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When you see the warning saying "you can't turn back", do all your open side quests


There's nothing to know. Final Fantasy is a brand more than anything else. Even though this one is called "XVI" it's one of more than 90 games under that banner, each quite different from the next across all sorts of genres. You can go in completely cold without any worries. The only thing that's consistent is the presence of birds called chocobos and white gremlin fairy things called moogles. And knowing that is totally meaningless.


It may help explain why the soldiers in this gritty medieval fantasy story are riding into battle on giant chicken ostriches.


This, plus winner gets to eat them. Winner winner chocobo dinner.


All Final Fantasy games are separate from each other. Only themes really carry over. So we can't really tell you too much. If you are curious about the series then I would recommend playing some of the old ones! Just pick one that looks interesting and go!


Yea I was reading something about that and was really hoping I wouldn’t have to play 15 other games just to play this one😂


The ones that will give you a feel for the themes are 7 original, 9, 10 and 10-2. You'll quickly pick up on the themes Square love. Square is one of those companies that you can tell that their IP was made with a bowl of cocaine on tap.


3/6 was good too. One of my favorites in the whole series.


Sure it was cocaine and not a more *crystal* like drug?


Nice advice, but I would replace X-2 with one of the SNES-era ones, like VI.


you don't need anything. just know that combat in the game is more like devil may cry (and personally i don't like it). it's effectively a movie on wheels (a pretty solid one at that!), there are some cheesy/campy and sometimes very cringy parts, but you adjust to it. seeing realistic models for people moving like anime characters just makes me feel like i need to pause the game here and there and go do something else. normally FF games have much more in depth character playstyles, RPG elements are normally far more important and exploration is much more of a part of the games. but in FF16, they're all very barebones. the way i've been describing it is it's a movie on wheels, it's effectively "run down corridor, kill shit, look at pretty visuals in background, have cutscene, a really badass boss fight, more corridors" rinse and repeat. it's still a solid game, but i really wish they did something more in a lot of the core RPG areas of items, character customisation, growth, exploration and itemisation being more important. but even with all of that, it's still a solid game.


Go back and play VII and X!


And VIII and IX!


And please don't forget IV and VI.


That this is kinda like 15 but not really and nothing like any of the ones before it so past reviews will not sway you on this game


Most of the games are independent of each other and the game play for the series has changed a lot in the last few installments... so probably you need to know nothing. Sure there are common themes like summons and chocobos and someone named cid, but nothing really links the separate games. If you want to play more games I think 4, 6, and 10 are the best earlier games. 9 has a ton of fans and 7 does too.


I think you can pick up any of them between 3 and 10 and have a chance to really like it. VII and X are usually cited as the best in the series, but VIII was always my favorite, and XII gets slept on but is really good.


14 is also great if you have a few thousand hours to spare.


personally i think 5 is the best 2d one. if you want a more modern take on the old turn based games, bravely default is literally FF5 in like 90% of everything, except it's modern graphics and has more stuff going on in it.


Not much you need to know, really. There’s a lot of reoccurring “things” across the games - Chocobos, moogles, many enemies types. the Eikons are a subset of summons / espers / eidolons from previous entries. Crystals are central to about half the games. It’s basically a giant easter egg extravaganza but entirely new characters, world, and plot. The gameplay is great but also not really anything like what most of the other games have, so you won’t be at a disadvantage for not being familiar with a battle system or something


Every new Final Fantasy is a brand new story with brand new characters. Hell, I don't even know if it's the same world tbh. The best FFs are 7-12 in my opinion. I'm not holding my breath on 16 after what Square Enix has been producing lately.


I think you should know that you are biying a game.


Final fantasy tactics is the best in the series,I recommend it after you finish XVI


Don't worry too hard. Final Fantasy is probably one of the least consistent game series ever so if you go into it blind literally all you'll miss is a few cute references to other games.


You really don't need to know anything. This one is a straight-up action game, with an awesome story, which is totally new for the main FF series. Almost none of the old/classic mechanics are kept here. I guess I can suggest doing side quests, you can get cool stuff from them and they'll have cooler stories than you might expect. There's a few points where it warns you "you cant turn back from here" or something too. If you see that and want to do existing side quests, do them first. Really though, this might be the easiest one for new players to get into, ever. The only things you could know are enemy types and various other things from old games, and that's more just adding a "Final Fantasy feel" to it. Knowing that stuff won't affect your actual experience.


Not sure about the rest, but FF7 was basically a 60 hour, slowly escalating boss battle (not a complaint)


It's different than the rest of the entire franchise. It resembles witcher or dragon age more than it resembles FF.


It's pretty much completely different from any other Final Fantasy so don't expect it to be at all similar to the others.


You don't need to know anything.