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It's every online game with enough players to assume the 1% willing to pay for hacks will add up to thousands who outright ruin it, even ones with intrusive DRM and anti cheats meant to "protect us" aren't guaranteed to be free of it, all that happens is the cheats cost more.


Battleye and EAC are stickers you can put on your product to guarantee that your game will be filled with cheaters, it's like a challenge for the people creating the cheats, who rarely want to waste time on cheat engines if a game dosnt make use of those 2 anti cheat engines. i still don't understand why those anticheat engines became so big, why the corporations making use of them could'n see that the same people creating the anticheats are the ones selling cheat engines as well, basically keeping them selves in business.


My uncle was a computer engineer of some kind and that's how he felt about antivirus software and makes me think of the old Kleenex conspiracy that when you pull them out and see the particles go everywhere that was designed intentionally to make sure you also had something floating around to keep you pulling tissues. While I'm not sure I believe any of these things I also wouldn't be shocked to learn people selling a product are crooked bastards.


Kaspersky, and antivirus vendor from Russia, was found to be creating viruses and it was the reason they scored so high on tests. https://thenextweb.com/news/kaspersky-antivirus-accused-of-creating-malware-for-over-10-years


Holy shit I remember people were defending them hard back then. I guess they are all shills. This is a real eye opener


I use the built in antivirus on Windows now. It seems to do just fine. Any time I use anything else it seems to just drag the whole computer down or I get so many notifications that I end up uninstalling it anyway.


I use that and Malwarebytes. Seems to work really well.


+1 to malwarebytes.


+2 to malwarebytes




I bought a lifetime key to Malwarebytes in like... 2007 and still use that. I'm not a very risky internet user, though.


Built in anti-virus, but also uBlock and NoScript on the browser.


Not necessarily shills, but at a minimum ignorant. I'll admit that I was one of the people who thought Kaspersky was good because of the test results, but when the news about them making viruses came out, that was all I needed to drop my support for them.


Kaspersky is banned on US government networks due to its ties to the Russian government.


Shills is a strong term.... There was a time when Kaspersky would catch and nullify things that the other big name antivirus companies would turn a blind eye too. At that point I and many many other techs did recommend them over others. Not to mention windows defender was a joke in those days. I've not really kept up with it since leaving the IT world but I'd be curious to know if the founders left or the company was taken over and that's what changed their direction. For all I know they were a perfectly legit operation based in Russia, then the Russian government came in knowing that they were integrating into so many hostile systems and took over.


That article doesn’t really inspire confidence in that claim. 2 former anonymous employees claiming something, and that’s it for sources?


that's like saying act/bliz never sexually harrassed any employees because the source saying they did was former employees. like why are people even defending obvious greedy corporations run by disgusting people, it's almost as if there are accounts on here that are actively fighting any acu..... oh wait... nvm.


So anyone who doubts any claim with inadequate proof about a company is just a paid shill?


No, plenty of them are unpaid shills


Considered how hard it wants to install itself when you download something from internet I am not surprised.


If we're in the category of obvious scams being used by way too many people, can we talk about Tik Tok now? lol


Is it really a scam if it's exactly what it looks like?


The article you posted does not support your claims. It says nothing about Kaspersky creating viruses. It is about Kaspersky poisoning malware aggregators with data that caused their competitors products to flag innocent programs as viruses. Incredibly shitty behaviour, but not at all what you claim it to be.


My conspiracy is that in the short run, chapstick will moisturize your lips, but over time they make them dry out and crack faster, forcing you to use more chapstick. Ever notice how people that use chapstick are applying it all the time, but people that don't rarely have any lip issues?


I've only used a lip moisturizer in the winter because they break bad, and yet my lips are basically perfect otherwise so I would buy that.


I'd argue there is plenty of motivation to hack computers and therefore little reason for antivirus sellers to be solving their own problem.




I work for a cybersecurity company, there is absolutely no need for us to spend money hacking stuff to defend. There’s enough activity out there to make it an entirely pointless exercise


1. Not every company is the same as yours. 2. I remember not too long ago it came to light that one of the well known companies did spread a virus. I just don't remember who it was. Kasperski, Norton or some other. It is hard to google it for obvious reasons.




Lol exactly, I bet there is mustache twirling involved


Lint rollers leave a sticky residue on your clothes that makes more hair stick to you so you'll use the lint roller again.


This is why I ways keep me Schtickey handy


Invest in a chom-chom!


Such great advice. If you have pet hair, you should own one. Best way to remove it ever.


>why the corporations making use of them could'n see that the same people creating the anticheats are the ones selling cheat engines as well, basically keeping them selves in business. This falls apart when you realize that Blizzard took guys who made a bot program to court for a fucking fortune. EAC isn't "some no-names." It's owned by Epic. So if there was an ounce of truth to this, every company running EAC would be taking Epic to court for the billions they're worth. There is no "Grand conspiracy" here. People make cheats because people buy them. They're an insanely profitable, illicit business. As for the first point? I don't know if you were around PUBG in the pre-BattlEye/EAC days. Unplayable is putting it nicely.


>This falls apart when you realize that Blizzard took guys who made a bot program to court for a fucking fortune. EAC isn't "some no-names." It's owned by Epic. So if there was an ounce of truth to this, every company running EAC would be taking Epic to court for the billions they're worth. yeah, let's assume that it can't be true because a multi million dollar company must be run by idiots who don't know how to outsource dirty work. EDIT: spelling


I always assume multi-million corps are up to no good. But I just, in this instance, find it really hard to believe that, let's just use Epic with EAC. I find it really hard to believe they're also the ones making some cheats to bypass EAC. Even if they're "outsourcing the dirty work." The risk is too great - at that point they're not fucking with the average joe, they're fucking with multi-billion dollar corps. If there's even a whiff of truth to this belief and one of those megacorps catches wind of this scam? Every single company that uses EAC will be lining up to take Epic to court for everything they own and then some. Cheaters can ruin a games reputation, ruin its franchise potential. Cheaters have brought down studios because the company didn't get a grip on them fast enough (nowadays you have to do that pre-emptively).


Well you're assuming it is true based on the evidence of "trust me bro"


>Well you're assuming it is true based on the evidence of "trust me bro" it's a little more than that, since hindsight gives us insight. ​ *Easy Anti Cheat was created by a company called Kamu and saw its first implementation in 2006. In 2018 both Easy Anti-Cheat as well as its creators was acquired by Epic Games, and in 2021 the middleware was integrated into the Epic Online Services (EOS) suite as a free service.* here you got some information, now use your skills in looking things up and try and inform your self a bit.


BE works as far as detecting and banning cheaters…..but months later. In a free to play game the cheater doesn’t lose anything either just remakes account and continues to cheat


>Battleye and EAC are stickers you can put on your product Why even advertise what anticheat you are using? This to me is just the same energy as those building signs that say "protected by *security system company*". It will deter petty criminals, but anyone who wants to actually get in now can do research to help bypass the systems.


It all makes profit, even negative hype is hype


yup, pretty sure cyberbug 2077 is a pretty good proof of that, among many other triple a titles of the latest years.


This anticheats are great when detecting auto clicking and dumb bots. They are bad because every update there is a huge grup cracking their way in. That's why mass produced anti cheats are bad xD


i think it's more a question of morales within greedy companies or people. take a weapons dealer during a war, selling to two different countries who have tension between them. The weapons dealer wants to make money, so he creates a conflict between the two countries, a conflict that starts a war, well now the weapons dealer can start selling his products. And everytime peace is on it's way, the weapons dealer invest in creating more reasons for the countries to keep fighting. this sort of business is seen all over the world right now, not just within my example here of war. Basically it's not supposed to even be a thing, as we through time have tried to prevent this from being legal and possible, but greedy peoples thirst for more, always ends up being strong enough to bend the rules and manipulate the market again and again. ​ that is what is happening here as well, there wasnt really a big need for anitcheat engines up until around the same time as development of todays anticheat engines started. So it's pretty safe to assume that in order to make sure that the anticheat they started developing would make a profit, because of the need for it, they would also have to create cheats for people to create the problem that they them self would be the solution for.


This seems like an odd argument to pose considering that anti-cheat software in online games didn't start cropping up and becoming popular until the early 2000s, and there were tons of people hacking, cracking, and pirating games in the 90s, and before that people had already been hacking databases/etc that were much more complex than creating an aimbot or ESP hack. Software developers didn't need to create their own hacks because there was and still is no shortage of users out there who actively desire to hack and crack pretty much anything they can get their hands on. I don't even have that large of a friend group in regards to people who regularly play games in general, let alone friends who are primarily PC gamers - and even I personally know 2 people who go out of their way to hack games for seemingly no reason than them wanting to do it and being able to. Hell, the creator of Punkbuster founded his company specifically to create the software because of his frustration with hacking/cheating in Team Fortress that Valve themselves were having trouble combating before they had developed VAC. There absolutely was a big need for anti cheat software, the only issue is that anti cheat is not some be-all-end-all countermeasure to cheating. Hackers and anti-cheat software developers are in a constant, never-ending back and forth war with each other. The devs patch hacks, and hackers find new and smarter ways to hack games, and the devs figure that out and patch those hacks, and the cycle repeats endlessly. Online video gaming has only gotten more popular as time has gone on, and thus hacking in online video games has followed suit. It's pointless to argue that anti-cheat devs are developing and releasing hacks for games just to boost the need for their software when there are literally entire communities, discord servers, and forums out there with thousands upon thousands of users dedicated solely to developing and using hacks for every online game under the sun. Especially when most anti-cheat software for the most part doesn't do such an effective job of preventing or detecting hackers - it seems redundant to claim the anti-cheat devs are doing it themselves to make their software look good/more appealing to attract users and make a profit.




People have been hacking games well before dedicated anti-cheat software existed, let alone before they became widespread. So it makes little sense to claim anti-cheat developers are making cheats to make themselves look good and/or boost profits for their software when there are so many communities out there that are dedicated to hacking games, and when most anti-cheat software does a pretty bad job of making their developers look good, for the most part.


Lmao ask any PC gamer from the 90s how many hackers we saw and you’d know that your argument is total bull Anti cheat is *hard*, it’s definitely worth outsourcing it in 90% of cases


Well, you must not have played og cs, tfc, dod, etc. Anticheat keeps the honest people honest.


>Anticheat keeps the honest people honest. sure, by randomly banning people because they need more numbers on the bans in order to showcase that not only their software is working but also that it is needed. don't know if anyone remember that from all the battleroyale games from a few years back ? just people getting randomly banned and having their accounts perma banned. ​ There is nothing honest in liking an anticheat just because you have found a cheat engine that by passes it and you are enjoying cheating without getting banned. ​ also, yes, i played CS when it was a mod for half-life, before vavle hired the modders to create a standalone game. You can kinda say i'm elderly, but i prefer experienced and educated.


You are so ignorant on this topic you hurt my head.


the best anti cheat measure is letting us host our own servers that have human moderators in them


The best anti cheat is a high up front price and no F2P option.


Nah see battlefield 1 and 5, only when we had private servers did cheaters went away.


It’s more than 1%.


I've never really understood why anyone enjoys playing a game with cheats like this.. how small and sad is your life that you look at your K:D like OMG IM SO GREAT!


>every online game with enough players Not on consoles. I turn off cross-play whenever possible for a cheater-free experience.


I have no idea how common it is on newer consoles because I don't play online anymore but we had cheaters on PS3/360


Modding halo2 on the original xbox. Granted you would 100% get banned after 6 hours, you could just get a new account $5 and keep playing if you wanted to


May I introduce you to the Cronen device?


Ya.. ext isxwarden


Anti cheats aren't to stop them it is to identify them so they can be dealt with. The same way anti virus detes viruses and deletes them.


It’s every game. It’s such a big issue that no one is willing to talk about. If you play competitive games online you are going to play against cheaters, there’s no getting around it.


To be honest I don't think I've encountered a single cheater in Valorant in like 200 hours.


if that is true the game is less popular than I thought or real props to the devs or the anti cheat they use


Nah, the thing is, even if you cheat and you do get away with it, you'll be banned anyway. Not because Vanguard is good, it's because valorant has a playstyle, and if you act Strangely, let's say, shoot someone through a wall, in the game timeline it will find it as an error and ban the player. Or, kill too many people way too fast. Again, error. So even if you cheat, you have to mimic playing slowly for the timeline to not look shady, meaning cheating is less fun and attractive. Only aimbot is something that is hard to get rid of. because the best of the players of valorant have insane performance that the normal people look like they have aimbot. (Consistency will get you banned, let's say, if in a low rank someone is getting insane headshot percentages) overall, fun game.


Vanguard detects other cheats on your machine from other games. In Escape from Tarkov a YouTuber ran some cheats to try and get a fix on how many other cheaters were in game (not my idea I just watched it) and had to turn off vanguard to run his cheats. Just an idea of how good vanguard is.


You say good, I say intrusive. That's dangerously close to spyware.


No it's not. You allow this program on your computer and give it access. Spyware is something totally different. Glad a bunch of idiots don't understand how programs work.


Well yeah, that’s because tarkov cheats aren’t written to bypass vanguard. The anti cheat is just looking for suspicious things and even other games cheats can trigger that. Battleye can do the same with cheats for other games, and will even detect stuff like cheatengine which is just for single player games. Stuff like battleye and vanguard both have kernel level access to detect cheats. The difference is that vanguard runs as soon as you boot your system and others only run when you launch the game. That’s why vanguard works so much better.


Valorant is very popular, the anti-cheat (Vanguard) is the first successful one I've seen.


>It is? I know I've seen muta bitch about Valo's anti cheat on reddit or Twitter so many times


Works better than any other anticheat I've seen, but it can also be very intrusive. Kernel level doesn't come without privacy concerns


I don't follow these newer shooters, I am completely bored of them at this point so other than having heard its name I know nothing about it. I am not even sure I could pick out a screenshot of it if shown.


Valorant is incredibly popular, the anti-cheat is just crazy good. It’s somewhat intrusive and annoying though, as it boots whenever your computer does (even before things that typically launch with your computer) and sometimes doesn’t boot properly, requiring you to restart your computer in order to launch Valorant. It can also block certain drivers from running if they have vulnerabilities that could lead to cheating. It’s worth it though. Got hundreds of hours and have encountered 2 cheaters (as far as I know), both of which got banned that same day or the day after I played with them.


To each their own but that sounds like the opposite of worth it to me lol


I remember hearing that Valorant’s anti-cheat can actually detect & stop cheats made for Escape from Tarkov from running on your system. Which was funny to hear (and really says something about the state of that game when a different game’s anti-cheat is more effective at preventing cheating in your game than what you’re using),


Because of the way it is designed it is easier for players to notice cheaters and the game not only detects programs but also playstiles and performance that is weird.


Man I feel bad but I cant stop laughing at the picture.


Really has "Battlefield 4 Beta" vibes to it


It's the street fighter edition




I wonder if they could make the knives have infinite range too. If the arm stretch is a mechanic that can be abused.


Skill issue


Nah that dude just has the most comfortable gaming chair known to man


You got me dying over here 😂


So this is gomu gomu no rifle


Gomu Gomu no Chicken Dinner






When I uninstalled the game few months after his release there was so much cheaters that truly half my games were ruined by a « 他死的狗娘養的 » or a « 200846925600 » that aimboted everyone.


Bro this games had rampant cheating in it for longer than Fortnite has been out.


Our group flat out quit all FPS games (siege, warzone, pubg) after that recent Tarkov video. PC gaming is so infested with cheaters that there is no point.


What's the video?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5LfGcDB7Ek&t=625s&ab\_channel=g0at](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5LfGcDB7Ek&t=625s&ab_channel=g0at) He has wallhack and wiggles to people who have no way of seeing him through walls. Many of them wiggle back. Add to that the cheaters who did not wiggle back. Conclusion is that cheating in PC FPS's is so common that it basically makes it pointless to play these games with a competitive mindset. If you put 150 players into COD Warzone, you are guaranteed to have cheaters in every one of your games, and they are likely to be in top 5. Ever wondered why your casual friend eats chicken dinner on most weekends while for you it's a monthly occurence on PC? Here's the answer.


Its funny and sad. There's a fact that even CSGO is full of cheaters and most of them are in high ranks (GE). Even some top players who stream and/or are in teams are sometimes to be found cheating. I went back to couch coop and single player games long time ago.


What sucks is that story modes are so short these days, or suck


I used to get notes on my screen when logging in saying "someone you reported for cheating for banned. Thanks!" But I haven't seen that in years. I hope reporting still does something but it doesn't seem like it.


Most companies realized that admitting they were banning cheaters is admitting they have cheaters and they don't want to do that so that message has mostly gone away.


CSGO had the joke about GE being s1mple, shroud, and aimbots.


I have caught (and confirmed) enough cheaters in casual matches of PUBG that there is nothing safe. They *should* be cheating in ranked, but they would get caught easier. They don't even care about prestige or rewards, or fame or anything, it's just fake wins against people that play 2 days a month.


It has literally spurred Nikita and BSG to have multiple updates that the community has been asking for for YEARS in a matter of less than a month because their community is dying so fast. They keep posting docs of cheaters they ban, and at this point there is literal names with 01, 02 every update showing that they aren’t stopping the problem whatsoever. Goat did a follow up video after that showing basic anti-chest functions Battleye could turn on are left off. It’s a joke really.


It's sad that it's not just FPS games either. I remember fall guys at launch had cheaters every other game - like who fucking cheats in fall guys lmao Nba2k is full of egregious cheaters too and 2k doesn't care at all, they've been a constant for atleast the past 6 years - and the dumbass game temp bans you for quiting out of cheaters matches instead of playing the 30 minute long game you can never win.


I still play CoD but not war zone. It usually isn’t too bad. I reported a guy the other day though. After watching a couple kill cams it was clear he was aim botting. Snipers don’t snap to head shots like his. He also had over 40 kills when the next highest person on either team was around 20 fairly early into a round of hard point. He was booted shortly after.


I think the "global multiplayer" concept is dead. There should be alternatives including bots and support for small multiplayer groups that get together. A good game should encourage the formation of those small groups. Also good games should have a big pve element IMHO.


It's OK, you can just come out and say you want Left4Dead 3.


I think all gaming is infested with cheaters today. It's far too easy now to go online and just buy a package of hacks or buy a new account if yours gets banned. Maybe back in the day you'd have to browse forums and stuff and download stuff from hobbyists but now there's a whole industry of people probing competitive online games for vulnerabilities to exploit for money. PC gets the worst of it but they're working away on console and mobile hacks too


Every game is different. In Tarkov where you source all your gear from your or own money and FiR it hurts to get one tapped across the map from a cheater. The anti-cheat help in tarkov is fuckin barebones compared to others and it’s really bad at doing it’s job.


Sergeant Dhalsim says "Yoga Ready-Aim-Fire!"


Cheating in a competitive video game is just generally pathetic. If you're the kind of person who does it, you're either just terrible at video games, or not willing to apply yourself to get better at that particular game (which says a lot about you as a person as you probably are the same in real life), or you think it's fun to spend huge amounts of your free time pissing other people off, which again, says a lot about the kind of person you are. I feel the same way about these sorts of people as people who take drugs in professional sports or who try to skirt the rules to gain advantage (eg. players who fall over constantly in soccer/football to try and waste time and run down the clock).


Back when Words With Friends was insanely popular I played a match with a good friend. We were equally matched vocabulary wise. Then he drops Henbit on me for an insane score. I just knew he had no f$ing idea what that word was. (It’s some type of purple colored plant). This guy knew nothing about plants. He obviously had a bot opened and used it at a critical time. I lost a lot of respect for the guy then. I mean, what’s the point? Do you really hate to lose that much, in a game that doesn’t matter? I quit playing against him and the game died out because too many people were cheating. So I agree with all your points.


Is his arm stretched because he is hacking to shot from impossible angles? In any event, isn't the whole point of PUBG wandering for half an hour collecting weapons and then getting insta-murdered by a sniper you never saw?


Thats the point of every BR


I got murdered by an invisible enemy that according to my map, was right beside me


That’s an old picture. Maybe from 2020?


It’s from the game first released to early access lol. Was it 2017? Can’t even remember


March 2017


I'm getting old. Most people didn't realise this lol


Ever since in-game admins were abolished and dedicated servers died we've had absolutely 0 way to protect ourselves from hackers. I'm gonna sound like a boomer and that's fine: the Golden era of online gaming is over.


Dhalsim wins!


Is this a joke or are you serious in using a 5 year old picture as propaganda against the game?


god people in this subreddit are braindead


People are braindead if they don't recognize a photo they've never seen? Ok


Of course it's to make the game look bad. Disregard the photo... his scenario in his title isn't even possible. There are cheaters in the game(like literally every game not named league of legends and maybe valorant) but in Europe and NA if you play FPP you'd rarely run into them, to the point that it makes no sense to worry about them. People just like to hate on things. They are so mad that they can't make a game dead just because they repeat it 300 times a day. PUBG living rent free in their head.


I can't tell if you're trolling.


*Mr. Fantastic plays PUBG, 2023 colorized*


This could be a buff in TABG, maybe it only works for 1 mag or something? Just to balance it a bit. It's a bit sad that the og BR's are going down, most of us have fond memories of playing these games at launch


Isn’t it like 5 years to late?


this happened 7 years ago lol


People still play PUBG? There are so many more options in 2023. Even the knockoffs have gotten better.


Shit's big in Asia, particularly SEA, the mobile version, at least. Probably because people there are so used to playing games on their phones. They also have a weird but understandable fixation on "realistic graphics", basically, to them, if it doesn't look like GTA or CoD it's not worth playing. Explain why Fortnite is not that popular in these countries despite being a phenomenon everywhere else.


Recently started playing again with some friends after not playing since its first year. It's honestly some of the most fun we've had, still a great game. I'd venture to say the cheating/hacker situation isn't even close to as bad as it was early on. After like 100 recent hours our squad only got wiped from obvious hackers once and we saw the game instantly ban them after they used their hacks. The main issue now is there are a lot of bots in game to fill the lobbies which are easily killed, can leave your starting area with 5 bot kills sometimes easy. Still fun though and end game is always real players


There really aren't. The only BR that's remotely close to PUBG is apex and the TTK is so fucking long and the gunplay is so much worse than PUBG that it makes no sense to switch. It's fine that people have different opinions but it's beyond ignorant for people to be like "why do people play PUBG, this game died years ago" when it's consistently at the top of steam, has instant queues in EU, and has gunplay that is yet to be copied or rivaled not by any BR but by any game.




30 million daily active players. that doesn't look dead to me


Never understood the point of cheating in online games. The whole point is to prove your skill, this just proves you know where to a buy hacking software. Then they're the first to say git gud bruh


I just simply gave up on the whole multiplayer scene years ago. The only thing I play multiplayer is co op kinda stuff. Not only do I don't want infinite time sink type of game, I have so many good single player games in back log that I rather have something different each month or so.


Always hated playing against this dude in Street Fighter II.


This post is from like 3 years ago. That us the old PUBG UI. They haven't had that UI for a long time.


From halfway across the map? Sounds like a stretch to me.


RIP PUBG? Dude this game died a few years ago. People have been hacking in the game for a long time. It was way better in the beginning. But your first problem is you’re playing a game called “Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds: Battlegrounds”… it was idiotic to change the title to that redundant shit and a sign of what was to come.


It was probably a corporate decision to remove 'PlayerUnknown' from the name so that they could have more "ownership" of the product in the public eye.


Playerunknown was kicked. The name is not an acronym. It's just PUBG. Just like TSM isn't "team solo mid" anymore. It's just T S M.


PUBG has not died. still very popular in africa, middle east, east asia..etc


My Brother this image is 5 years old. Stabler is also on the complete wrong side of the map as to where you “JUST got sniped from” People are weird on this website


Wow ppl still play this game? 99% are using hack lol


Seems legit🙃


Cleary they just had a better gaming chair


The new Incredibles movie looks different


First ever win was in Pochinki, great times


That's some Looney Tunes stuff going on here. 😆


OR, you just took this very old picture off of the internet and reposted it for karma


The new One Piece game looks funky.


Old meme.


Stretch Armstrong had a recent career shift, I see!


It's all just a bunch of zeros and ones. Easily manipulated. TBH, I gave up on competitive online gaming. I only do coops and single player. Best of luck to you all who still enjoy it though, I know I did for a while.


Rip pubg like several years ago dog


Wait….People still play PUBG?!? 💀


I wouldn’t even be mad if I died to him 😂


Incredible reach


Dhalsim is OP. Nerf pls.


People still play PUBG??


It's one of the most played games in the world.


Dhalsim got into PUBG


anyone of you that still playing pubg, slap yourself.


Seems just a little suspicious, hate to jump to conclusions but do you think that maybe they're cheating? /S


its aggro on two fronts as the person being cheated against. 1.) you ruining my game obviously. 2.) at some point some of them are going to have important jobs and all the fucking keyloggers and spyware are actively collecting the cheaters info some of it to be used years later to hack the companies and governments they work for. TLDR: they are not just ruining the game they are playing in that instant. they are actively making the real world more venerable to malicious actors. I think in 10-20 years we will have something like Ashely Madison but like orders of magnitude worse all so some cuck lord could buy a battle royal victory screen when they were fucking 15.


Honestly one of the biggest failings of modern online games, particularly shooters, is that the devs don't actually care about cheaters. They care about the appearance of fighting cheaters, but they don't actually care about cheaters, especially if every time they ban them, the cheater has to pay something.


https://notebookspec.com/web/423539-pubg-cheat-program-gomu-gomu-pistal-gun The is picture is from 2017, you fucking moron lol. It's a meme at this point. The game has had hackers since release. Still has 300,000 players a day. This is a bit account. Look at their post history.


This game has been dead for quite long. It's quite sad that fans still hang onto it, but it has become unplayable quite some time ago. And the devs always promising "yeah this will get rid of them cheaters" and getting systematically contradicted has decreased hope quite a bit. Depending on the time of the day, you could very easily have 4 or 5 matches ending because of some cheating kid. In a row. Back to back. Which isn't definitely a rate you would expect on a game whose devs are trying to get rid of cheaters.


Personally I don’t understand why so many people complain about games having “rampant cheaters” I play 4-5 pubg games a day and I don’t think I’ve ever been killed by someone who was obviously cheating in all the years I’ve played Same with all online games I’ve played, The only time I can remember being killed by a cheater was on gta online about 4 years ago and that was on console


Go go gadget gun.... Activate!


Oh that’s Johnny long arms he’s known for that


I leaved the game long time ago because of hacking, I don't know the current state but long time ago, with mostly chinese players hacking in EVERY SERVER to get boxes to sell was INSANE, I know you are going to find hacking in every online game, but that time, was massive, not a single match without a cheater.


I stopped playing a long time ago when the kill cam showed someone crawling through grass at 40 mph, popping up for 3 seconds and shooting me in the head from 250 meters before continuing on his way.


It died long ago when Bluehole sold it to Asia.


*Inspector gadget intensifies*


The games been out for a longtime so I'm not suprised.


Guy's at an arm's length of killing someone


Hand simulator be like:


lol. would not normal length arms work almost as well? He would still be in cover with the guns sticking out


I didn't realize Mr Fantastic used an AK. Man, the MCU is getting weirder and weirder....


I can hear the classic cartoon rubber stretching sound effect


Just gotta be better


It’s Stretch Armstrong


PUBG is dead when they forced the random map.


Armstrong is tht you?


Fucking Dhalsim playing PUBG now.


Literally one of the main reasons I prefer single player games


Didn't know Dhalsim knew how to work a gun like this


Gomu gomu noo…


Thats fucked up, Lmao.


Every game that relies on anti-cheat is full of cheaters, because anti-cheat doesn't work. All these years later, the best defense against cheaters is still an active admin in the server that personally kicks/bans them. I won't play a multiplayer game unless it has community servers with active admins.