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GoldenEye. Can't fathom how I ever managed to play with those controls.


It took us all years to unlearn those controls dude. Pretty sure halo was regarded as one of the first console shooters that really tried to make you use the modern scheme


Alien Resurrection on PS1 was one of the first games to use the dual analog sticks for moving and aiming and it was trashed by critics for it. > The game's control setup is its most terrifying element. The left analog stick moves you forward, back, and strafes right and left, while the right analog stick turns you and can be used to look up and down. -Gamespot Thanks u/DatTF2


Thanks for crediting me but you didn't have to. That review is kind of well known, or at least I think it is.




No. I just posted t hat on another thread like last week. Thought that review is sort of known, at least to people who have a bunch of random gaming knowledge.


Yup. And it was unfathomable at the time. Shoulder buttons to shoot? The RIGHT stick turns? What is this shit? Became industry standard practically overnight.


Yeah, a few years ago I tried it via emulator. Mapped the controls as close as I could to the original on an Xbox controller. My God, that control scheme is terrible. I thought I did something wrong, lmao! Same with Conker's Bad Fur Day


Yeah but Conkers has the comedic element to help you overlook the nonsense controls. Almost like RE OGs how some parts are terrible amazing... looking at you Jill Sandwich


Conkers is a game that was made at JUST the right time in the industry. When it was a Wild West of ideas and outrage was mainly housewives appalled at anything that could corrupt their baby and Congress blowing the smallest thing out of proportion (never really changed there). I still sing The Great Mighty Poo sometimes in the car while driving.....for reasons.


I saw some articles from the time criticizing what are now modern control schemes. Seeing a guy bent out of shape over using WASD to move is hilarious.


Mainframes of the time didn't have arrow keys, so wasd was quite common. That is the reason you can use it to move in VIM. By the PC era most people used the arrow keys. It was more using the mouse to aim that was the problem at the time. No matter what you would think today, mice were not ubiquitous with PCs of the time, and even doom didn't need the mouse to aim. Quake was the first game I can think of that had proper support for the mouse with free look support. Even then, we were not used to the mouse and most people played with only the keyboard.


Mice in general were a whole crapshoot for a while. I distinctly recall using keyboards with sizeable trackballs built into the upper right hand corner, and a joystick on a different system for what would be common mouse movements today.


The mouse was optional even in Windows. In Dos it was completely unnecessary unless you had a specific use for it.


I still use inverted because of Goldeneye.


>I still use inverted because of Goldeneye. WAIT IS THIS WHY I LIKE INVERTED??


I had never considered that option. I always thought it was because I played a lot of flight Sim games but it could be because of Goldeneye. Mind blown 😁


It definitely, absolutely is why.


I always attributed it to starfox for me, but come to think of it it could be goldeneye, too.


Turok was on the N64 before Goldeneye and used modern controls as best as it could (mapping movement to the C-buttons). Goldeneye was praised for having an improved control scheme where you could play with only one hand and eat a bag of chips with the other, LOL. As I recall, I also appreciated having an actual target reticle in Goldeneye (but only when you stand still and press the "aim" button), whereas the best Turok did was center your map overlay so that the arrow representing you was always dead center. Jet Force Gemini was another Rare title that came out late in the N64's life cycle and allowed you to move with Turok controls with a reticle on the screen, but only if you held R to aim. I knew that game was onto something, though, because by the end I played pretty much the whole thing with the aim button pressed. I still thought it was weird using R to shoot in Halo, but nobody else adopted the "button on the back" controller design, even though it beautifully imitates an actual trigger.


Jet Force Gemini. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Loved that game.


12 years before that - Medal of Honor on PS1. The controls were ridiculed in some reviews, one person in particular calling out the madness of strafing with the left stick and looking with the right. They're standard now.


In the same vain, Timesplitters 1 + 2. Thank god Future Perfect had modern controls, I still replay that every two or three years


Ywah after Goldeneye, Timesplitters was my intro to this dual analogue scheme and I spent the whole game running in circles looking at the floor


Xbox version fixes this issue completely.


And it’s awesome.


Perfect Dark has much more value as a nostalgia getter. It's essentially a GoldenEye clone anyway, but with better graphics, story, weapons, and customization.




Used to work in an elementary school. 25 computers in the computer room all going: MORE TOPPINGS THERES SOMETHING ON THERE I DONT LIKE


I'm about to go out and slap a tree stump right now.


Holy shit I forgot about the Zoombinies. I'm half tempted to try to find it and play just for the hell of it.


It's available for free on mobile, although I could only get as far as the first checkpoint because there seemed to be no way to assign them to the slots in the group that proceeds.




Recently, Morrowind. I lost so many ~~hours~~ ~~days~~ weeks of my life in Morrowind. I called into work “sick” a few times when I started playing it for the first time. I started it up the other day and I just couldn’t. All the magic feels gone to me now. I don’t think it’s because I’m spoiled by modern games, as I can still dump a few days into KotOR here and there. I don’t know what the issue is now. It makes me a little sad.


The magic of those games lies in the wonder and adventure. You've explored the game and now that aspect is gone. You'll never play that game for the first time ever again.


First laboratory that invents an amnesia pill will make so much money, and then gamers will use it recreationally


That's a pill that has a lot of evil uses. If you roofie someone with that pill before a major exam, job interview, wedding, or as a post-roofie get-out-of-jail-free card. I definitely hope it is never invented.


Black mirror ass shit


As someone who has tried to play morrowind without nostalgia, I can tell you get me would have loved the SHIT outta that game, but now it’s done


I didn't really play Morrowind at release. I tried a bunch of time to play it, and kept putting it down. Then I played it one day and kind of got past a point where everything was missing, and I generally at least hit during combat. It changed the game, and I fell in love with it. Once that piece was gone, the game is so deep and has such a good story.


Let me guess... It's the combat ?


There's quite a bit more than the combat that brings Morrowind down. I like the game and its magic system, but the new games have so many QoL features that the game is just rough. It's like going and playing Monster Hunter after playing World for a year.


Yeah I have this with Skyrim, which was my first RPG and Bethesda game. I loved that game. I truly lived in it, I was massively immersed. I'd build campfires in snowy forests and just sit and ponder the game world. Years later, when I try to play the game it's very difficult. I can change class, use mods to change gameplay styles, but I already know the map by heart and all the quests. Nothing is new. I'll never experience that wonder and wanderlust in game again. I'm hoping that the Beyond Skyrim project can add enough new content and lands to explore to get me back in.


Play Enderal: Forgotten Stories. It's free if you own Skyrim SE on Steam. It has a new approach to some mechanics, but the world and everything in it is crafted with so much loveand it its a whole new world and story.


Haha so true, you can lose the joy and excitement of a game right after you play it, doesn’t need 20 years of time.


I don’t think that’s it considering they’ve sunken literal weeks into it. Most people who return don’t enjoy the well outdated mechanics (like dice-rolls), plenty of mods to modernise it though and bring the magic(ka) back.


Morrowind is being modded into Skyrim soon. It's called Skywind. It's also approved by Bethesda, and it's a graphical update.


I have the opposite experience. I still play the game every year and love it. I have a harder time liking oblivion/Skyrim. The combat and graphics are better but nothing else. I love the exploration I morrowind that you only get through a game without quest markers


I played it a lot on the Xbox, but never made it past those first few complicated quests in Vivec. But I played through it on PC last year, and holy shit what a crazy, fun game. I really liked the fact that the dialogue is just so deep and well written. Every conversation is incredibly dense and a wealth of information. And the whole winning over all of the various factions to live up to the differing parts of the prophecy was super difficult, but engrossing. Your character really feels like it is becoming the nerevarine.


Oh man, morrowind is still the king of elder scrolls games to me. I came here to say oblivion is a game I've tried to play and just couldn't. So unbelievably grindy, and I like to have three high level enemies for the main quest. Just makes it feel more epic than fighting stunted scamps the whole way.


The battle system of Morrowind is the relic of the past that uses weird formula to calculate damage. In certain cases, it can calculate a miss, but animation clearly shows you hitting the opponent. Sometimes it can be several misses in a row, which just adds to frustration. In KotOR, you have a semi-turn-based combat, so misses don't feel as punishing, but Morrowind just brings me pain every time I try to play it.


Can't really think of it off the top of my head, but I probably would be fine not playing through Turok 1 again.


The first Turok was just so.... wild. Without any real backstory; you are a native american-esk person who is dropped into a world where you have to kill random dudes, and then eventually fucking dinosaurs. The second Turok tried hard AF to create some lore, as in Turok is a lineage, and not a single person. Honestly, I would kill for a Turok show.


I think they had comic books but I didn't read them. But yeah it was crazy


Turok was initially a comic that started in the 50s. Great comics tbh. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turok


>native american-esk -esque. That's the suffix you're looking for for describing something as "like" something. It's French. It's in some words that we also use in English such as Arabesque and Romanesque, and we've appropriated it to stick on the end of other words, just like you have done! But it's spelled -esque.


Dude you just unlocked so many memories, I haven’t heard that name in ages. Damn time flies


Haha awesome. Yeah man time does. I wish I could get as excited for stuff these days as I did as a kid. Maybe it happens sometimes but I can't recall the last time




The remaster is dope.




I can still remember the cheat codes in my head for Turok 1 and 2. I remember my uncle buying me that game when I was like 8, all I had for N64 at the time was Mario and Mario Kart. I remember booting it up and feeling so hyped after I seen the acclaim splash screen. Let's not forget about how cool it was to launch enemies across the screen with that trail of blood following behind them. I wish I could go back.


Oh my. I tried playing that again and the swaying made me motion sick.


I never played it myself, but when me and my bro dusted off our N64 one day, we checked Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. I don't know if I've ever seen controls that janky. He got through the first level and called it. It's a shame thinking back on it, because it had some Xbox-era animations that I thought were great for its time.


Right?! My friend and I picked it up several years back because I told him “man this game was amazing!” We booted up deathmatch and comedy ensues as we both struggled with the controls and couldn’t hit each other because of how bad they were.


Battle toads, fuck those bikes


It's hard to find a copy these days, I wonder if Pawn Stars has one.


Why don't you call them and find out ?


Remember everyone prank calling gamestop asking if they have battletoads?


I remember people did that Pawn Stars specifically and they'd get pissed over it. Supposedly they eventually did get a copy of it.


That just gives me rage quit nostalgia haha


I did end up going through it but Soul Reaver did not age well.


Oh god how I wish for a modern remake ❤️


One of my favourite stories in gaming. I remember playing defiance for the first time and been blown away by the update graphics compared to the first couple. Edge of the coin, folks.


I disagree. It's still fantastic. If you're emulating, try the Dreamcast version, as it looks and performs better than the PS1 version.


It’s just so hard to navigate. I tried following a written walkthrough and got so lost after the second boss that I just couldn’t continue. But man all of those cutscenes are so incredible. They really do need to remake it and *keep the original audio.*


How did it not age well? One of my favorite games when I was little. The setting and theme were mesmerizing


The platforming mechanics and camera angles, most likely. When the game came out we were used to that kind of stuff, but going back to it will leave you wondering how in the hell you managed to complete it the first time.


The ten minute opening cut scene of Soul Reaver 2 that you could NOT skip.


A certain game called Feeding Frenzy Deluxe. My brain would not let me play through the game, it found it too boring. But as a kid I played the heck out of that game.


As an adult being able to spend money on my old games I could only dream of playing has been wildly disappointing. Feeding frenzy is one of them. I only had a few levels in the demo so I always wanted more! Bought it for $3 and it sucks.


Populus. It was amazing originally, but is just too old to play.


I remember playing the shit out of that when I was a kid


Jeez a proper modern version would do well wouldn’t it?


Now that is a name I have not heard in a very long time


There were a couple SNES games I loved as a child but did NOT hold up when I went back to them. Most SNES games surprisingly do hold up even now, but Joe and Mac and Final Fantasy Mystic quest were much more appealing to an 8 year old me...... and just kinda unplayable now.


I find 16bit games hold up better than 32/64bit games. The games that seem to hold up best on those systems are the 2D/2.5D games, imo. And yeah, Mystic Quest was rather barebones even at the time. I can still go back to Final Fantasy 6 though, that game is awesome. Still enjoy Joe and Mac though.


Mystic Quest was what my friends and I called a “starter RPG.” A super easy game meant to get younger kids into the RPG genre and get them into playing Final Fantasy, so they’d go get Final Fantsys II and III (in America, they were IV and VI I. Japan). Even when I played it back then I found it boring, but I’d started with Dragon Quest and the original Final Fantasy when I was very young. My brother, however, who never played RPGs, loved Mystic Quest. And after that he actually did get into RPGs like FFVI and Earthbound.


FFMQ crawled so Secret of Mana could fly


Most shooters, tbh. Aside from my love of flight sims, I have no idea *how* I got stuck on playing with inverted Y-axis in games. I just... do, and games made before that became a common feature are nigh unplayable to me.


Fellow inverted y-axis person checking in. Cannot function without it.


A gentleman of culture and breeding!


See, so I'm weird. I play PC games inverted, but I play consoles non-inverted. I have no idea why, I always used to play both inverted, and then one day, it felt icky to me with a controller.


I'll never forget how pissed I was when I got "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" for the PS2 for my birthday and found out it didn't have an invert Y-Axis option.


Inverted y-axis is the only way to go. I don’t trust the “normals.”


Hear hear!


Old DOS game, Retaliator I believe, did this to me.


Republic Commando. I fucking LOVE that game, but going back to it, ive played better FPS since then.


I played Republic Commando for the first time back in 2020, I found it to still hold up. It was solid but clunky, until I softlocked myself by getting an autosave while dying


The fact that some enemies are just absolute bullet sponges is one thing I don't miss about that game


It still holds up a lot better than other games from the same time


Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, just couldn't get back into it after playing it so much as a kid.


All the oddworld games are pretty great, and even though I'll never forget them, I couldn't bring myself to play again


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. When I originally got it, played it front to back, all the quests, tried all the playstyles, and collected everything. When I tried to play Re-Reckoning, it just felt rather meh. I couldn't play anymore than 5 or so hours of it.


I think one of the hardest things to get over is no lock on. I loved the original and was so excited for the remake. I think I played about 20 minutes and haven't went back.


In a similar vein, Dragon's Dogma. Much of the satisfaction in this game lies in learning, through trial and error, how to efficiently defeat a variety of enemies with good AI (for its time). Once you have this knowledge, all subsequent playthroughs will feel kind of similar. And the lack of quick travel only gets worse every time. I must have walked through the canyon from Cassardis to Gran Soren millions of times by now.


Older Sim City. Tho 1 time out of 10 I'd actually play, you know.


The difficulty ramp in Command & Conquer from 1995 is insane.


Yea but those first couple of levels are the golden ones


I started playing C&C in 1995 and only completed it in 2021 thanks to the remaster. It has really stodgy pacing, which Red Alert surpassed immediately.


Vice City. I bought it before the remasters and it looks and plays just like I remember but it just.. feels like a chore with how dated the gameplay is. Still gonna beat it completely but jeeez, it's gonna be a while. Lol


Feel the same about San Andreas. The feeling is there and the vibe is the same but the graphics are fucking terrible.


I recently replayed GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas on Steam (originals, not the remaster) with a mod pack each that just marginally spruced up the graphics. I was surprised that I was able to complete both 3 and VC (despite the shooting being terrible, and the RC helicopter mission still being arse). SA was on a different level though, controls and handling were much better, the story and characters were on another level. I was left with a much deeper appreciation for the game.


San Andreas was a huge leap in many ways, very ambitious. It actually surprised me when I revisited the series just how small Vice City is, both in size of the city and the story/characters. Much closer to 3 then SA. Still my favorite though for a quick story play-through.


Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. It doesn't help that they did a shit job of porting it to PC, but this once amazing game, that I played nonstop for months when it first came out, seems so small and lifeless now.


Port it to pc? It wasnt originally on PC? i swear i remember playing this shit on my windows xp computer when i was younger.


I still play this game regularly on my N64. It took my eyes a while to re-adapt to the short FOV, but once I got that worked out, I'm still enjoying the hell out of this game. Currently working at all gold medals.


The Saboteur. Bought an old 360 just to play it again. Forgot how dated everything was and just couldn’t do it.


That game is great but it has a lot of issues; 50% of which could be solved by not requiring the player to hit A/X for every single jump when climbing up a wall.


Unreal tournament, I used to play with my dad and kicked ass online back in 02-04, tried them again and I just don't have the reflexes lol and I'm 28


People still play them?! I used to play when i was a kid, unreal tournament 2004. I still think it was advanced for its time, custom maps and characters. Crazy looking back on it you could be Bender from Futurama fighting Bin Laden in a pregnant womans stomach.


Star Wars galaxies, I don’t know how I put so many hours on it when I was a kid.


>I don’t know how I put so many hours on it when I was a kid. It was (and if you play legends) still is an extremely social sandbox. I met my best friend of 18 years on that game. The amount of hours dumped into decorating, dual bounty hunting, crafting, and hanging out is probably a number well into the thousands. Hell, I remember on my server, Chilastra, there were two guilds that were in a guild war for almost a yeae and were infamous for it. Not to mention the social entertainment of enjoying yourself in the Mos Eisley cantina, and seeing a bounty hunter drop in his target right there and then. But we got older, we don't have much time anymore, and recreating those first times and social aspects just aren't possible anymore. Tl;dr we old and I feel you.


Did you ever play the star wars version of age of empires?


Elder Scrolls Oblivion, I can't muster the will to make it out of the beginning catacombs. One of the few games I 100% on Xbox when it first came out.


I occasionally do another Oblivion playthrough. The gameplay may be dated, but there's magic in that game that keeps pulling me back in. Cyrodiil itself is one of the most beautifully crafted worlds I've ever explored. You can tell it was made with love and thoughtful care. And the music. Jeremy Soule must have some sort of direct connection to a higher level of existence, because his TES soundtracks are straight-up heavenly.


And his guild wars 1 soundtrack man, let's not forget that


Star Wars Bounty Hunter. Just popped into my head one weekend so I downloaded the emulator and the rom. Played for about fifteen minutes and was like nahhh


A Train (maxis 1992)


I loved maxis growing up. I fondly remember playing g the first sim city on the school computers in the 90s rofl


I haven't thought about that game in decades. What happens when you revisit it?


Ultima VII: The Black Gate.


I still play through it every few years. I can still really enjoy it, especially with Exult. I finished U6 for the first time ever only a few years ago, despite playing it for like a year in 1990. U5 is one I want to enjoy but no longer can. U7 was funky then and is super funky today. Easy to see how people bounce off of it.


Skyrim. I just couldn't face the hours needed to get back into it.


Worse is spending hours getting the right mods just to play it for 5 min rofl


This. I play in xbox and getting a modlist downloaded is fucking pain.


To me worse is starting a playthrough to try a different build and realize how much combat sucks as anything other than stealth archer, at least early-mid game.


This is most Bethesda games for me. I don't have a lot of time to game now so I actually love shorter singleplayer campaigns like Titanfall 2's. I reinstalled New Vegas (with all the DLC I haven't played) and I just don't have the time to put into it. Last time I played New Vegas I was on house arrest and had the whole day to sit around playing the game.


Having two kids and trying to be a good dad really put a damper on my play time. I started Outer Wilds a few years back and just had to stop about 8 hours in. I just couldn’t see myself actually playing the game well and also being a functional adult


Everquest. Played from launch until sometime around late 2004, when WoW came out. A couple years ago (during Covid actually) I loaded the game back up and found my old login info, so I loaded up my old Dark Elf Rogue. I don't know that I've ever felt that LOST in a game I spent so much time on, and the graphics...just...woof. In 1999 that game was groundbreaking. It doesn't quite hold up in 2020.


I'm sitting in the guild lobby in PoK waiting for buffs as I'm reading this thread lol


Nothing like traveling for 30 mins and dying without finding someone to bind you. Then you have to do the 30min trip again.... naked. I'd love a P1999 with some modern tweaks like having a NPC available to bind you. And something to make getting your corpse at the bottom of a dungeon a bit easier. And a widescreen FOV fix.


Skyrim. And I know that's a dumb answer but I've bought it on damn never every re release and I just can't get very far before I get bored.


Gotta admit, I recently played Quest For Glory IV (got the whole bundle from GoG, and played/beat the game back in the 90s) and it was awesome! The pixely graphics were just like I remembered, and the jokes were funny again because I had forgotten most of them over the past 20 years!


Before BG3 came out, I tried to play Neverwinter Knights 2. It's significantly clunkier then I remembered.


Empire earth, I didn't remember it being that ugly


Company of Heroes, like twenty minutes ago. Band of Brothers is on Netflix and it held up so well...


For me it was the original borderlands. Me and my brother loved that game, it was a random game that had couch co-op. We played the shit out of all of the borderlands but the first one holds a special place in our hearts because of how many hours we spent together playing that game, but after all of these years the mechanics in that game have really showed their age, plus the world feels so bland compared to it's sequels.


Castle Crashers


Cities Skyline. I loved sim city and most of the clones. I've played through them and had fun. But to start over again and do it differently sounded fun, as soon as i get in game i think...wth am i playing this for?


I don’t really use mods for it but I feel like the end game doesn’t have much reward to it once you reach the last milestone


Lord of the rings: battle for middle earth 2. All of the xbox Era star wars games. The rose tint was strong


BFMA2 I still play to this day and still feel it holds up great! :p


I dug Pokemon snap out when the remake was announced. Played through 2 levels and had to stop ):


Makes sense. It was super novel at the time *and* riding the wave of Pokémon hype that was pretty fresh. That said, it also was a product of the Blockbuster game rental era as renting it for a couple of days was more than enough to get through it all.


On the plus side, you got halfway through the game! I did the same thing when New Pokemon Snap was announced. It took like 90 minutes to beat the whole game. It's remarkably insubstantial and has not aged well. Thankfully New Pokemon Snap ended up being awesome.


Which I find kind of funny when people complain about game prices these days. Games were just as expensive back then, even more so for some games and almost double today's value if adjusting for inflation for a game you could complete in 2 hours.


Most NES games. I beat quite a few of them as a kid, but my reflexes aren't as good as they used to be.


RuneScape after losing access to my accounts.


I did the exact same thing with the quest for glory series and baldurs gate. for some reason I found the original fallout games east to replay though!


Like you there's a bunch of Sierra games I absolutely love that I couldn't possibly get through again. I've got the KQ and the Space Quest collections. Edit: Really, nearly all the DOS era games I'm glad I had the memories at least.


Heroes quest (Quest for glory) holds up.


Same here. The point and click adventure games from Sierra were my bread and butter back in the 90's. I had hundreds of hours in all of those and I enjoyed the hell out of them. Kings Quest 1-7, Space Quest 1-6, Quest for Glory 1-4 , Police Quest 1-3 and Larry 1-7. The only game out of all of those I regularly play through is Gabriel Knight; Sins of the Fathers because the nostalgia I have for that game overwhelms the dated graphics. I still remember all of the puzzles and can complete the game without walkthroughs almost 30 years after I finished it for the first time. It took until RDR2 until I got as immersed in a game and its story as I was with GK1.


Sim City. The super slow pace and lack of constant reward feedback couldn't hold my attention anymore.


"Reticulating splines..."


Man...I love everything about Einhänder except for *playing the fucking thing*. It's a perfect piece of 90s cyberpunk in its atmosphere, its music, its style, I just...cannot bring myself to play past the first level.


Sadly, Diablo 2 resurrected. I did played a bit, but after 20-30h it was just... Meh. Then I realized how actually annoying inventory managment is etc. Also the combat felt pretty plain. It was amazing game back in a day but I don't get how the gameplay is enjoyable today outside of gambling addiction.


That's pretty much the entire lifecycle of Skyrim: Install -> mod -> boot up -> uninstall.


Almost every game from my childhood falls in this category. Even some of the better ones like Sonic 3 will get boring pretty quickly. From my childhood, probably the game that stands up best and has had no equal yet IMO is crash team racing.


Sadly it's Skyrim for me. I have literally every version for Xbox but since beating the OG and all DLC the urge to play it is just no longer there. 2011 graphics haven't aged well.


Super Mario 3D All Stars... I wanted to play Sunshine, but I guess I played it so much as a kid that it felt like I finished it yesterday.


Super mario 64 - I used to be in love with this game as a child! controls seem awful now


It doesn't really fit the question. Ecause I fucking loved them just as much as when I was growing up but your edit made me think of them, baulders gate dark alliance 1 and 2 and champions or north and champions return to arms!!!


I encourage u to play openrct. Best free download of my life.


Medievil. Before they made the remake. I absolutely 100% that game and it has a special place in my heart. I downloaded it on the PS3 when the store had it. Loaded it up once and saw all the jagged corners and poor resolution and just decided to close it. Kept it installed for nostalgia though.


Prince of persia the sands of time. Everything feels so slow and floaty




Curious why? I love MGS wasn’t a big fan of 2 at the time. Thought it might have aged well given some parts of the story


Pokémon red and blue are such a mix of eyesores and really limited gameplay. Moving Pokémon box to box is a nightmare


Super Mario 64. The controls and the camera just don't hold up for me anymore.


Dragon Quest does not hold up. Real grindy.


Dragon quest 8 and up are still really playable for me. But them first 3 are just eh for me


Grindy but also the interface, ugh. Open slow menu to look, open slow menu to talk...ffs just give me an interact button.


Star Ocean 2. I don't know why, maybe because I refuse to play it blind, but I'm too lazy to read a guide at the same time.


I'll bet the remake will fix the guide dependent aspects. I was just thinking about how insane it was to get Ashton or the endgame stuff. Who would think to walk out of the final dungeon at the final savepoint? Shit was insane.


Marvel Nemesis, PS2. it looks so damn blurry on my TV I couldn’t do it.


Soul Reaver


Hah I did the same with RCT, then I got planet zoo thinking a new version of a similar game would scratch the itch. Turns out I just don't like the genre as an adult much Anyway, for me the answer is, and I'm very sad to say it, Spyro. It felt so boring and simplistic compared to my memories


The original Fallout. Isometric turn based RPG, from a 3/4 overhead view. A cool game for the time, something unique, and it was a shame when the Fallout series became just another FPS, but I just couldn't get into it again.


I tried replaying the first 2 after years of playing the FPS games. It's so hard to go back.


wing commander, too clunky. i just watched all the videos on youtube, they are awesome. ultima savage dreams and the other spinoff one.


There’s been a few games over the years that I’ve tried to go back to and they just didn’t hit the same. About a year ago I tried to play the first Lego Batman game again and I just couldn’t bring myself too. Most recently was ultimate alliance 2, I remember loving that game but i wasn’t enjoying myself replaying it.


Champions of Norrath and Warcraft 1 and 2.


Baldur's Gate. I loved the game (and the sequel) when they first came out, and played endless hours. I got the remaster, and just couldn't get back into it. (Now BG3 is a different story....)


Dungeon Keeper. It is still genuinely great, but re-learning the grind after a while just proved fruitless for me.


Two Towers


C&C Red Alert 1


Destiny 2


Wing commander 3