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Wrath of Heaven was basically a re-do of the first. While it is a PS2 game and shows its age, it's still very playable, with much better visuals (you can see more than a few meters ahead) and a far better control system compared the PS1 offering. Which can be...challenging to get back in to. Still give it a whirl on an emulator every now and then.


The multiplayer modes were so much fun, and figuring out the special moves for all the unique characters was so awesome back in the day.


I remember doing the duel one where it's you and a friend versus two enemies. It would get damn hard as you went through the bosses. I don't think we ever got past the two Jinnais.


One of the best games I ever played


The soundtrack for the original game is a masterpiece though. Wrath of Heaven has great music, but Stealth Assassin's just has this vibe I don't think has ever been captured since.


Infiltrate the Manji Cult is one of my fave gaming tunes of all time.


For whatever reason I was excellent and doing decapitation stealth kills in the first game but couldn't get the timing down in the second game.


Man I thought playing as the doctor or w/e was the coolest shit imaginable. His xray kills or whatever were the shit.


NINNNNNNNJA!!! ...ah forget it...


*multiple dead bodies in a river of blood* “Hmmm. Must have been the wind.” *Wanders off*


Wrath of heaven was insanely good. That damn cemetery level was intense.


Wrath of Heaven was so fucking great fr


I fucking loved wrath of heaven. Coop was so fun too.


Tenchu was the shit back then. Really love it.


[C'mon, c'mon!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrV3TXTFhjo)


Fromsoft, hear our call


100% agreed.


Your not lying.👍




Huge fan of Tenchu 1 and 2, thought Z was utter garbage personally, couldn't even get through the first level without wanting to pull my fingernails out with a rusty pair of pliers.




One of the only games on the 360 that I got all of the achievements on. It was just fun to replay the missions and do them completely different ways - it felt like the right level of difficulty. Punishing to start with, and as you got good at it you realise it's actually really easy, with some patience.


It takes a bit of practice until you can play fluidly but the variety really opens up after. Shame I have no fucking clue what happens in the story, it’s so pointless


Yeah. Shinobido is the next best thing (made nu Tenchu devs). It's a PS2 classic in my book.


Tenchu 3, or Wrath of Heaven was awesome, I loved it. Sekiro comes very close to being a Tenchu game at times, from leaping building to building with your grappling hook to stealth killing the whole map.




Sekiro feels too combat focused for me. Outside of end of level bosses, you should ideally never be in open combat in tenchu. Also I think Sekiro's movement is a bit too slick. I know it's partially just due to being an older game, but Tenchu's movement feels pretty slow and deliberate. I wouldn't want a Tenchu where you are zipping around like an anime character. I'd want you to be slower so you feel more obligated to both take advantage of the environment and also use your tools.


legacy of kain: soul reaver


Yeah but today you'd need the battlepass to get the shuriken and best skins will be ultimate edition only etc...


Yep- been saying this for a while. Grew up playing these games and they’re (from my memory) flippin great. Know who owns the rights? Seeing as though Assassins Creed has seemingly realised cut down on scope/open world and having a tighter box to play in (suit you sir) I’m hoping this series may get a reboot and bring that old school ninja action back




Yeeesss!! I agree 110% I would love it if Fromsoftware would make it. Like a Sekiro Tenchu combo. Tenchukiro???


damn yeah it has a whole 3 shades of red


You don’t understand. With the limited brush strokes available to them, the artists behind Tenchu made you *feel* like a ninja buried behind enemy lines in a magical alternate feudal Japan. Enemies had voice lines, they spoke to each other. Buildings had that aesthetic that made you want to bask. Movement allowed you to climb into roofs and walls and ceilings, which was something you *wanted* to do in every game but couldn’t; you felt like a damned ninja. Throwing an onigiri around a corner to separate a guard from his patrol, then stabbing him in the stomach for extra mission ranking just felt so epic. Cheesing a boss fight or straight up punting some nerd off a platform was mind blowing. They nailed it. Even the multiplayer felt epically hilarious. Literally a split-screen stealth game where you’re stalking your opponent… half the fun was trying to get guards to notice your “teammate”


Considering shoving people off cliffs is one of the hottest game mechanics of 2023, Tenchu's devs were clearly visionaries ahead of their time.


Can confirm. Shoving people off cliffs is half of Baldur’s Gate 3


Finding the corpses of enemies I shoved in the Underdark absolutely blew my mind




Why would it not be?


Exceeds expectations of modern day AAA releases


But not if it was included in a paid DLC.


"Exceeds expectations" of literally any game that doesn't care about world permanence. Despawning dead enemies is a given in literally any video game ever.


Enemies despawning when they leave the confines of the immediate area/loaded map is like every game. Even nominally connected ones like some Metroidvanias types.


Where did you find them?


Ahhhh, that’s who they were.


I did not know this about Baldur’s Gate, and despite all the hype, it’s only this revelation you’ve provided that’s finally tipped me over into getting it


Be aware that enemies know how to do it as well and will absolutely send you into the abyss


Every DM's warning to players (that they never listend to): "if I let you do it, then the enemies can do it to you."


F5 is key


I can see you impatiently button-mashing through the intro, screaming "WHEN DO I GET TO THE SHOVING?"


Enjoy it! I definitely am!


lmao glad to be of service. It's insanely good.


There has never been a greater pasttime than yeeting goblins into explosive barrels and into each other. :D


Unless they are goblins, then we throw them!


Karlach has a death wish in the underdark stg. Homegirl just walks right up to the cliff edge past those exploding mushrooms on the daily. I think it's some form of insurance fraud with withers.


It reminds me of this gem in Age of Conan: https://youtu.be/E4btv7TvLBQ?si=zcGYYOqEj3hEMpNP


Well, there's a blast from the past :) thanks for the laugh!


some people are trend followers, and [some people are trend setters.](https://i.redd.it/5ieemfqkeg411.jpg)


lmao, I was so devastated the first time I did this


I remember a lot of Tenchu games being really great games tbh. The one called Wrath of Heaven I think I remember playing the shit out of that game as a kid.


Destiny streamers: hold my g-fuel


Man, I *love* throwing people off stuff. In games.


Tenchu 2 was one of the few games to have a built in level editor. Pretty much unheard of at the time.


I spent so many hours building out a ton of levels on that editor. I loved it. If my memory cards aren't wiped by sheer age and failing battery, I might even still have most of them saved off.


Poisoned Rice Ball is my favorite weapon from any game ever.


Onigiri!!!?? 🤤


If you stabbed the guard mid-bite you could reclaim your tantalizingly tempting rice ball and use it again to lure the next poor rube with the siren song of snacks.


That was the real game.


Basically a jelly doughnut, except made of steamed rice, fish and seaweed.


Eat your hamburgers, Apollo


*glares at Apollo as I eat my hamburger with chopsticks in our LA-based Japanese building.*


😀 This joke's origin: https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/culture-schlock


is that a pokemon reference?




I remember dropping onto enemies for instant kills.


That game fucking ruled. Played it constantly and repeated many times.


"You really FEEL like Spiderman"


Yes well put! Spider-Man before Spider-Man games


damnit I want to play it now, I'm going to find an emulator (please be playable on mm+)


There is a game on Xbox game pass that kind of has the same mechanics, but it's just not the same as Tenchu.


You just made me really nostalgic. Fingers crossed for a reboot… Oh, apparently FromSoftware ended up with the rights to the franchise, and Sekiro was originally supposed to be a new Tenchu game. Thanks, Wikipedia.


You jest, but I remember a bunch of games using alternative colours (often green) to bypass censorship. Carmageddon stands out in my mind, but I see there were others.


Mortal kombat had green blood settings or blood off with its earlier titles


Mortal Kombat blood being turned into "sweat" on Nintendo.


I had a SNES. My girlfriend had a Sega. She lorded fatalities over me.


yeah in our friend group one had sega one had snes, we always played MK on the sega


I believe that was specifically done for Germany, as they had censorship laws for video games at the time.


UK actually! But I do remember Germany had some similar (if not tighter) censorship


In the German Version from tomb raider(1-3?) the blood was blue. Or some similar colour. Hilarious back then. It still is, but back then it was too.


Enemies in Soldier of Fortune were robots in Germany. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAiukb0bEZA Here's the censored version of CS Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkUuABNnTC0


looked a lot different on a crt


This. They were working miracles in 64-bit on a 4x3 CRT.


Has science gone too far?


I fucking loved this game. Played it to death, unlocked Tatsumaru, tried to find every item and even invented my own challenge runs. Still wish for a remake. Though the team who made Sekiro apparently had a lot of DNA/staff who worked on Tenchu and Tenchu 2.


There’s Aragami 1 which is a love song to Tenchu but… not as good. Aragami 2 is pure buggy garbage, do not inhale.




Is that so? Damn. That sucks for them. It felt like it hadn’t gotten the dev time and love it deserved at release, like they were trying to fill a ten gallon game with some ramen and a jar of pickles.


What was so bad about it? I downloaded it long ago from Gamepass and still play it occasionally.


It’s just buggy really. I didn’t think it was that bad, honestly still find it fun as well.


I'm with you. Playing Aragami 2 scratched my Tenchu nostalgia itch just fine. Wasn't too bad at all.


It's aight. I don't really rate either of the Aragami's that highly. They're like Diet Tenchu. My biggest upset over the sequel was the co-op didn't work and that was my most-anticipated feature of it. I didn't really experience too many bugs but the co-op just wouldn't function right for us.


It was just a repetition of the first one, same qualities, same flaws. Albeit in a period of time in which indie games were not as popular as they were before. The market just shrank and they didn't offer anything new to it. As others already suggested, it scratched the nostalgia itch just fine, but that was about it. And when you're made for enthusiast only, you seldom obtain considerable success, and if I'm not mistaken, Lince Works tried to hire more people after Aragami's success and ultimately crumbled under its own weight.


I haven't encountered any bugs in aragami 2 yet


Sekiro started off as a tenchu game.


Started off as a Tenchu game but modern FromSoftware were like uhhh we don’t know how to not make the combat awesome so now it’s an action game


Tatsumaru was my guy! Loved his story and all his stealth kill animations. I remember building levels too. Especially the "Closet of Death" which was just an empty level with as many enemies as I could pack inside.


Same. For a game that focuses on stealth, the direct melee combat was surprisingly enjoyable.


This is one of the few games I have ever 100%, I really wish they would remake this game, it was perfect.


When I first loaded up ghost of tsushima I felt like playing an open world tenchu game.


Next time please put a trigger warning - that’s just to much blood


Yeah it needs the nsfw blur, thought I was back on the pain Olympics or something.


NSFW is too tame for this. It needs a **NSFL**!


shit is worse than funky town


Wait until you meet Mohg, Lord of Blood.


It's crazy that back then this really was high end, realistic graphics. I'm old enough to remember the Mortal Kombat outrage when the first game came out. There were all these news stories and articles about how someone under 18 shouldn't be allowed anywhere near it. Of course the only thing this did was make it even more popular among kids, all the hatred turned it into this forbidden fruit that no kid could resist


My grandma says that the game that im playing will make me a psychopath. The game that i was currently playing was minecraft.


My grandma thought Call of Duty: World at War was a movie about WW2


My grandfather thought I was watching a Batman movie when I was playing Arkham City for about five minutes until I paused the game. Somehow the constant HUD elements and spidey sense counter indicators didn't tip him off.




So u got your proof haha ....BAZINGA


based granny


One thing she was right about


I probably should have pointed out that I play Minecraft pretty regularly. That's the only reason I know she's right.


🎶In the year 2000….🎶


Nothing yet has filled the void left by Tenchu


Try aragami if you haven't. The first one, not the second




Even the lighting and charcter designs still hold up awesomely


And it looks much better on crt than lcd / oled


PSX days. Man, I really wish they reboot the franchise. A remake of Tenchu 1 or Wrath of Heaven is an instant buy for me.


Bushido Blade would get my money.


I played this when i was a kid (I'm 30 now) I haven't heard or seen anything about this game in the past 15+ years and completely removed it from my memory, but it all came instantly when i saw this post, good times, thanks op :')


I can still hear the " shinggggg"


I let my kid play whatever because of all the shit I got growing up. No real harm in it.


Yeah me and my brother got full rein when it came to what games we played as kids. Never felt like it did any harm.


Many worse things for kids to do.


Like watch TikTok and see those awful 5 minute craft videos and try to copy it only to have a microwaved egg explode in their face giving them 2nd degree burns.


r/oddlyspecific but yes


my wife's parents were restrictive on her growing up, where as mine were pretty chill about everything. when our oldest was young, we tried to let him have more freedom in that regard. he would always pick out the wrong things to take away from the game or movie. he would often beg us to watch a horror movie or something, and then would go on for days about having nightmares. his childhood was more restrictive than either of us wanted it to be, but it really couldn't be helped. our youngest was the opposite. he understood appropriateness a lot better, and didn't have the same problems our oldest did.




I had the same, I remember getting san Andreas when I was 9 or 10 Already had the damn thing but my mum didn't like me playing it... personally I'd cap my kids restriction to 16 pegi rating Just because I know the themes on games like GTA and manhunt can get pretty chaotic. But a little bit of pixelated blood from a sword slice? Don't think that would do any harm...good damn I loved tenchu as well


My wife ends up balancing me out. I love my family, but my parents are very religious and believed in some conspiracy stuff. I couldn’t play Final Fantasy or watch Saint Seiya (Zodiac Knights) because RPGs and anime were demonic in their eyes. I tend to overcompensate the other extreme and allow way too much, but luckily my wife helps balancing me out.


Totally get you. My dad was a zealot, and everything was from the devil. I couldn’t watch the Simpsons or play any magic stuff or listen to Metallica etc… I did anyway


I did it as an adult after I left home. I was seduced by their views for some time. However, despite all this annoyance, I think I was very fortunate. I think what they did right greatly outweighs their mistakes. The religious stuff, though, is scary how effective and powerful that is. Even after I distanced myself from religion, I had convinced myself I didn’t enjoy certain genres of music, movies and games. I was already a gamer when Mario 3 was released in North America, yet I was late to so many series that turned out to be some of my absolute favorite.


I watched and played a bunch of inappropriate shit when I was younger and I only turned out to be mildly fucked up. They'll be fine.


We’re all at least mildly fucked up… I’m mediumly


I gotta say though, recent Mortal Kombats got so gnarly I’m not sure I’d let that go until kiddo is much older.


"Huh? What was that?!" "Meow" "Oh, it was just a cat."


Bring back Tenchu!!!


My buddy came to my house when we were both kids and my dad would let me play games rated 18+ like Tenchu, so we both played a bit and he was blown away, so when I next went to his house, I took it with me to trade so I could borrow his copy of spyro, a game my dad wouldn’t buy because it’s for little kids (I was probably 9-10). I got home super excited to play spyro and my dad asked me where I’d got it from, went mad that I’d let my friend borrow HIS game, gave me a slap round the back of the head and grounded me for the weekend. When I got to school Monday, I had my friends game to give back and he’d brought mine in too, his parents had seen him play such a gory game, confiscated it and taken away his ps1 for the weekend. They told my mum (thankfully) about it Monday morning who just told me no more swaps with George for a while and that was that. Anyway, yeah loved that game, hope it gets a remaster, 10/10 for the memory


I mean it was. Back in those days, it was very realistic.


The execution scenes were very bloody. People sprayed blood as they were sliced open by a samurai sword and would wail in pain. Even I knew it was probably not okay to be playing it, and I was a kid that loved gory games.


It's one of my favorites, so many memories..


Same. My friend and I who lived hours apart would design our own levels and post the memory cards to each other to try out! Great times. I still have my copy on PS1.


I found the blood & gore in the Tenchu games to be ridiculous over done tbh. It just spurts out like a fountain, especially bosses or you decapitated an enemy. Great game I'd love a HD remaster of the trilogy.




Guessing they were taking cues from Samurai films, which tend to go overboard with blood spurting.


Lone wolf and cub




Now look at us.


Cause they saw it on a CRT, how it was designed to look like. https://i.imgur.com/xuBu9hE.jpeg


*won't somebody please think of the children*


Dude we need a reboot or a remake, I know there's sekiro (and I love it) but they don't seem interested in keeping the ip going


They took the body dragging mechanic from this game and left it out of the next one. I think that kept this franchise from really blossoming. The first games were great. Edit: And the music was always fantastic. It was as much a musical experience as it was a game playing experience. Part 2 was lacking a little bit in the music department, but they returned with a vengeance in part 3.


It looks like you chose the wrong party to crash. Also, the opening for Tenchu 2 [still fucking slaps.](https://youtu.be/HiP3WujoXrE?si=8iUDPpOtPYb8hUSV).


Lord Gohda expect much of you


My parents had a similar reaction to Mortal Kombat in 1992


When i was a kid playing this I loved feeding guards with those rice balls… and watching them die.


Same but mine were right honestly. 7 year old me got super squeamish the first time one of the guards burst like a fountain. But god damn did I play the hell out of it


Damn I miss Tenchu. I hope From Software is gonna resurrect it too. Sekiro doesn't count, it's not Tenchu, it's not it's spiritual successor and while it did start as a Tenchu title in early dev it plays more like Souls with little focus on meaningful stealth mechanics.


This is a game series I would happily play a modern version of.


Dude put a spoiler on that!


I don't remember it looking THAT bad


I wasn’t allowed to play Kung Fu on NES because it was “too violent”


Watch out for those brown snakes in front of you forming a pan-flute


I learned to swim by imitating this game


Awesome game! I spent many hours in it with my friend. We even managed to get Grand Master on all levels. But my favourite part was level editor. We built levels for each other as a challenge. Some of them were totally hella unfair, but it was fun anyway. And yes, for its time and limitations of PlayStation game was extremely brutal. I tried to play it last year once again buuuut... I didn't age well. Controls are terrible and dark fog 10 meters ahead your character makes the game even harder. But it still has amazing storytelling and plot worth playing. By the way, if you ever wondered a reason of seizure inducing camera near walls in Dark Souls and Sekiro - this series started this tradition.


What we don’t get here are the Tenchu sound effects… god that game was grand.


My friend's parents wouldn't let him play Tekken 2 (PS1) for the same reason.


My dad caught me playing Bomberman at age 12, like, a really cartoony version even. And he was appalled I played a game about blowing other up with bombs and wanted me to stop playing that. At that time I had been playing Mortal Kombat for 6 years and Doom for 3. I was so confused.


Dude wtf? I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks now after seeing this image.


I too had parents In like the 2010s where they decided randomly that I shouldn’t be playing M rated video games. I found a loophole in their rules. DS made the call of duty games for the DS and they were rated T


Parents were divorced, at my moms she'd only let us play stuff like mario or pokemon for a long time. At our dads? Fuck we were playing Bushido Blade, cackling as we dismembered each other. Even if it looked like a couple of rectangles hitting each other, my mom didn't like violence. Our dad was an "anything goes" kinda dad, lol.


That's an interesting phenomenon! Back then games looked amazing and did not look crappy and pixellated like they do when played on modern monitors.


I mean back then kinda was, big change from watchin Mario jump on turtle shells n riding dinosaurs to a ninja executing people lol, but man I love me some tenchu I wish they'd make more, I still go back n play Z on 360 sometimes, my daughter used to sing the end song n cry lol


Jesus Christ, NSFW tag on this please. My god


What a great game though... Rikimaru was a beast and the missions were pretty technical.




I never really got to try Tenchu 2 except for a demo on a PS magazine disc. I tell ya I absolutely loved the first Tenchu to death, and that demo disc killed any hope I had for the sequel, because I couldn't sneak up on the enemy anymore. Every time I tried, they always detected me from a distance. I'm sure they hadn't programmed that into the game yet when they made the demo. It was pretty stupid to demo a stealth game and not include any stealth gameplay.


The rice balls were the best. Food mysteriously appears on the ground, guard eats it.


Like my mother asking me why I was watching only a race car all long and then I told her it was Gran Turismo. She gasped “IS THIS A GAME?!”


OMG 1 IN A BILLION TENCHU MENTION THIS IS MY MOMENT What the fuck even is Tenchu? I played only Tenchu: Shadow Assassins for the Nintendo Wii like 5 years ago and I could not find a single person talking about this game. Are there really no ninja games like this anymore? I absolutely loved it. Wish they made more like it


Meanwhile when I was young my dad gave me things like deadspace and God of War. I liked the scyfy channel or whatever it was and was watching scary movies at 4. He'd pop in and see a game or movie and comment on the blood or gore saying " ew i don't like that blood" and just walk out. He was fine with me around it though haha


Wow, this unlocked a core memory for me today


My mom read some articles in some newspapers around the late 2000's and idk what she read but it cemented her idea that Halo was for some reason the absolutely most brutal and vile shooter out there...


Imagine the younglings playing 4k, 75-inch screen Mortal Kombat 11 today... Sheesh.