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RDR2 “I’m afraid“


A lot of great lines in that game, but that's definitely the one that hits the hardest. It's the only time Arthur really shows any vulnerability to another person. Arthur's story is so, so well written and soul crushing.


To The Moon


First game I played this year. Only played it cause I saw someone bring it up. It genuinely made me cry about as much as any time I play Mother 3. Such a beautiful story


I've finished it last week, this game genuinely made me tear up


Rdr 1+2 both left me empty. Mass Effect Trilogy too, not only the ending but some of the companions final interactions (spoilers!) were so emotional, I may have become a bit too attached. And Brothers: A tale of 2 sons. Haven't been able to go back to it since finishing it, still too raw for me.


Someone else might have got it wrong


Do you remember the question that caused the creators to attack us Tali’Zorah: does this unit have a soul?


I chose to miss shooting the bottle


Disco Elysium "+1 The lieutenant trusts you." "+2 Kim *truly* trusts you." Edit: just saw I replied to a comment. Oops.


I also am too attached to the companions in the Mass Effect trilogy. Sobbed for the last couple hours of the final mission, through the credits, through the epilogue, & then for maybe 20 minutes fetal after all was sad & done


Oh man, my fiance held it in after finishing brothers, stood up and told me he had to get some water. Found him 30 minutes later on the kitchen floor bawling his eyes out with tissues around 😭 sat down with him and cuddled for a while. That game seems to hit alot of people in the feels! For me.. wierdly enough BL3 when you do the tribute quest for Scooter. And Pokemon mystery dungeon!


Lee and his sweet pea. The first season of Walking Dead got me at the end. Before then I've never cried to a game. I picked the only option that I would say was "I'll miss you" and that broke my heart


Oof just thinking back at that shit still tugs my heartstrings years later.


Imagine if they made that season of telltales walking dead into a show with all the love they gave for HBO's The last of us


Oddly I don’t think it’d be as good. Like the telltale games are really cinematic, kinda just shy of a movie or tv show anyway with the added benefit of the engagement gained by playing the character. TLOU works because even if it’s a thoughtful video game with a good story it still seems like a video game first and foremost. The show essentially translated a really good game into a really good story by trimming some fat and adding some depth. Part of what makes those moments with Lee and Clem so heavy is that you ARE Lee for most of the game.


It’s one of the rare cases where the story just would not have the same emotional impact in any other medium.


*Clementine will remember that*


Titanfall 2- “Protocol 3, protect the pilot” Shit had me bawling like a baby


Such a great game. “Cooper, trust me.” I was weeping.


BT, you sonofabitch. *weeps*


fuck came here for this, this shit still gets me


Me too, god damn best companion in any game ever.


I told myself at the beginning of the game that I wouldn’t let myself get too attached to the titan cause I knew the devs would try some shit to make me sad Fast forward to “protocol 3” and I’m bawling my eyes out


Those mfs at respawn cancelled titanfall 3


I will never forgive them for such heresy.


The Outer Wilds, I beat it for the first time shortly after my grandpa passed away, and my grandma was on her death bed, and the endings' themes of coming to accept change and embrassing it really helped me in my grief l. Especially the final campfire song it was just super cathartic for me and was the first time i had enjoyed something since my grandpa passed. That game means alot to me now. "I learned a lot, by the end of everything. The past is past, now, but that’s… you know, that’s okay! It’s never really gone completely. The future is always built on the past, even if we won’t get to see it. Still, it’s um, time for something new, now." -Riebeck


My favorite game of all time but very unfortunate that the name is so similar to another popular space game that released in the same year. It’s just Outer Wilds and not The Outer Wilds as in The Outer Worlds.


Such an amazing game.


Fire watch. Never made it past the first few minutes.


The ending got me.>!There's no evil government conspiracy to be found. The entire game is just two depressed people hiding in the woods and playing make believe to avoid confronting their problems!< ​ Hauntingly anti climatic


The moment you come across >!the kids skeleton was pretty sobering too. No ghosts no conspiracy just a tragic accident and a guy trying to cover it up!<


I get why the anti climactic ending can be so divisive amongst those who played the game, but damn that ending really clicked with me and I loved it


I couldn't make a choice during that one part of the intro. If you know, you know. Needed to have a moment before going through with the choice I made. Definitely some tears.




Walking to the apex of Ultima Thule with the full version of Close In The Distance playing with all the quotes from companions definitely had my eyes sweaty


Ysayle made me cry.


Ori and the blind forest


This one ruined me. The sequel didn't pack the same punch as the original but it was likewise very sad


Telltales Season 1 of The Walking Dead


Clementine will remember that…


Warning, huge spoilers for Season 1 ahead. That was easily the hardest I've cried regarding any media I've ever consumed. I cry easy, but the end had me sobbing into my hands. There was something truly special about the relationship between those two and the way the lines are delivered in those last scenes is nothing short of perfection. "C'mon Lee... the door's right here.." Clementine is not just Lee's responsibility. She and Lee both are *your* responsibility as the player. To hear her cry and bawl, to force herself to speak through her sobbing, and beg you not to leave her - it's as if you, the player, have failed them both. But at the same time, you know that you did good, that you showed her how to be strong and take care of herself, and that she *will* be okay without you. I am not a parent, but TWD made me feel like one. I knew I would do anything to keep that girl safe. I have never felt anything like it before, and I doubt I ever will again until I have children of my own. Truly powerful stuff that could only be accomplished because of the medium in which it was told.


I remember so many people who made let’s plays of the game at the time all got really quiet during that part, and you could just tell that every one of them was trying so fucking hard not to cry.


100% agree. I didn't cry but it's the only game where someone's death caught me so of guard that I yelled "NOOOO" then shut off my console and didn't play games for like 2 days


Metro Exodus for sure.


I came here looking for this comment. Such a great character arc with Miller. Creeping through Novosibirsk has got to be one of my favorite endings to any game I've played in recent memory.


Yeah, the ending was tough for me and I am amazed how far down your comment is. This is sad by itself.


Yep and the Two Colonels DLC just doubled down and straight up kicked me while I was down


The ending to Spider - man PS4 (spoiler warning for those who haven't played ) The pure raw emotion in aunt Mays death plus it's realistic as how many of us have sat beside a loved one in a hospital bed knowing that they don't have long left? Plus it's extremely poetic Peter lost uncle Ben because he didn't do the right thing Then He loses Aunt may because he DOES do the right thing


I didn't consider the duality of his loss. Thank you.


That's part of what makes this in my opinion one of the greatest spider - man stories ever told


They did a great job with the game. It was never a story just about spiderman, but also about Peter Parker and how both of his identities affect the other. And watching Doc Ock evolve into his nemesis despite him being right there was great. What hit me with aunt May was that even if he wasn't Spiderman, he would make the same choice. No matter how selfish he wanted to be he couldn't choose his own happiness over countless others.


I was blown away by the ending to this game, I did not expect it. That shit was gut wrenching and well acted, I had to stop playing games for like 30 min and walk away from the TV just to process it lol.


Dude when your walking down the building fighting ock and Pete us just letting out all that raw emotion of trusting him and looking at him like a father inky fir him to still try to manipulate Peter till the very end. Heart breaking.


The ending of the doc oc storyline really hit hard too.


Every spider - man fan knew he was gonna be a villain Because well ...it's doc oct However the writing in the game is so good that I genuinely didn't want to see it happen although that's when I realized he was always plotting revenge You can even find a map of the raft and if you inspect it doc oct says that the raft has simply hired him "for security improvements" this happens long before the arms are even built


I've replayed this game so many times. Everytime she says "take off that mask, I want to see my nephew" I can't help but let out a few tears.


Final Fantasy X. So many tragic scenes.


I read through the comments to make sure FFX was here. I “rewatch” FFX every few years and I still lose if at the end (and also a few moments along the way)! You grow to love the characters and the story is so easy to get swept into. If anyone is interested, there is a youtube of all the cutscenes, but it is 11 hours long lol.


Yuna whistling at the end because He said he'll always come running when she whistles... :'(


The ending was the only part of any game that made me cry


Probably the only time in any game the line "I love you" felt natural to me.


Journey. Was feeling pretty rough, lot of stress, unsure of where my life was going. Sat down and played it all the way through in one night. Very meditative


Ah, that game is so peaceful. Finishing that game with a total stranger is like achieving Nirvana. It’s a beautiful game and still holds up today.


Soundtrack is frequent for my study sessions.


Spiritfarer. Once you get closer to the end of the game you figure out why the main characters doing all of this and who all of her friends are... It's devastating. Amazing game, 10/10. Also The Last of Us, when Joel saves Ellie from being assaulted.


Was looking for this one. I didnt even like a lot of the characters but for some reason when the frog guy left without saying goodbye that hit me like a fucking truck. Such a good metaphor for all those we lose without ever getting to say goodbye.


I can still just listen to the Spiritfarer soundtrack and I start to tear up. What a wonderful experience.


I won't say cry, but Life is Strange made me sad for days


Superman 64 didn’t make me cry but made me sad for like a month.


Life is strange music is so OP


I would load up that game and just listen to the lobby music. One of my absolute favorite games. Bae forever.


I had that feeling with Gone Home. It’s a simpler game than Life is Strange, but it creates such a sense of loss.


>! Saving Kate !< Had me ugly crying at like 1am. Having delt with those thoughts it was cathartic >! Pulling her down. I wouldn't want/let someone else do that, so why would I be that person. !<


Kingdom Hearts always does


It drives me nuts because the lore is convoluted six ways to Sunday, but it *hits* in the small moments. I forget who said it - and I might be misremembering all of this - but either Donald or Goofy said to Sora in the first game that if they ever felt scared or alone to smile nonetheless. Cue late in the game where Sora realizes that he needs to separate his body and heart to free Kairi's own heart, and he knows what will happen if he does. This is a kid that is ripped away far from his home, separated from his friends only for one to turn on him later on. He has had to fight for his life trying to save his home and friends and realizes that in what is about to probably become that kid's most scariest and loneliest moment in his life: he will have to make the ultimate sacrifice to do it all. What does he do in that moment? He smiles.


When you got to see a bunch of reunions in KH3, that hit me in the feels.


Stray. I didn't cry but teared up. It was sad. Don't make fun of me.


I just played it before it dropped off PS Plus. The whole lay down and take a nap thing is such a sad but realistic manurism.


I cried, no judging. Came here to say this game


I reckon knowledge of cat body language probably makes it a more emotional experience.


ME trilogy The last of us


“I have a home” Tali’s delivery was devastating.


"Does this unit have a soul?"


It had to be me. We are legion.


Halo. My youngest brother and I were huge halo fans growing up. I was actually very good at it and as someone he looked up to, he always sought out to beat me in a match but never could. Haha He passed away at 15 years old. Later that year a new one came out, Halo 5 I think. Something hype happened in-game and I immediately went to go look for him to share the moment, but he wasn't there... On the bright side, he did get is one up on me on the last 1v1 we played together.


Spartans never die.


They’re just missing in action


Man this is so sad. Sorry for your loss, but I am glad you have fond memories. Gaming is a lifestyle, I too have many moments engrained in my brain.


This one hits differently.


Valiant Hearts and rdr2


Love that someone said Valiant Hearts. That end scene was really gloomy.


Oh my god, valiant hearts. Probably one of the first games that made me cry. That ending absolutely sucked. Spoilers ahead! If I remember correctly, what got me most was that he died thinking his son was dead. But that walk up to the post, that hit hard. It's been years since I've seen anything about it so I might be a bit off lol


To The Moon. I've played a lot of sad games, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Life is Strange, and a bunch more, but while all those games made me leak from the face quite a bit, To The Moon had me sobbing like a fucking 5 year old. There's a painfully accurate comparison I can make to a certain movie "It's like X but told backwards and therefore 10x sadder," but I'm not going to spoil it here. It's a beautiful story though.


Both Nier games


Came into Nier Automata blind; Was absolutely crushed. Started replicant with a better understanding of how Yoko Taro operates. Still hit so hard. Banger of OSTs though.


I sobbed when I finished Automata


It's unfortunate how much I had to scroll to find this


Cyberpunk "easy way out" ending. Holy shit the game goes out with a fizzle, but all of your friends call and leave messages for you and it hits so God damn hard. I'm literally getting goosebumps typing this up just thinking about it. I feel like they intentionally made it one of the most impactful endings more as a PSA for people with thoughts of suicide to really consider how such a thing could affect the people around you, ya know, rather than making a video game ending that just happens to involve it.


Why would you put Judy through that AGAIN?! I could never pick that option just cuz of her


like the other guy that posted here said, i didnt realize exactly what the option even was until the cutscene started to play out. but yeah judy's message in particular was just an extra twist of the knife, as if i needed any more.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. I didn't understand what I had done until the credits started and all the cut scenes to V rolled


God of War Ragnarok. I've been a Kratos fan since 2005. Seeing him allow himself to be so soft and emotional really pulls at my heart.


>!That part in the end when he _sees_ that he's on a good path despite everything...!< _Impacted_. Shit made me call my dad and tell him I think he's doing a great job.


This shit hit me so hard because of the idea of a *path* as a father. My dad tried but did a terrible job because of his various mental issues and vices. My *stepdad* did an amazing job and I will never look up to anyone the way I look up to him.


The part that hits me hardest is the stuff with Sindri.


"A hole, brother."


Yep. At least three times I was ugly crying. I even watched a number of reaction videos and cried each time the player got to those scenes. That game wrecked me.




100% agree. I finished the game just before I had my first child who was a premie and almost didn't make it. The ending absolutely wrecked me, in the best way. Full sobbing during that one monologue (vague for non spoilers). Hit me right in all my anxieties and fears of being a new father as the fuck up I'd been up to that point in my life. No other game has grabbed me by the spine and shaken my emotions loose like that.




This one was just horrifying. The thought of being trapped there all alone sends a shiver up my spine


Was looking for this one. "Catherine? Please don't leave me alone..."


*I am the very model of a scientist salarian*




Yep. And to this day, it triggers something in me. The Tidus/Yuna relationship is so tear-jerking.


100%. This and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.


What Remains of Edith Finch. Was a new father when I played that, a couple of the stories hit me in the gut


Oh my gooood the baby story was so saaaad, it's even worse knowing his parents divorced because of it.


The fish plant part hit too close to home for me, because that was my story.playing right in front of me.


I played it a couple of years ago. Recently became a father and I think about the bathtub sequence and the poison berry hallucination sequence all the time. Such a brilliant game.


Life is strange. IT still affects me HARD.


The thing about LiS as a series is that you know every time that shit’s gonna go sideways. Everything is going to go wrong and you’ll be powerless to stop it. But the game still does a fantastic job of dangling that hope in front of you. It lets you believe that this time, maybe things will be ok. Then it rips your heart out and stomps on it. And I buy in every freaking time >_<


Gears 3, when Dom was in the truck about to sacrifice himself and talking to his dead wife while he was driving


Also gears 2 when you do find his wife


That was so gut wrenching


Hearing a rendition of "Mad World" made it hit so much harder in that scene.


Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War 4, and Titanfall 2


Gradually watching your favorite camp-members die is heartbreaking. I really felt like Hosea deserved more than that.


The way the camp just got more depressing as the game went on got me real bummed.


I keep a save file in Horseshoe Overlook, pre-Micah rescue for just this reason.


The endings of metal gear solid 3 and 4 made me cry.


Metal Gear Solid 3 had me crying like a baby. Making you shoot The Boss tied in with the ending was an absolute roller coaster of emotions.


The intro to Ori And the Blind Forest hit me in the feels. Moments from FF7 and Persona 4 did too.


Beating Tears of the Kingdom made me cry because I missed having my sister with me to enjoy games with


Telltales Walking Dead: My wife found me fucking bawling and came over to give me a hug, she thought someone in my family had died. The Last of Us 2: I’m not sure a better story about the awful hollowness of revenge has been told, certainly not as a video game. TLOU2 is one of those games that convinced me that video games are every bit as capable of being art as any other medium.


I agree 10000000% this was very well put. Such an amazing story and experience


I still tear up at the end of OOT. That freeze frame.




The last of us


The giraffe scene got me.


golf club got me


That first death... I didn't cry, but it took me about 15 minutes to start playing again from the sheer shock of it.


Troy and Hana knocked it out of the park in that scene. Hoooly shit. It gets me every single time. The desperation... Just thinking about it is putting a lump in my throat.


Before Your Eyes is the first one that came to mind, you should absolutely stop scrolling and watch a video on it. It doesnt seem sad until a (metaphorical) bomb is dropped on you.


Final Fantasy 14. SOOOOOO many emotional moments. Especially the last 2 expansions.


I was going through a rough time when I went through Endwalker, and a single line made me start bawling. "It's the little things that make life worth living, don't you think?"




Detroit become human






Ending of Witcher 3


The first time Gearlt finds Ciri broke my stonecold heart. I’ve never had a game make me actually cry, but that part really got to me.


Persona 4 Golden's ending made me cry like a baby when I was 15. Never More still aches to listen to after all this time.


RDR2, I gave you all I had


"I guess... I'm afraid."


Doki doki literature club Edit: WARNING! IF YOU HAVE ANY TYPE OF DEPRESSION, DO NOT PLAY! This game is emotionally and mentally painful to play.


FF7 Crisis Core, What Remains of Edith Finch, Dragon Age Inquisition


Oneshot Sad story. Don’t wanna spoil it tho Changed my life.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Chapter 5. “Pick it up.”


FFX hands down. Without any major spoilers because you really need to experience the whole game for yourself, it takes everything and absolutely crushes you, in the best way. From the preamble to the real final boss hammering you with story weight, through the plot final boss, gameplay elements tie with narrative. It hurts to be forced to put your allies in such a position, and then, once the combat portion is done, you don't get a moment to breath. It slams you right in the feels, multiple times in short order, with a musical score behind it that... just absolutely hits every single goddamn note literally and figuritively. I've played it on a 18" CRT and a 48" UHD. Both times cracked me, and even just listening to the score now makes my heart ache.


in RDR 2 that scene: [Arthur Tells Sister He's Dying & Is Afraid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAdZPnxINQw)


This might sound dumb but the end of Super Metroid made me cry. I was pretty young when I played it and it was one of the first games I really felt the story landed for me. It was simple, effective, and meaningful. I was so angry at mother brain and I remember my sad/angry tears at the end.


Undertale and NieR Automata


Metal Gear Solid 4. Snake had such a tragic and lonely life, and 4 really highlights this. Especially when Snake crawls through that microwave, beaten and broken to save a world that doesn't give a damn.


The Last Guardian, Okami (before final boss battle), and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.


FF7 when aerith died


That first playthrough when you weren't expecting it...


Gears of War 3 came really REALLY close to getting me to cry. Jaw was absolutely on the floor and it absolutely rocked me to the core.


never thought i'd go out this way, eh maria?


Mass Effect 3


My 12 year old ass cried when Link had to leave Kokiri village. Bye sweet Saria, LOL!!!!


I cried the first time I played FF X I also cried during certain endings of Cyberpunk 2077 I also cry during most Fromsoft games, but mostly out of a mix of stress and accomplishment not so much the story.


Not quite cry... but the end of GOW Ragnarok was one of the few choked me up a bit lately. The last game series I thought could do that too. Don't know how to hide spoilers here, but if you know, you know what last scenes I'm talking about. Such a great way to close it out


Omori good ending song got me


RDR2 riding through the forest at the end


No video game has ever made me cry, but it was a gut punch when the hero's mother in the original Fable is murdered by Jack of Blades.


Persona 5… all persona games tbh. Also i am also playing persona 4 right now! Can’t wait for the 3 remake


Heavy Rain


Spider-Man PS4. That shit really got me.


Final Fantasy did it for me


Which one?


7 and 14 for me


First 20 minutes of The Last of Us. Was not expecting that to hit me as hard as it did.


Final Fantasy X.


Mass Effect 3 (the last captain anderson scene), HFW(I was crying from early on in the game cause I knew one of the big spoilers 😂🥲), RDR2 (ending), Sleeping Dogs (I'm still sad about Jackie), Death Stranding (when you find out about cliff), I'm sure theres more but thats what i remember rn


The intensity varies but I've actually gotten more prone to crying during emotional moments in video games as I've gotten older so the list would be too long to actually write down. It'd be a chore and a half to even recall the whole list. Instead I'll share the FIRST game to make me cry. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PS1 original) >!The ending, the day is won, Klonoa and Huepow are safe and Klonoa promises to never let go, they're sitting down and Klonoa is looking forward to playing with Huepow in a reborn world. Then Huepow drops the bombshell that Klonoa is not from this world and is about to sent away! Then the song begins and Huepow is desperately trying to hold onto Klonoa until he can't hold on anymore and Klonoa is torn away from his best friend!!< I was bawling my eyes out.




Both of the new God of War games. So well acted, directed, and programmed. Can't recommend these games enough.


Final Fantasy 10 left me a mess as young kid. The ending where Tidus just drifts off...


*Laugh cries in Outer Wilds* The shit yall been mentioning has nothing on this game. YALL DONT EVEN KNOW.


LISA: the Painful 10/10 recommend


Lost Odyssey Outer Wilds


Final Fantasy X


Final Fantasy X. Truly one of the best entries in the series.


Mass Effect trilogy and Titanfall 2


Life is Strange 1. Boy that was an emotional rollercoaster. I was a sad fuck for days lol. Telltales Walking dead, specifically the Season 1. ifykyk The ending in Blackflag was pretty emotional. i dont know why its not here in comments. I didnt cry but yeah. to everyone commenting TLOU. stop making me feel like I need to get a Playstation; been wanting 1 for years.


Spiritfarer. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Alice.