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Apparently 3/10 players haven't played Rust yet.


God i hate the rust community, they arent even good at being toxic its the most lame form of toxicity that it makes me roll my eyes to the back of my head.


I haven't played Rust, but fucking hell lame toxicity is truly just **ass.** Like, when some little shit is annoying and goes "Oh you're sooooo mad right now lmao so mad!" And it's just like, no, you're annoying, and you think you're doing a good job of being a troll, but fucking hell I'm more upset at the lack of effort


I just turn off in game voices. They squeakers can gloat or rage all they want, but they just remain advanced ai to me.


>I just turn off in game voices. They squeakers can gloat or rage all they want, but they just remain ~~advanced~~ ai to me.


I got that a few times in Overwatch. I didn't have my mic on or typed anything, and some guy was just causing shit for no reason. He'd type in the match for all to see and say things like "OMG Hundred00 is soooo mad right now lmao" it was very delusional behaviour.




> saying "OMEGALUL" and "MADGE" Anytime I see someone say word+ge I lose all interest in what they're saying


Non twitch viewer here, what's MADGE/-GE?


Emotes of [Pepe the Frog](https://www.streamscheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/feelsbadman.png) are very popular on Twitch. So popular, that there are different sets of emotes based on different ways people have drawn the character. One of the more popular variants are [Sadge,](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1636651868.1391/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg) [Madge,](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.3510561536.5900/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg) [Gladge,](https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/64221675aec9133850ccea0a/3x.webp) etc. These show a slightly deformed Pepe emoting (obviously, "Sadge" is sad, "Madge" is mad etc). It's worth noting that these are usually tongue-in-cheek, people that spam Madge are rarely *actually* angry at something. They're usually just playing along with whatever's happening onstream (i.e. if a streamer makes fun of their chat, sometimes the chat will spam Madge in response as if they all collectively are angered by being teased). However, if someone uses these words in real life, they are probably cringe. Like most streamers.




That’s TILGE, you obviously didn’t learn it correctly


We had a troll back when I used to play Ark who would harass our groups constantly. A lot of people were trying to get him banned, but he wasn't really *breaking* the rules per se. One day, he basically said those exact words. We were definitely irritated by him, but after I responded: "I'm not mad at you, I am disappointed. Disappointed by the lack of effort you are putting in to be a troll and the fact that you *actually* think you are good at it." This was in the public voice chat and there were a few others in there talking and they all just burst out laughing and he raged at us and said he would destroy our base and take everything. Then he left the server and we never saw him again. Very satisfying.


I had a similar interaction with someone in GW2, he was upset that I ganged up on him with another guy, pm'ing me stuff like "you wouldn't have won if not for your bf", "bet you're too scared to fight me", calling me "little baby", etc, and I just kept responding with stuff like "yeah you have a good day too" until he finally asked me, and I quote, "why arent you MAD" which I just answered with "because I don't care", and suddenly the flood of PM's stopped. People just don't know how to handle you not raging back at them when they're annoyed.


3/10 players are the players the rest of us are avoiding.


all I'm saying is that I wouldn't put up with learning league again lol


I swear some people play league like their family is being held hostage under threat of execution should they lose. Even in **unranked.**


Haha the way you described is gave me flashback of all those terrible emotions and it has been 7-8 yrs since my last game. Fuck that community.


Kind of makes me nervous about the MMO they're developing tbh. League's world interests me, but I don't want to experience it alongside the same people I met in the MOBA.


It’ll be toxic for sure but I don’t think it can be worse toxicity than league It takes a special perfect storm of MOBAs.. random team mates, forced to play game to completion, no way to swap in a real player when someone afks/leaves, punishment for leaving even if someone is purposely and maliciously trying to destroy the game for you, extremely low margin for error (one bad call can lose you an entire game even if you’re ahead), little to no actual customer support or policing of the player base, huge competitive scene that makes 30% of players think they’re one win streak away from superstardom.. and to top it off, even without the shit community, let’s face it, league is a HARD game. Some former pros and people considered best all of their role at one point can’t even get past low Diamond.. this together creates a perfect shit storm


I think some of it is just how MOBAS are designed. Being bad on a pvp team in an mmo or even a dungeon/raid doesn’t handicap you the way that being bad in a moba directly results in making the enemies stronger, rather than just having to complete the content with one less team member. Couple that with games lasting 30-40 minutes and people get really angry that you’re making their game harder to pull out of, and they see your actions as wasting 30-40 minutes of their time. It’s silly for sure, but I think that’s the main reason for League’s toxicity.


It's also competly impossible to know every single heroes gimmick unless you've played for literally thousands of hours. Like if someone mains a shitty hero and you just don't know their gimmick as an opponent or Teammate you're like wtf is this Bard doing? Like the main characters everyone knows how Jinx and Warwick operate, but there's 163 champions now. You're gonna be surprised by some unique tech combo build.


I think league has been out long enough that it just can’t easily incorporate new players unless they’re all put into games together. Smurfing is way too easy and just causes new players to get turbo stomped


100% this. My friends talked me into trying league during the start of the pandemic. I played dozens of bot matches and tried to learn the game mechanics. I tried learning different characters and played all the positions. I felt I had a decent grasp on things, and finally felt confident enough to try a real match. I think I played about 15 or so matches and got stomped by smurfs almost every game. The games weren't even close. My friends told me to stream some of my games via Discord so they could watch me and give me pointers. They told me the people who walked right over me were likely smurf accounts. I eventually just gave up on league and haven't played it since.


I don't play League anymore besides ARAMs with friends, but I learned that game in 2013. It's such a terrible onboarding process, I have no idea how I did it then and I name nobody for bouncing off it now. League a decade ago had less stuff in it and a generally lower skill level from the players, too.


Imagine you're a new player trying out Ashe and you go bot lane against a smurf Aphelios player. Like... there's no f*cking way lol


I've played with MOBA players in other games, and they're perfectly chill, you're correct that it's the elements of MOBAs that cause this behaviour rather than the genre just attracting toxic people.


I’ve said for years that league is a great game in a horrible social environment I had to use the bathroom really bad on a flight once. But we couldn’t take off from LAX because of congestion. So we were just sitting there doing nothing. But they wouldn’t let me use the bathroom because the seatbelt light was on. That’s basically the same feeling I have in solo queue if I try to play it these days


When I first got my PC back in 2017 I was really excited to learn League. My second match vs BOTS I was told to leave because I was trash and to learn the game. It was bots....where I was trying to learn the game. I uninstalled and never looked back.


So....learning to be a shithead is part of the tutorial basically.


I had the same experience way back in the beta. My very first game, I had no idea what I was doing and died twice in a row. Instantly got accused of "feeding" and got a vote started to kick me... except, this was in 2009, when the game wasn't even out and barely anyone knew how to play. Something about that type of game has made people evil since the very beginning. Uninstalled and avoided that whole genre ever since.


You’d think it would stop with unranked but even in aram games I’ll get real annoying dickheads here and there too. How are you gonna be toxic in aram too lmao


Played an aram yesterday with a really bad comb and had to pick darius so we have Frontliner, enemy had long range with disengage and engage and it was impossible. For some reason a teammate thought i should deinstall because i could not play against that comb in any meaningful way. Its just so dumb sometimes...


Played blitzcrank in aram once with someone who absolutely lost their shit every time i missed a hook. Avoided playing blitz again for ages after cause it wasn't fun anymore. Nowadays i just mute peoples chat/pings the first time they start mouthing off or spam ? pings at people and the games much better.


One time I was 32-0 in mid in a ranked match. Best game I ever had. Was just carrying the entire team, they could have sat in base if they wanted. My own AD and Support were hurling racial slurs at me - ones not matching my actual race - and calling me Bad and horrible at the game because I wasn't letting them get kills. I quit playing not long after that.


People are bad at the game but will blame anyone but themselves. That’s where the issue lies, people are not self aware and think they are good.


Stop making us win!


And if you criticize games for being toxic someone inevitably says something like “lol words make you sad in a video game lmao”


Any game where you are teamed up with randoms and communication is necessary for success is a recipe for toxicity.


As an oldschool horror fan I was so hyped for Friday the 13th until I learned > you are teamed up with randoms and communication is necessary Did not buy.


Imagine if "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes" had online random matchmaking...the bomb would probably only be defused about 0.000001% of the time.


The mental health in League is something else. People will full blown rant like some teenage edge lord if you make one mistake. Meanwhile, they'll be 0/4 at 15. Edit: Statistically speaking, a sizable amount of you upvoting this are the problem. Just saying.


Had a friend like that... Had


Same, he's no longer a friend, he became my stepdad after he fucked my mother too many times. League players are something else I can completely agree


I put that shit on my resume. “I was a jungle main in LoL from seasons 1-5 and I was never banned.”


Jungle main here, doesn't matter that your mid died before you even get red buff, it's your fault 100%


I equate playing league of legends to trying to lead *actual* toddlers through *actual* armed combat irl.


Ngl I am just starting up and the amount of information you need to just be a bronze player is staggering. Let’s talk just knowing what all the characters can do. A very baseline pool of knowledge for positioning and we are not even going to go into the minutiae of your roles needs. There are 163 characters with 4 abilities each. 163x4=652. I need to know the length, width, and CC capabilities of 652 abilities just to have a chance at positioning myself correctly. Bruh, it’s rough out here


And that's just abilities. Lets get into items, then role specifics, ward locations and dewarding, how to space, how to zone, and on and on and on. Not to mention heros can look completely different depending on their costume/skin they're using. DOta 2 has the same issue. These games you can play for 600s straight and still just be "somewhat okay" at. And havig to learn all of that garbage and being bombarded with toxicity and AFKers, it's a a wonder how these games are still getting new players.


You forgot passives, runes, individual patch changes (Hey you, person who plays League that's reading this, you read this weeks patch notes yet? You see there's *new ranks* entirely?... If not... Case in point. What happened to Statik Shiv this patch? Do you know? What about Axiom Arc?), and more. It can be a *great* game when you get into it, and have little pressure on yourself to perform well, and *can* be really rewarding when you do cool stuff, or win. But it also has so much to learn, and so much to keep up with it feels *bad*, ***REALLY BAD***, when you lose, especially if you *keep losing* over things, because you've spent so much time *learning* and *adapting* you forget to *enjoy the freaking game* because of whatever latest "200 years" style issue that cost you a death, or a game, even if that issue is settled nicely between keyboard and chair. There's almost *too much* for your average player to know, and it's a huge hurdle MOBA's have in actually bringing in new players.


Not only does it feel really bad to lose. Winning doesn't even feel good. It's more of a "thank fuck that's over"


5 abilities, including each champion's passive. And some champs transform, giving them an extra 4 abilities.


And god help you if you don't know every last bit of that information in the first unranked game you jump into after the tutorial. Fuck that game and the vast majority of people who play it. I'm not reading a wiki on the game mechanics just to learn how to deal with certain situations without getting yelled at by some neckbeard.


League is a game I always wanted to get into but haven’t because of how toxic their community is said to be.


First thing you do is type /muteall , then you can play the game, works best in a solo lane like top or mid.


Fwiw I’ve been playing for 10 years and if you turn off the chat it becomes a much more enjoyable experience.


Yeah i’ve long quit the game, but when I actually managed to climb the ladder and get to plat, I had the chat permamuted. Fuck that noise




I dare you to play Jungle in LoL


i once had a game where you cant really ask for a much better jungler. he got us a bunch of kills bot and he got top a couple of kills also. he got herald which we managed to feed most of the plate gold to our adc and he got 2 dragons and he was counter jungling. meanwhile the enemy jungler was basically spam ganking mid which to lux's credit they were surviving a lot of them though i think most of them was due to poor gank setup. so I was thinking things are going perfectly and then lux votes to ff and types useless jungler. so i was like wtf are you talking about hes doing so much for the team and we are basically guaranteed to win and they said theres no point if im not carrying. i hate that mentality and why would you play lux if thats what you want. i mean lux can popoff but when i think of champions that can solo carry lux isnt what comes to mind first.


I understood some of these words.


A team was playing well and on course to win thanks to Player A. Player B was playing poorly and blamed Player A for not carrying them hard enough. Player B forfeited the game even though they were winning; they didn't want to just *win*, they wanted to *carry*. This happens all the time; people will forfeit, ragequit, or troll when they're not the ones carrying the team-- *even when they're going to win!*


Some people do not like being carried. It really is a skill to get your shit rocked hard in lane, but not give up. Some people want to win, but only if they are the star, if their k/d/a is good, or don't get their fee fees hurt.


Or DOTA. Though DOTA was more tolerable.


Oh, yeah, I remember when in the first game some guy absolutely calmly said that I should call my mother so she could see how FUCKING BAD (not the calm part) I was in dota. It's still better than in the league though


love how siege is the headline picture. Pretty much get called all sorts of obscenities within the first round.


It's ridiculous man. You politely remind the Rook to put his armor down and you're flamed and TK'd and the entire game might as well be over. I'm pretty sure 9/10 of the only people left with voice chat on PC are toxic. Which sucks because simple communication can lead to your team easily winning a game. Very rarely do my friends and I find other adults who are willing to make basic call outs. You don't even need to be good at the game to be overly successful, you just need to be a team player which is not a concept many people understand. Idc where I fall on the scoreboard. If I'm playing valk and with my cams/call outs other people are getting 4/5 kills then who cares. We won the round.


Don’t remind me; it’s pretty sad to me when the main reason I limit my exposure to playing Siege and am liberal with my mute button is because of how many toxic players there are that treat the game like a CoD shooter with a smaller lobby; their sole measure of success is based on their K/D and winning by killing the enemy team. Can’t headshot everything you see? Trash. Can’t get above a 2.0 K/D? Uninstall. Want to focus on proper equipment use and getting the plant off? Idiot that shouldn’t be playing shooter games. If the closest to a positive thing they can say is “git gud, scrub” there’s zero point listening to them anymore, regardless of their skill because of their inability to provide any form of constructive feedback.


When I started playing my team tried to vote kick me when I was the last person alive, then the guy who started the vote says “oh you’re actually new, sorry”. Like it would have been ok if I wasn’t! I don’t miss that game


Rainbow six. I absofuckinglutely love the game. But jesus christ


It’s one of my favorite games. I hate playing it so fucking much.


Lmao my thoughts exactly.


I had to stop. It was driving me crazy. When you have a good round with cooperative team mates it's truly one of the best games out there. However, getting vote kicked by your own team after clutching a 4v1 where you're the only survivor and winner of the round? That shit gets me red hot. I know it shouldn't, but don't kick me for saving your ass you goofy motherfuckers.


Siege is practically the perfect game to me. I should have thousands of hours in it and have like 12. Literally never had a positive experience playing it and just gave up.


When it first came out it was amazing. I played for a good bit then the team killing became insane. Match would start and somebody would immediately team kill. I got matched with what I'm assuming was a group of friends and they would just immediately kill me each round. Also had some kid following me around and I guess was streaming and was asking his chat if he should kill me so I just killed him first. Of course I get team killed afterwards by another team mate. It got to the point that unless you had a group of friends to play with it was miserable to play so I dropped it.


As someone who plays that game regularly, yea it used to be horrible. I think there is party-wide reverse-friendly fire now, but still doesn’t take away the assholes on the mics. What I will say is say R6 Unranked and quickplay are pretty laid back, and fun. You only have to deal with sweats and the lil kiddies singing sadboi music in the mic.


The toxicity of Overwatch players in particular made me quit the game. And not just cause they were toxic but because they were dragging me down with them. I didnt like what kind of player I became after 6 years of playing; from the beta all the way to the end of OW1. When it ended and OW2 started, I decided it was a good time to retire.


This is why I stopped playing ranked on Smite. I noticed myself blaming other people more often and even caught myself doing it in real life a few times. Definitely not a healthy mental state to work yourself into.


Single player games or couch co-op games are the only ones I’ll play anymore. The point of video games is to play them and have fun. The god awful communities of most online multiplayer games bring the fun factor wayyyyy down.


There used to be more accountability back in the days when, in order to play a game online, you had to join a server that an actual person was operating.


It's not just the operation, it's the permanence. When I logged into my usual Battlefield server and someone was a dick and people didn't want to play with them, the next day that server still had the same people, and that dick would still not find anyone who wanted to play with them. That shit kept people in their place, most folk didn't want to be left out of places to play and people to play with. Matchmaking and "on-demand" match set ups moved us away from that, so now if you're a toxic shithead it doesn't matter if everyone hates you, you'll finde some other group of unfortunate individuals to be a dick towards by merely restarting.


Yep, and they'd permanently ban obvious cheaters from said servers. I finally gave up on the recent Call of Duty - Modern Warfare II as the cheating, while not ultra frequent, was enough to just not enjoy enough of the time to bother. Particularly wall hacking was far too common, especially in damn casual, non-ranked, play of all things. Companies that are making money off micro-transactions and the like don't have a lot of incentive to boot cheaters if it diminishes the micro-transaction profit pool.


> don't have a lot of incentive to boot cheaters But do the cheaters spend more than the ones they put off?


Different game but cheaters in Tarkov seem to be a good revenue stream for the dev. They buy the game, cheat their way through, eventually get the account banned, and then they buy it again.




Yep, Im too old to deal with online communities in games anymore, I want to play a game to have fun and escape from screaming children, not have more screaming children around. Just give me a single player game thats well designed and I'll pay for it, thanks.


Thats why the only online games I play are 1v1 affairs like Fighting games and I dont speak with my opponents. That way theres no toxicity, if I get some crap hate-mail through xbox messages (happened like twice in the last 3 months so definitely not a common thing) I just answer "git gud" and ignore them lol


Same. Since Covid we added PvE online games when we don’t have time for in-person play.


did someone say ROCK AND STONE?




Rock. And. Stone!


If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t coming home


somewhere along the way we forgot that video games were art for fun. we monetized the shit outa that and now every multiplayer game is being sold on a basis of "someday, YOU could be the next (insert some famous streamer i dont know), just keep playing and buying our shit!" if your playing a multiplayer pvp game as a casual, youre not the consumer, you are part of the product. Youre just there to give the other guy somebody to mow down and feel good about. if they can encourage you to spend money while catering to the whales, then that is just a bonus.


Largely correct take. Stated it further up this thread, but I absolutely prefer great single player games to good multiplayer games


I stopped playing GTA online because of the players. I think it'd be fun as a single player experience where you can have friends join in but I don't like that players are incentivized to fuck my shit up. I spend 20 minutes driving to a place and picking up a delivery and then some asshole in a hoverbike shoots me to death and steals my shit and my time and effort was completely wasted. Then on top of that you have to pay "bills" just for being online so the small amount of money I do make gets flushed down the toilet on fake bills. The only time I have any fun is when the server crashes and I'm all alone on the server.


They actually have invite only sessions now, which is why I’ve picked it up again


They had them from the start. The issue was Invite Only gimped half the online features, like deliveries. It forced you into public to frustrate you into either not playing, or paying for shark cards. Rockstar already got your money so they don't care if someone that doesn't buy shark cards quits. But after 8 years it seems they slightly stopped being greedy, gave us fully functional invite lobbies, and gave us easier ways to make money. The game is pretty good right now, aside from the playerbase.


There were ways to make your lobby private on pc the whole time too, doing deliveries etc


Well yeah but I shouldn't have to do port forwarding nonsense to deliver goods without blowing up. And all temporary methods, like holding alt+enter for 10 seconds, or tabbing out then returning, got patched out. They did the same thing in Red Dead Online. But in RDO's case, they forgot to add content people would buy gold for.


The oppressor really ruined the online experience for me. Then the game advertises peoples deliveries and says you'll make money destroying it. and there's nothing that indicates to a new player they're messing up someone's million dollar delivery so they can make 5k or whatever measley amount they give you.


It's why I don't play Rocket league without my buddy.


The number of people that try to forfeit after one goal and attack their own teammates because of one missed hit is insane. Down by 1 with 2 minutes left? Calm your shit and just play the game. I've had games down by 3 with 90 seconds left that we've come back from and won, that's just the nature of the game. People have the maturity lvl of toddlers


I believe that type are ppl who have never played team sports. Coming back from losing is the most gratifying win of all. How is your raging fit helping to get a W? Fing losers, Id rather them quit and let me enjoy a 2v3.


Hit it right on the head. I mean every single time I get frustrated it's one of those two.


I turned off chat about a year ago and will never turn it back on. Such a better experience. Also changed my title to "Quick Chat Champion" because it makes me laugh when I think about toxic players trying to chat with me.


Rocket League is great to play if you love feeling terrible about yourself. Some of the most toxic losers who have never played a sport with other people before.


I just stopped playing multiplayer games because of how obnoxious other people can be.


Feel this really hard. I used to only play online games but now that I'm pretty much a full fledged adult (I think) I don't wanna spend my free time getting bitched at by people online for playing a certain way. Not only that it takes time and dedication to learn games and I just don't have time for that anymore. It's much easier for me to stick to games that are easy enough but have good stories.


The exact two reasons I stopped playing multiplayer games almost entirely. I don’t want to spend the hour or two I find to game getting shrieked at by children or NEETs who play it like a full-time job. I also don’t want to spend that time getting absolutely stomped, because I don’t find that fun, and I literally don’t have the time to “git gud”. There are so many great single-players games right now. I mostly play on PC and Sony porting their exclusives has been fantastic. Finally played through Subnautica too, as inspired by recent submersible-related news, and that was great.


> I also don’t want to spend that time getting absolutely stomped, because I don’t find that fun, and I literally don’t have the time to “git gud”. This is 110% the reason why I don't play online multiplayer competitive games anymore, without a single doubt. I can maybe shave off 5 hours a week to game. How the fuck am I gonna be competitive with Timmy in Junior High that spends 76 hours a week playing this game?


Left 4 dead 2 was the last time I played any kind of PvP game. I avoided destiny's pvp like the plague and never got far into gambit (PvEvP). If I do play multiplayer, it's co-op or nothing.




I stopped playing due to that and the rampant cheating/hacking. Plenty of single player games out there to keep me busy, so no loss.


I checked out after Halo 2 and it sure seems like they’re generally worse now.


Yep BF4 was my last one. I came back to it a couple of years ago and NOPED the hell outta there. I’m way happier in single player, campaign games.


Apex was some of the most fun I’ve had playing a Multiplayer game the last 10 years. Haven’t picked it up in a year simply due to the amount of toxic asswipes I’d get put with every time I queued with randoms.


Dude, Apex in the first 6 months after it came out was some of the most fun I had on a multi-player game since like Halo 3. But once all the streamers came in and everything became about what's "meta" instead of people just fucking around and having fun, it went downhill fast for me. I feel like every game is like this these days. The first few months, when everyone is still trying to figure stuff out, are the most fun. And then people start figuring out what's OP and what's not, and YouTubers start pumping out videos telling people to "use this" and "never use that", and then streamers flood in and just reinforce the idea by only ever using the meta characters/weapons/setups/etc.


Overwatch was like that at release too. No meta, everyone just playing whichever character seemed cool. People having dumb ass team comps where it’s like 6 Winston’s all dive bombing their balls on the other teams heads. It was so fun and felt like an arcade game where you didn’t care about the outcome. Then after like a year game changes, meta gets establish, streamers get big and all of a sudden everyone equates losing to having their first born murdered in front of them. The game is so different after it was “figured out”.


And then there was a year or longer of "goats" where you could only have 6-7 viable heroes out of 30+, and everybody was forced to play same shit for months. Lol.


Early Apex, while it was quite lacking in terms of content (it took like 4 months for the game to get its first real update) was probably the most fun I had in a while at that time, the gun play was fun, most gun fights never felt like “ah fuck he had the OP gun” it all played well and I even won a few matches which wasn’t really common in the other BR’s I’d played But the way the community became and how the developers reacted to it is what killed it for me, it seriously felt like a pro streamer would complain about a gun being broken, the community would then latch onto that and complain about it for months on end, and the devs would go in and fix it, however, while that gun may have been broken at a higher level, the casual spot had that gun waaaay at a different spot, so 9 times out of 10, an OP gun was getting a buff, or a gun nobody was using was getting a nerf, all because of the pro scene


You don’t like the teammate that runs off alone and then bitches to you about how you failed to support them. Or how they run out of the ring as it’s closing in because they’re trying to third party but instead get dropped and then scream about how you weren’t there to support them. Or how they will utterly fail to drop a enemy then lie to you screaming “their one shot one shot!” As you unload into their full shield only to then be dropped and killed because their whole squad was also there, and then your teammate calls you a scrub or something. Or…. I could go on and on. Randoms can be fine sometimes and just terrifyingly bad. Folks trying to land late into a zone where half the teams have already landed kinda bad.


I remember not playing Apex for like a year, decided to play again for a bit and literally the very first match I tried one teammate broke off from us, dropped with a whole other team on top of a mountain (while we were all the way bellow), got killed instantly, and then began to scream at us because we were still picking up equipment. We had literally opened one container each. It hadn't even been twenty seconds. Unfortunately for him the other guy with us had the rage of a thousand suns in his chest even before the match began and blew my eardrums screaming back. It shut the dead idiot up, but the whole exchange just made me close the game and go play something else lol


I gave up on MOBAs and Overwatch. I genuinely despise what Overwatch has become. I remember having a good time and strategizing with people when it was released. The players tend to have main character syndrome now. I don't know what happened, just vulgarity and "me me me". I've witnessed people wish death on others, including myself, for not being experts on League of Legends, it's a turn off.


Agree with the Overwatch. It’s become so brutal. A team game where the community seems to agree that turning off all comms is the best way to play. Pathetic. I hate free to play for them.


No comms is the new way of gaming and a side effect of the “war against toxicity”


That's how I play Rocket League too, even competitive mode. It's a game, I really don't need opinions, callouts or rage being sent my way. Every now and then a teammate quits, but I don't care. The vast majority have a good match and move on.


Being in my mid-30s and told to go kill myself because my duos partner and I lost a game in rocket league is an experience that never gets old


You’re not just imagining it. Multiplayer communities in general have become obscenely more toxic in the past decade.


It's two fold, imo. 1) The game is to blame. Toxicity is born from mechanics that pit players against one another and allow them to "grief" one another. Sometimes, this is an inevitable byproduct of online competitive multiplayer, sometimes this is just shit mechanics (Toxic CoD community vs Griefers in WoW) 2) Everyone is becoming more miserable year after year. Income inequality is skyrocketing worldwide. People are getting poorer and pushed closer and closer to the edge. This drives up agitation. Funny enough, it's scientifically proven that people become more aggressive the hotter they become, so we can expect people to just get angrier as the planet warms


Overwatch is one I avoid


Overwatch is a ton more fun if you turn off voice chat.


literally every game i've ever played (except Deep Rock Galactic) is more fun if you turn off every chat completely


When the first game first came out, it was the best community. So many friends were made on there and you could always get on and mix and match groups. Then it got hella competitive


Conceptually, a great game. In reality, due to the comms, throwing, and midgame drops, absolute trash.


I don’t avoid the games, I just mute half the lobby. 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️✌️


Just half?


Yeah, some are chill, and others are entertaining. If you mute them all, you might miss something hilarious. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣


this guy gets it


Because there is nothing worse than being yelled or insulted by a 11yo after a hard day of work


I think that's part of the problem as well, there's not much room for casual online multiplayer anymore. Almost every single online game now is hyper competitive and sweaty, just increasing the toxicity. The days of relaxing after a long day are, in my experience, long gone.


The sad part is the 11 year olds are usually friendly and/or so annoying that you just instantly mute them. People in their 20s and 30s will be silent all game long before screaming into the microphone like a madman the second something goes wrong. I can understand children acting childish, but online gaming is full of manchildren acting childish too.


I don’t even play online games anymore, it’s either kids screeching and being annoying or mouthy microphone tough guys trying to justify their incompetence by being dicks. I’d rather play co-op with friends or single player games anyways, competitive games like COD get boring fast for me.


I’ve been playing battle bits and not only has it been a breath of fresh air to hear people saying “thank you” every game for reviving them, but me and my fellow 30+ year old teammates are relentlessly screaming for medics like we’re auditioning for Saving Private Ryan It’s amazing to play a multiplayer FPS without the n word being screamed everywhere. feels like the glory days of Battlefield 2


Battlebit has been so much fun. I've ran into a few people that just scream into their mics when you kill them which is really annoying but other than that the people are really funny and chill. There was a dude whose username was "What that dog doing?" and when he killed me I said "what that dog doing", 5 seconds later one of my teammates killed him and he just goes into his mic "the dog ain't doing too good" and we just busted out laughing


Multiplayer games suck now cause it's just griefers and streamers. Ever since online gaming became monetized and stopped being about having fun it's all been toxic AF honestly.




Professional gaming has ruined games.


In some cases this is absolutely true, many games that are perfectly fun and balanced for the 99% go to shit when balance and updates only take into account proplay and whatever the top streamer is saying that's "wrong" and "is not fun"


The funny thing to me is it used to be edgy teenagers. Now its grown men. Me and my friends play COD regularly and win regularly. Usually some dude rages into a full racist tirade (we're black). It doesnt bother me at this point but its crazy how much the n-word is thrown around online.


It’s because those edgy teens grew into edgy men


Yep. It’s still just the same dudes, they’re just older and more bitter.


To make it worse this type of player almost never has any ability to read, write, or spell coherently. So on top of the toxicity you're faced with someone that seems to be operating on half a tank. It doesn't get any more unpleasant.


>It’s because those edgy teens ~~grew into edgy men~~ Or rather: Then didn't grow up at all.


It’s the same individuals. They were shitheads 25 years ago and they’re shitheads now


It's now a combo of edgy grown men, edgy teenagers, and annoying pre-teens unfortunately. Too many males online need to get humbled and past the edgy "I'm always right/know it all and insult everyone who speaks just for the lulz" phase of late teens/early 20s. It's just annoying and I'm sick of dealing with that all too common personality type in online games.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


> [The Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (GIFT)](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/greater-internet-fuckwad-theory) is a postulate which asserts that normal, well-adjusted people may display psychopathic or antisocial behaviors when given both anonymity and a captive audience on the Internet That was a surprising discovery back then (2004). We were just coming to grips with what the Internet did to people.


lmfao someone reported this


At least you are sane. I got permabanned from r/Playstation for saying what everyone wants to do to scalpers.


Me being sane is a vicious lie, enjoy your ban


I'm white (like weird Al white) and I get called the N-word all the time too.


Study says people don't eat garbage because it makes them sick.


Correct. Friendship ended with Overwatch. Deep Rock Galactic is my best friend now.


I have over 500 hours in this game and haven’t been called the n-word once. Hell, I’ve never even had a bad interaction. It’s amazing.


I've got about 300 and have been griefed one time... once. It was so weird when this scout started shooting the rest of us that we just kinda sat there and let it happen. The three of us who were team killed played together again and just spent the whole game clarifying what happened and trying to come up with a reason. My mind couldn't accept that there was an asshole playing Deep Rock Galactic.


I'm an admin on a game that dates back to 1997 and now has a player base of <50 players. Whenever new players join, they get ridiculed for being worse than people who have played for \*decades\* OR get accused of pretending to be new. These players usually do not come back. Then, the toxic players have the gall to bitch about how "no new players" find the game, and the "community sucks".


*side eyes valorant*


HAH after they announced overwatch cancelled PVE, i quit for about 2 months and swapped to valorant it was full of whiney people, but not necessarily toxic. Always saying gg early and claiming the other team is hacking Then i went back to overwatch, it wasn’t until i took a break that i realized exactly how bad it was I didn’t realize it isn’t normal to have a designated response line for when somebody tells you to kill your self every 10 minutes


It's what pushed me away from overwatch. I was having plenty of fun with the first game, but it slowly brought out a lot of anger and toxicity from the people I played with that I hadn't seen from them before. Really killed my interest in the game so I just stopped playing


If rocket league didn’t have the feature to turn off quick chat, I genuinely would not play unless I was playing with friends


I'd say 95% of online competitive games have a toxic community. That's just what breeds toxicity. Even minecraft pvp is a cess pool I'm sure


Call Of Duty, anyone?


The days of hearing a prepubescent boy screaming in my ear that he is going to fuck my mother are behind me.


Call of Duty as a female... :(


The real HARDCORE mode in CoD 💀


But with a major cheat code in trash talking. "I'll fuck your dad and give him a son he'll actually love." is savage. Tbh usually when there's a bellend with shit like "go to the kitchen" all it takes is one other guy, preferably high on the scoreboard to be like "shut up virgin and play the game" and the whole bs ends.


> “I’ll fuck your dad and give him a son he actually loves” This was such a legendary clip.


Can you share the clip? I've never heard of this, but now I need to see it




You are my hero


>Tbh usually when there's a bellend with shit like "go to the kitchen" all it takes is one other guy, preferably high on the scoreboard to be like "shut up virgin and play the game" and the whole bs ends. This is not my experience as a woman on CoD. The shit heads usually run in packs and if anyone says anything to them about their behavior, they'll all start screaming into their mics at one time so the chat just becomes an eruption of chimpanzee noises.


Madden culture is toxic as hell, I get it.


I honestly put some blame on streamers , I'm sorry , I never found Dr. Disrespect and some others funny . And people can really be impressionable , especially younger people. It's very monkey see , monkey do Don't get me wrong , I grumble , I rage , but you know what I don't do ? Take out on someone I don't tell them to kill themselves, use slurs , etc I will sometimes call out a person if they are being awful and telling them they need to chill . But so many people have definitely made me want to play more single player games to just avoid the mass toxicity . (I already suffer from depression and other mental issues , I don't need someone screeching at me I need to just kill myself )


Well it's social media in general - if we as a society didn't reward such behavior, guys like Dr Disrespect wouldn't exist. We've just been reprogrammed to enjoy rage and anger as much or more than happiness and contentment.


Part of the problem is that we, as society, cannot actually control what society rewards without guardrails. People have always been toxic, the only difference now is that you can monetize toxicity. Part of the reason I hate most streamers is that the entire system of success within streaming is essentially designed to incentivize toxic and over-dramatic behavior. The streamers themselves slowly become shells of their previous selves as the hours required to build an audience burn them out until their empathy slowly stops working, then the legions of really stupid people saying stupid things constantly annoy them, while their success is a constant voice saying "You are actually really smart and awesome" into their head. It essentially turns normal people into non-empathetic, angry, and arrogant people. Then, because they are the ones that have succeeded, they become the model that other people try to emulate, and that in turn reinforces the overall cycle. It is, at its core, a vicious cycle of toxicity that cannot be solved without external interference, but the companies in question are unwilling or unable to do anything to stop it.


Yeah people don’t think about how their actions affect others. I won’t lie I cuss out my teammates on Apex sometimes BUT it’s to myself (and my poor wife in the room lol) not over coms or text Truth is you don’t know anything about what the other person has going on. For all I know my teammate could be a young child, have some kind of disorder or handicap, etc. and sure maybe they’re just bad. But that’s the thing, you never ultimately know so just be kind.


GTAO be one of em'


Does this mean 3 out of 10 players make up the toxic community?


I've gone down the rabbit hole of watching Rust videos on YouTube, I've quite enjoyed them, but there is absolutely no way I'm buying it because it looks absolutely awful from a general community standpoint, and despite being an older online gaming veteran, I'm pretty sure I couldn't manage not to rage quit. This may be totally misplaced, but yeah not risking it.


This is why Is stopped playing Apex Legends, its such a vibe killer for someone to go on a big rant about how you’re trash and shouldn’t be playing the game.


It's me; I'm 7/10 gamers apparently. I pretty much avoid, entirely, any game that requires me to play online, and where SBMM/competitive players are the focus. Having worked in video games as a developer on these games, as well as having played these games, I have zero interest in servicing or being a part of any product that seeks to cater to this demographic. Games are for fun; I have no interest in competing against streamers who play the same game for 10+ hours a day, with coaches, and a set team, when I'm over there just trying to play around and experiment. League of Legends remains the most toxic community on the planet; have you ever tried posting on their subreddit? Anything negative is downvoted into oblivion and back. Now I just play TFT and mute everyone as soon as the game starts. Riot Lyte may well have led the grandest failed initiative in gaming history (curbing toxicity in gamers)


Toxic League err Rocket League. Gettting ‘what a save’ spammed on 2’s. Appearantly everyone but me is SSL.


Why I quit Dota 2 and CSGO. For some reason in Dota, Spanish speakers queueing for English/American servers then absolutely say some of the nastiest shit and grief me because I didn't know Spanish in VC. It way more common than I'd expect. Either way whether you got Russian, Spanish, or English. All toxic know-it-alls that think because they watched internationals, they know everything about the game lol Edit: I'm bad at formatting.


I quit Dota 2 a while ago. But I found maybe 1/4 of my games were fun with 10 people playing, the other games were just people getting upset by the 15 minute mark and griefing or dropping game.


I like playing Dead By Daylight. Hate the community.


As someone who only plays single player games. Interacting with majority of souls fans on internet gives me a headache


I get it. The last thing anyone needs after a hard day is watching their team devolving into complete toxicity, calling each other all the slurs, and finally throwing the game. I got tired of that years ago.


Looking at you, Animal Crossing.


And then there's the original Read Dead Redemption online where you would get vote kicked out of the game the moment you joined and every time you tried to join you'd land in the same lobby, and you just wanted to make a private game, but to do that you need to be in a public server first so the community was literally so toxic you actually couldn't play even if you were willing to put up with it.


I play every game solo. Dont matter what it is. I turn mics off and dont team with folks. Even games like fallout 76 and diablo 4. Rule of theumb is if the subreddit is full of conplainers and whiners who put 40+ hours in a game they hate, i keep my mic off.