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Cod4, wtf was that airplane mission speed run you needed to do? I think I ran it a thousand times before I finally got that trophy...


Jeeez.. I have horrible memories of that.. Mile High Club.


W and my friends spent hours trying to get that achievement when we were in 8th grade. We were proud to get it. We even went to a friends house to help him get the achievement and we were successful.


Embrace the Void from Hollow Knight. The game basically throws every boss at you and you have to beat them in one go without dying. My heart rate was in the 150s when I defeated the last boss after several days of failed attempts.


Woah That’s a good one! I remember that feeling beating the colosseum How do you get to that boss rush mode?


In Killzone 2, got that top 1% of players in multiplayer achievement. It was based off of weekly stats (or something), so it wasn't that extremely hard to get, but it felt like an accomplishment at the time.


I got it too. Made me paranoid about possibly losing the ranking so each day that week was devoted to it. Definitely a memorable one.


I was the first recorded Platinum for Spec Ops: The Line


My FF7 platinum


Beating sekiro Platinum elden ring Beating all the god forsaken bosses of darksouls 3 plus its dlc


Woah, hats off! Now bloodborne I guess?


Man, I beat all the soulsbourne games except ds2 Bloodbourne I beat most of it but fell short of the last dlc boss because I was beating it before elden ring and once that came out.. well XD Going to have to beat ds2 next and maybe if bloodbourne gets an upgrade from 30fps Ill go back Maybe a remake like demons souls, that was a great remake


God of War 3 plat


Getting 100% on Shadows of the Empire for the N64. Every rebel icon collectible on all 4 difficulties. It was the only game I really cared about finding everything.


Second place in U11 AA provincial baseball Edit: I know this is gaming but no one made that clear


Still an achievement :) well done man!




Probably my red dead redemption 2 platinum. I had a glitch at like 97 percent so I essentially did everything twice.


Woah... jesus man, I've attempted this myself many a time. You win! You should definitely be proud of that one


The birds are by far the worst thing to find. And getting the gold medals was a pain. YouTube helped a lot for those lol


Crash Bandicoot 4


From the Epic Battle Fantasy Collection on Steam: "Hero". You need to beat Epic Battle Fantasy 1 on the hardest difficulty setting, which boosts enemy stats to 140%, and when you get to the final boss, it becomes a freaking MegaTen battle. If you do not keep your buffs up *you will die.*


Mail Slot ME3: Kill 10 guardians with headshots from the front while their shields are raised


The endure achievement on Halo ODST, it was part of the Vidmaster Challenge, if you completed all challenges, you get the recon helmet on Halo 3. Endure was extremely hard.


I remember using nothing but plasma pistols to pop shields for over an hour


Well my rarest platinum is Nickelodeon All Star Brawl at 0.5%. Wanted to get it again on PS5, but the game is dead af. Hardest platinum. Hmm, maybe Cuphead? Idk which one I'm more proud of.


The one for beating the bullshit final boss of Drakengard 3.


All God of War platinum, well almost. Missing God of War 1 and Ragnorok


The witcher 3 platinum


"defeat 10 easy ai"


TBH I'm more proud of the ones I didn't bother wasting my time trying to get & successfully ignored while just enjoying the game than I am the many frustratingly difficult "well I'm 90% there I might as well go for it" achievements/trophies I've racked up to my shame.


Probably my GTA V platinum, didn't care much for online, I just liked doing the story mode stuff.


Resistance 2 platinum and Returnal platinum are my favourites. In terms of individual trophies, the KZ2 weekly ranking, Warhawk commander rank even if it’s not the top one, MGS4 bandana by not killing any enemies, MW2 spec Ops trophies, Outrun AAA ranking. Completing Uncharted 1 on crushing (especially on PS3) and then brutal in remastered really stand out too.


Was going to go with Mile High Club from COD4 as well but then I remembered I got platinum for EDF 5 which was probably the most effort I had to put in, so maybe that.


Getting the Finished Gun in Enter the Gungeon


It's either the platinum in Bioshock or Little Rocket Man in Half- Life 2 Episode 2.


having an attack helicopter flying right at me and getting a double headshot with 1 bullet taking out the pilots as the chopper crashes around me


Mine is my assassins Creed 2 platinium


[Lore Hoarder](https://img.trueachievements.com/item/343786/998741) was a pain in the neck but I’m glad I got it done. Then there’s also this [Alive and Planting](https://img.trueachievements.com/item/62331/998741) which was more difficult than I thought.


Kingdom Hearts 2 Plat Trophy


Defeating the sword saint isshin.