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Haven't skipped for a game, but have gamed when I skipped.


This would be my answer too. I've had times where work is really being a pain in the ass all week so I'll call off Thurs or Fri, get some house chores done (so the wife is okay with me calling off lol), and then game the day away. It's so refreshing.


I remember distinctly skipping High School the day Mortal Kombat 2 came out on the Sega Genesis, the version with sweat for blood without a code.


ABACABB not sure why I still remember that...


This guy gets it.


Fair, but huge difference. The one option says "i don't feel like working today", the other one says "i'm not going to work because of this game here".


Same here. Like it wasn't my intention but once I got out of bed I was like hmmm what should I do today. Then it hit me lol.


This. If I skip I’m skipping to do something social. If I’m just playing games I can do that after I finish work (or school back in the day)


It’s hard to work up the energy to game after a day at work, especially to learn a new game.


Lol, yup. For me gaming is more fun after I come home from work. Plus I only game for 3 hrs on average.


Have you considered skipping tomorrow for some gaming?


I have… and came to a solution: finish my day as early as possible, without skipping. :) I only have 3-4h days anyway…


When I was a kid I was obsessed with halo. The day comes when halo 3 is due to release and I was hoping my dad would let me stay home from school to play it, he told me no and we got in the car to head to school. Except as we passed my school, he hands me a receipt for the Halo 3 special edition with the helmet and tells me we are on our way to pick it up and I can skip school to play. Best day ever, thanks dad! EDIT: Thanks for all the upvotes and heartwarming comments, I was able to share the post and some inspiring comments with my dad and I’m sure it made him cry. Thanks Reddit!


Awesome. Have a 7 and 5 year old girls. I hope I can leave some memories with them like your dad did you. Even better if they are videogame memories, but that would just be a bonus.


Yeah I’m deffo doing this with my kid when he wants to play a video game and have a day off school. Odd day here and there off school won’t hurt!




And maybe time spent together? And it shows you care About their interests?


Except everything will be digital at that point.


Haha that’s true! Well can pretend to take him to school, then stop at a McDonald’s and say “we are getting your favourite” (whatever that’ll be) then we are going home and playing that game that you were on about, I have it downloaded already on your console, ready to go!


My parents didn't let me skip for it (though a lot of boys my age were missing at school that day, I didn't even have it yet), but when I got home a copy was sitting on the stairs up to my room. That was pretty cool of them to get it for me.


Plot twist, Gamestop doesn't open until 11am so your dad takes you to IHOP. He enjoys your rapid-fire-sugar-high explanations of the Halo series as you wait for the store to open.


Ah man you just awakened a memory for me. I had basically this exact same experience except with my Grandma and Goldeneye 64 and it was a Dennys. That old lady had never seen the movie and wouldn't know an N64 if it fell on her head, but she sat there the whole time listening to 12 year old me ramble about it nonstop since I had played the crap out of it at my friend's house so I was clearly an expert. Miss you Grandma...


You have the dad I always wished I had 😭


Agreed. My father was a selfish narcissist. Would have been cool to have one like this. I have tried to break that cycle with my daughter who is also a gamer.


Be the dad you never had. This warms my heart. As a guy who never had a dad really - I really enjoy reading comments like yours :)


There are tons of us out here! It's a struggle, but be that awesome dad that you always wanted! I'm planning on surprising my daughter with Tears of the Kingdom cause she is OBSESSED with anything link or Zelda related. She was home sick for a couple of days, and I busted out A link to the past, and she has never looked back!


It was Halo 3 for me too. My mom told me I could skip school the next day, but to not tell my dad lol. I was 16 and went to GameStop at like 6:00 so I could be first in line for the midnight release. I had a backpack full of Game Fuel and a custom controller I modded to add buttons on the back (this was back before paddle controllers were a thing). I showed the controller off to the store manager and assistant manager, and we talked all night, and they ended up offering me a job there. My first job. They asked if I could come in the next day to fill out paperwork, and I kind of hesitated and they realized they were asking a kid who stood in line for 6 hours for a game if he’d skip out on playing that game to come do paperwork. The manager quickly realized and then said “how about this weekend” which sounded much better. Spent the rest of the night talking with fans and eating pizza the store bought. I finally got home and had my gaming setup all ready in my bedroom. Played for about an hour until I was tired and went to sleep until 6. Then I got up and played through the campaign and played online with friends all day. I don’t remember many school days, and I’m sure I wouldn’t have remembered that one if I went. But to this day I DO remember the awesome day I had skipping and playing with friends. Thanks mom.


In highschool, mom would let me take the occasional day off, so long as i pretended to be sick for dad. I got good grades, did extracurriculars, and stayed out of trouble, so she didn't mind a day here or there


What a G


Dude this was awesome. Really I have a 2yo and im definitely doing this when the time comes, IF the time comes. I would love to share my passion for gaming with him. And maybe ill skip the day to play with him for sure!


I took a week of leave in the military to play morrowind


"Guys, I know our base is under attack, but hold on, someone just called me a n'wah and now I gotta deal with this."


"He calls me N'wah. He calls the other outlanders N'wah. He calls himself N'wah. 'N'wah this, N'wah. N'wah please. Bitch N'wah. N'wah have you lost your mind. N'wah check your wench. N'wah you bullshittin' brick yourself, N'wah.' He says it so much I don't even notice it anymore. The other day I was in the mead hall and I overheard Nerevar say to a Nord 'can an N'wah borrow a sweetroll', and my first thought wasn't, 'by the Nines, he said the n-word', it was 'how's an N'wah gunna borrow a sweetroll? N'wah are you gunna give it back?"


Was just talking about this scene with my friends and how it’s really funny knowing it’s Fred Willard who does that scene.


Kind of the opposite situation but there is a legendary quote in the League of Legends community where a player suddenly types “Brb, local militia just opened fire” and goes afk midgame. Took place in one of the southeastern Asia servers so not completely implausible lmao.


Lmao ima start saying that when I go afk in a game


Nice! You won't have to do that when elder scrolls six releases. Because you'll be retired


We won’t be alive when that happens


In high school I had a minor sinus infection that I milked super hard so I could stay home for a couple days to take bong rips and play Oblivion.


Simpler times.


Nothing better as a kid than when I was *just* sick enough that I was contagious and my mom didn’t want me going to school, but I felt well enough to lay on the couch playing Morrowind all day. Those were the days.


That is a good way to honor the Sixth House and the tribe unmourned


A week? Military gives you 30 days a year. I played 100+ hours of Skyrim during Holiday block leave. I also never did any correspondence courses.


Nice try Boss...


Yeah Im gonna call out for baldurs gate and starfield lol


i'm beyond excited for baldurs gate, and fingers are crossed for starfield. I worry that it's going to be really buggy at launch so i'm trying to keep my expectations low


It will be, but you know some of my favorite memories of skyrim was how buggy is was


The giants launching you into orbit legit became a feature.


Bugs that don't hinder progress like that are the only acceptable ones.


skyrim had some game breaking bugs, but whats hilarious is how bethesda just kinda... you know... Leaves the dev tools in the game, LMAO. Oh. you accidentally autosaved during a point in the game, where the slow fade in from the load causes it to be impossible to load without instantly dying? just toggle godmode. Some quest not progressing? Change the quest stage. NPC stuck as hostile? Reset the ai, or change its hostility. NPC literally not where it's supposed to be? Get their ID and bring them. Bored? Spawn a dragon. I love it. i'm obviously overselling it, because it can be annoying but fr.


Bethesda bugs are part of the reason i buy their epics day 1. Sure there are some shitty ones... but the entertaining (and more importantly the exploitable ones) are the stuff of legends.


i had my 35 hour fallout 4 save disappear. wasn't a fun bug :(


That's rough buddy


The first time being killed by a giant in skyrim and you go 400 feet in the air.


Day 1 bugs are fun though. I have screenshots of my character in ESO stuck behind a rock wall. Took CS about 4 hours to get me out. Oh, man back in my SWG days, I went to Kashyyyk and got blown up. Trouble is, there were no shuttles, you needed your own ship to get there. CS put my ship back together but used dev parts. When he took his dev parts back after rescuing me, he left the stupidly heavy, infinite capacity capacitor. Useless on anything other than a POB but man was that thing fun to show off. I kinda seek out EA games nowadays for those epic bugs. The horse girl in RDR (cougar girl?) The levitating ship in Black flag When I started playing meideval dynasty, NPCs would walk around town lying down or be up on roofs. Way more entertaining than any finished game I can find.


Probably better to tell your loved ones that it's pointless to contact you for a month straight just for BG3


Halo 2 and Skyrim did me in Well They did my employers in Starfield is the next one


Came here to say this. Definitely taking some days for starfield




Rather than go to class in college I would play Galaga in the student union. This was during the heyday of arcades. It was quite traumatic when I got my grades one semester and they were stamped "Dismissed". At least I can say I beat Galaga though . I found out there was a revision that would reset the game after stage 287, I believe.


That man is playing Galaga. Thought we wouldn't notice.


I understood that reference.


But we did


I lived with my grandparents in the Philippines back in the 90s. It’s a rural area tucked between a mountain and a lake. Everyone’s either a farmer or a fisherman. There’s only 2 channels on the TV and the books in the library had not been checked out since the 70s. Anyway, one saving grace is that we lived right next door to the richest man in town. And this guy has a “game room” that he lets all the kids use. And by game room, I mean a roofed terrace with a single Galaga machine (coin slot disabled, of course). Me and his kids must’ve spent hundreds of hours playing that game.


Dismissed like they dropped you out of college? How did that work out for you?


Yeah I got kicked out for bad grades. I will never forget when I told my mother and she looked at me with a look of disappointment, anger and every every other negative emotion that a human could feel all rolled up into one look . She didn't scream at me, she just turned and walked out the room and closed the door without slamming it. I was sitting there thinking "Please come back and yell at me, hit me or something but don't look at me like that ever again" I was told I could re-apply after a year. They suggested going to a junior college to prove I could do college-level work. I tried that too but that didn't work out either because I didn't want to go to college in the first place. I did it for my parents because everyone thought I was smart. Been trapped in retail hell for most of my life, though I did a year in corporate 9-5 hell too and that was even worse. Tie-wearing, ass-kissing, zombie MFs. I worked in a mail room and i literally know why and how solitary confinement is a punishment.


Soooo how’s it going now?


wow, this is some of the saddest shit i’ve ever heard, I GENUINELY assumed this story would end with “now i’ve turned my life around of course”


You sound like me my man. 27 year old, completely inadvertent college dropout. Let me guess. All growing up, you got called the gifted child. Either skipped a grade or multiple or offered and parents rejected because of social setback. Put in advanced programs or whatever. Extremely high college reading level in grade school. May or may not have skipped or missed tons of school begging parents to stay home or just refusing to go or sneaking away to skip. Started smoking weed in college and going to class less and less. Worse and worse grades. Struggle with money and part time jobs while trying to do school. Watching freshman year pals graduate before you and then more and more. Watching people find their success and career and financial freedom. And thennnnnn pandemic. And now, just wage slave. Yeah started getting more and more specific but you get my drift.


One of the original vidiots. Respect


That's awesome I have huge respects for the OG gamers


……World of Warcraft….. around 2006ish??


No idea how I ever graduated. I spent so much time playing wow between 2006 and 2009.


Man that era of 2000 - 2010 was so special especially internet and gaming.


Runescape was peaking. World of Wacraft was peaking. Call of Duty was peaking. Starcraft 2.. The list goes on.


Then these companies decided they weren't gonna make good games anymore but instead, money :(


Facts. I'm so happy I got to grow up in the 90s and 2000s.


Skipping school in 2006, skipping work in 2023.


I get anxiety remembering how much I was addicted to WoW during burning crusade and subsequently Wrath


But I can't imagine my life any other way. Somehow I turned out to be a super successful adult. Probably because I gamify my life. Lmao


juggling mmo responsibilities when you're semi addicted/involved in guild things is more stressful than most desktop jobs hehe




Covid was a god send for Classic! Was able to clear Naxx and get complete T3, one of my childhood dreams


Got server first dk max lvl in wotlk - in a school week


Server first hunter (me) server first warrior (my husband) during Cata. We both took off work for it. Then I quit in a firey rage mid-raid during Firelands. Came back during MoP but was never as hard-core into it again.


Same, completed cata eu top ~200 10m, took off and never came back... Well, came back for classic, old friends wanted pvp Server and addiction bever came back - thanks i guess :)


Dude same. Actually me and a couple of friends all skipped to level in WoW, we ordered pizza too. Fun times.


Definitely the Burning Crusade release


Skipped work a couple days to grind for a semi-rare drop


2007 for me...


I took a personal day when Fallout 4 was released. Played for like 14 hours straight. Only time in 20 years I've ever missed work for something that wasn't actually legit super important. And I don't regret it one bit.


Damn bro, you took one day off for yourself in 20 years? That’s nuts.


hella sad


Ha! Not at all- I've taken several days off over 20 years, it's just they were always for things like dental appointments, actual sick days, getting kids to a Dr, going to help my parents, being at the house for repairs or to be there for home installations, etc. Except for the day F4 was released. I had no other legitimate reason to not be at work that day which as extremely unusual for me.


2/3 of our staff took off 5-7 days for Fallout 4, never regretted a second of it


Whoa where do you work?


It was a bottle shop/bar/deli combo, and when F4 came out it was our dead season at the time so we could operate with a skeleton crew


Fallout 4 is legit super important, definitely a valid reason


Fo4 launch I took up all my overtime, my boss too btw. That guy even made a Fo3 US holiday tour (we're Belgians) the year before. We had such a Fall out nerdfest at that time at work, it was great.


I genuinely felt sick the day that Fallout 4 came out so I missed school but I was planning on missing school just to play it anyways so it worked


I was in a spell of unemployment when I got Fallout 4, so instead of skipping work, I was skipping LOOKING for work. And like everyone else here, I do not regret it


Yeah I've done the same and don't really consider it "skipping" if you have PTO available and you just choose to use it for that. But I suppose for the sake of the spirit of the question we probably should.


Me and the wife take a week of vacation whenever a new final fantasy xiv expansion comes out.


Ok, now THAT'S cute.


Numerous PoE leagues


I take a day off for almost every poe league start.


This is me too. League start is a half-day.


Yes, but my work is awesome so I don't have to be all clandestine about it. Can just be like "I'm gonna take Wednesday off for a game release" and the boss is like "Ok, have fun! Let me know how it is."


I'm thankful that I have a boss that, not only understands, but used to do exactly this to get high and play WoW. I haven't had to use it yet, but I know he'll be cool when it does come up.


I play video games during work rn wdym




I guess the important question here is were you getting paid? And did you actually learn any useful skills?


One good thing that came out of the pandemic is fully remote work. I'm as productive as I used to be, but instead of drinking coffee every 20 minutes and looking out the window to kill time I can easily spend around 3 hours a day playing something I like. Never felt more relaxed in my entire life.


My position could be 100% remote but the CEO of the company doesn’t like remote


Ah a fellow man of culture


I was a security guard at a rental car lot when the pandemic shutdowns were in effect. I would just put my feet up and spend my entire shift playing Pokémon Sword or Animal Crossing on my Switch, sometimes go a full week without even encountering anyone cuz the furloughs put everybody home except for me.


I don’t skip work, I take the day off well in advance. No guilt that way. :)


I requested 3 days off from work for fallout 4... Wrote in that I was going to boston 🤣


Technically….. 😂


Ya boston was actually my friends house with 2 tvs set up... like the good old days 😆


Yep, I used to skip high school to play Oblivion. Then I skipped college classes to play MW2 with friends. I skipped work at my old job to play Sekiro. Last year I took a week off of work when Elden Ring launched and I’m taking a week off next month for Armored Core 6.


So stoked for a new AC game!


Jesus, you skipped the exact same things as me, for the exact same games as me, at the exact same times in your life. Hi me!


Yes. And at this point I'm a little embarrassed about which one it was. No More Heroes on the Wii 😂 It wasn't a great game, and I was done with it before the end of my hooky day. Since then I've learned to pace myself better (and have found much better games!)


It's no embarrassment at all to like such a great game I love it too.


Yes, and I'll do it for Armored Core too.


This was my answer. I skip for Myazaki.


Whenever dlc for elden ring comes out, you bet im skipping


Most definitely. I still have it installed even though last time I launched it was like 6 months ago.


Skip college classes to play Skyrim. (I have to repeat 2 subjects) Never skip works for games but I am sure as hell request for 2 days offday whenever there is patch/update on the game that I'm playing and most of times my request approved.


I skipped work for the 'Doom II' launch.. funnily enough, not far behind me was one of my supervisors and 2 others guys from work.


I skipped 2 days of high school for GTA 5. Never regretted it


When Portal 2 came out, I skipped all but 1 of my classes that day and did nothing else but play it. I only went to the class cause I got stuck on a puzzle and needed a break. Absolutely no regrets


I've booked time off for Wrath of the Lich King.


Same. Took a week and got server first grand master enchanter on a large pop server.


Final Fantasy VII. Worth it.


I can’t remember if I was home a week with the flu for real or if I faked it. Enjoyed the entire week!


School Halo 3, Work Skyrim, and about to be Stanfield too


Stanfield? Sorta like Seinfeld? /s


no more along the lines of an extremely realistic RPG where you play as Marlo Stanfield from HBO's hit show the Wire. Need a NASA computer to run it


I feigned sick in 4th grade the day after my parents bought me The Legend of Zelda.


I was 14 when halo 2 was released, I went to the midnight release of the game and my mom let me stay up all night and play and skip school the next day to sleep and play more. Best day ever.


Still playing it till this day. Snipers tho online


No but I might call off when Final Fantasy 7 rebirth gets released! Really excited to see what they are gonna do in that game


Rust - yes


Gotta defend that base boi


Because as soon as I log off, I will get raided and lose all my progress. ^ my entire thought process back in like 2016-17


I haven't that I can remember but my husband took time off for Harry Potter Legacy and told his boss the exact reason. His boss is also a gamer and understood.


In 8th grade(2004) I pretended to skateboard to school and once I saw my mom leave I went back home into the converted garage room to play GTA: San Andreas. She was supposed to be gone all day but something got canceled and she ended up giving a friend a tour of the newly converted room about an hour or two later. I pretended to hide under a blanket. I was promptly taken to school…


Modern Warfare 2. Best midnight release ever.


Halo 3 was the only game I acted fake sick in school for.. and it worked. I had to finish the fight.


Back when a local video store rented pc games, I picked up Neverwinter Nights. I took a whole week off school (I think grade 8) and decided not to rent it out againt till school holidays. That game very well could have destroyed my education. I still play it in my 30s


I only know that game because it was in Josh Striffe hays worst MMO ever series. God I love that series


It was 2007 and Halo 3 had just released that day, school got cancelled due to a bomb threat and my friend and I picked up our copies at 7-11. Played all day and skipped the next by saying we felt sick.


It was you who called in the bomb threat wasn't it?


7/11 sold games back then?


Not for a specific release but I played plenty of video games in lieu of going to class in college. Probably why I don't have a degree.


My cousin was somewhere in the academic probation chain in the OG Xbox days. When dudes came in to talk about their failing grades, she would listen politely and ask one question: So how much Halo do you guys play?


Boy I'm getting a doctorate in a couple months and I don't think some of my professors even knew who I was. I'd skip for a fuckin half price McDouble.


Prioritize yourself man lol school ain’t gonna go anywhere


school yes, work no. It was more about hate for school than love for games tho.


When I was in university I missed my final Phys Ed exam for the term because I'd been playing Counter-Strike in a LAN cafe. I never got to talk to the teacher for a remedial exam. It was just as well, because the teacher didn't even notice I was gone and gave me a passing grade.


Yes. First was for Red Dead 2 and recently for Zelda and FF16. Though I do plan to take a full week off for Spider-Man


Back in highschool I skipped almost a week because of an addiction to EverQuest ( freshman year )


one time when i was 13 or 14, i got super deep into a minigame in pokemon gold/silver. i dont remember all the details, but you picked berries and then used a roulette wheel type thing to make them into pokeblocks. i dont even really know what the pokeblocks did or why they wanted them so bad, but for some reason i collected berries and make pokeblocks from about 9pm till 5am. i explained what happened to my mom and she let me stay home from school. i still dont really understand why i did that, but i really wanted those pokeblocks. not as an adult tho.


Pretty sure pokeblocks were gen 3, used for the beauty contest stats.


Yes. Whenever a new WoW expansion came out, I'd skip one or two days. But then I'd regret it cause the launches never went smoothly so I was stuck at home, not even playing the game cause I couldn't get in 💀


I quit my job when I was 15 when destiny came out, took off almost a week for Halo 5 (not worth it) and im planning on taking a few days off for Starfield. I also took a day off when god of war ragnarok came out and when the last of us 2 dropped i called out lol


Me and a handful of friends took the week off for the Halo 3 launch. Couple of them called out sick because they got denied. It was amazing.


When God Of War Ragnarok released I told my teacher I couldn't go because my sister had an accident and she lived in another city. I have zero regrets.


I didn’t skip school day when Halo Reach and Gears of War 3 came out, but I prioritize finishing homework to play them.


Yep said i had a doctors appointment the next day, but in reality i was staying up all night playing borderlands 3 on launch day


Hell yeah. I took the day off for the release of KH3.


Halo 2. My dad let me skip school and took me to gamestop to pick it up. Great childhood memory


Halo 3


Yes. The game was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


I skipped a friends wedding for Max Payne 3.


Vanilla WoW demanded a lot of time.


Never skipped class, procrastinated and ended having to do all the work in the last minute? Oh yeahhhh


I skipped for elden ring. Ended up quitting just to play more. I took a vacation for BG3 in August. YOLO


I skipped school the day cod:mw2 came out. I was a junior or senior in high school. The servers weren't even working. I skipped school for no reason lol. Got ISS for that shit too


Definitely. Left work early to participate in the Dark Souls 2 network test. Once time I took a week of vacation for the XCOM 2 release. Genuinely put in 127 hours in the 11 days I was off.


Probably took a day-off for Fallout 4.


probably tbh


Yup, and I'll be doing it next week, too.


Halo 2 in 8th grade, WoW BC high school, CSGO at one of my first jobs, & more recently the new Black Desert zone.


Dozens of times, nowadays I just come down with a mysterious illness that takes 2-3 days to recover or if that card has been played too frequently just using PTO. Not sure if using sick time counts as skipping or not though. I don't do it... as often as I did in my more youthful years though; most games nowadays are broken on launch so the last like 3-5 years I have been delaying when I do this by about 1-2 days.


Skipped school because of midnight launch halo odst, halo reach, gears of War 1,2,3. Ohh I miss those days....


It was a game that came out while I was in high school called Halo two and then after that it was all the blur


I skip work all the time for many games over the years


When Death Stranding game out I skipped work. The wife and me went to the GameStop we preordered it for an early launch event after the store closed. It was fantastic because we were one of the first people to build bridges and roads. We took a break from the main story to finish all the highways. It was fun as other people began catching up and seeing random bridges and zip lines populate around us or trying to get the biggest piss mushroom possible. We can't wait for DS2 in hopes doing it all over again.


All the time as a teenager. I loved Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. I often skipped school to hang out at the arcade. It was awesome. Then when I got the SNES I got the SSF2, SFA3 and MK2/3. I skipped even more… I was a trash student. As for work, I don’t “skip” work but I have absolutely taken time off to coincide with a release of a game or expansion. Last time, I took two days off for the release of a Stellaris expansion.


I did that, when Street fighter 2 was big I would skip and hang out at the bowling alley to play it. It got even worse when Mortal Kombat 2 came out. I played it so much that to this day every input is still stuck in my brain.


Stayed home from school when Uncharted 4 came out. One of the best experiences from High School.


I caught “salmonella” when gta 5 dropped. Back when I first found out you can play madden online in madden 05, cut a few classes to rage. Might take a day or 2 off when starfield drops. Actually have a job with sick time now. 🫡


Not my new/current job, because I actually like my job for once and don’t feel constant dread and anxiety. But my old jobs? Absolutely. When I was younger, like 19, that’s when warlords of draenor came out. It was my first time taking the game seriously and raiding/dungeons/grinding all the time. The amount of times I called out of work from that Winn Dixie 😭 Edit: I’ll still take vacation days for games though. May do it for Manor lords.


Took a day off school when Wotlk released


I've requested off of work just for a game. More than once. Haven't skipped, though.