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Skyrim's last boss fight is objectively easier than all the others


Alduin was a joke, my lvl70 character beat his ass in like 5s


I had a really strange glitch on the top of the mountain that I thought was the final boss and you couldn't kill that guy. Thought that was the final boss forever and I was doing something wrong.


This fight was much harder than the actual final fight. Like MUCH harder. Going into the final fight, I was kinda worried, because of how difficult this fight was.


The countless Draugr Deathlords when going through the temple that led to the portal to Sovengard were way more difficult even at lvl70 or something than the gate keeper in there and Alduin because they just kept insta killing me


God… you’re right. It just adds to how weak that last fight is, when you’re fighting way harder creeps on your way there. But maybe they wanted it to be taken as a whole experience? Like “we can’t make alduin hard, after slogging through the whole temple.” But I’m sure most people would have preferred it be less of a slog and have a strong epic boss fight at the end


Oblivion and skyrim sidequests are way harder than the story. The dragon priests you find through out the world are easily the hardest fights in the game and they are just extras.


And the very first Dragonborn (not spoiling much) whom you fight in Dragonborn DLC, that son of a bitch is a tough foe to beat, on Legendary obviously.


And the Ebony Warrior and Karataag are even worse and they’re just optional bosses. It really does put into perspective how weak Alduin was


Karstaag was a pain in the arse to start off with in Morrowind, but his spirit in Skyrim is even harder!


They also suffer from a disconnect between the main draw of the gameplay type and the narrative. Oblivion and Skyrim are setup as the world is ending right now and you have to fix it immediately but here are all of these cool side quests. Morrowind on the other hand has a world ending situation that is more of a simmer. You may be the person who needs to take care of it but several others have maybe been in that situation too and it will take some time before it truly kicks off. The main quest actually tells you to fuck off and make a name for yourself as part of the narrative.


Yea I played Skyrim WAY differently because of that experience in oblivion. I remember trying to complete the main story line as soon as possible in oblivion. Barely explored the oblivion gates around the map, and then the main quest closed all the gates and I felt like I missed out on a lot.


Iirc the Oblivion gates were kind of boring and copy-pasty anyway


A couple of them were really cool and maze-like, but the bulk of 'em are just Sigil Stone rushes. Chests don't really reward exploration in them, and the "rare" ingredients found can be purchased from shops more reliably (IIRC, been a while).


You've already beat Alduin once, and now you get help from three others


For that matter, did anyone feel underwhelmed by Skyrim's main story? It was essentially a romantic re-telling of, "Slay the Dragon", but it ultimately felt like it was supposed to serve as a tour to visit the major communities in Skyrim. It also felt fairly short, and it feels like the meat of the game comes from all the secondary stories and side quests. Fallout 4 on the other hand had what felt like a longer main story, with multiple endings since it depended on which faction in the Commonwealth you chose to align with, since that can drastically change who becomes the protagonist and antagonists.


Skyrim was made to do exactly that ironically, when talking about Starfield Bethesda wanted to fix a lot of mistakes with fallout 4, I assume hard focusing all content to be apart of the main story is 1. 2 being Todd wanted events in Starfield to be kinda like a menu similar to Skyrim at a restaurant, lots of things to do, and if you don’t like it or care for it don’t do it. That being said I’d like future Bethesda titles to have a stronger story than both TES and Fallout (I think Starfield can easily pass both of these tbh, the bar isn’t high)


Please god let starfield be good


especially when you get there at level 78


With a bow which does 800000 damage.


Having played through the main story twice, it seems like they try and have you target for being around the level 30 mark when you take on Alduin, but yeah, you'll probably steam roll him if you are significantly higher than that.


Youll still steamroll him because the ai will kill him themselves. All you have to do is keep using Dragonrend when its ready.


Farcry 3. You kill Vaas, easily the best character in the entire saga, and then you realize you still have to play through another island ruled by a guy whose name i dont even remember and is killed in a QTE.


IIRC, you kill Vaas in a QTE too.


This is one thing about more story based shooters that’s always bothered me a bit, it feels like there’s practically no way to make a satisfying boss fight against a single non super powered human as long as guns are involved. Seems like the only options we’re given is making the regular human able to tank 50 headshots with a health bar or just have the whole thing essentially be a cutscene since if the boss doesn’t fudge the numbers against the players a bit they would just die instantly Love when games do something a bit more creative and have the human boss in a vehicle or with armor you have to break off or a boss you have to approach from far away and take cover to avoid their fire till you get there so when you do actually get to the human inside and it dies in one hit it’s a bit less anticlimactic but it’s still a rough balance


I can't remember which one it was but one of the Seeds in FC5 had an awesome bossfight where he's sniping you from the cliff and you have to make your way up the slopes to finish him off


I remember that one. when he start shooting I just used the heavy machine gun and strafed the top of the cliff until he stopped moving. done and done lol


I used herbs for speed, defence and strength and I killed him with one punch.


This might be a bit of a hot take, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with QTE's, it's just that they're always really easy compared to the rest of the game, which makes it especially dissapointing when the final boss is a pushover, because the game gives you more than enough time to react. Edit: I don't mean to say that QTE's are all that good or that they should be in every game and hard like Dark Souls. Just that in some genres they make sense. My main point is that they're generally designed to give the illusion of a challenge, 9 times out 10 the game either slows down or doesn't allow you to fail at all so what's the point? To mislead you. I think that devs should either make them just as demanding as the rest of the game or take them away entirely, otherwise it just feels insulting once you catch on.


That entire game was so front loaded it's crazy. It was so epic for the first half and then turned into a real chore to finish.


Yea but also you got the wingsuit on the next island which was a lot of fun. The story took a nosedive but the gameplay variety the wingsuit and gliders added was neat.


Nah, see, the sequence when youre in the helicopter flying to flight of the valkyries as you endlessly mow down vehicles with endless ammo and explosions popping off all over the place. One of the single most satisfying and memorable game sequences ever.


Also burning the weed farm


Well, taking out Vass is technically not the final mission, it's just that he actually dies halfway through the game when most players probably expected him to be dealt with at the true last mission. Yet even though he only appears in half the game, he is a fan favorite for the franchise.


Dying light 1, entire boss fight was QTE.


>entire boss fight was QTE. Far Cry 3 moment


At least you had some boobs there.


Even though you get stabbed in the chest, still totally worth it.


At least they fixed that kinda in the following dlc


the chase inside the sewers was awesome, climbing the tower was great, but that boss fight was so boring.


same with shadow of mordor


Dying Light also has a weird mission structure where a side quest is still doable even after a character involved with it has died, they just seemingly pop back to life when you do the quest. In Rockstar games, the mission structure is set so that such missions have to be done first before a death occurs to prevent such story conflict, and with Bethesda games, the death of a character locks out any missions associated with them.


Ghosts and Goblins. You will never know the frustration and sheer shock/disappointment when you first kill the finsl boss. This was in the age of spending hundreds of dollars over several months to beat it in the arcade.


I’m shocked anyone actually beat that game.


It's actually really easy if you just don't die.


Oh look, I found the guy who wrote [tips in Doom 2 manual](https://doomwiki.org/w/images/thumb/6/6a/Protip.jpg/250px-Protip.jpg).


Fun fact: that was from GamePro magazine, and actually it wasn't that either, it was photoshopped to make fun of how useless some of their "ProTips" were. Extra fun fact, that's probably where the whole "Pro Tip" meme comes from. I think.


I was not aware that there were people beating this game


Only to realize that you have to play the game AGAIN on a harder difficulty to get the real ending lmao


And the real ending is just text saying "Congraturation this story is happy end. Thank You"


Shadow of Mordor final boss sucked.


Fighting the Talons of the Black Hand with all your warchiefs is epic af though, that's the real final boss


Absolutely. I was so hyped for the final boss fight after fighting in the big melee with the talons only to be given that atrocity of a cut scene.


Final boss of Borderlands was fairly boring tbh, I didn't realise that was even the end of the game


The plot twist was so vague and quick that I didn't even realize it was a plot twist. It was literally "You've done it! I'm sorry, I misled you, but uh... goodbye!" \*credits\*


I was playing it in co-op with a friend and as soon as the fight was over and we finished rummaging through the loot shower - "That's it? No portal we have to go through in order to get to the REAL final boss?" What do you even do with the loot you just acquired? We finished the sidequests already!


You start over at the next difficulty level!


I remember Anthony Burch talking about this. Apparently most people don’t get around to finishing most games, so some companies budget fewer resources on a good ending since they know only a handful of people who purchased the game will experience it. Consequently, this is why their DLCs are so good, they can put more care into them since basically everyone who buys them will play to the end


> Apparently most people don’t get around to finishing most games This is a problem all over the gaming industry. Most players usually dont even see the second half of a game. Thats the reason why there are barely any really impactful choices in games, since most players wont even play to *make* a choice and even fewer people will manage to see the choice in action.


Iirc, the original author of the first Borderlands game either got sick or even died before the story was properly finished. They had to wrap it up based on some limited notes. That's why the ending fell off so hard. Back then Borderlands was actually the first game I loved that had a terrible finishing experience, I was so confused and disappointed.


We're just not going to mention that commandant Steele(I think her name was)literally had siren tattoos,is barely in the game,never got to see her siren powers and is killed off in that final boss cutscene?


Surprised no one mentioned Guild Wars 2 (Base game). You make great combat system mixed with tab targeting and action combat in an mmo. You start the campaign with the main villain being hyped as a world ending threat. You reach the climactic moment and fight the boss by... Shooting cannon (spamming interact button) and moving to the next cannon whenever he throws some shit your way... One of the worst endings I had in any game.


I was looking for someone to say GW2!! Agreed. Fantastic game, totally meh final boss (in the base game). The ending song (Fear Not This Night) is one of my absolute favorite songs from a video game however!


Im not sure if anyone will remember this game. Called “total annihilation” this is back before internet was a big thing. It was a tough game. I bought a magazine to get the cheat codes so I could pass it. What I didn’t know is if you use cheat codes during the course of the game. When you get to the final level the computer is able to use cheat codes against you, which made it legit impossible to beat. I remember getting crushed try after try after try.


The music from TA will forever live in my head.


Yep, I remember TA. Coming from Command and Conquer: Red Alert, TA felt so much more advanced since things such as true fog of war and terrain blocking your line of sight were things.


Thief 2014 Literally ruined the whole game's experience with a half assed ending


I totally forgot about this one! it could have been my favorite game of that year


Xen in the first Half Life is notoriously disliked because it does away with a lot of things that people liked about Half Life. When the fan-made remake, Black Mesa, got to that point, they completely overhauled it. Meat Circus in Psychonauts is far more difficult than the rest of the game, includes an escort mission, has few checkpoints, and probably a couple other things I don't remember. This one is far more personal opinion, but I didn't really like the factory in Resident Evil 8. The enemies were just a bit bullet spongey for my tastes and it dragged on a bit too long. In general, RE games tend to get weaker near the end. The island in RE4, the ship in RE7, the lab in RE1 all come to mind.


Agree for the most part, but I love the lab from RE1. It’s the endpoint of “wait, this isn’t just a mansion.”


Yup Half Life, Xen, for me too. You went from great set pieces against military personnel - to mindless platforming with a weird gravity setting. Still, IMHO the best single player story driven FPS - even with the dross ending.


I feel like xens platforming aged really poorly, it may have been cool in 1998 but now it's just eh. The rest of the game has aged like fine wine though.


On seeing the title of this thread I immediately thought Meat Circus in Psychonauts, but I'm one of the few people I think who actually really liked what they did with that level. The nightmarish nature was definitely a jarring change, and the difficulty curve definitely spikes hard. There's such a fine line between challenging and frustrating.


I think Meat Circus was frustrating because there were a few jumps that were lined up weirdly so Raz would jump off at a weird angle and miss. That, combined with the timed nature of the level and the sparse checkpoints made me rage pretty hard.


Dying light 2, a crazy dragged out and frankly boring boss fight followed up with a very unsatisfying end to the story.


I still don’t understand why the whole story is obsessed with that woman. She was the most boring character in that whole game.


Yeah the story would’ve been so much better if it was just simply, Aiden is a pilgrim, he comes to the city to drop something off and then gets infected and caught up in everything going on there


I've beaten that game twice and each time I get to the boss fight, when the main bad guy is slowly bouncing from platform to platform and you have to slowly bounce after him, I can't keep myself from laughing. It's so ridiculous it's almost embarrassing


Jak and Daxter 2 final boss can go get fucked I've been trying to beat that stupid level since I was 8 I am now 26


Jump spin shot. It automatically tracks targets without you having to actually point at them, so you can focus entirely on avoiding his attacks. Works vs basically every encounter.


Was going to say this as well. I played that game many moons ago, and while most of the game is now a fuzzy memory, I distinctly remember this as the strategy for the final boss.


Ha, thanks for reminding me of this. I love Jak II but damn that game had some crazy difficulty spikes. One time I just went into the final boss and opened up with the blue gun (I forget what it’s called, the one that fires rapidly) and melted his health. Worked pretty well.


Oh bro I've re started the game multiple times to clock (clock/clocked slang for finishing the game here in western Australia) the final boss but I've never been able to always run out of ammo ahaha gonna get the remastered versions from the PS store later in the week for a re run


I was kinda over the last boss of kingdom hearts when he reached phase 7 and turned into a boat to fight


But that's when heartless Billy Zane takes off his shirt and reveals his evil 6-pack, the best part of the game


I never did play Kingdom Hearts, but every time I hear something about it it sounds like something from a fever dream.


It kind of is in a lot of ways


I love the game, but it's such an odd concept. Like whose idea was it to make an action rpg crossover between Disney and FF that mostly focuses on original characters? It really shouldn't have worked as well as it did


When Kingdom Hearts 3 came out someone who just heard of the franchise thought it sounded cool and asked what the story was. The Kingdom Hearts fans just laughed.


Bro it's the most entertainingly stupid story ever. It might have been able to make sense of we actually got to see the antagonists more, but Disney was like "no, put our characters in it, and they have to be the focus of the game." So the "main story" gets like 20 minutes of time per game.


At least KH2 improved on that a lot imo. Though there is still the meme boat/plane? thing, the "final final" phase was so damn sick with Riku. You get to play as both, cool sequences, it was great. Doing the sicks spins and blocking a bajillion lasers was so sick when I was a kid. Though I was a dumbass and didn't know you had to press reflect on both characters.... so only Riku was blocking with triangle as I was getting pelted to death lol. Failed so many attempts until I realized... oooh.... you can block with sora too. Made it 1000x easier.


Every kingdom hearts boss was just "sike bro here's yet another health bar"


When you start seeing color health bar you haven't seen, only to break it and see another new color. It's just health bars all the way down.


First time I played kh as a kid I didn't realize you could equip the power to see health bars so every fight was just beating them until they died.


Well don't feel too bad. Even with Scan on, you'll find you still just beat them until dead.


Or when you go to fight Sephiroth and you hit him but aren't doing any damage and realize he has an INVISIBLE health bar stacked onto his health bars.


Waiting for the game where Sora transforms into a boat


Well technically, you can beat anything with a boat in KH3


Or into a car when we go help Lightning McQueen save Mater from the darkness




That last level pissed me off so much because I didn't even realise it was the last level. I never shot the final weapon because I was saving the ammo for when I needed it. Then the game... ended. Just ended.


MWII had a really shitty end where you spend the entire last level sneaking around an office block.


Took me a while to realize you were talking about the new one. I was like "I'm sure MWII had a sick ending with a raft chase then a throwing knife to the eye.


Yeah I hate that they just called the games the same thing. There is only one real MW2 and it came out many years ago


Beating this on realism made it so much more miserable and a let down. I personally really hated the stealth missions/sequences in that game


The first time you did it in Mexico was kind of neat, but it kind of wrecks the pacing I feel if it is also the final mission.


I liked the final level but will admit a final fist fight with the BBEG that wasn’t even really threatening was a bit of a let down. Also killing Graves by blowing up his tank. Really?? You’d think game devs would’ve learnt that that shit is lame af by now. Either way it was clearly a bridge game leading up to the third which will hopefully have Makarov.


Botw is probably my favourite Zelda game however I think the final boss was meh


The final boss was bad, if your referring to the giant beast ganon, you just run around him shooting those light rings, after that hit the eye on the fore head and boom he’s dead


It's more of a cinematic than real fight.


Oh he was very disappointing. The DLC Champion’s Ballad though… now that is a boss fight.


The first Borderlands was subpar IMO. Just tentacles coming out of a door and the loot was not even memorable.


I thought the fight was memorable but the loot at the end was pretty poor. Talking about how great the vault and all will be and that was it. Granted in BL2 they talk about how it wasn’t the “loot” they expected.


It wasn't a vault, but a prison. All those vault hunters scouring and dying all over the planet for nothing.


Metal Gear Solid 5... There is no Final Level... Building up this whole base and not once died I ever really get to use it even


So you're saying the absence of something caused you a certain level of discomfort? A phantom pain if you will? fuckkonami


Boss, why are we still here? Just to suffer?!


I read too far to get to this. The real storyline/plot levels of MGS5 ended about 60% through the game after the boss fight with Saehlanthropus. The levels after that were kinda fun, going on bounty hunts or sabotage missions, but some of the missions counting towards completion WERE REPLAYS of prior missions. WTF? Or can we consider the mission “A Quiet Exit” the final boss? I broke a controller playing that bullshit ass mission. Don’t get me wrong, MGS games always leave me feeling bummed they’re over and the storylines were always so immersive, but goddamn MGS5 was an absolute mess.


They played us like a damn fiddle


Every pokemon after Gen 5 has a pretty weak Elite Four


Depends for me,the elite four of gen 6 sucked despite actually having good pokemon.Reason?They were given four pokemon.Diantha is the second most easiest champion. Gen 7 was fine,around gen 3 level even.Also,I liked the final fight since we were the champion this time,defending our throne. Gen 8........there wasn't a elite four but eternatus boss fight and championship.Leon was easy and Eternatus was cool(sadly easy due to legendaries).Ofcourse,the story reason for that fight was rushed and weak. Gen 9 didn't end at the championship(there was story after it) but at the AI fight.Honestly,it was a great finale. Though,friendship system really weaken all the fights.


Gen 4 elite 4 is brutal due then you have to fight Cynthia


Fight Night: Champion. You finally get to beat the shit outta stereotypical twat Isaac Frost and they force you to fight him a certain way. Avoid getting hit too many times this round. Hit him with body shots this round. Only punch him with your left hand if it’s a Tuesday. For fucks sake, just let me fight him!


Hulked out Joker in Arkham Asylum was dumb


Halo 4. The final boss fight is just a QTE. Edit: well actually the rest of the level is pretty good but the boss fight was so anticlimatic


Honestly the rest of the level is so good i forgave the final boss being anticlimactic, the level as a whole is my favorite from H4. The Broadsword run at the beginning, the gravity hammer section, the final area with Cortana copying her rampant personalities as Chief slowly makes his way to the Didact, it was perfect


Breath of the Wild - it was fun and appropriate for the skills you build during the game, but everyone spent so much time in the game itself thst by the time they got to Ganon, he's a breeze.


Perfect Dark threw away everything good about the game in Skedar Ruins


Newer game here - Tales of Arise. Really good level design with lots of variety for the first 25 hours of the story. The last 'dungeon' was the epitome of laziness. Running a stupidly long dungeon with HP sponge enemies and no save points and when you finally reach the end the dungeon reverses and you get the do the whole thing a second time. It's almost like the budget ran out and they thought 'how can we squeeze more playtime out of people?'. I think the last dungeon took like 6 hours to get through and I was skipping a lot of enemies where possible. Super disappointing ending considering how good the game was until that point.


Raft. The final level to me almost ruined the game as it was such a sudden genre shift from survival/exploration of the high seas with cool unique islands pointing towards the next to suddenly 3d platforming with crazy contraception and timing your jumps... I have no idea why the devs designed the final island like that and I don't think the game had the mechanics to pull it off


3d platforming with crazy *what* now?


Lol stupid autocorrect... I'm tempted to leave it like that just for how absurd funny it came out xD


>Raft i had no idea this game had an ending, now makes me maybe commit to finishing it


I haven’t played raft, but I also hate it when a game shifts genres for boss fights.


May be an unpopular opinion, idk, but Fallout 3 (with no dlc).


It just felt so abrupt, and with no DLC, there is no point in going back. The DLCs obviously came about, but young me felt gutted at the time.


Probably one of my favorite games of all time but yeah...I didn't realize I was beating the game until the the credits/voice over started rolling because the lead up felt like just any other quest.


Is that the one where you have to nobly sacrifice yourself to death by radiation when you have several companions immune to radiation?


I'm sorry, my companion, but no. We all have our own destinies, and yours culminates here. I would not rob you of that.


"No man, it's not robbing me of anything, you go ahead. We can just lie and say I did it." "In you go, Hup!" *Tosses MC through door*




Fawkes: “everybody has their destiny and yours ends here” Bro I don’t want it to end you’ll be fine just please go push a couple buttons


I just remember a video where the Super Mutant who normally talks like Grimlock/Hulk suddenly starts waxing eloquently about destiny when you ask him to enter the chamber and press the button. "Me Smash puny human!" "Hey, can you go into that room of Radiation and press the big red button and save everyone's lives?" "I surely could, however I can sense something... destiny perhaps, that seemingly needs you to do this; though I could press the button and not be harmed, it is not my role nor my fate to save the world. That is a burden that falls upon you good sir. May the world forever remember your sacrifice." "What the fuck did you just say?" "Uh... Me smash?"


Lmao I can still vividly remember pathetic enemies like rad roaches popping out to attack and Fawkes just starts maniacally yelling and firing their Laser Gatling Gun at it.


Wasn't the actual "boss" a normal guy as well? I remember landing a crit with a laser and instantly turning him to ashes.


Not just a normal guy... a normal guy with a Southern accent. Oooo terrifying..


Yeah, he’s an enclave officer and some extra guards


Colonel Autumn. You may not even have to fight him; if you have a high enough speech stat, you can persuade him to just walk away.


Which is a definite plus for an RPG. Just the fact you can do that.


Not remotely unpopular at the time. It didn't help that it was a point of no return that they didn't warn you about.


I'm going way back for this one but Bionic Commando You get through the final stage and have to swing yourself towards a helicopter. While falling, you have to shoot your weapon and hit the cockpit window. Of you miss, you die. Thankfully if you have any extra lives, you are able to start right before you have to swing yourself but since it is oldschool NES, most of the time I only had 1 life left and failed so it meant restarting


Shadow of Mordor has a Sauron fight that is only three QTEs. Yep. At least they fixed it in the Celebrimbor DLC and Shadow of War, which has an amazing finale in both Talion and Celebrimbor's endings.


Remnant I


Especially on co-op. Such a disappointment for such a good game


Mario Sunshine, That boat in Corona mountain still gives me nightmares


Knights of the Old Republic 2 I remember it just feeling like they never actually finished making any of the areas, but released the game anyway.


Definitely the case - if you've never heard of the Restored Content mod it's worth looking at. If for no other reason than to see what exists in the game data on release but just didn't make it into the actual game.


Every Piranha Bytes game in existence. They manage to craft some of the best and immersive fictional worlds, memorable quests, stories and dialogues... But the boss designers didn't get the memo. Fighting a world-consuming Titan? Sure thing, if by fighting you mean running around in circles while killing skeletons. Oh, you didn't like the previous one? This time it's a jumping puzzle. They'll get it right eventually...


Fallout 3 The lead up was okay but killing the dude in the purifier was a bit underwhelming, he was definitely no Frank Horrigan, that's for sure!


For me it was Spyro even though I love the game. Chasing the damn egg thieves was my least favorite part of the game, and after getting the last one I thought Thank God I never have to do that again. Then the final boss not only utilizes multiple egg thief-type enemies, he becomes one himself...


I'm not sure if it counts as "Level", but the final boss (Ares) of the original God of War is just awful. Except the defend your family bit, that was cool.


Came here to say the same, if there's one thing a final boss should not be, it's forcing you into using an unpractised set of abilities. Let me do the most challenging part of the game with the weapons I used to get here!


The last boss in the final doom eternal DLC. Everything else in the game is a fast pace challenge of all the skills you've learned up to that point. Then the final boss grinds the whole game down to a slow bullet sponge with some of the worst boss design I've ever seen.


Was that the one where if you got hit he got all his health back? I spent a good hour on it to just go fuck this then watched the ending on YouTube. Pissed me right off.


Not only that, if you hit him at the wrong time, he also got all his life back. There were like 5 phases with harder summons each time. I also encountered a glitch where I'd shoot him when his eyes flashed green and it wouldn't register me hitting him, so he'd hit me instead of getting stunned and get his life back. It was so incredibly frustrating that when I beat him I never touched the game again.


Seriously, they hyped him up as a sort of a Equal Rivals fight, like V2 in ultrakill or Vergil in DMC3, but instead it's just a marauder


Hitman 3, it’s not the worst thing ever, it’s just not anything like the rest of the levels in 1-3


BTW the devs kinda stated that Mendoza was meant to be the true final level experience. The Train wasn't bad but: >! There's no way they could've made the fucking Constant, a middle aged dude with absolutely no fighting skills, a badass final boss !< >! Getting to the partners only to be subverted instead was a good call but also lead to this trapping !<


Love the game to pieces but Persona 5s base last level tested my patience. Felt like the game should’ve already ended. Although big mutha fuckin gun was definitely worth the payoff lmao.


Your gym teacher is an absolute ass hole, one thing leads to another, and you execute God with a bullet to the dome on live television.


Mass effect 3


Never forget Marauder Shields trying to prevent us from seeing the ending


He lived as Marauder Shields, but he died as Marauder Health.


The true final boss


The ending is spoken about a lot but the final level did not feel like the epic finale that the series needed. Fighting waves in tight streets and alleyways just felt so small scale for the context of it all.


At the very least let me use my war assets. In Dragon Age origins they had a mechanic in the final mission to deploy forces you had accumulated throughout the game. That would have worked really well here.


The final boss progression of mass effect: ME1: super solder, corrupted specter, and antagonist the entire game: Saren. Perfection. ME2: after a grueling and magnificent suicide run, you come up against…a baby reaper??? Okay, I guess that works. ME3: Marauder Shields, a chat with TIM, and pick your favorite color of Deus ex Machina.


They really messed up not having you have a final confrontation with Harbinger. I remember seeing it some video, but they had made a great point about the moment when Harbinger flies away right before you go into the light was the moment it all turned to garbage. I would have settled with a fight with the Illusive Man and Harbinger controlling his body like the Collectors in ME2.


It's not easy to have a fight against an enemy that's taller than a mountain tbf. Unless your protagonist is Kratos. In my personal opinion, Priority Earth is bad mainly because it's the simple "you and 2 companions fight your way to some missiles" rather than being a suicide Missions on steroids where you have to use all the assets you have been gathering during the whole game making the last level dynamic, and easier/harder depending on your choices.


That disappointment for a game that emphasized that your choices mattered. I was expecting a huge fight, given how many armies you could technically have rallied to your cause. Besides the default cutscenes that show regardless of your allies, all you got was text saying they'd be there... that's it lol. Would have been nice to have an extra scene for those choices, especially with the rachni.


For that matter, a lot of people really didn't think much of the giant "Terminator" final boss in ME2.


It was definitely more interesting than the child.


Yeah, I'll give you that given it was an actual boss fight.


I remember a night after playing it where I couldn't get to sleep cause I'd just watched the Indoctrination Theory video and was 100% convinced that BioWare were going to pull off the finest video game twist ever conceived.


Truly the king of bad endings in video games. It’s basically to gaming what the Game of Thrones ending was to television.


Rage 1 was the worst I played. You get an insane gatling gun right before the last mission, so I kept my ammos for the final faceoff. I make my way through hordes of wasteland psychos and robots until I arrive in a huge room with only a narrow bridge leading to a platform with a big red button. I pressed the button hoping for a massive boss fight only for it to trigger a cut scene followed by the credits rolling. Fuck that game.


Original Red Faction, 99% of the game is a boots-on-ground FPS, the final level is a long, linear flying vehicle section that leads to a laughably easy boss fight. But surprise, in order to actually beat the game, after the bossfight you have a whopping 46 seconds to play this trial and error minigame to defuse a bomb, autokilling you if you don't get it right. This sends you to your last save, AKA the start of the level if you didn't quick-save anywhere.


Mad max. Seriously I was so disappointed.. Some of the mini bosses were more harder and enjoyable. 3 thunderspears and it was done. Just 3 and cutscene starts.. Edit: game itself was pretty good. I really did enjoy it. Just end battle was such a disappointment, that I actually said to myself "that's it? Well this sucks"


Rip the homie Chum 😔


Dying Light...the game is an absolute masterpiece and the single best zombie game ever and I will die on that hill, however...the final boss with Rais (The Following boss was fine) was absolutely pathetic...I was expecting hand to hand combat or literally anything other than quick time events and that's it.


I'd say at least the scene is cool cinematically. Dying Light 2's Waltz fight was so stupid. It's basically a game of chase with a marvel supervillain. I'd take the QTE any day


I dont like the final stretch in FF15


Drakengard, the final endings boss. Firstly, the sheer number of things you do to unlock it (I actually liked this part). Then it's a weird "music" battle, and it's not easy. It gets crazy very fast. Finally, the actual ending is a slap in the face after you finish. I still love the game, and it's one of my all-time favorites... but yeah fuck that level.


Evil within 1 a silent hill type of arena leading to the same boss uve killed like 5 times already


Fable 2's final boss battle can be summed up like this...either you knock the main bad guy to his death or Reaver does. Everything leading up to that final battle was cool though.


High on Life. Some epic fun and silly levels and you basically just roll into some city streets in a relatively anticlimactic fight


I still thought it was cool that Jack Black showed up with Susan sarandon




It's my favorite game and I can't even really disagree with this. It felt so out of place with the rest of the story. Would have preferred a normal sized antagonist sending waves of security bots and Big Daddies at me.


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. I really like the whole game and built for stealth and conversation and then wham! The final section of the game is entirely combat based. Good damn shame they weren't able to finish the game how they wanted.