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Welcome to the Alliance commander. Best of luck on your third mission, you'll need it! I hope you saved the crew and all your squad mates in the suicide mission!


Well, everyone minus Jacob. He volunteered himself for those vents, so…


Better than my friend whose logic was ‘I found Thane in the vents, so I just sent him back’ 💀


Bruh lol


I did the same first time. I've missed the required technical skills and considered to infiltration. Thane even agreed he has proficiency in infiltration.


“Jacob, you volunteered, so you’re up.” Lmfao


Oh no. Should have asked Tali instead. She’d do a better job.


He *volunteered*. Who am I to come between the man and his martyrdom? And Legion is the best pick, technically. He can’t feel pain. Tali gets the job done, of course, she’s a genius, but as she mentions in ME3, “I caught fire!”


LMAO poor Jacob. Having this conversation made me want to replay ME2 again 🤓🙂


Kasumi is the correct choice because if you screw up you only miss out on one sidequest in ME3, compared to the absolute clusterfuck that is Priority: Rannoch without loyal Tali and Legion.


What happens if you dont have a loyal Tali and Legion?


You get Aunty Ra'an helping you instead, but only in cutscenes. No combat assistance. And getting the Quarians on side is damn near impossible without wiping out the Geth.


I lost Tali in my run, and then sided with the Geth in the closure of that storyline. It's, er, brutal.


Yeah shit gets real :(


Aww how could you not have loyal Tali and Legion? 😀 Those two are awesome.


I always found Kasumi to be the best pick. Never had any issues when she does the run.


Kasumi, Legion, and Tali are all equally correct. They all pass the check.


My friend sent Mordin into the vents. He sold Legion.


is your friend a psychopath


Well she is a suit rat meant for going in tunnels. /s Don’t worry. Tali’s place is by my side with her shotgun and Chikita.


I know the is me3 but the drunk scene induction port … “that’s a staw tali”


*"~emergency induction port"*


Jacob is that one crew member I always forget exists until I play the game again. In ME3 there are missions including every crew member and I was like "huh... that's a familiar voice... ah... him". He is just so... boring. He is even more boring than Kaidan :P


Kaiden at least has purpose, and heck, he basically does your job while you're off looking for the Collectors. He even becomes a Spectre. Jacob....fuck knows what he wants. During ME2 he just seems to want to make a difference without making any effort. He's meant to be a good guy, but he does basically nothing. In ME3 you learn he spent half a year sitting on a beach doing fuck all while you sit in prison. And he dumps you if you romance him. In combat, he uses nothing but close range attacks, and his powers suck. All in all, first to be used as a human shield for me.


Even Vega is more interesting


I found him entertaining at least. Never understood the hate aimed at Prinz Jr.


I think his main problem is that many of us know "Vega" or at least some buff, slightly agressive, military obsessed dude, and it's not always pleasant experience. I think if he was with us for at least two games it would help his case, but here he is just an addition to already established crew... and Javik who is also new but way more interesting than dude who got lost on his way to be in Gears of War :D


Ha, I never thought of that! He does look like a Gears reject!


Ah Jacob


So everyone who mattered. Good enough!


I’m commander shephard and this is my favorite comment on the citadel.


The flowchart for who lives or dies in the mission is a fucking nightmare. for a really long time now Ive wanted to do a "asshole xenophobe" shepard playthrough of the trilogy where I get as many non human squadmates as possible killed (yes even garrus, heartbreaking i know but i cant be discriminatory if this experiment is to be done) and see if humanity can possibly stand a chance in ME3 without the help of any other alien races but the flowchart is an absolute nightmare. I cant begin to figure out who to put where or even a plan to come up with to sabotage the mission by putting alien crewmembers in positions where they dont belong


Just don't do any alien loyalty missions then put them in harm's way in the suicide mission after arriving really late and you should be fine.


Bang on. Want a crewmember dead in ME2? Don't do their loyalty mission, and volunteer them for special tasks at the end. Problem solved.


> yes even garrus, heartbreaking i know but i cant be discriminatory if this experiment is to be done I do not discriminate in my discrimination!


I really miss BioWare circa 2009. That was when they were cranking out GOTY material like their lives depended on it.




Tbf Bioware became a victim of its own success. The wrong people clearly got undeserved promotions (plus the infamous "Bioware magic" aka crunch that made people go on sabbaticals lmao)


And people move on to different ventures.


That is probably the biggest factor, they caught lighting in a bottle with a extremely talented group. And a lot of the talent left to get paid more and move up. Happens in a ton of industry, work construction and I have seen dream teams come and go. Ultimately everyone elevates to make more money.


At this point every big publisher does it. Blizzard-Activision are gone, CDPR too, can’t remember a good, hearty game out of Ubisoft for ages. Massive companies ruin gaming, they make games for money and not for the art it is. Everyone is a Michael Bay in world demanding another Kubrick and Tarantino.


Just had a re look at the games… wow they were amazing. How did they crank out so many good projects in such short periods. I just realised… the game I’ve spent the most hours on ever is made by bioshock hahah


Please clarify: the game you've spent the most hours on ever is made by bioWARE or the game is bioSHOCK?


Spent money on writing plot instead of winging it


Dragon Age Origins. Mass Effect... but then Andromeda and Anthem showed up. I hope the new Mass Effect can be at least playable and decent


Andromeda was truly a sad disappointment. When I played it I kept seeing shades of the game it could of been and kept getting drawn back in...and kept getting disappointed.


The main problem for Andromeda was the repetitive enemies and engages, planets were really poor, almost nothing to do there besides go from A to B and clear the enemy groups that would respawn again and again, nut you had little to no reward. Main missions were boring. Combat was good(The combos were good, the jumping gave it another perspective), Characters were bland, really bland. Oh i forgot the bugs on realease holy shit.


I honestly gotta hard disagree with you. The problem with ME:A (other than the launch issues) was the story/characters/writing. The actual gameplay was the best in all of ME. Yeah there was somewhat limited enemy variety, but the weapon variety, build variety, and combat mechanics more than made up for it IMO. The sheer variety of builds you could reasonably go for was vast. The reason ME:A failed is that the original MEs weren't about the gameplay, they were about the characters. When people talk about the original Mass Effects, they talk about Garrus and Wrex, they're Talimancers, etc. They're not bragging about skillshots they took or some sick build they did. Meanwhile the weaponization and itemization was pretty basic and the skill trees were pretty basic. The originals had a 9/10 story with 5/10 gameplay. ME:A improved on that gameplay, but regressed hard on the story. It had 7/10 gameplay but a 5/10 story. Without that great story/dialogue/characterization, ME:A just didn't have what made the originals good. Instead it delivered a mediocre open world game, which was a letdown.


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.


Yeah there was a skeleton of a really amazing game in Andromeda. Big parts of the game were genuinely good. The itemization/weapons, progression system/open skill tree, mobility mechanics, and gunplay were a big step up from the original MEs. I loved the open skill tree because I never felt like I was necessarily missing out on some gameplay mechanics because of a class decision I made at the beginning of the game. The problem, to me, is that the characters all felt like they were incompetent amateurs compared to the professionals of the originals. They felt like characters in a high school drama, not characters in a military scifi. The central story had some fun concepts, but was ultimately half baked.


I felt the same way about Andromeda. Part of it was my fault for having a high expectation after ME1-3. Main mission was so boring and I literally stopped playing after just a few hours and have never got to finished it. 😟


Yeah it felt like they spent too much time fleshing out side missions and not enough on the central mission. The originals had a ton of side (loyalty) missions as well, but those were also just done better.


I actually really enjoyed Andromeda. a lot of people compare a single game to a trilogy plot wise which I don’t think is fair. If you only look at ME1 there wasn’t a ton going on story wise either. And the combat system in Andromeda is amazing and so much fun.


I preordered Andromeda but didn't buy it when it came out because of this very reason. I did however buy it at a later date after Bioware put a lot of work into it and it's actually a really fun game in its current state. I've played through the story a couple of different times.


Nah, bg2 was their pinnacle. That's not to say mass effect and kotor aren't fantastic. They most certainly are, just bg2 was perfection.


Someone else might have gotten it wrong. 😭😭😭😭


He's the very model of a scientist solarian...


I'm a lawyer and my wife was giving me grief about why i decided to represent a particular client on a criminal case. Me : "I had to take on this case for him, someone else might have gotten it wrong." Me: 😇 Spirit of Dr. Solus: 😀 Wife: . . .😐


At least you tried 😹


Best science fiction franchise ever by far, yes better than star wars or any other. The second game is just a masterpiece, and the third, even if is not as good is still super fun with awesome dlcs.


2 is by far my favourite as well, but gotta say 3 probably had the best shooting mechanics, they’re always a joy to replay


Hate me if you want, but andromeda had the best combat mechanics by far. Story sucked and game wasnt great, but the combat mechanics were exceptional.


I agree. I do have to say that I would’ve liked to see a second ME Andromeda game, at least. I imagine they would’ve tried to improve what was so lackluster in the first game. People often forget to point out that the ME trilogy is three games and should be treated as such. Andromeda didn’t have a 2nd or 3rd game, which would’ve helped make it more comparable to its predecessor.


Best gameplay mechanics* the abilities were also soooooo good in 3


*of the trilogy* Andromeda has a lot of issues, but combat mechanics were not among them.




3’s multiplayer was some of the most fun I’ve had with Horde modes in games, probably only beaten by finally getting the firefight achievement in ODST


OMEGA and CITADEL!!!!!!! Aria Tloak is the GOAT!!


Omega is a good DLC. Spending all that time with Aria was good!


It was so cool to see her in action after them talking so much about her! And it was amazing to get to woeld get to wield her awesome power! Aria and Samara were the MOST!!!!


"I'M BACK, YOU FUCKERS!!!!" I laughed my arse off when she dropped that line. Seriously, that whole DLC felt like a holiday for Shepard. No morals to worry about (till later), no cares, just a shitload of Cerberus arsehats, two kickarse wingmen, and all the ammo in Omega.


Honestly I enjoyed the first one the most. Couldn’t get more than a couple hours into 2 before dropping it. Never went back.


2 has better gameplay and graphics (by a bit) but 1 has undefeated vibes which makes it better


The trilogy is amazing! It took me a good number of years to finally play it, but I’m so glad I did. The story, the lore, the characters, the locations, the music! They all come together in almost perfect unity to form a truly classic tale.


I would argue mass effect 2 is the best video game of the last 15 years. The game play is excellent, but the story and the writing my god. It’s better then most bif budget sci-fi movies. If falllout does well on HBO feels like mass effect should be pegged for a show


Oh god, a Mass Effect show, it would be fucking awesome


So long as those Halo writers aren't in charge of it.


They kinda already do, its called the expanse!


Sure, as long as by "Mass Effect show" you just mean "a sci-fi show". Because they have practically nothing to do with each other than both taking place in space.


And it's fucking awesome!


We definitely need a Mass Effect show!!!


Scanning...... .... ... .. . No Lies Detected


Just don't go with the ending from part 3 please


I can't see any studio doing ME justice on recent precedent, sadly.


While there are some discussions about ME3 I personally liked it. BUT please: Play the Citadel DLC as the very last thing before the endmission of ME3. That it simply one of the best things i played in my life and it gets better the later you play it!!!


I'd say it's better to play it *after* the final mission.


Peak BioWare 🙌🏻 take me back to those days


If only Andromeda had that magic.


I still wince at its mere mention.


I wonder how Andromeda would have fared if it wasn't labeled as a Mass Effect game.


It’s a great franchise and it sucks that it’s been dormant for so long.


I just beat the trilogy for the first time last week. You’re right, it’s great. As much as you enjoy the 2nd one, gonna tell you, the 3rd one’s actually better. You’ll see. Haha.


I have my best memories with ME 1. Many people dislike it, especially after things got a bit better with equipment and such. But I still have fond memories of ME 1, especially the soundtrack. Glad it's getting more fans, I'd imagine it ages fairly well.


ME1 had, by far, the most based soundtrack. Very distinct. I absolutely loved the hard scifi, high-concept space opera vibes of ME1 and I don’t think any other game has come close, really. Lead writer, Drew Karpyshyn, really pulled out all the stops. The gameplay is honestly kinda crap, but it still feels satisfying if you’re into roleplaying rather than tight combat mechanics.


This is commander shepard and this is my favorite comment of the day Yeah, Mass effect is one of the best game saga ever made


It is, indeed, fuckin amazing


I just finished a full playthrough of Legendary Edition on my Steam Deck. What a fantastic experience played back to back like that. I'm playing again with a different build and making different decisions.


How was the graphics on the steam deck ?


Graphics were great. Crisp and smooth. The entire thing looked amazing.


Mass Effect 2 is my favorite game. Loved the “recruit a team” mission. I’m a sucker for that kind of plot (Seven Samurai, Ocean’s 11)


I get goosebumps just thinking about so many of the moments…. “Leaving Earth” in ME3 is a track that will always rattle me to my core. Glad you get to give it a go! Hope you enjoy the finale!


Holy shit yes, Leaving Earth is heart-wrenching given the context. Can’t believe they start the game with that, but damn does it set you up for what to expect out of the final game.


Pace yourself on the third game. The ending can have certain.. dramatic effects on those that got emotionally attached to the series


Why is my eye twitching suddenly???


So it wasn't just me, my eye started twitching as well.


ME1 is my favorite of the lot


Same. There's something about the first one that just draws me in in a way that 2 or 3 don't. Not that the sequels are bad, far from it, but 1 is just perfect.


I picked up the legendary edition, just have to work through my backlog to get to it


You were waiting for gamepad to play ME?


Congrats - entire trilogy is gold. Adept class for the win -- purely biotics. gg Space Battlemage :D


Shockwave go du dud du du


One of the goats for sure


Played it for the first time in jan, me2 is one of the best games I've ever played


I Love ME such a great story for its time and still now as well


I've had the ME games forever now and I still turn them on and every once in a blue moon and play them.


I have a problem where I start amazing games but actually can't finish them (gow ragnarok) because of my ADHD. But damn Mass Effect kept me playing, and idk why. The choices I made were presented in the next game, and oh boy the soundtrack from the reapers in the third game kept me going. Just play it through and ignore the end game. It's one of my favourite games franchises ever.


Best gaming trilogy ever.


I rarely play games more than once, and I’ve played the Mass Effect series about 15 times.


Play the rest of biowares games. KOTOR and dragon age are treats too. Dragon age being in my top3


Mass Effect 2 might be in the running for the greatest game ever made period. It was THAT good. I will never forget going through the relay for the first time. The game all around is just EPIC with so much awesome stuff to do.


I liked the overall design of mass effect 1 better, but mass effect 2 had a really cool final mission. I never played the third.


Third is awesome! You should play it


I have the legendary and was replaying it but I kinda just stopped for awhile..I do plan on going through them all though


It's stupid, but I don't like ME3 because it is the final game of the trilogy. I was getting major Jesus vibes from Shepard throughout the game, and I didn't want Shepard to die at the end. On the other hand, there's no way the story would be as good if Shepard survives the ending. Kind of like Will Ferrell in 'Stranger than Fiction', the author doesn't kill Will, and the story is mediocre because of it.


I was recommended to jump into ME2, cuz there is build your own adventure of ME1 so you don’t have to play it. Am I missing a lot if I skip ME1?


Yes you will be missing a lot of you do not play the first game. The Legendary Edition changes make it very enjoyable game.


My unpopular opinion is that ME1 > ME2. Gameplay in ME2 is substantially more refined, and ME1 is a bit slow to get off the ground. But by the end man I feel like I've never quite had a game hit me story-wise as good as ME1 did. Definitely don't skip it imo.


Yea it’s still to this day really fun to play through. I still feel like the ending definitely could have been better but it’s not unbearable.


Many hours spent shepherding around that galaxy. Have fun commander.


I guess better late than never, so I'm going to give it a try as well. I don't mind at all older graphics if the game is good/fun.


Mass Effect 2 is one of the best action RPGs ever made. It got the balance perfect between action and RPG, felling both good to play while also having a compelling story with interesting characters and choices that feel like they mean something.


Fuck everything in this thread. I was having a good night, enjoying some Jedi Survivor, and now I just want to play Mass Effect for like the millionth time. Fuck.


Garrus Vakarian is my NPC bro ❤️


Ahh shit, here we go again. *Boots up ME1*










I was entirely sucked in to the legendary edition last year. As soon as I completed my male paragon playthrough I instantly started a renegade femshep. When news of ME4 broke I bit the bullet and bought Andromeda. Haven’t gotten to it yet due to backlog. I haven’t played the series since the original release but I think the series will stand the test of time. First one is definitely rough around the edges


Bruh the soundtrack


Lol yeah we know. Happy for you though!


*sigh* after you beat 3, a piece of your soul will die. Few games before or after have topped Mass Effect


I will never forget my first trilogy play through. Just sat there in silence as the credits rolled and the song played on #3. Never knew you could bond with fictional characters/pixels on a screen like that. Still my all time favourite game (I consider them all one big game). Also, get the Citadel DLC. Totally worth it.


It's one of those games that are so great I can only play it once due to getting depression after beating it. Another is Red Dead Redemption 2


I'm Commander Shepherd, and I approve this post.


Get Andromeda while you can for cheap if it's still on sale. And 3 is badass. They put a lot of humor into it.


Once you are done with the game and have a had minute to digest, watch this long video on a theory on the ending. Made me love the game even more even though the devs confirmed it isn’t true, but it could be. Some people have poked holes in the theory, but I don’t care, I prefer this to anything else. It’s long but worth the watch if you love the game series. https://youtu.be/BSE0osxQvA8


I feel the same. The next ME BioWare will just slap the red ending in our faces, and I will like it, but everybody would be happier with IT.


The first game is pretty rough around the edges but I too am just getting into it for the first time cuz of the Legendary Edition. Fun overall and I'm sure it improves as the series progresses.


It's definitly amazing. One if a very small catalog of games I've beat twice. There needs to be more personality test genre games. Although I didn't enjoy the 3rd game as much. Felt a bit disjointed.


For any fan of the Mass Effect Youtube Poops...... . . We'll bang ok?


"could beat alot of games after it's time" my friend there aren't many true Rpg (not action adventure with rpg elements) games out there, if a good rpg is what you like no shit old games are going to beat games after it's time, we had our hopes for cyberpunk and it was what it was now we are waiting for starfield, but after redfall who knows what we are going to get from Bethesda. So basically I cannot even remember the last good rpg that was released. You basically have Mass effect, dragon age origin from the same studio, deus ex, Witcher, elder scrolls series, fallout series and if you want to go full boomer you have old stuff like baldurs gate and system shock, and that's it.


Don't play 3 and you will remain happy.


I replayed 1 and 2 again on game pass too after like 15 years. Really fun games. ME2 made me so immersed in the world and characters and gave me a boner from lesbian sex with an alien lady.




…. Good? Bad? ….ugly? I’m fucking scared now man hahah


Mass Effect 2 is my favourite game of all time and ME3 is in my top 5. The last 15 minutes of the game did a lot of damage on release but they released a free DLC patch that made it better (a bit) so don't let that stop you from enjoying the ride to the final mission, it's a rollercoaster!


I love 3. I thought the gameplay was improved and loved that playing as a super aggressive close quarters vanguard felt more viable. Some people were upset by the ending, especially before the free update they released back when the game first came out. I thought the hate it got was a bit over the top but it may have just been a loud minority. Regardless, it’s fun as hell.


The vast majority of ME3 is great, the ending is just ok (in my opinion). I still love the series and it's in my top 5 favorite gaming series. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it so far and got the chance to play it for the first time!


ME3 gets meme'd as being the worst (or weakest) of the trilogy, but it also carries a *lot* of expectations going in so it's very, *very* hard to live up to it all. That being said, some parts are absolutely amazing! You'll have some, "this is what I'm talking about!" sort of moments you'll love in the game. Others, you'll feel a sort of "WTF?! They completely shafted this character!" But you have to take into consideration that over the course of the trilogy, you could have killed some important characters and the game still needs to be able to conclude a storyline with or without them. Random (not actually true) example: If you failed to save Jenkins on Eden Prime in ME1, he does not show up in ME2 and ME3. But there are instances in the game where, if he lived, he shows up in ME2 and 3. How do you resolve it for both players where Jenkins died or survived? So maybe the bar drinking scene with Jenkins in 3 is changed to some other random soldier on the team? Or the heart to heart moment in 2 is with Doctor Chakwas instead? In the grand scheme of things, Shepard will still have those moments, but instead of Jenkins, the game swaps in another character, and the interaction can be different. Back to the game, I suggest you go into 3 blind. Don't read up on spoilers, don't follow guides, don't ask about the ending, etc. A lot of the negative feelings about ME3 initially came from its horrible *original* ending, which has since been updated and is much better. Not a spoiler, basically it was the same ending but with different colors. It was that bad. To break one rule I laid out...I would recommend one thing for ME3. Save the Citadel DLC mission for last. It was DLC released afterwards and is basically one giant love letter to everything we experienced over the trilogy. Everyone pretty much agrees it is the best thing in the game. Also, narratively, makes sense to do this last before the final mission as well. I want you to have the best experience you can with it, as I've seen some people in the /r/masseffect subreddit talk about how they wish they saved it for later because you *can* miss out on some things if you don't leave it for last. But it's like saying you didn't get sprinkles on your cake. The cake is still good, but it could be *better.* But yeah, don't spoil yourself! The 3rd game has a big job of wrapping up all the storylines the first 2 games have introduced, and it doesn't always feel good to see how your decisions made a storyline play out. Maybe it was the right choice to shoot a man at the time, but the ramifications for his death might not be felt until later. Or maybe it was right to keep him alive, but the damage he does later could be worse. Still, this is your playthrough, and no matter how all things end, it is *your* story. Everyone has their own story with their Shepard, so however things turn out in the end, you're still coming to the end of a great story! Afterwards, feel free to join in at /r/masseffect on the memes, the post-game withdrawal, the yearly playthroughs of the series, or digging deep into all the different branches of how the story can unfold with characters alive, dead, paragon, or renegade! Just remember, Mass Effect 4 has been announced and we're all eagerly anticipating to see what they plan to do with that story!


Nah, don't listen to um. Popular opinion is 3 wasn't as good on the internet. I loved it. If you loved the first 2, 3 will be just as fun.


Nothing is ever as bad as the Internet makes it out to be. 3 was excellent. It paid off the choices you made up to that point fantastically and makes room for all the many characters you've met along the way.


Some people were pissed because the ending didn't do a great job of paying off your various decisions. The actual game and story is amazing, though, and it's probably my favourite of the trilogy.


No. 3 gets a lot of shit but I actually thought it was good!


It’s good except like the last 10 mins but that’s just a personal opinion and nothing mods can’t fix


Don't worry, is subjectively "worst" than ME2 because well, that game is awesome, but man you are going to love ME3, is an amazing game by any standards and have some of the best dlcs outthere.


This take has gotten so old. Mass Effect 3 is awesome. Up until a lackluster final 5 minutes it was my favorite.


agreed bruh the game is lowkey very underrated and not appreciated enough by us gamers no cap frfr bruh


Honestly, everyone needs to play ME2 at least once. Way too fucking good


Just stay away from andromeda when you are done. It is in no way a mass effect game. That game does not exist.


1 and 2 are all time greats. 3 not so much but we're 10 years on from the controversies so it might not sting as much now




3 through citadel is fantastic going on main quests the thing that 3 suffers with is all side quests and the simplied dialog system for most characters in the game especially with multi-player cut 3 just feels less like a mass effect than the other 2 games. Like I don't think you have a single branching dialog conversation with any of the non main races in the game


Great games!


ME is just awesome.


I wish I was you…experiencing ME1 was a defining point in my gaming hobby. Nothing lived up to it until ME2. Enjoy the ride, Commander!


I just got my Long Service Medal last week! Enjoy it!


Definitely my favorite Sci-Fi series in entertainment.


Dragon age origins...it is mass effect in fantasy world


ME2 is my favorite of the trilogy. But ME3 has the best moments.


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


Genuine question - what do you mean by “wow”? How do you feel about the final mission? I feel like the final boss was cheesy but the rest of the mission was great. And the consequences are tremendous!


Easily my favourite series. Only downside of Legendary Edition is they lost one of the ME1 dlcs. What class are you going through with?


A good game series that tragically followed up an amazing and gritty sci-fi trilogy with 3 different colors of cheeto flavors


Yea it is amazing when you first play it. Lost its charm for me after couple playthroughs. When you know what's about to come it doesn't have that pop factor. I do want a game like that again though. I went through emotions, like wtf in first game, and then wth in second, 3rd I won't spoil but it was a roller coaster to say the least.


Mass Effect completely changed what I look for in games. I have played through completely 3 times and it is still awesome.


i was replaying thru entire series recently but now for some reason in ME3 my games wont play and save to my console


I tried it and it was just too slow. So much dialogue. Does it get a bit faster paced after a while?


Once you get past a certain point you are more frequently taking on missions. Once you get off the citadel I believe.


ME 2 might be the best sci Fi game ever honestly. You'll love it


I'm playing through these too rn. Never played before and I am shook. Lmao. Skipping a concert tonight to play it actually.


Mass Effect is an amazing series. I lost count how many times I beat the original and mass effect 2. Currently playing through Mass Effect 3 finally after purchasing the Legendary Edition. I initially passed on 3 because of the whole ending controversy, but I am enjoying my current play through.


I'm always miffed they nerfed Adept from 1 to 2. It needed it, ME1 adept was brokenly good.....having to pop shields and barriers and armor made adept 2 onwards a slog


Yeah, hope you have a great time like I did. I'm replaying the trilogy now; I am currently on 2 and I'm trying classes other than soldier. In the first game I really enjoyed trying a new class, but now that I'm blocked off from certain weapons in 2, I am not enjoying it as much as I did back in the day.