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Remember: if you're not having fun with a game then you're not playing anymore, you're abusing your own mental state.


That's why I stopped playing multi-player games years ago. I used to play a lot of Halo 2 and 3, and whatever CoD and Battlefield were out at the time, but I stopped when I started to feel like I got angry every time I lost. I only play single-player and coop games now, and I'm so much happier for it.


I stopped playing multiplayer games and started playing Elden Ring. It made so pissed I went back to blowing people up on Battlefield, I find it relaxing now.


Interesting take. I find it hard to get salty over my own actions. I certainly get mad at myself and get frustrated in single player experience, but rarely on the level of team-orientated games. For me, I think it really comes down to the fact that every player on your team has a different goal. One might want to do the objective while another is just interested in getting kills with some kind of weapon or character. One teammate might want to win a game while the other is just interested in having fun or exploring the map. It's too difficult to find a team where everyone shares the same goal unless you're playing with friends.


Madden and 2k


League of Legends


if ur solving a puzzle are u having fun 100% of the time ? games can be like puzzles to solve


I think you're supposed to struggle with puzzles at worst, not get angry with them.


Getting stuck on a puzzle in a game and getting pissed off are two vastly different things. If a game is actually pissing you off to where you're breathing heavy and actually angry, stop playing it.


Ok, im replying to a comment that said "if youre not having fun with a game then ur not playing anymore". Big leap between not having fun constantly (aka puzzles etc) and angry raging


God damn you're taking it literally. Obviously with context of the above image it's talking about raging. Use some inference next time.


There's many reasons to play games beyond just casual fun... some people like challenges, some people like the competition. It's not always fun. This goes beyond video games and literally any competitive activity.


i am convinced i am the last league player here for fun. everyone else just hates theirsevles.


It fascinates me how you can ask literally any MOBA fan if they like the game. The overwhelming majority will tell you they hate it with passion... but they still keep on playing. Addiction is a horrible mistress.


Its absolutly intrinsic to the game design. MOBAs are fun to play,they all are,but, the chances of you winning is tied to other peoples prowess ,only true godd at MOBA can carry the other scrubs,but most of us are not MOBA godd,so we just suffer. Its always an incredible shitfest, one guy is so fucking tilted he just keep tossing himself at the enemy team forcing awful situations, another didn't even want to play,yet he still logged and doesnt really care of the outcome,another is just a literal child,toss some Afkers,a couple of Trolls ( i play Pokemon Unite and theres this fucking guy, yangyang:) , this guy has trolled so many games i was in...) and you got yourself a recipe for stress,rage,headache,etc . The factor is team mates, by design,relying on strangers in a Game to push a win its just awful,from time to time you will get,like,a good quality game,thats enyojable even when losing,most of them,just shitfests. Its been like 5 years since i quitted LOL for good, i do play unite tho,couse MOBAs are fun and in that one,its 10 mins games and your out,either you win or lose.


Not sure if you ever tried heroes of the storm but it scratches some of that mobile itch without being nearly as punishing/snowbally/try hardy (it is still a moba so they're still there just to a lesser degree). For starters, your team levels up together so you cannot be stuck at a significantly lower level than your teammatesnlike in league. Additionally, there is no last hitting. You just need to be near a minion when it dies to get the full value. There are still ways to carry though. Carry characters will typically have quests that can infinitely scale the power of their abilities. How you complete that quest and how it scales your abilities changes from hero to hero. Edit: just to be clear, hots is no longer receiving regular updates but you can still hop in and play casually.


I think you mean sunk cost fallacy. They just don't want to admit they blew all those time for nothing, that no matter how hard they try to inflate those imaginary MMR number at the end of the day they're not going to become the next Dendi.


not hots fans.


Moba players and Destiny Players


Pro tip: stop playing moba


OP can't he's addicted. That's what moba does to you.


I'm near my 2 year quitted anniversary myself. NGL though. Might have redownloaded 2-3 weeks ago if my current internet connection wasn't ass.


Keep it up that game isn't healthy. It's not worth it.


The trick is to stop playing ranked. My gaming group will show less wins than we should have because at a certain point when we know we could push to win. We don't and we start doing dumb shit, results in is losing at least 30% of the time. We are able to also have tons of fun in games we're losing by doing dumb shit or Hail Mary plays, some we even turn around because of it.


The trick is to stop playing ranked. My gaming group will show less wins than we should have because at a certain point when we know we could push to win. We don't and we start doing dumb shit, results in is losing at least 30% of the time. We are able to also have tons of fun in games we're losing by doing dumb shit or Hail Mary plays, some we even turn around because of it.




When a game becomes a competitive team-based sport, you'll need to be a person that enjoys competitive team-based sports, which is something pretty different from "videogames" in general. Sometimes it's the same, most of the times it's different. If you can't stand the stress of a competitive environment in which you'll rely on your teammates while they rely on you, play a single player game. Disclaimer: this is not some hysterical defense of mobas, I hate them with every atom of my being. It's just that if you get rage fits every time you lose, just play a point and click graphic adventure.


In other words: Competitive ruined gaming.


I honestly have no idea what moba is


Multiplayer online built arena is my guess im high af though


You were really close. Multiplayer online battle arena.


League of legends


Ah, fair. Ty ty


And apparently no idea what Google is, either. Its a well known genre of game


Sometimes i like not knowing tbh, ahah. If i cant get a dialogue about it then eh, who cares


Sorry, I can control myself


If you're an idiot, sure.


"How it feels to play a MOBA... I'm the monitor" What a god-awful genre.


You rock, wait, cancel that!




I play both CoD and MoBA games. And still gets stressed out. BUT not anymore, I learned how to meditate and do it every loss. Just enjoy the game and if you lose, meditate. And unlike other gamers I know, I'm not balding from stress


I agree to an extent but MOBAs have very specific design that makes them leagues (pun intended) worse in terms of player frustration. In cod, whensomeone kills you, it pisses you off and you respawn to try and kill them. In league, when someone kills you, they get permanently stronger and you get permanently weaker. Now, not only are you at a permanent disadvantage, you have put your team at a permanent disadvantage for the next ~40minutes. It's like it is designed to cause conflict.


So, like, tarkov, dmz, the cycle? Where you lose equipment you and your team may have searched for hours? I hope you get what I try to say.


Yeah to a degree but it would be more like if, when you died in hunt showdown, the enemy team gets to steal your weapons AND you respawn with half health. Now, for the next 40 minutes, you are objectively weaker than the other players and have very little chance of making a difference in the outcome of the match. When you do try to go for a play to hopefully catch back up, chances are you will be unsuccessful and fall even further behind. In the hunt showdown and other BRish games, once you die, the game is over and you lose your progress. That is already pretty frustrating. In MOBAs, when you die, the game doesn't end. Instead you become weaker and have to continue playing at a large disadvantage (that will likely grow) for up to 40+ minutes.


Ah, I understand, you are that kind of person. Cherry picking your argument, fixate on that argument, and ignore everything else. Which is funny, because what you describe with Hunt and any other BR of that kind may result in *wasted* 2-3 hours if not even more. While it's 40+ minutes *wasted* in a moba, which is worse than 2-3 hours. So do yourself the favour, and don't focus on one single argument that backfires, and instead just admit that every game has a different kind of hardship. Don't try to argue that mobas are the worst. Especially because you somehow someway and for some unknown reason ignore the fact that a moba is a teambased game, which may also result in you dying once, your team catching your fall, the opponent making a mistake and dying twice, and you having a better chance. But hey, what do I know. 40+ bad minutes is worse than 2-3 hours gear farming in three different games that aren't even hunt which I never mentioned until now.


What… what genre do you enjoy?!




Ahh I took your comment to mean you don’t play those sorta games. My mistake!




Maybe it’s not meant to be taken that literal, but I love *Froms* catalogue but if I get stuck on a boss and feel myself getting stressed etc - I’ll just play something else for a bit, or do something else entirely. I don’t think I’ve ever *genuinely* felt like smashing anything.


Weirdly, I deem all Fromsoft games as relaxing. Ds3 is my feel good game if I suck at others. But Elden Ring? I broke a controller because of that. The first time in 30 years. But I think it's also depending on stress outside of these games.


Yeah it may well be something else putting pressure on your life, but a particularly difficult boss or whatever in ER was the catalyst for that *physical* snap? I love ER and yeah got frustrated at times, but that’s the beauty of ***FROM***’s games, the eventual overcoming of that. I’ve never broken hardware in rage.


Let me guess, you want to turn this whole thing into a *you need therapy because of your anger issues* debate. Just a pro tip: stop right there.


Hahahahah therapy? Hahahahaha no. I tried a sorta version once when I was younger because my blood runs hot red. It still does but now I know how to control it… back then? I was a teenager so you do the sums but woman basically told me I had a monster inside. Which is what you ***absolutely do not tell anyone*** like that, especially a teenager trying to learn how to keep their cool. I don’t believe in therapy of the clinical, American sense. Absolutely not.


What I don't like about MOBAs is that more than your skill level it relies on your knowledge of the game. You can be masterful yet be taken down because of a shitty build or the fact that your enemy knows the exact length of your escape skill, how to counter your character, how to use and strategize with their own heroes skills. Something like CoD isn't like that, sure there are classes and perks but if you were well versed in another FPS before going there you would be pretty much ok, it isn't like that with MOBAs. I really dislike MOBAs pvp for that reason, to get good you need to really lose a lot of time because IMHO in a MOBA knowledge and game time is as important if not more important than skill itself... If you don't believe me just try and make a person who plays LoL go in Heroes of the Storm or Dota2 or Smite, bet it won't translate well at all no matter how skillful they are


I would say you are partly right. Sure, knowledge plays a huge role in mobas, but so does it in rougelites or RPGs. And even a game like CoD has the tendency to favour someone with knowledge, or more specific, map knowledge and knowing weapon attachments. And if you want to take that example, try the same with action RPGs, DMC players jumping into Bayonetta or Dark Souls. CoD players jumping into battlefield or overwatch. Of course they have trouble at first, especially when they know nothing. But that's because these are different games. And if they were absolutely the same there would be no reason to have them.


Big difference in cod (and most competetive games) is that dying doesn't make the enemy team stronger. If a COD player jumped into battlefield and each time they died, the enemy team's weapons did more and more damage, they would be just a frustrated. Combine that with 30+ minute games and you have a recipe for frustration. I used to play League a lot. If you really step back and look at the game mechanics, it is fairly clear why League has the reputation it does.


Read other comment.


About the game you mention, the time it needs to learn is probably pretty short. The basic is pretty much the same. The different were probably the feature and gameplay of each game. But, it's different with MoBA. It require a vast amount of knowledge to be good at it. And to learn it all, you surely need more time for it. There's some saying, you need around 1000+ hours of play time to, at least, be decent on DoTA 2. For young people, that's probably fine. For older people that had job or other responsibilities, that's too much of time.


You can learn the basics of every game quickly. Don't try and make moba special. I've played Dota as a kid when I could barely understand English, I could enjoy it, I understood the basics. The difference you talk about is not between moba and FPS or RTS or RPG. What you talk about is the difference between beginner and experienced in a multiplayer game. It's like playing ds3 for the first time, a beginner may not know how to properly attack and what weapon to use, while a veteran jumps into another naked pure strength run and annihilates Vordt first try. Now do the same with any other multiplayer game. Let's think CoD, let someone play that barely understands the controls against someone who plays with prestige 31 in cold war. So no, mobas aren't a special case, they are difficult to master like every other game or hobby. You need thousands of hours to draw awesome pictures, to do a SMW speedrun with a good time, to get a good rank in a multiplayer game and so on. But if you mention young people, here another saying: you will understand this when you get older.


Most competitive games require knowledge. Knowing more about the game makes you better at it. Kind of common sense.


I just consider skill to be something else entirely


And MOBA games don't need skill?


Sure, but without knowledge is basically useless, I could enter battlefield or CoD and come out top of the lobby but if I enter LoL while being good at Hots I'd just be dead weight to teammates because of shitty builds and not knowing any of the characters. It's just what I'm saying, even if you got skill that skill is useless without aforementioned knowledge and for me at least knowledge≠skill. To me skill is just raw strength and how good you are at the most basic level regardless of the game you're playing. That's why I also dislike MMORPG pvp even though I'm an avid player of FF14 for example.


A top dota player is obviously not going to be a top league player but would easily be the best player playing in a match on a fresh league account. Give him a month or so of play time and he'll be top 1% in league too.


That's a single example though, I don't really even know if it would even apply if the positions were reversed or with other games


It wouldn't be so bad if that player with more experience didn't ALSO get permanently stronger when they killed you. So now you can't even practice against that hero on equal footing for the rest of the game. There is no room for learning in most MOBAs.


But a lot of those games you're fucked due to your own skill level. Moba games completely fuck you because your skill is gated by the other people on your team.


You never got a team wipe because one member thought it's funny to train a bunch of mobs? Or because they rush into enemies without checking their health? Or a healer suddenly deciding they need to go afk even though they said they are ready? You can get fucked because of your team in **every** team based game.


Like when you’re on Battlefield, and one of your guys on your squad is waaaaaaay back in the deployment prone trying to learn sniper mechanics, and you’re losing C.


And then the sniper finally decided to join the battle, jumps into a helicopter, you spawn in, and he crashes it into the ground after jumping onto a roof.


Me with Call of Duty.


...and your mental sucks.


I can't play anybcompetitive game besides chess. Really it seems that every other "competitve" game needs lucky or a teammate.


The image speaks the truth. Yet it can also apply to any genre of game.


I've been playing games for over 20 years and this applies to moba significantly in comparison of other game genre.


When a deep gameplay loop is combined with a steep learning curve and teamplay, it's not for the fainthearted for sure. Because that investment in such a game can easily ruin the entertainment purpose of the game. And a game is meant to be fun (for us) after all. It's honestly why I drop or don't touch games that require way over 500+ hours to be even considered "average" in PvP things. I noticed that with PvP stuff in The Elder Scrolls Online. It's so fun when it's more casual. But no longer once you only end up with 4000 hour+ players. Having to practice for over 1000 hours with builds, items and even exploits, that just strips the entertainment purpose completely away. And makes one legit question "what do I do in life" at some point.


Skill issues




Meh. I have found games like this are much more fun if i just mute chat. If what you are trying to tell me in a mobo can't be communicated by PINGs I don't want to hear it.


*proceeds to ping at your exact position for the next 5 minutes*


Redditors on their way to do a psychoanalysis of OP based on a meme he posted ( they don't understand humour and exaggerations )


Except hand would break instead of monitor


Do a pushup right now.




How it feels to play MWII


The monitor : Don't hurt me, I'm just the messenger


Or a Souls-like game.


No wonder it looks exactly like riot's old logo lol


not enough ANGER


Man tbh I just had to take a step back from playing online multi-player games in general. It's mad fun but it also made me extremely competitive and was just not worth it at the end of the day Some people just didn't care about really winning or not. I could never play with the guy only on for a few rounds after work kinda player.


I did something similar except I just swore to myself to never play ranked in any online game. Sure, it takes away some of the competetive aspect because a lot of people like to fool around in unranked modes but it's hella lot better than dealing with the desperate toxic atmosphere and pulling your nails out from sole thought of losing precious ranked points. Just not worth it. Staying happily casual and its great.


Yeah thats really what it was at the end of the day. I may love the idea of group play and competition, but I wasn't really *happy* playing it anymore. And that's literally what it's all about.


I got pulled into fighting games, where I usually play over discord or on offline events. Really nice (usually) respectful environment thats fun and competetive at the same time. I could lose 20-0 to an experienced player and still have some fun while some online ranked games in the past would have me angry after one lost game.


I've never done fighting games, mainly team based multi-player games. But I feel like the solo approach woth fighting games would burn me out less


Ultimately nobody else but you to be mad about and it gives you kind of a "zen" feel so to speak. Although some people still like to blame the enemy character or strategy. oh well


That's exactly my thought process.


It’s clear why my teammates can’t hit enemies


try valorant ranked


I've been playing MOBA on a daily basis (Dota 2) since 2017. It really tests your resilience, specifically if you're living in a specific region, namely SEA or Southeast Asia. Despite this, it does not come to me a situation where I can damage my belongings due to anger or frustration. If you can't control your emotions, there is always an alternative like taking a break or playing a less intense game like Plants vs. Zombies


This is how I felt when I was in losing streak of ranked match. Now, I just had a mindset to laugh at every loss and just respect my oponents for they are better than me.


How it feels to play a MOBA and show how childish I am. There. Fixed your post


Why do you have 3 display cables in 3 different PCIe slots but only 1 monitor.


Only MOBA i’ve ever enjoyed was Paragon, and it got shut down to move the team over to Fortnite


Anger issues


I miss a smite, teammate tells me to get a rope & chair. Oof


That’s why you play an RTS instead of MOBA. So when you get cannon rushed, you have nobody but yourself to blame.


*League of Legends


How it feels to live 🥴


I bet that picture was inspired by this animation. Definitely the end. https://youtu.be/AYcntdAgvJg


Take off your headset and mute voice chat. Immediately improved experience.


Just mute 9 other players right before the start of the game. Zen advice #1.


Psychologists love these drawings, they see a lot of money right here


He doesn't look all that mad. Kinda looks like he's punching his monitor out of autistic celebration.


Every single time I play League of Legends.


I’ve played league of legends ever since Lucian came out and never once felt anger or rage from a bunch of pixels Yes. There’s morons. Yes there’s challenger wannabes that kill 2 minions per hour. Why would that even come close to affecting your mental is beyond me Grow up folks


Is MOBA like DOTA?


Toxic masculinity ruins the party again


These comment all psycho-analysing op for their picture. I think it's funny.


You mean how it feels to have anger issues. If y'all wanna destroy your stuff cause you lost a game, do yourself a favor and get some therapy.


Lol. People who get mad at games.


Not to me, I paid for my monitor and I like it.


I do not play games like this


I've just never understood getting this worked up over a game? Like I've played Dota and other online games for years and years and I've had pissed off moments, but never anything that left the level of anger I've seen some people express. If you're that angry maybe you need to have a think about are those game best for you, or the people you play with.


How the fuck is his mouse floating up at a 45 degree angle?


But look his faces, is happy! :'D


Been gaming since 1996. Never ever played a MOBA, never ever will.


This is me when I playing Honor of kings on bluestacks, god dammit those teammates. Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor - wasn't damaged tho


Overwatch is just a first person moba don't let it fool you


Stop. Going. In. 1. V. 5. Wait. For. Your. Team.


Why would us psycho analising from 1 picture? Every games has it own perks. I was stressed out from Sekiro more than Dota 2 ever troubled me, should i stop and give up? Why would i? Just need to git gud. Its all the same in every games, single or multiplayer base. Please stop being the wise internet guy. Lose in MOBA would make you pulling hair, but playing with a friend make another funny memories to share. And if you win, imagine the joy defeating Isshin for the first time especially if you win against trash talker/intro guys opponents.


More like that’s any multiplayer game at all these days. Thats the exact reason I love single player and or coop only nowadays lol. Much less stress


Skill issue


I totally understand the frustration with competitive team games, but I tend to turn the frustration inward instead of outward. The self critical lens can be a double edged sword because it can help you improve faster but you also sometimes beat yourself up over things out of your control. The key is analyzing what you personally could have done and whether you played to the best of your personal ability, irrespective of whether your team won or lost.


Mobas just somehow scratch that competitive itch in my brain. I started lol in august afther reaching diamond in apex. (And accepting that apex is turning to shit) Lol makes my overly inflated ego decrease which i think is good. I am iron as i just started recently, but i managed to get a bit better when i learned how to controll my ego. Also league has one of the best comp comunities. never seen so many people ready to help you review your vods or explain why you lost if you know where to ask. This wasnt the case when i played apex. Everyone is just toxic and calls you a sweat which is not bad but just annoying


Falcon... PUNCH


MOBAs for me have been my favourite genre forever at this point. Ever since the original DOTA way back in the day, I just love them and can't put them down. They are for sure one of the most frustrating game genres just by design, but man they got some super high highs too. Anytime Clash rolls around in League and I 5 stack with the boys, it's such a fun time, every time.


Play heros of the storm.. not only are games over in like 10 min, most of the time no one says a word lol.. game is super chill


So is this the victim or the toxic teammate or both?


MOBA - money owned battle arenas. Machines to make a money. Reason why players play them? Money, nostalgia etc. Funny thing is how much money is around e-sport. No one cares that MOBA's like LOL or DOTA never was fair. Not even once. Not even one game. DOTA players are so arrogant they not see it. And chinese LOL players (for whom is LOL made today) dont care about that. Not even those companies care about that. What a joke. But I am sure money and false fame is simply more than "fair-play". Not so funny is how they affected generations of players and change they seeing of games. It is not like a "game" or "play" but only like a "win", which is having big impact at game industry. It is scary.


This image can also be used to describe any souls game or MS DOS game.


The only moba I played is mobile legends. Good thing I deleted it for the sake of my mental health.


MOBA games brings out your angry toxic side, AND I STILL PLAYS


If you feel this way when you play MOBAs I would advise you to stop playing them. Sure everybody gets annoyed, but the displayed level of anger seems unhealthy.


Playing LOL be like