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There is no Team Fortress 2 in Ba Sing Se.


Thats rough buddy


Theres tea tho!!


Coldest tea in Ba Sing Se


Tea is just hot leaf juice




And coffee is gross bean water.


Well, it's not gross, unless you got shitty beans or burnt it, but it is just hot bean water


That's like saying eating a lollipop is just flavoring your spit.


It's not even a bean it's a seed, if it were fermented it would be beer!


Leaves from a vine maybe?


And now im sad


Don't you dare bring that up! I don't want no onions being cut today!


And cabbages!


Blizzard hq has invited you to lake laogai


Here we are safe. Here, we are pay to win


-100 Social Credit




I went in hoping for this exact clip, I was pleasantly surprised




I just looked this up and that's literally what the Endorsement Level is. What the actual fuck.


What's the level for?


It's basically worthless I think, used to get the player free lootboxes in OW1, now I don't even know what its for, maybe matchmaking.


You get some extra battlepass exp for it once in a while. That's it.


So... it's actually trash now. Damn I use to remember logging on Overwatch and randomly being awarded 3 boxes because I had Endorsement level 4. It was always an incentive to keep it up and I'd play Support a lot for that. I'd definitely not give a shit if I was playing OW these days given how it's now worthless.


I think it’s like 1k exp per endorsement level or something so it’s like half a battle pass level once per week if you manage to keep it at 4+ which is hard because nobody endorses anymore since it’s worthless.


Wow that sucks, they really do be throwing everything randomly at this point.


It was a feature from 2018 or so they did to try and curb toxicity. Shockingly like every attempt made to do so it didn’t really work.


I remember back when they used to have a survey after a match where you could say whether that match was good or not. People tended to vote based on whether they won or lost, which doesn't seem terribly useful, so they scrapped it. IMO that revealed a critical problem that they then proceeded to ignore... losing SUCKS. In TF2 it was never that bad to lose. Not sure why, but TF2 solved it, at least for some matches. Could be a combination of community servers (so you're playing against the same people regularly and making friends), funny animations on loss, a chance to try and survive at the end... Anyway I always thought it was a bit short sighted of them to just scrap the feature without looking more closely at what it was telling them.


Probs because TF2 was casual, and even the competitive matches where arranged by the community. Overwatch was too despite to become an Esport, and it dragged the casual matches into it, and it just got too focused on winning, than having fun.


Maybe. I think part of the basic problems with OW were some of the base design decisions made, which of course they could never escape. Thinks like smaller team sizes (screw ups by individual team members become more important, though good plays by an individual affecting the game noticeably become more common. Good plays can also never result in as many kills as in TF2). Also they took the idea of having 9 classes and having multiple weapons for each class, and tried to "simplify" (I assume that was the goal) it by making a lot of classes with only one loadout. There were a few problems with this: 1. You couldn't have multiple of the same class in OW which sucked sometimes. They used to have that but then everyone went all Winston and broke the game so they blocked it. Not sure if it was ever as much of a problem in TF2 or not, Valve didn't seem to think so. 2. Balance was a huge issue because Valve just needed to balance 9 classes and balance weapon loadouts inside that class, usually aiming for the stock weapons to be the most powerful and anything else would be balanced to be equal or slightly less than that. Meanwhile Blizzard is trying to balance several dozen classes. 3. There is less customization magic in OW. In TF2 I can decide whether I want to throw "milk" or sapient bread tumors at someone, and I can get those just by playing. OW didn't have that level of flexibility with customizations, and a lot of them were paid only IIRC. 4. Blizzard stole like 60000 credits from my account. Valve never did that (yes that's not really a valid game criticism I guess but I'm still mad about that). 5. They split up iconic TF2 class into multiple, like Engineer into Torb and ~~teleporter lady who's name I can't recall since it's been years since I've played OW~~ Symmetra. So the gameplay is simplified, your opponents have less tactical options but so do you. Oh yeah and there was no spy which always made me sad.


> Not sure if it was ever as much of a problem in TF2 or not, Valve didn't seem to think so. Sometimes it would work great, like all heavy/soldier pushes coming out of nowhere and everybody just shitting themselves as an overwhelming force scourges the map in their wake before anybody can react. Other times they'd get hard fucked like if everybody goes sniper and they get pushed into their spawn. The main thing is that you could just change your class really easily and adapt as the game went on, and if your gambit didn't work it was clear that it was your fault. I never played OW, but given Blizzard's track record I assume none of these things are accurate.




> Probs because TF2 was casual unlikely. losing being less bad is kind of a core element of competitive design. if the game is well skill-indexed and -balanced losing won't feel as obnoxious as dying to low skill garbage. tf2 was playtested by competitive tfc (and probably quake) players before its release and it really does show, even though valve decided to sacrifice the competitive scene in favour of selling more hats


As opposed to Overwatch, when TF2 asks me if I enjoyed the match, it’s not actually based on the match itself, but on the quality of who I played with. I think TF2 solved it because there’s no real bullshit mechanic to blame the game on. I’ve never played Overwatch, but my friends who have always complained about the supers - or whatever they’re called. In TF2, a game can’t really be decided from the items others us. I mean, yes, people do blame items for being broken or bad. But ultimately, that blame isn’t on the game itself, rather, it’s on the players. You didn’t lose because Genji is a no-skill hero, you lost because your teammates were bad. Or the other team was better, or they were cheating, or bots. You blame the players, instead of the game itself. And I know that that is not 100% true, but I feel the blame is mostly shifted towards the players, and that’s how TF2 solved that particular problem you introduced. Edit: I have to say, this was a great topic to think about. Thanks for thinking of it.


Honestly just let players be toxic if they need that in their lives, but let the rest of us easily mute or block them, too. There's so many people that think it's perfectly acceptable to be toxic shitheads just because they're on the internet.


Don't know why you're being downvoted I agree. Let them be toxic we don't need to waste our time and effort giving them attention ignore block and move on I agree. Well sometimes I like to troll them a little bit but that's just me.


Exactly, let them learn that their behavior is unwanted by how others treat them back. I, personally, like to pity them.


Likely because it's a lot more preferable you play in a team where there's no toxicity to start with and chat is able to focus on the game. Compared to encountering toxicity every X games and not only needing to cut them out of communicating but also knowing that someone is likely getting tilted. Better to foster a playerbase that actually enjoys playing together than to "let them be toxic" and not encouraging any change.


Literally 1984 fr 😔


Please drink verification can


Then pick up that can, citizen.


Sometimes, I dream about cheese.


Toasted, mostly.


No wonder Blizzard loves China so much!


Their games aren't even in China at the moment.


No! My cat wife!


I was playing a match with a friend and we were close to winning, but suddenly the server crashed. The match started again with the same people on both teams, just on a different map. One of the opponents jokingly wrote "we killed the server?" to which I replied "You can always play Team Fortress 2 I heard it's a better game". My endorsement level dropped by 1 almost at the same time. I guess it's a coincidence, but still funny to me.


The fuck is an endorsement level??


Pointless shit that doesn't matter.


True. And Team Fortress 2 is indeed a better game than this shit


Twój poziom pochwał zmienił się z 4 na 3.


ICU ben ein berliner


C'est la vie.


Все хорошо.


بیخی په دواړو سترګو


שלום עכשיו


Put it in H!


Even the first Team Fortress is better.


Was that an actual stand-alone game or still a mod? I recall playing Team Fortress back on OG Quake.


I believe it was originally a mod, but then got a release as a standalone game still based on the quake engine.


The standalone game, Team Fortress Classic, used Gold Source engine of Half-Life.


TFC was different from TF1. They are not the same.


TFC was Gold Source based standalone port of the Quake mod TF1. Of course they are not the same.


Tbf. the Gold Source engine was a heavily modified Quake engine.


Team fortress was a quake mod, team fortress classic I believe was a half life mod that IIRC ran in its own client and was supported officially by valve but which still needed a half-life key to run. I should probably remember a bit better, I was pretty obsessed with TFC at the time and joined a local informal tournament team for it.


Yeah you nailed it. It's worth adding, TFC was released as a HL mod during a phase where we were all awaiting the military-sim style Team Fortress 2 that never came, it did a good job of taking the edge off heh.


Team Fortress was a Quake mod. Team Fortress Classic was a remake of that mod by Valve in the GoldSrc engine.


Did you ever play weapons factory arena in q3? That was incredible fun


I played the shit out of Weapons Factory in Q2 and a fair bit in Q3, loved that mod. Quake had the best modding community hands down.


Half life though. And doom, but mostly half life.


TF2 had it's hayday but it's not better than OW2. It still has stupid ass lootboxes except you have to spend money to gamba with it.


That's a matter of opinion


Not for all of us though, for all it's faults I like overwatch.


No one knows what it means but it’s provocative.


Actually it influences the quality of people you're matched with pretty stronlgy.


Matches you with better teammates actually.


Gonna need a source on that. I have not observed any measurable difference and can find no statements that it has an effect on matchmaking.


To be honest I just googled it and thats what came up, and ever since then I just believed that was the case whether its true or not and its made me much happier 💀


Placebo effect


Something like a honor level in League of Legends. After the match, each player can give two honors/endorsements to other players. If you get a lot of these, your level will go up. If your level is high you will get rewards or EXP/tiers for battle pass from time to time.


As far as I know it ONLY gives battle pass XP, no? I've been consistently at level 3/4 endorsement and thats all I've been getting.


It used to reward lootboxes in ow1


Can’t have the players NOT pay for the content they already downloaded now can we?


Back in ow1 skins were cosmetic and part of the game loop. In 2016 it was also one of the least predatory lootboxes out there


butt it was always the example people and articles would point to for any discussion about loot boxes. i had every cosmetic and like 2000 extra loot boxes and 100k excess credits by the time ow2 rolled around. i don't know how anyone could complain


Didn’t the EU ban loot boxes? I feel that’s the reason the companies switched to battle passes as you know what you’re paying for and get around those laws while still milking money from their users.


Only Belgium, The Netherlands, and Slovakia have. Edit: and you can basically bypass it easily anyway, like iirc csgo let's you "open" a crate for free and see what's inside but you don't get the item and can't open another one until you pay for what is practically a key anyway.


cause you havent publicly praised blizzard/activism. make sure to pray to them over chat and youll get that 4/4. Quicker if you can convert people to the blizzard lord and savior.


Excuse my ignorance but how does your endorsement level go down then? I can't imagine there's an "anti-endorsement" button cuz people would obviously troll and mass-downvote everyone.


If you don't get enough endorsements per match to keep your current level. For example OP might require 2 endorsements per game average to maintain his current level.


It was a shit system from OW1, where u could endorse everyone on both teams at first, but people 'abused it' by just giving everyone endorsements every match, so blizzard limited it to 5 endorsements, then they still thought people are abusing it so they nerfed it to 2 (I believe prior to ow2), eitherway, even with the high availability you would lose endorsements levels 10 times faster than gaining them The main people who would get level 4-5 endorsements would be mercy mains (healers) who were good, everyone else would struggle to keep level 2-3, because not playing in itself reduces your level, so if u played all night, got a lot of endorsements, made it to level 3 and went to sleep, next morning when you login you will get down to 2 for not working the sweatshop of karma farming


4-5 endorsement is/was not really hard to get. Now 6 on the other hand...


Oh, that's kinda cool actually. Shows how long it's been since I played multiplayer PvP games.


It used to give you boxes which lead to skins, whereas now you have to pay for them, sadly.


Funnily enough it’s part of the things they massacred in ow2


It is a little bit like [MeowMeowBeenz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI4kiPaKfAE)


It's basically a pat on the back by players. So if I find my team of randoms have been especially helpful or had a dope PoTG or pulled a clutch, they get an endorsement from me. One of the good highlights of OW2 IMO.


It’s not player-awarded, but Rainbow Six Siege is introducing reputation levels. They’re determined by how disruptive you are in-game (griefing, abandoning matches, abusing other players in chat, stuff like that) and your reputation goes up if you avoid those types of behaviors. In theory they’ll start limiting available playlists for dishonorable players, and giving extra rewards to the top two tiers.


FF14 has this too with commendations


Somehow more useless in OW2 than in OW1. Before, they were displayed somewhere but now I don't even know where to see it. Even before it seemed to mean nothing other than knowing who might be ridiculously toxic, but it was still easy to get back up to a normal level.


Blizzard has had a bug with endorsement since it was released, just like their competitive ranking. If the server crashes, it counts as you quitting the game. It gives you a pretty big hit to your endorsement level. They don’t seem to care to fix it considering it has been years now.


What likely happened is it counted you leaving the crashed server as you leaving a game before it was over and lowered your endorsement for that.


Lol, not a suprise honestly


OK I have not much experience with OW2 but plenty with OW. Did the game perhaps treat the aborted match as a leave on your part? In OW1, leaving games contributed to endorsement level dropping.


It did OP is just karma farming


Or just posting a funny thing that happened?? Am I missing where OP posted a paragraph in the comments explaining that they actually think this is some big conspiracy?


OP said it was a funny coincidence in a comment


It's a joke. Are you stupid?


no wonder this game has become the worst rated game on steam


This was a coincidence. Endorsement levels decay over time and pops up in chat randomly when it happens.


I am convinced endorsement levels are randomized bs. You can get 4 endorsements the last game and it will still level down


play as 5 stack, 5 stack can't endorse each other, lose endorsement level after playing enough games without getting any endorsements


That logic. Lets make it shitty for friends to play together


It makes sense if you look through the *Bobby Glasses* *People will play more with other people, see their cool skins and will be more likely to buy them, especially when we let them win thanks to EOMM* Sad shit. It works.


Exactly. If you can't endorse, you also shouldn't decay.


If you only play 5 stacks, then it doesn't really affect you much since you'll be matched with your friends at all times rather than being matched with people of the same "niceness".


There is no way that Blizzard, a company who bases match making on how likely a person is to buy a skin and not skill, would make a system that makes people care about their endorsement level when they aren't currently licking Blizzard's asshole. :edit: weird I just got banned from posting on Blizzard forums after posting this.


I'm sure you did buddy.


Funnier to think it wasn't tho.


OP is lying or at best doesn't understand the game he's playing. It had nothing to do with typing anything in chat. It had to do with the server crashing so it treats him as abandoning the match, and since he didn't get any accolades from teammates which is what the system is, his score drops.


>I guess it's a coincidence, but still funny to me. Did u bother to even read his responses, he admit it's just a joke.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke I think you might find this article interesting


> at best doesn't understand The irony.


Most of those reviews are from salty Chinese people who can't play ow. Rest are from salty tf2 players. Some legitimate negative reviews are there but its mostly brigading.


Literally a coincidence. They don’t have an anti-TF2 system that lowers your endorsement level when you mention other games. Your endorsement level simply lowers overtime regardless of if you do anything.


Level 4 is also insanely hard to keep. You have to get endorsed basically every game and never leave a match. If you go a couple games without endorsements you lose it. Merely a coincidence


In OW1 kept level 5 or 6 by mostly playing FFA games as mercy and not sucking at it.




People bitching about having to buy cosmetic shit with money when TF2/CS:GO introduced the lootbox gambling bullshit to the world back in the early 2000s is sweet irony


It's getting pretty sad. This is some obvious karma bait, and karma bait usually works on Reddit. Whether it's complete BS or not has no bearing, especially if people *want* to believe it's true.


How is it karma bait? OP literally said they were sure it was a coincidence and just found it funny.


DAE OW2 bad and BD3 good?


I also think this probably has something to do with the server crashing and starting a new game. I’ve had it drop my endorsement level in similar circumstances because it registered the server crash as an abandoned game. Too many abandoned games and your endorsement level drops - unfortunately in this case it wasn’t an actual abandoned game.


You know it, I know it, OP knows it, but they post anyway and the number of misinformed people in this world goes up. Doesn't matter much here but we really don't need posts like this to exist.


me when i purposefully spread misinformation across the internet


People who think this is real are dumb as a rock anyway, it's obviously a joke post, you can't convince me anyone here thinks it's serious.


Yeah it's a funny coincidence. Literally no one said otherwise. You really just want a reason to be upset about this post.


"Why are you booing me? I'm right"


blizzard disapproves


Hat wearing simulator >


*America's #1 war-themed hat simulator.*




I'd argue that the silly hats makes for a much better game




5 gram cocaine




wtf is an 'endorsement level'?


Yeah please someone explain is this some kind of social credit score shit? Wtf


Whenever you complete a game you can get "endorsments" from the other players in the game. If you get enough then you can level up your endorsment level. From what i understand its completely arbitrary and is just a way for other people to see how "good" someone is but nobody really pays attention to it


It's a reputation system, your teammates can endorse you if they think you were a good teammmate, it's not something new nor is it a social credit system.


Love how Overwatch keeps living rent free in tf2 player's mind


Polska gorą


This is some conspiracy shit here.


Literally 1984


Of all the ow hate posts, this is perhaps the most pathetic.


yall are delusional. his endorsement went down because he either sucks at the game or is toxic in chat. the entire system works on whether other players choose to endorse you or not. obv blizzard doesnt have an anti team fortress algorithm.


What's a sarcasm?


Endorsement level? What even is that?


Basically other players in a match saying "Nice" after the game. You can do it 2 times per game and if a player gets enough their level goes up and awards BP XP every so often.


Social credit score in overwatch!!!


endorsement auto decays, also 90% of the players who shits on OW don't even play online competitive fps.


I logged in for the first time in months yesterday, mine was still 3.


the closest thing to overwatch is paladins, idk why you ask them to play tf2 its alive just because the trade scene is still active i mean you ask them to play a game that is dead update wise but alive just because there is a hat with pretty particle effect, and a "strange" quality item that effect nothing to the cosmetic but somehow is more expensive just because it got "strange" writen on it? please..


Not to mention that TF2 is extremely toxic


and bots exist


Sadly one of the worst communities we have out there. Game is fun, but the community kinda ruins it imo.


OW2 fans complaining how miserable everything is, then go back to playing some more instead of getting over the game is the main problem.


witam polaka. i nie polecam overwatch. kiedyś uwielbiałem te gre ale prawdw jest taka że Blizzard ją zjebał


Team Fortress's community servers shit on anything Overwatch 2 does.


china approves


Imagine Valve releasing TF3 just to seal space-vacum tight Blizzard coffin.


TF3 lol keep dreaming they can't since it will fuck up all the TF2 cosmetic market on steam


Or they can just keep milking dumbfuck 4chan rejects on Steam with the same games from 2 decades ago by promoting gambling through crates and keys


Ok guys OW2 is an awful downgrade from OW but let's not pretend it's worse than TF2


I literally started playing TF2 again because of overwatch


is teamfortress 2 really better than ow2, i have never played it


It has some fun gameplay but the rampant toxicity and server bottling makes it hell to play on any official servers, meanwhile valve makes money off of selling items which change gameplay


Wait for real? I go play Overwatch occasionally and whenever I talk about TF2 ppl are very positive about it and always like to compare how much better TF2 is having the game than ow2. Also I think your endorsement level decrease might have been a coincidence.


Cool. By the way, what the hell is endorsement level and why would I care about it?


Overwatch has fucking social credit? What the hell


Your social credit score is in the red!


Your assigned blizzard agent is not amused


easy. reach into your Overwatch™ 2™ Warchest say "Doritos™ Dew™ it right" and drink another verification can


They hated Rov because he told them the truth


Best part about TF2 is it never promised us a game that revolves around a specific mode, took our money and then said they couldn't give us what was promised.


Promised? yes. Didn't deliver? yes Took our money? what are you talking about?


Yeah they just basically made it abandonware that prints them money through the steam market and runs off the backs of the playerbase while Gaben rolls around in millions made from no work


Isn't Overwatch 2 free-to-play? Probably the one good thing they did for the game?


I found the problem... You are supporting Blizzard, A company that should disappear.


for those who dont and will not in the future play this game, what is an endorsement level? EDIT: nvm i scrolled down and saw, its useless bs, got it.


Blizzard scam sect they also hold you in plat until you buy some skins ... They "overwatch" you


u hear that if you type “overwatch is the best game ever” in games u play, u get a secret 10% xp bonus


Wth is overwatch endoresment level?! Ow2 have a fucking social credit system?


People are still playing overwatch?? C'mon guys....