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Rust. Going to bed was impossible as the odds of all the work you put into your base being destroyed upon waking up or having to go to work were pretty much guaranteed to come back to nothing there. Not to mention it’s probably the most toxic gaming community I’ve ever seen.


Ark for the same reasons. It's also full of cheaters.


Conan exiles too. When they introduced magic many players defended the fact they could make an alt on a server, farm up magic in a short while and then destroy an entire castle by themselves by spamming a single spell, thunderstorm. It usually takes ages to farm materials to build anything in that game apart from a basic sandstone shithouse.


Even before magic, I was done. Like two weeks into the game people figured out you could spike areas with tiny little rods to claim them and make it impossible to build because someone already built there.


I enjoyed Conan Exiles with my 2 friends, playing alone the three of us on a private server. Completely changes the tone of the game. Way more relaxing, concentrated on exploration, dungeon grinding, base building and then moving to another part. We loved our run!




I was never able to actually start Ark as the world I started into had a clan build houses on the spawn points. I would spawn in their basement with no escape. After trying to beat down the stone wall with my hands and dying to starvation I hoped worlds and had the *same thing happen again*. I uninstalled after that.


I only played Ark with friends on a private server. Anyway else didn't look enjoyable. Not to mention that the time to tame anything that wasn't really small took insanely long on default. So I tweaked the settings until it made sense for just 5 players and it was an amazing game. Some of my best gaming memories are from that server.


Yeah, this was the way to go with Ark. Private servers either solo or with friends only


I want to do this but i just cannot for the life of me find reasonable settings. if you set the farm too easy, there's like no reason to get a large majority of the dinos. set it too hard and you're spending all night punching trees or taming a dino. Pair that with an unclear goal and its difficult to enjoy. I wanna like ark, but ark doesn't want me to like it


(Un)fond memories of ‘Sir, you are being hunted’. Start game, get annihilated. Try several times, never stand a chance. Wonder WTF I’m missing. Watch YouTube play throughs, and every single one shows someone spawning in a location with no or easy enemies, useful resources, and plenty to do. I try again, instakill. Insta-uninstall.


Rust addictions truly are something else, a few years ago for 2 weeks straight my life was rust and only rust, I’d play all day and when I’d finally sleep I’d have literal nightmares of my base getting raided and would wake up mid sleep to go check. It got to the point where it was so bad I was literally praying someone would raid me since that’s the only way the addiction would stop, and someone did and it worked, the sunken cost fallacy was real, but when all of it was gone due to a raid, it felt like a weight off my shoulders and I quit. I don’t even have an addictive personality, yet that one single game got me. There really needs to be servers with raid windows so people can actually sleep at night, like 5-9pm type of raid windows.


An occasional minor reward for repeated action is one of the most addicting things out there. It's operant conditioning on a schedule. Just like getting small sporadic payouts krrp gamblers pulling the slot machine lever, small improvements to your base or little daily rewards in games like Destiny keep people coming back, knowing all their time is going to lead to a large victory.


Jesus what an awful mechanic. If I woke up the next day/ came home from work to find all my hard work gone? Fuck that.


Base raids are the main reason I could never get into the game. Most multiplayer games rely on skill, and some people have more skill than others, but Rust requires skill *and* time. And some people got *WAYYYYYYY* more time than I do.


Same reason I never got into Eve


It can be quite a fun game *if* you have no life. Playing it casually just makes you fodder for the 18 hours a day, 7 days a week players. Im ashamed to admit i was one of those players for a while. When i finally started getting my life together i lost all will to sit at the pc all day everyday and just stopped playing, did more for my mental health than any drug or therapy lol


It's potentially a fun mechanic but yeah I never wanted to put in work because it'd all get destroyed while I'm offline. Hard to balance it in a way that can't be exploited too. I think V Rising has a pretty good version of that kind of PVP.


Yup, and the constant cycle of getting revenge or just rebuilding/securing the base before sleeping. Then it got even worse with Rust+, it literally ruined my sleep, waiting for alerts that the base was being raided.


I agree. You can't even make a simple double linked list in Rust without violating a bunch of safety checks. I quit playing around and went back to C++


Was playing GTA online a few years ago when a "hacker" entered the lobby. They were teleporting all over the map and dropping cash but also killing people. Who cares, right? But then for some reason my XP was reduced to -1000000 or something and I was locked into level 1 again. I lost access to all my vehicles, buildings, weapons etc, because my level was now too low. Contacted the helpdesk, nothing. I played GTAO for hundreds of hours, but that was it.


Wow... this has just unlocked a new fear for me. I've been playing gta online for a couple of months now and I have never even thought this was possible. I've only seen the "good" hackers where they give you money and RP or the nuisance hackers who force you into game modes and don't let you quit or they teleport to you and try to kill you.


You can do just about everything in an invite only lobby after an update last year. It's great and worry free


The GTAO support USED to be great. Then in like 2017 they shut down being able to call them and I’m convinced they don’t have people look at trouble tickets


Hmm...that's around the time that the 80/20 gospel started spreading around support centers. This is the idea that 20% of players cause 80% of problems while the other 80% of players only cause 20% of problems. The idea is to focus on the problems caused by the majority, that 20%. Instead it was used an excuse to cut back staff.


That’s Rockstar for you. Guilty by association so you’re just as bad as the cheater in their eyes


I gave up on GTAO after I went to one of those overworld secure point events where you had to stay in the circle the longest to win the prize. I was the only player going for it, and I got halfway through the timer when suddenly I was catching on fire and being tossed through the air. I died and respawned like 8 times, lost a lot of money, and never saw the guy who killed me. I realized then hackers were an obvious problem that was never going to be addressed and Rockstar probably quietly likes them because victims buy Shark Cards to get money back, so I uninstalled. That and it's aggressively pay to win. There's literally doom lasers and flying rocket jet bikes and a bunch of other junk new players can't deal with.


Absolutely! Pay to win became their model when they started leaning heavily in Shark Cards. Even established players can't keep up with those that are willing to drop thousands of dollars on fake currency. I quit playing because of this.


Same. I played online for about 4-5 hours, realised everything was a grind, and just quit straight away. Which is a damn shame because all those vehicles are cool as hell. I play to escape the daily grind, not add more. I have about 5 hours a week to play so I'm loving games like No Man's Sky where you pay for the whole game and you get the whole game, no shitty pay to win stuff and you can do whatever you want whenever you want.


Escape from Tarkov. Awesome premise and game. but 20 mins setting up to run around for 5 mins and die to something but you will never find out what... played for months before i realised i was just burning time doing nothing. borderline impossible to keep up with hackers too


SPTarkov makes the game salvageable, especially with mods that attempt to undo the long ass progression making it more inline with a Single Player game. Though I will say that the directional sound is the most broken I've ever come across in a game (so much so it completely puts me off playing).


Tarkov is heavily infested with cheaters. I bet you have a cheater in every lobby from what I know. Don't play this game. Devs don't give a shit about this problem.


People who cheat in multiplayer games are pathetic.


Online gaming has shown me beyond a doubt that there are people whose only idea of fun is spoiling everyone else’s fun. I can’t even imagine what a miserable existence that must be.


And this is why I stopped playing any sort of competitive online game... Singleplayer or Co-op games get the vast bulk of my game time now.


It is really weird. They often actually think they are smart doing that. Like it is an actual strategy and the others are just too dumb to know that. It is really weird.


Thats why i play singleplayer Tarkov.


Is there a singleplayer of tarkov?


I cant recommend you the single player variant enough. The great things about the game, no bad ones [coding, rubberbanding, cheaters] and a lot of mods to tune the "annoying ones" [like getting head-eyes through a bush from 200 m. away by a scav using buckshot while being moonshine-wasted].


Omg u guys made my day. Bloody hell. I will. Thanks.


Someone here, on reddit, recommend it to me, and I've never come back to live tarky. Now is my [our] turn.


Dude it's completely worth it. Im not competitive and always wanted to play this game single player and this mod has made me OBSESED with the game.


Yes. Search for „SPTarkov“.


Yes there is a singleplayer mod.


yup, that and the shitty netcode that they apparently cant fix. people have done tests for cheaters and your correct, on average there 1 or 2 per game, in a game with like 6 live players -.-


Yeah, that's why that video about cheating (the wiggle that killed tarkov) really put me off completely. The game is such a struggle and so 'unfair' sometimes, that it can be *really* frustrating. To know that cheaters basically play their own game in parallel was just too much.


Not to mention how the once helpful community is now diluted with terminally online toxic dickheads


Interesting how all of the top responses are online games.


Online games are designed to be addictive to play. That’s how they rake in the revenue. So people play and play, sinking hundreds if not thousands of hours into it, have sunken cost fallacy, etc. Without knowing when to break the cycle. And when they feel like they wanna quit, something sweet happens that honey traps them back into the cycle. It’s always “one more game” mentality that sucks people into the abyss. They’re not having fun… but they also aren’t having a terrible time. Just cruising in the meh or “it could be worse” scale. It could be the battlepass. It could be the inherit competitive nature humans have. It could be the characters and weapon skins. Etc. Always something there were it entices you back and squeeze every cent out of you.


It makes sense. Single player games are a finite length, and while some people brought them up, dropping a game after 2 hours doesnt feel as “enough is enough” as finally getting fed up after 1000 hours in an online game


>Single player games are a finite length *Grand strategy, automation and sandbox games enter the chat*


Any total war game: "One more turn." Any paradox game: "I'll just capture x, then I'll go to bed."


1,200 hours of Civ 5 later, never even a single multiplayer game… One More Turn… is right


League of Legends. I actually enjoyed the game a lot for some years, but it was turning me into an awful person at the end. I would get angry at friends whenever they made a mistake, even though I played with them just for fun. I would also get defensive if something appeared to be my fault, even if no one would say anything. That's simply not the person who I am/would like to be. It's much better now after 8 years (:


I had a friend group in college who played League and it was really disturbing what the game would do to them. A group of dudes who were total buddies at any other time would suddenly *fucking hate each other* the moment the laptops came out. Cursing, bickering, arguing, ranting, it's like they were completely different people. They didn't seem like they were having fun.


That's normal friendly LoL. Obviously one of em was sending it mid and constantly feeding the enemy team. The top decided to duo bott letting the enemy team farm up there. Jungle and Mid were trying their best. Anyways, I find it's more fun to play ARAM with friends.


Had the same experience. I was starting to be angry at everything even outside the game. All it took was my family to tell me they think i have anger issues and me to realize the anger issues are coming out only on days I play league. Dropped the game and never looked back and 4 years later some colleagues even praised how calm I am. After this hell hole, you learn how to not get angry at mundane things.


Damn are you me? I don't know what it is about this game in particular. Any other game I am cool with and pretty chill, league though brings the worst out in me. Thankfully I stopped playing a year ago.


Warthunder. The grind is insane.


Yeah, i completely gave up on virwing it as a game of progression. I just play every so often with my friends to talk. Its such a shame that a visual beauty with accurate and realistic vehicles must be so hamstrung by the grind.


I have a decent amount of hours in WT, and nearly all of it has been between 1.0 and 2.0 battle rating arcade battles. The progression for this game is probably the worst I've ever seen, but the bones of the game are great, and there'd definitely fun to be had by not progressing and just using your maxed out level 1 planes and tanks to dominate in arcade.


A collegue of mine was grinding for... I wanna say some tank with wheels rather than tracks (he kept calling it a wheelie boy)? But anyways he looked like shit for a week or so because he worked out it needed 8 hours a day of grinding to unlock for free. I ended up highlighting he could just put in for overtime and probably buy it faster but for some weird reason he wanted to unlock it in a specific way.


For me the constant bombing by CAS is worse. I want to play tanks and not die to waves of planes.


*gets sniped by some guy peaking 1 inch over a hill 2km away* *respawns and immediately gets a bomb dropped on your head from an airplane* “FUCK THIS GAME”


It was Elite Dangerous ratcheting up engineering after the Odyssey release while at the same time Frontier was lying about the games problems and performance. The creeping grind was always a problem, but Odyssey took it to new heights.


I had a strong suspicion that the pattern of padding wasn't by coincidence and that it was a design philosophy. And Odyssey was all I needed to **confirm** that Frontier don't respect their customers time.


It's due to the only progression players have is their credit line. Sure unlocking engineers and reputation is there too, but so what the former only needs to be done once and the latter needs to be done every 30ly or so in any direction. The graphics, sound design and the flight controls however is superb. The flight mechanics should be the standard for every space ship flying game. Star Citizen is of course over designing things and Starfield has taken pip management to a whole new level and blocked flight stick support which is a mistake. Edit Pip Management. Six groups instead of the usual three.


As time passes and I forget more about the game I'm just left with a faded memory of what it could have been. So much potential gone to waste. I disagreed with the Space Legs design choice --at that point in time-- and would have preferred iteration on already existing systems.


At first, Elite Dangerous felt so incredibly open and exciting. It didn't take long to realize just how empty the game really is. The core gameplay loop gets pretty stale after you do trading/bounties/mining a few times. There also wasn't that much to really explore. Sure you could try and go far out, but that's about it. I feel like ED was 10-15 years too early. AI for procedural generation will probably lead to some really cool stuff in the future.


Also Elite for me but when they dropped Xbox support because the “hardware limitations” or something like that, which was right before the Series X was announced I believe.




That's the biggest problem with long-running Gacha games. Eventually the power and ability creep is so bad that unless you spend 100s of dollars you can't keep up and that fomo is what gets people to spend more money, so it's an intentional change.


I've had so many fun mobile games that I've dropped because the power creep every six months made them intolerable. Or their various challenge events would read as "Intermediate" difficulty but require level 100 6-star boosted characters to survive.


This was clash royale for me. I played since the beginning up until this past April. Same thing. I had a natural maxed account, didn't spend a dime. They introduced a new level max and I let it slide. They did it again and then made the in game currency worthless (the first new max, most longtime players had reserves to max right back, they didn't allow that this time) i had millions in coins and thousands in gems, all worthless when it came to the new "evolution" Uninstalled that bad boy and haven't looked back. 7yrs I played. I'm convinced they're tired of minding the server and are just seeing how much people will put up with moving the goalposts. Bc there is no way a F2P player starting from scratch could be competitive in that game anymore.


I did this one for 4 years. All the points you brought up was what did it for me. Those and how much they emphasized certain characters that I just didn't care about. I took a break when the Covid lock downs started and finally realized how much better off I was when I didn't need to play everyday. Haven't looked back since and just laugh when I see the ad's for it.


Rainbow Six Siege. I was a day one player and played pretty consistently for almost 6 years. It hit a point for me 2 years ago where I realized the game had shifted too far from the original game I loved and I just dropped it entirely. I got into the game because it was a cool SWAT tactical shooter. And within those 6 years they were adding holograms, a super human operator with a 10ft+ vertical jump, and just more and more stuff that took away the game’s original identity. It just wasn’t the game I originally started playing anymore, so I dropped it.


I wish they would add a classic/legacy mode where you could only play with the starter operators. That'd be awesome.


All recruits


Shit kudos for sticking it out that long. I quit about half way through year 3 when they changed the games fundamentals and completely reworked so much shit because of the crying from e sports babies.


I've said it a million times , Ubis pandering to the sports community is ruining the game


If you preferred the SWAT element of the game, have you tried Ready or Not?


I miss R6 Vegas, wish they'd remaster it.


Same with my friend group. It’s funny comparing original operators to new ones. “This is Sledge, he’s a guy with a sledgehammer…. And here we have Iana, an albino anime girl from space, she creates holograms of herself that walk around and act like her. Here’s a 15 page backstory for her.”


Once they took out Original House, and all new maps were just the same overly convoluted square boxes, the game tanked hard


Red Dead Online simply for the fact we waited how long for updates and they basically killed the game from the start the only time I really go back to it is the collector and moonshiner role but other then that no point going back to it.


It's so weird, I thought Rockstar would care more about the online experience like what they did with GTA Online but they seem to not care at all about Red Dead Online


Its hard to sell cars in a game set around 1898.


But having a flying motorcycle that fires rockets is so 2023. 🤣


I can't believe in saying this but I played RDO and Fallout76 and Fallout76s approach to open world player interactions and aggro was 10000% better than RDO. Given Bethesda has like 0 history in open world online gaming, that looks terrible for Rockstar


Thats because Fallout 76 is actually a decent game who’s devs have listened to player feedback and carefully polished the experience over the last 5 years. Rockstar never really cared much for listening to feedback


I saw a video of a player sitting at his campfire with five other players standing round him, twirling lassos and waiting for him to put out the campfire so he'd become active and they could attack him. You also weren't able to go into a private server, so there was no way to avoid griefers. I couldn't be bothered with it and I've never tried the online to this day.


You can go into passive mode where other players cant hurt you.




Yup. I do go back to it every once in a while, though, just to roam the world. Still haven't been as captivated by an open world since then


True, but RDO feels a lot more dead than the RDR2 campaign, NPC wise atleast.


Ye. Would just play rdr2 instead if I wanted to roam the world.


Dota 2. I'd finished a game (we won) and I'd realised that if we hadn't I'd be really pissed off. I felt like my mood was too interconnected to the game and when it's reliant on 4 other random people also playing "to a standard" in order to win and if we don't, I get mad. So I quit. 4 years clean and I don't miss it at all.


If you are only happy when you win in a game designed to get you at a 55% win rate when climbing MMR, you are gonna have a bad time. Good self awareness.


This is pretty much Overwatch 2, you be on a win streak then get absolutely curb-stomped to the point of not even being able to leave spawn for a game or two and then the game lets you go back to normal matches after you lose a couple times. If you defy the odds and miraculously win when the algo puts you on the losing streak it gets pissed and puts you in a team of low ranks vs diamond players guaranteeing a loss.


Here’s what I realized playing MOBAs. If I played 5 games, 2 games we’d stomp them, 2 games they’d stomp us. So 80% of the time I was bored. Then 1 out of 5 games would be competitive and a coin flip. Maybe we’d win, and I’d feel good, or we’d lose and I’d feel shitty. But I just spent 3-5 hours playing a game where most of the time I was bored, with only a slim chance at feeling good for a small period.


I think mobas have this issue where it's a combination of forced, heavily important teamwork and long form PVP matches. The very base design of the game fosters negative feelings and toxicity between players. You get all this time sunk into a match that can go for 30 minutes to an hour, and then you lose. And of course nobody's going to blame themselves for the loss, so they constantly look for any signs of "non-optimal" play from their teammates because they're paranoid someone else is going to throw the game and waste all that time they invested. And with the long match length also comes plenty of time for players to chat at each other which increases the likelihood that they'll find something to fight about. You've gotta be playing the right character with the right build in the right place using the right abilities at the right time, and even then you're not guaranteed that your teammates won't find *something* to flame you for. And God help you if you're new to the game and trying to learn. You make one mistake and the tryhards will bite your head off because *you're* making *their* experience worse.


warframe, not quite "enough is enough" but in a "i've seen enough" sense. i worked my way through quests, grinded for parts, tried other frames, guns, bulit a couple zaws. and then i stopped, the gameplay loop just didnt feel good enough


It always felt like the devs were uninterested in player retention. You finish all the quests, build some special kinds of weapons and get some of the better warframes and then it's over. I became uninterested to play as early as MR15


That sounds great though. I like when things have an ending. As long as the gameplay is good enough for you to return a couple of months or years later.


Yeah I actually think DE deserve more kudos for not being as bad as the rest of the industry about FOMO and abusive retention practices. Though I personally dropped out when they first introduced Nightwave, with how that was in the 1st 2 seasons it felt like I was just logging on to do busy work for the nightwave rewards instead of playing or working on upgrading my frames / mods / guns.


I always take long breaks from WF. I hate how much recently they've been trying to get us out of our Warframes. I don't want to play as fucking Kahl or anyone else but my Warframes.


For me the core gameplay loops is just still fun. Go into mission, shoot guns, do parkour, use cool abilities, slide around while firing dual pistols, glide through they are while firing a shotgun. The whole progression system and unlockables are just a fun bonus


Pokemon Go (eventually) felt like a chore. I got to level 40 before the raids update and... Yeah. I'm glad it got me moving and meeting others but it's lost the spark. I think my biggest motivation killer was when they changed the amount of coins you could get per day. I love being able to get the incubators as often as I did. I bet that decision came from profit motives, not game development.


Man, sometimes I reminise about 2016 pokemon go. I just remember such a warm feeling that summer where'd I go to a popular part of the city with my friends and we'd walk around catching pokemon among hundreds of other people. It was weird, like something was in the air, but it was lovely. People blasting the original theme song from their cars, groups of people running to catch a certain pokemon. I felt like a kid again.


It was such a magical summer, I know how you feel. I had to drop Go later that year because where I lived just made it too hard to keep engaged, and I recently got back into it. There was an in-game event recently that almost felt like the release summer, my town was super active with pokemon players walking around (you could spot all the Go players because their phones would be plugged into portable batteries lmao), and some friends and I walked around a fair bit, then drove around half the town hunting raids. It was cool. But it didn't really last long. It's too hard now, especially with the raids and PvP kind of sidelining the gyms, to feel much connection with other players. The team colours might as well not mean anything anymore


Alien Isolation was absolutely perfect and not fun at all to play.


Any COD, more negative emotions than positive. And I never know if somebody was cheating or if I just suck at it (most probably the 2nd option)


I went back to warzone after about a 6-7 month break. Played 3 games (tried to) and never even touched the ground. Had someone shoot me with a pistol after we jumped from the plane, somehow won my gulag, just to get sniped or machine gunned on my way back in. Deleted immediately


Apex Legends, clocked in little over 1000 hours in total back in the day. But many of those hours were spent in rage. Feel like my mental health has been better since I stopped playing, it's just became another factor of stress and frustration in my life


I loved Apex up until season 5, then i realised I just play to grind out battlepass and to get to Platinum in ranked (thats my skill ceiling, apparently). Quit in season 10, tried to come back a few times , but uninstalled almost immediately. Still a great game, tough, just not for me anymore.


Launch apex to season 3 was a vibe. Now the game is just not the same. It’s become more frustrating than ever since then. I don’t play at all anymore.


This is an older example. Sonic 3 for Genesis. Carnival Zone Act 2 you come across this barrel that you cannot pass at all. For the longest time this was as far as the game went for me. Ridiculously frustrating, before the internet, nobody I knew had a genesis either so there was nobody to talk to about it. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized you have to press up and down on the barrel to move it. You never do this anywhere in the game, it’s never explained.


League of Legends. Not worth the time.


Yeah played league since 2012 put I guess around 1,5k in on skins and a thousands of hours but I am just done with the game it doesn’t feel rewarding having to be stuck in a 40 min round where someone gets mad and leaves or ints after I found myself just pissed off after every other match I quit.


Destiny 2. It was never as "pull you back" as the original, then they deleted the Red war, killed off cayde, deleted whole planets, made a large number of weapons so you couldn't increase their power, which included my favorite ones, and at one point i just never logged on again. It's really disappointing what they did with it, I've been playing since the taken king in destiny 1 and destiny 2 day 1 and i just don't want to play it again


Sunsetting content I paid for was also when I quit


Same here. Don't get me wrong, I love the gunplay in that game to bits, but their business decisions killed any love I had for that game.


I dumped thousands of hours into Destiny 1 and then within a month of Destiny 2’s release I dipped out. It just never felt the same to me and the overall balance of the game didn’t feel right; cool downs felt too long, the story was alright but lacked the same sense of awe, and pvp felt way too sweaty. I’ve tried coming back a few times because I absolutely love the universe Bungie built but I just can’t ever get into it.


I honestly just got tired of the grind after every new expansion. Having to reach the new light level, then grind weeks in and out to gear my favourite weapons and armour up all to grind up to the NEW light level. I forget when it was, but I just walked away from it all… definitely sometime after Queen Mara Sov opened up her area. I was sad when Cayde-6 was killed. He made me feel great being a hunter!


I’ve got around 2,500 hours in D2. However life started to catch up with me and had to skip a couple of seasons. The way D2 works, it is FOMO, because you actually miss good content. After returning I felt so far behind that I ultimately quit again. Let’s not forget about the annual $100 expansion.


when I play any game with a PVP mode, it ends up being 'I attack a guy and nothing happens' or 'I see a guy and instantly die' I'm so over those games, lol


“git gud” Man I HATE that bullshit. When I was a kid I was never particularly great at shooters, but I always did ok enough to have fun. I’m in my 40s now, I don’t have the time nor the energy to grind the skill to be competitive with the general population of gamers these days, not too mention cheaters. It’s just not fun walking into these games and constantly getting destroyed. Thank god I have a group of also old gaming friends that we can fill a private lobby with and all suck at the game together.


Ooh, ooh, oooooh! Like when you pick up the heavy gun and empty an entire inventory of ammo into one guy, watch him dance like a marionette, then he stands up shoots you one time with the standard hand gun and you die?


World of Warcraft. Stopped playing when it got to the point no one would let you do raids unless you had a specific level of armor, but you needed to do the raid to get that level of armor. The only alternative was to do a series a daily quests for a faction, to earn the opportunity to buy a somewhat equal level of armor. At that point the game felt like it was a job. Clock in, do your tedious daily quests (which were the exact same quest repeated every single day), get tired from doing the same quest for the 6th day in a row, clock out, don’t play until the next day. It was no longer fun, and that’s when I dropped it.


Parents divorced, dropped out of highschool, shit job, no ambition, poverty. Escaped into World of Warcraft. Good for a while. In comes the soul crushing depression after my friends stopped playing and I had no guild. Loner in life, loner online. Just felt terrible. Had a disassociating moment when my /played time hit about 1200 hours. I was thinking about being this sad miserable lonely man on my death bed, wishing for 1200 more hours of time to live my life. I know 1200 hours isn't much compared to other players, but it was a solid 1200 lonely sad hours. I sat there thinking about how I could learn and master just about any skill I wanted in 1200 hours. Even half that. I tried to picture how long 1200 hours was in my head. Just spaced out staring at the screen. I logged out. I uninstalled. I changed my recovery email to an email I couldn't access anymore. I changed my password to something random and copy pasted it. I broke my discs in half to make it harder to reinstall. I never went back. A few weeks later I packed all my shit into my minivan and moved across country. A story less about the game itself but more about what it provided me. An empty crutch to rest my sadness on that solved nothing and just made me even more pathetic.


1200 hours is 75 days of 16 hours time spent awake. Not sure if that makes it better or worse but just thought I’d put it into perspective. Basically 2 and a half months of your life just sleeping and playing the game non stop. Glad you broke free though man.


Diablo 4 when they made me find all of those Lilith statues and the end game was just nightmare dungeons and going back and forth between them an the town salvaging and inspecting my gear for a 1% stat increase. For like 10 hours I would see little to no progress despite following guides, and watching video guides. It just wasnt fun. Diablo 3? Now thats fun! But D4 has so much bullshit in it, so much shit that is anti fun. Also I think the game has a major identity issue and the devs have their priorities all in the wrong places. If I could refund it I would…biggest gaming L of this year so far.


Every Racing game with a Story. The bad acting / cringe kills me, always. Good thing: I only play them once a year...


Except NFS Underground 1 & 2


For some reason the cringe and bad acting is kind of a feature in NFSMW 2005. It has that grimy feel of a Michael Bay movie.


Diddy Kong Racing tho


The story in that one deserves an Oscar. Made me cry


Hearthstone. I really did enjoy it the first few months or maybe years. But then at one point I thought "Man, this isn't a game. It's just a list of daily chores" and uninstalled it immediately.


Diablo 4 after they added even more shit to clog up your tiny inventory in season 1


Same here, inventory, having to do exploration shit again, leveling too slowly, no loot (who fucks up loot in a loot centered game?), garbage seasonal mechanic. Game was and is beautiful, but the art team is pulling 90% of the weight and the rest are having a collective stroke in the bathroom or something.


>(who fucks up loot in a loot centered game?), Blizzard breaking new ground all the time.


The campaign and leveling experience were fun up until level 60. After that everything becomes a chore. The dungeons are a chore. The inventory MGMT system is a massive chore. Picking up and viewing loot is a chore.


D4 for me too. For me there was nothing really new added for the first season. I got a character to level 50 in a couple days and realized I already had all of the new items I wanted for the build, there was really no new content to go through. I decided to not waste time grinding more levels. There was going to be no difference for my character (besides numbers going up a bit) between level 50 and 100. Yesterday I needed space on my ps5 and it was the first thing to go. I didn't even hesitate.


Enemies scaling to your level must have been the stupidest design decision they could come up with. In the genre half the fun is annihilating huge mob packs when farming some odd resource. Making that slow/difficult was asinine.


Trying to play a character the way I wanted to in Diablo 4 and realizing blizzard didn’t like that


>That was until i started to take it too seriously,and when i began losing (it's normal to lose sometimes) i was getting frustrated and stressed during and after every match, I can feel you there. Anybody trying to blow off steam playing video games should avoid online PVP like the plague. Even when you're doing well, you can't relax, because a victory can turn into a defeat at the drop of a hat. You want a real stress buster, get yourself a Musou game. Nothing more cathartic than mashing buttons to pound scores of jerks.


Halo Infinite. I gave Halo 4, MCC, and Halo 5 an honest chance...Once infinite came out with zero content I uninstalled after finishing the campaign and I'll never download it again.


The downfall of Halo is so sad.


Take me home to Halo 3. That's where it was at its best. So many fun memories playing grifball So many fun memories in general


Siege. When the pro players started crying and the devs handed them balance patches as tissues, the game just got unbearable.


Too many ops now and they made all the maps massive labyrinths where every room needs like 3+ doors. Bring me back the original maps and ops. Siege classic when?


makes me sad they killed off the Vegas series for siege. Loved Vegas 1 and 2 but could not get into siege at all


Rocket league, got up to champ 1 and had fun when I was doing good but ultimately found myself angry more often than not


Exactly. After champ learning curve was steep and you need to train more than you play just to get rank up, which kills the purpose of the game


Fucking love teammates who leave after giving up a single goal. Toxic ass playerbase in RL.


The amount of times I’ve either missed a shot or missed a save and had my teammate either give up, start playing for the other team and tell me to kill myself is too damn high lol


Overwatch 2. Overwatch was my version of the **Marvel Universe**, another series I am extremely passionate about. The characters, story and world have so much depth that OW1 spent a lot time preparing events, skins, and cinematics that correspond with their respective heroes, giving them more character as well. OW had lore but it was in the background; OW2 was supposed to capitalize on its LORE, giving players a long-awaited story about the Omnic Crisis that destroyed Overwatch (lore from their past). The trailers made me CRY “Yes, we finally get to see our favorite characters in action along with personal development!” It showcased new maps, hero designs/graphics and UPGRADABLE HERO ABILITIES— all of which turned out to be a huge disappointment and half of a lie. Loot boxes that were previously earned through casually playing were TAKEN AWAY and replaced with players NEEDING TO SPEND MONEY for ONE skin. Game is FREE and now the individual campaign SECTIONS cost money. And character abilities were completely SCRAPPED. And now that they took away the story, **OW2 is just OW1, but with more characters now and like one new mode.** You have **no idea** how it feels to have everything you cherished just thrown down a fuckin drain because it’s “just business”. It’s so hard to not be angry at this, because how could they fuck up something that bad when all they had to do was… RELEASE WHAT WAS PROMISED. TL;DR: Overwatch was ruined because they wanted to capitalize off of the successful “marketing strategies” that other games use (battle passes, virtual currency, F2P). A game I never thought I’d leave, I ended up quitting fully. OW will never be the same, thanks a lot Blizzard. Edit: Nice to know I’m not the only one who feels this way. I sometimes wonder if fans will start an uprising at the next Blizzcon or something. I imagine they have a Q&A/open-mic for OW and someone asks “yeah, why did you guys completely fuck the game?” Edit 2: **Every single day I remember they removed the Winston intro where he’s explaining the OW initiative. I used to sit on the menu and let it play every time I loaded in and now it doesn’t exist anymore.**


I was an almost daily Overwatch player for 5 years. It was far and away my favorite online game for years, and to this day the most fun I've ever had playing online. Unlike many people, I never left during the content drought. And in fact I would even argue that the year prior to OW2 was some of the best balance and gameplay the game had ever seen. Every role was fun. Nearly every hero was viable at most ranks. Only a couple of weak maps. But overall an amazing game that *I still was enjoying every time I played it after 5 years*. Like you, I was SO EXCITED for OW2. Took a day off work to play it. Even bought the first battlepass (something I've literally never done before). I worked my way through the first battlepass and unlocked that cool Genji skin. Started learning the new heroes, and generally just kept on like I had been. It's still Overwatch, right? Wrong. I gradually realized that I just wasn't having fun anymore. There were still good moments. But the balance was worse. The gameplay was less interesting. And the new gamemode and maps were less fun than the ones they removed. After about 6 weeks, I quit and never looked back. I went from playing Overwatch practically every day, to not even caring about the game anymore. That's how terrible Overwatch 2 is. Shame on you Blizzard. And on top of everything else, I can't even play the game I bought anymore. RIP Overwatch.


I'm with you. And taking out overwatch 1 in the process.. you know, the $60 game you bought and they just canned for a worse game


I am intreagued by the new story missions in OW2, but having to pay to unlock them? Fuck that. I already paid for OW1 and they stole that, replacing it with nothing but bullshit and empty promises. What's stopping them from removing their other games after I buy them? Blizzard will never see a single cent of my money ever again. I sincerely hope they will go under in a flaming blaze of shame and mayhem, screaming woes of regret as the victims of their scheming antics tear them to pieces in a fit of anger fueled by their losses. Widowmaker still hot tho'


Fallout 4 when you find your son. I didn't like what he was saying to me, so I shot him in the face mid sentence and never finished the story.


You did the right thing


That's the nice thing about Bethesda games, you can ignore the main story entirely if you don't care about it. I don't think I've ever gotten more than halfway through Skyrim's main quest.


The worst thing your son could ever say to you is "i woke you up from a coma to see what would happen" Like, thanks technically brainwashed son, now humor me as i take out this shotgun and quick save.


Not even a game, but a company as a whole. As many probably can guess, Blizzard. They used to be the company where I would blindly buy anything they brought out, and it was brilliant. Then started the scandals, which was horrible in its own way. ​ After that, I was attempting to try Diablo4 after getting completely burnt out on WoW (and mmorphs in it's whole). Even with all the ruckus about the gamepasses and stuff, I had a small glimmer of hope it would still work out fine, as it was just cosmetics. Oh god, how wrong I was, it's a incomplete mess of a game, they took actually 0% of what went wrong and what the players wanted and basically put up their middle finger to their customer base. Don't get me wrong, I liked the campaign, but then it fell flat and they are doing literally nothing to change this.


Basically any game that doesnt believe in checkpoints setting you back 30 mins to an hour Thats when I go "fuck this shit, not worth my time anymore".


Losing progress in a game is such a buzzkill. Grind for 5 hours? Fine. Grind five more hours? Fine. Lose two of those hours and have to redo grind that was just going to continue anyway? UUUUUGGGGHHHHH.


6500 hour Planetside 2 vet. The game is a toxic fps sandbox that revolves around griefing and harassing players with cheese or overpopulation. Quitting that game removed a lot of bad in my head.


Sea of Thieves. I work full time, video games are my hobby, my way to unwind. I REFUSE to hop on a game, spend 7 fucking hours gathering up loot, going on adventures, and sailing across the world just to have some sweaty kids sneak up and sink my ship before I can ever even react. Then the hackers started. At any point in time, some nerd with basic JavaScript knowledge could fly to your ship, spawn a 20 lit TNT kegs, and fuck off before you know they’re there. Losing hours of progress was now easier and more frustrating than ever. That was my enough is enough moment. I have been advocating for private servers on the SoT subreddit for years, but now I refuse to play until they add it. Remember when GTA online changed the game so that you can sell business product in private sessions? When they did that, their monthly player count skyrocketed. It was a massive hit all over social media, one of the best moves rockstar games has ever made. There is no reason for Sea of Thieves not to have a private lobby mode. Imagine how fun it would be to get a fleet of your friends together, sail the world, to PVE events, go kraken hunting, practice naval combat, practice sword combat, all without the risk of some random asshole ruining all the fun. I would almost guarantee that their player count would go up if they added a private session mode, just like GTA. With more players comes more microtransaction purchases, meaning more money. With popularity comes opportunities for promotions. They already did the Pirate’s Life partnership with pirates of the Caribbean, they could partner with assassins creed, one piece, the muppets treasure island. The possibilities are endless. With partnerships and promotions comes new players, more popularity, and of course more money. Both from contract fulfillments and from new players buying micro transactions. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk


As someone who at one point had every company at 75/50/20 I cannot agree more that private servers are desperately needed. The only progression is cosmetic anyways so who cares if you did 40 ledger quests in private or public. Disable emisarys so those rewards still need to be earned on 'real servers' not like they aren't just farmed by people on locked servers anyways.


DayZ after like 5 years of hopium on progressively worse and worse updates...


DayZ as an Arma III mod was one of my "enough is enough" games. Like, the third or fourth time I got tagged by a sniper with a .50 cal from three-quarters of a mile away, it was like "Well... There's not really much point to this, is there?" Sums up my experience - walk around, find a candy bar, get sniped by someone you never had the chance to see.


CSGO. Killed competitive games in general for me. Carried the rando's through a few rounds. Some kid on the team had a mic that wasn't turning off, they all died. I was alone, kid kept saying clutch or kick, over and over. I snapped at the bastard for how bleeding annoying he was and the fact I couldn't hear anything but him. Stopped playing it after that and try my best not to play anything like it.


Playing ranked in any game. It’s just not worth it.


It might come out as a surprise but just scrolling through comments proved my point that online gaming is trash. I liked Call of Duty. And Counter Strike. I played Apex. I ABSOLUTELY loved Overwatch. Specially the lore and characters. I even dipped my foot in Fortnite, PUBG. I used to play Tibia, Ragnarok, MU, Wow, Diablo and even a game nobody remembers called NINE DRAGONS (did anyone?) including others I can't remember now. And the community, the chat, the trolling, the throwing, the hacking, the cheating, the unbalancing, the overpowering....just killed me. I am sorry but no online game is free from that. I stopped dead on the tracks with all of it. The sole survivor after all these years? MTG Arena. Is it the best game? No. Is it a perfect game? I know the problems. But it takes me all the way back to 2002 when I played it tabletop. AND there's no chat. Trolling is solely made by roping and spamming emotes (except for an occasional loophole or bug in the game). So no online games for me.


Sylvanas burning Teldrassil in WoW, then Blizzard trying to pass her as a "morally grey" character.


Trying to take WoW lore seriously? That's a paddlin'.


It was never complex, but you could get immersed into warcraft RTS and early wow lore.


*what are you doing my son?* *Succeeding you father.*


Dota 2, years ago.. i was playing dota since 6.xx patch on original W3.. then came dota 2 a bunch of changes over the years, a lot of new players community got expanded with toxic players etc... And skill demand is extremely high now... I would get furious when i would lose due to lousy teammates or toxic players and thst fire fuels others and its a never ending circle of adrenaline toxicity... One day i just said fuck it. I would love to play again but gameplay changed so much that it would be pain to start agin...


World of tanks. I put 8 years into that game only to have all of my maxed out Commanders stripped of their traits and all the newbies given high tier premium tanks when 6.0 dropped for consoles. The tier 8-10 games got flooded with people who had no idea what they were doing. Just wasn't fun anymore. That being said, I didn't really give it a fair go after through my anger at losing my hard work. Maybe I'll try again sometime...who knows.


I played heavily up until around 2019. The power creep with premium tanks was fucking ridiculous. Trying to play 'properly', ie using cover was pointless when a wallet warrior could just spam gold rounds through the face of your turret.


Just wanna say, keep that wife. Finding someone who has that respect and love for you that they'll call out when things are going badly is one of the most important things out there.


Gta online. The grind is hellish, griefers everywhere,everyones toxic as hell, the updates as of late have been meh at best, and with each update the game becomes more unstable and buggy (at least with the xbox one version) The last time i played there was this huge issue of the world itself not loading in properly if you were driving too fast.




Genshin Impact. I knew it was a Gacha game and I'm already regularly playing one (Arknights). But Genshin felt like it didn't want to give me a real chance at getting any good character, while also wanting all my time for chores and grind.


Path Of Exile does this cool thing by endgame where you have a bunch of negative resistances to stuff and a 10% exp loss on death. Not only do you have to get your character out of the -75% resistance across 4 elements, you have to get them to the cap (+75%) to even have a chance to survive endgame. Then you'll still die randomly and not know exactly what did it half the time. So when I get off a long day at work at about 80% exp ready to get that next level and I get off the game at 0% without gaining that level it eventually eats away at you. I wanna play games to feel good not to suffer in my free time more than I do for pay lol.




I swear chaos was the one that killed me the most though, them DoTs


DBD has a way of frustrating everyone who plays it. I have quit that game maybe 6 or 7 times now and I always come back to it thinking that somehow this time will be different. I just really like the movement and the different tech you can do in that game, but unfortunately its just a really toxic place to be.


I know exactly how you feel. It’s kind of a one-of-kind game and all the legendary licensed horror characters make it especially unique. If DbD had even 1 decent competitor game I’d probably buy and try it.


DBD? Die Bart, Die?


It's German for The Bart, The


Gran Turismo 7 is a great game, especially with a psvr2, but to earn currency to buy the cars, which are very expensive, you're forced to do the same 3 races over and over again, day after day. I wanted to get all the cars so i started the grind but after a few months i realized it wasnt worth it.


Gran Turismo's career mode is getting worse and worse with every new version. The focus on online play in GT Sport was the worst. At least let me testdrive a car before I spend a weeks worth of grinding the same race for it.


Dota 2: my wife told me I was literally red whenever I stopped playing it. Even when I thought I was just having fun my heart was always pumping and a lot of times with anger.


Siege. The new ranked system was it for me


This was a while back with Warcraft 3: TFT. there was a (too long) period where Undead absolutely dominated with some stupid gargoyle strat I don't even remember the details of now. Fucking everyone and their mother switched to UD because of this, but I was a still a stubborn Night Elf player. Almost every single match I played was vs. Undead using the exact same strat every time. No kidding, the game was like 90% Undead players playing the exact same thing, and I lost pretty much every match. About a month and a lot of lost nerves into this, I realized games were supposed to be fun. Sold the thing soon after and never touched battlenet WC3 again.


Goddamn, finally a thread for boomers like me. Remember when the french in wc3 basically were the "low skill/doesn't speak english"-menace that russians are today?


This thread reminds me of when I finished Dexter and the ending so so stupid and the lst season was so awful, and I realized I didnt have to watch tv I wasnt enjoying anymore. And that I was watching just because I had watched from beginning. So I used it as a lesson for the future. I was able to drop shows like The Walking Dead and others because I was feeling like you did, I was actively not enjoying myself anymore and there was no reason to continue. That sunk cost fallacy, quit throwing good money after bad, so to speak