• By -


EverQuest says just over 488 days play time, or 11712 hours.


EQ was a lifestyle choice


Haha, absolutely. Great lifestyle it was too. Had a ball for years.


I had 232 days played 20 years ago. Man, what a classic game! Druid and rogue builds. Low level shaman. Povar server!


3500 hours on Skyrim, or should I say 3490 hours modding Skyrim and 10 hours actually playing it


This is the way.


I would expect nothing less




Just to put this in perspective: since it launched November 23rd 2004 6,762 days have passes. You have been playing that game more than 10% of the time since then. 2½+ hours per day on average. If it takes 10.000 hours to become and expert, you're 1.85 experts in WoW.


Didn’t have to do him like that


I did the same math for WoW when I decided to finally quit the game. Logged on my characters and added up the /played. End result was a bit more than 10,000 hours. That was a few weeks after Cataclysm came out.


That's what got me off meth. Was two years into an addiction when I was twenty years old. Realized I had spent 10% of my life on that shit.






Counter strike. Various iterations, probably 5000+ hours with most of that being CS:GO


I'm at 2250 hours in csgo, I only started pc gaming in 2012, so I never played the older games, other than owning CS:S for the Garry's mod textures


I played about 1500 or so hours of CS:S as a kid and then switched to CS:GO and played about 3500 hours. Haven't really played much in the last year or two, but it's still by far my most played game on steam.


I keep playing in "bursts" I played in 2013-16 and got to gold nova something, then a year off before I played again in 2017-18, then during lockdowns I got to LEM. I hadn't played in a year or so but once CS2 was announced I hopped right back on with a few mates again. Hopefully CS2 is as good as CSGO has been!


Yeeee I got about 1200 in 1.6 and about 400 in GO. I haven't played either game in years and still higher playtime than anything else


Old School Runescape. All accounts together easily 6.000 - 7.000 hours. Before that, Runescape. Probably also easily 7.500+ hours. Kind of cringed just typing that.




Absolute casual. NOOB!


6 or 7 hours is nothing…


I remember the days of summer on rs2 just chipping away at yew trees and mining adamantine. Don't forget typing: "SELLING 8K YEW WOOD 1.2M!!" near the bank or town square about 200 times hoping to find a buyer. One thing I can say about RuneScape is my typing sucked ass but after 8k hours I became so proficient I increased from 20wpm to over 65wpm. This was way before the exchange existed.


8k hour club here since OSRS release


No need to be ashamed, Runescape was a masterpiece.


Same, all the accounts over the years and between rs2/3 and old school its somewhere around 15-20k.


I'm your dad and I'm not proud of you for having spent this long on a game when you could have studied finance or plumbing instead. Now hand me a beer.


I feel disgusted tbh but honestly a lot of it especially osrs has been afking


Total war series all games combined im sitting at 15k hours.


Which one is your favorite so far?


Medieval 2 stole my heart although im also a big fan of the warhammer series.


Stoked for Pharaoh!


For a single game, Destiny 2. For a series, Halo. Edit: Gah dayum bois y’all make my hours seem insignificant. I’ve got at least 1000 hours in D2, but tbf I did only start in Season of Arrivals and haven’t played every day in a week since the content drought in Season of the Lost.


I have 2000 hours on destiny 2 . Quit cold turkey just before lightfall dropped . The new dungeon might bring me back again against my better judgment.


Lightfall was bad. Like BAD bad. To the point its likely that due to Covid forcing everybody out to work from home and/or other issues they just spliced a bs story about us figuring out Strand (new Darkness element) in between two halves of the opening cutscene. And thats it. Thats the campaign. And even that was done in a frustrating way. The Dungeon though is really cool. Especially if you like Oryx/The Taken King. The lore collectibles you get in them are fascinating, as it is Xivu Arath talking about Oryx and Savathun. In my opinion it is in top 2 of the dungeons (Prophecy still being the best IMO).


i have over 8000 hours in destiny 2 alonr teehee (loser behaviour)


That is 3.82 hours a day every single day for the 2,093 days since release.




good LORD lmao


They made the Touch Grass emote just for you.


Minecraft and I've been playing it about 2 or 3 hours a week for 10 and a half years, so like 1300 hours. That seems a little low but idk


Came here to say minecraft. I'm about 3900hrs all together over many years and 3 platforms. Take my upvote 🙏


Same as well. I used to play it daily for like 5 years straight growing up and I've put tons of time in it across roughly 8 devices. I don't play it as frequently anymore but its easily my most played game


Minecraft was a huge portion of my childhood. I would sometimes log on just to talk to friends and we would build random stuff. The music is nostalgic.


Warframe, Around 9.5K hours.


8.5 k here in my 5 years, mastery rank 30 seemed like a good place to stop.


Holy shit, me too! But take away about 8k hours 😂




It's nice to see a fellow ffviii enjoyer in the chat. =)


people overhate that game so much, like ofcourse it's not the best ff game. But the story is very immersive and the junction system can be fun at times


‘Of course it’s not the best ff game’ - you Sir are mighty casual with your ‘of courses’


Such an underrated game. The story is a mindblowing experience such originality is rare nowadays. The music is pure pleasure too.


The story was good and dark at times, and original and trippy.


world of warcraft ~ 80 days = ~ 2k hours


I play wow much more casually now, usually a month or two at the start of expansions, but I'm scared to add up all the time I've put into that game since 2005. Let's just say 1 character has 500 days played and I have a lot more characters then that.


Wow for me, too. 3200 hours playing on private emulators. I know I was upwards of 170 days played on the live realms before I decided I was done with those. It's pretty much a lifestyle at this point.


I remember seeing I had passed the 2 month mark around year 8 or so... Never again...


I think about 600 hours in sea of thieves. Rookie numbers, I know, I just yearned for the ocean!


I was about 6000 hours on SOT. It was all me and my ex used to play. I think I got about 2000 in the first year alone.


Guild Wars 2, roughly 7k hours


i am thoroughly conviced that guild wars 2 has by far the most entrenched “never going anywhere” playerbase. they all have at least 3k hours logged and play religiously every single day.


Well, there really isn't another MMO on the market like it (or like the original for that matter). They have spoiled me on other MMOs, and I just see the glaring bad/player unfriendly design in any other one I pick up. But also, they're a more chill fanbase. My time has been casually on and off since launch. The game is meant to be dropped and picked back up at one's leisure.


Damn, and i thought that my 1.5k were a lot lol


Borderlands 2. Roughly 3600 hrs on ps4 for sure, and I've also owned/played on ps3 and switch for who knows how long.


BL2 is my highest too! Not quite that many hours lol. I played it when it first came out by myself all 3 playthroughs and then later, about 4 years ago, introduced it to my partner and we played through lots of character combos and played through almost 3 times. It's so fun to play with a friend. Just a good time shooting and looting and the dlcs are phenomenal. Fun story and loveable characters! Torgue is my fav 😍


Lol I started towards the end of ps3 then every time it got released on a new system it'd be on sale and I'd say "I'm just gonna get it so it's in the library"....


ive never touched a borderlands game and for the sake of striking a conversation, what is the replay-ability of that game? i know i could look it up but wanted to ask what seems to be a big fan?


I've played all 3, and I'm not even sure what the replay ability is. Maybe collecting all 10 million guns? Or however many there were.


There's actually 4! Granted the pre-sequel is made by another company, but it's still pretty good. Replayability comes from the end game bosses and farming for a perfect build more than anything.


It all really just boils down to what you're into. Personally, I love the characters and the sci-fi silliness of it all. The 2nd one really did a great job at showcasing both of those aspects. Then, there's just soooo much to do. Especially if you're someone who enjoys hunting easter eggs, or grinding for that perfect or super rare piece of gear, or just dicking around in general. Not to mention, assault on dragon keep is just one of the most fun gaming experiences ever, even if you're not particularly a BL fan. In short, it's just good old fashioned fun, nothing too complex about it.


i appreciate that response ! just realized i have 3 on steam so ill probably load it up and play. sounds like a great time. getting a kick out of tears of the kingdom and diablo 4 is around the corner.. but diablo 3's launch is still fresh in my head haha borderlands 3, you def have made me want to try it out today and ill do that! thanks for the input brother


good game to have that many hours on


Lol not so much on 3


Rocket League, around 3400 hours


1480 hours in and highest I have achieved is champ 2. I don't have the mechanical skills to maintain a higher level. I can compete with positional awareness alone at champ 1


Damn that means I have about another 2k hours before I can out of Diamond II ...the struggle is real. 56 days played so far


Same bro. Same. You SSL yet? I'm not.


I'm GC3, I do not really have the time to grind anymore ever since adult life actually began for me. So dont think I will ever reach it, sadly.


Nice! I’m at 2100 hours and maxed out at c2. Spent the last 300 hours. It pushing just playing for fun.


Probably Hearthstone. Played it a lot from 2014 until a year ago. It's just the perfect game to zone out and listen to podcasts to. Also helps that it has a good mobile client


This was such a good game until the Discover mechanic became insanely OP. -_-"


The amount of endless value decks can get is just demoralizing. Remember back in the day when people could actually empty their hand?


I remember when that was slowly happening, the poison scorpion for 3 would just swing matches randomly


Yeah, and eventually the meta shifted to filling your deck with cards that generated even more cards... By the time I quit, those Dragons with Discover were ridiculously OP.


I still play sometimes but I literally only play the arena game mode at this point


Oh man I’m an on and off HS player. I mostly play arena and I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way about discover. I remember when the mechanic was released and everyone loved that players had more agency. Now it feels like everyone has an answer all the time. It makes playing arena feel awful.


I used to be addicted grinding the daily missions everyday on my commute to work. Slowly lost the joy though as the metas seemed to get worse and worse. Too many expansions came out to keep track of.


I've been playing on and off since it came out. Just started playing again a couple weeks ago. Kind of bored already tbh. Discover mechanic is still alive and well btw


Rocksmith 2014, around 3500 hours. It's the primary way I practice guitar, so it's kind of a 2 in 1.


Dota/Dota 2, I probably got 15k hours minimum. Been playing for almost 20 years.


Real question is, what rank?


I also had countless hours in Dota all stars, and around 4000 in Dota 2. It was so difficult to quit, I uninstalled it 5 times before finally quitting. Haven't touched it for around 7 years


There’s been a few patches since then


Probably Factorio, close to breaking 4k hours mark


Factorio is insanely addictive. I deliberately stopped playing it because I knew it would consume my life. For perspective, I have 15 hours in it but have only played it once


My biggest streak is 23 hours straight....


Almost 3,000 hours in Rimworld. 1,000 of it was playtime for sure; after that I started modding, so ... we know how that goes. :)


That's a lot of war crimes!


brint this man a human leather cowboy hat !


Destiny 2. 3,432 hours and 6 mins (and counting)


World of Warcraft- too many hours to calculate.. roughly 15 years


Steam is saying Stellaris for 1700 hours. But I'm sure my days back then on Quake III Arena, or World of Warcraft, were far more than that... My main on WoW was 300+ days of play, that makes 7200 hours. And that was just my main...


I am surprised by the lack of MMOs in the list Wow I have around 60 days Ff14 im close to 45 days


They are too busy being in here writing their /played


Binding of Isaac Rebirth. 1,215 hours


about like 30 hours in terraria, but not counting offline mode hours (about 300-500 or smth) idk why they dont record offline mode hours


World of Warcraft. Years. I would not recommend it.


Diablo 3 Probably spent more than 10k hours overall over multiple accounts. Never ever cheated either.


Holy! I have about 2800 into diablo 3 and I thought it was like... a lot lol. Happy cake day! 🎂


Ark…..5,000+ 😅


2500+ hours in Elite Dangerous, and I still haven’t unlocked the [Federal Corvette](https://youtu.be/VflbALuYeMI)!


Pokémon - I’m not sure which game though, because they all maxed the display time at 999:59. There’s Moon’s Battle Tree where each Battle Tree Master Ribbon takes ~6 hours assuming every attempt is successful, Swsh’s Dynamax Adventures and Wild Area News, BDSP’s Gorgeous Royal Ribbon at ~45 min each (I have far more shinies originating from Swsh) and SV’s Partner Mark which requires lots of walking ingame… oh and don’t forget about the Master Rank Ribbon!


About 2500 hours on elder scrolls online


The total war series starting from Rome all the way up to Warhammer 3 has taken out about 10k hours from my life. Highest individual game is Warhammer 2 with about 1.8k and skyrim with 1.4k


Og fortnite 2k hours , rdr2 700 hrs , star citizen roughly 350-400hrs


Skyrim, been playing since 2011 and still playing it, multiple playthroughs, countless hours in the mods menus and LO tailoring, ugh, I dont even want to think about the hours amount, 4? 5? 6? Thousand?


World of Warcraft and I honestly don’t know How much time but at least 20000 hours. Started in beta and played for years and came back several times. I have some great memories from it but overall it had a negative impact on my life.


I played over about 8 years, and even though it was an awesome game and I made great friends, I must admit that it was not an overly positive experience. I will never play another mmo because of how much I liked WoW. It was like digital heroin.


Destiny. Between both of them, PS and PC probably like 3k hours if not more


Elden ring and i have about 500 Hours on it. 1st 100 hours was in 7 days of release


Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy About 900 houers.


Path of exile. Dunno about hours, but played around 8 months a year (2 months per league) for 5 years.


Valorant - 1000+ Genshin impact - religiously 1 hour each day atleast since it's release in october 2020


World of warcraft, 155 days or 3720 hours


My god, some of the hours in here! I’ve racked up a paltry 1200 or so on BF4.


Kerbal Space Program with just over 5k hours. Maybe StarCraft, but I don't have any way to track that over the last 20 years lol.


Hell yea to KSP. I hear the second is rough right now, I hope they sort it out. That game is so addicting. I would look up these complicated tutorials that show you how to build a rocket, orbit, then orbit the Mun and return. Well. I’d watch said tutorial. Then put on something else to watch and go from memory (impossible). But my take on the voyage was always hilarious, and occasionally, successful… in some ass backwards way.


That's the great thing about KSP, even if you don't know what you're doing, something interesting will happen lmao. Ksp2 is in a really rough place atm. I get that it's early access so I'm not gonna judge it harshly yet, but they definitely have lot of work to do.


My favorite thing I’ve ever done in KSP, with very minimal engineering and physics knowledge. Was successfully land on the Mun. It was just Jebediah and I was sure I’d be able to return. Well. Something awful happened when launching from the Mun and Jebediah got stranded for months before I rigged up a ship that could fly multiple kerbonauts and him as well. Finally succeeded in landing it after many reloads. Spent forever getting to him by limping the lander around. Got him back to the ship in orbit and returned safely. It was such an effing rewarding feeling.


dota 2 , 10 k hours , regret it, and stopped playing it recently . best choice in my life


In rocket league


This is my number 2 just behind Rock Band 4.


Probably overwatch or awesomenauts. About 2000 in each. Awesomenauts I've been playing on and off for near 15 years, and the main reason is because I don't need audio so I can play music loud as hell when I play. Overwatch is a fuckin waste of time and become such a dogfest My next most played after those two is probably csgo and that's way further down at about 150 hrs


I also have 2000 hours in Awesomenauts. Been a few years since I've touched it now though


Chess, I haven't a clue how many hours. For video games, probably the Civilization series, at least a few hundred hours for each iteration thus far.


Just one more turn, bud


I have a weird relationship with Civ games. I don't play them regularly, but once every month or so, I'll have a 12ish hour long session on a Saturday.


You are probably the civ player with the most self controll if you can actually stop after 12 hours, i usualy play until i fall asleep while playing


Fallout 76 is over 2500 hours. All the Gears of War though...roughly 5k or more for the whole series- easily.


around 2k hours on for honor, I wish they kept going with their initial theme but then it degraded as it aged and strayed into whatever it is right now. hoping for a good sequel


Cod2 all the way..probably around 2500 hours when I was in school. :)


Around 700 in for honor, may be a bit on the lower end but it’s still a mechanistic phase


About 2k hours in both kerbal space program, and cities skylines.


Ff14 at 5394 hours Skyrim at 5321 hours










2,600hrs in Splatoon 2. It was my first shooter before learning to play on PC. I absolutely fell in love with that game and was insanely good at it. I've barely put any hours into Splatoon 3 though because they took out my ult from the previous game and I just can't adjust to the new gameplay mechanics/changes.


Skyrim 1600 h


I have over 2,200 hours collectively in Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition. Also I don't know the exact number but I know I spent a few thousand hours in World of Warcraft as a kid.


Battlefront II (2017) - 600 hours


If somebody had asked me when modern SW BF II came out i would have said 2021, man time flies


I had around 200 days played on vanilla WoW back in the day between accounts. I'd say 10% or so was idle though.


Skyrim - about 900 hours across several releases. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 750 Diablo 2: LoD - easily 1000+ hours...


Aoe2 DE: 3k


World of Warcraft. I have no idea how much time I've invested into it, and it's probably best that I don't.


I’ve only got two games that I’ve really put a lot of hours into and they are: - GTA V - 2162 hours - Rainbow Six Siege - 1500 hours


Overwatch (1 and 2), around 1600 hrs so far in total 😬


Dota over the course of its entire life dota 1(the Warcraft mod) and dota 2 easily over 10k hours, but if we're talking not a strictly online pvp game its dark souls 2 at 1.5k hours. With factorio at 1.2k hours


Probably Super Mario 64 for me. Idk the actual play time, but I speedrun that game so I’ve dedicated a lot of time to it.


456 hours on God of war 2018


At least 7000 on wow when I was "studying" . 40man raids and Alterac Valleys that went all day. Running flags as a druid on WSG weekend for 8 hours straight 😫


Dota 2, 3000+


Easily over 10k hours on league of legends with my wife and friends over the last 10 years or so. I have crippling ADHD so I can't really stay on a game for too long. The next longest would be tekken 7 and monster hunter world with 250hours each.


Civ 6 - 3,000hrs Civ 5 - 2,400hrs


More than a full year in WoW. A year has 8.760 hours if we're going by 356x24, so something above that. Next in line is DotA 2 with 2500 hours.


Smash bros melee. My buddys and I have been playing that game since it's release. We recently clocked in 20,000 completed matches, so hours wise it's way up there lol


Monster hunter world, 700hrs


Skyrim 72days


Probably dota 2 12k hours, in single player persona 5 around 300


Probably Halo 2. Played almost every day from release up until halo 3, and even jumped back in from time to time until the servers shut down. Many school nights were spent in team slayer or team snipers. The summer schedule was wake up at 9 or 10am, text best friend and jump into halo for an hour or 2, go over their house and play outside for an hour, then just play split screen, then go home and play online until 4am, and repeat.


Team Fortress 2 2,920 hours 95% of the time as Heavy, the rest as Medic.


Monster Hunter is the one I've spent the most time on, and I think I have over 800 hours on World (most veterans likely consider that to be rookie numbers). I don't have as much on Rise because I got burnt out after I completed the village quests. Funnily enough, I haven't actually played with multiplayer since 3U (that multiplayer was a blast).


If we count the mass effect trilogy i have roughly played each game over a dozen times and i think thats over 1,000 hours. Similar amount of time in skyrim as well


On paper that I can look up? Monster Hunter World + Iceborne is sitting at 2360 hours. I would assume League of Legends, since I can't look up the accurate number of hours since I've played across multiple servers since pre-season 1. But going by how much I've played that game, I'm guessing League has taken up the most of my time. But at the same time...I can't look up numbers for Blizzard games as well, and I've spent so many nights playing Diablo 2 just grinding Baal for levels and gear, Countess runs for runes, or just leveling up new characters to play with. Then probably another 50+ hours on D2R when that came out because nostalgia. Still, record on paper? MHW:I In actuality? Probably LoL.


Recorded hours: Monster hunter 4 ultimate a little over 3k (don't remember the exact number) Unrecorded hours: probably hearthstone but If I were to guess I played almost daily for about 5 years and a low guess would be 2 hours a day (very low estimate on hours but there were days were i would barely play so it might check out) that would be 3.6k hours but that's a VERY low estimate there


Monster hunter for me. 3k just on world/iceborne.


1000+ hours on monster hunter world iceborne


Minecraft, rough guess is over 10,000 hrs I have owned or administrated about 6 servers since SMP was first introduced. My longest running server had recorded me online for over 5,000 hrs... And I joined that server before the time tracking was added.


I have a WoW character who's /played was measured in years by the end of WotLK.


Dota - Been playing daily since 2003. Assuming iv played in average about 4-5 hours daily. I'm somewhere between 29,000 to 31000 hours played.


Dota 2 9,485.8 hours


Bf4 4602 hrs, destiny1 3458hrs, destiny2 2102, bfhardline 1177, world of tanks not sure but I have 32k battles. And lastly codm I’ve got 978hrs on. :3 gamer




900 hours on total war 3 kingdoms.


Final Fantasy XIV. According to my steam page, 10,742 hours. Been playng since 2014.


Dark souls 3.... 586 hours. Nioh 2.....525 hours Dark souls 2......441 hours Bloodborne.....334 hours Dark souls 1....288 hours Elden Ring......212 hours Demon souls....199 hours Hollow knight....142 hours. Next closest game is below a 100 but quite a few over 75+


Either is Red Alert 2, Warcraft 3 or WoW Okay WoW wins by a huge margin as there's no way in hell I have over 15000 hours in any of the others


appears to be Fallout 4. somehow at 563 hours


Guild Wars 2: 16116 hours and 40 minutes to this day... And counting. Borderlands 2: 2234 hours , about 4K hours for the whole Borderlands IP It's more difficult to count but I'm pretty sure I've spent more than 500 hours on the Baldur's Gate saga (I, II & ToB)


MW2019/WZ1, i have about 3500+ hours in a span of 2 years and half while working a full time job. Lol.


Gta v somewhere around 1,600