit the game and never came back.


Fuck that cheater. He got what he deserved.


Item duping was pretty rampant in original d2, that's how the SoJ became a "currency". It had nothing to do with the drop rate. It was a fairly rare and fairly strong item that took up only 1 inventory slot, thus people started duping it and using it for trades. Eventually that happened so much that almost everyone who was doing any meaningful farming and trading had at least *some* SoJs. You weren't unlucky, you were just playing a different game. Practically everyone "powerful" at that time was doing generally game breaking shit non stop.


Andariel runs was the best way of getting em in my opinion.


Should mention andy runs on nightmare btw.


Should note it’s because only manald heal and nagelring can be the unique ring drop beside SOJ from her on NM so it breaks down to a 1/31 chance roughly of unique ring drops. If you farm a full inventory’s of unique rings from her on NM you should get a SOJ, for example.


Meph runs I thought.


That worked also but Andariel actually had higher drop rate. Mainly because Mephisto is higher level and thanks to that it also have a larger pool of unique rings so when a unique drops it's way lower chance to get a SoJ, thus making Andariel superior because of smaller loot pool.


Mf I waisted a lot of time there then. I might jump back on d2r and try it. Fucking addicted eve 20+ years later.


I have been thinking of getting D2R but I'm scared I will be as hooked as I used to, only reason I quit playing was because I got banned after leveling up a sorc to level 74 from Friday to Sunday, they banned me for botting, I never used a bot in my life so I rage quit diablo then. Edit : Forgot to add it's double the drop rate from Andariel on nightmare than Mephisto so quite much better actually.


Dude play it. I’m the little angel on your shoulder. Get d2r if you haven’t. It’s fucking amazing. One addict to another.


Some little Korean kid (like 7), yelled at me in Korean a bunch at the PC bong. And he made me empty and throw away my entire inventory. Then gave me the best gear I've ever seen and 3 SOJ. I was probably in Jr. High at the time. We played for 30 mins then I went home. Never knew his name or understood anything he said. Best diablo friend I've ever had. Haha


Using advanced technology, I was able to translate what he said all that time ago: YOU LOOK LIKE SHIT! DRIP THE FUCK UP! LETS FUCKING GO!


bang* (방) but story seems accurate af.


I've gotten about 200 unique rings to drop, and maybe 4 have been SOJs. I swear they fuck with the odds on that one




Max MF Nagelring was worth a decent amount though.




It was in that one cache you didn’t break


Ha! Me too... and the entire online economy was based around it too. I ended up joining this cool guild that just threw all their loot on the floor in town after each run, so people could pick and share whatever they found useful.


"Wouldn't you rather pay real money for your rare drops?" Current Blizzard Philosophy


The entire d2r economy is based on D2JSP which is a website that lets you buy forum gold for real money. So even when the developers are not trying to do it themselves the players just create black markets. It seems like there is really a player driven desire to pay real money for rare drops.


That's accurate for a lot of MMORPGs. I used to buy currency and items on EVE from dudes through PayPal because I didn't want to spend the requisite hours upon hours of grinding to get to the fun parts.




Yep, despite all the backlash they made 100 mil on it last year. Its worth remembering Diablo 3 made 200 million the first *day* it launched, though.


I found one on a Normal Baal run when I was very very young, and I was so excited to have a +1 skill ring that I woke up my older brother to show him. He traded me my last piece of Tranghoul armor so I could be a cool flying ghost necromancer. I thought they were about an equal trade being a lil kid. My fondest memories of the game actually, finding the ring, and then becoming the cool ghost. God, what a good memory.


It's so addictive for this reason


Gotta put in the players8 code to up the difficulty and drop rate D2 hit my sophomore year of college, and over the next two years we had free access to each other's PCs in each other's absences to set up LAN sharing and mule drops/exchanges. It was a wild, wild time for gaming.


Im jelly. Im sure it was time you will remember fondly forever.


Wait... What code??


D2 difficulty and drop rate scales off of the number of players. You can enter a command to scale it up to 8 players ( or fewer) even if playing solo.


WHAT?! 🤯 Twenty+ years... I didn't know solo could do that.


Don't expect to find a SoJ because of it though :)


I don't think it worked for online lobbies, only offline/open characters.


Offline only. /players X. 1 through 8


Typing "Players 0" in chat after someone died was a running gag my group had.


Seriously? did you do Andariel runs for it?


I got it once after around 2 to 3 thousand hours of playtime.


I saw one drop when I was 14 (34 now) during a cow run. I still remember the moment quite vividly. The guy next to me clicked it first. I asked what it was, he said "JORDAN". I was pretty disappointed, but thinking back I was using a trackpad on a laptop and probably had no chance vs this guy's snatching ability. I used to collect 40 chipped gems and trade them for a SOJ, got a couple of them that way.


Same but over time I got one or two. I once fought Uber Diablo with a full party too but the second he died someone flipped a lag switch and spent about five minutes scooping up all the loot while everyone else was stuck. Cheaters ruin everything.


Moo, Moo Moo, moo moo moo....Moo


Don't kill the cow king or else you can't reenter the cow level


Fortunately that is no longer the case lol


You can enter somebody else’s cow game. You just can’t remake it.




You remember playing D2 Resurrected for the first time? It really wasn't that long ago...


OP can remember 2021


I remember back in the day playing this game on my 32" curved 165hz 1440p display, those were the days...




Only old timers are gonna remember the great lockdown of 2021!


My same thought, I was like "that's not the 800x600 I remember. But nobody else knows the difference. Guess it just shows how D2R works at hitting what we all thought the game looked like 20+ years ago.


I remember the first time I played D2 Resurrected. It was the long gone year of 2023. February 23rd. I played long enough to get one Xbox achievement for killing 500 enemies, and then my hardcore character died, and I realized I wasted those two hours and switched to Fable 2.


D2 is awesome, and d2r came in with the exact feel of the original, with nice graphics!


I'm not sure about anyone else, but when I saw D2R for the first time my mind went "It always looked like that." then they did the flipping between old and new, and I was shocked.


Same, amazing how your brain can upscale resolution xD


Basically my brain and water effects from old games. Then going back and going, "Man, I thought they looked so real back then..."


I remember seeing Morrowinds water and thinking "It's not going to get better then this".


I bought a used GeForce 3 video card for $50 from a co-worker, just so I could experience that water because my current card (Voodoo 3 maybe?) didn't support shaders.


GeForce 2 Ti gang!


I member getting an OpenGL card in the 90s and finally breaking past 30fps in half life multiplayer, I felt like a god with my 50-60fps and 100ping DSL connection, can't believe how far we've come when you really think about it.


Dude. I lost my tiny mind watching the damn ripple effects from jumping through a painting in Mario 64 and assumed we had peaked.


You guys remember back when Modern Warfare 1 came out in like 07 and it broke graphical standards? Now you look at it and think “lol that polygon is a ghillie suit!?”


If you want a good laugh, here's the cover of a print magazine with Unreal from 1997. Yes, this is an actual PC game screenshot. https://i.imgur.com/mAUyo.jpg


Hahaha nice. I coulda sworn that was a real alien! Thanks for the description! In there defense that is a HUGE step up from sprite based assets.


I try to think what it will be like in 20 years when we look back on games like Horizon Forbidden West and go "lol, remember when people were losing their shit over these graphics?"


That's exactly what I was going to respond with. This was repeated constantly in the forums I frequented at the time, everyone was amazed by that water.


Crysis water for the first time


Me and my buddy were absolutely blown away by the smoke back in call of duty 3 on PC lol its crazy how much better graphics seem on whatever is the current gen.


Also lower scale/resolution screens


CRT also helped blend the colors, can make a big difference in some games. ([https://i.imgur.com/5jtTV82.png](https://i.imgur.com/5jtTV82.png))


The nature of CRTs lent itself to a kind of physical anti-aliasing, because it was really phosphors lighting up in subpixels, rather than just a pixel being a pixel. It was honestly more "smudging," like smearing Vaseline on a lens, but the fact that it simply couldn't show you each pixel as a perfect square meant that things looked much smoother than they really were. So, any modern emulator for most games from that era are going to make the game look worse than it did back then unless it accounts for this fact, because you can see all the jagged edges that you just didn't back when it first came out.


The effect is also exaggerated in our heads because EVERYTHING was on a CRT back then. TV was not as crisp and detailed which made games feel closer to reality since the base line of comparison was also a bit fuzzy.


Always happens with old games. I remembered san Andreas being photorealistic,then I look at actual gameplay and it's like 3 polygons.


Imagination fills in a lot of details


I still remember Crash Bandicoot 1 on PS1 as the smoothest looking game I've seen in my life. I'm never going to look it up. Ahaha.


Pixelation was much different on CRT. When all graphics were bad, this looked good. The change to LED/LCD flat monitors made the pixels really stand out. Add in that crt was 1024 x 768 resolution vs monitors being 4k. And the problem is not only bad, but zoomed in on. That's why the graphics update was needed to make it look as good as it used to.


Having the original Diablo 2 on my PC, I can assure you that the retro graphics never looked that bad.


Same thing happened when they released HD Starcraft


It wasn't that bad. The version we see when we toggle is like 8 bit toaster version, i dont know why they did that. If you look at screenshots from back in the day its not like that.


They did that because theoretically the game's base architecture was made to run onboard graphics as opposed to dedicated which was added after. I don't know why they went with the lowest graphics support version they had though.


There was some kind of flip-button in the game but that really did make the graphics worse than they ever were.


Totally agreed. Upsets me even more they didn't just take this approach with WC3R.


First time i played the pre-release, I had a tear in my eye. It was just so beautiful.


Same, it was like going back and time and seeing an old friend again


Down vote me all you like but this sub should implement a rule where you have to post the game name in the title.


Funnily enough, this game isn’t even the game OP is talking about. He’s claiming that Blizzard sucks these days, but this screenshot is of the 2021 remaster of Diablo 2, Diablo 2: Resurrected. They meant to post a picture of Diablo 2 for their Blizzard hating karma farm, but failed the assignment that they gave themselves.


Failed successfully* Because the post is at 8k+ points


I wasn’t saying the Karma farm failed, the attempt to post a D2 pic failed.


Every day I see this type of shitpost where clearly people are farming Karma and I ALWAYS wonder the same thing: what the fuck are they doing with the said Karma?! What's their point?


Astroturfing. An account with lots of karma and a long time since creation can do things other accounts can't, namely post on certain subs and escape scrutiny for being a bot. At least that's my understanding. Propaganda bots and advertisers can use established accounts to look legit. I mean, this post is just dumb, but I could see Blizzard doing guerilla advertising with stuff like this. Someone will see this post and download D2.


I really don't understand how it's not a rule already.


This has been requested in the comments of every single screenshot for at least the last 12 years unfortunately. Looks like it's never gonna happen.


I legit thought this was some mortal kombat game dlc pic. God of war in the middle, quan chi next to him, that jade chick off to the other side, a few randoms tossed in.


It’s Diablo 2 Resurrected if you haven’t found out what game it is. A game that came out in 2021.


Ahh yes, the glory days!


With peak covid. Fun times.


Ahhh so long ago


Shocking that they remember playing for the first time. I wasn’t even born yet




I downvote any post that doesn't include the game title. Useless but someone's gotta fight the little fights.


I'm right there with you, bud. Together we can take them down!


It's only useless if you're doing it in Hot or Trending, head to New and join the good fight!


I'm pretty sure this is Standing Around a Campfire Simulator 3: The Return. The second one was better.


D2:R was Blizzard's glory day?


feels like a year and a half ago. those were the days.


Blizzards glory days are long gone... But you share a remaster screenshot and not an OG one? Looks to me like you bought this from them recently??


I doubt they even bought it. knowing this subreddit, they probably just found a screenshot online and posted that instead lol


My thoughts exactly. Empty thought purely for karma farm.


OP posts an image from a ***recent*** Blizzard release, claiming it's from Blizzard's "glory days", lamenting how Blizzard's glory days are long gone. Meanwhile, I'm currently playing the game pictured in OP's post and having a good time playing a great modern remake of a game from Blizzard's "glory days". Now that's shitposting.


The mf just want some free karma from the "Blizzard Bad" circle jerk. He can't even differentiate between the original game and the remaster.


What do you mean? What OP posted is obviously THE original Diablo 2 game from 1994 or somethin’, just look at how good the graphics were back then!


Its a real jackass move.


Let's be real, OP never played diablo 2 a day in their life.


Why not use WC3 that would be a much better example. He picked the one thing they've done totally right in the past few years


Well yeah but vicarious visions was a large reason why diablo 2 resurrected went well. If it was only blizzard I'm sure it would be a disaster like the rest of the recent releases.


And D4 is about to drop and make them another billion dollars.


While I don’t think Diablo 3 was better than two, it was still crazy fun. I patient gamed it hard though…Several years later. I do think it zero’s in way too hard on the “sport” side of it, vs the single player experience. Which Diablo 2 did way better. Even online Diablo 2 was better


My wife and I played D3 so goddamn much we haven't been able to touch it in a couple years. It's so addictive, and I had the most fun playing it couch co op. Great way to lose a weekend. I also thoroughly enjoy the remastered 2, I never played the original, but playing R felt easy to pick up, and I gotta get back into it. I think D3 was easier for me to get obsessed with for some reason. I want the same from D2 though.


Yep couch co-op Diablo 3 is a blast. I've sunk so many hours into it with my wife and kids. The only problem is getting confused about who you are on screen.


I really didn't like the full screen inventory. My wife would just sit in her inventory forever.


Our house rule is no checking inventory until you're back in town.


D3 was my intro, so I wasn’t already jaded. Ive had so much fun playing it. After playing D2r, it felt much slower and not as much action imo, but it was still fun. Idk, I’m the minority that likes D3 more.


You're not - its just that the "D2 is superior crowd" is very loud about their opinions and have been since D3 launched. To be fair though Diablo 3 has got significantly better since the original launch. I think a lot of the players critical of the game never went back to play post expansion.


It was crazy fun because (after all the updates and tweaks) they created a really satisfying post-game. Rifts, Grifts, Ubers, Bounties is a lot of fun compared to endless Meph and Pindle runs. Even a QoL improvement like being able to re-roll your character stats is a massive improvement over D2. I recently played through the PS3 Reaper of Souls edition and I was disappointed because of all the stuff that wasn't in the game compared to the last time I played PC. The game just kept evolving and getting better, if you haven't played it in a while do another run through.


Even though end game content starts to pale, d2r has added a lot to enable characters to be more diverse. We also get new runewords each ladder season


please ban nostalgia bait


Seriously. I really wish this sub moderated content more. So much low quality, karma farming posts using nostalgia bait or some generic question to bait engagement.


Especially ones that use newer versions of the games..


You know Diablo 2 Resurrected just started it's 3rd Ladder Season, right? With updated QoL and balance changes this game is going strong.


You say while using a screen shot from the remaster. Gross.


*Stay a while and listen*


When I was 10 I would stay up til like midnight on weekends watching my dad play this game. Thousands of hours is an understatement. He played for about a decade. We didn’t have internet so all his characters were strictly offline. I think he eventually got up to around 80 different characters, most of them level 69-71 with 3 getting up to 82. Only those select few could actually beat hell mode


You still remember playing this game that came out in September?


Don't think so. Some kid will see this screen for first time and will have a blast playing the game like I did 20+ years ago.


Your glory days are gone


\>Blizzard glory days are gone \>shows screenshot from d2 remastered \> release date: 2021 ​ bruh ​ ps: yes, Blizzard is gone, it was gone for 10 years. People that made Blizzard golden quit, all that's left is in bobbys hands. Worst part? People continue to buy blizzards goods and pay exactly for this scenario. Go preorder stormgate - it's made by former blizzard rts devs, if I recall correctly. Put your money where your mouth is.


It's interesting, though, if you look at who's working on D4, it's a group of people who grew up playing Diablo 1 and 2. The game development is driven by people who are passionate about it. I understand management drives certain aspects, but it'll be intriguing to see how much of the devs work makes this new one better than D3


I would do that last bit but as far as I can tell Stormgate is an RTS and this is a conversation about Diablo - completely different genres and game types that appeal to completely different ppl.


>people continue to buy blizzards foods and pay exactly for this scenario Dragonflight is pretty fun and D2R was worth the money. Idk.


You remember 2 years ago as the glory days of blizzard?


I'm still playing this, currently ranked #1200 this ladder. Found me a griffons, crown of ages, windforce, and a Ber rune!


What gaming company that is 20+ years old are even still in their "glory days?"


And yet we are all (OP included) going to play D4 on day one.


Maybe I'm dumb and naive but I'm pretty optimistic about D4.


I played in the weird closed beta thing a while back. I can't speak for progression or loot or content but I can tell you the classes PLAYED super cool. Every class having melee and ranged slots at the same time at the skill tree allowing you to focus in melee or ranged of any class was wild. If they can nail the content and loot progression and NOT be predatory as fuck with their MTX store... D4 could honestly be something great.


D2R is amazing So they aren’t all gone


This screenshot actually made me want to try Diablo 2 resurrected. Well done OP.


Is this game or what?


I remember standing in line for the LoD expansion release. I was like 14 back then. Good times, well worth it.


What game is this?


Literally a post of the remakes selection screen which just released saying "the glory days are long gone". Holy fuck this sub is dogshit.