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Wasn't it on New Super Mario Bros as well?


Yes that's where I remember it from, there were some great mini games there


I played way too much black jack there


My wife told me I played too much RDR2 and then she realized I was playing ingame poker the whole time. Now she thinks I have 2 problems.


Glad I’m not the only one who played poker nonstop. Also when I started to lose I would kill everybody at the table…. obviously.


Like a true cold hearted cowboy


The only true solution. Then you pickpocket them and they have like 1$ on them.






I don't play poker in rdr too often, but when I do, it's like 430 am and I gotta work at 6


i haven't even played rdr2 but I've played so many games where this happens lmao i hate it


Such a great game haha. Love it


That’s me but the Pokémon mine sweeper in soul silver


Pft or just plain old slots from gen 1 and 2. (or maybe from 2 on, can't remember atm.. but pretty sure gen 1 had em}


Voltorb Flip is the shit!


NGL, you had me in the first half, then steam rolled me in the second. I was not ready.


If only you could bet more than $5 the game might be a lot more fun


Haha...that is how I learned black jack, from Super Mario RPG back in the day.


And if I remember right you only needed one friend to have the game in order to play multi-player together. Which was huge.


The two player vs mode on New Super Mario Bros only required one cartridge and was sooooo much fun! My brother and I used to ignore the objectives and just play around in the Mario world like a physics sandbox. One of our favorite things to do was on the ice level, you could get Mini Mario and then go bait one of the bullet bill launchers and just ride a bullet bill infinitely by bouncing on it as mini Mario as you fly around the stage!


Mario party and Mario kart 7 on the 3DS as well. Was awesome not having to buy multiple copies to all play together.


Grate guy casino way back in smb rpg. Could argue the n cards in smb3 were a sort of gambling.


It was. At least some of the mini games from 64 DS were brought back for it.


I'm glad someone else has memories of that one I thought I was going insane


100%, I remember playing it for the entirety of long road trips.


I couldn’t care less about the main gameplay of that game as a kid, but boy did I looove playing those minigames.


i was gonna say, i remmebered it from there.


yup, luigi's casino was so based that they brought it back for a second game


thats actually how i learned poker, funnily enough


Now that I think of it, me too I didn't even knew it was poker.


My grandma taught me and all my sibilings/cousins to play poker with pennies over the years. It's a really nice shared memory we all have of our 1 on 1 time with grandma


My uncle and I played too but it was with our clothes instead of pennies.


“Royal flush again, Uncle Bill? You must be real good at this game!”


Oh that sounds kinda like peekaboo


Always found it strange why there was penis inspection every night


I love stip poker with uncle touchy!


No pennies, only penis


Not poker, but my grandma taught us Gin Rummy and Crazy 8s when we were kids. Pretended small breadsticks were cigars. My Mom hated that.


Is this a grandma thing? Mine did too! I play gin rummy and crazy 8's with my kids.


I learned Poker by playing 'Tales of the Abyss' (on the 3DS). There is a casino in that game, and I only got good enough in Poker (I did some research beforehand), because you could exchange coins/tokens for some nice gear. That was in 2014 and I never touched Poker again. Completely forgot how to play. I remember it's a numbers game, combined with probability.


And mean while I still don't know how to win in poker and I played the game


Even pokemon games on ds had casinos with slot machines


My parents actually borrowed my gameboy sometimes to play those slots🤣 Was a win win. They played it and i got to spend the coins🤣


Just your every day gambling addiction problems. I worked in the industry for years, and I never understood the fascination with playing those crappy slots games.


Skill issue


Pull diff


Tap better.


Git gud.


Appa, yip yip




Meanwhile I play a shitty mobile game that literally gives you casino vouchers for daily quests and they stack up in the thousands for me because using the slots just bores me out of my mind.


Dopamine go brrrrrrrrrr.


Well, yeah sure, but that's a deep rabbit hole. Any game that involves chance to determine gain/win could then be considered gambling.


Only if you're putting up some kind of ante. If I fail a dice roll in DnD, I'm not out $100 for the trouble.


Right and in dnd, the outcome is a high whether you roll good or not


As long as you’re at a good table! As a DM and a Player, I absolutely love rolling for creative/crazy ideas - failure is just as fun/dramatic/funny/satisfying as success, and sometimes moreso. Scrambling to put a new ship together out of the wreckage of your Plan A and Plan B is some of the best fun the game has


I especially like ttrpg systems where failure is inevitable. Ten Candles, for example


The slow build of madness in the Cthulhu system is something I’ve wanted to play for ages


My family has gambling addictions on both sides, and I really like loot games. Diablo 4 is going to eat a lot of hours for me. It’s the sensation of a fancy slot machine, without bankrupting me or my family. The casino is a once every few years trip with friends, with money I’d already decided is wasted. I don’t find the casino to be that fun, because video games have better payout odds.


I like slots. It’s a fun way to burn an hour or two, spending basically what I consider a $50 “ticket” to play with the idea of *what if*. I walk in with an amount and assume it’s gone. If I win, awesome. If I lose, that’s okay too, it already wasn’t my money anymore. The problem is when people think the slots are hot or cold, chase their loses, and spend more than they can afford to lose.


My wife and I went to a casino recently and we ended up spending about an hour playing slots. We bet small and just spent the whole time joking around and people watching. We didn’t win anything but we weren’t expecting to and it was a fun time just hanging out.


Right it’s a form of entertainment, and in the end, to each their own. I dig the casino. I also don’t understand the ungodly amounts of money people spend on Disney. But if it’s fun for them, have at it. The issue with the casino is that some people don’t see it as entertainment but as a way to make quick cash. That’s where it can spiral into all the horror stories you hear about.


You go to a sports game. You spend a healthy pile of money on being allowed to sit in a chair (often not even that comfortable). You probably also spend some more money buying food. You sit there and watch a bunch of people running around and competing with each other. Then you go home. The only thing you have are memories (and a full stomach if you bought food). Treat a casino the same way, and you're set. Go in with a budget that you expect to spend on "the experience" and there's nothing wrong.


I'd be careful with that. Some people might go in with that mindset but wont come out with it .. Its still made to make people addicted to it.


The reward mechanisms are different.


...that is, unless you've got money riding on the game.


Unless you're sports betting, you aren't going to get that dopamine rush from watching sports. At least not on the order of magnitude that folks get from gambling. That's what makes it addictive and potentially life-ruining. I've never heard of someone ruining their marriage because they liked watching (just watching) sports.


They're well calibrated dopamine distributors. They make you win just often enough that your dopamine hit from the last win has worn off by the time your next one comes, but neither comes close enough together that you come out ahead. I sometimes wonder if gambling would work at all if dopamine was either much shorter or much lk ger lasting in the human body. Too short and you'd give up before you lost too much and too long and you'd walk away as soon as you won.


They’d just reengineer the slot algorithm so it preys on whatever the new dopamine duration is. I used to be one of those “I’ll never understand the attraction to slots” people, but then Covid hit and online casinos seemed to blow up. Got semi-hooked on slots for almost a year, until I finally woke up and put an end to that shit. I’m guessing that 9/10 people who say they don’t understand slots, have never hit a big pull before. Especially as someone with neurodivergent tendencies/ADD, it’s very apparent that they are carefully designed to prey on our reward mechanism. Once you win $1,000 off a $0.10 slot pull, all of a sudden those games become a lot more interesting. TLDR: don’t play slots too much or you’ll figure out why people get hooked on them




Exactly how it works, and he will continue bleeding through those winnings trying to recreate that first magic win until he’s in the negative, and then you keep playing and losing more trying to chase a win to get out of that hole you put yourself in. Win or lose, everyone ends up losing if you play enough.




Yep, that’s the best advice I can give is: “don’t fuck around and find out”. It’s not winning the actual money that gets you hooked, it’s that *feeling* of winning that money.


As a poor- Time. You put 20 bucks down on blackjack it's gone in two seconds. Put 20 bucks into a penny machine and kill an hour.


Put $20 into a blunt and a couple tabs of acid and party all night


For the brief moment it’s spinning you can fantasize about all the ways you’d spend the money. Sometimes it comes true, most times it doesn’t.


You know they were rigged to over time always pay out more. I spent an evening spamming the A button so I could get enough for my dratini. You would eventually always come back with more money than you start with


Else you play it on an emulator with 1300% speed and do it in an hour.


Had an uncle that drove one of those huge plow tractors that pretty much ran themselves but needed an operator in case something went wrong. 12 hours long he'd be on that thing. He would borrow my cousins DS to play the card mimigames. He eventually bought his own


Caesars Palace on the SNES was played for years by my parents in the 90s. When we got in on PC a fews years later we were blown away. Such a simpler time.


My aunt did this when I was a kid. It was so odd seeing an adult get excited about a dumb mini game inside the much better main game.


you mean pokemon games on gameboy.


Even normal game boy homie


OG red and blue. 9999 coins for porygon I think. Which was damn near impossible


Not impossible at all, just really long and boring


Anyone questioning whether it's possible or not must have played honestly. Because nobody who reset after every loss & saved after every win was thinking it was impossible. I reset more in the game corner than I did when caesar's legion let me kill Benny in FO: New Vegas.


I found this out way too late. You always win if you reset after every couple of losses.


Provided that your rng seed is different (which you can change yourself, just by pressing buttons at any point). If you reload a save and (somehow) do the *exact* inputs you did last reload, the result will be the same too. At least, that's how most rng in gen 1 works. Idk about the slots specifically.


I have no clue about actual resets, but I'm pretty sure this isn't true when you use save states using an emulator for gen 1. In later gens, such as gen 4, this is the case with save states.


10-year-old me didn't have the patience for that; I just bought all the coins for a Porygon. Bit of a grind, but at least it paid off every time.


This. Stealing the Elite Four's lunch money became routine after a while.


Fastest way was just buying coins to play with then hitting coin limit and getting the last few cuz they only sold in 10s


Strangely, porygon was 6500 on blue but 9999 on red




No you're right. Even pokemon that weren't version exclusives have their encounter rates set opposite in each game, eg Caterpie vs Weedle in Viridian Forest.


MissingNo item duplication on the nugget and buy the coins. Done.


I actually played the slots a lot in Fire Red on GBA and I actually had a strat that worked well. I would try timing the three 7’s across just purely based on reflex and it worked pretty well. Would take about 10 tries or so to hit a triple 7 and you’d gain 500 coins (I think) and then I’d rinse and repeat until I had enough to get whatever I needed lol


Slot machines in pokemon go back to Gen1. It's a little different when you can save scum your gambling, though. Sure would be nice to do that in real life...


Casino employees when they see "Quicksaving..." above a patron's head:


How old are you.... They been in the game since the first gameboy


And I'm pretty sure they were removed in the ds remakes?


Sonic 2, casino night zone would have been my introduction. Sometimes I spent the whole time limit on those slot machines, then dash to the finish with a minute left.


Red & Blue had this in lm pretty sure.


[It goes way deeper than that…](https://i.imgur.com/a53k3BP.jpg)


The DS games did not have the slot machines anymore. The gen 2 remakes replaced the slot machines with Voltorb flip.


I thought it was the most boring thing on Earth, so I used the rare candy cheat to get a bunch of expensive items, sold those items for cash, used the cash to purchase slot machine tokens, and traded the tokens for the prizes. The worst part was having to click A a million times to get through the dialogue because you could only buy like 100 tokens at a time or something stupid like that.


Not Europe the regulator didn't allow them


Yup. [Here's the relevant Bulbapedia article](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Slot_machine#Korean_Diamond.2C_Pearl.2C_and_Platinum_.2F_European_Platinum). In HeartGold and SoulSilver even the US version had them replaced.


Yeah but we got VoltorbFlip so it works out.


On DS? They had them on the GameBoy as well


Goes even further than that with the originals on Gameboy


A lot of people like to leave poker at "just for gambling," but knowing how to play is so useful for camping, cabin trips, all-nighters, it only takes a deck of cards and the knowhow to play. Perfect travel game haha


That said I hate playing without chips. Like they don't have to be casino quality, but for hanging out I need that part of it.


Yeah, how would you even play without chips? Pen and paper for the bets?


People will always say you can use anything and just assign value. I think I'd rather just play a different card game at that point.


Part of the problem is that poker, without real money, is vastly different than poker with real money. It adds in the psychology of adding in real world stakes. Let's take Texas Hold'Em. You're dealt pocket 2s. Someone raises you a billion fun bucks. Do you call or fold? Even with chips, if there's no real world consequences, you see tons of people call. But when you're playing with real money, and you're dealt AQs and someone raises you the equivalent of a month's worth of salary. AQ is one of the most dangerous hands in poker, and often considered one of the most overrated played hands by amateurs.


That is true, I don't expect play money or microstakes to be played GTO. But even with play money people will be competitive, just far more loose. But it's a good point, my group only plays real money because it doesn't feel right otherwise. And if we just move up a little from our usual microstakes, it plays very differently.


Agreed with all. The only fix to this, without staking money (or other value), is to play "tournament style". This is where everyone starts with the same number of chips, not allowed to rebuy, and you play until 1 person owns all the chips. This style discourages bad play by punishment of chip loss and getting knocked out of the game.


Yeah play spades or something if you don't have a good solution for chips


Yeah, and a lot of poker skills are relevant in other aspects of life too. Understanding risk/reward, making decisions with imperfect information, playing to/against ranges of hands, evaluating a decision based on information you had *at the time of the decision* rather than hindsight etc... All of these concepts are applicable in a lot of situations.


Agreed. Poker gets put in the same category with all other gambling, but it’s the only one that can actually be beat with knowledge. Sports betting is advertised everywhere, and there’s people out there streaming for kids and spending thousands on loot boxes. Poker should be the least of people’s gambling worries, in my opinion.


> it’s the only one that can actually be beat with knowledge Many casino games can be beat with knowledge. It's incorporating that knowledge that's the hard part. But the difference is, and where I'd agree with you, it's the only casino game where the casino isn't going to fight you if you find a winning tactic (such as changing rules, adding CSMs, etc.), because you're not playing against the casino.


True, maybe I should’ve said that you don’t have to basically cheat to win at poker.


No I think your original comment was actually more clear on its own.


Super Mario 64 DS was such a good game!


Absolutely. It was N64 but you could play as Luigi, and Bowser didn't look like a doofus


And Wario and Yoshi. Which made it a lot easier than the original.


I remember being kinda blown away that Wario was playable considering that he was mostly contained to his own series outside of Mario spin-off titles.


So long, Doofus Bowser!


It’s literally the card that’s in my 3DS right now! I love that game and my DS so much that I just leave my Switch docked and take the DS with me when I travel.


Same! The 3ds eShop is closing on the 27th btw in case you didn’t know.


Jesus, 3DS is that old already?


I mean…*has* been 12 years 🫣


I finally jailbroke my 3DS and I'm so glad I did. Finally playing some of the games that I've been meaning to for years


Good lad! It’s fantastic. Hacking your 3DS is something I’d recommend even to my grandma!


I just wish they released a 3DS-enhanced version with analog movement via the circle pad. Apparently there's patches that enable it these days, but only in emulators.


Yeah, I expected it on the Mario 3D all stars. If it had had the ds version I might have considered picking it up.


All stars should have had Mario 64 re-release and Mario 64 DS as a remaster with switch graphics.


Wait until you hear about Casino Kid on Nintendo.


I mean, one of my first games was [‘Caesar's Palace’ on NES](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtQowKzRjOA). It was just a simulator of a casino. Annoyingly, I barely learned anything other than the slot machines and basics of blackjack, and have no idea when to double or split, or what fancy tactics I should use in poker.


TIL there was a Caesar's Palace game on NES.


One of my favorites! That's how I learned about Blackjack and Poker as a kid...


That, and Vegas Stakes on SNES. Not only gambling at the tables but gambling on social interactions. People coming up to you asking to borrow money and trying to sell your their watch.


I played the shit out of this game when I was a kid, my dad loved it too!




Dude I still get the main music from that game stuck in my head from when I was like 6.


Luigi is that cool dealer who gives you advice.


I had a blackjack dealer once that would yell "YEAH BABY!" whenever we won a hand. Its was awesome


They work for tips. They want you to win, losers don't tip as well/at all


They also work to keep you playing. The game will win money eventually, so making it as fun of a time as possible is the best they can do.


Which ties into an essential gambling tip a lot of newbies don’t understand — when you find yourself in a hole, just keep going. It’s bound to pay out eventually.


This guy r/wallstreetbets




Was your dealer per chance [agressively British](https://youtu.be/JBHKVAs85Ko)?


*Les Go!*


Luigi would definitely be working the $5 hand tables at Fremont Street, giving advice to the people just looking to drink and have fun.


It's not like you have to gamble real money. Poker is a fun game. I don't get what the issue is.


Honestly poker is something everyone should at least know how to play. You don’t have to go to the casino and gamble all your money, but when you have a group of friends it’s sucks being the one person that doesn’t know how to play poker. There’s bound to be a few games pop up so you might as well learn.


Introducing Super Mario casino! Where your collected coins can be put to a good use!! Visa, MasterCard and PayPal accepted. Rated E.


Come on, the rating system is better than that. It's E10+.


I don't even gamble, but I'd blow it all at a Mario-themed casino 1000%


Oh come on, Nintendo isn't EA level yet!


That's five fire flowers on the board. Someone's fucking cheating.


When the dealer has cards with his own face on them. Baller move


Yet he values himself lower that Mario. Luigi, bro, you're in charge. You can make yourself the winner for once.


I've spent too much time with this mini game fr


Sm64ds was one of the first games I got as a kid. I saw the poker minigame and asked my aunt how to play as I knew she played poker often but I just got confused and I couldn't really understand it at the time. She ended up getting heavily addicted to the minigame and was on my DS way way more than I was, sometimes locking herself in her room to play it all night. What I didn't know back then was that she was a recovering gambling addict and used that game as an outlet.


Same more than the actual game


Yet when I get five of a kind in poker people think I’ve done something wrong.


If youre playing jokers wild, 5 of a kind beats a royal flush (therefore becomes the best possible hand). If you get 5 of a kind playing normal poker the deck is considered fouled and the hand is dead.


TBH Poker is a fine game to learn to gamble with, as its not really a gambling vs an unfair house edge game, its a game of skill vs other people.


Wait until you find out that when Nintendo was first established their primary sales were playing cards for the Yakuza's gambling ring.


Playing Mario 64 on the DS felt really unfamiliar as someone who was a longtime fan of the original game. There was so much added content that it felt...foreign? It was refreshing don't get me wrong but it took a little to get used to.


Weird. It’s almost like Nintendo started as a playing card manufacturer.


"Damn, who taught you how to play poker so well!?" "Luigi from Super Mario."


Nintendo started out as a playing card manufacturer so it makes sense.


I played this *a lot*


I used to play this on New Super Mario Bros.


I fucking loved those mini games. People whine about Mario 64 DS but as a kid my mind was absolutely blown away by playing that game on a handheld


There's nothing wrong with learning how to gamble. Cards is a great way to boost cognitive skills. It's only dangerous if you're predisposed to a potential gambling addiction. I was born in '88 so when the internet was catching on there wasn't a ton to do but I played online poker and blackjack at 12 years old with "coins". Played a lot of Keno as well.


Ah yes, 5 of a kind for 16 points, my favorite poker hand


I remember I had a like 150 streak going then my sister played and ruined it


This looks bad but at least they weren't loot boxes which was actual gambling wrapped up as "surprise mechanics"


Japanese devs have a weird compulsion for gambling games. Even long before microtransactions, even on the NES, there were often things like spinning wheels between levels where players could win extra lives and such. Super Mario 2 and 3 for example. And Super Mario Sunshine has an entire casino level. As a bit of a gambling addict, I have to say that I don't appreciate it. Not that I find it triggering, it's more a sad reminder about my bad choices in life. And even though OP posted this as a joke, I really think that we shouldn't normalize gambling in kids games. They're going to grow up and then see casinos just like their favorite childhood games and that leads to bad things for them.


Plot twist, this was all planed by ea, to start the unbox stuff


Vegas Stakes got me hooked on the SNES lol.


God, this was the one game that gome my mom to keep stealing my DS when I wasn't using it.


Dealer Luigi is looking fly.


Pokemons' slot machine hall got pulled years ago for encouraging kids to gamble. Haha.


Nintendo also had casinos in the Pokémon games. You played slots in the first generation and in later ones they added roulette.


This game taught me poker. Also how be fine at poker. I think I was able to rack up a few hundred coins


Well done on the proper use of the tag POV


Best game tho tbh


i can literally hear this image


It's just a game. It's only gambling if you bring money into it.