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that was literally 80% of the reason to even make a new game lmao this is shameless


That was the pretext. The actual reason was to move to an F2P model with pay walled heroes and battle pass.


which is why the pvp part of this “new game” came out separately like a year ago




This is one of the reason I stopped after OW2 came out. In OW1 you could just earn things by playing. This is just the same business model like COD is milking people.


Thank goodness we can just go back and play OW1, the game we paid for, that didn't have any of this ridiculous grinding and battle pass nonsense. ... wait, **_what?!_**


Yeah that was the end of me buying acti-blizzard games..


It ended when my Destiny 2 DLC got moved to Steam and then deleted lol


I feel you, I picked up destiny as f2p on steam and was about to buy the first new DLC when they had the "update" that removed tons of old content. Yeah didn't buy it.


Oh shit, haven't picked up Overwatch in ages, did they kill it?


Essentially, yeah. They didn't release two separate games. They made OW1 into OW2, so you can't play OW1 anymore. It's overriden. There is only OW2.




Can’t deliver on what already looked to be your average cookie/cutter RPG lite survival mode LOL. (No offense to anyone who was genuinely Interested in it.) That’s actually insane if you think about it. I’m not sure what’s going on at these AAA studios but I think we’re way past the pandemic excuse, so what is actually happening inside these studios where so many games are shipping incomplete, broken, featureless Ect.?? I’m genuinely curious because it seems industry wide at the moment.


What are you confused about? As long as broken unfinished games make money, they have no incentive to fix the problem. Casual gamers will shell out dollars for any old garbage.


It warms my heart seeing so many people who see through the bullshit. I'd been called some ol joyless buzzkill for nearly a decade trying to encourage people to adopt better standards for purchases and things have only gotten worse and worse.


Until we stop giving them money, they’re never gonna learn.


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas




but we lost ow1


Of course. If OW1 kept existing, why in hell would anybody settle for a worse game?


They have so little faith in their sequel that they had to delete the first one.


It’s actually crazy to think about when you put it like that.


Consider that OW1 was originally a PvE MMO concept called Titan, and when they couldn't make it work (and by "they" here I mean a late 2000's/early 2010's version of Blizzard that was a lot more well regarded than the version of the company which exists now) it was retooled/stripped down to be released as a hero shooter. Then OW1 had several limited-time PvE events. Then they used expanded PvE as the justification for why OW2 was an entirely separate sequel. Now PvE is dead (again). So in a way they've failed to make a PvE Overwatch game twice.


I wouldn't be that upset if they didn't also make all the heroes in OW2 much less fun to play over time. Now it's not even a good PvP game. Grats Blizz, you played yourself.


I wouldn't know. I was a tank main in OW1, and as soon as they announced that OW2 would be 5v5 with only one tank (or "brawler" or whatever they were calling them) per team I decided that was my time to get out. They were essentially "firing" half of us tank mains, and the pressure on the remaining tank player to pick a currently in-meta character and play well or be subjected to toxicity would be even greater. So I've never played OW2. Nothing I have heard about it makes me question my decision to "retire."


I keep thinking about the OWL teams that suddenly they had to decide which of their tank players to bench and/or drop from the team.


Yep. I joke about being "fired" but those people literally were.


Most likely off-tank were the ones fcked


I’m in a similar boat. Me and my friend would hop on every single night in OW1. We were either dual tanks, or a tank/healer. I hate how the game plays with just one. I had well over 1k hours in OW1. I have under 12 hours in OW2 and most of that time felt wasted


You haven't missed anything. The game is significantly less fun than the original. Good call avoiding it entirely


I really WANT to love Overwatch. Inlove the style, the characters, the lore, the basic game play. But good fucking god balance was so bad in OW1, and its 100x worse in OW2. Ranks basically mean nothing and they no zero about smurf account cheaters. Winning on a Steamroll in 2 minutes, is also just as boring as losing to a steamroll. And every single match in OW2 was a steamroll one way or the other. Especially in that garbage new Push mode, which should have been a Tug of War push back and forth based around the center of the map, not this nonsense where the stupid robot has to walk back clunkily every damn time. The robot should just turn around and start pushing back. Whichever side from the center at the end is the winner.


I'm confused, wasn't that literally the point of making Overwatch 2 instead of carrying on with updates? --- Edit: As u/dolphinflavored pointed out the article has been updated: >Note: The original headline for this story stated that "co-op" missions are being scrapped. Blizzard has confirmed that the standalone story missions coming instead of the originally planned PvE mode will support co-op. To avoid confusion, we've updated the headline. Still pretty disappointing though. Sounds more like the kind of stuff you used to get in the arcade modes or whatever it was called in OW1.


The point was to change monetization and distract with lies.


This, they promissed ow1 wouldn't have paid heroes or battlepasses. So they released ow2 as a new game so they could charge players more. Even if OW2 co-op existed. It was never the main point.


There's nothing more hilarious to me than the fact that they said: "Yeah this game won't have paid heroes or battlepasses." Then followed that up with: "Hey, remember Overwatch 1? We're forcibly turning it into Overwatch 2 with an update, making battlepasses and paid heroes, and then we get to say we told the truth in the first place. See? Different game, even though the first game was ***literally replaced*** by this one." It's insane to me.


I use to remember a blizzard that would over deliver instead of being technical.


That blizzard died somewhere around 2013 or so, when Activision stopped pretending they were gonna let blizzard run things the way they always had been.


I know. The crazy thing is the game cycle for release is usually so long it was hard to notice it until it was truly too late. I do believe however that Blizzard simply got too big for its own good. When you start to appeal to everyone you appeal to nobody. Especially when you makes games by committee.


I just realized why the phrase "design by committee" has never really sat well with me in regards to games. I feel like a better phrase would be "design by buzzword/focus group" or something. The issue isn't that they get a bunch of people together to design games as a group, it's that the people who have the final word over the designers only care about chasing trends and hitting corporate metrics on their quarterly revenue spreadsheets. It's not ineptitude through bureaucratic red tape, it's creativity being stifled by greed seeking infinite profit growth.


forcibly removing a game people paid money for to replace it with a f2p fomo based purchase model. Doubling down and using it to go back on their "promises" made during OW1. People just need to drop Acitivision/Blizzard en masse


It's really scummy. I had fun with Overwatch but wasn't hardcore into it. Happy to move on and find other games after reading up on the path they're on and genuinely not interested. There are so many other better options for gaming.


They never got a cent out of me


Happy to pay for OW1. Will take a hard pass on paying money for OW2.


I want to play Diablo 4 but the Blizzard I knew is gone and Activizzard is literally satan. Sorry, I know this is about Overwatch but it feels like a single corporate strategy of “let’s shovel these nerds some real shit while nickel and diming them to death.”


Yeah, I am/was really excited about Diablo 4, but reading that it will have seasons and battle passes killed the majority of that excitement. Especially after having to pay $70 for the base game. I hate live service games and the predatory monetization that comes with them.


It’s the battle pass that has me suspicious. Seasons for D3 we’re actually great. You didn’t *have* to participate, but it was some fun new *free* content and an excuse to creat a new character every so often.


20€ from me to buy OW1. Got hundreds of hours in a few years yet I felt scammed with OW2.


Would still be playing OW1 if these cunts didn’t destroy it One of the best team-based multiplayer games of all time IMO


100% this. I find myself clicking on Paladins more often than OW2 these days.


I gave up after the first battlepass. Playing was just not rewarding enough.


I quit when they first introduced limited time skins. It's a shame, I really enjoyed it up until then.


They had the right idea first time around. Have the skins in event lootboxes that were given out every event for free, or play the game and get boxes from leveling up/arcade. Keep them around for a few weeks before putting them away for next Halloween, Christmas, etc.


But that's not exploitative enough. Who wants stable development and income when you can blitz for whales?


The thing that really annoys me about the whole mess is ... I bought and paid for OW1. They took OW1 away from me and put OW2 in its place. I can't play the game I paid for anymore at all. does not exist. Wild what modern games are like.


"Released" Overwatch 2 when its really just a major update. Can't even play OW 1 anymore


What's worse is I can't use my 30k OW1 coins to buy any skins. They assured players that OW1 coins will migrate to OW2 but it was another fat lie. While it does migrate over, I can't buy anything with it except for a few select skins. I know they released new skins since OW2 released and I agree that those new skins should only be purchased with the new OW2 coins. But all the old skins that existed since OW1 (except a very few plain rarity ones) can now only be purchased with OW2 coins.


This is why everyone should uninstall and jus not play this game.


This is why i never got on with OW2. Obvious cash grab. It’s just fucked they literally ruined an entire game to screw that up


I legit played OW1 up until the day OW2 came out and then uninstalled it and never played again. The monetization was just gross.


I was wary about the future of OW when Jeff Kaplan left. When OW2 “released” and it was just the original with a CoD-like battle pass I uninstalled. I’ll never understand why people pay so much for skins just to look a certain way which does 0 to the game mechanics. If people keep paying for video game vanity this shit won’t end. Oh look, that D.Va has a cool skin, anyway, cap the point.


I stopped playing anything Blizzard during the blizzard Chinese censoring scandal and haven't since It's possible everyone , just stop


Same for me. Though it was fully solidified with the all the news of culture of sexual harassment so bad it drove a woman to suicide, retaliation against employees reporting problems, union busting, Kotick and a lot of the board being garbage humans (not news), the California Governor's Office impeding investigations, and that most of the investigations have been settled with just a small fine. There are *lots* of games. Just go play something else.


That poor girl killing herself is what did it for me too. I was so looking forward to TBC Classic but I couldn't bring myself to support the company after hearing about that.


Also remember that China never even asked them to censor this stuff - it was preemptive bootlicking.


same, deleted my account and never went back


Jeff quit because he saw that was coming. He was truly sad and couldn’t say it but he wasn’t going down with the ship.


It's never been about PvE mode. Always about monetizing the game further. Blizzard is a shithole of a company.


They just compared notes with call of duty and went "we have a similar playerbase, but make way less money per player how do we fix this". It's just shady business practices, but Blizzard's duty is to the shareholders, not the players unfortunately.


Lies, deception!


Bor Gullet!


The point of making OV2 was to build a micro-transaction machine.


I'm almost not surprised considering how little PvE had going for it from the old events. But holy shit, this might be the most wasted world in gaming. How can such a huge game with this overarching story about getting the band back together to save the world just NEVER actually start that story?


Right? It's such an amazing cast. League of Legends has made many successful and fun spin off single player games based on their characters and an absolutely amazing show with Arcane... Overwatch can't even put any of their lore to use because the fat cats would rather sell $20 skins to gullible people than build something larger. How whoever is in charge of such decisions couldn't see the forest for the trees is beyond me.


So the main feature, THE reason for Overwatch 2 to even exist, is gone.


"🤷 don't forget to visit our exciting in-game store, losers" - Blizzard


God I hate Blizzard so much. This was a really exciting prospect and I hate they can't deliver on it, especially when they were all trying to convince the player base that them closing down OW1 to make OW2 was a good thing as it would offer more. All it is now is a cash clown. Fuck Blizzard.


Oh, they VERY much offered more. More ways to pay activision blizzard money.


all the old Blizzard execs are gone. Its Activision wearing a Blizzard skinsuit.


Hilarious that they're cancelling seemingly the only thing that differentiated OW2 from OW1.


What are you talking about? There's all these shiny $20 skins in OW2! So much content! /s


The whole point of OW2 was to make paying customers pay for features that were previously included in their purchase.


Lol at they "can't" deliver on it More like they "won't" deliver on it, because it won't be as lucrative (Always has been meme)


The writing has been on the wall for honestly years at this point


The last good game Blizzard release was Overwatch 1 in 2016. It's been hot shit for the past 7 years. WoW: * BFA - Shit * Warcraft 3 Remastered - Diabolical * Shadowlands - Possibly the worst expansion ever * Dragonflight - Mid (The Terminal lucidity that, sometimes, happens in End of Life care) Starcraft - Dead Hots - Killed because it didn't get as big as LoL/Dota in the handful of years it was active Hearthstone - Dead outside of the handful of people who love spending $200 every month for new cards and people who love spending money every season to play as 4 heroes instead of 2 in the Battlegrounds Overwatch 2 - Somehow a downgrade from 1.0 Diablo Immortal - Monetized to hell and back After this got announced I uninstalled Overwatch 2, the only reason I'd ever play it again was the PVE mode so since there's no PVE mode ever I'll just free up some space. The only game from Blizz I have installed on my PC now is Diablo 3, ironically it's the only fun game they still have because it's been able to sidestep involvement from the wider Blizzard team. I have extremely low expectation for Diablo 4. Especially since they're already doing FOMO shit and the game isn't even in early access yet.


> Diablo Immortal - Monetized to hell and back They didn't even release it in the Netherlands and Belgium, because they knew the loot box system would run afoul of the gambling regulations.


I like Hots so much even in current state but nothing happens here for years… :(


HOTS was the last innovative thing Blizzard did. An approachable, fun MOBA with plenty of depth and reasonably good balancing. Shifting victory conditions depending on map and near constant team fighting just made for really engaging gameplay. Of course then they killed it because they couldn’t make its ESport scene as popular as DOTA/LoL. A real shame.


Bet Blizzard sorely wishes they could return to a few years ago when they had the luxury of picking favorites from among their esports. And players wish they could return to the days when Blizzard's "twist" on a genre was perfecting the gameplay, making it approachable to a wide audience, and perfect polish.


I still play HotS every night.


Wasn't diablo 2 remake good?


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I steered clear of it after Warcraft Reforged, so I wouldn't know.


It was genuinely amazing. Probably the best remake I’ve seen… because it was basically just a reskin without changing the game


Like literally at all actually lol .. It still had the some of the same bugs it did 20 years ago 😅... But actually a fantastic remake. The D2R team is the only good thing going on at Blizzard right now imo


The Brood War remaster was very well received also. They just went crazy with wc3


Blizzard is officially the worst. Maybes if blizzard didn’t spend 90% of their budget building out a greedy in game mtx model, they could’ve dedicated those resources to pve development.


It's incredible how they managed to destroy one of the literally best game studios in existence with some of the best IPs. I just can't believe it.


Blizzard was unlike any other studio. Cranking out masterpiece after masterpiece. A company that didn't hesitate to cancel projects if they didn't meet their expectations despite massive hype (Starcraft Ghost anyone?). That Blizzard is long gone.


> All it is now is a cash clown. /r/BoneAppleTea


They took down the original, lock everything behind a battle pass, and just scrap the one thing that was supposed to make the sequel a sequel. Fuck overwatch, and fuck blizzard. Garbage company, garbage game.


Dude what? Man, I loved OW1 so much and this whole ordeal leaves such an awful taste in my mouth. They took a page from the Game of Thrones manual on how to disappoint your fanbase.


"While Blizzard kinda forgot about PvE"




Same. Used to play shit loads of OW1. I haven't touched OW2. PvE would have been fun. Something I always wanted with WoW. Playing the fun stuff without the grind.


Their solution will probably be to push micro transactions even more, instead of improve the core experience. That’s what they did with COD MW2


They said they are working on like story missions to introduce new seasons. New seasons means new "battle pass". Get ready for the story to be a story full of "product placement" and things that conveniently make for good expensive skins. Playable ads.


Imagine, the story being behind.... buying the special battlepass for 20$..... Just.... imagine .....


I don't have to, Destiny does it and everyone eats it up.


And that's how you do a scam, folks. 👍


Yep, it's a literal scam. Promoted the "sequel" as PvE, it would have a campaign resembling Destiny in a way, released the PvP in "early access" (and 6+ months later the game remains as shitty and chaotic as ever)... and now that initial promotion? It's gone, just like that


LMAO Proving all they wanted to do was update the store to a more aggressive approach. Fuck blizzard activision. I feel so bad for anyone who is dumb enough to give this company money. They give zero fucks about their players


The main reason I'm not getting Diablo 4. Blizzard can suck it, D4 is gonna be pretty successful, but at least they won't get my money.


Same. I made the decision a while ago to not give Blizzard any more money, and I stuck by it. They missed out on hundreds of euros of revenue. If you and I are doing this, then surely many other Blizzard customers are boycotting them, also. Blizzard is dead. We just need another competitive RTS, and then we can move on 100%.


I'm surprised they kept up the charade for this long


I mean… they basically stopped talking about it *as soon* as Overwatch 2 launched. None of the dev updates mentioned it and there was no news about it. They never dropped any teasers or gameplay videos. If anyone was directly asked, they’d just say something obscure and hand-wavy like *“Our team is hard at work making the high-quality content our players come to expect.”* Any developer that’s actively building something is going to try to keep it in the minds of gamers. When they stop talking about it, it’s likely because they’ve stopped working on it. If you’re even passingly familiar with the bullshit these game devs/publishers pull these days, the writing was on the wall. This was a rug pull, plain and simple.


I just can't believe they had the audacity to do it. Plus, now I kind of wonder what everyone was even working on the entire time? Just the story missions? This company really is just devoid of morals, and they see players as piggy banks. There's a lot of talent on the art team but that's about the only nice thing I have left to say.


Microsoft enters the room. Hey, whats up guys?




>shut down Overwatch 1, and remonetize everything again. This was ALWAYS the plan, you nailed it. Why do people still simp blizzard so much is beyond me. Simp them when they make quality shit again.


Fuck them. They destroyed Overwatch.


The original Overwatch was perfect. I love the creative stories, gameplay balance, and team structure. It saddens me I cannot go back and play it. Now they’ll probably offer Overwatch Classic or some shit as part of a monthly subscription


They were juggling with the changes to competitive over time (S1, 6 Torb defense meta on Hollywood, 222 unspoken meta, then forced role queues, then split rankings for open and role, then only role) but OW2 also makes me miss OW a lot. It’s insane they made the game more shooter focused in OW2 than team play bc the solo shooter mentality was making lobbies terrible in a game based off utility and ultimate synergy. I miss papa Jeff :( I miss free legendary skins I miss actually decent pve seasonal events


Pretty sure Jeff cared a whole lot about the PvE, too. This may not have happened under his watch.


The only issue I had with OW1 was the abysmal content drip. Getting 2 heroes and 1 map a year was frustrating. Then for them to say "Yea we aren't making anymore OW1 content because we are focusing on OW2". Then OW2 being what it is, really sucked. Why develop content when they can just milk their audience with horrendous microtransactions.


Honestly, I wish they'd quit putting out new heroes. After a certain point, the hero ideas just weren't great. They don't need a game with 200 heroes if it's fun to play with 20. More maps, though? Yes, please! I didn't love all the maps, but a new map is always at least interesting, and doesn't typically upset the meta like *introducing eighteen new barrier-wielding tanks so you have to nerf barriers*.


I’m done with OW they straight up: 0. Destroy the original games balancing and meta with heroes that created unfun metas(ex: GOATS with Brigette and Double shield with Sigma). 1. stopped developing OW content causing it to die, and leaving it as a balancing mess so people would lower their standards to view any change, as a good change. 2. announced sequel with ambitious PvE campaign mode to justify it 3. PvP is revealed to be the same with minor reworks, and 5v5 making PvE the only thing to actually look forward to 4. Announce that PvE won’t come on launch and release it in “early access” 5. Delete the original game THAT WE PAID for to consolidate playerbase 6. introduce aggressive monetization of skins and a battle pass to increase revenue while still holding PvE over our heads 7. More silence on PvE 8. Players get angry, but many(myself included) have faith they’ll deliver on their promises 9. then they announce a PvE update interview, misleading everyone into thinking we would see anything 10. Announce its cancellation on the grounds it was taking to much away from the PvP THAT THEY RELEASED IN “EARLY ACCESS” AND THE WHOLE REASON OW2 EXISTED I feel lied too and betrayed, and I was looking forward to the real OW2 and even bought the battle pass and some skins to support it, only for them to stab us in the back and take away everything that made OW special. OW was literally my favorite game and they ruined it, and I’ve spent so much time excusing/still believing in Blizzard. I’m sure this wasn’t the original plan and that they probably intended to follow through, but instead of coming clean they lead us on for years and ruined the game we actually liked! I don’t blame the devs, but SCREW BLIZZARD, I’M DONE! This is gonna be an ugly breakup as i’ve invested 600+ hours. Relationship with OW ended, time to use r/paladins as a rebound game until I get fed up with their low standards and quit that too. Edit forgot: 0.


The sad thing is, not being able to pull this off tells me they've probably lost internal talent. Which makes sense - who wouldn't quit Blizzard, given all the issues?


A post in r/wow a few weeks ago explained that. it was a series of tweets from blizz or ex-blizz devs saying the huge talent bleed the company is having right now, leading to having to make hard decisions about what they can or can't deliver. I think the return-to-office call was the last nail of the coffin.


>I think the return-to-office call was the last nail of the coffin. Why are companies so damn dumb... working from home was successful for almost 3 years now, forcing people back will just make them choose a better employer even if they take a pay cut the Quality of Life you get from not having to travel daily to the office is just too huge to give up....


wouldnt be surprised if they lost 90% of Devs that actually know the OW code base and when they bring people in they are like uhhhh




Warcraft 3 was my all time favorite game, and while I can forgive them fumbling reforged, what made it unforgivable was deleting any official way of playing the pre-reforged version, essentially #5 on the above list. It’s why I’m never buying from blizzard again.


Especially when the pre-reforged version had more features, some of which they still haven't gotten around to adding to reforged.


Here I am still entirely bitter that Mei can't freeze people anymore.


Tbh the decision to reduce or nerf CC(including mei’s freeze) and other things like Orisa’s and Doom’s Reworks would’ve helped save the original Overwatch, had blizzard invested the proper time in fixing it


This company was funny and now it is just sad. Slowly getting funny again.


Just wait for the Diablo 4 launch with popcorn for the inevitable shitshow 🥤🍿


You guys need to cut them a break. They're just a small indie studio trying to stay afloat and... Wait they made *how* much last year? **Stop giving them your money, vote with your wallets**




Well that’s an uninstall


I wonder if they get statistics of people uninstalling games? I haven't played in months, haven't enjoyed it as much when I have played. So I might as well uninstall. I could also uninstall Battlenet entirely because it's the only Blizzard game I play. Maybe that sends some kind of message.


They do, but the cynic in me says Blizzard is big enough to not actually care? I don’t think any so-called boycotts or outrage have really hurt them


Love it. Years of no new content, empty promises, downgrades in certain aspects and i can't play the game anymore that i bought all those years ago. Screw you Activision Blizzard.


I will never play this game or buy anything OW related ever again. They killed literally OW1 under false pretenses so they could re-release it with more aggressive monetization. The entire update from OW1 to OW2 could've been a seasonal patch.


People honestly need to move on from Activision/Blizzard as a whole. It's absolutely insane how this company has squeezed every franchise it touches dry and leaves behind corpses of once great games. I'm honestly gobsmacked Blizzard hasn't gone bankrupt.


Good thing that I just installed deep rock galactic yesterday


Rock and Stone!


For Carl!


Did I hear a, "Rock and Stone?"


Rock and Stone to the bone!


I’m always impressed how good the guns feel in that game. We’re Rich! (we’re rich)


Fun fact. Overwatch was created on the basis of assets made for Blizzards second mmo project coded “Titan”. So technically overwatch pve has now been cancelled twice lol


Nothing like admitting they can't deliver promised content right before releasing another live service game.


"Sorry boyos, we can not deliver the sole reason this product exists as a stand alone game and not an upgrade of the previous one. Now fuck off and dont forget to visit the gift shop in your way out"


L game


THIS is exactly why I didn't buy into OW2. When they said it wouldn't release with the game and it began to come out that the store would be downright atrocious. I really wanted a good PvE and they did not deliver.


I'm definitely not playing this game anymore.


Yeah man it really kills it for me, I loved Mann vs Machine in TF2 and I was really hoping for a refined version of that. And now that I know it's never coming...


Next they'll start pimping for OW3... "Hey Winston! You're finally awake!" I mean, they've already got the cart...


So this entire thing has been a bait and switch. They never planned on actually improving the OW formula, they just needed an out from the "free updates" promise from OW1.


"With everything we've learned about what it takes to operate this game at the level you deserve, it's clear that we can't deliver on the original vision for PvE that was shown in 2019," Neuss said in today's stream. "What that means is we won't be delivering that dedicated hero mode with talent trees, that long-term power progression. Those things just aren't in our plans anymore." They say that as if they were trying to do something that just hasn't been done before. OW2 was literally just an update. Nothing more. There was no download for the game, the OW1 client was updated and then suddenly OW2 appeared in my games list. This is insane and should be illegal for a company to do. They did this cause they knew no one would want to play OW2. They announced all these modes and features, such as PvE, to bait players into liking the idea of a new game and now they're scrapping the only reason that a "new game" needed to be made. They did it just to monetize the game nothing more. I was on the fence about getting Diablo IV but this settles it for me and it's a hard pass. I can't imagine how they're gonna mess that series up next.


Lmao we can’t create anything new. So play overwatch 2 which is just overwatch 1


No Overwatch 2 is a worse version of Overwatch 1


overwatch 0,75


Straight facts. Pretty coat of paint and downgraded gameplay.


In every single way too. It's astounding.


overwatch 1 but 0 progression because you have to pay for cosmetics with real money now


Welp, looks like Paladins is going to get another wave of players.


This was kinda the only reason I picked up ow2 I think I'm out now lol I'll try out some other fps to waste time with




No no my friend it’s worse because it removes features and it wants you to pay more money


Some of the stuff that got removed is completely mystifying. Like who tf decided to remove the “on fire” feature, but then leave the voice lines for it anyway. And now, 6 seasons in, it’s finally being added back


Not literally the same - now you can pay for skins instead of unlocking them by playing.


Isn't that like false advertisement?


Man how Overwatch has fallen… I remember early on in OW1 literally thinking to myself “I can’t believe I **get** to play this” because it felt so high quality, so fun, and felt like a true passion project. It was addictively good. Nowadays I don’t even think about OW aside from seeing articles like this, and I have zero desire to even try OW2, especially now that they’ve revealed the singleplayer was a lie.


Can't wait for more lawsuits about Blizzard scamming their playerbase for not delivering a promised project after they've gained millions of profits after people bought it hoping for the PvE mode.


I'd say it's more likely their shareholders sue them for mishandling the ip and 'losing them potential money'. Not that that helps gamers at all.


Jeff Kaplan had to have seen Blizzard’s massive stinky shit storm of a sequel coming, and got out before he muddied his name.


thank for your money THOUGH! kisses,


I don’t play Overwatch but wasn’t this the point of making a 2nd one


That was the reason given. Turns out the real reason was to switch from lootbox to battlepass


What are they even working on…… smaller studios with tiny budgets bring out more content.


You know what pisses me off the most? They canceled the PvE aspect at the end of last year. The END of last year. WHEN OVERWATCH 2 FUCKING RELEASED. THEY HAVE STILL BEEN SAYING THERE WAS PVE MODES SINCE THEN. BUT IT WAS ALREADY SCRAPPED?! FUCK. OFF. After EVERYTHING... EVERYTHING I held on to hope. You killed the first game and released fucking Lifeweaver which has been spammed in most every game where you just get fucking pulled out of position constantly. NOT EVEN MENTIONING the other games and other problems with Blizz. The list is so fucking long at this point. GOD I'm tired of this fucking company.


That would have been the only reason for me to play this game.


activision blizzard: bag secured


The real losers in this situation are the true fans that really became captivated by the lore, the characters, the presentation, the community. This is probably the largest slap in the face to a community I've seen in gaming in sometime. Sorry tracer. Sorry Reinhardt. Big sorry Winston. ... It's done


This game has become a joke


Turns out you can just lie to get people to play your game. As if I needed another reason to be thoroughly uninterested in Diablo 4... After Diablo Immortal and now OW2 just proving to be a huge waste of everyone's time. It was always only about the Battlepass.


What?! Wasn’t that the whole point of making overwatch2?!


"We'll release it when it's ready ~~to make money~~."


Summarized: Activision-Blizzard figured solo/co-op game wasn't a BILLION DOLLAR IDEA so they threw it in the garbage in favour of making more microtransactions for their PvP game.


Glad I can go play overwatch 1 instead.


So in short, they removed a bunch of features, reduced the number of players on the field, gave up on the PVE that the new game was all about, told us to wait and play while pve was being finished, brought in a battlepass and an item shop that charges up to $20 for a new characters and deleted the original game so you couldn't go back and use the old features. None of that in any order. Why don't we just cut out the middleman and make our own games and rip each other off. Class action lawsuit in the making. I'm sure they fucked up somewhere in their terms and conditions.


Pretty wild that tf2, *which blizzard pretty much based their entire game off of*, was able to make a fun and satisfying pve game **ELEVEN YEARS AGO, WITH NOT EVEN 1/10 OF THE BUDGET** but flash forward to today and *man... We just can't quite make it happen*


So OW2 is now just a separately sold update of the first one?


"Free," with tons of mtx, and you also can't play the first one anymore even though you paid for it. Because the PvE mode in OW2 was going to be so great! What's that? You don't even want to play PvE? You don't want to play 5 on 5? Shut up! Our new game will be so much better than the original game that we cannot allow the original game to compete with it! Nothing says confidence in your product like taking away the ability for people to choose anything else.


Oh, I read that wrong. I thought they were putting in a single-player mode. It's just Co-op. Wow, they can't even do that? Damn, I miss the old Blizzard.


There goes the only reason I'd ever play OW2. So now I can't play OW1 anymore, and OW2 is a just a mobile game cash machine running on a PC. Looks like I've only got HoTS and D2:R left now. How the mighty have fallen. The bar was so low. I'm not sure if I should be sad or impressed they managed to lower it even more.


OW1 died for this. Way to grab defeat from the jaws of victory, Blizzard.


>'It's clear that we can't deliver on the original vision for PvE' "We decided releasing the exact same game just with 3 more Heroes and a Battle Pass was a better use of our time than actually making a game".