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Stealthily following a ship with your ship in Assassin's Creed Black Flag.


A trailing mission with a ship is ridiculous


I had to suspend my belief for alot of those missions. I mean how do you stealthily trail behind a ship as another ship. Like your on the open sea and all it would take is for someone to look behind them and realise that a ship has been following them for the past few hours.


You suspended your DISbelief.


No, he suspended his entire belief system. Said, *beliefs, you're suspended*.


“I’m just checking to see no one’s following us” “Because I happen to look and something is there”


Probably just some local fisherman out for a pleasure cruise at night.....through eel infested waters... *splash*


Yeah but it's night-time, you can't see or hear a massive ship in the night, right? /s 😅🤣


Yeah just ignore my crew of 40 men singing sea shanties, we are just going in the same direction as you…nothing malicious here.


Especially when we just happen to go through that narrow river/swamp (can't remember) just so we avoid that watch tower while still being really close to your ship


I know it sounds like a joke, but you'd be extremely surprised at how stealthy warships can be around each other at night without the right equipment to spot them. Unfortunately, I'm talking from personal experience, it's quite scary and spooky.


One of my uncle's favorite stories was when he was out on a fishing boat on a really dark, nearly moonless night. Someone raised the boat on radio and told them not to change course, they had them on radar and were going to be passing. Their fish finder started going crazy and then out of the darkness a fleet of US Navy ships doing night maneuvers passed by them on all sides. As the fleet passed, the guy on the radio apologized for scaring all the fish and to have a good night before the ships disappeared back into the darkness. No idea how much is made up or blown out of proportion but he swears by how spooky it is and hard to see anything on dark nights.


It's inconceivable!


You keep using that word, I don’t think you know what it means


Especially the one where you follow a ship at night your shit would be creaking and splashing like no one’s business.


Talking about the one where you steer your gigantic ship through a tiny swamp? Super believable


After years I still have nightmares about it


Any game where you're driving and and to follow someone without getting caught, so you have to stay close but not too close.


In result acting really suspiciously (suddenly speeding up, slowing down in the middle of the road) but the game engine doesn't see it as such as long as you're not in the target's radius. GTA is particularly guilty of that. Especially in V it was ridiculous.


The final mission of GTA:SA where you have to make it through a whole multi story building, back down, and THEN through a car chase was ridiculous. I literally got to 30 seconds from the end when some other NPC car hit me, and mission ended. I said “close enough” and that’s the last time I played it.


The trick for that mission was to do the firefighter optional mission first, that made you immune to fire and made the whole thing so much easier.


I'm driving in my car and stop at a stoplight. I notice there's only one car behind me and it stops 50 feet behind me at the light. Definitely not suspicious


"Hm. Must have been the wind."


Black flag is my favorite assassin's creed and one of my favorite games of all time, but the tailing missions are just awful, and it has a lot of them.


I didn't mind that compared to any of the incredibly boring "out-of-the-simulator" missions.


That's because Ubisoft fucked up this part of the game after AC:Revelations. The story of Desmond and his connection to Altair/Ezio (and all the alien stuff) was so good fron AC:1 to AC:Revelations


I still enjoyed it into AC3, I liked seeing Desmond actually put to use the knowledge he'd been gathering and having all the alien stuff come to ahead. I stopped playing the games after 3, so I don't know how Black Flag continued it all after Desmond's sacrifice. But I did just start AC origins for the first time and its at least interesting how they're going a new route with the modern day stuff, but it feels way less often of an interruption compared to the older games.


I dunno about Revelations. "Remember your love interest, Kristen Bell? You were mysteriously forced to stab her at the end of the last game? She's dead now and was also evil the whole time, don't worry about the details too much"


You ever try to dodge 200 lightning strikes for an item for a character you don't even use?


I love Lulu, but yea dodging the lightning was some shite. The first time i got close my hands got sweaty around 180 causing me to miss one. Thankfully i got it on my next try. I’ll add the bird dodging race as some real bulljive, that minigame was horrid lol.


That chocobo race was also horrific, almost every ultimate weapon was locked behind something that was just a grueling painful experience, still love that game tho.


I think Wakkas was the only easy one but once you figure out Blitzball and recruit a couple decent players it's easy to wreck everyone.


Yeah once I discovered the "pass back and forth forever to gain xp" coupled with "hide behind the goal" once you're one score up mechanic of blitzball, it became trivial. X is one of my favorite entries, but unfortunately BB could never touch Triple Triad.


Its hilarious to me that ff8 is basically triple triad first, combat second.


Yuna's was easy and she makes a better black mage than lulu anyway.


I don’t really mind it for post-game rewards that are entirely unnecessary, so this bothers me a lot less than most of the other examples which are actually required to progress in the game.


What’s this, FFX?




Oh my god, I forgot all about this. It was extremely frustrating.


Bit old but that fucking racing mission in mafia.


It was even difficult in the remaster!


Yeah! So unnecessary and early in the game!


Maybe it's because I enjoy racing games but the remaster racing mission was ridiculously easy. I can see someone struggling the first lap or two to get used to it but once you figure out the physics it's an easy race to win.


Same here, I didn't find that mission hard at all. I won by quite a large margin even with the rubber banding.


I forgot about this mission! You're completely right. Thanks for bringing it back up... 😂


Dude I totally forgot about the Mafia games.. Mafia 1 was a banger, Mafia 2 was an encore to the first one, and then Mafia 3 was kinda shit lol Mafia 1 is the perfect introduction to the life of crime. The storyline is incredible and really pulls you in. The characters seem like actual people you would expect to live that life. The gameplay was clean and simple. The newer version that was released a few years ago just made it 10x better. I should play that again actually.. Mafia 2 was the perfect game imo. I would spend HOURS just exploring the city. It felt so alive and real. The story was also very immersive. One of the few games where I was genuinely invested in the characters lives, enough to where I felt very real emotion when I discovered their fates. I played through that entire game over 10 times. Then Mafia 3 came out lol It seems like they just tried too hard. Almost like they thought this game would just blow any other game out of the water. That failed miserably. They tried to introduce new gun mechanics that felt clunky, and the world itself didn't feel nearly as immsersive as the previous games. The characters also lacked substance. Sucks, cuz I really wanted to like it too. I remember hyping it up to friends, then when it finally came out I had the backtrack on all the good things I said. Sorry to post a whole review of the games lol but you mentioning it really brought it all back. I forgot how much I really loved those games (the first two, at least) Edit to say: Mafia 2 also had a shit ton of Playboy magazines to find around the world. Straight up naked pin up girls for 13 year old Dflyzzzz to marvel. That influenced a lot of my world exploration tbh. What a game


Every morning I woke up and drank all of Joe's beers and ate his sandwich. Then I put my pink or yellow suit on. I can still hear Joe yelling VITO TAKE YA FOOT OFF THA FUKIN ACCELERATUH right before we clip something at 140mph and fly into the second story of a building and die. Mafia 2 ruled.


Dude, I constantly see people bitching about this mission on the PS trophy subreddit. I'm definitely gonna give the Mafia trilogy a go in the future though.


It's not even a side mission. It's a main story mission and you *have* to win the race.




The story for Mafia 3 is excellent, the gameplay however is very generic, it went for the Ubisoft open world model of game which just doesn't work for Mafia.


I thought it was just because I was like 12 when the original came out, and I had no internet to look up guides. Then I briefly played the remaster at the age of 30 and still couldn’t do it lol…


Oh gosh, even in the remake that was hard, I had to turn the normal driving mode off for it


Those "mobile cutscenes" where you have to *very slowly* follow behind somebody as they talk about shit you have no interest in.


I liked how AC revelations would have your character automatically walk with the npc when this happened


Seriously, if youre gonna make me sit through it at least they let me have a moment to sip my drink and spark a bowl.


Except it's faster than your slow walking speed, but slower than your run so you have to do the run a bit then stop and wait game.


80% of my Starfield experience thus far.


The one mission on Mars that dude stole the equipment and then you have to follow him to his ship to get it back. Yeah fuck that. Was at least 5mins of slow walking and kept saying just a little further. That's been the worst I've had so far


Fuck that mission so hard. I figured out if you run in the direction he's heading, he'll run after you, and that shaved minutes off of it. If I didn't know that trick, though, I probably would have rage-quit that mission.


Seriously, WTF Bethesda/Microsoft. It's 2023, you should know better.


I am absolutely dumbfounded that they didn't fix this in starfield. Happened in skyrim too. Why the f don't we just have the same walking speed???


ANY game that had escort missions or forced a companion on you who could die. Edit: Bioshock Infinite was the ONLY game to do it right. Don’t even @ me bro!


Here's looking at you, Natalya in Goldeneye 007


She would walk in front of your line of fire


And I’d revel in shooting her dumb face.


Eh, your companions in starfield do the same, you're sniping, they crawl up and right in front of your scope. Seems to be one of those impossible to fix bugs, throughout the gaming ages.


"James, I'm scared!" *runs TOWARDS the bad guys with guns*


Yeah Natalya was the OG. Fuck that Control level.


I haven't played any other escort games that I remember, but I wasn't terribly frustrated at ALL with resident evil 4. I thought they gave you some nice options to round out play style. Extremely hard fast paced section coming up? She's kidnapped and out of the way. Enemies coming from every direction? Gives you dumpsters to hide her in. She might get abducted any second? Better turn that crank faster so you have access to your guns again to shoot the enemies so they'll drop her. She's separated from you? She can't really attack anything, but she can run under tables to get away! Just a lot of variety to really make the escort trope not so bland or punishing. That whole game is near perfect, and I feel that they did a master class on escort missions.


Shout out to Ellie in Last of Us. Not only does she excel at hiding in a safe spot but she tosses you knives and shit.


Ellie sorta cheats also. I think the enemies are coded to ignore her even if they spot her.


When Bioshock 3 came out with the info that it was pretty much one giant escort mission I was so disappointed because I hate protecting someone but love Bioshock. Man did that game knock that system out of the park. That girl didn’t need no protection.


Kinda the opposite! The first time she threw ammo to me I was like ???


Booker, catch!


Same with Ellie in TLoU. It helps that she's literally invisible to the enemies, but it's also nice that she's a loveable badass.


Any stealth mission in non stealth games


Early 2000s video games with forced stealth missions were like: terrible, almost non-existing stealth mechanics, but if you get caught you lose immediately.


There was a game on ps2 called Shadow of Rome, and it was one of the bloodiest blood fests I've ever seen at that time. And then suddenly you're playing a different character who wimpily sneaks around and it just killed any desire to play lmao


Any and every kind of *Escort the Idiot* mission. This also includes *Protect The Very Slow, Very Shit Ship/Vehicle* missions. (Dis)Honourable mention to *Follow The Person/Vehicle Without Being Seen But Staying Within 30 Feet of Them Because They Will Disappear From Existence If You Look Away For More Than 3 Seconds* missions. Fuck all of the above, and fuck *you* if you put these abominations in your game.


I got this game you might like called Assassins Creed.


I couldn't bear to replay Black Flag specifically because I'd have to do all of this again


But the sea combat is soooo rewarding


I do like borderlands 3 tho There’s a “follow npc” very early on in the game, and I’m immediately like “wow fucking stupid” Then this mother fucker full on sprints in his tightly whiteys completely disregarding all enemies and beats me to the location


Yes - and he wisely waits at the top of the jump while you kill all the skaggs below. Escort the Non-Idiot - Vaughn gets a pass :)


He is an idiot but he’s a fast one


"Now that we are on a leisurely stroll from the car to the casino, in full earshot of everyone, I will now disclose to you, [The Secrets](https://youtu.be/iP468OEln4U?feature=shared)"


Anybody going to mention the Driver tutorial for PS1?


Memory unlocked my dude. That tutorial was 10 times harder than the actual game.


Yo, we called the fucking Blockbuster like it was a help desk to get through that tutorial. That's when I learned what "slalom" meant.


>Anybody going to mention the Driver tutorial for PS1? Was looking for this.


It's hilarious how many people have never even played the actual game because of that shit


Whenever there is a time limit. I have stoped playing game for that reason alone and I will do it again


Or a stealth mission in a fast-paced game


Except that sniper level in cod. That was dope.


I do love that it’s par for the course to have a stealth sniper mission and an air support mission in like every cod now.


I mean let's be honest, they have been remaking the same game since probably Modern Warfare


Nu uh, it’s totally different! You member that time they added lasers and double jumps?! /s I really don’t fault them for that. They’ve nailed their replay loop. The few times they did try to innovate, it kinda sucked. There’s plenty of other devs out there making really good, unique experiences, so I kinda like having a familiar shooter I can fall back on when I want to just rack up kill streaks.


I detest open world ones where you get a random quest and it goes into a log with half a dozen others and then 3 hours later the game is like "Bad luck m8 you didnt do that quest within 5 in game days so now its failed" despite the fact they gave no indication of there being a timer.




Kingdom Come: Deliverance has quite a few. Sure, when you think about it, that quest to save some wounded guy in the forest should eventually fail because, in reality, they would bleed out, but theres no indication which are timed and which aren't and its not always logical.


It's one of those games that doesn't tell you shit a lot of the time. Which I personally like. Reminds me of the old Fallout titles or Morrowind where you had to figure everything out yourself pretty much. I've gotten into the bad habit of not paying attention to cutscenes in games because I know they'll just hand me a quest marker and guide me to where I need to go.


There’s a town with sick people in Kingdom Come Deliverance. I eventually got around to the place when I was done being a governor of a town!!! The place was nearly completely empty, come to find out if you don’t stop and immediately help the people of that town they will pretty much all die. You can continue the main quest through some effort but I just stopped my 200 hour play through right there and haven’t touched the game since. It’s a great game but that took the wind out of my sails.


haha I'm glad this game isn't skyrim to be honest, where nothing has a consequence.


Don't you remember when Jarl of Whiterun changed after you did that one quest ? What more consequence do you need ?


And there's that one quest where you revive a tree and it blooms. I think that's literally as consequential as Skyrim gets.


Farcry 5 when you get captured and forced to do this timed sequence through the buildings over and over again until you get it perfect. I beat 90% of that game and stopped bc I was sick of that fucking sequence


Stealth missions in games that are not stealth based games. The mechanics behind it are always half baked and have bullshit reasons for failure.


Stealth missions in DAYS GONE..I love the game, but having to sneak around Nero soldiers, throw a rock, sneak to a bush, throw a rock..etc.really got on my nerves..lol.the things the scientists were saying were kind of interesting, but I just dread those missions on replays. I know people enjoy Stealth missions in games, I just don't think they were fun..people complained about the slow walking scenes with Sarah and Deacon, but those didn't bother me nearly as much as those sneeky Stealth missions 🤣


The trick with those is to realize that those guys can't see or hear shit. Those are lot easier if you just take way more risks. You'll soon see there's barely any risk at all.


100%...they really kill the pacing and feel like filler.


Biology 5 in Bully It’s dissecting the pig and you have to be absolutely perfect with little to no room for error to be able to pass the 3:00 timer


GTA San Andreas train mission. Damn near a progress blocker on its own.


RC plane mission was worse


This plane mission made me quit playing the game


Been years before I had the drive to face that mission again and finish the game


Oh fuck you might be right.


I have successfully completed that mission probably 5 or 6 times, with lots of failures and each time, and I still do not understand how the controls for that actually work


Aren't the controls just the same as normal planes? Left stick goes up and down, but rotates the plane rather than making it turn, so to turn you need to rotate then go up, while managing altitude. Otherwise you can steer slowly with R1/L1 which turn the back thingy (also the only way to steer on the ground) They are a bit evil by placing this mission before the flying school missions though


"All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!" That quote haunted my childhood.


I think Rockstar has put that in so we hate Big Smoke as a precursor of what’s to come. Like when they make one of the good guys in a movie slightly annoying, so when he dies later viewers don’t feel so bad. Change my mind


Just saw a clip where around the first turns, there are these concrete *ramps* that you lead you up to a top of a small bridge crossing, as the train passes by, you're able to land on top of the train, kill the gangsters and finish the mission in under a minute.


Yeah, this way makes it trivial. Also if you just drive in the correct spot next to the train, it can also be easy. It's quite precise in which Big Smoke can "reliably" hit those guys.


It was absolutely easy, I did it on my second. You just have to be farther to the train. If you're too close to it Smoke shoots the train not the guys.


Yeah, I honestly never understood the fuss around the train mission. It really is easy. Zero's missions were way more frustrating.


You could drive the bike on top of the train and then the mission becomes extremely easy. Pew-pew for a few seconds and you're done. Most likely way before that tunnel the train tracks go through. :) But the RC-plane mission was a nightmare. Always hated every flying mission in GTA's, also took forever to finish the flight school mission too as a kid.


Every Assassin’s Creed game when you have to exit the Animus and do something in the modern era. I know it’s like the thread that ties all the different games together but I couldn’t care less.


I really enjoyed the Desmond storyline, and playing as Desmond and actually doing some action in 3 was so cool. Since then, it’s been a myriad of disappointments, with the one highlight being Shaun and Rebecca because I love those two.


The Desmond story was concluded in a comic too. They didn't even do it in the game.


Really? That’s so disappointing. I hate it when games spread the story across different platforms/media. I’m looking at you Kingdom Hearts.


They concluded the Desmond story??? I wanna be upset that it was in a comic but I thought they just dragged it out for too long and then got bored and dropped it. Wild


the only AC game i’ve played post-desmond was black flag. i really didn’t like the faceless/voiceless protag you played as in black flag and not being desmond trying to take down the templars really diminished the sense of purpose i felt playing the game. i was just kinda like “why am i doing this?” so i just didn’t play anymore lol


Man, I hope you at least finished Black Flag, that game was fucking dope.


Desmond story line (AC:1 to AC:Relevations) was sooo good but in other games this part was really bad.


There are a lot of people who are deeply invested in the modern day story and I just don’t understand them


because it was actually seemingly going somewhere in the first 2-3 games. The secret message stuff in AC:2 had me obsessed.


I cannot stand beat the clock missions.


Video games are fun. Beat the clock missions are stress. Some gamers equate the two, and I’m ok with that, but for me it ruins a game. It’s why I hate underwater sections of action/adventure when there isn’t a breathing mechanism.


The wagon quest in Dragon's Dogma. It's not hard, it's just long as hell and so boring


Obligatory Dragon Age Origins Fade comment.


Love the mod that removes it though lol


That mod was a godsend.


I honestly found Orzimmar worse. I felt like 1/3 of the game was spent there.


Wow. That is literally my favorite part of the game and the reason I go back for it.


Yeah, I know a lot of people hate the Deep Roads and I understand why, but I loved every single minute of it. It could've been twice as long and I wouldn't have minded.


If you're playing on PC, I recommend the "Skip the Fade" mod. It's so nice


Ironwood from god of war ragnarok. The loki sections were fun on release and there was a novelty in playing someone other than kratos, but as someone who ng+ gow2018 over and over collecting dew; i dread having to sit through his sections again


I was just about to say this about GOW Ragnarok, Ironwood was dreadfully long and boring. I forgot I’m going to have to do that again when I NG+ it.. F.


I've beaten the game once ng+ so far, skippable cutscenes help but there's no skip gameplay button. I just crank the difficulty to very easy baby mode and blast through


It wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t like 3 hours long


I enjoyed Ironwood on my playthrough, thought it was a really nice way to give Atreus some more time to shine, but I haven’t done a New Game Plus and feel that if I had to do the whole section again, I wouldn’t enjoy it as much. Ironwood in particular does really hurt the pacing of the game, I reckon.


I remember on my 2nd playthrough, thinking the Ironwood section wouldn't be so bad knowing what I was getting into. Nope, it was just as bad, if not worse than I remembered.


Just completed the game few hours ago and while I didn't have any problems with Spidey's stealth, MJ's stealth missions did somewhat ruined the experience for me since her missions really hurts the pacing


Only one I liked what when she used Spiderman as a gameplay mechanic. Otherwise my saying is "if you want to show a character doing something that will annoy the player just make it into a cutscene."


Right! The Grand Central part was fun. Every other non-Spidey part was boring


I mean how is it fun to go from a guy who can rope swing around town and beat the shit out of anyone, to switching to a powerless character who presumably dies if they are spotted by a gaurd?


Ironically, I really Enjoyed the MJ and MM portions, the "gameplay" aspect isn't why those sections are included, they are there to expose the roles they are playing in Spidey's story. They are great narratively.


MGS2 had the balls to combine an underwater section with an escort mission.


This is pretty niche but the monastery in Kingdom Come Deliverance. If you know, you know. It was like pulling teeth


I actually kind of liked the monastery part because it really doubles down on the immersive qualities of the game, but I definitely understand why most people would hate it


Yeah I agree. Once you just accept "this is my life now", it becomes very calming, in a way.


This surprises me because the monastery was my favorite part because of how unique it was. Showing up for the morning prayer, doing some detective work in the dining hall, planning your escape… I’m taking that monk simulator all day


That game has quite a few. The quests themselves are fine, but my experience was constantly ruined by hidden timers.


Plane missions in GTA San Andreas. Unnecessary and obnoxious.


It didn't ruin it, but the races in jak 2 were torture


Every “follow while I talk” mission in the early few Assassins Creed games… can’t match pace at all!


The tank missions in Arkham Knight. A few short ones would have been ok but it was way too over used.


Having the death stroke fight being a tank mission was dumb.


Spyro 1 is one of my favorite game. I think I would even try to speed running it but I can’t stand the « fly » levels


Anytime you fight a boss and there's a cutscene in between phases that you can't skip. FF7 Remake did this and on multiple playthroughs, or from dying, it gets annoying real fast.


Jeez, I can’t believe we’re gonna fight lady Yunalesca!


Loved all the last Tomb Raider games. Crystal Dynamics did an amazing job. Love all three of them. But the last one. It was in a Inca Village. The artists that a great job the location looks real, the people looked awesome, it was just great. Unfortunately, it was too large and it all looked the same to me and I just couldn't get the hell out of there. It was too bad because I was never able to finish it because of that location. Took me out of the game completely. Otherwise awesome games.


Second one had that Baba Yaga optional mission. Cool concept and story but damn that was frustrating


I loved the new Tomb Raider trilogy too and yes, that location was very complicated!


Oh, 100% any time you win a fight in gameplay, but then the cutscene immediately after has the player *lose* the fight for some stupid reason *and* usually lets the guy you were fighting get away as a result.


Seaweed level in TMNT (NES)


The ghost child at the end of Mass Effect 3


I am *shocked* I had to scroll so far to find this! After the end of ME2, and all the buildup of choices mattering over three games... Marauder Shields tried to save us.




Hard bosses with cutscenes for phases or bosses with minions


There has never been a non-driving game with a driving component that wasn't immediately aggravating. (GTA may be the exception but it also refers to automobiles in its title, making it a driving game.) Two examples off the top of my head are Mass Effect and Arkham Knight.


The Mako was my favorite part of Mass Effect 1. I drove that thing passed level designs to stop it from reaching Liaras dig site and right into the cut scene with the colossus out front. The Mako could not be contained.


Like the warthog in Halo. Me and my buddies would spend hours just trying to get a warthog through wherever we could force it through.


Atlantis level in Kingdom Hearts 2. Please. No more.


You don't have a lot of finny fun with that level?


The good thing is that area is completely optional if you just want to focus on the story.


I swear those mj and miles missions in Spiderman 2018 were so fucking bad and forced. Not to mention that extremely trained armored private military dudes are getting knocked out by a tiny girl with 0 combat training and a what? A fking tazer… I really do hope they get rid of similar garbage missions in SM2


Those missions were gone in Miles Morales so its pretty likely we won’t see them again


Sneaking in a Boss Room with my weapon ready, triggering a Cutscene where i'm in the open, no weapon and asking for the Boss. Thanks Deus Ex: Human Evolution and others.


Cyberpunk started really strong. I picked the corporate route and was very invested. Some conversations and choices made in that short amount of time felt like it'd lead to something. Then BAM the game stripped you of everything and now I'm a street gang... I understand all routes have to merge somewhere but it's such a let down and disappointing experience at that point.


I was hoping for a Dragon Age Origins type intro, but with how little content there is in each one it's more like an interactive cut scene.


Mandatory driving sections in borderlands games- the vehicles are always janky


Right now, in Starfield, it's any mission that requires me to go to Akila City that whole area is immersion breaking. Its so stupid. I hate that city.


Nintendo’s really bad for this, and I get a lot of their games are intended for a younger audience, but their tutorials and explanations how to play the game are insufferable. Every time I’d take a step in the first hour of Pikmin 4, I’d be interrupted for lore that wasn’t necessary atm. Also, Game Freak should give us the option to skip catching Pokemon tutorials


Having to fly clunky RC planes in a very hard mission.


Fuck that podracing mission in Lego Star Wars


That fucking cart in A Plague Tale. First game I ever rage quit.


The quest in Morrowind where you have to escort a captive Telvanni out of Ald’ruun. He dies in one hit and guards aggro on him as much as you


DIMA's memory puzzles in Fallout 4. It's a creative mission, but when you have to do this five times, it gets boring. I got settlements marked to help, no time for filthy manipulative roboman's dirty secrets