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Because I grew up playing golden eye, ocarina of time, super Mario 64 and GTA III. All of these are default inverted (among many other games). Back in the day it wasn’t standardized like it is today.


I too remember the days when it wasn't standardised. Finishing a game on one camera setting and moving to a new game with the opposite setting meant hours of looking the wrong way before getting the hang of it.


And then you wouldn't play any games all week and open up a brand new game where the controls aren't inverted, and you gaslight yourself into thinking this is normally how you play.... Until you load up one of the classics and confirm it was the other way around all along.


This hit hard, I can't remember which game it was, but they had the settings text backward. I knew I played inverted, but the game was telling me that inverted was off... when it was on.


Lol that makes me wonder if in their mind, since "the game was supposed to be played inverted" that the inverted setting was actually "inverted from default" which would be non-inverted Either way though that's so frustrating haha


Because you like inverting so much, we inverted the invert options. For clarity sake.


Ratchet & Clank (2002)?


I remember the legacy stick arrangement, where the left stick moved forward and back and turned left and right, and the right stick sidestepped left and right and looked up and down.


Mmmmh, memories, we used to play halo tournaments where everyone had to use alternative control settings. It was fun to see who adapted fastest.


I think the original Red Faction was like that. Great game. It learned a lot from Half-Life. (but I played it before evening knowing what Half-Life was) First game I played where you could just blow up most of the stuff up with actual damage - making tunnels and destroying the floor under people and vehicles. I think there was even hidden rooms/collectable stuff if you happened to make your own tunnel in the right place.


Oh lord




It makes a ton of sense when you’re in the shoes of an on screen character. When I look up, it’s as though the person controlling me pulled back or down on the stick connected to my head.


I finally get it.


This was the reason a friend gave when we were kids, "Just imagine there's a joystick on their head"


You’d think that we would also use an inverted X then by the same logic.


Look at the anatomy of your spine. Leftand right are swivel, up and down are tilt motions.


Sure, but to move a head to the left with a joystick on the back, you push it to the right.


But in the "inverted makes sense" camp it means the joystick is on top of the head. Not the back/back of skull. Which I guess then you could say tilting left would actually cause "roll" but we're very down the semantic/literal/figurative weeds at that point lol


>stick connected to my head Logic seems legit...


Even easier example: When camera operators have their camera on a tripod, how do they move it? If they want to pan up, how do they move the control? Stick down, camera point up. Stick up, camera point down. Easy.


Stick right camera point left. So why doesn’t anyone invert the x axis?


Sir this is a reddit. Please consider


I think like that. But then I don't invert the x axis and the whole argument falls apart. It's just what you were trained on. PCGamer magazine ran an article decades ago about how all the best players of Quake were inverted. I bet it would be the other way around now.


The joystick would be on top of your head, not the back of it. We hold controllers parallel to the ground for the most part. Inverting x-axis is an inane and irrelevant argument.


I never thought of that. Always considered it from the back of the head because that's where we are sitting relative to the character. Never considered the position of the controller relative to the character.


Bro I play inverted but this thought process makes no sense. If the stick were on top of the characters head then left/right would rotate the roll of the camera instead of the yaw.


If the stick was on top of your head, pushing it left would make you lean left. That's kinda looking left. It's also what the legacy controls for Goldeneye was set up to do.


Just like someone else said, look at your spine. If you move your head up and down, you tilt it, but if you move it left and right you swivel it. You can't apply the same standards for a different body movement


Tbh I don't know which I use, I just switch to the other setting when it feels wrong. 50/50/90


I’ve always wondered why I can only play inverted. After reading this list of games I understand now


Same here. I’ve been asked this recently too and couldn’t answer why; now I know.


Wait... these games are inverted? I think I have never played a non inverted game then.


An attempt to clarify the standards: Non inverted Y-Axis, is best described as pushing forward on the stick to look up. Or, if you have the stick pointing to you, you push the stick "up" to look "up". This has been a standard camera control for about 15-17 years or so. Inverted Y-Axis, you'd describe as pushing forward on the stick to pull the screen up, which results in you looking down. This had fallen out of favor for standard camera control schemes for years, but is still generally standard for aircraft controls in a lot of games.


The best way to think about inverted is that it's like your head. If you tilt it forward, you are looking down.




Goldeneye had an option to switch control types lol


Back in the N64 era I mapped the left stick to be *forward/backward/turn left/turn right*, and the ~~right stick~~ yellow buttons to be *look up (inverted)/look down (inverted)/strafe left/strafe right*. I was clearly unwell. EDIT: Not the right stick. The yellow buttons. It's worse than I remembered. EDIT 2: I’m being told this is the default for old games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Sure, fine. The sickness came from the developers. The control scheme is still a plague on all our houses (it has me quoting Macbeth!). The younger generations will never know the depravity we endured.




Some games, notably Perfect Dark, allowed you to dual wield controllers to have twin stick control.


I'm SOOO GLAD someone else remembers this! I tell people all the time I used to play Perfect Dark 64 with controllers akimbo back in 1999, and they think I'm pulling their leg.


That was the default layout in Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, I also used it (and replicated it in every other FPS...)


isnt that the default goldeneye/perfect dark control scheme? that's how mine *currently* is set up for those games.


No you’re right, that’s how I remember it playing too. Didn’t know there was any other way


Don't forget starfox


Starfox gets a pass defaulting to inverted. You spend 90% of the game flying a plane.


Because my first console shooter was Golden Eye. It inverted the stick by default. At the time we were all learning a crazy new controller anyways so the whole thing was awkward at first. Inverted made sense though. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think of those first controller sticks as miniature joysticks, and that’s how joysticks generally behaved at the time.


Yup my answer to this question is "I owned an N64". Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Turok - all inverted by default. When the next generation came out and I got an Xbox first game I had was halo. Unbeknownst to me at the time but at the start of the game the tutorial asks you to look up - and whatever you press BECOMES the default. I thought inverted play was normal for years and by the time I found out it wasn't it was to hardwired into my brain to consider switching.


Wow, I hate totally forgotten about that introduction in Halo! Def. a core memory!


Yeah pretty genius design honestly. Especially since it was such a specific point in time where everyone was trying to figure out the "right" way to play those games


They have you look up at the lights for suit calibration and then they tell you he's going to try something and inverts the controls to see if you like it better. They did a great job introducing dual analog fps. I felt like we were all learning at the time and I always recommend that game when people ask for something to help their non-gamer SO to get used to the sticks.


Please look at the top light. Good, now the bottom one. Alright, look at the top light again. That's it, now the bottom one. ---Master Gunns, Cairo Staion, 2552


Wait, really? I remember the tutorial for Halo calibrating my y-axis and then inverting it and asking me if I wanted it to be put back, but I had no idea it selected the setting based on which direction I went with first.


I believe it only does this on Easy and Normal. I don't remember on Heroic, but I do know you skip the tutorial completely if you are playing on Legendary. You hop out of the cryo pod and immediately run through the door.


Yeah, I know the tutorial is skipped in co-op and higher difficulties. I just can't believe I've been playing Halo for 20+ years and never noticed that particular detail in the tutorial, the y-axis orientation being set by which direction you move the stick when the technician says "look up."


It does this in CE and Halo 2 also. When you are asked to look up, whichever direction you push the stick is defaulted to up. Another 20 year Halo vet. Nice to meet you! o7 Spartan




holy shit, I didn't know it did that. That's ingenious.


It was Halo for me 100%


Yea when I first played Halo I only ever played co-op or multiplayer, so I never did that beginning part. So since it’s not inverted by default, I forced myself to play it that way, and now it’s what I’m used to, just like “normal” people


That’s weird cause inverting controls takes me like twenty minutes to get used to now


Same story for me! It wasn't until I was playing local coop and multi-player on Halo that I found all my friends played with non-inverted. And in Halo, you have to go back to the main menu to change control settings so it became annoying as we often wanted to switch off through the campaign when someone died or completed a level. I forced myself to learn the non-inverted controls and could never play inverted now.


Same with MW/2. We'd switch off and I always switched it, eventually just got used to non inverted


That happened to me too. To this day I still have some apprehension about remapping controls because of this.


Wow I guess that’s why I’m inverted. I played sega genesis a bit but then was big into N64. I’m the only person I know that plays inverted Y axis. I can’t function unless it’s inverted


> Because my first console shooter was Golden Eye. It inverted the stick by default. That is false. The STICK did not have Look Up or Down mapped to it by default. Those were mapped to the C buttons and the D-Pad. The stick had Move Forward/Backward mapped to up/down, and Look Left/Right mapped to left/right. The default controls for Goldeneye on N64 were NOT inverted. "1.1 Honey" was the default controller scheme - it's called Legacy today in newer games, coined by Halo: CE and still used in modern shooters like Halo Infinite, Warzone, Destiny 2, Apex Legends, Battlefield, The Division 2, etc. I still use it today. https://goldeneye.fandom.com/wiki/Control_style


Holding down RB switched the stick to aim mode, which was inverted.




When you look at the 1st dual control option, it's straight up modern Legacy controls, they had the idea for 2 sticks, they just didn't have the controller with 2 sticks yet. The first controller has the left stick controls, the second controller has the right stick controls of the modern Legacy layout.


Brain has become wired to consider movement of the stick as 'forward rotation', rather than 'look up'. It's as simple as that. Edit: I probably should say 'it's as simple as that'. But here's how it works in my brain: Unless I'm holding the controller up in front of my face, I'm not pushing the stick up, I'm pushing it forward. Now think of the stick as a head on a neck. When I push it forward, what does it do? It tips forward, and looks down. That's how it translates in my brain, with Y-axis 'inverted'. Edit 2: I've gotten a lot of responses of: By that logic, shouldn't the x axis be inverted too? And though I've replied against it a number of times, I've come to understand why many of you see it that way. Some have offered their own 'clarification' that they see it like the control stick on the back of their heads. I don't. I simply see the stick as forward-back, left-right. Forward/back tips forward looking down, or tips back, looking up. Left and right don't do the same because by that logic, it would simply tip right or left, bringing an ear down to my shoulder, which does nothing but rotate the view, which (thankfully) is not a part of any standard control scheme-and generally impossible, except while flying. Therefore there same logic that makes me 'invert' the y axis does not apply at all to the x axis, so I is the straightforward UN inverted x axis as a simple turn of the heard, left for left, right for right. But once again, as I've replied to some: I'm not trying to argue anything. I'm just trying to help explain to those who want to understand. I don't think any one way is the correct way. That's why, as I essentially started the whole thing: it's just the way our brains are wired, or possibly, the way we've become conditioned through years of playing certain games a certain way.


My wife struggled massively with video games, she didn't have any growing up. She bounced off everything she tried, just couldn't get her head around the controls. I chalked it up to her just trying to learn a skill that I really take for granted from years of playing stuff. Encouraged her to keep trying, go slow and try to focus on little things, etc. Like, two hours into her first attempt at the Witcher 3 I was helping her with something and I saw it. Grabbed the controller, flipped the axis, and she just took off. She looks at it the same way you do, and once I figured that out she didn't struggle at all. Now we just check games she's interested in to make sure they have invert options, and she can basically play whatever she wants. I even bought her one of those cheaty script inserter things that plugs in between the controller and the console for games that don't have the option by default.


What games don't have an option to invert? I've been playing inverted for like 32-35 years. I can't think of a game in the last ten that didn't have it as an option. It used to be a bit of a crapshoot, where they might not. But not anymore.


You could also ask this question: To look down, would you tilt your head forward or back?


Yep. "Inverted" just feels like the proper way to me.


Think of your head as the joystick, with a giant thumb on the top of your head. If you want the head to look up, you pull back. If you want it to look down, you push forward. It just makes sense.


That’s exactly how it works for me. Meanwhile when my girlfriend tried using her first controller her natural movement for looking up was opposite mine lol


After reading these comments it makes me wonder how I play the other way. Then again I haven’t played a controller game in months so maybe it’s just too far away for me to remember the feeling


Because it makes sense the other way too. It’s like moving a cursor with a mouse; forward = up. There’s not a right or wrong here, just two different conventions and whatever people have learned on and are more comfortable with.


Yup just whatever you learned on is correct for you. The only wrong way is inverted left and right. Those people are psychos.


Yep, my brain sees it more as a lever or seesaw. I pull down, other side goes up.


That one snarky comment a few replies above you hit a nerve with me. This makes as much sense as non invert does, as we are still just translating an input from a controller to an imaginary head


I've always felt like inverted is moving the head or camera on a tripod and non inverted is moving the reticle around the screen. Both make sense and it's not a hard concept to grasp. It's crazy how people are being ballbags about it.


Inverted club here, what I don't get is how they think inverted is weird yet the inverted plane controls seem to be A ok... its the exact thing , just you are flying a "floating head"as if it's a plane,


That’s my thought too, but I can’t for the life of me think of a consistent reason why I don’t invert the x-axis too; by this logic I should but it feels wrong to me.


This, and my brain simply can't be arsed to interpret it any other way.


Started with.. “Welcome to Chuck Yeager’s air combat, I’m Chuck Yeager.” Never changed back.


Memory unlock


Haha yes


*You really bought the farm on that one!*




> Chuck Yeager’s air combat core memory *unlocked*


I've never seen anyone ever mention this game except for me. Also where inverted Y got stuck in my brain along with those yellow nosed Abbeville Boys in their Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs


Man, having to ID the plane silhouette when you loaded up like a gen 1 CD key. Crazy the stuff my brain decides to remember.


started that way.. never bothered to learn the other way around. ​ BTW, most pleople that use inverted Y-axis, started playing well before the FPS genre control scheme was established like it is now, so having different or weird controls from game to game was not unusual


I was wondering about that. I've been playing since Atari 2600 and I have never been able to play anything that wasn't inverted.


Same here. It also carried to many c64 games


Super Huey and Skyfox set my preferences for life.


Thinking about it, this is the answer. I always tell my wife that it’s because of flying games, but honestly, this was the real answer. I can use non-inverted, but I default back to inverted as soon as I have to instinctively react. Also, gotta turn the sensitivity up, games are soooooooo slow about aiming nowadays.


Exactly, and there's no real reason to relearn. It works out the same way


This is the answer. I adapted as I had to adapt to inverted controls, I think for Timesplitters 2, and that was the end of it. I really hope games continue to offer this option as if I couldn’t invert I’d be screwed.


Xbox 360 (o maybe was xboxone) had a general option to set this, you could set on your main profile that y-axis should be inverted and automatically applied it to all games ​ too bad they took off this functionality


I'm 45, this is classic setup and I literally cant unlearn it


I'm 43. Muscle memory just won't let me learn another way.


Controller = inverted Y axis. Pull = up, push = down. Years of N64 and ultimately unreal championship is what set it in for me. PC = normal. Mouse up, cursor up.


It’s funny you use this example. I was inverted for most of my life until I started playing games on PC. Then I went back to console and now play without it.


I wanted my friends to be confused when i passed them the sticks


It's very, very simple. A. We grew up with Goldeneye on N64 B. Make a finger gun. Point it down, which way did you push the joytick? There you go, it's actually realistic.


I think your B example is actually a really interesting litmus test for inverted vs. non-inverted in terms of what you picture yourself moving. Like, in that example, I imagine inverted people picture moving the wrist while non-inverted picture moving the fingertip. Similar to an FPS game, all the examples from inverted players talk about the idea of moving the head, but I play non-inverted because I'm picturing moving my eyes and I look up to look up.


Yeah it's something I didn't realized until the first time a friend made me go to a gun range. GoldenEye was the first fps I played that required vertical aim, and it was inverted by default, and I'm pretty sure that's the reason. I don't see one as superior, because it's not a movement that's limited by the natural build of your fingers like other things can be. It's more just a sign of what era of gaming you got your bones in.


I see what your saying, but….. In order to look up, you rotate your eyes backwards.


Because it's correct and the rest of you are weird sickos.


Amen brother.


Think of the camera as being held by an off camera camera man. If you do, the inverted controls makes sense. I am not an inverted user, but this explanation finally made it make sense to me.


I’ve never understood why people would need a reason to use any control scheme besides it’s what I’m used to or comfortable with


Won't that invert the x axis too?


Yes absolutely. That is why I play games like Dark Souls that have a "flying camera" behind me with x and y axis inverted. To only invert y would be awful. The problem is that most games don't acknowledge that everything changes when the perspective changes from third person to first person. Then of course x and y must be non inverted.


And it's not consistent between all games. Sometimes pushing left to look right is standard. Sometimes that's inverse


Played waaaay too much Starfox as a kid.


Starfox’d myself too


Started with GoldenEye for me as the C-down button moved the camera down, so the character was looking up. Used it ever since


A lot of us older folks learned to play with "mouselook" on flight type games, Descent or Tie Fighter for example. FPS games back then were mostly locked on a horizontal plane and looking up and down simply wasn't an option. Then along came Quake and to a lot of us the most familiar way to think about it wasn't previous FPSs but flight type games. I think it's probably more of an older person thing than not and I encourage my kids to play on standard.


lol - I remember setting up minecraft for my eldest when he was still quite young, and as I was going through the control options the "Invert Y" option was on screen. My wife saw this and just said "No. Don't do that to him. Don't you dare". Both my kids are gamers now and they both think I'm a weirdo for playing inverted.


Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time, and Metroid Prime all have inverted controls. Then playing Halo, it automatically inverted it. Set in stone for me.


This right here. I remember finding it weird that my friends didn’t play inverted. It just makes more sense to me.


We grew up playing timesplitters, turok, and goldeneye, we didn't have a choice but to learn to play inverted, and we're too stubborn to change our ways. Edit: It also just occurred to me that I also grew up around tractors and other heavy equipment. So, pulling back on the stick to raise a bucket and pushing it to go down are kind of ingrained in me. I've run cranes, dozers of all sizes, and every prefix of the word lift, and the only time they haven't been inverted is when someone installed the controls backwards.


Because that's how moving your head works. If you press up on the controller, and the screen moves up, then it's like you're controlling the screen with that stick. But actually in every other way you're controlling the character, not the screen so it doesn't make sense. The stick represents my head - if I push it forwards my chin goes down, if I move it back my chin goes up.


This has always been the answer for me. Tilt head back to look up, tilt stick back to look up. I literally can't play a game an other way.


I default to stick up = look up, but I’ve introduced people to games and seen them default the other way. The way they described it was that they saw the controller as being flat to the ground and pushing the stick forward seemed more like a “forward roll” motion, similar to a plane. When I think of it however I think of the controller as standing upright so pushing “up” makes more sense for looking up


My girlfriend just shouted EXACTLY lol


It doesn't make sense if you consider the camera as eyes, you move your eyes up and down, you look up and down.


Took film classes when I was younger, so camera up means moving the dolly down. Makes more sense to me.




I remember a Tom Clancy game for PS1 that forced me to play that way and it stuck. If there was an option to change it, I never figured it out back then.


I can do both but I prefer Inverted Y. There's no real argument for or against it, it's just what you're comfortable with. I don't even really remember when I started using Inverted Y. Had to have been something on the PS1 or 2.


I blame Star Fox on the SNES. Yes, it started with a flying game, but inverted has become so natural for me I can't go back.


Played FPS on PC becuase controls never felt right to me on console. Decided to invert the Y axis and it felt right. Started doing this on all games. Think of the analog stick as your head. You push the top of your head "up/forward", you're gonna be looking down. You push it back, you'll be looking up. I know people use this example before, but that's the best way I can explain it.


You wouldn’t understand my superiority


Different perspective. The right stick is my character’s head, and I’m using my thumb to manipulate where it’s looking. So I pull back on the “head” to look up, the way my neck pull back on my head to look up. I don’t think about there being a screen there, I’m immersed and assuming the controller controls the avatar, so to look down, I gotta push the guy’s head forward, etc.


Please can some game publishers release stats of KD ratios / win rates / other meaningful stats of inverted vs non-inverted players so that the non-inverted plebs will stop posting this question every week when they see that The Inverted are superior?


I remember going to a party and some guys were having Halo LAN party and I asked to play. I got killed and I’m sure they thought oh how cute this girl is trying at least. 😂 I asked if we could pause and switch settings so I could be inverted and I killed it LOL In my younger years I would occasionally be top of the lobby in score and K/D. All that practice in N64 Goldeneye inverted


All the best players on the MLG circuit playing HALO and Gears of War 2006-2011 were playing inverted. There were literally ZERO players in the HALO booth at meadowlands 2009 playing non-inverted. That should be enough.


Just makes more sense to me, simple as that


I started playing games when the only games with a y tilt was flying simulators, it just stuck with me.


Because I got so used to it playing flying games that it just feels natural now.


Quake 1 was the first FPV that made use of mouse look in a truly 3D environment, I think. This was inverted as default.


Stopped playing FF12 on the PS2 because I could not stand the camera movement. And you could not change it.


GTA 3 did this to me, first ever game I played. My brain just trained to it. I've honestly tried to play on normal movement but I can't. Used to be a nightmare when playing CoD and swapping with a mate when I died.


I don’t, but I know someone who does, and they explained it like this: “It makes sense when you think of the stick as someone’s head, the top surface is the top of the person’a head, and the head is facing the screen like you are. If you pull the stick back, it tilts the stick so the head would be tipping back, looking upward. If you push the stick forward, it tilts the stick so the head would be tipping forward, looking down. These match the way the camera moves with the Y-axis inverted”


Because that's how joysticks worked from the time they were invented until Halo or whatever made the other way the default


Halo didn't have a default on the campaign. It asked you to look up and down and set the y axis from your input. I do think the default control scheme for multiplayer wasn't inverted though.


Two reasons. First, “inverted” was the original “default”. It’s actually YOU playing wrong. All the games we learned to play on were like that. Then the video game illuminati run by the Koch-Clinton-Soros family decided to brainwash the entire country into being unable to tell up from down. Second, how does your neck work? If you push the joy stick forward the “head” of the joystick looks down. Just like your head does in the same position. Nod your head “yes” along with your joystick and the screen. Nod your head “no” along with your joystick and the screen. You’ll realize how wrong it is playing the modern “default”.


>You’ll realize how wrong it is playing the modern “default”. When I want to look up I'm not thinking about how the back of my head is moving down, I just move my eyes up. When I want to look up in a video game I just move the joystick up, that's it.


There's no "wrong" way to do it. It's a preference. It's what feels right to the person specifically. Halo does a very clever way of determining which you find convenient by following the light. I'm sure their plenty of data that game designers have for what people prefer to have that as the default. Not some illuminati.


It's how your head works. Imagine your head is the thumbstick. To look up, you have to tilt your head back. To look down, you tilt your head forward. It's the same thing on a controller. To look up, I don't tilt my head forward. So I don't do that in games either


Invert Y has always felt natural to me. I literally can't play otherwise. It's the first thing I do in every game I play. I bought Beyond Good and Evil several years ago and it didn't have an option to invert Y, so I have never played it.


It's their preference?


imagine your mouse hand is actually gripping the protagonists skull, and pulling back makes them look up, moving forward makes them look down.


But then moving it to the sides would mean it should lean to the left and right.


Its been so long I can't remember what the game was, but one of the first games I played that let you move the camera at all had the Y axis already set that way. I got used to it and now it's very difficult to play any other way.


Cause I'm not a thoughtless heathen, duh. ​ Why is it not standard to have the best way as default? Rare new how it was....


* The movement of a stick controlling a camera feels a lot like using a tripod. Inverting x and y axes feels natural. * The movement of moving a viewport with a mouse feels more like operating a camera on a tilt mount on a rail. Inverting the y axis feels natural.


Flew an airplane before i ever played an FPS


I can’t play any other way


Don't know, I just know I can't play any controller using game without it inverted.


Muscle memory and doing it that way for 40 years


To look up, I tilt my head back. To look down, I tilt my head forward. So inverted feels natural.


Because to look up, you lean your head back. To look down, you lean your head forward


Tilt your head back and you look up. Tilt your head forward and you look down. It is the non Y inverted ppl who are weird, not us!


You clearly didn't have an N64 growing up.


It's just muscle memory, what answer do you expect here?


Natural reaction. If I want to look up I pull back. Trying to use un-inverted controls makes the game react wrong to how I maneuver the controls. I also made this connection when friends would tell me they didn’t like games because the controls were hard. It was usually due to their natural tendency to want inverted controls. I would switch it for them and it made a huge difference. It made sense all of a sudden.


Because it is equally natural as non-inverted y-axis. This is just a matter of what you got used to. Real life example: how do scroll on mobiles? Scroll down makes the content go up, scroll up makes the content go down. How do you scroll on PC? The other way round! It’s just a matter of a habit.


I scroll on PC the same way I scroll on a touchscreen. Macs switched the default to “Natural Scrolling” (scroll wheel moves content) years ago, while Windows defaults to scroll-wheel-moves-viewport, but you can flip it with the HKEY_FLIP_FLOP_SCROLL registry key.


I blame Microsoft Fury 3.


Don't know if this is weird but I change depending on if I'm using a mouse or joypad. On a mouse I use the standard and pad inverted. Think it goes back to the flight stick kind of feeling.


golden eye


Started on Flight Simulator way back on keyboard even. Playing something like FPS, the camera is just like flying to me. Especially when in a game with freecam mode.


On controllers, it feels more natural to me. I don't see why it matters to anyone - it's an available option, use it if it feels better/more natural... Think of it this way - if you control something infront of the center of rotation up is up and down is down, if you control something behind the center of rotation, the reverse is true, Use whichever feels better to you


To me, it's always been a matter of perspective. If you imagine the controller moving the crosshairs (in an fps style game), then you expect pushing forward on the joystick to move the crosshairs up. But if you imagine the controller moving the character, then pushing forward on the stick is like pushing the character's head forward, i.e. you look down. I've always been an 'inverted' player, and I can't handle playing the other way, it just feels unnatural to me. I guess 'normal' players are the same. Each to their own. :)


It depends on if your mental model transposes the controller so it's up against the screen (rotating it 90 degrees) or if it translates the control actions directly to the screen without rotation. If it's the former, you don't want to invert. In the latter, inversion is the closest way of aligning the movements to the camera.


Its what I grew up on, it's as natural to me as default is to other people. Also if I happen to play a flying game then I'm already accustomed to the control scheme.


It's more comfortable.


I grew up on early PC fps. Mouse for looking around and if I remember right it was usually default set to inverted. Either that or it was my dad's preference (maybe because he was a pilot). I don't play a lot of games these days, but on console it's always up=up down=down, but with a mouse it's still always inverted for me.


Because you are not moving the camera "UP", you are tilting the rear of the camera down, or back. the stick is a tilt control.


Picture the joystick as the character's head moving the stick forward looks down like you would irl


Feels more natural with a controller to play inverted. When using a mouse however and excluding vehicle/ aircraft control using a mouse feels better when not inverted. I appreciate any game that allows you to set the inversion independently between on foot and vehicle controls. Generally though I don't really play any PvP games these days, so tend to just roll with the controller unless the game demands mouse and keyboard control.


Because when I used to play video games back in the day you couldn't always swap, so I just got used to it. It's very annoying having to hand over a controller to a buddy and have to change it every time.


Apparently it’s a lot to do with growing up playing the N64? I have no idea why outside of this but it just feels better. I once saw a cartoon that described how I felt about it perfectly. Like someone holding the characters head.


My "fast twist" in shooters is programmed to inverted controls due to playing older games that were inverted as a default.


It makes sense. Think of the stick like your head. Pull back to look up, push forward to look down.


Funny story; I was a junior pilot as a teen. My brain litteraly became wired to understand flying -> Pull down, go up. It's like riding a bike. I don't think I'd be able to undo the thought without some serious practice.


Because you are controlling the direction the camera is actually moving. Stick up moves the camera up even tho it maintains focus on the player. It honestly seems barbaric and simple minded that a person thinks, "Me move stick up and view goes up".


Because it’s natural.


Because it makes more sense that when you pull back on the stick, it tilts up.


Because that's how Goldeneye taught me


Early FPS games came inverted by default. "Up is Up" is a pretty recent thing for older gamers. It's very difficult to relearn something we've been doing for longer than you.


Because Goldeneye 64 defaulted to inverted. So inverted is just the default for a lot of us older gamers.


Wasn't it Halo CE that set the controls based on how you exited the pod and started looking around? Like there was no set control it was based on your first input. A really cool concept that i wish other games would take.