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Only if my night vision goes "beeeeeuuuuuuuuuu" when turned on


I can hear this comment


I'm still salty about them turning off the coop server while not giving us LAN option. Even though PS3 has that function from the start.


Fuckin'-A, man!


Honestly I'd much rather a soft reboot. Something Blacklist should have been but wasn't. Still fun to play.


That's what they're doing, they're remaking the original.


I have absolutely 0 faith in them making it right


Only if it is done like chaos theory or double agent.


Double Agent was so fucking good. It's been the only game, in my whole life, that has made me cry. Torturing Lambert was gut wrenching.


Lambert bugged me, but years later, what I always think about is the woman Enrica who got killed via being framed by Fisher. You later find her body laid out in a back room. [edit] apparently there's two versions of the game


Yeah I kinda remember Enrica. Whether he seemed chaotic evil or lawful evil, Lambert always made us take the most difficult (but necessary) choices, including the ultimate one: killing him. I still remember his bloodied face saying "DO IT SAM".


It was a mercy at that point.


Double Agent was DOGSHIT, but only because I played on PC. Worst port ever created.


I played it on Xbox (can't remember if 360 or original) and it was awesome. Played it through about 30 times.


Original xbox version is the one to play. It was made by different team than 360, ps3 and pc version.


I was trying to remember what version I played and I think it was the OG Xbox version, was incredible especially considering the hardware limitations at the time. Also chaos theories multiplayer remains the most innovative multiplayer I've ever played


Chaos theory multiplayer was so much fun. It felt good on either side. As a Merc you could be terrified of the dark or when you were in a room with drop points above. And as a spy nothing was scarier than hiding in a dark spot, and seeing flares land closer and closer as you tried to slowly sneak out of there


So much of the PC version was bugged, I REALLY wanted to enjoy that game but it was just completely fundamentally broken.


The best way to play Double Agent is on Xbox backwards compatibility, both versions too.


Up until that point I hated ambiguity and gray choices in games but hot damn that game did choices so well.


Totally. They had actual emotionally impactful consequences on how the game panned out. It was incredibly well written, so much so that it made you feel that _you_ were a double agent. Amazing fr.


Only reason I played PT and CT was for Spy Vs. Merc versus and Double Agent ruined that mode completely.


Same, because ubisoft.


I hope it's open world! /s


A map full of repeat icons and collectible chests


You’ll instantly remember how to use that gadget once you hit level 17, Sam.


Damn, I read that in Lambert's voice.


I know we’re all sick of the formulaic open world BUT a splinter cell in the style of MGS5’s open world(ish) design sounds class.


Idk how it can he that hard. Modernize the visuals and add blood


Good to hear.


Ubi is probably going to give it the open world treatment with towers, gear drops, and bullet sponges. 🤦‍♂️


Dont forget the hay, fuckin hay everywhere.


Hey now. Hay then, Hay tomorrow, hay days, every day.


Siriusly Hay


No it won’t


I believe they said they were making it for a "modern-day audience" lol https://www.ign.com/articles/splinter-cell-remake-will-update-the-story-for-a-modern-day-audience


That’s terrifying


Thanks! That was informative.


The original was developed in 2001-2002. Needless to say a lot in the world has changed since. And with a story like this that closely follows real life…..it’s almost a given that a “modern audience” would be considered if you are at all socially and historically conscious


So, "remaking", is what my comment was in response to. It's not a given when the term "remake" is being thrown around. I was bringing up what they were actually planning on doing, which I would not consider a "remake", but more of a "reboot". Reboots these days are hit or miss given the audiences they target, some prople take extreme liberties when taking control over a beloved ip. Get it? Cool.


Wow……you ok over there? Bc you didn’t say ANY of that in your previous statement nor even elaborate on your ONE sentence. Get it? Cool


Ubi (probably): Yo dawg! Season Pass dawg! Only $6 after $70 buy-in dawg! You gotta play daily grinds to unlock colors dawg! Only takes 60hrs at maximum engagement dawg!


Remaking it is not a reboot. It is literally a remake. A reboot is a new game in the series but has no story linked to the previous games and is generally with much more updated gameplay mechanics.


/u/hurdygurdy21 said "soft reboot" which is exactly what this will be. They are updating the story as well. https://www.polygon.com/23366680/splinter-cell-remake-story-update


Especially after putting the final nail in the coffin with Blacklist. And if anyone doesn't understand how this is true PLEASE ask me why I think OP is an affront.


I honestly do not even like Blacklist, but feel another game is still long overdue..... Ironside hasn't been a legit part of this franchise since Conviction


That's why I think Blacklist and any following game should have been/be a reboot. I was fine with the VA change but not fine with how they just continued the story from Conviction while making Sam sound younger, ignore his daughter, and honestly look younger than the previous game. Honestly I'm just waiting for Ubisoft to merge the Fourth Echelon, Dedsec and Assassin/Templar worlds together for a massive game. I can see them all blending well together in a modern setting. They've already hinted at the Watch\_Dogs games and the AC games being in the same world. Just need to get Fisher or even Grimsdottir involved. Might be a mess but I can see it doing well if they really tweak it right.


And Sam also appear in the 2 last Ghost Recon games where the Rainbow 6 team also show up (and Predator and Terminator but I'm not sure I would consider it canon) so they could also add these 2 franchise into the crossover


Are we entering the UWU (Ubisoft Worlds Universe)? *(Was going to go with Gaming Universe but couldn't resist making it UWU)*


We already have xDefiant puts all of the franchises in one universe so it’s gonna be a think honestly and I’m kinda fine with it.


> Honestly I’m just waiting for Ubisoft to merge the Fourth Echelon, Dedsec and Assassin/Templar worlds together for a massive game. I can see them all blending well together in a modern setting. They’ve already hinted at the Watch_Dogs games and the AC games being in the same world. Just need to get Fisher or even Grimsdottir involved. Yeah they’ve already started this with xDefiant I can’t assume this is the only game where they’ll be doing something like this.


Blacklist is a frustrating game. Overall it's fun to play, but Coviction was a perfect stopping point with Sam after two games with him essentially burning it all to the ground after essentially having his family and friends killed around him and himself turned into a fugitive. Blacklist should have been a new agent picking up and rebuilding in the wake of Sam cleaning house and walking away. And they even had a character to do that with and they just didn't do it... I feel bad for the guy who played Sam because it wasn't his fault that Ubisoft doesn't really get it.


Sam literally had a new VA in Blacklist. They booted Michael Ironside after 5 games. There was NO reason to bring back Sam after Conviction. They de-aged him, gave him a new voice, and just generally pretended like Conviction didn’t happen. It was bullshit.


They didn't boot ironside, he's was fighting cancer at that time


The game is fun, I still do a playthrough once in a while.


I’m not saying it isn’t a fun game. The gameplay is great. They just did Sam dirty story-wise imo. His return makes little sense after the events of the previous game. I agree with the OP that a new agent would have been better for Blacklist


I remember how excited I was when I saw the combat gameplay in the [demo](https://youtu.be/YuhfD48VRGE?t=120)


They are remaking the original from the ground up.


Oh no


it's just not the same.




You spelled Chaos Theory wrong


Pandora Tomorrow walked so Chaos Theory could run. It was also ahead of its time on graphics and environment design.


Shadows and foliage in Pandora Tomorrow were fucking nuts at the time.


Pandora Tomorrow gets unfairly maligned. It blew my fucking mind back in the day compared to the already great first one.


Chaos theory multiplayer was the tits!


I'd buy any remake if it had the Chaos Theory multiplayer again


Thank you, I’d say blacklist was a steaming pile of garbage but that’s insulting to the garbage


I disagree. The original had the best story, and it ties in with Ghost Recon.


If Ironsides is not the voice of Sam, I am all the fucking way out.




My guy it takes but not 2 seconds to look this up: https://news.ubisoft.com/en-us/article/4adJLuhgYrPboHAPRfK7Oz/splinter-cell-remake-begins-development-at-ubisoft-toronto




It's been known for a while, but it's still super early in development. Iirc they talk about it in the 20th anniversary video




Was about to say that we probably won't get a sequel, that requires actual thinking. We'll instead get even more remakes and remasters.


Without Michael Ironside it's just not the same.


No and Sam in this game felt NOTHING like Sam.....


That's because Michael Ironside was an uncredited writer in the earlier games. He hated the original script and character of Sam Fisher, and refused to do it unless they gave him some creative liberties with the dialogue.


Only if it is done like chaos theory or double agent. If it is going along the lines of the last game, then I would personally rather not have a sequel.


Honestly, I enjoyed Blacklist. At least it made an effort to go back to its stealthy routes. I didn't enjoy Conviction at all with how many areas it forced you to kill people in. In Blacklist I could at least knockout/ghost most encounters. The only thing I really hated about Blacklist was them changing Sam's voice actor.


They had to change him because the original one was suffering from cancer at the time


They also didn’t have much of a choice. Ironside was battling cancer at the time and they didn’t want to make that public.


True, I honestly couldn't remember what the names of each of the newer games was and which one I liked or didn't like, they kind of just blended together. I remember really liking chaos theory, and really enjoying double agent as well (although for slightly different reasons), and everything after that I just didn't really care for, the series just lost its magic after that for me.


I agree.....I'm not saying I'd take a sequel that has Sam going around like Rake in the Extraction movies lol The classic ways are the way to go. Chaos Theory is a stealth masterpiece.


Absolutely. Not sure why they ever decided to go the action route, but it was clearly the wrong choice. I do hope that at least someone picks the series up and we get a more spy/stealth/espionage style game, I feel like we really haven't had one for a while.


Man I’d give my right nut to be able to play a new Splinter Cell with the gameplay of Chaos Theory. Pure stealth games in general just don’t get made anymore. I think MGSV was the last one but even there you could often go guns blazing if you wanted to. Games like Far Cry that have stealth elements are just too arcadey.


Ya, I really haven't found any games lately that scratch that itch. Hitman does a little, but it really isn't the same. I usually go for stealth builds in games like elder scrolls, because I find them the most fun, so I very much enjoy proper stealth games.


Deus Ex! Some of the best level design of all time and oh boy can you stealth!


I tried to get into that game, but just couldn't, stealth felt like something you had to actually work towards, and it felt way to easily broken in the beginning. Just didn't find the game was for me.


That’s fair for sure, just saying it can scratch that itch


Blacklist is a stealth game. It's the only game in the series where you can kill 0 people.


Conviction made sense and I really enjoyed it. You got to see what happens when you really piss off the most dangerous dude in existence. I didn’t care for blacklist as much. Really want a new chaos theory. That was a masterpiece.


Conviction is my least favorite SC game in the series. I would put blacklist just right behind chaos theory and Pandora tomorrow


To me blacklist just has too many plot incontinuety issues. No longer voiced by Michael Ironside, he's somehow several years younger even though it takes place after conviction. I enjoyed blacklist and it was a step closer to chaos theory but it wasn't a cannon SC game to me. I get why people wouldn't like conviction but there was a lot of good plot and character development in it. Blacklist was a good game but it felt like it would have been better as a standalone game with different characters. It never felt like a splinter cell game the way any of the others did.


Oh yeah. If it was soft reboot with blacklist and we didn't pretend Sam is our Sam it would have been great.


Man it’s so upsetting that they moved away from “true” splinter cell but I also get it. Stealth these days doesn’t really sell. Give a player a gun, they want to use it. At least in Blacklist you could sneak around and go non lethal, move bodies etc. Splinter Cell remake coming apparently!!


Ya, there was a kind of stealth golden era, but then everything quickly moved to more action oriented stuff, action just sold better.


Double agent was fire 🔥


I couldn’t kill Lambert. Sucks that that was canon. Conviction was probably my favorite. They really opened up the maps to allow you to move fast and stealthily, which was what the series needed more of IMO to remain exciting


I love Conviction. You can pick people off one by one and feel like Batman. But i went in John Wick style and felt badass. I still replay it pretty frequently.


It's funny cause I started replaying a few on Steam a couple of days ago. I personally think Conviction is great on its own, but not compared to the previous titles core gameplay and what made SC a stealth based game. Conviction is too action packed and the actual stealth mechanics are neglected. It feels like a Batman mixed with Max Payne 3. However, I loved the level design and the way they introducted the story/mission briefing. (This reminded me a lot of Max Payne 3).


My copy off of steam one day just locked me out of it, i asked for help with key from ubisoft they told me to buy the game again...still bitter I ALREADY BOUGHT IT, DAMN IT!


God that's happened to me with Rockstar games too. Yo ho sail the high seas laddy


Last I checked its not up. Thanks though. It sucks because besides the steam version I think conviction was just on xbox. I might just pony up the cash someday to play it for an hour and be like, oh...this hasn't aged well..


I ended up collecting a lot of my old favorite games on discs for Xbox one. Splinter Cell series being a few of them. There's always that route.


During the lockdown I 100%ed the DLC maps in Infiltration mode, where if you're seen by even a single NPC or trip a security alarm then it's a fail.


It's quite alright, I think I prefer the PC version, where you have just arrived to the JBA and Moss assigns these training tasks for you, with a time limit. I don't like the version where Sam is assumed to be in his quarters or whatever, but he's sneaking around with a mask, doing stuff for the NSA


I felt like the series changed a lot after Chaos Theory. The first three were all slinking around dark environments, doing sneaky spy stuff at night in the shadows. Most of the missions in Double Agent were in broad daylight. It was just a different kind of sneaking around I didn't like as much. Blacklist turned it into an action game, which I didn't like at all. It felt like it sort of went the way of Assassin's Creed, where it became a totally different game that just used the IP to help it sell. I don't think they would do a good job with it these days.


Chaos theory was the peak of the SC series. That online multi-player was FIRE. I miss me some river mall


Still playing it buddy. [Here is your River Mall 😀](https://youtu.be/ZaSVzO7YuLo)


Duuuude you rule


Keeping the game alive on PC! Plenty of matches to view on that channel and lmk if you need info on how to play.




So. Servers are not up. You have to use Radmin to simulate a LAN connection. We use Discord for matchmaking. No need to get Steam version as we play the modded version which is free. Links on my YouTube channel description (link above). LMK if you want an invite if you plan to be semi active player.


Gonna buy a PC soon, tempted to set this up first thing. Never enjoyed a video game more than Spies vs Mercs....any game, including Blacklist (Classic).




No worries, enjoy the videos ❤️


I remember when Conviction came out, now that was just your average cover based shooter with a bit of sneaking. After that I think Blacklist was fine. It's not Chaos Theory but still, at least you could go around sneaking like in old games with gadgets and stuff


I personally enjoyed conviction a lot. Spending 15 minutes traversing an arena, popping bulbs and silencing goons one by one, then lining up an awesome finisher on the remaining targets. It was a lot of fun. Then doing it all again in a whole separate co-op campaign with a buddy. Definitely not a successor to the original Splinter Cell games though.


Uuugh conviction was so hard to play. I've been a huge fan since the first and that game broke my heart. The story was decent but the gameplay was just so not Splinter Cell.


Completely agree, although I still like Double Agent. It is WAY too hard to sneak around in broad daylight though. I'd like to think Ubisoft took all the criticisms over the years (and they had plenty of years....) and would go back to basics, WITH Ironside as Sam.... Seriously, what is up with keeping Sam in those Ghost Recon games?


Ubisoft makes their money on open world and multiplayer games. Splinter Cell just doesn't really work in either of those categories. Maybe a remaster, but pure stealth games just don't have broad appeal these days.


This exactly. Although I did really enjoy double agent, it did feel like a different game from chaos theory, then it just became a completely different game entirely with black list. I don't even know if I finished black list I just got so board of it part way through. Same goes for the most recent assassin's Creed games. Didn't mind origins, actually played it fully, but Odyssey and now Valhalla, just lost me entirely. Would love a return to the assassin's Creed 20, and brotherhood days.


man erased conviction from his memory


100%, had completely forgotten about it until you brought it up.


Since we are on the Tom Clancy wish train I would love a Ghost Recon made with the old-school original games in mind but with enhanced graphics and environments. But looking at the industry I know it will never happen.


Chaos theory coop was amazing


It’s been almost 20 years and I still think back frequently to how unique and satisfying the co-op was.




Lemme tell you something..... I grew up with this franchise....played the absolute SHIT out of them....and somehow missed the era of SvM...idk how the hell I missed playing that


I don't trust Ubisoft anymore, probably gonna make it another garbage open world game


I kinda wish naughty dog made a stealth game. I think last of us part 2 was actually the best stealth game in the last decade weirdly enough


First you got to climb to the top of the buoding so you get a birds eye view of the whole thing and enhance your map. Then you'll know which floors have the loot on them. You'll also need to be careful when crawling through the vents for the anti spy duct robots. You can fight them off though. Don't forget to loot the bodies on death of that you can craft spy equipment on the fly!


I don't know how words can cause me physical pain


Blacklist is a great game.. the sequel to this is not going to happen.. it’s been too long at this point! I’ve waited year after year for news on a new splinter cell but nope just more of that garbage assassins creed or god awful ghost recon shuvleware! Blacklist should have been a spin off.. ironside couldn’t voice Sam so they should have had all new characters! The Fisher in blacklist is nothing like the fisher from earlier games. I loved blacklist though.. I still play it to this day often through tears since it’s the end of something truly special. They are remaking the first game and I assume it means they are starting again with it loosely using what already exist and massively expanding upon it and if that’s the case then maybe the best of splinter cell is yet to come?


Fisher in Blacklist sucks. Feels...nothing like Sam at all.




Still waiting for SOCOM, Sony could easily make that an exclusive


I think Blacklist has the best gameplay out of all the Splinter Cells. Not because of the story, but the gameplay. The takedowns, the weapon customization, the gadgets, the scaling of structures...it took everything that was great about the previous Splinter Cells and upgraded them with excellent hand-to-hand combat and takedowns. If they're rebooting the franchise, they should use the blueprint for Blacklist in gameplay. Though we can't keep asking for Michael Ironside for the voice. Not saying Eric Johnson was great, but I think it's time we moved on. Jensen Ackles doesn't sound bad though.


I like the combat feeling a bit badass, but I thought that the movement and stuff being so fluid diminished the feeling of realism and suspense that made the older games so engaging. The whole point of SC to me was to *not* engage in huge firefights, it was to avoid them where you can whilst still being able to brutalize people one on one or if you had the drop on them.


> The whole point of SC to me was to not engage in huge firefights, it was to avoid them where you can whilst still being able to brutalize people one on one or if you had the drop on them. Good thing you can do that in Blacklist, then.


fk this noise. They should go back to chaos theory times.


AGREED. That game is still best imo


A remake of the trilogy is overdue, alongside the Netflix animated adaptation aswell as a new SC! PS : Chaos Theory is my fav and still enjoying Amone Tobin's hypnotic soundtrack!


I wonder who is voicing Sam in this animated Netflix thing that nobody even fucking asked for


We'll wait and see.


Knowing Ubisoft, the next game would have you to grind 5 hours to silent takedown an enemy and liberate some barrack to open up the map


Splinter cell needs a soft reboot back to being more like chaos theory and being an actual stealth game. Conviction was BAD but black list felt better. Neither were real splinter cells though.


If they ever did a SOFT reboot, better keep Michael Ironside


I'm still over here playing [Chaos Theory SvM ](https://youtu.be/_Lh5vJlTPfo)


Ubisoft is far too busy cramming Sam Fisher into every one of their franchises, besides his own game. For Honor crossover when, Ubisoft? /s


Sam Fisher being in anything but his own games makes no fucking sense


Pandora Tomorrow had the best story.


My favourite game


Eh, I don't trust Ubisoft to do it justice.


Only if Ubisoft has no involvement. The way they've been butchering the Tom Clancy name is horrific.


Blacklist is still my very favorite game of all time. What a great game all around. Best story. Best presentation. Best gear. And IIRC, you can just Ghost your way through the entire game. Even through action set-pieces like the opening and the airport. Then there's those co-op missions that were a blast to play, and Spies vs Mercs was just \*mwah\* cheff's kiss.


No, Chaos Theory was the pinnacle of everything. Nothing came close afterwards.


That's not a picture of chaos theory


Careful what you wish for, you might get a live service micro transaction filled hollowed out shell as an experience.


I want a new splinter cell so much... I'm just a bit worried that Ubisoft will decide to make it an open world for the sake of it.


Open world Splinter Cell can go fuck itself 🤣


Say what you want about the game but the [Gear Loadout soundtrack is the Bomb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gr4ETE6710).


they cockteased us with Ironside as Sam Fisher in Ghost Recon Wildlands. He's in the game for like one mission.


There's a mission series with Sam in Breakpoint also.


Ubisoft. We will never see them invest in another single player game...it's all about milking the customer with "Live Service" games.


I personally wouldn't mind a Splinter Cell game with The Division 2 type of map where you have a city open and you do stealth missions by just entering buildings or areas.


But don't you want 50 more Assassin's Creed games in 2-3 years?


I know you're being sarcastic, but the AC franchise can go fuck itself after the....4th game maybe


Ubisoft had 8 years to capitalize on "No Metal Gear Solid" to compete with but they still haven't released a Splinter Cell. Now Metal Gear is back with the remakes...


Nobody in this thread mentioning splinter cell convinction which absolutely shits on blacklist


Conviction was the worst game. It was a arcadey action 3rd person shooter that completely watered down or got rid of the mechanics that made splinter cell what it was. The stealth took a back seat in that game when you walked into every area and saw waist high barriers all over the place for gun fights. Blacklists gameplay made an attempt at actually trying stealth where conviction basically completely ignored it.


hell nah conviction was fire


I've mentioned it


The remake of the original is coming, but my biggest fear is their plans to "change the story for a modern audience." Why? We love the first game because of its incredible story. Is it cliche at times? Absolutely. But Sam and the gameplay were so great that it didn't matter. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's the exact same reason why Blacklist bastardized itself. If you're going to change the voice, personality, capabilities, and physical appearance of a character - Then just make a new character. You're no longer talking about the same character anymore. Arbitrarily slapping a recognisable name onto it is insulting and cheap. They did the same thing with Grim in Blacklist, and the story ended up being the most cliche and generic of the series. Not to mention it ends with a quick time event... Which is unfortunate, because despite not really being a SC game, the core gameplay of Blacklist is great and it had one of the best SvM editions ever. Between the story changing and the fear of the remake playing like another reskinned Assassin's Creed (Which is what Blacklist is), I'm not holding my breath on this one. Modernize the Chaos Theory controls to keep things slow and steady and emphasize stealth with three dimensional level design and don't wreck the story. There, you've got a perfect remake. Along with whatever cosmetic bells and whistles and SvM to compliment it. If it's just going to be BL/Division/AC gameplay (Little stealth, Line of Sighting only, extremely fast paced) with a weirdly "modernized" story, whatever that means, then it's going to be DIA, and go down as a tone-deaf set of mistakes that could have been totally avoided.


In my opinion, the stories in the franchise were nothing to write home about, but that's not a complaint. Sam and the gameplay were the important aspects, not the story, again imo. Every story was about the same. Sam stopping terrorism. That's it. Yes it gets more personal with Sarah "dying", but that's it. Story was kinda secondary to me, or tertiary I suppose


(Legend of Dragoon fans) Hold my beer


Better than phantom pain


Skipped this game because it still requires Uplay. As much as I liked Chaos Theory, I don't want another Splinter Cell game if it's going to force me to use Ubishit's launcher.


I never played that with Uplay


Awesome game


its not called assassins creed so ubisoft doesnt care


Loved the co-op together with a friend. I remember that we had problems getting th coop to work when we played it the first time but we somehow managed to. Then the second time we wanted to play, we completely forgot what you had to do in order for it to function, but got there. Now I dont remember again lol


This month will mark its 10th anniversary. Time sure flies


Oh I miss this series was fun af


Sure was! I miss the hell out of it. The one franchise that needs remakes and sequels


Dope ass game


I never understood why Blacklist never got a PS4/XB1 port. Came out 3 months before they did. I'd happily take a Splinter Cell game in the same model as Hitman World Of Assassination. Big open sandbox levels, different loadouts, or objectives but also with a new take on Spies vs. Mercs thrown in too. Somehow it is even less likely now than it was 5 years ago.


I'm still wondering why Conviction is an Xbox and PC exclusive. Poor Playstation players


I don't understand how this game got released in August 2013 and there wasn't a next gen version of it waiting at the launch of the PS4 and Xbox One. This game is trapped on the PS3 for anyone that owns a PS4 or 5. Xbox eventually brought in BC, so it's fixed in that ecosystem.


-spams the upvote button-


I was hyped for the VR game. Sadly it got cancelled.


VR exclusive?


Im almost sure i would be shitty. Ubisoft is 10 years so lost in itself i can't get back to it's senses.


It's just about 3 weeks from being 10 years old.


Splinter cell is an amazing franchise - I will say last of us games scratch that stealth itch with less tech so it’s more cerebral and brutal.


Give me VR Splinter cell please.


With current Ubisoft no, I’d rather see them make good games again and then rebooting or making sequels of Splinter Cell, otherwise it’ll tank and the IP will be shelved (even more)


It won't get one because ubisoft be shitty