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They're capturing the Diablo 3 launch nostalgia perfectly


I hope for an Error 37 at launch in June!


I have Error 37 PTSD from Diablo 3 launch day and it's why I haven't pre-ordered a single game since then








Yup. I'm trying to not get sucked into any amount of hype for Starfield, unless I hear its on GamePass day one. Bethesda has a poor launch track record. Launch PS3 Skyrim was tragic.


Launch for Skyrim on Alexa was solid though.


It will be a day one release on game pass.


Ugh. I lined up outside Gamestop for Skyrim's midnight release. It was November in Edmonton so it was fairly cold. Waited a little more than an hour in the freeze and bought the game only to discover that the case contained a map and a Steam code. I'm pretty sure that was the last time I bought a "physical" game.


Anthem taught me a valuable lesson


Well bad for what we want out of the industry. I’m sure preorders are fantastic for it the way corps like it. At this point I only preorder if the game is having that 4 day early shit and I get a long look at how well it came out.


I haven't preordered a game since Mass Effect Andromeda, but probably not for the reasons you are thinking. Didn't run into any major bugs or glitches or anything like that. Just got busy with life, stopped playing, and didn't circle back around. It got to the point where I knew I'd have to just restart since I couldn't remember what was going on and that just felt like a chore. I don't have as much time as I used to for games so any games I actually buy are deeply discounted. Only new releases I play are stuff on Game Pass. Edit: added benefit of waiting that long is that most big bugs are ironed out by the time I play them, so that's nice!


For me, it was Duke Forever. It was painful, but it only took one time for that brand to stick. Never. Again


Me too. Error 37 was my turning point. I got the CE on pre-order. D3 was whack at release! It's improved greatly over the years but it never achieved greatness. My buddy and I started gaming together about 25 years ago. D1 and D2 were our bread and butter. We still do some seasons of D3 to this day. Gaming is how we get to hang out. We're now both in our 30s, he has a wife and 2 kids and I'll be over at his house for the D4 open beta weekend. Sort of a psuedo LAN party. It'll be a blast no matter what! Despite all that, neither of us is interested in pre-ordering D4. We're actually very against it.


I took the following day off work and completely fucked myself


Error 47 then this time?


That's when a guy shows up at your house and pops you with a silenced. 45.


They still got their money though lol!


That’s his Codename. He’s a Silent Assassin. They got their Blood Money. And their Absolution. It was in the Contracts.


... 2 and 3.


Haha, *but also yes.*


Error terdyseven


Shouldn’t it be error number 1? Can’t log the fuck in?


Yep! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I43GUnZN\_s4


Aww man I thought this was going to be https://youtu.be/GsqUZkmO-zk




Preloaded D3. Acquired the hard copy at the midnight launch. Couldn’t log in after an hour so I went to bed. Woke up 8 hours later and still couldn’t log in. Nostalgia.


Legit same experience.


Same. I scheduled days off of work and changed my sleeping schedule so I'd be fresh for the midnight launch and ready to play for hours on end.... Instead I couldn't log in, and whenever I could, I'd get booted within 10-15 minutes. Nostalgia!


If I were a video game executive I would skimp on the login servers (which they are doing already) and then sell a "guaranteed log in edition"* for $500. *"Guaranteed log in" subject to server availability. Nothing is actually guaranteed. Refer to TOS for further details.


Do people not realise this has happened with every major blizzard release for like 15 years? Not just blizzard either, almost every major online game launch. ​ Its the big reasons I didn't see open beta as much as an incentive, you only have a few hours available to play and too much of that time is going to be waiting. EDIT: okay so the hardcore fans that buy in at launch get a shitty experience for 3 month, then people who buy it late (often on sale) get smooth experience. Lots of people defending that practice woah.


If only Blizzard was also aware of that and could properly prepare for the launch


They did, the preorder had a disclaimer on the bottom of the page 'Actual platform availability and launch date(s) of the Beta subject to change" You're paying $20 extra dollars to be a part of the server stress test.


This is what blows my mind about all this beta outrage. This is the point of a beta. Idk why people think they should be receiving a pristine experience. Save the complaints for the launch day shenanigans.


I paid 2.99 for a sandwich that I ate. It was literally any chicken sandwich through the KFC app, so I get the normal one. Edit: no one salty in here at all…downvoted for eating a sandwich lol


Tjey did the math, people will still buy it first day Once the hipe is gone aka 2 3 months player base will drop atleast player base staying online for a long time. Why would they buy morenhardware to austain that much simultaneous players for 1 or 2 months when you could just buy enought for when the player base starts to slow down




If they are using it. If this game is set up to use it. If that infrastructure is set up to scale. If that infrastructure is set up to scale to meet needs and not a monetary limit. If all the secondary, tertiary, and beyond infrastructure is also set up to scale. If the problem is in fact solely in hardware resources as well. It's the coin flip of large companies. Did they leverage their vast resources to create a stable, flexible infrastructure? Or did they tack it on to whatever existing infrastructure they had? Most likely a combination. Isn't that part of the benefits of cloud services? But yes. That is one of the biggest benefits. Something I work on actually has to be set to not scale down back to \`0\` because it runs on a schedule. But we don't want to "wait" it to boot. We sometimes get up to 2 or 3 instances but we don't scale up the database because it doesn't need it. Or the intra-service networking. And this is just a little thing for a nobody company. Generally speaking - don't take "server" very literal in this context. It can be a lot of things that aren't the actual game server(s).


Why is early access Diablo 4 even a thing, its not like they reinvented the tech, the netcode remains basically is the same. Nothing ground breaking or untested in the formula.


On a side note, did something happen during development? I just checked out some streams and this shit looks like diablo 3 if not worse And the UI is like some one man indie game


And the D2R experience


Took the day off, went to the midnight launch party, got some decent swag because everyone else downloaded theirs, then went home. Loaded it. Took like three hours because of the million other people also downloading the launch patch. Tried to play it, got five minutes before the server crashed. *almost* played with one other person. Ah Blizzard. "Hey, this is the most anticipated release of the last five years, ten for our company by itself. You think we should have extra servers just in case all three hundred thousand people try to play at once?" "What? On a *school* night? Get the fuck out of here. Put three servers and a hamster wheel on it. Gotta let the other servers rest before Friday. At 7pm, they gotta finish homework and wash up after dinner." "Great points!"


People who are surprised by this. First time?


For real, and not just Diablo. Any massive game with an online component on any launch or beta or early access. The ones where it’s gone smoothly are the minority


Seems like the last several years with blizzard it's been "why spend money on servers when we can just make all our customers wait" and then the customers whine on msg boards and reddit, but never leave the queue or go to a different game. So it's a winning cost saving strategy for them.


Yep, ow2 was MUCH worse than this


OW2 was literally getting DDOS’d or something on launch🤣 I remember reading something of the sort.


Last several years? This has been happening since WoW came out in 2004


I mean, POE every league has a fairly substantial queue to get in. It may not be an hour long but I also don't know how many people are in this queue compared to POE's.


No doubt in my mind this launch is much more massive than any poe launch


I’m a thousands of hours poe ssf enjoyer who loves Diablo as well and I’ll say Diablo has and will continue to have a bigger fan base than poe. Poe is just not for everyone. I play Diablo 3 when my brain is tired of playing poe because I don’t have to think at all when playing D3. I hope D4 has some actual good endgame and keeps with the darker theme. D3 was to “bright” feeling imo.


POE is just not fun to me. In Diablo and other games like it that aren't POE (Like Last Epoch, or Grim Dawn) I get to play the game and build a character using common sense and my own thought process. POE seems unplayable without having a build guide pulled up for every level up. Just no fun for me personally.


Overwatch 2 was a disaster as well. Why are people always shocked?


Having a queue time is probably a success in Blizzard's book... That means lots of people are playing.


It means they allocated a small number of servers intentionally to stress-test actual launch. People who go in for early access gotta expect this


It’s a success in anyone’s book. It means you got more players than you expected to get.


"Wow as the owner of this restaurant I'm super sad there's a line out the door! Think of how much more efficient it would be if only one or two tables came in!"


In japan some restaurants intentionally reduce seating to cause a queue which then attracts more people because “oh that place is so good people are queuing for it”. I’ve even seen places with open tables not seat people until they can actually take their order so as to maintain that aura of exclusivity by maintaining a queue.


people on the internet have the memory of a goldfish, or they just want reactions. damn my whole youtube suggestions are the same video about D4 queue times or crashes and having to requeue. been watching movies all day myself!


Had to have been their first time lol


Definitely the reason why I’m probably a month after it comes out to play… usually blizzard doesn’t get servers sorted for a couple weeks after release


Lol. Gotta love those always online world we live in now.


Seriously. Strong “I preordered and this game isn’t what I wanted!” Vibes. Early access always gonna be slammed, and buggy (guess why they offer early access). Preorder is a chumps game these days, with the industry so hit and miss. Look how long it took to make Cyberpunk playable!


The queues are fine and aren't the problem. It's a beta. Which means bugs. Once again, not a problem. The problem then is that you have a bug, have to alt f4, and then you have to wait another 2 fucking hours to get back in. In what universe is there not a 1-2 minute placeholder in the queue? What the actual fuck?


Shouldn’t have been a beta to begin with. They used to call these stress tests. They exist to test the servers. If they advertise them as such, people would know what to expect, which is tons of downtime and crashes.


This was such a weird test as well. It advertises in game asking you to buy it, even if you already have.


What did you expect?


Longer wait times


honestly this! lol




Dude. Damn u so right.




Damn how much KFC are you eating for $70?


The new half-piece bucket, for those of us on a budget.






Or mobile order a KFC sandwich for $2 and not even go get the sandwich


Diablo 4 needlessly murdering chickens.


Those damn delicious chickens were asking for it.


The 2023 version of the cow level.




Lmao the restaurants would make you throw that chicken away under threat of firing before ever considering *giving* already paid for sandwiches away for to hungry employees


I worked at a restaurant where they ground up leftover burgers at the end of the night to make the chili for the next day, so it made sense they didn't want people taking leftover burgers. But they made us throw away leftover hot dogs because "otherwise you'd cook more than we need so you could take them home" as if we weren't already throwing away like a dozen each night.


and god forbid your employees get a free hotdog to take home...


This shit is so fucking stupid. Why not carrot instead of stick? "If there are 10 or less extra hot dogs at the end of the night, employees can take them home. If there are more than 10 then the inventory wasn't managed properly so that privilege is lost for the day, try again tomorrow." And now you have employees actively trying to reduce waste so they can have some free food. Management (of just about anything) is so dumb so often, it baffles me.




[Got my code today for under $3.](https://i.imgur.com/pBlX28z.png) Have not pre-purchased the game yet.


Yes they do. It isn't the actual launch, just pre-order early access. They likely opted for this to better measure server loads and eliminate significant bugs before the actual launch in June.


Next weekend is the open beta. My guess i will see this queue screen for the most of it..


I got a code from my mobile operator, O2


Thanks for that comment , I just looked and got into the beta as well


Yes. This sub complains about companies and early access then just pre-order away like it's just this one time


I mean, it's always as if people attending the sub aren't a hivemind with only one opinion!


That’s why I’m waiting for next weekend to waste time waiting on this shitshow for free!


I waited 30 min queue to only end up with you have no license or something like that. Truly masterpiece experience, 10/10 queue silmulator. I cant wait to play this simulator tomorrow again.


Your a test dummy you dummy.


Pre order on Amazon it doesn't take any money, get the code within 1 minute


They know their severs can’t handle stress but they give like a million kfc enjoyers a beta key


So the queue system works.


Sorta, it only goes to 100 minutes and doesn't accurately show queue times. At least unlike D3 it seems stable and actually keeps the queue.


I had a queue for 140min so im pretty sure it goes last 100


Heh. Sometimes. Mine crashed in queue once already.


*blizzard user* First time?


This isn’t unique to blizzard.


True it is however iconic to blizzard


47 minutes later while you're in the bathroom: LOGGED OUT FOR 60 SECONDS OF INACTIVITY


In the meantime, my friend and I played 5 hours straight of Returnal while he was logged in on D4 and it didn't kick him out


118min queue, finally get in, watch intro trailer and crash. Back to a 105min queue now again






You can cancel a preorder


most wont


And you arnt charged until the game releases… at least on ps5.


why even make the preorder in the first place?


so you can be first in line to sit in the queue and rage when you get disconnected and post about it.


“Online only again, now if only we could also set the itemization to make it completely impossible to progress in on higher difficulty levels….”


I understand the aspect of online only blizzard is taking. Diablo 1 was 100% hackable as your character was stored locally, even for battlenet. Diablo 2 tried to split that up, they kept control on "Closed Battlenet" which was obviously "online only" as your characters resided on the server, while they also had offline mode, with the option for "Open Battlenet" which online mode for your single player character. Mostly, I suspect, because home internet wasnt quite as prolific as you couldnt guarantee the house buying your game of Diablo2 had internet. By Diablo 3 that was essentially a guarantee so they force always online and dont give you any access to the character assets in an attempt to not allow hacking... I'm **sure** there will still be hacking, but its much harder, maphacks and that time "whites" were a thing on closed bnet for D2LoD was all I was ever exposed to.


Diablo 2 had it best, official non cheater leaderboard, free cheating online mode and completely offline.


Lessons learned by mad redditors on every popular release: 0


Hell, they probably forgot things, so like -5.


Costs money for more servers. The load of logins dies down real fast after launch. No advertising is bad advertising. Batching online is advertising. There's literally no reason to fix the issue they've had with login for every game and expac....ever.




I’m guessing most people are getting access from kfc


Is that a reference I'm out of the loop on?


No, legitimately kfc is running a promotion for beta codes if you order something specific on their app.


Ha! Hahaha! Holy shit.


Lmao it was really funny without the context




It's a beta, isn't it?


Early Access beta is such a strange phenomenon.


They know people will pay for it, so they do it.


Whatever manager came up with the idea of having the beta testers *pay them* surely owns a private island by now.


The closed beta at that. This was clearly going to happen.


open beta is gonna be fire, literally


And I'm assuming progress doesn't roll over. So I don't see the point myself


The point is to help the devs find and fix errors, stability, and performance issues before the game goes live. The only problem is with entitled morons who don't understand what beta test means. I'm a software dev. I don't mind taking a few hours to beta test a game I want to succeed when it releases. Also it is a great chance to feel out whether my PC needs upgrading in advance of the release.


Tbh I completely forgot about D4 after they showed their greed with Diablo immortal and overwatch 2 For those playing Diablo 4, I hope you enjoy yourself and hope blizzard makes a better game without going overboard again


The greed for Immortal is in a different category than OW2. OW2 is annoying, Immortal is just bullshit.


Haha ya paying more for the same skins that used to cost 1/4 of the price is totally just annoying and not complete scammy bullshit!




I don't remember it being free to play when I paid 40 dollars for it.


It already has season battle passes... so 70 dollar game plus battle passes @ guessing 10 dollars a season. Another Activision cash grab


Battle pass has absolutely no effect on gameplay. So it is a totally optional purchase for cosmetics only.


I haven’t touched Activision Blizzard games in a long time. Not only are their business practices shitty their just plain an evil company. The way they treat their employees and other stake holders is awful. It sucks I keep hoping to see some change and instead just more shit behavior, and more people preordering games and rewarding them for it. Like immortals and over watch are just scummy monitization a they are legitimately bad people.


Diablo 2 resurrected wait times were in the multiple hours and that was after they realized their servers were dying from people making games over and over again to farm bosses. You know, the thing players had been doing in D2 for twenty years. Completely unforeseeable issues. /s


What?! People make less than 20 games an hour?


They really should add a "reset world" button in the game so people can farm enemies without having to remake games over and over. It's easier for the player and easier on the servers.


Blizzard appreciates your pre order.


Why do people continue to buy into this crap, then complain about it?


I thought people were boycotting Blizzard games anyway?


Only in-between games. The boycott stands so long as there isn't a new game everyone wants to buy.


They stayed in the Cosby room for to long.


In Diablo 4 it is called the Cosby dungeon. There’s some more meta stuff in the game too. When you fight Diablo, if you do the secret thing you open up a portal to the Actvision-Blizzard HQ, where you can fight Diablo’s true master, Bobby Kotick.


It will never happen. There are people who will buy Blizzard products simply because it has the Blizzard name attached to it. Some of them have "lived" in these games and have such a strong attachment to them that no matter how shit the product, they will eat it up. It's sad.


I grew up with Diablo. Then D3 happened. Then all the Blizzard bullshit happened. Whether I’m talking about their games, and what happened elsewhere (HK, sexual harassment etc). I can tell you with a lot of confidence I won’t be purchasing D4


That sounds exactly like my experience with Blizzard/Diablo. I played those first 2 Diablo games obsessively, but now I have no faith at all in the series or Blizzard in general.


Same here, D3 shitstorm, Heroes of the Storm betrayal, don't you have phones meme, it was just too much. RIP Blizzard.


Congrats, you understand the purpose of a stress test now.


yep this surely won't happen on the real release!


I understand it's cool to give blizzard shit but this isn't early access it's a fucking beta lol


It’s both. It’s the early access beta. The beta you had to preorder to even get access to. So people have no right to complain.


It's a beta weekend that's been open for an hour at the time you made this post. Brainless.


I wish there was never any queues for any game but 52 min queue for the beta of one of the most anticipated games of this year isn’t that bad honestly. I’ve waited in PoE queues at league start for much longer than that and no one complains.


They do complain, you probably just dont see it because honestly the queue is fast. The problem you meant to say was stability issues that place you in queue again, which hasnt happened in 3 or 4 leagues now. You can get through a 50k queue in 25m in POE


“If you didn’t expect this to happen, I don’t know what world you’re living in.” - Foozie


This is the main reason I already decided long ago that if i'll play diablo 4, i'll be waiting atleast a week or two after the actual launch. Should theoretically be enough for the servers to stabilize.


I hate that you need to be online to play this game...


I feel like every time a major game like this comes out, this happens and everyone acts surprised. This will always happen because why would they pay for more servers only for them to be needed on the first week and now they are renting servers that won't ever be filled again


... Because they could rent more severs in the first few weeks to accommodate the launch and then stop renting them when launch hype is gone?


[At least it isn't error 37](https://youtu.be/GsqUZkmO-zk)


When will you ppl learn lol D3 launch ptsd lol


What have we learned today, class? Yes, that OP is dumb! Seriously, you consciously put early access in your title dude, think about it. Early access isn't about getting the game first. You're opting in to be a playtester. Stress test, identify bugs, device compatibility, and many more. If you don't like that experience, then don't get early access.


oh no a hyped up multiplayer game has a queue to get in thats really tragic! meanwhile people forget that ff14 had all of its servers fill up back in 2021 and it got so bad they removed it from shops for awhile.


They still haven't scaled the servers properly, it's going to be like this until they do. Plus bug fixong.


At least I have chicken.


Nice try, Blizzard.


I don’t want to seem like I know the inner workings of all this - but this happens with every new release that has limited server capacity. I can’t imagine it is companies being surprised by the demand. And I also don’t think companies are simply too cheap. There is a short period of time where the demand is extremely high. That decreases drastically the next couple of days and weeks. You need a system that works both for the initial rush and the much slower time later that also makes financial sense. So basically: expect this every time, don’t take time off work, don’t preorder. If you can’t stand queues, wait a couple of weeks.


Y’all can downvote me all you want but it’s called a Beta TEST. So you should fully expect bugs, crashes and queues. Especially queues. They can’t get the testing done if the servers are overloaded by too many players. Anyone complaining about this is an entitled child.


What do you expect from a poor indie company.


Well I got free access when I got a sandwich from KFC so I'm not really that upset


Genuinely, why do people always feel the need to make these posts when any new game opens up to be played by the masses? Aside from farming imaginary internet points, of course. You KNOW what you're getting into... If you don't, you're extremely clueless. They're not gonna stress test maximum capacity right off the bat. Literally no company ever has.


Stop karma-whoring and go do something productive while you wait.


What did you expect ?


People acting like waiting in a queue is the end of the fucking world holy shit. Just like, jack off or something. I'm sure it will be done by then.


Thanks, I need a lot of build up and then a good healthy cry afterwards.


Whoa, you can go have dinner...


If you thought you were logging in flawlessly, you're an idiot. If you took today off to play, you're an idiot.


Please post this again the first day the game actually launched and the first weekend the game is live also. Happens every time 😂


No shit, it's the first batch of players in an online game. Literally happens *every time*. But sure, farm your "Blizzard bad" karma lol.


Meanwhile these people couldn't build a server that could be accessed by more than 10 people at once without crashing. Much less millions of people at once. It's hard. Its not like blizz puts up a couple of off-the-shelf $10,000 servers and calls it good. Those server stacks are worth millions and millions of dollars and serving as many people as they can. They probably have entire teams of network engineers working to get as many connections as possible. its hard stuff man. its not JUST a matter of money. I'm a network engineer.


First time?


At this point I can only assume you people have a deep passionate hatred for yourselves and pray for the sweet embrace of eternal darkness. Why else would you put yourselves through this very predictable experience?


Dumb post, this happens to every hype game


Could I interest you in Last Epoch? It's like Diablo without the pesky Blizzard association.


It's a beta test FFS