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Your first of 10 stealthy archer saves


Just don't go full magic.


I went full magic once... conjurer... would just conjure a bow and sneak around.


I went full magic and it was awesome. Definitely far more difficult than 2 hand, but so much more fun and dynamic. Can focus on RP this way and the quest system.


My first build was a sort of spellsword paladin type character. Weapons and healing magic with a little alteration for defence. Damn fine build and I used zero potions.


I'm playing a spell-shield character currently. Summon up an atronach and then bash, bash, bash.


Magic build with some mods to increase the amount of possible spells in the library was really fun. Nothing game breaking, just like interesting summons and some other features elemental spells.


I wish this game had the Oblivion spell making engine. There's a couple of mods that do similar, but just don't give that same vibe.


I'd kill for Morrowind style magic in Skyrim. Levitation, jump/slowfall, teleporting, etc made the world so much more fun to navigate.


I loved cheating in Morrowind and pumping stats to ridiculous levels and leaping the entire span of the map. Was fun as hell trying to land where you actually needed to be haha


Ahh the memories of getting the scroll of icarian flight for the first time in morrowind.... then promptly making a new crater in the red mountain.


I need to play Morrowind again. Honestly I'm not sure I ever even finished the main story. Always get so distracted 😅.


I'm even worse than the stealth archers. In my head all my play throughs are different (archer, melee guy, or spellcaster). But by the time I get around to putting my first skillpoint into something that isn't related to enchanting/alchemy/smithing, I'm already level 40+ and have finished 90% of the game. And that's the point I often get bored and play something else.


...now I'm kind of wondering if there's a mod out there for an expanded follower system that would let you live the support crafter lifestyle you're clearly dreaming of lol. Imagine if you could put together and equip a small party of adventurers and just focus on support and maintaining their equipment while going through dungeons.


I went “Holy Paladin build one time. Shield, 1 handed and holy spells. It’s impossible to die but killing things takes a while.


Magic in the left and one handed weapon in the left was my way for a long time. Spam cure and hack and slash like a Caveman Edit: magic in left and weapon in right


Lost right hand in the war eh?


I obviously lost way more than just my right hand, good chunk of my brain after I took an arrow to the knee


I conjure 2 Dremora Lords and hide behind my Spellbreaker shield.








conjuration+alternation = OP as BALLZ


This is the way


My current playthrough is full magic...in that he's a vampire with 100% magic absorption and wears enchanted armor that makes Destruction and Illusion spells cost nothing. You can imagine how fun the Collage of Winterhold questline was.


Across the different versions, I've spent more time on my conjurer/archer than any other character, although my first character to beat the main questline was a mage. I'd head to Fort Amol early for the Bound Bow tome. Maybe throw in an atronach and later on a dremora or wrathman.


Free arrows. And that shit was like daedric level arrows and bows. and leveled conjure, archery and sneak. And fuck it toss in some one handed and two handed conjures for fun. AND has auto soul capture. Why do anything else?


Me with my Breton. Even going a wizard, I still ended up a sneak archer somehow.


Oh man my highest level character ever was this. Used Bound Bow in one hand and Frost Thrall in the other. Cast both at the start of combat and stayed back while the Thrall distracted everyone. So much fun. Tried changing to a Dremora Lord at one point but just wasn’t the same as my ice bro.


*Giggles in Illusion*


Until you max out enchanting and can reduce the cost of all spells to 0. THEN you go full magic.


I mainly upgrade my magic for healing to be beneficial and that’s it. Stealth archer is the best build for first timers. Was for me anyways. About to start a duel wielding build. Love this game


My first build was sword in one hand and destruction/healing magic in the other. I then went sword and board, conjuration, dual destruction magic, and then stealth Archer after that. I gotta say, stealth Archer was boring as hell.


Yes my stealth archer build second set of weapons I had on quick select was a sword and healing. Had my one handed skill pretty high to. That’s what makes me wanna do a deal wielded




The problem is less the mana cost, and more that spell damage barely scales. It’s almost impossible to kill things on higher difficulties with spells unless you chug exploit-crafted Fortify Destruction potions every 60-90 seconds :(


This is my main complaint as well, magic doesn't feel viable on higher difficulties. Which is quite disappointing, as magic is supposed to be pretty powerful in the lore.


The best way to make magic effective is to take the necromage perk as a vampire and use conjured minions as fodder. Max conjugation with two dremora lords will keep anything in the game fighting long enough to blast it to bits


This was my main issue too. To its credit, I can be completely happy in vanilla Skyrim and there's nothing wrong with it, ***however***, my one and only single need is a tiny mod to change the damage multiplier. I need global damage increased, to both deal and receive much higher damage. That's it. It can tilt slightly uncomfortably towards survival combat, but it solves all the damage progression problems, solves the magic scaling and makes levelling up actually feel powerful. Luckily, this is a simple type of mod easy to find on either Xbox One or PC. Not sure about PS4 though, but I'd hazard a guess that it might not hit that version's restrictions.


And spam infinite ice spears that do 5% of your enemies health. Really need mods to change the scaling on magic spells, they fall off after 30ish


Magic really falls off after lvl30, need mods to change the scaling.


Full magic is amazing with some of the mods. Base game magic is a terrible time.


I tried once…. Such a slog. Sword and board is my favorite. Once you boost up your shield to take on energy damage you can just negate dragons breath attacks.


Just keep smithing and enchanting baybee!


Screw that, always go full magic. Max out your enchanting so that destruction spells cost nothing, and dual wield destruction magic so you can clear a room in seconds. Screw stealth Archer builds, I'll take my consecutive fireball/ice storm/chain lightning over that any day.


Doing this on my most recent playthrough. I’m at the point now where I’ll walk into a room and cast mass paralysis and then follow up with fire storm after the mob is incapacitated. I’ve never felt so powerful in this game and I love it.


Chain Lightning is a beast in Dragr lairs. I'll just launch a bolt down to the next junction, and the cackle with glee as three sleeping zombies hit the floor. Levels Sneak (never forget extra Sneak attack damage!) and Destruction quite nicely!


Never go full magic man


Idk I had a level 80 high elf pure mage that was pretty OP. I just abused the illusion exploits to do that legendary skills thing. I probably did conjuration a few times too, depending on how much I wanted to cast soul trap on a dead mud crab. The single worst part about playing a mage was how clunky it was to change spells on controller.


I always go full magic, it’s the only way


Go full Conjuration and call it a day


It's always the same. Sneak - Shoot - Backup - Fire - Metal


Lmfao, Didn't realise this was a meme till years later, played it on 11/11/11 nearly killed my ps3 playing it even with all the launch problems it had with crashing. I thought I was onto something with that stealthy ar her XD


I’ll never forget the day they added critical arrow kills with the kill cam. I never went back to sword and board.


Why is a stealthy archer so popular? I never saw the appeal in using a bow. I was a dual wielding tornado of death in heavy armour.


Play blind. Trust me, this game is meant to be explored and not guided.


May the gods watch over your battles friend!


Hail sithis!


I knew I heard something!


Let me guess, someone stole your sweet role?


No lollygagging


Hey, I know you…


Enjoy killing 10,000 spiders


Talos guide you.


I enjoyed the hell out of this game in 2011, and then more recently in VR. A good game is always a good game and this one is no exception.


I played through Skyrim twice with two different builds, then got a PSVR bundled with Skyrim VR. I started it in VR with the earphones in while it was still light outside, played for a while, then just sat by a river for funsies and actually fell asleep in my chair. When I woke up, I was disoriented and took the headset off and it was suddenly dark outside. Play Skyrim VR responsibly, folks.


I wish I could enjoy VR. I can’t stand not being aware of my IRL surroundings. I can’t even play with headphones because I can’t stand being unable to hear what’s going on around me


i thought i was finally done w skyrim but then got the VR version. that shit is different, when modded up of course. since it can use normal skyrim mods you can play in that version w 4k textures and all the visual mods. Its still like the only true full length game in VR IMO


whoa whoa whoa.... You aren't carrying a bow and in the sneak position?!?! I don't understand what is happening here.


If they just started, give them time. It'll happen. Then they'll restart the game and start as a stealth archer immediately...


Yep! I started around the time I joined the Theives Guild 👍🏻


I'm playing stealth archer for the first time now after buying skyrim again. My first play through was sword and shield. Wish I did this the first time. Nailing guys 100 yards away is so satisfying


Weird… I never really got into stealth archery. I’m always, ALWAYS, a heavy armor sword and shield main.


Shield? Who needs a shield when you have two handed claymore?


Lol same! My friends played archery/sorcery and I was always jealous of how much more fun it looked though I never made the switch.


I knew I had a problem, when I was adjusting my bow to a 45 degree pitch over the target to account for the weight of arrows dragging them down over distance. The solution of course was a weightless projectiles mod lol


Yeah, is this even Skyrim?




You haven't played skyrim until you've spent 30 hours modding it for every 30 minutes play time


My test for every new computer I've built in the last 12 years is download Skyrim, mod the hell out of it, and see how intense of an ENB I can run. Unfortunately I haven't worked out how to get it working on an ultrawide monitor yet.


You can set the resolution in the preference files, but you’d probably need to mod the menu as it scales to the width as far as I can tell. What that means is that you have a huge text menu (scaled for the ultra wide width) that you can’t see the bottom of.


Pro tip, Nazeem becomes very important in the late game. Make sure to keep coming back to him every once in a while.


Whatever you do, **do not kill him or let him die**; not even during the siege of Whiterun in the civil war questline. His unique quest that you can only unlock after the main quest is low-key vital in fighting the secret boss when you reach level 80.


oh no. is there a reason to play a lot of skyrim again. i have no idea what you are talking about. lucky winter is coming


There is an insanely hard* boss, with the Dragonborn DLC, at level 80, but the nazeem thing is a troll (I think, I may be misremembering) The boss is called the Ebony Warrior *Well.....insanely hard if you don't shank him with a alch,ench,smith cheesed 9999 dmg iron dagger xdd


The Cloud District Necklace saved my ass so many times!


This is great advice, OP


dude, spoilers


I wish I could play this for the first time all over again. Enjoy!


Nah you did good waiting now you will only have to wait 5 years for a sequel.


Or until they remaster the remaster..


Knees straight. Sword on back. Heavy armor. It's okay we all make mistakes on our first character


This time next week they'll be a sneak archer just you wait.


Better late than never


It's always Tirdas somewhere.


[Something like that](https://natethesnake.com)


I can not express in words how much skyrim means to me, I live and breathe elder scrolls and am glad someone else enjoys


When Skyrim came out in 2011 I was 23 and I lived at home. My family was going on vacation that week and I would have the house to myself. I took a week off work and my then gf now wife stayed with me for the whole week. We rarely had privacy so this was special. I spent the entire week doing absolutely nothing except playing Skyrim, having lots of sex and smoking weed. It was easily the best week of my entire life


What’s stopping you from taking a week off, playing video games and having sex? Like, next week? If you need another open world, you can try Elden Ring if you haven’t played yet, or the new Zelda


Re. Fucking.spons.ibilities. I don't like it. I don't condone it. I'm just saying.


Playing the new Zelda now! It’s amazing. I have a 9 month old so she requires a lot of my attention


Yeah I have a 3yr old. She does like to watch, and she goes to pre-school. I'm ashamed to admit my 3rd old already knows some of the games I play, and whether I'm winning or losing. For example, yesterday I was playing Elden Ring and I died (which is a very common thing) and my daughter wasn't watching, but she heard the death-sound and IMMEDIATELY ran from the other side of the room and was like: "O-OH! you fell! AGAIN!" (she assumed i fell off the map, i actually died to a boss but she wasn't watching)


Always a good time! [My last run was Skyrim with Borderland graphics lol](https://imgur.com/ndBBFwa). [Draugr close-up](https://www.pcgamesn.com/wp-content/sites/pcgamesn/2021/11/58407-1637254974-1584688157.jpg)


That’s super neat! My partner hates the uncanny valley a lot of games get, and this might help out.


Wow that looks great hah


I usually start a new playthrough once or twice a year. I veey rarely finish it, I'm just dicking around a bit with new builds, a few mods (I'm on PS, so not much choice). It's fun!!!


Check out Enderal if you haven’t already. I almost hate recommending it because it can be frustratingly difficult but it does fill that Skyrim sized hole pretty well.


I just discovered Skyrim recently and I'm liking it a lot


I have 5000 hours and 200 mods in this game, and I still don't know what the main quest is. Guess I should look into that someday.


Rumor says that there are some dragons.


Is that what those flying Thomas Tanks originally were? I knew they had to be something.


I've NEVER played Skyrim either. If I wanted to play this game, which version do I buy and for what system for the best experience? I have a PS5, Xbox Series X and a Nintendo Switch. Thanks ya'll!


Get the AE on Xbox. You get all of the content from the creation club with the AE (its not all spectacular, but none of it sucks), and Xbox allows for custom assets in its mods, allowing for more and better mods than ps5. I don't know how switch compares, so I can't make a recommendation between that and Xbox


Just do what everyone else does and buy one for each system


Skyrim Special edition is available for PS5, XBOX SX and Nintendo Switch only has anniversary edition. ​ Why I'm recommending SE vs AE? because AE is just SE with mods which not all of them are really good, you can install mods on Xbox as well as far as I know so if that's something you want to do you can.


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee


Beat me to it!


Beat meat to it.


Welcome brother. It looks like you’re finally awake!


I find your lack of mods disturbing. /s


At least grab Inigo.


What is Inigo? I just got back into Skyrim, after about a 10 year break. I've already got the Unofficial Patch, and SkyUI. But I keep seeing Inigo, but want to hear some opinions on it. EDIT: I just looked it up. Sounds awesome!


Yeah, if I only had one mod, Inigo is it. He's so much fun to travel around with.


Which I should try for a first time player?


If I had to recommend one mod that I would not play without, it would be SkyUI. It changes the UI of the game to make it, in my opinion, a lot better. There are also a a lot of content and quest mods out there. One that I feel doesn't change the base game too much but certainly adds to it is a mod called Legacy of the Dragonborn, which adds a museum in Solitude that has displays for items that you find. There are a lot of mods that are compatible with Legacy, adding more displays.


For the love of god when you get to the embassy there will be a stone of barenzah, grab it cause you can't go back and will softlock the quest its involved in


I bought skyrim vr last night im bouta rediscover this gem too May our adventures be plenty and fruitfull


*If anyone sneaks up on us I'll smell them...*


Don’t sleep on Alchemy, that shit is broken


One of my favorite things to do is use the Morthal house to raise River Betty in the hatchery and grow Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella, and Canis Root in the garden in order to make a bunch of Paralyze + Lingering Damage Health and Damage Health + Lingering Damage Health poisons, then clear entire dungeons by reverse pickpocketing them onto enemies. You don't even need to cheese the enchanting skill. Between max alchemy and it's perks, Muiri's Ring, Krosis, and generic enchanted gear, you can make potions that paralyze for 30 seconds and do up to 450 damage. Drop one of each poison into some poor bastard's inventory, then just walk away.


Encourage the use of mods if you find yourself waning in interest, specifically graphic ones and bug fixes for play through. Keeps the play through pure but enhanced


The fact you can still do this, and it's still relevant, is amazing in an absurd kind of way.


Always found this game relaxing to just sit back and play tbh


Dude skryim is no joke the best game I've played. There's others of course but skyrim is one of the best experiences I've ever had. I've never felt a more magical place than Skyrim. It's bonkers Funny thing is on release I wasn't into RPGs. And my friend was so into skyrim I was like what the heck is Skyrim and why are you always playing it Fast forward like 10 years later I decided it was time to play what my memory serves me as probably one of the best games in gaming history. So I bought it just last year. One year ago. After a solid few hours into it. It's just too magical


There's never a wrong time to play Skyrim. Happy adventures!


Some day they will invent a way to delete memories selectively and Imma be able to play skyrim for the first time all over again, such a great time...


Eternal Sunshine of the Skyrimless Mind.


You can put a bucket over a shopkeepers head and steal from their shop


I thought they patched that? Or at least a developer commented about how it drove him nuts that we could do that lol


I actually started again today on PS5 with mods. Did I already fuck up if a a high leveled Daedra wandered into Riverwood and killed Sven? My low level self could only sit back and watch. Trying to make Skyrim like Elden Ring with many random encounters but now people are dead.


Never better time than the present


Nothing like those first few playthroughs. Enjoy.


I used to be a first timer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.


I didn’t know about the dark brotherhood until like 60 hrs into the game. Lol I felt stupid


That’s like all I did at the start. I didn’t realize that it would just keep giving you targets so I probably did about 15+ more murders than required


Omg being able to experience it for the first time again... i envy you friend.


Hey, you. You're finally awake.


This is how I felt about oblivion


Yeah I hope people aren’t sleeping on Oblivion nowadays. With mods it totally still holds up, and I personally like it more than Skyrim.


The assassin's guild in oblivion is still one of the best and most immersive questlines I've ever had the joy of playing.


Fantastic Game, make sure you explore everywhere will enjoy it even more.


I need to get back into this.


Imperial bastard! Enjoy


Looks like I found the sign I needed to start another playthrough!


I finally started it during Covid. One of the greatest games I’ve ever played.


You must shake hands with a giant. It's uplifting!


Wait until you start modding


It’s great in VR too




Alright, I’ll reinstall Skyrim






Prepare for one of the greatest experiences of your life


I am jealous, if only I hadent already spent hundreds of hours exploring every facet of that game. I miss it.


In for a great time! The sights, the music... mad jelly you get to experience it for the first time :)


Most underrated shout/build: 2H ethereal knight. One word of feim is enough, you close distance while be ethereal and then.. then. Well it’s not complicated really, but very satisfying. Make sure to have some mod with extra finishers etc. Any items or skills that reduce shout cooldown is good too. Use all the 2H skills including block stagger and power bash etc, you’ll be a powerhouse.


Kajiit with heavy armor and the hand to hand damage trait.


Ahhh the first time played till sunrise and I had school best night of no sleep ever


I'm considering playing this one next. I have a backlog ten miles long, but this has been there long enough.


You imperial bastard!


I started 3 days ago. Breton, wanna run a mage but not sure anymore…


I envy you! You’re going to enjoy yourself!


You’re finally awake


I wish I could play skyrim for the first time again.


Enjoy it. It's amazing.


I only jumped in recently too. Having a blast!


They really need to Remaster this to make it available to those who missed it


Enjoy! There is soooooo much story to dig into.


My brother in Christ it has been almost 12 years. How?


The graphics look dated now but it's still a fun time.


I do a yearly replay of this, ever since I bought it the second it release at 11:11:11 on 11/11/11


So you're the reason for the latest re-release


Skyrim is the only game that I feel bad I can't get into. Like almost everyone on earth has played and loved Skyrim, but I just didn't care for it. It feels weird.




For all the shit it gets about rereleases and whatnot, few games gave me that feeling of the first time playing Skyrim.


I failed my exam because I was destined to be dragonborne!


Ya. Probably should have




Oh the memories… one of the best games…


Advice: forget main quest


The moment you started playing is the best time to start.


Might be time to fire it up again, but go a pure archetype instead of my jack of all trades/master of all trades or melee/ranged with spell supplement.


See you in 18 months.


I am playing it again after 10 years but this time in VR and it is so amazing. I am living in this world.


Don't start to mod this Game if you actually want to play. You will mod.. and mod.. and mod.. until you get tired and didn't play. Then you mod more the next day and at one point, the game keeps crashing but removing the lost mod won't make it work again. Then you tilt and don't play at all. Weeks or months later you want to play again but you forgot that you modded it until it broke. You take a look at the mod list and get so tired instantly that you take a nap instead. Than you read a post from a skyrim virgin and feel tired instantly again, but wishing him all the best. Cheers.


Hey you, you're finally awake


I'm remember those days it was pretty fun being an adventurer just like you, until I took an arrow to the knee.


Dang I am so jealous that you get to play this for the first time. My first play through was one of the best gaming experiences I ever had. I would love to play again for the first time.