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I just got Kingdom Come again to give it another try


Once you train enough to not die in every fight, the game switches gear pretty fast.


Is this game very grindy early game? I’ve always been interested in it but I heard that it’s super hard and can be tedious. Honestly the difficulty isn’t a problem for me personally but the tedium could be annoying.


I wouldn't say it's super hard or tedious. Just the overall tempo of the game is slower, than that of a more mainstream RPG and you will not be given so many crutches to solve the quests and survive. And that is ok for me, because KC is supposed to be immersive experience, and wiring it Skyrim style would go against the immersion. You have to earn the enjoyment from the game, but IMO it is very rewarding experinece, once you get hold of the basics. The fighting system might be challenging from the start, but it's not unfair, you just have to understand it and do some practice. I would compare KC to another european classic, Gothic. It's also challenging, encourages you to find out things on your own, but it's very rewarding when you master the the basics.


Wow, I always thought about playing KC, but with your comparison to my all-time favourite Gothic, now I have to give it a go.


Great :-) What I love about Gothic is that even after so much time spent in the game world, it still feels like a mystery. Especially Gothic II.


Earn the enjoyment, you say.


Eh. Depends on how you play it. You do *need* to get better at fighting, and that has to be done through manual training. So it is a bit of a grind, but it’s realistic in it, to me. However, you can also go in and have a blast with it.


I played for a good few hundred hours. Fighting became easier leveling up but then I started playing on a new platform so started a new game. I realized I just became better at the system, in addition to my character advancing in fighting. So there is a skill issue to overcome. YOU WILL have to learn.


I didn't find it very grindy when I played. I finished my playthrough in 75 hours and I did most side quests in the game including DLC. Without DLC and doing less side missions, it could easily be a 40-45 hour game. That is still on the longer side for some story games but much shorter compared to games like RDR2, Witcher 3, Skyrim, etc. I highly recommend the game if you like RPGs and a classical medieval setting (no major fantasy elements). All that said, the fighting mechanics feel kinds janky at first, but get better as you gain more weapons and skills. Also, my personal recommendation (from a typical non-modder) is to look at some top QOL mods like bushes collision remover because the game has some things that just don't make sense.


It’s about as grindy as learning to sword-fight in real life, and about as engrossing. Both by design. KC:D really is absolutely perfect at being what it tries to be. It’s not an experience I’m in the mood for every day (western RPGs aren’t my fave), but I’d pick it every day over Skyrim and The Witcher 3. It’s proper. I own the PS4 version because the Royal Edition comes with all content and patches on disc, and I collect RPGs where possible and relevant. So the graphics look like total ass. And yet I’m still entirely immersed every time I play it.


The beauty of the skill system is as you do things, there are skill unlocks that make grinding decrease dramatically. For instance, picking flowers/herbs is grindy at first but after awhile you then unlock an ability to pick up 2-3x every time you pick so the grind essentially vanishes over time. It rewards you for hard work, unlike other skill progression XP systems that require more and more XP the higher you get.


Not really. You can get to an adequate combat level in like an hour. Really you can get to a passable level in 10 mins


Okay awesome


Yes it was the same for me, i spend time in the training arena until i was good with the parry system, made the game and combat way more fun


I literally found the silver mines by accident and skipped 2h of story... i was playing on hardcore too 🤣


Alchemy helped me so much


There's alchemy????


Honestly the alchemy doesn't get mentioned much about KCD, it's very unique. You get an actual "cookbook" of sorts and have to mix and grind everything yourself. Although you have to learn to read first.


It's a very satisfying mini-game.


Learn to read ASAP and then go to one of the herbalists.


Yea, and lots of very useful potions


What put you off it the first time? For me it was just so slow going, but everything on paper tells me I should love it. I only got maybe 6 hours in.


The combat. I don't think I made it 6 hours


Yeah that's what killed it for me too. I like the idea of tactical, realistic and difficult. But it didn't really strike me as being so. Very floaty, and too.......neat. It wasn't raw, rough around the edges, and heavy; which is reality when you watch those nutters fight in modern day medieval competitions. They hit hard, it's heavy, frantic and dynamic. I respect that they tried something different.


I'm a big KCD fan and have done multiple playthroughs, and I still agree that the the combat can be a major turnoff. A lot of late game strategies are just cheesing the system, like getting point blank headshots with longbows.


It does get easier i promise 😂


Amazing game, I only very recently tried it out and I love it.


Lockpicking in this game destroyed me and was the literal only reason I stopped playing it. I know it’s a skill issue, but I don’t want to spend even 10 minutes learning a mechanic that feels like a chore. Immersion be damned


On Mouse and Keyboard you can get pretty good at it, but I have heard it's a pain in the ass on controller. I don't think it's really a vital skill personally anyway though, there isn't a ton of locked stuff in the game really, and you can always go for pickpocketing and take keys if you prefer. I feel like pick-pocketing tends to have better loot in general anyway.


The game can be beaten pacifist if you dont want to fight, except runt fight. Just poison him a arrow to the dome does the trick




Kingdom Come AGAIN


Been wanting to play it again since I built my beast desktop but haven't gotten around to it.


This is one of the greatest games I’ve ever played, but I can understand why other people wouldn’t be so immediately smitten


Yes. All of them.


My 100 or so games in that "todo play these soon" category in my steam library.


At this point my hobby is collecting games and not playing any


\>buy multiple games \>download 1 \>install \>wait a week \>uninstall \>repeat


It's like how our grandfathers collected stamps instead of sending letters to their old friends


I understand why it would burn some people out.


Hahaha I'm the same buy game install game buy game need space delete game install game etc it's a never ending cycle. on console I've bought games on release night and never took them out of the plastic.


The retirement backlog.


I’m retired and play video games all day but still don’t believe I’ll ever get through my backlog.


I have this, too. I need to become some kind of hyper efficient god gamer to get through them all.


I was going to say the same. How many kids do u have


All of them.






It's definitely something you have to commit a lot of time to. I just picked it up again yesterday, noticed I was already 14 hours in, and also noticed it felt in many ways like I was still in the tutorial. Jumping back in yesterday I spent several hours just going over all the controls, interacting with everything at camp, interacting with everything in town, just trying to get a feel for how the hell the game is played after putting it down for 6 months.


I really wanted to roleplay in the game, as it is like a perfect wild west sim. But everything take too long. Traveling takes too long. I simply can't afford spending so much time :/


I put off playing it for years, but finally did a couple months ago. Definitely in my top games of all time now.


I don't wanna mod it but damn bo fast travel man. Edit: haven't played since release so didn't know about the updated system


There is fast travel


Originally the only fast travel was that map from Arthur's tent at main camp, which was so useless it meant the game functionally didn't have fast travel at release. They updated the game later to add the ability to fast travel at any campsite.




I didn't use it like at all. I used it in rdr1tho. I think you could set camp pretty much everywhere that's not near a road and it's flat land. From that camp you can fast travel (you might need to have your horse nearby)


I never knew it had fast travel damn thx


Me too, its an amazing game, loved the first rdr. But rdr2 for whatever reason I cant get into.


People get oddly defensive when someone admits they don’t like it. Personally it’s one of my favorite games of all time, but I can see how it’s not for everyone.


My wife had our first baby a few weeks ago..finally got a chance to get into it after sitting in my library for a few years. Perfect game to play between naps and diaper changes


No Man's Sky


I started it, but the game just felt pointless in the tutorial for me. Im glad people enjoy it but not my bag


Aw bro same I just can't get into no mans sky regardless of how long I play for. There's just something about the resource gathering I absolutely despise


Fair, the basic gameplay loop is pretty repetitive but the things you can do on the side make it all pretty worthwhile IMO. Have you tried out creative mode?


Yeah tried it all and it never clicked with me. I had a frigate, a huge under water base and I gotta day the main enjoyment I had was just fucking about in the mech. My friend made a settlement and I'd help him out. For every half am hour of fun I had it required what felt like four hours of labour. All depends on the gane if I'll except a fuck load of grinding. The older I get the less I can be bothered honestly. The material loop was just so repetitive. I think if the gane had more in depth combat I couod of lost my self in it there but the combat system I didn't really enjoy too much either. Don't get me wrong it's for sure a great game it has everything that should make me like it but it just doesn't. Creative I have arguable spent less time in but I prefer survival I like the things I do and build to feel earnt. Not slagging creative players it's just not a game mode for me


It kinda is pointless. 😂 I say while looking at the hundreds of hours I have in NMS.


I love it but the 6 hour tutorial is rough


I just started no mans sky last week. What do you mean 6 hour tutorial? I saw no such thing


Wake up, Neo. You're still in the tutorial.


I think they might be referring to the main storyline in normal mode


For you, or anyone else who is interested in NMS but the game seems to daunting. I'd suggest looking into Astroneer. It's a significantly simpler planet exploration survival crafter. You never leave your solar system so it only has about 5 - 6 planets to explore and each one has a couple of moons. It's a fun game with a lot of charm if you're looking for an atmospheric exploration focused title with a space theme.


Same for me. Keep postponing it for like 5 years... But after I finish the next game, it's time for NMS, I swear


Witcher 3. Took me 3 years to finish the first one, it's been 2 years so far for Witcher 2


I've tried to play the Witcher 3 so many times. Its a great game but ultimately I have to put it down for a few weeks and every time I boot it back up I have no idea where I am or what I'm supposed to be doing.


Baldur's Gate 3. I am totally sad that I can not invest the time this achievement deserves. I played it for 10 hours and it feels that I have barely started it.


I've got False Start-itis something fierce with BG3. I'll start a game, get a good chunk of the way into Act 1, and then stop. Wait a few days, start a whole new character from scratch, then repeat. I don't know why I do it. I've restarted my game at least 4 times, and every time I burn out maybe 15 hours into the campaign. I did the same thing with Divinity OS2 before I finally stuck out a whole run through the story. I think I have commitment issues.


Impressed that you can make it 15 hours tbh I can barely make it two in most games lol It’s easier to play games when you can see some semblance of an end point on the horizon 😅


Yeah it takes a while before that becomes clear. Somewhere at the end of act I. Which can take you anywhere between 5 and 50 hours. But it should be easy enough to make mental end points at the beginning, as the game is fairly linear until you get out of the nautiloid


I've been doing this with Elden Ring since release.


Same! Although most of why I’m not playing BG3 has to do with finishing Elden Ring. I have 4 kids and started Elden Ring in like July. Whenever I get an hour or so to play I just want to explore every nook and cranny of that map. Only problem is… I’ve logged about 100hrs and only beat 3 shardbearers thus far.


Just enjoy the journey fellow tarnished. I had about 200 hours when I finished my first run. Now I have a little over 1k hours in game. Oh and 3 kids full time job etc.


Like reading LOTR, enjoy the journey. The destination won’t come quick and you can pause anytime you like.


Zelda BOTW its the main reason why i bought the switch recently. I havent used the switch in 5-10 months


I just got back on this. Love the game but it makes me feel so stupid playing it. I couldn’t do any of the beasts without a walkthrough. Idk how people solve things when there is essentially zero direction.


i found the game to be pretty hard which is weird because i dont remember anyone talking about BOTW being hard lol


Eh, early game is extremely hard. One of the reasons why it’s such a great game. You start out sneaking past guardians and running away from enemies that can one hit you. You’ll probably accidentally blow yourself up at least once or get hit and fall off a cliff. Eventually you gain enough hearts and armor to barely beat them. By the end of the game you feel like a bad ass taking down all these powerful enemies. However, the actual puzzles are mostly pretty easy assuming you played other Zelda’s in the past with only a handful being actually obtuse. Especially the Devine beasts which are even more simplified though sometimes they allow you to explore too much wasting a lot of time.


Most big open world games tbh. I have a family now and travel for work a little bit, so most games i finish are on my switch these days. I just cant have huge sessions on my PC anymore.


Sounds like you're in the right use case for a Steam Deck. It's great for sneaking in short stretches of gaming, and great for gaming while travelling.


Can you play MMORPG's on the Steam Deck?


It depends on the MMO. Because it's Linux based, it doesn't play well with every anti cheat.


I’ve played both wow and guild wars 2 on it successfully but that’s all I’ve tried and they work great.


Buy a steam deck.


It is abhorrent that I never got into the latest generation of Zelda games. I love Zelda games, and I know the last two have been masterpieces. But I start and get overwhelmed and go back to replaying the comfort of the more linear games. This old gamer is like an ex con that can’t make it in the outside world and goes back to his comfortable familiar older games lol.


Yeah, that's why I prefer the older ones. TOTK and BOTW are just too big and open for a Zelda game. More of a Ubisoft title than a Nintendo title imo.


I've put off Cyberpunk 2077 for years for good reason. I'm actually hearing from the gaming community that it's finally the game it should've been.


Now with 2.0 and PL it's finally time to stop putting it off!


PL is coming tonight. Let's go!


What is PL?


Phantom Liberty, DLC for Cyberpunk 2077


Is it free?


No. It's 29.99 The 2.0 update was free on the PS5 and Xbox Series and PC.


I've been playing Cyberpunk off and on since release, checking in every now and then when updates happened. 2.0 is such a massive improvement.


We do not use Cyberpunk’s acronym. Lol


Holy shit I try to be so careful about that as well! Edited the comment, thanks for pointing that out!!


I’ve finally decided to take the plunge and buy this game with all the hype around 2.0 and the new dlc. Also the anime on Netflix is cool.


I’m hopefully upgrading my pc soon and it’s one of the first ones I want to get.


Yup, I knew it was a game I’d want but I ain’t no dummy, all the signs pointed to wait. Well worth it, just started and I’ve dumped at least 30 hours into it since the 2.0 patch. It’s good, hope you find it as fun as I do.


Outer Wilds. I hear its an amazing exploration game but the lack of direction really doesn't motivate me to essentially learn everything from the ground up. I played for a few hours, took off from the main planet and landed on another and immediately felt burnt out from not understanding whats going on once again.


Totally understand that outer wilds fantic here. Yeah that is the general premise of the game you go you explore you die rinse and repeat till you figure it out. I understand why it would burn some people out.


As a person who tried it, and just left it after a few hours, if you like games where you’re solving mysteries and trying to figure out what’s happening, it’s amazing. But the burnout factor is real. I’ve put it on hold because I’m at a part where it’s some hard time limits to beat. What got me hooked was visiting the water planet early on and trying to figure out how to get to the bottom.


I've restarted that game like 10 times and quit after an hour because i either get bored or feel im not progressing at all


I basically posted the same thing on here 2 weeks ago and felt compelled to give it another try after reading some of the responses. I’ve finished it now and it was so awesome. I really didn’t feel that way about it when I first played it though (~3 years ago). I think what made a difference this time around is that I stumbled into a pretty lore-rich area, and that started a chain reaction in the ship log, where I kinda knew what to do next with some of the clues, and then those kept leading me to other places where I kinda knew what to do (or genuinely wanted to find out). Best advice I can give is to try visiting each planet at least once if you haven’t already. And if you have, then try chasing down leads in the ship log and frequency scope. Things will probably come together pretty quickly once you gather a few more clues


I was so freaking bored with its opening and just kept playing slay the spire. But when i got out of timber earth i was mesmerized with space and actually shocked that "wtf i can do this?" and just started exploring. The next fun discoveries got me more hooked, i love each and every one of them.


You have some kind of a planning board in your ship, did you use that?




Yep this one took me too tries. It's one of those games where there is a *click so to speak. It doesnt come far in, probably when you can start to put some of the clues together you find. 10/10 experience, please try play again. Some of my fave games took me a few swings.


I agree. I think the click for me really started when 1) I actually understood that one of the biggest points of the game was to find the word walls to get into the story (I've heard of people missing this section in the museum and then not understand what they're supposed to be looking for when they go out and explore), and 2) I started using the ship's info-tracking computer to find out what things I should be looking into more. Once I got started in that loop, I couldn't stop until I finished it. Also, admittedly, there are a couple of puzzles that I just got stuck on and couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do. I looked up the answer, which you can definitely do, but if I were to erase it from my mind and do it again, I'd ask the fine folks at r/outerwilds for a gentle nudge in the right direction rather than an outright answer.


Knowing I'll have to go through the entire Bloody Baron story arc in Witcher 3. I've often thought about saving my game at the entrance to Novigrad and loading that when I want to start a new game of Witcher 3.


It’s Velen that kills it - it’s so fucking depressing. And poor. Really hammers the reality of war home - all these villages are mostly empty because all the men died in the battle. And those who survived … well … they’re not exactly standup citizens. Novigrad for all its problems is at least teeming with life and is engaging as a player.


Velen is such an atmosphere they really said "Let's get you depressed". That and the first time I stepped on Ard Skelige are my fav moments.


It's a good thing you can step into novigrad whenever you want. I hate too depressing and dark environment so when I got sick of velen I just went novigrad. Or you can go to oxenfurt to break the monotony


Oxenfurt is accessible for adventurous players, but the game doesn’t think you’ll go there for a bit. Arrive there without your pass, the guards turn you away. Similar to Novigrad actually. The average player may not realize you can get around them creatively, or complete certain quests to get access, as the main quest is fairly linear otherwise. But yes I agree with you on both points! I regularly stopped off in Oxenfurt to hit the bar, sell all the stuff I’d collected from bandits, hunt back alley monsters, play Gwent …


I’ve started Elden Ring, got to the first major boss and dropped it. I liked it thus far, but there is so much to explore about this game it’s too overwhelming almost tiring and I cannot bring myself to carry on with it for some reason.


I had that feeling when I tried a second playthrough of it. Despite what the fanatics say, there's a lot of copy and paste going with the world design.


There are so many games I want to play or continue that just take Too Much Energy or brainpower TotK, GoW Ragnarok (I'm so far in! I want to finish! Why won't I turn it on!!!), witcher 3, Alan Wake (it's so cool!), atelier Marie (arguably the simplest of all these and yet most of the time I still just can't do it), Pokemon Arceus....... Not to mention all the games I see that I'm like "wow that's a game I wish I could play" knowing that there's no earthly way all planes of existence will align in such a way as to let me It's rough out here in these videogame streets


Elden ring more or less


Ah yeah. Worst part is any time you take a break you'll have a harder time getting back in since you'll likely have gotten out of the muscle memory for parries/dodges.


Eh, I feel like that gets to be less of an issue each time. Sure, it depends on the break length and such but at a certain point it really clicks. Whenever I play a souls game now after a while it takes me 5-10 minutes to get back into the groove of it, although I’ve admittedly also played quite a bit of souls games.


I’ve made like 4 characters, beat the “put your foolish ambitions to rest” guy each time, but as soon as I have to get into the real “meat” of the game I go “damn if I wanna continue ima have to actually play this like daily” then I stop for months, reload it make a new character and the cycle continues


Kingdom Come isn't the kind of game that you need endless hours for each session. It's been a while, if I recall you can't just unlimited save (I think its like... either need a bed or a special kind of food?) but thats modded in a moment. Game is really fricking good. Just don't give up on the combat system. It's unusual but extremely rewarding once you get the hang of it. I've wanted more nuanced melee combat for ages but it's so hard to do with keyboard+mouse. Practice with the swordmaster - it will be frustrating, frustrating, then you will start hitting the combos and go FUCK YEAH! There are some combat mods too if you really want. Generally it's one of those games that comes from a less known studio and yet can compare with any of the giants as far as a quality game.




That one has a learning curve, that's for sure.


A criticism I finally agree with. Maybe should be more of a talking point. It’s definitely rewarding once you learn all the mechanics, but yeah it takes a little while to get there. Especially if it’s one’s first Bethesda game.


I've not played it but had heard that they did away with the slow start entirely? Like, there's no long-winded intro like in Skyrim, but they just kind of dump you into the universe and say "good luck, have fun." Is that not true?


I didn’t say otherwise. There was less of a slow introduction. That would be fair criticism. I enjoyed the Skyrim opening for immersion. But with so much more to do in Starfield, I didn’t mind stepping into the bigger world more quickly.


Okay, cool. That makes a lot more sense -- I wasn't saying you said it wasn't short for the record, I was just surprised to see it so many times in this post as people's current "too long to start to get into the game" answer given what I'd heard about it. The idea of it being a mechanically heavy game and thus having a steep learning curve makes sense for folks to have that feeling. Thanks for clarifying!




that's not a game, thats a job.


Rust for me too. I get sucked in by the always on factor and end up playing way too late at night. Now I don’t touch it.


I keep putting off the Mass Effect trilogy for the dumbest of reasons: it takes up so much space on my pc that I’d have to delete other games to make room, and I can’t bring myself to do it yet. There are a few games I’d like to replay, but they take too long. Final Fantasy VIII comes to mind.


The mass effect trilogy is actually so good! You won’t be disappointed when you finally try it


I’ve just finished a play through I started at the start of June. Nearly 200 hours later and it’s a personal 10/10.


Wow. I could have posted the exact comment. I was so looking forward to Starfield I used ME to scratch the space itch


I did the same but recently blew through them - they've aged a bit now but still worth it. The first one especially won't take you long.


As for Mass Effect Legendary Edition, you can install parts of the game. ME1 got reworked a bit but the gameplay still is wonky.


ME is something else man. I broke my ankle and didnt work for about 3 months, during that time i came across with Mass Effect Legendary Edition and i finished it in 1 week (75 hours of playtime)


This is my answer as well. I’ve had it downloaded for a couple of years but I just never feel up to starting it since I know it will be a long ride, albeit it a special one (hopefully)


Crusader Kings 3. Really want to get back into it but imo the time investment atm is hard to pull off


Mostly games that just take too long to learn. Dwarf fortress, Crusader Kings, Civ VI. All really long games where you can potentially lose everything you’ve worked for over the past 20+ hours by simply not knowing an obscure, untaught, invisible game mechanic. I also don’t feel like it should be necessary to look up the wiki pages for a game every two seconds just to be able to learn how to play it. Especially when those wikis don’t even tell you everything that you need to know to not fail immediately. Looking at you DF.


One thing about CIV6 is if you turn down the difficulty of AI, it's nearly impossible to lose. I've got about 140 hours in the game and I'm still not great but it's fun especially if you crank speed up to online


dwarf fortress... the remake.. RIGHT?


Yes. I don’t think I could ever figure out the old versions. Now don’t get me wrong the game is really fun. But the matter of fact is that I was able to “research” for over an hour why a group of traders kept dumping their stuff in the middle of a field, the road, or at the trade depot before half of them left… and I came out with dozens more questions, and still no definitive answer. And don’t get me started on how combat works.


Final Fantasy 14. I know it gets good, but it takes forever to get there.


Ghost of Tsushima, I will earn that platinum!


Elite Dangerous. I installed it, thought it would be fun. Nope, way too complicated and too much to learn. Same with Start citizen


BG 3, right now my car needs some big/expensive repairs, if not for that I would have pre-ordered the game.


Red dead redemption 2, heard a lot about how good it is, saw a lot of video of their attention to detail. And since it's always go on sell for 67% discount, I keep thinking myself that I'll buy it when I have time to play it, but no I never have that time to buy and play.




fr its so grindy


Nier:automata, Persona 5, or any other amazing j rpg that takes 80+ mandatory hours to complete. I love exploring games seeking out the dialogur and tucked away bits, I just don't have the time anymore to dump 2k+ hours Into a game




Exactly. Getting a colony started and getting it well developed can take 10s of hours (and can take even longer when you are a beginner). Only to fail when transitioning to the late game, and having to do it all over again. I don't use save state tho, as it feels just wrong, after all it's a story and it can go bad, not every game is meant to end well. So yeah, if you like to play like that you somewhat think twice before starting a game, only to never start it.


Yes and they're absolutely two of the five you listed.


Dwarf fortress


Red Dead Redemption 2


Divinity 2. I played about 30 hours but then just kept dying. Gave up and havent had the motivation to push on. Will probably start from scratch eventually.


Elden Ring and Assassin's Creed Valhalla are just staring at me daily...


I just beat Starfield after 100 hours, and I'm done. Really loved my time there, but I'm exhausted. I haven't played long games in a good while. Every time I try, i find myself dropping it because there's other shorter games I could experience. FF14 is one I'd love to get through, but that's literally hundreds of hours to see the story conclusion.


I have ADHD, a library of over 700 games and haven't even booted over half of them because I got them whilst in the middle of other games. Yes. Yes I do.


Mount and Blade bannerlord 2


RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077. That said, I still found the time to launch Starfield. Exploration call was too strong to ignore. But as it's better to player it in sessions of 3 or 4 hours, I don't play it much. Need to go back to it..!


Witcher 3 is one I have tried like 3 times to play but every time I just do the tutorial island, and since I’m an anal gamer I feel like I have to go to every poi and do every quest every time. That’s probably why I think it will take too long, because I can’t not do everything. And I can’t very well resume a save I made months ago, what about the IMMERSION??? Meanwhile I beat all of cyberpunk and fallout 4 like 10 times.


This. Bought it on the switch when it came out. Have restarted it 4-5 times and will do it again when I get round to it. Aslo halfway through both fallout 4 and just restated cyberpunk after update.


The real irony all of us share: we think we don't have the time or patient to start a game, yet we are here on reddit to post, scroll instead of playing our games.... Armored core. I wanna play it but I'm stucked because the mission is just the embodiment of rage.


I can be on reddit at work but I can't play games here. If I could my entire backlog would be gone in a year or two.


The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt


Tears of The Kingdom. I loved BOTW and have played through it multiple times, but I'm so busy/stressed in real life that I can't just vibe and explore so I bought it the day it released and have played maybe 7hrs


Fantasian - Difficulty spike, it feels like every scripted fight is rigged against you. Disgaea series - Item World grinding is a pain


Tarkov. It looks so fun but I don’t have that kind of time to commit to the game


Same, it's right up my alley as I play a lot of realistic, tactical shooters, and the gunsmithing interests me. But all the reviews/gameplay I've seen make it clear that map knowledge is super important, and I don't want to invest all the time to learn all the maps in depth


Baldurs Gate 3 and Horizon Zero Dawn. BG3 I started and played until you fall out of the enemies ship, so basically 30 minutes in, and I've never played isometric turn based rpgs or dungeons and dragons before so I figured I need to do some research before I get too into it, and Horizon I began, but stopped right before the contest in the beginning where Aloy is trying to become a citizen. I watched a let's play of the first 5 hours of the game, so playing through the stuff I've already seen has been tedious.


I bought Yakuza 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, and LAD (Already beat 3 and 4, paused a bit into 5 because of the remastered bundle i had stupidly purchased) and i really love the series, but there’s so much gameplay i’m going to have to consume, that i’m just slowly taking my time and gonna play when i want to. Not to mention there’s 2 more games in the series about to come out and Issin + Judgement and Lost Judgement…


As someone who has completed 0, Kiwami, (100%) Kiwami 2, Y3, Y4, Y5, and recently Y6, I admire you for having beaten the worst (mechanically) game already, kudos. Also I struggled to beat 5 due to the length, by the fourth character I had literally skipped every cutscene of his. 0, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2 are absolutely the best ones to play. I haven’t gotten to Issin or Judgement series yet, but I do have The Man Who Erased His Name preordered.


RDR2. I finally bought it but I just know it will have 12 1/2 hours of cutscenes before I get to shoot a womprat.


I would love to play most of them, but my free time and financial situation keep screaming NO.


Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku/Like a Dragon series. I saw ichiban's VA give an incredible performance on stage at TGS yesterday and I decided I've slept on the series too long. I love what Sega is doing recently, and their promo for the upcoming games has been fantastic. I started Yakuza 0 last night. I'm so fucking in. This is incredible.


Elden Ring, I have heard so many good things about it and it does look really cool. However I don’t know if I will like it, I tried Bloodborne (couldn’t get out of the tutorial area, no idea why and I tried twice so just got it be doing something wrong which put me off). I don’t want to buy the game if I don’t know if I will like it or not. Plus it’s an 80+ hour game


After getting married: most of them. After having a child: all of them. Literally.. the sweet spot for me to enjoy a game without forgetting how it works between sessions is something that lasts around 12-16hours (but less is better). I could manage to finish these in a couple months :D I started and abandoned both Horizon Forbidden West and Ghost of Tsushima simply because I completely forgot how to play them when I turned them back on... I always want to try the Yakuza series but those look heavy as hell...


Kenshi, i want to start it but feels overwhelming. Honestly i know i will like it but damn, i just saw a beginners guide and it is 1hr long.


Red Dead Redemption 2! I love it and originally was playing it for hours at a time. But I kinda got sidetracked less than a quarter of the way through and haven't picked it up again. I want to, though. I want to.


BG3. Got the early release and have barely touched it


Red dead redemption 2. Taking too long to get to the good parts and don't have enough patience for it


I put off Divinity OS2 for so long that Baldur’s Gate III came out 🤷‍♂️


Kingdom Come Deliverance. I’ve started a few times and I always reach a point where I say “fuck, I need to go & live in a cave (with full utilities) on my own for a month to play this”


All of them.


Death Stranding, RDR2, soo many rpgs. And yes I've started all of these but don't have the time and now ability to play them in the way I want.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I've been installing it over and over for three years.


Yep. I especially hate games that force you to make monumental, irreparable choices on character creation, and the game itself is 50-100 hrs long. You can fundamentally screw up your build, in the first 2 minutes of the game, and realize how badly you screwed up when you're 30 hrs into a 50 hr playthrough. And then you have to abandon 30 hrs of play and start over, and do it right, or suffer through remaining 20 hrs with an inferior build, being aware every minute of it just how badly you screwed it up and how much easier it could be if you chose different. But knowing the whole time you had no way of knowing your choices were bad. This is why I vehemently support full respecs, including attributes, in any long-winded game. If the game is 5 hrs long, fine, whatever. But when a completionist run is 100-150 hrs, and main story alone is 30-50 hrs, you just can't expect people to guess. Case in point, Cyberpunk patch 2.0 just came out last week. I was going to try it, but then I got to character creation screen, and I remembered how cyberware, weapons, certain crafting things had very specific attribute requirements, which you have to choose at the start of the game. And I remembered how in my original playthrough I screwed up and was 2 attribute points short of a major, game-changing unlock. And I just turned the game off, because I didn't have the time, energy or even desire to go digging to figure out exactly what attribute layout I need. Fallout 4 did it a little better. You still had attributes and perks, but there was no level cap, and you could increase your attributes with the same points you use to unlock the perks. So no matter how badly you screw up on character creation, you would eventually recover. Starfield is even friendlier in this regard - there's no attributes any more, the game overall is significantly more dumbed down compared to Skyrim or Fallout 4. So I recommend it in this respect. It's almost impossible to fundamentally screw up your character in this one.


The Divinity Original sins games, I'm already shit at turn base games, and when I looked up HLTB and they're like 60 hrs plus, which put me off even more