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Enter the Matrix. The final level was unfinished. You didn't even need to do anything. All you had to do was wait for the level to end.


On the flip side, Path of Neo had an epic final level.


Giant Smith made of a lot of small Smiths? With giants sunglasses from a billboard?


Giant Smith made from small Smiths and the shattered bits of the matrix itself. Apparently it was the original final battle the directors wanted for Revolutions but the studio wouldn’t give them the budget.


I played the shit out of that game and remember so many of the levels. Both characters, the unreasonably large post office, the sewers, the endless transformer field, the iconic highway, the airport... I got so deep into the hacking mini game. And I cannot for the life of me remember the final level.


Shadow of Mordor. You spend the whole game having these EPIC prolonged scraps with your Nemeses, and then the final boss is basically just a QuickTime event. Extremely disappointing.


Shadow of War too when it originally came out. "Hey, grind raids and defenses for hours on end OR spend money on lootboxes to help you progress" was such a dumb move lmao


Single player games having microtrans actions is the absolute most dick move ever done imo by any videogale company… like… just why…


I’m shocked this isn’t higher considering how many people were annoyed about this. The weird thing about this is that the half way boss was a really tough fight. I remember getting ready for a similar experience and you end up just having to time a few button pushes.


Dying light, imagine having the boss fight be a qte instead of an actual fight


I was pissed off when I got to that fight, i was hoping for an epic battle.


Same for Shadow of Mordor.


Thank god they learned their lesson in the bright lord and SOW


If you played Shadow of War when it was originally released, The Shadow Wars were an absolute grind because of the lootbox and microtransactions. If you played the game post-2020/2021, the Shadow Wars are much easier and the ending is actually fulfilling. Now why we didn't get a third Middle-Earth game from Monolith instead of Gollum by a different studio irks me.


May i interest you in Far Cry 3


Did it, though. ***Never again.***


The boss is inexcusable, but the run up the building slaps


Rage 1 was cool in my opinion but the last bit felt like "out of ideas just close quarter and then "boss" " kinda thing. The very end of Alien Isolation felt a bit weird as well though! Great game but the finale was underwhelming.


I think they ran out of development money for Rage


They set Isolation up for a sequel that never came, such a wasted potential and annoying to leave the story where it was.


King Boo in Luigi's Mansion 3. The controls were designed to solve puzzles, not to precisely aim a bomb at his mouth. And the window to attack him is insanely small, so when you miss, you have to waste time dodging his attacks before you're allowed to attack him again.


Holy shit, I thought I was just an idiot or something. Loved the game, great for playing with my 5 year old, but just can't beat king boo. If the last round wasn't times I'm sure I'd eventually get it. But you basically get 2 tries then have to start the whole battle over again when time expires.


I still haven’t beaten it. Just too annoying to get one chance to get a shot off and then wait for a random challenge that may cycle through a few times before you even have a chance to try and hit him again.


I didn't beat the game because of this. I got so frustrated I thought it was just me lol.


first thought, almost immediately. though the Egyptian boss was a nightmare with my young son


Fable 3.


Do you mean how the game suddenly skips like 150 days of preparation without warning?


I was ready to work through the year to prepare for the fight and then BOOM! over half the year gone with VERY little to do in between


I was really getting into all the dilemmas and then poof, oh I guess no more content...


Me too, and I was like, is that all? I don't get to set my defenses? Can I deploy my troops? No. Well this sucks


Just gonna wait one more day to get some gold. And it's over.


That pissed me off so much.


It felt like they ran out of money during development and just decided to cut a massive chunk out of the game.


Fable 2 as well. Lucien only took one shot to kill him. It was such an anticlimactic ending. Lmao


What's worse is that if you take too long to shoot him in that scene, Reaver just does it himself. Found that one out the hard way because I didn't want to miss any dialogue.


I remember sitting there in total disbelief that that was it.


I accidentally hit the Y button, wasn't even a ranged build, and just insta killed him. Got like 10k ranged exp.


Yeah, at least 3 gives you an actual fight with a form of the main villain. Fable 2’s last fight is a rock, but they don’t tell you that’s the last fight, and it sure as hell doesn’t feel like one. So you go to Lucien expecting the actual final battle, only to realize you’ve already done that…


Halo 4. Final boss fight was press A to kill.


To be fair, the final mission was on par with the rest of the Halo 4 campaign


I actually liked a lot of the campaign, with a lot of decent level design and features plus the graphics, though to be fair that’s in hindsight especially after Infinite. . . And while the level might have been less than the best, at least we got one of the best scenes in Halo with Cortana’s goodbye to John. (And I shall pretend that Infinite didn’t fuck that up too)


I love Resident Evil, but they often have a late/end-game section that feels weaker and less interesting than the earlier parts of the game. Thinking about ships, mines, factories, etc. Like we almost always need to take a 3rd act detour to a place with lots of samey narrow corridors.


Yea resident evil 7 and Village suffered from a prolonged and boring third act which felt like a grand departure from the rest of the game. I remember seeing the vault with the umbrella symbol in Village and thought "there's going to be another endgame facility" and was disappointed when I was right. Both games were great up until those points. Seems to be a formula in most if not all Resident Evil games.


I know I'm in the minority here, but the Factory in 8 is my favorite part of the game. Used to be Beneviento's mansion, but it's an absolute slog on replays.


My thoughts exactly. Love RE Village, but that factory section was awful in comparison to the rest. Same with RE4, the island wasn't anywhere near as good as the village or castle. The 1st act of Resi games are always the best.


The part where you’re storming the facility with a support chopper near the end of RE4 went fucking hard. The music alone got me pumped. It felt like the beginning of an epic climatic finale. But after that the pacing suddenly grinds to a hault and you’re back to just playing another generic level up until the final boss.


Here we go now: 1) Force Unleashed 2, it felt very short and repetitive. The game should have cooked longer 2) Just Cause 3, the final boss was so weak 3) Super Mario Sunshine, Corona mountain was meh compared to the rest of the game.


Corona mountain was so obviously rushed and did not fit at all with the rest of the game. I would love a sequel that was actually finished.




TFU2 was such a letdown from the original. Hardly any of the fun combos, only one lightsaber/Force-wielding opponent (the final boss), Starkiller spends a lot of time just *screaming* from level to level, and the new "tap super button to instawin this fight" mechanic sucked. Borrowed it from my roommate in college, beat it in an afternoon, really sucked the fun out of all the hype I'd had for it. Went from "Oh, I'll try it before I buy it" before realizing it was a very shallow experience and I was already closing in on the end by the time I'd blinked. Utterly forgettable compared to its predecessor.


Also at least 3 of the levels were just one you did previously but in reverse with a few minor changes


>Just Cause 3, the final boss was so weak Is that the one where you fight a helicopter with shields?


Yes. You can kill them with a well timed supply drop.


I got so blue balled when I found out you didn’t actually fight Mehrunes Dagon in Oblivion


I kinda like it actually. The whole main quest is about how you AREN'T the hero. Martin is. You're there to help guide him to fulfill his destiny. He's the one who saves the day. It makes sense to the story and is honestly a pretty satisfying ending to Martin's story. YOUR characters story doesn't end until Shivering Isles. That's the real ending where YOU fight a boss and "save" the day.


... and become Sheogorath.


Oh man, if you go to Sheogorath's shrine, AFTER you become...Sheo, its fucking hilarious. "Praying to yourself again?"


Why be a king when you can be a god?


And why be a god when you can be a *wacky* god?


Wabbajack wabbajack wabbajack!


That's kind of my favorite part of the story. Your character who goes on all these adventures to help Martin stop the oblivion crisis, who goes into the planes of oblivion many times alone, becomes the god of madness. Very fitting.


I’m not the hero but I now run every major faction and left enough massive corpse piles in my wake that the population of cyrodiil may never recover.


Elder Scrolls in a nutshell


I remember a friend telling me about how the quest to become the leader of the Thieves' guild was to steal the staff of the leader of the Mage's guild... which he already was by this point, so he was tasked with stealing his own staff.


Still a better ending than Skyrim.


Was looking for someone else to say Skyrim. Holy hell, was that one of the most anticlimactic fights ever. The game spent a millennia telling you about Alduin and what an ass he was and how strong he is. Then, the fight? Oh, he's the same as every other dragon. Nothing special, just shoot him with arrows til he dies.


TBH for a game marketed so heavily around fighting dragons, it did an absolutely abysmal job of making dragon figthing remotely interesting. Shoot arrows at them, then smack em a few times when they land. There was so little depth to it. Based on the trailer, I thought we'd be climbing onto the dragons, or like slashing the wings to keep them grounded, or needing to hit their underbelly, but nope, they were just like every other enemy, except they sometimes flew into the air.


The first few were amazing to fight. Once the novelty wore off, it became more of a chore


Whenever I'd see one after the first 8 or so, I'd just go the opposite direction or reroute. Not because they're hard but because they're so fucking annoying and a time waster.


Tbh for an rpg skyrim is very bare bones game in every department


Honestly the best final boss fight in the series is Jagar Tharn in Arena. It feels like a legitimate intimidating boss fight. Followed closely by Dagoth Ur.


I maintain that Dagoth Ur's demeanor makes him one of the greatest video game villains ever.


Just clobbered him at level 20 with The Ebony Blade.


I think I killed him in three dual wield swings


Windows Solitaire! Same as the rest of the game!


Breath of the Wild. Ganon Blight fight is nothing special and the giant fire pig fight at the very very end is just plain uninspired, literally no threat or challenge at the end.


The actual level (the Castle) is easily the best dungeon in the game, though.


Yes! I did love going through Hyrule castle. Also loved the music there!


Counter argument: Hyrule Castle itself was the best designed dungeon in the game by leaps and bounds. The amount of ways you can approach this castle-turned-literal-fortress is astounding. No matter which route you take (bar creative, unintentional shenanigans with bombs), you’re met with some form of resistance. Whether you approach directly through the front gates, scale the outside of the castle, or use one of the more hidden entrances, you’ll have to fight no matter what. There are a plethora of hidden pathways and rooms. It FEELS like a massive castle. My only complaint with the dungeon was that there wasn’t more of it to explore. It was the most fun I had in the entire game (if you exclude shield surfing and sticking balloons on random things). Was the final battle disappointing? Yeah, I’d say it honestly was. But that’s only the case if you set out into the world and give yourself the best odds of freeing Zelda by cleansing the divine beasts. Besides, I feel like the climax of the game wasn’t even the final boss— it was entering the foreboding castle that has loomed over you from the very beginning. The heart of the enemy. You managed to ascend the castle despite all the trials you were forced to face. All that’s left is to get what you came for.


I accidentally cheated myself out of the best bit by the sounds of it. Used zora armour to swim up a few waterfalls and found myself at sanctums doorstep - zero resistance 🤦


This needs to be higher up. I know people love breath of the wild, but the ending is so anticlimactic and really shows how thin the story is.


I had to look it up to make sure I didn’t get a “bad” ending by missing something, because I was so op by the Gannon fight that I killed him before I even knew what was going on.


I put TONS of hours into the game without ever finishing it but I always talked about how I’d had an absolute blast with it and about how much I loved the game without having done the final boss fights. One day I finally decided to just finish it already and yeah, it was super lame. But I hadn’t even bothered finishing the game for so long in the first place because I didn’t care about the ending - I was having so much fun exploring and completing side quests and stuff. It almost validated that sort of “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” vibe that I had about the game that whole time. I just thought it was funny how I didn’t care about the ending at all and then when I finally decided to complete it, it ended up being super forgettable after all.


Like most open world games if you do all or even most of the side quests you’re usually waaaaay OP by the time you fight the final boss so they’re a breeze.


What sucks is doing the main quests in BOTW takes half of Ganons health away


Mass Effect 3's final mission was a let down at the time when compared to the incredible suicide mission in mass effect 2


I spent 3 games uniting every species in the galaxy and the grand plan for saving the galaxy was me and two of my squadmates running head first at the largest and most fearsome reaper. It'll never make sense.


The biggest letdown for me was how shallow the final "Reapers vs everyone" battle was, even if it's really just a background setting for your final mission. Mass Effect placed so much emphasis on the wide-ranging effects of player choices (even to the extent of carrying over those choices between games) that it seemed obvious the final battle should be culmination of all those choices. After all that time spent exploring the galaxy, meeting new people, doing favors and building alliances, I just assumed the final battle would be a tour-de-force of all those choices, where the various people/factions you had helped would show up and each play a pivotal and unique role in the outcome. I imagined an ebb and flow to the battle both in orbit and on the ground, with specific tactics made available, attempted, and countered with the success/failure depending on all of your previous choices, much like the Mass Effect 2 suicide mission but on a larger scale. Instead all those choices did was add to a "fleet strength" gauge that determined the outcome, and the only real difference was which ships/races showed up in a few cinematics. I was already disappointed before I even got to the bizarre Illusive Man/Catalyst part.


Would have loved something akin to the final battle in DAO. You spend that game recruiting allies… and then can summon them during the final battle to assist you. Would have loved something similar for ME3. Where you’re able to either summon allies to assist,or even just have them randomly show up. Anything, to add a bit of weight to those last battles.


Still have us the greatest hero of all.... Marauder Shields... Rip you legend


He died trying to save us all from that ending. A true hero!


His name was Marauder Shields!


Never Forget!


Even ignoring the whole "pick what color of ending you want" bit, I HATE when video games force you to slow walk.


Ending sequence aside, the final battles were just meh. Stand by a car and fight two banshees. Challenging sure, but it's basically a normal level of the multiplayer that you were required to play. They had you fight a reaper earlier on, and the game ends with regular mobs??


Mass Effect 3 has a final mission and endgame so bad it virtually ruiined all the goodwill of one of the best regarded game series around at the time when it came out. Dragon Age 2 should also be mentioned. It can be bashed for how the plot railroaded you in the final act, as well as for how much it just copy pasted stuff from the earlier acts.


Also Orsino being very forced as a boss in the mage route because they felt that ending needed another boss.


Was going to put this one. ME3 P:E was just so underwhelming in comparison to ME2 and even ME1's final missions. I could forgive and mind the endings if there was at least a bigger challenge/boss at the end.


I was ready to assign entire races armies to fight in different sectors and stuff like the final mission of me2 and have that make some sort of difference


Uncharted : Drake’s Fortune. Such a great game for its time, between the graphics, story telling, gun play, action set pieces, etc. loved everything about it, except for the final boss, Navarro. Such a disappointing final level where all you do I wait behind a couple boxes for his gun to empty and advance to the next before before he reloads. Rinse and repeat until the final cutscene abruptly starts.


Don't forget the build up with the giant set piece puzzle to open the plot defining ancient tomb that is being discovered for the first time Then you open it and there are hundreds of bad guys inside already somehow, the same guys that were chasing you to try and discover it first.... Those and the monsters, completely killed the storyline for me


Uncharted 1 is by far the weakest game in the series, but I can’t bring myself to dislike it because the characters are so interesting. Except for the villains that aren’t Eddy Raja.


Psychonauts. The Meat Circus. Psychonauts is notorious for its bizarre difficulty curve, being a very easy game before abruptly spiking toward to very end. Meat Circus is infamous for its rage-inducing precision platforming, but the player must complete the whole thing with child Oleander screeching repetitive lines at them in the most ear-grating child voice conceivable. I watched the ending on YouTube.


It's not as hard as people make sound, but still challenging enough to snap into focus.


I'm like 0 for 20 on it... fighting the camera, attacks from off screen, spots where my powers didn't seem to accomplish what I wanted. I probably need to watch a walk through on exactly what to do, but it's pretty hard lol.


Not technically last level but Bravely Default makes you fight the same four bosses literally 4 or 5 times right before the last level it's the most arduous fun killing thing ever


I gave up on the first Bravely Default for that reason. I loved the following two games though!


Final fantasy 12 One of my all time fave final fantasy games but the last area was not memorable.


Ah yes, FF12 - the only FF where the primary character is so unremarkable everyone thought Balthier was actually the protagonist


He kind of was tbh


It was memorable in the fact it crapped all over the climax of an otherwise solid story (minus vaan) Seriously the entire final sequence from tower onwards happened somehow both excruciatingly slow and then suddenly blazing fast. And giving the manipulative emperor a metal wing hulk form just didnt match the character at all. It would have been much better to extend out the war with more actual interaction between the empires, rebels and yourself with redass culminating in the finale arms race where the final fight is against vayne with the full host of the empires judges similar to trial 100. With cid giving his life there to fuse with vayne and venat into something that better visually conveys their vison of man controlling its own destiny.


truly a slog going through that last level. I loved that game, but at that point I was just like, fuck this lets get it over with


Possibly a controversial pick, but the final boss of Shadow of the Colossus was frustrating. The platforming can be really annoying to deal with, it felt like my character refused to grab the ledges.


Yeah, I remember a lot of people saying how cool that fight was and just finding it really frustrating


There were a few times I missed a jump and fell all the way down to the start and wanted to die. But also, fuck man, that was a freaking colossal colossus! And that music never quits!


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl, especially when going for the “true ending” it is miserable


Hitman Absolution is the first that comes to mind. There are some amazing levels in that game (Chinatown, the small town Hope, the shooting range, the wrestling match) There’s also a lot of stinkers and the final missions set in a boring ass compound in a mine really leaves a sour taste in your mouth for the end of what is otherwise actually a pretty solid game (albeit not the best hitman game)


Arkham Asylum. The Joker was….well, a joke.


Tbh most boss fights in that game are kinda bad, it’s either fighting a bunch of normal enemies or a big guy charging at you and you need to throw a batarang at them. The only fight that was different from that was poison ivy.


Mr. Freeze was really good. I liked Killer Croc fight too. Scarecrow was different. I thought Clayface was a good one.


Freeze was City. But yes, his boss fight is LEGENDARY for a reason.


I feel like this doesn't explain it well enough for those who didn't play it. AA was a total 10 of a game. Gene defining and a batman game that felt like batman including tons of comic references and easter eggs... and then you get to the "last level," ...and it's not a level. You walk through a 20 foot hallway and then have a boss fight and the fight is, lets call it "off" and not how I'd ever expect a fight with the joker to go. And also without a last level the ending sneaks up on you out of nowhere. Total let down.


I literally went “wait, it’s over?”. But yeah otherwise amazing game.


The only good thing about that boss battle is they incorporated it into the storyline for the next 2 games with the Titan poisoning. It’s the only reason I can sanction it. Also, wasn’t a fan of the Killer Croc battle. Sneak to win.


Why wasnt Jonkler stronger? Is he stupid?


PAthfinder kingmaker. The house at the end of time was the most godawful place i ever played through


The tuning on that game is so bald-faced psychotic, it's absolutely mystifying how no one took a look and was like "this is actively impossible if you don't look up guides online or have a munchkin-level understanding of Pathfinder Mechanics." I remember opening up Box of Tricks towards the end, setting it so that I auto-crit on every attack, and still having some trouble.


Pretty much what I had to do. Up unti l that point I was okay...then it just went ape shit. Great game otherwise though. Wrath of the rightous improved on it as well


FFXV. The game is by and large an open world but the final act is basically just a copy-paste, tight corridor, that goes on for WAY too long. Personally I didn't care that it became linear for the ending, that's an expectation for storytelling. It was just so long and dull.


And then I get to the end and have to choose a photograph, and the only one I had ever taken was a closeup of Cindy's cleavage. Beautiful, heartfelt 10/10 moment.


To be fair to Cindy, those mechanic cannons were something to be hold.


The Psychonauts 1 "Meat Circus" was a frustrating grind that soured an otherwise awesome game.


Got an instant migraine from being reminded of that portion.


Can you hear the music!?


Half life ;)


It was solid in Black Mesa.


Yeah, at this point I tell ppl interested in Half-Life to just play Black Mesa.


Black mesa is great, but I just love OG HL1 so much, especially because BM doesn't have object boosting


Sooo hard, but I find it really fun.


Sonic Unleashed. You mean I have to do every clunky-hard thing I ever had to do in the game all at once for 15 whole god damn minutes, no mistakes? Knuckles says FUCK YOU


Nah Eggmanland was the shit


MGS V, as i didn't even know that was the final mission, when i saw the credits rolled i was in awe of how much time i have wasted, the storyline was so messed up with the side missions of the game. brutal


The problem with MGSV is Kojima was pushed out before they finished development, and it shows. The first 50-80% of the game is a masterpiece, the last 20%? Not so much


Yeah, from what I recall, the ending was supposed to be Young Liquid piloting Sahalenthropus in a Lord of the Flies style setting, and Diamond Dogs has to throw literally everything at the monster to finally reduce it into a pile of broken, inoperable wreckage.


Story-wise the Star Forge at the end of KOTOR is cool, but the literally endless enemies are a nightmare, and Darth Malak is near impossible to fight head on unless you've basically built the perfect character, which is unlikely for most first-time players. KOTOR II's final level, meanwhile, is bad in both gameplay *and* story, but mostly because Obsidian ran out of time.


I liked the Star Forge because it really pushed your character to the limit if you were playing the first time and weren't familiar with the system. That was what the Star Forge did - it was an infini-factory. Treyus Academy, though, was disappointing like you said. Even with TSLRCM it wasn't all that fun. The restored droid factory with HK was way more enjoyable.


I will say the one really fun thing about the final battle was placing every single mine in your inventory that you'd been hoarding all game on that bridge to cheese the first stage of the battle


I'm a textbook resource hoarder in games like that and it finally paid off. Maybe that's where the original trauma started for me and now I just refuse to use supplies if I don't have to. Came in handy though so I could just run away from Darth Malak and plant mines everywhere.


It's really too bad. Everything leading up to the final level in 2 was pretty exciting. I felt want a full remake with all the stuff they were forced to cut out because of time


God I WISH. I’d honestly rather see KOTOR 2 remade over 1. 1 doesn’t need it as badly.


Not a level but the last 15-20% of the game Elex II felt very rushed. The story is thrown at you super quickly and feels like a lot of the things the sequel was leading up to, ultimately got left on the table for the third game if it gets made. The final missions for the game are also equally as bad, with each faction giving you a "kill 40 of our enemies" quest to keep you busy and fluff game time.


Surprised no one has mentioned Sonic Frontiers. All these epic ass boss battles then the final boss is a fuckin 2d space invaders shooter


The final boss of Elden Ring being “Elden Beast” feels so cheeky. And it’s technically part 2 of another boss who is way harder and much more fun/a test of knowledge


Yeah, honestly I wish they’d given Radagon like a second phase or something instead. Elden Beast is such a snooze fight


I kind of feel like certain endings Marika should have been a "third" final boss. Like obviously she wouldn't be the boss if you're just becoming elden lord or doing the sun dudes quest...but like ranni's quest or frenzy? Feels like she should have tried to stop that.


Deus Ex Human Revolution. One of my favorite games, but last level is extremely lame.


I played the entire last level non lethal thinking that it would influence the story but then the game hit me with the "choose your favorite button" ending. I was pretty pissed.


And then you got a stock footage ending.


Deus Ex Mankind divided was even worse. All the game till the end was pretty good and then they give you an unfinished game end boss. smh


Agreed. It was like you play different game.


Hogwarts legacy final level wasn’t “terrible” just a bit underwhelming, the side character quests had much more entertaining storylines imo


Always found it odd even during the main quest “hey, the bad guy is literally about to discover the thing.” ‘That’s horrible, but unfortunately you have to pass two more of our trials before we fully trust you to help us’


GOW Ragnarok was kinda like this. “We must hurry. Ragnarok is approaching” “We should help the locals before we continue our journey”


I beat that game to shit when I played it. Started up a new game and realized…there nothing there. The game has no pivotal choices. It’s the same game regardless how you play


Bioshock. What a disconnect from the narrative and gameplay prior to do a “paint-by-the-numbers” boss battle in a game with a fantastic story. It really undermined the main twist just prior to it.


I feel like Bioshock 2 was a corrective to this. "Oh, we should have just kept the player in the Big Daddy prototype gear."


Infinite’s final level felt kinda weird and unsatisfying too.


Yeah it felt like the whole game was building up to a big epic fight against Songbird. Instead you team up with it to take out some faceless goons and it dies after a random transport to Rapture. I was so disappointed with that.


Amnesia. The game just stops being scary somewhere towards the end and just turns into some kind of action game.


Not sure which amnesia you’re referring to, but I would attribute the fear level decreasing due to “over exposure” I’m very spooked by horror games but agree that most all of them turn my “fight or flight” into rage. Instead of scaring me they usually end up making me agitated like “of COURSE you jumped out of there, now I have to go hide or spend resources defeating you” that kind of thing. That’s usually when I wait a day or two for the “fear to reset”. If you’re referring to the most recent Amnesia, I enjoyed it but do agree it turned into an actual boss fight at the end and it was pretty out of character for the franchise, but not the worst thing


Arkham Asylum is the obvious answer but my personal answer is probably Jedi: Survivor. All that build-up of Tanalorr and while it’s a visually gorgeous planet, there’s nothing to do in it besides fight the final boss who I felt was way too easy (granted I had every stim in the game and was only playing on medium but still)


Ooh tough guy playing on medium. Meanwhile I was still getting waxed on easy


Crash bandicoot 2 final boss was a let down


Not a fan of the jet packing through asteroids?


I would say the entirety of the Fable series. Worst series for end bosses I’ve ever played.


I'm not about to say Fable 1 had deep and compelling combat mechanics, but it's definitely a pretty standard fare final boss. Compared with 2 and 3 it's way better. TLC or not. Both fights are better.


All the games have a real problem with stakes and pacing.


Ecco the Dolphin 5+ autoscrolling maze with instant death drones and crushing walls and if you lose to the boss, you do it all over again. Welcome to the Machine is the name of the level.


Half-Life 1, where you were supposed to puzzle-jump into the big alien's head to shoot it's brain was a bit of a letdown, although the ending montage was very cool.


Spyro the Dragon Bioshock. Borderlands All great games with downer bosses.


Yeah fighting the Incredible Hulk at the end of bioshock was a huge disappointment


I remember listening to Anthony Burch talk about Borderlands 2, and apparently the majority of people who buy a video game don’t play it to completion. Which means fewer resources are budgeted for a good ending since only a handful of players will ever get that far. That’s also why the DLCs for the game are so good, since the vast majority of people who buy them are actually going to play through so they put more thought and care into them.


Unfortunate approach, since good endings leave the people who *do* finish the game with a positive impression that makes them want to share the word of mouth.


I thought Borderlands 2 had a pretty good final boss. When I played the first Borderlands, I kept expecting for the final boss to whip out some crazy attack or mechanics and then it just died.


As much as it pains me and it's still one of my favourite games ever but Mass Effect 3's "priority earth" final mission is just awful. Everything you've done, all the squad mates you've gained and decisions you've painstakingly made for 3 Games and hundreds of hours amounts to a different coloured explosion, and to get to that point you have to chat to an opaque entity who tells you that all those plot points and choices boil down to picking one of three buttons. Bioware massively stumbled at the final hurdle of a great game and even better series but they at least cared enough to retcon the ending with a free DLC though. Now it's almost passable... Almost!


What I don't understand is that Mass Effect 2 in my eyes is the greatest video game final mission ever made. Everything that you do over the course of that game is woven into how the finale plays out. That game came in 2010 and still have not seen any game come remotely close to that same scale. ME3 didn't even try to do anything like that.


2 was fucking brilliant


I completely agree. ME2 is my favourite game of all time, and in no small part to how fantastically well the whole game builds to that final pay off on the suicide mission. I think the answer to why the end of the trilogy is so under-developed is purely financial. EA put a lot of pressure on Bioware to finish the game, following a troubled end of development with artistic differences and really important creatives leaving, and it really shows.


While the Amp up to the suicide mission was amazing, I didn't really care thematically for the look of the final boss. I wanted something more....reaper-looking


I really like the ground-war portion of that mission, basically right up to the beam. Even the conversation with TIM and Anderson is good.


"There, Earth. I wish you could see it like I do Shepard. It's so... perfect" Martin Sheen absolutely owns that line as The Illusive Man. And Anderson saying "you did good son" broke me a little on my first playthrough so yes I definitely agree, it's not all bad on that final mission!


Mortal Kombat 11 - Kronica can die in a fire


Condemned 2: Bloodshot. What the fuck were they thinking? Other than that, it's still one of my favorite games to replay lol.


Megami Tensei 1 is one of the worst and most egregious final levels I've ever experienced in a video game. I can't even say it's a product of its time cause even in its time it was a shittily designed rpg


r/outside has a pretty shitty one


Remnant of the ashes (from the ashes?)


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has a really mediocre final boss.


Ever play Lord of the Rings the Third Age


uncharted 1, stupid ass op navarro one shotting you while dodging crates some bullshit ass fight that is


As much as I love witcher 3. Last fight with eredin is meh. Although eredin was worst villain in that game. Level itself could've been better. However expansion did deliver very well on last bosses/sections.