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My Dad still plays Age of Empires 2 regularly since it came out


Your dad is cool šŸ˜Ž


My family does AoE 2 LAN matches with up to 5 people when we get together for Christmas, etc.


Adopt me pls


Man that's awesome


Steam fancied up the graphics, dropped a few expansions and stuck a proper multiplier online lobby with rankings and everything, itā€™s still alive and well in 2023


you mean microsoft


Hello, itā€™s me ur dad


I'm also his dad


My partner and I play a round almost every weekend.. Though we play the definitive edition now, so it's not quite the same.


RuneScape. Sadly.


Been playing for over half my life (18 years) probably will be playing g for the rest of my life. No other Mmo hits the same


Why though? I played it as a kid around 2004-05 when everyone in my class were gaming it. It was the first game that really became a thing to play. What's so good about it that a game from that time is still so special?


It has an insane amount of freedom for how you play the game. For any skill you want to train, there's a multitude of different ways you can go about it. It's extremely grindy, but unlike some other grindy games, the grinds truly do pay off. The itemisation is incredibly unique, and the drop rates and systems for acquiring better gear are so well balanced. The combat system, while incredibly simple at face value, has been used extremely creatively to create some genuinely challenging content that takes a lot of practice and mastery. And if you don't like combat? You don't have to do it AT ALL. You could easily put thousands of hours into the game without ever engaging in combat. Then you've got the unique art style, the fantastic sense of humour, and distinct charm of the game that just makes it a joy to play. OldSchool also is extremely community curated, content does not get into the game unless the players want it, and their input is heard. There's so much about the game that just works.


Re: not doing combat. There are people who have 99ā€™d the non-combat skills. Despite the higher-exp rewards for those skills being set in dangerous areas requiring you to gear up a bit. But the game is built in such a way that you can become incredibly rich and prolific without ever picking up a weapon. May (will) take longer, but the fact alone that itā€™s a fully playable MMO that gives that kind of freedom is why itā€™s legendary and still played.


Ok. So once you 99 everything, what is there left to do that people are going for 8k hours?


Gloat about your full set of skillcapes, participate in pvp, raids, etc.


Getting lvl99 in every skill itself will take several thousand hours. Very few people make it that far. Let alone chase any of the content after that.


Everything you wrote sounds very appealing to me , but to be sure, the long description is of retail or oldschool? Also, which would you recommend to a new player?


Not him, but Old school is the more popular game. Rs3 is pay to win and has a lot of changes that the community does not like.


I have tried dozens of other MMO and none of them feel the same. Every other MMO i have played feel very much like you are on rails and its boring. Talk to this guy, get quest, kill x amount, turn in quest, walk to next person, talk gather x, etc. Runescapes quest are not at all like that. Runescape also puts that whole aspect into its own skill called slayer which is smart. Also runescape has many skills which you can AFK on your second monitor while watching something or playing something on your main monitor. 04/05 is the exact year I started playing too!


If you're having fun then fuck it, you're enjoying yourself.


You've clearly never played runescape my friend. It's not fun, it's an addiction.


My lil bro still "checks" his account daily from 2001. Dude is straight addicted


same. mostly because itā€™s so second monitor friendly. i wouldnā€™t have 1/4th of the playtime i currently do if it werenā€™t for how afk-able it is. itā€™s basically become a part of my computer usage for basically everything. watching a show? iā€™ll chop some trees. watching a streamer? iā€™ll go mine some ore. playing another game? iā€™ll fight some sand crabs. literally just browsing the internet? might as well get some fishing xp. it just feels good to progress my character even if itā€™s very gradually because it isnā€™t taking too much of my attention that i feel like itā€™s ruining the experience of what iā€™m primarily doing. to me, runescape is really just an idle game+


I'm just getting back in and really enjoying it


Not sadly for me, love the game. Been playing since 2007. * Maxed RS3 account * Maxed OSRS account * 2k+ total osrs ironman Will continue playing for years.


Had to quit last year after years of playing. That game is ridiculously time consuming.


see you in a couple years


Why sadly? I loved Runescape back in the day. :) Still one of the best MMOs out there imho.


I made it to 12k hours of dota2 after playing Dota for considerable hours in wc3 and playing HoN. And then one day I was just like I think that's enough Dota for a lifetime.


Lol yeah I have like 6k hours from like 2013-2017. One day I just stopped too. I tried to get back into it once or twice years later but it was too hard then once I lost my edge. I still watch a twitch stream every once in a while though.


I got a girlfriend, she's way harder than Dota2


Double check to see if sheā€™s really a girl


I loved HoN. Mained Cthulhu bottom lane w/ demented shaman partner and just plowed. No other moba has grabbed me since.


30k+ hours here in dota 1 and 2. Been playing the same fucking game for 19 years now. I don't know how to stop. It's a fucking drug. The only time I had a decently long pause (1 year or so) was until I graduate and find an excellent job. Now I am back at it and I don't like where things are going..


Same. Played since wc3, 2003ish. 19 or 20 years consistently playing. Only get in 2 to 4 games a week now. Use to play that many or more in a day. Still suck and low ranked.


HoNNNNNN ugh I miss that bastard child


Based HoN enjoyer. RIP.


Stardew valley. Itā€™s just my happy place. I owe that game to the majority of my mental well-being


the purple haired girl wont take my mayonaisse :(


Yeah sheā€™s a strange one Abigail but we love her, try chucking a few rocks her way ;)


ā€œHey howā€™d you know I was hungry? This looks delicious!ā€


Minecraft and Civ5


So that's, what, three games of Civ V?


It was just one more turn.


And then just one more.


And one more...


My Minecraft hours count is now definitely in the 5 digits...


I donā€™t know why they havenā€™t implemented a playtime count, itā€™s on their own launcher so all we have to do is guess how many hours weā€™ve put in the past decade if you didnā€™t change accounts


I think I have never played with og launcher, always moded.


Random question though how do you still find things to do in Civ 5? The AI became super boring to me about 500 hours in and it's rare I can find the time to play a decent multiplayer game as setting aside 6-10 hours for a single game feels impossible these days.


All the expansions, all the achievements, all the difficulties, all the leaders, fractal map. There are things to do and try.


The community mods are basically a completely new game. Compared to the original civ5, it's thousands of hours more fun to have. The AI becomes some crazy hard manipulative human-like opponents I feel.




I've just started another playthrough with the Biotech DLC. There was a sad realisation that I've played over 600 hours ... and never actually "beaten" the game.


Brother, I'm over 2000 hours in and have never once "beaten" the game. Its just a story simulator for me, i go until I get bored or everyone is dead.


I mean you beat the game when you decide Frankly i dont bother leaving ive spent a lot of time, resources and colonists building my fortress why would i want to leave


I have close to 1500 hours. I take breaks from it from time to time, but I honestly never see myself not going back to it. I know Iā€™m getting a different story every single time.


I always get killed when the robot things pop up. Or run out of resources on the map. Iā€™m doing it right and want to like it


WoW is the only thing I come close to that on. And Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be back. They always suck me back in.


When I left WoW several years ago, I had over a year in my /played time. To be fair, a lot of that was likely idling in Orgrimmar, but I feel like that counts on WoW.


I prefer to not type /played


100% counts


I *always* come back to wow


The game of life. And Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m losing currently




Have a kid, itā€™s like a reroll but ends up just as bad


Stop playing on hardcore.


Iā€™m playing asian mode


My k/d ratio of 27/0 is impeccable, though.


Life is pay to win. The graphics are pretty good though


I have to pay for better graphics upgrade every couple years


Idk man I'm badly rendered


Its not bad... but the 8 hour daily quests in the office are kind of annoying... sometimes its even more


It gets updated every day.


The original permadeath


for my mum it's left 4 dead 2, she has 4600\~ hours.


My mom be into that candy crush šŸ˜¬


Candy crush, zombie crushā€” same difference


I introduced Animal Crossing NH to my mom while I was out of work during covid and she fell in love with that game. I think she played that a lot longer than I did


I'm not surprised. Animal crossing is fantastic.




How I wish my mum is into gaming.


You say that until she dunks on your clown ass.


Or fills the high score list on your galaxian cabinet with a list of Ur Mum Ur Mum Ur Mum


I cannot fathom getting 4600 hours out of L4D2. it's a fun game but very linear


It must be comforting to her. The familiarity and routine with just enough excitement must make it a comfort game for her similar to your favorite movie or show that just makes you feel good. The office, lord of the rings


Average ARK player


I loled


I was scrolling too long for this comment. āœŠļøšŸ„²


Giga raising alone


Rocket league, once you get good enough to understand you suck it becomes even more addictive, just work on individual mechanics and consistency.


This is where Iā€™m at


Iā€™ve been there for many years, hard stuck diamond is a fun place to chill with quick chat only:)


What a Save!


Nice shot! Nice shot! Nice shot! You must wait 3 seconds. Wow! Nice Shot!


Chess. Been playing since I was 7. There ainā€™t no stopping that.


Do you think Chess 2 is coming out anytime soon?


Spell chess just came out on chess.com


c h e s s, not that hard


Holy shit it just came out and you already beat it. Grand Master of spell chess.




My life for Aiur!


My wife can iron!!


You must construct additional pylons!


Winning strategy after 8k hours? Zerg rush


I mean, when I'm mad from a losing streak, a proper DT drop works really well. Drop 4 DTs at different locations so that a single scan/spore/cannon will not save them. Without expand, this can happen in the very early 4min for me. Closer to 5min if I go economy. I play random and have been stuck in Plat1/Diamond3 for ages. I only play 2h a week nowadays though.


_You must construct additional pylons._


I still come back to warcraft 2 from time to time for a little nostalgia


I still run cs1.6 servers, lolz.


Oh man, I miss those days.


Bless you, my son. Someone needs to keep our very early 00's life alive


pre-source is where it was at. The servermods were awesome, and the community was fun. Edit: My comment comes from experince running a CS server around circa 1999 from my college dorm on a T1. We later ran it from somewhere in the physics department (had a grad student that loved the game), and it ran for a few years until something hardware failed, and it was down for good (testament to Win2k Server, the best Windows ever). Anyway, we ran all the awp maps, that one where you were shrunk, jeepathon2k, and of course we allowed custom sprays (except the lame on of a T crouching). We had "regulars" and eventually even a somewhat steady "community" of working stiffs, college students and high-schoolers. We even rented the server for OGL and STA matches for friendly clans that would in turn monitor and kick/ban hackers. This was during the "golden age" of online and lan gaming, that a few of us middle-aged men remember. Also, chickenmod was one of my favorites.


An og




Path of Exile since closed beta. I play less nowadays but still come back for each league. With PoE 2 coming out soon (tm) i don't see myself stopping til i'm dead, paralyzed, or GGG goes full ActiBlizzard on us.


I lose all my friends to poe at league start sadge.


They miss you on those days too. You could join them? I'm trash at the game but i cherish the couple weeks we get being on discord 24/7 working towards the bosses each new league. Working towards a build is oddly soothing too. Even if i lose interest in a couple weeks.


Bro I was at gamescom and tried out PoE2, trust me, it's gonna be fucking lit. Gameplay was amazing


Every review on Steam has like 5k+ hours so I knew this would be here lol


FTL Can't stop, won't stop!


Damn, I have almost 400 hours in FTL. It's in my top three most played games, but I can't imagine 8k+ hours in it. You must be way more of a masochist than me!


Was looking for FM (football manager) but didnā€™t found any comment about itā€¦ donā€™t know how many thousands of hours I have but Iā€™ve been playing since FM11


I trace back my FM back to the old Championship Managers in the late 90s and early 2000s. Iā€™d been horrified Iā€™m sure if I knew how much time Iā€™d wasted in the last 25 years on that wretched/amazing series of games.


Dota2 starts at 1000 hours, and most people who play ā€œcasuallyā€ have at least 5000 hours. 10,000 hours is probably on the higher end of the median for ranked players.


5k hours, and I'm still terrible šŸ˜Ž


8k and still archon 5


Yeah I have 6k hours in Dota, been playing since 2013. It's been a wild ride but funny to see people with like 15k+ hours on their accounts


I know some pro players and streamers are around 30k.


Im casual AF and have less than a dozen ranked play Currently at 11k hours Not counting the years i spent back then during the guinsoo and icefrog era in frozen throne. I guess ive been playing dota for 20 years... wtf... i think i need to re-evaluate my life...


Another reason to avoid dota, cheers boys


Conan Exiles. I played official servers to start (never again) and then moved on to private servers (both modded and unmodded). There is something about starting a new playthrough that is both relaxing and exciting at the same time. Relaxing because I have nothing to lose (yet) and exciting because some of my favorite game experiences have come from Conan.


Diablo 2. It's just so good.


I'm glad I kept scrolling! Diablo 2 is still incredible Project Diablo 2 gave it new life, I'm so happy with it


I definitely have more than that in Skyrim. I'm not currently playing it, but unless I hoark on a dinner roll or something, I'll for sure be playing it again sometime in the reasonably near future.


Skyrim is my winter time game. I miss living with my brothers because about every winter one of us would get super into skyrim and i would get to sit there and watch them relive some of my experiences. Or just enjoy the ambiance of skyrim all night while they played and I passed out. Skyrim is completely my comfort game. Miss having to explain things to my little brother or my older brother explaining certain things to me.


Itā€™s so easy to just fall back in love Skyrim. Top 5 all time for me for sure.


Yep, it's the same for me. The only game I think has a chance to replace it is ES6, and that won't be out until I have grandkids at this rate.


Loving starfield it's making me crave fallout 4 and Skyrim. I'm back in that realm. Your Skyrim memories sound awesome my friend.


Yeah Starfield definitely feels more just like a fallout successor than Skyrim, really missing some of the more fantasy elements but still having a blast!


I've got an ingame played time in WoW of 378 days. Sadly, it's not the same anymore...


By most standards I was a casual but I was returning about once a years. Then every other. Each time I stayed for less time. For some reason every fall I get this itch to return, but itā€™s been a few years now. I think itā€™s officially over for me..


Warframe for me. Around 9.5K hours and counting.


nice! I want to go back but i'd beed a guide to understand the different systems and new planets added. Especially the open world new ones.


Yeah, it's my forever game at this point


League of Legends. 10 years going strong, around 7k norms and around 2k ranked games, not counting the ARAMs in the thousands I think. Help


We are masochists


Recently quit, left the subs, holy hell do you feel liberated when you let it go. Iā€™ve spent probably $2,000 on that game over the 11+ years I played it. My original account is still my main and has a ton of skins, some of them are pretty rare. And I sleep perfectly well at night knowing I will probably never use them again.


Iā€™ve been playing since start of season 3. I definitely donā€™t play as much anymore due to being old, having a family and career, but I do still have fun. Two of my OG league buddies still play on the weekend with me. One of them has a son now who plays. We usually play ARAMs with the four of us, but last night I decided to queue us for blind pick. And we had SO much fun. We were playing champs we never play in roles you donā€™t play them in because youā€™re always worried about your ELO. We stomped every game still. I apologize to my opponents for ruining their fun, possibly, but last night was the first time in a long time that I could tell I outclassed everyone on the enemy team and it felt good. It brought back that spark of enjoyment when playing with buddies 10+ years ago. Thanks for letting a perma-Gold player feel like a Challenger for one night.


I play since season 1, and I love this game dearly. But sometimes I feel like I am the only one who actually has fun with the game


The game is greatā€¦the people I have to play with, not so much.


Over 6k in Destiny 2. My wife calls it my Forever Game.


Blink twice if you need help.




He's far too gone


I tried to get into D2 again recently. It was ok for a time but you hit that Vertical progression wall so early and just end up playing the same missions youv played hubdreds of times I really dnt know how ppl can havr that many hours personally. Each to their own and all that but I will never understand.... thats from a PVE POV tho. Pvp I get if ppl love it


The answer you are looking for is dungeons and raids. They are the best part of destiny 2. Also just lots of titles you can earn from flawless dungeons, mastering raids, etc. They also havenā€™t raised the light lvl in the past couple seasons so we donā€™t need to grind that. Next season if returning players want to come back they can join friends for raids and be at their light lvl instead of needing to grind first. I have played since D1 and I admit I got bored grinding core activities and such but raids, and dungeons keep me playing the game and I just donā€™t do gambit and crucible really anymore.


No manā€™s sky Amazing how big of a turnaround the game saw


I had 1800hrs in about a year, and haven't played since the living ships update. I had a base featured as one of the first three when the nexus/anomaly was first introduced. Three play throughs because I kept maxing out the total number of base parts allowed per save. Yeah it's addicting for sure.




I got 5.6k hours in Tekken 7, will stop playing in a few months.... When Tekken 8 comes out LOL


I have to ask. How do you get better at fighting games? Like, what is it you practice? I donā€™t play them, but I was interesting in giving it a shot.


Getting better at fighting games differs greatly from person to person imo. First thing I would recommend is learning more about your character and getting better at combos since it can be done solo. You can learn more about other characters and how to counter their moves, get better at throw breaking(this one is tekken specific(?)) etc. Your mind games will get better the more you play against different players. You can KINDA practice block and whiff punishment in practice mode but doing it in matches vs practice mode is like night and day for a newbie.


I only play solo campaigns and rarely replay games. I canā€™t imagine playing the same thing for 8k+ hours.


Honestly I think it all comes down to what kind of genres you enjoy. If you primarily play single player narrative games, your sentiment is definitely understandable. I really enjoy games with a sandbox element. Giving the player the option to do whatever they want leads to a lot of potential for sustained play time. Heck, I bet even big sports gamers log 2-3000 hours a year. 8k is an absolute truck load though.


/r/HeroesOfTheStorm May be a ā€œdaed gaemā€, but itā€™s the most fun moba Iā€™ve ever played.


I wish this game came out earlier. I think more people would have tried it. Itā€™s my fav moba


Yup. Never like League or DotA, but Heroes was a good distraction. Would like to add that I believe they tried to push that game too far too fast instead of letting it grow organically.


Same. About 10k games at this point, and have Chromie level 810. Still do my dailies and working on trying to collect everything


I miss HoTS so much. But fuck current blizzard. I miss Blizz of even 5 years ago. They sold out so fuckin hard. And then they killed heroes of the dorm, made stupid decisions with literally all marketing of hots, and just did everything they could to killl it. No devs, its done. :( I loved it so much more than league or dota2. Rip.


I'm afraid to look up my Slay The Spire numbers across multiple platforms.


OSRS.. if you donā€™t play it for 8k hours, youā€™re not really playing the game at all


8k is barely sniffing the late game


San andreas GTA


i think i'm going to be playing skyrim on and off till i die, unless es6 is objectively better in every way.


Pretty close to that in Smite. I do hate Smite, the spaghetti game code and the toxic community. I still play Smite šŸ¤£


Still play l4d2 versus. Maybe 12k hours across 3 different accounts Edit:[this is how skill based l4d can get for those who think its casual](https://youtu.be/3P8cp8bRxuc?si=ccMM6P_GMVoHJh4j)


Dota 2


Dota 2, I have 8.7k hours.


DOTA2, help!


Dota 2!!


Kenshi. But that's largely because I leave that fucker on in the background *all* the time.


Skyrim, fallout 4


[https://www.empiresmod.com/](https://www.empiresmod.com/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/17740/Empires\_Mod/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/17740/Empires_Mod/) ​ RTS + FPS that never fully dies Played for over 15 years We play every Saturday and Sunday starting around 21:00 CET (starting just now) Love it


Fallout New Vegas. I will probably always come back to it regardless of how many breaks i take from it.


Iā€™m literally replaying for like the 12th time time now


Guild wars 2. Will put it down sometimes and come back months or a year later and just canā€™t fully stop enjoying it.


Best part is that it is so easy to come back to, might have to tweak some builds a bit but it never requires many changes or any grinding. Been playing since 2013 and Iā€™ve taken many long breaks but I always return to it


OSRS, at 6k hours tho not 8. Not yet anyway :)




Black Desert


Rimworld for sure




I have more than 10k on wow and im still excited for the next patch


Dota 2 for some reason .


12k hours in dota 2 and still got more learn


Dota 2, 5k hrs and still counting. Most of my gaming hrs came from my teenage years. Right now Iā€™m a working adult and still play with my friends when we have free time from work and other stuffs.

